because guys will go to a concert with a buddy. chicks are needy and need a guy to take them.
and when was the last time you saw a girl go solo to a show??? never? yet guys go solo all the time. why, cause we got some.....balls.
Speaking of that...
Did you hear what the mother of South African athlete Caster Semenaya, the woman's new 800m world champion has expressed her outrage at her daughter having to undergo a gender test. She said "this is a real kick in the bollocks to my daughter..."
Rock on!!!!
Seen Pearl Jam 4 times in London, once in Manchester, as well as an Eddie show at Hammersmith.
haha i've noticed this phenomenon as well. lots of saaagages. lol. It was like that too at teh EV shows which i remember someone mentioned once as a real testement to eddie's ability to connect with people b/c lots of guys would be scared of tender love songs and that sort of thing. but ya. it's a neet maybe sociological thing. dunno. but it's all good, except for meeting lots of single girls. lol.
Behold the power of the man crush
I like seeing the man crush every now and again. :evil:
this is an interesting seems like anytime i meet a woman and she finds out i'm a pearl jam fan, so many tell me they're big fans too. then i ask how many shows they've been to or if they've ever seen the band live and they say no.
so is it that they are posing as fans to sound like they are cooler than they actually are, or are women generally just not as likely to go to this type of rock show?
and, as for pearl jam specifically, do women generally have the intellectual capacity to appreciate EV's genius?
my wife is a college grad and very smart in many ways, but her idea of good rock music is Bon Jovi. when i ask her why she says it's because BJ's songs are simple to understand and "he doesn't scream like EV".
You think Pearl Jam concerts are sausage fests...You should see a WHO concert!!!
Seriously!!There's not a woman within a hundred and fifty yards of the venue...It's pretty scary.
I don't really know how to explain it.
The WHO sang from the perspective of angry teenage boys quite a bit -Quadrophenia, I Can't Explain, ect ect-so it's understandable that there audience would comprise more of guys than girls.
Pearl Jam on the otherhand has always confused me. I think despite the fact that much of their music lends itself to the prespective of both guys and girls, I tend to think that somehow they remain cursed by the image of "Grunge" music.
"Grunge" like Punk before it, was seen mostly as an agressive angry scene for a bunch dudes to get pissed drunk, jump around, mosh, and beat the shit out of eachother...It looked scary, and it probably scared alot of the girls away.
Afterall, I don't recall there being many girls in the audience at Black Flag shows either.
Who knows...It's possible that this kindler, gentler, poppier approach will bring more ladies to Pearl Jam shows.
I've always felt that Pearl Jam has been unfairly represented by the small portion of meatheads, fratboys, and amateur drinkers who ruin the vibe of Pearl Jam shows because they came to hear "Even Flow" and drink themselves sloppy.
I'd be more than happy to see these jock assholes vanished forever from Pearl Jam shows.
It would make more room for the ladies who just want to dance, sing, and listen to good tunes.
pj is a frat boy band ... whether one likes that or not - it's the reality ...
Hmmm, I have seen truth to this over the years but I think it has died down more recently.
The worst case of this I witnessed personally was at Vegas 03, bunch of frat guys were running around all wearing the same self made t-shirt.
At the show they were doing the whole "drunk frat boy at a show" routine. However, when Ed started to trash Bush; they started to boo and get all rowdy. To each his own, I have no problem with people voicing a different opinion but they started to get kind of obnoxious. Also, there Last Kiss sing along was worse then Ed's rendition that night (if you were there and remember, you know what I am talking about).
oh please, I have gone solo to shows many times. I am taking a different female friend to each of the two nights that I am seeing the band in Seattle. But I do know what you mean about how there seems to be a lot more guys then women at PJ shows.
No offense, but it is common for me to hear females talking during concerts.. Of course, there are always the drunk males as well... I like to be around people who do not need to talk during concerts.
oh and by the way, i go to Pearl Jam concerts with my sister cuz she's a huge fan
The females you hear talking are probably the girlfriends the male fan club members insist on bringing along even though they could care less about pearl jam. Real fans wouldn't chit chat during the show (how could you even if you wanted to?). The two guys sitting infront of me the other night where clearly on E and they kept wanting to chit chat with everyone around them (not to mention hug and kiss them) they kept like tapping me on the shoulder to tell me stuff. They were guys...
pj is a frat boy band ... whether one likes that or not - it's the reality ...
Hmmm, I have seen truth to this over the years but I think it has died down more recently.
The worst case of this I witnessed personally was at Vegas 03, bunch of frat guys were running around all wearing the same self made t-shirt.
At the show they were doing the whole "drunk frat boy at a show" routine. However, when Ed started to trash Bush; they started to boo and get all rowdy. To each his own, I have no problem with people voicing a different opinion but they started to get kind of obnoxious. Also, there Last Kiss sing along was worse then Ed's rendition that night (if you were there and remember, you know what I am talking about).
this is hilarious - cuz I WAS THERE ... the fucking line to pick up tickets was ridiculous ... they played hard and fast all night ... and it was cool seeing the wilson sisters up there ...
you want to see a show with hardly any women, go to an Alice in Chains show. I went by myself (shocker! a woman going solo) and I felt like the only female there.
pj is a frat boy band ... whether one likes that or not - it's the reality ...
See now that I see as weird concept. Back in the day Pearl Jam seemed like the anti-frat boy band. I mean I was only 14 so I didn't know any actual frat boys, but the high school kids that liked them were definitely not part of the prospective frat boy set- the kids who were really into rock music and/or "grunge" if you will were the kids that weren't popular, that weren't going to the keggers on fridays, but were probably sitting around picking songs out on their guitars and scribbling in notebooks trying to be like EV. I think of frat boy music as being like DMB or something.
And one guy here said women probably don't like them because "grunge" was seen as aggressive like punk and stuff, but then someone else said it's because it's frat boy music. Which is it? Those are two opposite explanations.
It just seems so weird to me- EV especially just seems like the type of musician that would appeal so much to women.
you want to see a show with hardly any women, go to an Alice in Chains show. I went by myself (shocker! a woman going solo) and I felt like the only female there.
Thanks for the heads up - my husband and I are seeing them in Sept.
pj is a frat boy band ... whether one likes that or not - it's the reality ...
See now that I see as weird concept. Back in the day Pearl Jam seemed like the anti-frat boy band. I mean I was only 14 so I didn't know any actual frat boys, but the high school kids that liked them were definitely not part of the prospective frat boy set- the kids who were really into rock music and/or "grunge" if you will were the kids that weren't popular, that weren't going to the keggers on fridays, but were probably sitting around picking songs out on their guitars and scribbling in notebooks trying to be like EV. I think of frat boy music as being like DMB or something.
And one guy here said women probably don't like them because "grunge" was seen as aggressive like punk and stuff, but then someone else said it's because it's frat boy music. Which is it? Those are two opposite explanations.
It just seems so weird to me- EV especially just seems like the type of musician that would appeal so much to women.
besides, it's silly to think women don't like "agressive" music, plenty of us do!
i have seen pj probably more often with female friends, or a mix of friends, than with my husband. and that is rare, b/c before i started seeing pj live, mr. dream and i went to 98% of all our concerts together. then again, i never traveled around for any other band either. in any case, i traveled around italy in 2006 and 3 other countries in europe in 2007.....all with female friends, seeing pj, and yes...all my tix thru 10c. even within the states, usually when i travel for pj, i go with friends...sometimes female, sometimes male.....but we're all equally rabid fans. so you bet, i was never 'dragged' to see pj, if anything, my husband sees pj more b/c of me when they are in town, otherwise...i'm on my own!
pj is a frat boy band ... whether one likes that or not - it's the reality ...
See now that I see as weird concept. Back in the day Pearl Jam seemed like the anti-frat boy band. I mean I was only 14 so I didn't know any actual frat boys, but the high school kids that liked them were definitely not part of the prospective frat boy set- the kids who were really into rock music and/or "grunge" if you will were the kids that weren't popular, that weren't going to the keggers on fridays, but were probably sitting around picking songs out on their guitars and scribbling in notebooks trying to be like EV. I think of frat boy music as being like DMB or something.
And one guy here said women probably don't like them because "grunge" was seen as aggressive like punk and stuff, but then someone else said it's because it's frat boy music. Which is it? Those are two opposite explanations.
It just seems so weird to me- EV especially just seems like the type of musician that would appeal so much to women.
you gotta remember - when you were 14 ... a lot of the guys you see at the show were in college or university ... pearl jam was mainstream rock at a time full of pop stuff ... if you were full of testosterone - even flow and alive did the trick ... the "alternative" scene then would shun anything mainstream ... it was the pixies or sonic youth or whoever ...
the reason i love the band is because of their depth as musicians and humans but for a lot of guys - it's about rocking out, having a beer with you buddies and having a great time ... which is totally cool ... but that's a good part of the crowd ...
maybe another way to look at it is thru movies: there are chick flicks and then there are guy flicks ... one can generalize that action flicks are for guys and romance movies are for girls ... pj is more action than it is romance ...
maybe another way to look at it is thru movies: there are chick flicks and then there are guy flicks ... one can generalize that action flicks are for guys and romance movies are for girls ... pj is more action than it is romance ...
Well ok, putting aside the fact that I, and many other women, hate "chick flicks"...
Are you sure PJ is more action than romance? I would say definitely a bit of both...not romance like a chick flick mind you- one of my FAVORITE things about PJ is that they are extremely low on the love songs (seriously, other bands, come up with a new topic already) but they do have some love songs, and the ones they have aren't teenager love songs like The Airborne Toxic Event or so many of these other emo or indie rock bands...but real stories of love. You would think women would like that (or I guess, these are actually my least favorite PJ songs these days). But there's so much non-explicit romance in PJ's music, I don't even know how to describe it. Thinking back, I don't know how any 14 year-old girl on earth could not have been in love with EV, but even for grown women today, the songs are about stuff that women care about.
maybe another way to look at it is thru movies: there are chick flicks and then there are guy flicks ... one can generalize that action flicks are for guys and romance movies are for girls ... pj is more action than it is romance ...
Well ok, putting aside the fact that I, and many other women, hate "chick flicks"...
Are you sure PJ is more action than romance? I would say definitely a bit of both...not romance like a chick flick mind you- one of my FAVORITE things about PJ is that they are extremely low on the love songs (seriously, other bands, come up with a new topic already) but they do have some love songs, and the ones they have aren't teenager love songs like The Airborne Toxic Event or so many of these other emo or indie rock bands...but real stories of love. You would think women would like that (or I guess, these are actually my least favorite PJ songs these days). But there's so much non-explicit romance in PJ's music, I don't even know how to describe it. Thinking back, I don't know how any 14 year-old girl on earth could not have been in love with EV, but even for grown women today, the songs are about stuff that women care about.
pearl jam is like WALL-E to me ... in appearance it seems like one thing but when you experience it - it's much more ... humanity and heart ...
and add to that the fact that band is comprised of 5 smoking hot men...I dunno, just seems weird to me. Probably a pointless post, but I'm just on a Pearl Jam high from the weekend.
Come on now. As talented and genuine as they are, those PJ guys (with the exception of maybe Jeff since he is over 5'2) wouldn't get a second look from the girls that they do if they didn't have guitars slung over their shoulders and were famous.
To answer your original question: the percentage of solo / paired girls that you see at PJ shows is about the percentage of girls who like rock music. 95% of the girls that I have met will blare "This shit is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s" out of their cars/IPODS/whatever and love it because girls tend to go for dance music (which is music that I find repulsive -- so it seems that many dance music lovers, ie girls and Camaro-drivers, would find PJs music repulsive). It's in their genes -- it's quite similar to the math and science debate at schools everywhere (why aren't there any female engineers?) -- walk into an electrical or mechanical engineering classroom anywhere in the world and you would be hard-pressed to find 5% females. Same shit -- different category.
1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
I don't know where to start with this. First of all, Ed is attractive no matter what he is doing for a living.
And I don't know of any of my female friends that blast ""This shit is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s" out of their cars/IPODS/whatever." And the it's in their genes comment...very offensive.
Come on now. As talented and genuine as they are, those PJ guys (with the exception of maybe Jeff since he is over 5'2) wouldn't get a second look from the girls that they do if they didn't have guitars slung over their shoulders and were famous.
To answer your original question: the percentage of solo / paired girls that you see at PJ shows is about the percentage of girls who like rock music. 95% of the girls that I have met will blare "This shit is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s" out of their cars/IPODS/whatever and love it because girls tend to go for dance music (which is music that I find repulsive -- so it seems that many dance music lovers, ie girls and Camaro-drivers, would find PJs music repulsive). It's in their genes -- it's quite similar to the math and science debate at schools everywhere (why aren't there any female engineers?) -- walk into an electrical or mechanical engineering classroom anywhere in the world and you would be hard-pressed to find 5% females. Same shit -- different category.[/quote]
and add to that the fact that band is comprised of 5 smoking hot men...I dunno, just seems weird to me. Probably a pointless post, but I'm just on a Pearl Jam high from the weekend.
Come on now. As talented and genuine as they are, those PJ guys (with the exception of maybe Jeff since he is over 5'2) wouldn't get a second look from the girls that they do if they didn't have guitars slung over their shoulders and were famous.
well number 1, talent and guitars are what makes guys attractive. Number 2, these guys are, in fact, very good looking. EV is like the dreamiest guy ever- sure he's getting a little up in years but dude, he's hot, no question. Stone is like 100% my type, Jeff is just plain good-looking, Matt is like superman, and Mike has that awesome tattooed bad boy look. I think they'd get plenty of looks from women if they weren't famous.
To answer your original question: the percentage of solo / paired girls that you see at PJ shows is about the percentage of girls who like rock music. 95% of the girls that I have met will blare "This shit is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s" out of their cars/IPODS/whatever and love it because girls tend to go for dance music (which is music that I find repulsive -- so it seems that many dance music lovers, ie girls and Camaro-drivers, would find PJs music repulsive). It's in their genes -- it's quite similar to the math and science debate at schools everywhere (why aren't there any female engineers?) -- walk into an electrical or mechanical engineering classroom anywhere in the world and you would be hard-pressed to find 5% females. Same shit -- different category.
I'm a math/science person (and I work with some female engineers) and I love rock saying these things aren't in women's genes, are you implying that we're not real women?
and add to that the fact that band is comprised of 5 smoking hot men...I dunno, just seems weird to me. Probably a pointless post, but I'm just on a Pearl Jam high from the weekend.
Come on now. As talented and genuine as they are, those PJ guys (with the exception of maybe Jeff since he is over 5'2) wouldn't get a second look from the girls that they do if they didn't have guitars slung over their shoulders and were famous.
well number 1, talent and guitars are what makes guys attractive. Number 2, these guys are, in fact, very good looking. EV is like the dreamiest guy ever- sure he's getting a little up in years but dude, he's hot, no question. Stone is like 100% my type, Jeff is just plain good-looking, Matt is like superman, and Mike has that awesome tattooed bad boy look. I think they'd get plenty of looks from women if they weren't famous.
To answer your original question: the percentage of solo / paired girls that you see at PJ shows is about the percentage of girls who like rock music. 95% of the girls that I have met will blare "This shit is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s" out of their cars/IPODS/whatever and love it because girls tend to go for dance music (which is music that I find repulsive -- so it seems that many dance music lovers, ie girls and Camaro-drivers, would find PJs music repulsive). It's in their genes -- it's quite similar to the math and science debate at schools everywhere (why aren't there any female engineers?) -- walk into an electrical or mechanical engineering classroom anywhere in the world and you would be hard-pressed to find 5% females. Same shit -- different category.
I'm a math/science person (and I work with some female engineers) and I love rock saying these things aren't in women's genes, are you implying that we're not real women?
on all counts.
it's all subjective. plenty of women love pearl jam, love rock music. sure, it seems there are definitely a LOT more male fans than female....but we are out there and thus, we count.
oh and while ed gets me hot....i've always loved stone. some geeks are sexy.
totally agree with you! I love Ed but I am also attracted to Stone as well. You are right, there are more guy fans but that doesn't mean we women fans are just following boyfriends to shows and are not real fans, we do count as fans.
on all counts.
it's all subjective. plenty of women love pearl jam, love rock music. sure, it seems there are definitely a LOT more male fans than female....but we are out there and thus, we count.
oh and while ed gets me hot....i've always loved stone. some geeks are sexy.
and add to that the fact that band is comprised of 5 smoking hot men...I dunno, just seems weird to me. Probably a pointless post, but I'm just on a Pearl Jam high from the weekend.
Come on now. As talented and genuine as they are, those PJ guys (with the exception of maybe Jeff since he is over 5'2) wouldn't get a second look from the girls that they do if they didn't have guitars slung over their shoulders and were famous.
To answer your original question: the percentage of solo / paired girls that you see at PJ shows is about the percentage of girls who like rock music. 95% of the girls that I have met will blare "This shit is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s" out of their cars/IPODS/whatever and love it because girls tend to go for dance music (which is music that I find repulsive -- so it seems that many dance music lovers, ie girls and Camaro-drivers, would find PJs music repulsive). It's in their genes -- it's quite similar to the math and science debate at schools everywhere (why aren't there any female engineers?) -- walk into an electrical or mechanical engineering classroom anywhere in the world and you would be hard-pressed to find 5% females. Same shit -- different category.
I don't agree here AT ALL...I do not have one friend that does not know how to rock out with the best of them. In fact, my girlfriends and I usually plan trips around seeing bands...and I don't mean Brittany. Maybe it is my age, and they young girls just don't know shit now. All I know, is that I have about 7500 songs on my iPod and not one is a "dance" song...although 95% of them make me get up and dance my ass off, and 75% are live shows.
I will ALWAYS argue that woman "feel" the music more and are more emotionally connected to it. Rock has a TON more soul and emotion.
AND, I do agree, that there is nothing sexier than a man and a guitar...well, maybe a man and a's a finger thing. To this day, and for the last 19 years, Eddie has been my biggest guilty pleasure crush. I have NO idea how any woman could not have one. I didn't like his short hair clean cut years though. I don't know if I would have a crush if he was not onstage, though. Geez...have ya'll felt him while singing Wash...
Well, not literally felt him, but you know what I mean.
well number 1, talent and guitars are what makes guys attractive. Number 2, these guys are, in fact, very good looking. EV is like the dreamiest guy ever- sure he's getting a little up in years but dude, he's hot, no question. Stone is like 100% my type, Jeff is just plain good-looking, Matt is like superman, and Mike has that awesome tattooed bad boy look. I think they'd get plenty of looks from women if they weren't famous.
I'm a math/science person (and I work with some female engineers) and I love rock saying these things aren't in women's genes, are you implying that we're not real women?
Agreed on the talent/guitars thing. Disagree with the EV being dreamy and really disagree with the Mike as a bad-boy. I stand by my statement that they would get few looks if they weren't famous.
Congrats on being a math/science person. I am an engineer and I have worked with several female engineers as well and I am not trying to imply anything. I just know the percentages and was trying to correlate the rock and math thing for message board purposes.
1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
I don't agree here AT ALL...I do not have one friend that does not know how to rock out with the best of them. In fact, my girlfriends and I usually plan trips around seeing bands...and I don't mean Brittany. Maybe it is my age, and they young girls just don't know shit now. All I know, is that I have about 7500 songs on my iPod and not one is a "dance" song...although 95% of them make me get up and dance my ass off, and 75% are live shows.
I will ALWAYS argue that woman "feel" the music more and are more emotionally connected to it. Rock has a TON more soul and emotion.
AND, I do agree, that there is nothing sexier than a man and a guitar...well, maybe a man and a's a finger thing. To this day, and for the last 19 years, Eddie has been my biggest guilty pleasure crush. I have NO idea how any woman could not have one. I didn't like his short hair clean cut years though. I don't know if I would have a crush if he was not onstage, though. Geez...have ya'll felt him while singing Wash...
Well, not literally felt him, but you know what I mean.
You ma'am are in the very small minority in terms of taste in music as far as women go I'm sorry to report.
1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
I went to Chicago 1 solo and brought my female cousin to Chicago 2. I don't like chick flicks or dance music, and I would think that any one of those guys was at least somewhat attractive even if they weren't rock stars. So take that!
Chicago 2000 : Chicago 2003 : Chicago 2006 : Summerfest 2006 : Lollapalooza 2007 : Chicago 2009 : Noblesville (Indy) 2010 : PJ20 (East Troy) 2011 : Wrigley Field 2013 : Milwaukee (Yield) 2014 : Wrigley Field 2016
Speaking of that...
Did you hear what the mother of South African athlete Caster Semenaya, the woman's new 800m world champion has expressed her outrage at her daughter having to undergo a gender test. She said "this is a real kick in the bollocks to my daughter..."
Seen Pearl Jam 4 times in London, once in Manchester, as well as an Eddie show at Hammersmith.
I like seeing the man crush every now and again. :evil:
so is it that they are posing as fans to sound like they are cooler than they actually are, or are women generally just not as likely to go to this type of rock show?
and, as for pearl jam specifically, do women generally have the intellectual capacity to appreciate EV's genius?
my wife is a college grad and very smart in many ways, but her idea of good rock music is Bon Jovi. when i ask her why she says it's because BJ's songs are simple to understand and "he doesn't scream like EV".
i disagree 100%. most of the guys in my frat didn't even like PJ.
Seriously!!There's not a woman within a hundred and fifty yards of the venue...It's pretty scary.
I don't really know how to explain it.
The WHO sang from the perspective of angry teenage boys quite a bit -Quadrophenia, I Can't Explain, ect ect-so it's understandable that there audience would comprise more of guys than girls.
Pearl Jam on the otherhand has always confused me. I think despite the fact that much of their music lends itself to the prespective of both guys and girls, I tend to think that somehow they remain cursed by the image of "Grunge" music.
"Grunge" like Punk before it, was seen mostly as an agressive angry scene for a bunch dudes to get pissed drunk, jump around, mosh, and beat the shit out of eachother...It looked scary, and it probably scared alot of the girls away.
Afterall, I don't recall there being many girls in the audience at Black Flag shows either.
Who knows...It's possible that this kindler, gentler, poppier approach will bring more ladies to Pearl Jam shows.
I've always felt that Pearl Jam has been unfairly represented by the small portion of meatheads, fratboys, and amateur drinkers who ruin the vibe of Pearl Jam shows because they came to hear "Even Flow" and drink themselves sloppy.
I'd be more than happy to see these jock assholes vanished forever from Pearl Jam shows.
It would make more room for the ladies who just want to dance, sing, and listen to good tunes.
More Women always means more fun
See you out there.
Hmmm, I have seen truth to this over the years but I think it has died down more recently.
The worst case of this I witnessed personally was at Vegas 03, bunch of frat guys were running around all wearing the same self made t-shirt.
At the show they were doing the whole "drunk frat boy at a show" routine. However, when Ed started to trash Bush; they started to boo and get all rowdy. To each his own, I have no problem with people voicing a different opinion but they started to get kind of obnoxious. Also, there Last Kiss sing along was worse then Ed's rendition that night (if you were there and remember, you know what I am talking about).
The females you hear talking are probably the girlfriends the male fan club members insist on bringing along even though they could care less about pearl jam. Real fans wouldn't chit chat during the show (how could you even if you wanted to?). The two guys sitting infront of me the other night where clearly on E and they kept wanting to chit chat with everyone around them (not to mention hug and kiss them) they kept like tapping me on the shoulder to tell me stuff. They were guys...
this is hilarious - cuz I WAS THERE ... the fucking line to pick up tickets was ridiculous ... they played hard and fast all night ... and it was cool seeing the wilson sisters up there ...
See now that I see as weird concept. Back in the day Pearl Jam seemed like the anti-frat boy band. I mean I was only 14 so I didn't know any actual frat boys, but the high school kids that liked them were definitely not part of the prospective frat boy set- the kids who were really into rock music and/or "grunge" if you will were the kids that weren't popular, that weren't going to the keggers on fridays, but were probably sitting around picking songs out on their guitars and scribbling in notebooks trying to be like EV. I think of frat boy music as being like DMB or something.
And one guy here said women probably don't like them because "grunge" was seen as aggressive like punk and stuff, but then someone else said it's because it's frat boy music. Which is it? Those are two opposite explanations.
It just seems so weird to me- EV especially just seems like the type of musician that would appeal so much to women.
Thanks for the heads up - my husband and I are seeing them in Sept.
besides, it's silly to think women don't like "agressive" music, plenty of us do!
i have seen pj probably more often with female friends, or a mix of friends, than with my husband. and that is rare, b/c before i started seeing pj live, mr. dream and i went to 98% of all our concerts together. then again, i never traveled around for any other band either. in any case, i traveled around italy in 2006 and 3 other countries in europe in 2007.....all with female friends, seeing pj, and yes...all my tix thru 10c. even within the states, usually when i travel for pj, i go with friends...sometimes female, sometimes male.....but we're all equally rabid fans. so you bet, i was never 'dragged' to see pj, if anything, my husband sees pj more b/c of me when they are in town, otherwise...i'm on my own!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
you gotta remember - when you were 14 ... a lot of the guys you see at the show were in college or university ... pearl jam was mainstream rock at a time full of pop stuff ... if you were full of testosterone - even flow and alive did the trick ... the "alternative" scene then would shun anything mainstream ... it was the pixies or sonic youth or whoever ...
the reason i love the band is because of their depth as musicians and humans but for a lot of guys - it's about rocking out, having a beer with you buddies and having a great time ... which is totally cool ... but that's a good part of the crowd ...
maybe another way to look at it is thru movies: there are chick flicks and then there are guy flicks ... one can generalize that action flicks are for guys and romance movies are for girls ... pj is more action than it is romance ...
Well ok, putting aside the fact that I, and many other women, hate "chick flicks"...
Are you sure PJ is more action than romance? I would say definitely a bit of both...not romance like a chick flick mind you- one of my FAVORITE things about PJ is that they are extremely low on the love songs (seriously, other bands, come up with a new topic already) but they do have some love songs, and the ones they have aren't teenager love songs like The Airborne Toxic Event or so many of these other emo or indie rock bands...but real stories of love. You would think women would like that (or I guess, these are actually my least favorite PJ songs these days). But there's so much non-explicit romance in PJ's music, I don't even know how to describe it. Thinking back, I don't know how any 14 year-old girl on earth could not have been in love with EV, but even for grown women today, the songs are about stuff that women care about.
pearl jam is like WALL-E to me ... in appearance it seems like one thing but when you experience it - it's much more ... humanity and heart ...
Come on now. As talented and genuine as they are, those PJ guys (with the exception of maybe Jeff since he is over 5'2) wouldn't get a second look from the girls that they do if they didn't have guitars slung over their shoulders and were famous.
To answer your original question: the percentage of solo / paired girls that you see at PJ shows is about the percentage of girls who like rock music. 95% of the girls that I have met will blare "This shit is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s" out of their cars/IPODS/whatever and love it because girls tend to go for dance music (which is music that I find repulsive -- so it seems that many dance music lovers, ie girls and Camaro-drivers, would find PJs music repulsive). It's in their genes -- it's quite similar to the math and science debate at schools everywhere (why aren't there any female engineers?) -- walk into an electrical or mechanical engineering classroom anywhere in the world and you would be hard-pressed to find 5% females. Same shit -- different category.
And I don't know of any of my female friends that blast ""This shit is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s" out of their cars/IPODS/whatever." And the it's in their genes comment...very offensive.
Come on now. As talented and genuine as they are, those PJ guys (with the exception of maybe Jeff since he is over 5'2) wouldn't get a second look from the girls that they do if they didn't have guitars slung over their shoulders and were famous.
To answer your original question: the percentage of solo / paired girls that you see at PJ shows is about the percentage of girls who like rock music. 95% of the girls that I have met will blare "This shit is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s" out of their cars/IPODS/whatever and love it because girls tend to go for dance music (which is music that I find repulsive -- so it seems that many dance music lovers, ie girls and Camaro-drivers, would find PJs music repulsive). It's in their genes -- it's quite similar to the math and science debate at schools everywhere (why aren't there any female engineers?) -- walk into an electrical or mechanical engineering classroom anywhere in the world and you would be hard-pressed to find 5% females. Same shit -- different category.[/quote]
well number 1, talent and guitars are what makes guys attractive. Number 2, these guys are, in fact, very good looking. EV is like the dreamiest guy ever- sure he's getting a little up in years but dude, he's hot, no question. Stone is like 100% my type, Jeff is just plain good-looking, Matt is like superman, and Mike has that awesome tattooed bad boy look. I think they'd get plenty of looks from women if they weren't famous.
I'm a math/science person (and I work with some female engineers) and I love rock saying these things aren't in women's genes, are you implying that we're not real women?
on all counts.
it's all subjective. plenty of women love pearl jam, love rock music. sure, it seems there are definitely a LOT more male fans than female....but we are out there and thus, we count.
oh and while ed gets me hot....i've always loved stone. some geeks are sexy.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
on all counts.
it's all subjective. plenty of women love pearl jam, love rock music. sure, it seems there are definitely a LOT more male fans than female....but we are out there and thus, we count.
oh and while ed gets me hot....i've always loved stone. some geeks are sexy.
ok u got 1 example but i'll need waaay more than just one
and um the beatles is in itself a one off...and they were NOT a rock band in the beginning days, IMO. pop music is not rock. the white album is rock.
I don't agree here AT ALL...I do not have one friend that does not know how to rock out with the best of them. In fact, my girlfriends and I usually plan trips around seeing bands...and I don't mean Brittany. Maybe it is my age, and they young girls just don't know shit now. All I know, is that I have about 7500 songs on my iPod and not one is a "dance" song...although 95% of them make me get up and dance my ass off, and 75% are live shows.
I will ALWAYS argue that woman "feel" the music more and are more emotionally connected to it. Rock has a TON more soul and emotion.
AND, I do agree, that there is nothing sexier than a man and a guitar...well, maybe a man and a's a finger thing. To this day, and for the last 19 years, Eddie has been my biggest guilty pleasure crush. I have NO idea how any woman could not have one. I didn't like his short hair clean cut years though. I don't know if I would have a crush if he was not onstage, though. Geez...have ya'll felt him while singing Wash...
Well, not literally felt him, but you know what I mean.
Agreed on the talent/guitars thing. Disagree with the EV being dreamy and really disagree with the Mike as a bad-boy. I stand by my statement that they would get few looks if they weren't famous.
Congrats on being a math/science person. I am an engineer and I have worked with several female engineers as well and I am not trying to imply anything. I just know the percentages and was trying to correlate the rock and math thing for message board purposes.