On-line dating? I give up!

its been three years and I am still single..
The woman I meet all seem to have the following:
- Constantly talk about nothing but themsleves.
- Expect to be provided for (money, gifts, travel) in their entirety.
- Have a secret wish to have a child despite denying so on profile
- Have an overblown opinion of their own attractiveness level.
- Have an overblown idea of what man they want/ think they can date (Brad Pitt / George clooney cross over)
- Have a very little sense of humor..
and finally.... Do not give a damn about Pearl Jam or hard rock music in general...
I posted it before...
The woman I meet all seem to have the following:
- Constantly talk about nothing but themsleves.
- Expect to be provided for (money, gifts, travel) in their entirety.
- Have a secret wish to have a child despite denying so on profile
- Have an overblown opinion of their own attractiveness level.
- Have an overblown idea of what man they want/ think they can date (Brad Pitt / George clooney cross over)
- Have a very little sense of humor..
and finally.... Do not give a damn about Pearl Jam or hard rock music in general...
I posted it before...
"This here's a REQUEST!"
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
Post edited by Unknown User on
I met one long-term girlfriend here on the pit actually. and i just met another girl online chatting about music and we had one date and it went great. you can meet girls at bars or wherever and they'll be just as shallow or whatever. just keep at it. i know it sucks looking, believe me.
I continue to do online dating because I'm attracted to men, and I'd like to meet some, and I don't seem to meet them offline. I am totally of the belief that if you are single, it's just who you are, whether it be temporarily or forever. Meeting someone to be a couple with is just pure chance, and anyway it works out is just the way it works out. I will admit that lately I've been a little frustrated that I haven't been able to meet anyone online (or otherwise).
It's funny though, the description of the women you are meeting is quite similar to the men I've been meeting! But I don't think ANY of it is a function of online dating itself- it's just the people who are out there. Which is why I don't mind being single!
The woman I meet all seem to have the following:
- Constantly talk about nothing but themsleves. This is not exclusive to online chicks! They all do it! My ex didn't even really know what I did for a career until about two months later...very self involved!
- Expect to be provided for (money, gifts, travel) in their entirety. Same thing. Old school way of thinking...want to be panpered...bullshit!
- Have a secret wish to have a child despite denying so on profile Yikes!! :shock:
- Have an overblown opinion of their own attractiveness level. Don't they all?
- Have an overblown idea of what man they want/ think they can date (Brad Pitt / George clooney cross over) which is why they are online because those guys a) don't exist in their world and b) don't put up with the above ^^^
- Have a very little sense of humor.. It's game over when I meet a chick w/o a sense of humor!
and finally.... Do not give a damn about Pearl Jam or hard rock music in general...
I posted it before...
I have never done the online thing, but I dated quite a few girls in my day...finding the diamond in the rough is tough but I (and I'm sure you) are still looking. Never settle!!!
I really disagree with this. This is not a description of "women", it is a description of a certain type of girl. The one advantage of online dating is you can see an outline of who the person is before you make an effort to meet them. Put more into reading the profile rather than just looking at the photo. Look for women who are well educated and have a good job and have lots of their own interests and seem independent. And if you don't find any or only a few, then don't settle for less. I think very few women out there today really want to be provided for or are so self absorbed. Yes, I definitely know a few. But these are characteristics that men have too- there are crappy people out there. You just have to weed through them.
I also don't think that women have such a skewed vision of their attractiveness level, or that they only want men who look like models. I think if anything, it's the other way around. Most women I know truly believe that they are not beautiful, and we don't look at looks in men the same way they look at our looks (no I'm not saying that women don't care about looks, I'm just saying, the way we care about them is different than men, and what you are describing is sort of the way men look at it).
I know that I felt the same way for years. I dated a few people over the years, one pretty seriously (got my heart broken), then spent a few years alone. It got pretty lonely. All my friends were getting married, and having kids, and I was the "single friend". After awhile I just kind of felt like I was meant to be alone. Then thankfully my boyfriend and I met (again), and here we are a couple of years later happy, and with a beautiful son. The kicker is he lived two doors down from my parents place the majority of my life. Hang in there guys, one day you will turn around and the "one" (yes a little cliche) will be standing there. You're probably sick of hearing that :?
Side Note~ If they aren't a PJ fan, RUN! Those ones HAVE to be crazy!!
No luck, I'm throwing in the towel, and so should you......for online dating that is.
See, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I could see the possibility that I'm meant to be alone, and I think that's cool, actually. And besides, you're never really alone. Even if you don't have a boyfriend, you still have friends and family. I actually enjoy being "the single friend." I feel much younger and cooler than my married friends.
that being said, i am pretty glad im a heterosexual female .. i cannot stand most of the female race and couldn't imagine having to deal with them in the dating game!
as for the pj thing .. i dont think my boyfriend could name 2 pj songs if i asked him (i think the only one he knows is evenflow) .. but i've still kept him around for almost 4 years now
Match is a joke IMO.
Staying single is the best option for me right now. And I'm just fine with that.
I've noticed that (the least expecting thing), it's one of those things if it's meant to happen it will happen.
Albany 2006 Camden 2006 E. Rutherford 2, 2006 Inglewood 2006,
Chicago 2007
Camden 2008 MSG 2008 MSG 2008 Hartford 2008.
Seattle 2009 Seattle 2009 Philadelphia 2009,Philadelphia 2009 Philadelphia 2009
Hartford 2010 MSG 2010 MSG 2010
Toronto 2011,Toronto 2011
Wrigley Field 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Philadelphia 2, 2013
Philadelphia 1, 2016 Philadelphia 2 2016 New York 2016 New York 2016 Fenway 1, 2016
Fenway 2, 2018
MSG 2022
St. Paul, 1, St. Paul 2 2023
MSG 2024, MSG 2024
Philadelphia 2024
"I play good, hard-nosed basketball.
Things happen in the game. Nothing you
can do. I don't go and say,
"I'm gonna beat this guy up."
My boyfriend (before he dated me) had used it out of curiosity because my brother got him to sign up. He said he went out with this one girl who's only photos were headshots from angles where she looked really nice and pretty, but when he met with her she was a really, erm, large... emo girl.
He pretended to get a phone call and left on an "emergency".
What a jerk! :shock:
that's a good point, about the pj thing, i've never thought about it that way.
not that my boyfriend could name any songs either
guys go for looks, girls go for status.
Here's me taking a lead during one of the 4 songs me and my buddy played while the band (my guitar instructor's 3-piece band...who ROCKED!) took a break:
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3 ... 1148441001
All I can say is just be patient. I don't mean that in a condescending way at all. I broke up with my girlfriend in '06 and took several months off from the dating scene, intentionally, before diving back in. I had some frustrating dates and dead end short-term relationships before I found my now wife. Yeah, it can suck going through the motions in the dating scene, but I think as long as you have a sense of humor about it you'll be fine. Just don't have an unrealistic notion of what your "perfect" match is, because that person doesn't exist. They may exist in time, but when you first meet them there is not a chance that is the case.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
I think some are free, but I do not know which ones. EH is not free.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
anyhoo - i hear from friends who do the online thing a bit is that you have to take a hiatus every now and then ... if you want to meet someone - you have to put yourself out there ... anyhoo - i had to travel to another country to meet someone so there is no formula ...
good luck
However, it was very hard. The reason why I'm alone is that I'm very bashful. The second time I tried I didn't get any dates. I guess I'm a wee bit judgemental, eh?
I expect I'll meet Mr. Right at a PJ concert. It's a win-win and we would already have something to talk about. . . . or maybe his nephews will try to take the baseball field from my nieces while we practice, and I'll have to get snooty - and then we would find out we have similar senses of humors, and as he'll wear a NY rangers t-shirt and I'll wear a Dc captials t-shirt we'll talk about the games etc etc etc, totally ignore nieces and nephews
Better yet! . . . see the dog in the picture? He DOES NOT like other dogs. It's more like he gets very anxious. Anyway, I dogsit him and my twin's other dog a couple times a year. So, I'll be walking Ceasar and he'll try to attack Mr. Right's dog and in my overwhelmed reaction I'll trip over Mr. Right's dog leash, and all chaos . . and then we'll notice each other's hocky team t-shirts, and start to rehash the games. (hahahahahaha I'm making myself laugh.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
seriously, i feel for you my friend! locked is a totally great guy and a crazy fan (in a good way
my sister met her second husband thru the newspaper personals (pre-internet dating) and she met her now-BF (she's stopped geting married
also, just a thought to consider - have YOU been completely honest about yourself, who you are, your desires, etc? are they realistic? i only ask b/c if you keep meeting so many of the wrong women, it might be something to think about.
wish you the BEST.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I disagree. "status" is actually a big turn off to me.
eHarmony is horrible! It costs a LOT of money, first of all, and secondly, it's only for Christians who want to get married. If you are not religious (and Christian) and aren't desperate to get married immediately, it's not for you. Also, they do not offer services for gay people, which I think is horrible, so personally, I wouldn't give them my money.
the only one I know of that is free is okcupid, which is sort of the "alternative" site I'm using now. It was started by guys at MIT, and it's a lot of more...interesting people- nerds, geeks, indie rockers, bike hipsters, etc. I like it much better than the traditional sites. Also, they don't discriminate against ANYONE. You openly put down that you are married or polygamist or whatever. Not that I would go for any of that, but I like that the site doesn't draw such black and white lines around issues such as love and sex and doesn't get involved in moral supremacy races.
i didn't want to get you, locked, or anyone down. it's only my perspective anyway, and wtf do i know? i've been married...forever.
hey, my sisters are great examples.
you're AWESOME ms. haiku.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
sounds right up my alley.
i dunno, i've found that all girls want a guy that they can sorta show off/brag about to their friends to make them jealous. guys want a girl their friends will go 'damn she's hot.' and girls want a guy that they can talk about him having a solid job or whatever else might make their friends a bit green with envy. i'm not saying they all want movie stars or millionaire ceo's... but he's got to be a success in some sense. if you live at home with mom and are on the career track to being the manager at taco bell... you're going to be working uphill with the women. just like girls are going to be working uphill if they're the bride of frankenstein.
there's nothing wrong with it. we may have moved past the days of women wanting a man that can provide for them, but most don't want a guy that's just looking for a new mom either. that's what i'm saying.
It cost me around $100 for 3 months.
I am not Christian
I did not go on the site just to "get married"
I am not religious (grew up Jewish, and now do not practice anything)
I was not desperate. I just wanted to get back on the dating scene.
Got any other insight...i.e. are we really going down this path again where you have to refute ANYTHING I say about relaionships?
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
that's a LOT different than saying a woman wants status and a man wants looks. just sayin'.
you BEt i want a man who is a 'success', but that really has nada to do with status. and holy shit, no, mama's boys are never desired. and, yes....looks ARe important. perhaps not the most important, but they are important. i think HS/college-age boys and girls may want to brag about status or hotness, i really don't know, was never into it then....but most definitely as people get older, say mid-20s onwards, unless they are insecure, immature little assholes, idk anyone who needs/wants things like that, so simple. however, this is where you and i always 'get into it'...basically, i think you oversimplify the desires of both men and women.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
well I agree that no one wants to be a mom and that no one wants someone who lives at home (past a certain age) or can't support themselves. but I don't see why that's a girl thing- I can't see a guy wanting a girl in that situation either.
I disagree about the bragging to your friends about the guy's job thing. Maybe in the 1950s when a husband's job spoke for the woman too. I have my own career, why would I care what my friends thought about my boyfriend's? I don't even think my friends could get jealous over what my boyfriend did for a living. Well maybe they would be jealous ofhim if he had a great job, but not of me. I'd just be dating the guy with the awesome job, not the person actually doing it.
Maybe I just live in a bubble, but I think that any girl (again not woman) who thinks this way would have to be severely insecure and/or dependent on other people.