It happens all the time. You're all just upset because it was a Fox guy. MSNBC was caught trying to make a guy look like a radical conservative racists holding a gun where Obama was speaking once, all they showed was a real close up view of the gun on the guys shoulder. But a Fox News guy was there with a camera also and happened to take the same shot. When it was panned out and you could see the whole picture it was a black security gaurd. I been watching MSNBC and others being called out on stuff like this by Fox ever since the campaign....which is why this post is so funny to me. Hannity is caught playing with footage tape and some lib on the comedy channel makes a show out of it.
You are talking about this, right? ... est.rifle/
"The interview, done by Libertarian radio talk show host Ernest Hancock, was staged."
Not a Security Guard on Duty... The man, who until now has been identified only as "Chris B," is actually 28-year-old Christopher Broughton, a former employee of a Tempe plastic-mold manufacturer. Broughton's appearance at the rally was part of a publicity stunt organized by Ernest Hancock, a well-known Arizona Libertarian and host of conservative talk radio show "Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock." Hancock also came to the rally armed.
People weren't questioning Second Amendment Rights... they were just appalled that there were gun in close proximity to a standing President... that were not in the hands of Secret Service.
Post edited by Cosmo on
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Fox is a threat to all those that stay in their politically correct comfort zone. Afraid to call things as they are. Afraid to realize there is such a thing as right and wrong. So if Fox makes a mistake there all over it. I can’t wait for response to the MSNBC mistake. More than likely there will be none.
To all the PC people...Hannity is not a news reporter he mainly comments on his own opinions.
No... FOX News is a threat to journalism. They are an OpEd station posing as a News Station.
As for Sean Hannity... he is NOT a news Reporter. He is commentary, just like Keith Obermann, Rachael Maddow and Bill O'Riley.
People who think these people are reporting the news are the idiots, not the ones whose job it is to pretend.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
You don't give a rats ass about MSNBC, so why do you care so much about what Fox does?
becos, as you pointed out earlier, nobody fucking watches msnbc. lots of people watch foxnews (many of them watch ONLY foxnews), so when they fuck things up, it's noticed.
I would like the AP (associated press) to assign the 11 full time reporters who scoured Palin's book on a fact finding mission to READ the 2000 page healthcare plan and report on 'facts' from it. OR maybe read Gore's book and find at least one fact from it! Then they can go back and read Obama's book for any 'truth'. Seeing how the democrats are all in search of some real truth.
I would like the AP (associated press) to assign the 11 full time reporters who scoured Palin's book on a fact finding mission to READ the 2000 page healthcare plan and report on 'facts' from it. OR maybe read Gore's book and find at least one fact from it! Then they can go back and read Obama's book for any 'truth'. Seeing how the democrats are all in search of some real truth.
how about you do it yourself? that should give you something to do other than blame the liberal media, when it was the wingnut network Fux news that made this "mistake" in the first place.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Fox is a threat to all those that stay in their politically correct comfort zone. Afraid to call things as they are. Afraid to realize there is such a thing as right and wrong. So if Fox makes a mistake there all over it. I can’t wait for response to the MSNBC mistake. More than likely there will be none.
To all the PC people...Hannity is not a news reporter he mainly comments on his own opinions.
No... FOX News is a threat to journalism. They are an OpEd station posing as a News Station.
As for Sean Hannity... he is NOT a news Reporter. He is commentary, just like Keith Obermann, Rachael Maddow and Bill O'Riley.
People who think these people are reporting the news are the idiots, not the ones whose job it is to pretend.
thank you again Cosmo for saying it like it is.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
I would like the AP (associated press) to assign the 11 full time reporters who scoured Palin's book on a fact finding mission to READ the 2000 page healthcare plan and report on 'facts' from it. OR maybe read Gore's book and find at least one fact from it! Then they can go back and read Obama's book for any 'truth'. Seeing how the democrats are all in search of some real truth.
Tell you what... why don't YOU read the Healthcare Bill and report back to us what you find... since, you are a Conservative looking to level the field on them Liberals. If what you come back with is verifiable facts... then, I'll believe you.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
south park did a nice parody of glen beck and the fux news network this week. click the link and watch the "living with smurfs" episode that is on the top left of that site. at the 5 minute mark cartman becomes glen beck. it is pretty much dead on...
it does not have much to do with this particular thread, but it shows what fux does, it attempts to distract and rile the idiot moron fringe of the republican party.
Glenn played the entire clip on his radio show. Not too bothered by it. South Park picks up on whatever is hot at the moment and goes with it.
yeah and???
it is the same thing beck does, make up a bunch of outrageous lies and spread them to get people all paranoid and riled up, then defend himself by saying "i am just asking questions, are you trying to stifle my freedom of speech?" the guy is a douhebag and south park just pointed it out. its funny how the lesson is lost on so many people.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Fox is a threat to all those that stay in their politically correct comfort zone. Afraid to call things as they are. Afraid to realize there is such a thing as right and wrong. So if Fox makes a mistake there all over it. I can’t wait for response to the MSNBC mistake. More than likely there will be none.
To all the PC people...Hannity is not a news reporter he mainly comments on his own opinions.
1) It was a deliberate attempt to falsify the news for partisan political purposes.
2) the fox news network assumed that everyone would be as stupid as their viewers, and no one would notice their attempt to falsify the clip.
3) who gives a rats ass about MSNBC? not me, and no one else who posts here apparently, because they
are never mentioned. the fox faithfulls are continually defending their network and i don't see anyone
here defending MSNBC. do you? no. so that point is moot.
4) you are seriously calling this a mistake? you have got to be kidding me. it was no 'mistake'. it was a cold, calculated, deliberate and devious attempt to fool you, after hannity decided the truth wasn't good enough. hannity knew what he's doing, he always now what he's do the producers, cynical assholes.
You don't give a rats ass about MSNBC, so why do you care so much about what Fox does?
because Fux, as the highest rated "news" channel has a duty to its viewers to give news, not opinion disguised as news. people that believe all of what Fux says are idiots, just the same as those that watch msnbc for their news. there is no objectivity, all spin and opinion disguised as fact.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
I would like the AP (associated press) to assign the 11 full time reporters who scoured Palin's book on a fact finding mission to READ the 2000 page healthcare plan and report on 'facts' from it. OR maybe read Gore's book and find at least one fact from it! Then they can go back and read Obama's book for any 'truth'. Seeing how the democrats are all in search of some real truth.
Tell you what... why don't YOU read the Healthcare Bill and report back to us what you find... since, you are a Conservative looking to level the field on them Liberals. If what you come back with is verifiable facts... then, I'll believe you.
Tell you what....i'm going to take my superior awesomeness and go watch the O'Riley Factor, maybe some of the Bruins. You guys all enjoy the next three years because i'm sure that is all Obamas got.... Pretty much all done with this site. This isn't no moving train, this train is very, very stationary.
I would like the AP (associated press) to assign the 11 full time reporters who scoured Palin's book on a fact finding mission to READ the 2000 page healthcare plan and report on 'facts' from it. OR maybe read Gore's book and find at least one fact from it! Then they can go back and read Obama's book for any 'truth'. Seeing how the democrats are all in search of some real truth.
Tell you what... why don't YOU read the Healthcare Bill and report back to us what you find... since, you are a Conservative looking to level the field on them Liberals. If what you come back with is verifiable facts... then, I'll believe you.
Tell you what....i'm going to take my superior awesomeness and go watch the O'Riley Factor, maybe some of the Bruins. You guys all enjoy the next three years because i'm sure that is all Obamas got.... Pretty much all done with this site. This isn't no moving train, this train is very, very stationary.
yeah we will see. as it is now there is no republican that can beat him. it might be a long 7 years for people like you, the country has spoken in a very powerful way and they said they are not going to buy what the gop is selling.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Tell you what....i'm going to take my superior awesomeness and go watch the O'Riley Factor, maybe some of the Bruins. You guys all enjoy the next three years because i'm sure that is all Obamas got.... Pretty much all done with this site. This isn't no moving train, this train is very, very stationary.
Unable to answer anything with a coherent, thought out opinion based in fact. This is your typical FOX News watcher and follower of Tea Party liars. Too fucking lazy to look for themselves... unable to think for themselves, so they borrow on the opinions of others.
This is exactly WHY FOX News, 'American Idol' and 'Dancing With The Stars' are so highly reated... because of viewers like these.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Quality is based on ratings in your book... that must mean that you believe 'American Idol' and 'Dancing With The Stars' (two the the monster rated shows on television) are the best things on T.V.
If anything... it explains FOX News' high ratings.
Well, my 2 year old daughter has fallen in love with 'Dancing with the Stars' it can't be all that bad.
Ratings mean nothing though. Pretty much all of thos enews sources are hit and miss. We'd be alot better without the Hannity's, Olberman's, Maddows', O'reilly's, etc of the world pretending to be real newscasters. It's like halloween all year for treats for us though, only tricks.
Fox is a threat to all those that stay in their politically correct comfort zone. Afraid to call things as they are. Afraid to realize there is such a thing as right and wrong. So if Fox makes a mistake there all over it. I can’t wait for response to the MSNBC mistake. More than likely there will be none.
To all the PC people...Hannity is not a news reporter he mainly comments on his own opinions.
No... FOX News is a threat to journalism. They are an OpEd station posing as a News Station.
As for Sean Hannity... he is NOT a news Reporter. He is commentary, just like Keith Obermann, Rachael Maddow and Bill O'Riley.
People who think these people are reporting the news are the idiots, not the ones whose job it is to pretend.
Whoops...missed this post before my last one. Well said here Cosmo. Fair and Balanced.
Do you know how ignorant it is defending your statements by calling people morons, idiots, and all the other names you come up with? I wonder, is that all you got? Is there not a better way to state your beliefs without putting people down?
Tea Party movement is liars? Can you prove that?
The GOP is selling nothing, but your Obama and his self proclaiming Marxist cronies are....all he wants to do is have the government take over banks, subway systems, internet, auto companies, mortgage company’s, health care and that’s about everything. Oh one more ignorant idea is cap and trade.....Once the government takes over these things there is no freedom or liberty. But because you libs want everything handed to you and are too lazy to make a living and are jealous of those that do, we are heading to a government like Venezuela. Do you wonder why Obama did not take up for the people of Honduras when there President wanted to change there constitution so that he could become ruler? He did not back freedom because he and his friends admire dictators.
That might fly somewhere else but not in America! And the Tea Party movement and its people are nothing but BRAVE Americans taking a stand to keep America Free. So keep up with your childish antics, it’s really okay it just shows your maturity or lack thereof.
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
....all he wants to do is have the government take over banks
Yeah, damn that Obama administration and their TARP
I admire your effort, but I really think the significance of that reply is going to be lost on aerial.
Love how you take one part of a very long sentence and spin it out of context...and you want to bash Fox News? Who is the hypocrites here...??
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
Do you know how ignorant it is defending your statements by calling people morons, idiots, and all the other names you come up with? I wonder, is that all you got? Is there not a better way to state your beliefs without putting people down?
Tea Party movement is liars? Can you prove that?
The GOP is selling nothing, but your Obama and his self proclaiming Marxist cronies are....all he wants to do is have the government take over banks, subway systems, internet, auto companies, mortgage company’s, health care and that’s about everything. Oh one more ignorant idea is cap and trade.....Once the government takes over these things there is no freedom or liberty. But because you libs want everything handed to you and are too lazy to make a living and are jealous of those that do, we are heading to a government like Venezuela. Do you wonder why Obama did not take up for the people of Honduras when there President wanted to change there constitution so that he could become ruler? He did not back freedom because he and his friends admire dictators.
That might fly somewhere else but not in America! And the Tea Party movement and its people are nothing but BRAVE Americans taking a stand to keep America Free. So keep up with your childish antics, it’s really okay it just shows your maturity or lack thereof.
Sorry. So, what should I call a person who takes in OpEd pieces and espouses it as journalistic fact? I think 'idiot' is an apt noun.
As for Tea Party lies... how about 'Death Panels' for a start? Where is the truth in that? The burden of proof is on the accuser... Death Panels never existed except in Tea party lies.
Here is another:
"He (President Obama) did not back freedom because he and his friends admire dictators."
Where are your references to back this up? And this whole 'Government Take-overs' stuff is about as paranoid as 'Black Helicopters' and 'Contrail of Doom'. Moronic, unfounded conspiracy theories based in paranoia.
So, maybe you are not an idiot... but, that statement is idoitic.
Post edited by Cosmo on
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
....all he wants to do is have the government take over banks
Yeah, damn that Obama administration and their TARP
Love how you take one part of a very long sentence and spin it out of context...and you want to bash Fox News? Who is the hypocrites here...??
i believe he was pointing out that TARP was done before obama took office in president bush...any "intelligent" freedom loving tebagger should remember that and should have been outraged by that. but of course they were not, so they blame it on obama, just like everything else...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
And here's something else you can take to your next Tea Party... tell your retired Tea Partiers that are receiving MediCare to forfeit their Socialistic, Government run Heath Care... because that is EXACTLY what MediCare is.. a Government run Health Care provider.
Come back here and tell us what your 65 and older 'Brave Americans' did about this socialist outrage.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
quote="aerial"]....all he wants to do is have the government take over banks[/quote]
Yeah, damn that Obama administration and their TARP[/quote]
Love how you take one part of a very long sentence and spin it out of context...and you want to bash Fox News? Who is the hypocrites here...??[/quote]
i believe he was pointing out that TARP was done before obama took office in president bush...any "intelligent" freedom loving tebagger should remember that and should have been outraged by that. but of course they were not, so they blame it on obama, just like everything else...[/quote]
I know what he was insinuating. But Bush was not alone .....
Jan. 12 2009 ABC
President-elect Barack Obama asked President Bush today to request the release of the second $350 billion in federal bailout funds so he would have "ammunition" if the country's fragile economy weakened further.
President-elect Barack Obama meets with Mexico's President Felipe Calderon in Washington, today. Obama then told reporters he's asked President Bush to request another $350 billion in TARP funds.
The White House said that Bush has agreed to request the money.
Obama, speaking after a meeting with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, said it would be "irresponsible" to enter the White House without having asked Bush to request the funds. He called the cash "potential ammunition" in case the economy worsened.
The incoming president also signaled that he intends to "fundamentally change some of the practices" in the bailout program. Referring to how the first $350 billion of bailout cash was allocated, Obama said, "Many of us have been disappointed with the absence of clarity, the failure to track how the money's been spent."
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
aerial if that hadn't been done the whole economy would be in a depression now. what the hell are you blaming obama for now, when he was trying to prevent an all out economic meltdown??? had he done nothing you would be complaining because he didn't move on this issue. he can't do anything right in your eyes. just like on the south park link i posted.
either way, fox thinks its viewers are stupid and will believe anything they say or present as news, and most of the viewers fell for the altered videotape, which proves them right.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
And here's something else you can take to your next Tea Party... tell your retired Tea Partiers that are receiving MediCare to forfeit their Socialistic, Government run Heath Care... because that is EXACTLY what MediCare is.. a Government run Health Care provider.
Come back here and tell us what your 65 and older 'Brave Americans' did about this socialist outrage.
Why would they forfeit something they have paid for......and there were those that was against it....but since they take the money out of your check would you not agree they deserve what they paid for?.....I have to say it's a much better plan than medicare which is mostly used by poor single mothers that became involved with good for nothing lazy men (some women) that will not take care of their own children....and neither mother or father have paid a dime into it.
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
aerial if that hadn't been done the whole economy would be in a depression now. what the hell are you blaming obama for now, when he was trying to prevent an all out economic meltdown??? had he done nothing you would be complaining because he didn't move on this issue. he can't do anything right in your eyes. just like on the south park link i posted.
either way, fox thinks its viewers are stupid and will believe anything they say or present as news, and most of the viewers fell for the altered videotape, which proves them right.
Why is it good when Obama did it (without the transparency he promised!) But wrong when Bush did it? I am saying they are both wrong.
Who said Fox thinks there veiwers are stupid except for you people om this site? How do you know who fell for it?
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
And here's something else you can take to your next Tea Party... tell your retired Tea Partiers that are receiving MediCare to forfeit their Socialistic, Government run Heath Care... because that is EXACTLY what MediCare is.. a Government run Health Care provider.
Come back here and tell us what your 65 and older 'Brave Americans' did about this socialist outrage.
Why would they forfeit something they have paid for......and there were those that was against it....but since they take the money out of your check would you not agree they deserve what they paid for?.....I have to say it's a much better plan than medicare which is mostly used by poor single mothers that became involved with good for nothing lazy men (some women) that will not take care of their own children....and neither mother or father have paid a dime into it.
Nope. Medicare is a social program that is run by the government. No matter how you attempt to explain it away... MediCare is Government run Health Care.
Is it good or bad? Is this Government run Health Care program good or bad?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
And here's something else you can take to your next Tea Party... tell your retired Tea Partiers that are receiving MediCare to forfeit their Socialistic, Government run Heath Care... because that is EXACTLY what MediCare is.. a Government run Health Care provider.
Come back here and tell us what your 65 and older 'Brave Americans' did about this socialist outrage.
Why would they forfeit something they have paid for......and there were those that was against it....but since they take the money out of your check would you not agree they deserve what they paid for?.....I have to say it's a much better plan than medicare which is mostly used by poor single mothers that became involved with good for nothing lazy men (some women) that will not take care of their own children....and neither mother or father have paid a dime into it.
for one you are missing the point, if these people are soooooo adamently against government run health care, then on principle they should decline medicare. that is like saying "i am against entitlement programs, but since i qualify for it, screw it i will take it..." i work in a doctor's office and i have NEVER ONCE heard anybody on medicare say they would decline it for a private insurer. never once.
you know, you REALLY should try to get your facts straight. i am getting embarrassed for you. mediCARE is for people age 65 or older, or people that are on disability, or people who are handicapped. mediCAID is a social program that supports low income families and provides them with public health insurance, which most cases are the single moms you speak of in your post. you make a pretty hasty generalization of people on medicaid. it was designed to help these families out until they can get on their feet and get real private insurance. some people do that, while there are others that do not. not all of them get "involved with good for nothing lazy men". if these people pay taxes, they pay into it. period.....
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
You are talking about this, right? ... est.rifle/
"The interview, done by Libertarian radio talk show host Ernest Hancock, was staged."
Not a Security Guard on Duty... The man, who until now has been identified only as "Chris B," is actually 28-year-old Christopher Broughton, a former employee of a Tempe plastic-mold manufacturer. Broughton's appearance at the rally was part of a publicity stunt organized by Ernest Hancock, a well-known Arizona Libertarian and host of conservative talk radio show "Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock." Hancock also came to the rally armed.
People weren't questioning Second Amendment Rights... they were just appalled that there were gun in close proximity to a standing President... that were not in the hands of Secret Service.
Hail, Hail!!!
No... FOX News is a threat to journalism. They are an OpEd station posing as a News Station.
As for Sean Hannity... he is NOT a news Reporter. He is commentary, just like Keith Obermann, Rachael Maddow and Bill O'Riley.
People who think these people are reporting the news are the idiots, not the ones whose job it is to pretend.
Hail, Hail!!!
becos, as you pointed out earlier, nobody fucking watches msnbc. lots of people watch foxnews (many of them watch ONLY foxnews), so when they fuck things up, it's noticed.
how about you do it yourself? that should give you something to do other than blame the liberal media, when it was the wingnut network Fux news that made this "mistake" in the first place.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Tell you what... why don't YOU read the Healthcare Bill and report back to us what you find... since, you are a Conservative looking to level the field on them Liberals. If what you come back with is verifiable facts... then, I'll believe you.
Hail, Hail!!!
it is the same thing beck does, make up a bunch of outrageous lies and spread them to get people all paranoid and riled up, then defend himself by saying "i am just asking questions, are you trying to stifle my freedom of speech?" the guy is a douhebag and south park just pointed it out. its funny how the lesson is lost on so many people.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Tell you what....i'm going to take my superior awesomeness and go watch the O'Riley Factor, maybe some of the Bruins. You guys all enjoy the next three years because i'm sure that is all Obamas got....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Unable to answer anything with a coherent, thought out opinion based in fact. This is your typical FOX News watcher and follower of Tea Party liars. Too fucking lazy to look for themselves... unable to think for themselves, so they borrow on the opinions of others.
This is exactly WHY FOX News, 'American Idol' and 'Dancing With The Stars' are so highly reated... because of viewers like these.
Hail, Hail!!!
Well, my 2 year old daughter has fallen in love with 'Dancing with the Stars' it can't be all that bad.
Ratings mean nothing though. Pretty much all of thos enews sources are hit and miss. We'd be alot better without the Hannity's, Olberman's, Maddows', O'reilly's, etc of the world pretending to be real newscasters. It's like halloween all year for treats for us though, only tricks.
Whoops...missed this post before my last one. Well said here Cosmo. Fair and Balanced.
Tea Party movement is liars? Can you prove that?
The GOP is selling nothing, but your Obama and his self proclaiming Marxist cronies are....all he wants to do is have the government take over banks, subway systems, internet, auto companies, mortgage company’s, health care and that’s about everything. Oh one more ignorant idea is cap and trade.....Once the government takes over these things there is no freedom or liberty. But because you libs want everything handed to you and are too lazy to make a living and are jealous of those that do, we are heading to a government like Venezuela. Do you wonder why Obama did not take up for the people of Honduras when there President wanted to change there constitution so that he could become ruler? He did not back freedom because he and his friends admire dictators.
That might fly somewhere else but not in America! And the Tea Party movement and its people are nothing but BRAVE Americans taking a stand to keep America Free. So keep up with your childish antics, it’s really okay it just shows your maturity or lack thereof.
Yeah, damn that Obama administration and their TARP
I admire your effort, but I really think the significance of that reply is going to be lost on aerial.
Love how you take one part of a very long sentence and spin it out of context...and you want to bash Fox News? Who is the hypocrites here...??
Sorry. So, what should I call a person who takes in OpEd pieces and espouses it as journalistic fact? I think 'idiot' is an apt noun.
As for Tea Party lies... how about 'Death Panels' for a start? Where is the truth in that? The burden of proof is on the accuser... Death Panels never existed except in Tea party lies.
Here is another:
"He (President Obama) did not back freedom because he and his friends admire dictators."
Where are your references to back this up? And this whole 'Government Take-overs' stuff is about as paranoid as 'Black Helicopters' and 'Contrail of Doom'. Moronic, unfounded conspiracy theories based in paranoia.
So, maybe you are not an idiot... but, that statement is idoitic.
Hail, Hail!!!
i believe he was pointing out that TARP was done before obama took office in president bush...any "intelligent" freedom loving tebagger should remember that and should have been outraged by that. but of course they were not, so they blame it on obama, just like everything else...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Come back here and tell us what your 65 and older 'Brave Americans' did about this socialist outrage.
Hail, Hail!!!
Yeah, damn that Obama administration and their TARP[/quote]
Love how you take one part of a very long sentence and spin it out of context...and you want to bash Fox News? Who is the hypocrites here...??[/quote]
i believe he was pointing out that TARP was done before obama took office in president bush...any "intelligent" freedom loving tebagger should remember that and should have been outraged by that. but of course they were not, so they blame it on obama, just like everything else...[/quote]
I know what he was insinuating. But Bush was not alone .....
Jan. 12 2009 ABC
President-elect Barack Obama asked President Bush today to request the release of the second $350 billion in federal bailout funds so he would have "ammunition" if the country's fragile economy weakened further.
President-elect Barack Obama meets with Mexico's President Felipe Calderon in Washington, today. Obama then told reporters he's asked President Bush to request another $350 billion in TARP funds.
The White House said that Bush has agreed to request the money.
Obama, speaking after a meeting with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, said it would be "irresponsible" to enter the White House without having asked Bush to request the funds. He called the cash "potential ammunition" in case the economy worsened.
The incoming president also signaled that he intends to "fundamentally change some of the practices" in the bailout program. Referring to how the first $350 billion of bailout cash was allocated, Obama said, "Many of us have been disappointed with the absence of clarity, the failure to track how the money's been spent."
either way, fox thinks its viewers are stupid and will believe anything they say or present as news, and most of the viewers fell for the altered videotape, which proves them right.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Why would they forfeit something they have paid for......and there were those that was against it....but since they take the money out of your check would you not agree they deserve what they paid for?.....I have to say it's a much better plan than medicare which is mostly used by poor single mothers that became involved with good for nothing lazy men (some women) that will not take care of their own children....and neither mother or father have paid a dime into it.
Why is it good when Obama did it (without the transparency he promised!) But wrong when Bush did it? I am saying they are both wrong.
Who said Fox thinks there veiwers are stupid except for you people om this site? How do you know who fell for it?
Nope. Medicare is a social program that is run by the government. No matter how you attempt to explain it away... MediCare is Government run Health Care.
Is it good or bad? Is this Government run Health Care program good or bad?
Hail, Hail!!!
for one you are missing the point, if these people are soooooo adamently against government run health care, then on principle they should decline medicare. that is like saying "i am against entitlement programs, but since i qualify for it, screw it i will take it..." i work in a doctor's office and i have NEVER ONCE heard anybody on medicare say they would decline it for a private insurer. never once.
you know, you REALLY should try to get your facts straight. i am getting embarrassed for you. mediCARE is for people age 65 or older, or people that are on disability, or people who are handicapped. mediCAID is a social program that supports low income families and provides them with public health insurance, which most cases are the single moms you speak of in your post. you make a pretty hasty generalization of people on medicaid. it was designed to help these families out until they can get on their feet and get real private insurance. some people do that, while there are others that do not. not all of them get "involved with good for nothing lazy men". if these people pay taxes, they pay into it. period.....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."