What's the big deal...the OP has an opinion that this album is sub-Pearl Jam standard. I tend to agree on parts of the album as well...there are 3-4-5 clunkers out of 11...but the album isn't horrendous...
I Know All The Rules But The Rules Do Not Know Me.
What's the big deal...the OP has an opinion that this album is sub-Pearl Jam standard.
No. 1 -- That's not what he said. Re-read the thread title.
No. 2 -- It's fine for him to have that opinion. He is entitled to all sorts of crazy opinions. And we are entitled to disagree. That's sort of how this Internet dealy works.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
What's the big deal...the OP has an opinion that this album is sub-Pearl Jam standard. I tend to agree on parts of the album as well...there are 3-4-5 clunkers out of 11...but the album isn't horrendous...
the big deal is simply he's talking out of his fucking arse. Simple. It's an opinion that is so retarded it's untrue. Eddie sounds shit? Gimme a break
this guy is seeking attention and it seems he found it
What's the big deal...the OP has an opinion that this album is sub-Pearl Jam standard. I tend to agree on parts of the album as well...there are 3-4-5 clunkers out of 11...but the album isn't horrendous...
the big deal is simply he's talking out of his fucking arse. Simple. It's an opinion that is so retarded it's untrue. Eddie sounds shit? Gimme a break
this guy is seeking attention and it seems he found it
One of the biggest problems in America nowadays is that everybody thinks their opinion is equally valid. I might be of the opinion that my dog could play quarterback for the New England Patriots, but that kind of makes me an idiot.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
What's the big deal...the OP has an opinion that this album is sub-Pearl Jam standard. I tend to agree on parts of the album as well...there are 3-4-5 clunkers out of 11...but the album isn't horrendous...
Please explain what exactly this sub-pearl jam standard is? Also what tunes do you feel are clunkers as you put it I am interested, because I haven't heard one and I have been listening to this thing steady since th 16th.
Right then, here goes, my two penneth worth on the debate, hold on, I'll just have a ciggie first to compose myself...
His vocals on The End for instance are absolutely amazing, you will not, I repeat not, hear such an emotional performance anywhere this side of forever.
Not everything is supposed to sound polished or perfect, it's supposed to sound how the artist wanted it to sound, or occasionally that's the way it comes out during that particular take or recording.
His voice back in August at both London shows was sensational, especially at The O2, where the acoustics are damn near perfect.
I'll stop there, and wait for the inevitable slagging from the "Pearl Jam Fan" who was probably there in Seattle in 1991/2, doesn't like Even Flow any more, claims not enough "b-sides" are played live, is narked at his seats at a show because he's in The 10C and deserves better, they've done nothing since Vitalogy, etc... etc... you know the type.
I didn't read through all 7 pages of this but...his singing is great!!! I have to admit i'm still warming up to the Just Breathe vocals but I think it's different and cool and I'm just thankfull its not like Riot Act.
What's the big deal...the OP has an opinion that this album is sub-Pearl Jam standard. I tend to agree on parts of the album as well...there are 3-4-5 clunkers out of 11...but the album isn't horrendous...
the big deal is simply he's talking out of his fucking arse. Simple. It's an opinion that is so retarded it's untrue. Eddie sounds shit? Gimme a break
this guy is seeking attention and it seems he found it
One of the biggest problems in America nowadays is that everybody thinks their opinion is equally valid. I might be of the opinion that my dog could play quarterback for the New England Patriots, but that kind of makes me an idiot.
jesus you fanboys are so sensitive. get off your high horses. i love pearl jam as much as the next guy, but thinking eddie's voice doesnt sound as good on this album as it did on others is not as ludicrous of an opinion as you seem to think. his voice has definitely changed over the years, that much is pretty obvious. whether it's changed for the worse is open to debate, but its definitely a legitimate debate.
now for my take on it...to me it sounds a little more scratchy than it used to, probably partly from age, and partly from all the smoking. i wouldnt go so far as to say its bad, but i do agree it's not quite as good as it used to be. there are some songs on there where he still belts out some pretty amazing vocals though, thats for sure (namely songs 6-10).
Since it seems that everyone is weighing in on this thread, Ill offer up my opinion. I am one of those "saw PJ in 93" fans, so yes I have heard the evolution of Eddie's voice and the band in general. Just attended the Seattle shows, first ones for me since they played the benefit for Tester in Missoula 05. The shows in Seattle were solid rock shows, and it was cool to hear some songs being played for the first time. However, I would say that Eddie's vocal range has certainly gotten smaller. He sounds awesome on songs where he doesn't have to hit the really high notes or scream anything. It is unfortunate because many of my fav songs usually have a section (s) where Eddie just rips the vocals (ala wash, last exit, blood, tremor christ, even evolution). It was clear that Eddie typically struggles with these songs now. I had great seats for seattle, and I could see the look on his face during evolution, and the part where he screams "it's evolution baby!", he was frustrated himself that it wasn't coming out like he wanted it too. look, back in the day, he could nail those high notes with such ease, I think many folks now take for granted that he should be able to, and the fact is is that now it is a crapshoot to whether or not he'll hit it...I mean, they played Blood one time last tour, and this used to be a staple, as did last exit-is it coincidence that they now get played once a tour. I think not....smoking, age, drinking and a gazillion shows---I get why he cant do it like he used to, but Im still sad about it
Since it seems that everyone is weighing in on this thread, Ill offer up my opinion. I am one of those "saw PJ in 93" fans, so yes I have heard the evolution of Eddie's voice and the band in general. Just attended the Seattle shows, first ones for me since they played the benefit for Tester in Missoula 05. The shows in Seattle were solid rock shows, and it was cool to hear some songs being played for the first time. However, I would say that Eddie's vocal range has certainly gotten smaller. He sounds awesome on songs where he doesn't have to hit the really high notes or scream anything. It is unfortunate because many of my fav songs usually have a section (s) where Eddie just rips the vocals (ala wash, last exit, blood, tremor christ, even evolution). It was clear that Eddie typically struggles with these songs now. I had great seats for seattle, and I could see the look on his face during evolution, and the part where he screams "it's evolution baby!", he was frustrated himself that it wasn't coming out like he wanted it too. look, back in the day, he could nail those high notes with such ease, I think many folks now take for granted that he should be able to, and the fact is is that now it is a crapshoot to whether or not he'll hit it...I mean, they played Blood one time last tour, and this used to be a staple, as did last exit-is it coincidence that they now get played once a tour. I think not....smoking, age, drinking and a gazillion shows---I get why he cant do it like he used to, but Im still sad about it
you know I couldn't disagree more. Vedder nailed blood leash ANC live reign oer me in aug in the uk. Love reign was so so good it's untrue
However, I would say that Eddie's vocal range has certainly gotten smaller.
I disagree with this profoundly. Ed can do things with his voice now that 1992 Ed never even dreamed of (see for example, Arc). He can hit a far wider range of notes now than he could then.
Where you are correct is that he can't always scream for as long and as consistently as he used to. It's not that he can't do it well once (I've actually heard it on quite a few versions of Love Reign over the past few years) ... it's that he can't do it for a whole show anymore, I don't think. Which is fine. It's not good for one's voice to scream like that over the course of 50 something shows.
That's a big reason his voice was shot for a good bit of the mid 90s. Getting away from that style probably prolonged the band's career.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
you know I couldn't disagree more. Vedder nailed blood leash ANC live reign oer me in aug in the uk. Love reign was so so good it's untrue[/quote]
that's cool, your opinion. Like I said, its a crapshoot. Some nights, he's spot on, other nights not so much. All Im saying, was that in most of the tours of years' past, there might be one show where his voice would be shot from too many shows or being sick or whatever...but now I notice that he shys away from the big screams and sudden octave jumps. To me, his voice has "shrunk" in range significantly when comparing the opening night of the 09 tour (Seattle) and the opener in 05 (Missoula). And yes, I happen to like Backspacer and I am NOT speaking in absolutes here, just an observation.
maybe its me but Eddies singing on backspacer hit an all time low. sounds out of breath,tired and out of it.
Album is fair but nowhere near as good as any of the previous albums...Give me Binaural over this.
Oh well i guess it had to happen eventually...even the Beatles had their low point.
Heres hoping for a better effort on the next one.
Swallowed whole in negatives,... It's so sad & sickening,.
However, I would say that Eddie's vocal range has certainly gotten smaller.
(see for example, Arc). He can hit a far wider range of notes now than he could then.
If you've heard this, nothing more needs to be said. If you haven't...I highly suggest finding a boot of one of the solo shows this last year and taking a listen. There is nothing else like it...
"I knew all the rules but the rules did not know me. Guaranteed."
KC, MO 7.3.98
OKC 4.3.03
KC, MO 5/2010
EV- Memphis 6.20.09
EV- Tulsa 11.18.12
The only thing that's ridiculous is the people who think it's acceptable to tear someone a brand new asshole because they disagree with his opinion. He doesn't like Ed's singing - so what? Whether you like his singing or not is a matter of opinion - if you jump down someone's throat just because they see something in a different light, you do nothing but make yourself look like a five-year-old who doesn't think before speaking. I happen to like Radiohead a lot, and I have a lot of friends who lost interest in them after OK Computer - I don't go around calling them names just because they prefer High and Dry to Faust Arp. Everyone is different - get over it. I personally think Pearl Jam did its best work in the 90s, but you don't see me running around insulting people who like Backspacer. Each to his/her own.
When did people lose the ability to have a civil discussion?
And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
Its so sick to read this stupid shit about Eddies voice! It would be a pleasure to explain my thoughts regarding the OP but unfortunately my english isn't good enough! I cannot understand these so called TC members always bitching about anything..! Why are you here? Why are you wasting our time (and maybe yours)??? Keep your opinion with you...nobody is interested in that, idiot!! :evil:
I will never understand what these idiots are hearing when they listen to Eddie! How can they complain about his voice?? Yes, it changed, but in my opinion his voice is great...and it always will be...
Please leave us alone!!
up here in my tree in Vienna 2006: Vienna 2009: Berlin 2010: London ~ Berlin 2012: Amsterdam 1+2 ~ Werchter ~ Arras ~ Berlin 1+2 2014: Milano ~ Trieste ~ Vienna ~ Berlin 2018: Padova ~ Rome 2022: Budapest ~ Vienna EV London/Hammersmith 2012 EV Berlin/Zitadelle 2017
cut ed some slack......when's the last time the guy took a REAL BREAK?????
If I had known then...what I know now...
the vic ~ 8.2.07
eV at The Ryman ~ 6.18.09
st. louis ~ 5.4.10
If we all did a little, together we could make a BIG difference....wanna help us?
Then visit http://wishlistfoundation.fancorps.com
The only thing that's ridiculous is the people who think it's acceptable to tear someone a brand new asshole because they disagree with his opinion. He doesn't like Ed's singing - so what? Whether you like his singing or not is a matter of opinion - if you jump down someone's throat just because they see something in a different light, you do nothing but make yourself look like a five-year-old who doesn't think before speaking. I happen to like Radiohead a lot, and I have a lot of friends who lost interest in them after OK Computer - I don't go around calling them names just because they prefer High and Dry to Faust Arp. Everyone is different - get over it. I personally think Pearl Jam did its best work in the 90s, but you don't see me running around insulting people who like Backspacer. Each to his/her own.
When did people lose the ability to have a civil discussion?
ha ha hey um its the internet...dont u git that? dude comes on pj's board to spill his nutty thoughts...what was he/she REALLY expecting the replies would be with that post?????
the dude says this "Album is fair but nowhere near as good as any of the previous albums"
kinda calls it rock bottom if u ask me...ugh!!
eds singing is just fine, alla into the wild. nuttins changed since that cd, has it?
Jeez. The best vocal performance I've heard from anyone ... anywhere ... at any time ... was on Ed's solo tour in 2008. The guy could just bring you to your knees.
If that's "falling off the table" ... well then fuck me. I don't know what you people want ... the heavens could open up with angels singing in pitch perfect harmony, and you people would be like, "Eh, pretty rough."
As someone else mentioned, Ed's vocals, every facet of them, are THE BEST thing about Backspacer.
I agree, that on the slower stuff such as Into the Wild (and many PJ tunes) he still sounds great. I was more referring the the more up-tempo songs that require much more vocally. Pulling of the mic, not being able to hold notes, the ups and downs, the inconsistency...it's pretty apparent. Sounds very strained and rough.
Still, he sounds good, it just seems like a bit of a struggle for him at times.
The only thing that's ridiculous is the people who think it's acceptable to tear someone a brand new asshole because they disagree with his opinion. He doesn't like Ed's singing - so what? Whether you like his singing or not is a matter of opinion - if you jump down someone's throat just because they see something in a different light, you do nothing but make yourself look like a five-year-old who doesn't think before speaking. I happen to like Radiohead a lot, and I have a lot of friends who lost interest in them after OK Computer - I don't go around calling them names just because they prefer High and Dry to Faust Arp. Everyone is different - get over it. I personally think Pearl Jam did its best work in the 90s, but you don't see me running around insulting people who like Backspacer. Each to his/her own.
When did people lose the ability to have a civil discussion?
nope. Your post is ridiculous too. People are always allowed opinions but it doesn't mean they are always right. And when such a blatantly stupid comment such as the op comes along it will be called out as that. Go back and read that post. There is nothing of substance. Just Ed can't sing on backspacer. Followed by throughout the thread several references to he can't scream anymore. Seriously if this was what you wanted perhaps this is the wrong forum, maybe best to go and get slipknots 10th anniversary cd. Shock horror Ed sings on this record. He sounds awesome
so to me the op was an opinion way out there it doesn't make sense. Like someones trying to wind you up. For example someone trying to tell you your mum looks like a man. It's a. Opinion but I'm sure you might not agree and tear the guy his new ass as you nicely put it
as for radiohead, great band but here's an opinion they lost a great opportunity right after ok computer and lost their way, thank god they can still play live
nope. Your post is ridiculous too. People are always allowed opinions but it doesn't mean they are always right. And when such a blatantly stupid comment such as the op comes along it will be called out as that. Go back and read that post. There is nothing of substance. Just Ed can't sing on backspacer. Followed by throughout the thread several references to he can't scream anymore. Seriously if this was what you wanted perhaps this is the wrong forum, maybe best to go and get slipknots 10th anniversary cd. Shock horror Ed sings on this record. He sounds awesome
You are stupid.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
nope. Your post is ridiculous too. People are always allowed opinions but it doesn't mean they are always right. And when such a blatantly stupid comment such as the op comes along it will be called out as that. Go back and read that post. There is nothing of substance. Just Ed can't sing on backspacer. Followed by throughout the thread several references to he can't scream anymore. Seriously if this was what you wanted perhaps this is the wrong forum, maybe best to go and get slipknots 10th anniversary cd. Shock horror Ed sings on this record. He sounds awesome
You are stupid.
wow a very enlightening post. Thanks for your well thought out input. Post whore.
personally i think ed voice on the album is spot on.
and as for his voice live, well its a rock concert, not a studio, if you don't like his voice live, don't go, why not go to one of those boy/girl bands gigs where they mime if you want a perfect voice live, not trying to be nasty, just proving a point. thats all...
Glasgow cathouse-1992-2-23, San diego sports arena-1995-11-06 & 07, Glasgow secc-2000-06-03, Tampa st petes times forum-2003-04-13, London O2 arena-2009-08-18, Belfast odyssey arena-2010-06-23.Leeds 2014 - 07-08
maybe its me but Eddies singing on backspacer hit an all time low. sounds out of breath,tired and out of it.
Album is fair but nowhere near as good as any of the previous albums...Give me Binaural over this.
Oh well i guess it had to happen eventually...even the Beatles had their low point.
Heres hoping for a better effort on the next one.
You are absolutely, positively nuts. That's all I can say. He sounds so fucking good on this album. So fucking good. Spine-tingling good.
Maybe invest in better speakers. Or better Prozac.
Right on.
It's amazing how different ears hear things. I can't believe how good his voice sounds, from GSMF to Just Breathe to Unthought Known to Supersonic.
Or maybe it's Scott stapp? Or Billy corgan?
No. 1 -- That's not what he said. Re-read the thread title.
No. 2 -- It's fine for him to have that opinion. He is entitled to all sorts of crazy opinions. And we are entitled to disagree. That's sort of how this Internet dealy works.
for the least they could possibly do
the big deal is simply he's talking out of his fucking arse. Simple. It's an opinion that is so retarded it's untrue. Eddie sounds shit? Gimme a break
this guy is seeking attention and it seems he found it
Well said.
OP why don't you put out an album?
Untill then shut the fuck up.
One of the biggest problems in America nowadays is that everybody thinks their opinion is equally valid. I might be of the opinion that my dog could play quarterback for the New England Patriots, but that kind of makes me an idiot.
for the least they could possibly do
Please explain what exactly this sub-pearl jam standard is? Also what tunes do you feel are clunkers as you put it I am interested, because I haven't heard one and I have been listening to this thing steady since th 16th.
His vocals on The End for instance are absolutely amazing, you will not, I repeat not, hear such an emotional performance anywhere this side of forever.
Not everything is supposed to sound polished or perfect, it's supposed to sound how the artist wanted it to sound, or occasionally that's the way it comes out during that particular take or recording.
His voice back in August at both London shows was sensational, especially at The O2, where the acoustics are damn near perfect.
I'll stop there, and wait for the inevitable slagging from the "Pearl Jam Fan" who was probably there in Seattle in 1991/2, doesn't like Even Flow any more, claims not enough "b-sides" are played live, is narked at his seats at a show because he's in The 10C and deserves better, they've done nothing since Vitalogy, etc... etc... you know the type.
this is not confined to the states!!!
Although thank god that game you call football is
now for my take on it...to me it sounds a little more scratchy than it used to, probably partly from age, and partly from all the smoking. i wouldnt go so far as to say its bad, but i do agree it's not quite as good as it used to be. there are some songs on there where he still belts out some pretty amazing vocals though, thats for sure (namely songs 6-10).
you know I couldn't disagree more. Vedder nailed blood leash ANC live reign oer me in aug in the uk. Love reign was so so good it's untrue
I disagree with this profoundly. Ed can do things with his voice now that 1992 Ed never even dreamed of (see for example, Arc). He can hit a far wider range of notes now than he could then.
Where you are correct is that he can't always scream for as long and as consistently as he used to. It's not that he can't do it well once (I've actually heard it on quite a few versions of Love Reign over the past few years) ... it's that he can't do it for a whole show anymore, I don't think. Which is fine. It's not good for one's voice to scream like that over the course of 50 something shows.
That's a big reason his voice was shot for a good bit of the mid 90s. Getting away from that style probably prolonged the band's career.
for the least they could possibly do
that's cool, your opinion. Like I said, its a crapshoot. Some nights, he's spot on, other nights not so much. All Im saying, was that in most of the tours of years' past, there might be one show where his voice would be shot from too many shows or being sick or whatever...but now I notice that he shys away from the big screams and sudden octave jumps. To me, his voice has "shrunk" in range significantly when comparing the opening night of the 09 tour (Seattle) and the opener in 05 (Missoula). And yes, I happen to like Backspacer and I am NOT speaking in absolutes here, just an observation.
Swallowed whole in negatives,... It's so sad & sickening,.
I think would be EV's response to your post.
If you've heard this, nothing more needs to be said. If you haven't...I highly suggest finding a boot of one of the solo shows this last year and taking a listen. There is nothing else like it...
KC, MO 7.3.98
OKC 4.3.03
KC, MO 5/2010
EV- Memphis 6.20.09
EV- Tulsa 11.18.12
When did people lose the ability to have a civil discussion?
I will never understand what these idiots are hearing when they listen to Eddie! How can they complain about his voice?? Yes, it changed, but in my opinion his voice is great...and it always will be...
Please leave us alone!!
2006: Vienna 2009: Berlin 2010: London ~ Berlin 2012: Amsterdam 1+2 ~ Werchter ~ Arras ~ Berlin 1+2
2014: Milano ~ Trieste ~ Vienna ~ Berlin 2018: Padova ~ Rome 2022: Budapest ~ Vienna
EV London/Hammersmith 2012
EV Berlin/Zitadelle 2017
the vic ~ 8.2.07
eV at The Ryman ~ 6.18.09
st. louis ~ 5.4.10
If we all did a little, together we could make a BIG difference....wanna help us?
Then visit http://wishlistfoundation.fancorps.com
ha ha hey um its the internet...dont u git that? dude comes on pj's board to spill his nutty thoughts...what was he/she REALLY expecting the replies would be with that post?????
the dude says this "Album is fair but nowhere near as good as any of the previous albums"
kinda calls it rock bottom if u ask me...ugh!!
eds singing is just fine, alla into the wild. nuttins changed since that cd, has it?
I agree, that on the slower stuff such as Into the Wild (and many PJ tunes) he still sounds great. I was more referring the the more up-tempo songs that require much more vocally. Pulling of the mic, not being able to hold notes, the ups and downs, the inconsistency...it's pretty apparent. Sounds very strained and rough.
Still, he sounds good, it just seems like a bit of a struggle for him at times.
nope. Your post is ridiculous too. People are always allowed opinions but it doesn't mean they are always right. And when such a blatantly stupid comment such as the op comes along it will be called out as that. Go back and read that post. There is nothing of substance. Just Ed can't sing on backspacer. Followed by throughout the thread several references to he can't scream anymore. Seriously if this was what you wanted perhaps this is the wrong forum, maybe best to go and get slipknots 10th anniversary cd. Shock horror Ed sings on this record. He sounds awesome
so to me the op was an opinion way out there it doesn't make sense. Like someones trying to wind you up. For example someone trying to tell you your mum looks like a man. It's a. Opinion but I'm sure you might not agree and tear the guy his new ass as you nicely put it
as for radiohead, great band but here's an opinion they lost a great opportunity right after ok computer and lost their way, thank god they can still play live
You are stupid.
wow a very enlightening post. Thanks for your well thought out input. Post whore.
No problem. Thank you.
And. If all you gonne do is write how big of an idiot the Op is, stay out of the thread.
once again another member of the thread police, sigh. Boring.
'dont post here'.......
and as for his voice live, well its a rock concert, not a studio, if you don't like his voice live, don't go, why not go to one of those boy/girl bands gigs where they mime if you want a perfect voice live, not trying to be nasty, just proving a point. thats all...
Right on.
It's amazing how different ears hear things. I can't believe how good his voice sounds, from GSMF to Just Breathe to Unthought Known to Supersonic.