farewell to Ten Club (long)



  • Did you enjoy the gig in the end? Or did rage clog your ears?
    Last words. Last words out.
    No one is legally obligated to accept a proxy letter unless they choose to do so. No laws were broken. In terms of "hidden tickets", there are always a bunch of seats held-back to accommodate guests of the band, industry people, etc. It is commonplace for such tickets to be released even after the headliner has come onstage. Those tix are not under the control of the 10c
  • OceanStoneOceanStone Posts: 333
    SolarWorld wrote:
    joeroberts wrote:
    Prior to post it, I sent the message to 3 addresses of the fan club. Should you're interested, I'll keep you updated on their reply, although I won't bet a dime on a reasonable one.

    You should have waited for a response, they might have made it right.

    +1, I would really love to see how 10C reply, keep us updated, will you?
  • DanimalDanimal Posts: 2,000
    Wow! I wonder why 10c singled you out...they have made a MILLION exceptions in the past!

    And whoever said that your friend should have "confirmed with his doctor"...that shit was hilarious!!!

    Seriously, I come to this board because of the free comedy.
    "I don't believe in PJ fans but I believe there is something, not too sure what." - Thoughts_Arrive

  • luxpjamerluxpjamer Posts: 837
    Danimal wrote:
    Wow! I wonder why 10c singled you out...they have made a MILLION exceptions in the past!

    And whoever said that your friend should have "confirmed with his doctor"...that shit was hilarious!!!

    Seriously, I come to this board because of the free comedy.
    I really feel with the poor guy.
    In France they say : "le client est roi" which means the customer is king. Ten Club should have enough experience to manage these kind of situations. There you have an 10c member with enough documents to prove his story and the responsable person isn't even listening to him. Sorry that's poor !
    On the other side this may have been a shitty situation but normally 10c is working very well. So don't blame the whole 10c I'm sure they'll answer you and find a solution !
    Beavis : Is this Pearl Jam?
    Butt-head: This guy makes faces like Eddie Vedder.
    Beavis: No, Eddie Vedder makes faces like this guy.
    Butt-head: I heard these guys, like, came first and Pearl Jam ripped them off.
    Beavis: No, Pearl Jam came first.
    Butt-head: Well, they both suck.
  • KinseyKinsey Posts: 197

    Be sure that you follow this up. I hope your friend is also up to pursuing 10c on this issue. With all of the communication that you say happened between your side and 10c, and the assurance that with a proxy letter and the necessary i.d., you should not have been treated this way.

    Certainly the attitude that you report from the 10c's representative was appalling. For all those who are posting about 10c rules and guidelines, 10c have put themselves on shaky legal ground by confirming a transfer verbally and then denying it. A proxy letter, signed by the original purchaser, is a sound legal device. Reasonable people would also agree that simple common sense dictates that life will sometiomes throw up obstacles to attending a gig, for which tickets have been purchased months in advance. Ownership should be transferable. The original purchaser even confirmed his transfer on the phone!! That point seems to have been lost by those defending 10c hiding behind their rules and regulations.

    Consider as well the, in my view, ridiculous requirement that pairs of tickets muct be purchased by 10c. What if you have bought tickets, organised to bring a friend and then had to cancel due to illness, bereavement, etc? Where does that leave your friend? I've been going to PJ gigs for 13 years, and always with the one friend. For London, he had to pull out just before. What if it had been me that had to pull out? The tickets were in my name.

    I hope that the OP gets some justice on this.
    When we found the things we loved,
    They were crushed and dying in the dirt.
    We tried to pick up the pieces,
    And get away without getting hurt,
    But they caught us at the state line,
    And burned our cars in one last fight,
    And left us running burned and blind,
    Chasing something in the night.
  • twojawastwojawas Posts: 318
    Scott36 wrote:
    Anyone siding with the Ten Club here seriously needs to get off their knees and think rationally for a minute. Most everyone on this board is of the opinion that Pearl Jam and the Ten Club can do no wrong. This situation is absolute fucking bullshit, and I'd be damn pissed too. Sorry you had to deal with that shit, Riccardo. I can certainly understand why you never want to deal with the Ten Club again. I'd be absolutely livid if everything had been confirmed on the phone, and I'd booked a flight to fly in for the show, and then arrived to deal with what you faced. Hopefully you will be able to see PJ again some day, but it sounds like it certainly won't be anytime soon.

    I'm with you. Sorry Riccardo. People are shit.
  • Finally, you can’t finish a discussion simply saying “this conversation is over.” Never! Believe me, if we weren’t in such a situation and my target was not attending a show for which I’d flied overnight, maybe the conversation would have been finished but Karen surely would have left with the mark of my hand on her cheek, since I don’t admit even from my parents to shut my mouth this way.

    again, the only people who know how this exchange went down are the two people involved. But what I read above is not a rational reaction to what was described - seriously, you would have hit this woman in the face for something she said ? :?
    There's a lot to be said for nowhere...
  • DanimalDanimal Posts: 2,000
    I think you should have brought the X-ray of the broken leg...
    "I don't believe in PJ fans but I believe there is something, not too sure what." - Thoughts_Arrive

  • Welcome to how the "rules" work in North America Riccardo. It's all black and white with no room to maneuver in between. Common sense rarely applies. I assume T0C applies them this way to avoid hassle, but clearly that doesn't work either, they have to understand that shit happens sometimes, but I understand that it's hard to weed out the real situations from the fakers. I'm sorry things didn't work out exactly as planned, but glad you got to see the show.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    You were treated like crap. I wouldn't quit 10c over it, but Karen should have used common sense instead of going by the books.

    10c should reimberse you somehow. Free flight and show of your choice should be what they should do. I would definitely keep on them about this. Don't quit the club though. Great band and a lot of great people run it.
  • pdalowskypdalowsky Doncaster,UK Posts: 15,097
    Dude this lady was a representative of 10c, but dont tar them all with the same brush right?

    Tenclub are usually very helpful, they made some clear policies this tour re tickets which are very different to 2007. By reading them this whole situation could have been avoided. Sure they may have told you otherwise and thats disappointing, but if the message didnt get through to the lady you spoke to how was she to know?

    Of course common sense should kick in, but how many people do you think try it on with them? they;ve heard it all before. I'm not saying you are one of these by the way, I believe everything you posted here, but they will get this stuff all the time.

    The hard line may have been the wrong way for them to go, but at the end you got in, saw a stunning show, so dont cut your nose off to spite your face. tenclub is a great club, and one you should remain in.
  • Welcome to how the "rules" work in North America Riccardo. It's all black and white with no room to maneuver in between. Common sense rarely applies. I assume T0C applies them this way to avoid hassle, but clearly that doesn't work either, they have to understand that shit happens sometimes, but I understand that it's hard to weed out the real situations from the fakers. I'm sorry things didn't work out exactly as planned, but glad you got to see the show.

    You got the real point, CS!
    I remember back in 2003, attending Bruce's shows at Giants Stadium, a guy been thrown out by security after the man on the row behind him called them. Do you want to know why? He was standing next to his seat (he was the first one on that row) instead of being right in front of it. In the opinion of the motherfucker he had behind him, in case of fire he was in the middle of the emergency exit. He tried to explain to the security staff that he was there since the guy in front of him was taller and he was not seeing the stage and that, in case of an emergency, he would have simply escaped quicker.
    No way, they had their fucking rules to follow and throw him away.

    Actually, I don't know what happened to the man who called 'em.

  • :idea: Got any cool shit in your collection that you wanna unload cheap? And yeah, how was the show?
    The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever. Because this is just a ride." And we...kill those people. "Shut him up! I've got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok? But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.
    --Bill Hicks
  • kevtickevtic Posts: 133
    edited August 2009
    Very interesting opening post from Riccardo. I also couldn't attend the London show after buying tickets. When i bought the tickets I was good to go but factors intervened and it became impossible to go. I contacted the 10club at the time when i wasn't sure if I could go or not and they said under no circumstances could i transfer tickets.

    When i officially couldn't make it I tried again. A member on here needed tickets so i asked if i could transfer those tickets to their membership and was told no. I even then said could they give them to them for nothing as it didn't make any sense for someone to miss out if tickets were going spare. Again i was told no. At no point was it even intimated that i could transfer them by a proxy letter.

    Ultimately this didn't work for Riccardo anyway but my question is why the confusion and double standards? i was approx £100 down on the deal surely there must be a simple way of releasing tickets back into the 10c for purchase by other 10c members especially if a show is sold out. After all we all pay a membership fee each year. I understand transferring tickets between members direct could have the potential to be scalped but I think you would be called on it if you tried to scalp to a 10c member.

    I think in the main the 10c do a great job but a little flexibility or a little more customer care would go a long way.
    Post edited by kevtic on
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    Finally, you can’t finish a discussion simply saying “this conversation is over.” Never! Believe me, if we weren’t in such a situation and my target was not attending a show for which I’d flied overnight, maybe the conversation would have been finished but Karen surely would have left with the mark of my hand on her cheek, since I don’t admit even from my parents to shut my mouth this way.

    again, the only people who know how this exchange went down are the two people involved. But what I read above is not a rational reaction to what was described - seriously, you would have hit this woman in the face for something she said ? :?
    i agree

    yea cause hitting a woman is really rational. how much of a man are you to hit a woman over concert tickets. i for one don't feel sorry for you after that part.
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

  • swardsward Posts: 586
    I feel bad for you guys that this happened. But my experience tells me that when we only get the story from the scorned, that some essential details are missing. Believe me, I am not saying it didn't go down this way, but often times the subtleties about why it transpired a certain way are lacking. Here's to hoping everyone involved learned a little something.
  • PlanktonPlankton Posts: 692
    As far as I see it, under normal circumstances, rules and rules - can't go because of a broken leg? Well that sucks. It's just one of those things. (Like, having a broken leg in general is pretty crappy)

    The only thing that makes this different is if he was told beforehand by 10C that something could be done about it, which apparently he was. Owing to that, I think somewhere 10C has been very unfair. To blame Karen, however is probably not fair.
  • vedder_soupvedder_soup Posts: 5,861
    the 10c usually don't like the public airing of dirty laundry like the OP's on here, especially when they may have not had a chance to reply to the correspondence yet.

    yes, it sucks that your friend broke his leg, yes it sucks that common sense did not prevail, but as has been pointed out, it is noted that when you purchase tickets, you agree to the terms of the sale, that there are no refunds and no transfers.

    i have been on the receiving end of this policy previously, and i did not make the show. The 10c has my business still, the travel agent that stuffed up my flights, meaning that i missed the show does not :lol:
    2003 - Sydney x3,
    2006 - Reading Festival,
    2007 - Katowice, London, Nijmegen, Rock Werchter,
    2008 - MSG x2, Hartford, Mansfield x2, Beacon Theater,
    2009 - Melbourne, Sydney,
    2010 - I watched it go to fire!
    2011 - EV Brisbane x3, Newcastle, Sydney x3,
    2012 - Manchester x 2, Amsterdam x2, Prague, Berlin x2, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen,
    2014 - Sydney, EV Sydney x3

    I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,786
    I believe its possible that there is a miscommunication somewhere at the level of the friend with the broken leg. Either with Riccardo here or the 10 Club. As far as I have heard, 10c does not make transfers happen under any circumstances.
  • morgie2morgie2 Posts: 1,065
    With all due respect, what part of this statement didn't you get :

    "IMPORTANT: The tickets will be available at the venue ticket window under the MEMBER'S FIRST AND LAST NAME and NOT the name on the credit card. You cannot transfer a Ten Club ticket purchase to any other name besides the name registered to your account" ?

    Could they, should they have done something to help you, maybe (probably), but the bottom line is the purchase was made with these rules very well known to all. As much as I feel badly, and I sincerely do, for your plight, you and your friend need to take some responsibility. As awful as this may sound, it's not their fault you friend broke his leg. I believe the rules are in place to try and stop scalping and sometimes nice people like you get caught in the wake. I hope you reconsidered your decision, but if not, best of luck.
    Boston II 94 Boston II 06 Mansfield I 08 Mansfield II 08 Seattle I 09 Seattle II 09
    Hartford 10 Boston 10 Wrigley 13 Worcester I 13 Worcester II 13 Hartford 13
    NYC I 16 NYC II 16 Fenway I 16 Fenway II 16  Fenway 1 18  Fenway II 18
    E.V. Boston II 08 E.V. Albany II 09 E.V. Providence 11, E.V. Boston 11
    Troubled Souls Unite
  • the 10c usually don't like the public airing of dirty laundry like the OP's on here, especially when they may have not had a chance to reply to the correspondence yet.

    As I've mentioned somewhere before, I've sent yesterday this message directly to 4 different addresses of 10c.
    Plenty of time to reply then, considering that seattle is 9 hours back.
    Anyway, I don't really care whether they like public airing or not.

  • DanimalDanimal Posts: 2,000
    Wait a minute...you didn't try to pick up the tickets wearing a ski mask, did you?
    "I don't believe in PJ fans but I believe there is something, not too sure what." - Thoughts_Arrive

  • Danimal wrote:
    Wait a minute...you didn't try to pick up the tickets wearing a ski mask, did you?

    uhm... no, I really didn't think about this possible scenario... maybe next time...

    Seriously, if I had showed the original ID card of my friend, I wouldn't have any problem to get the tickets, how accurately they were during control process.
  • benjsbenjs Toronto, ON Posts: 9,225
    morgie2 wrote:
    With all due respect, what part of this statement didn't you get :

    "IMPORTANT: The tickets will be available at the venue ticket window under the MEMBER'S FIRST AND LAST NAME and NOT the name on the credit card. You cannot transfer a Ten Club ticket purchase to any other name besides the name registered to your account" ?

    Could they, should they have done something to help you, maybe (probably), but the bottom line is the purchase was made with these rules very well known to all. As much as I feel badly, and I sincerely do, for your plight, you and your friend need to take some responsibility. As awful as this may sound, it's not their fault you friend broke his leg. I believe the rules are in place to try and stop scalping and sometimes nice people like you get caught in the wake. I hope you reconsidered your decision, but if not, best of luck.
    With all due respect, the employees at the Ten Club are above these rules - as they collectively wrote them - and had they chosen to help the OP out, they would've, and I trust that. This all seems a bit unusual to me - I've only heard of 10C doing a transfer where the recipient would have his tickets envelope there waiting with his or her name on it - none of this proxy letter stuff. This seems like one of many half-stories floating around this board, and I'm not going to pass judgment on anything here because it's inconsiderate to the Ten Club, and even to the selling party. In any case, to summarize what I'm trying to say: There are rules. There are exceptions. This sounds like an oddly planned exception, and I'm not too sure whether 10C would have organized this that way, as I've never heard of them doing a transfer that way.
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
  • mach271mach271 Posts: 562
    shawndyer wrote:
    Yes! I just moved to numbers lower. Thanks Riccardo

  • 100 Pacer100 Pacer Toronto, ON Posts: 9,071
    SolarWorld wrote:
    I like all these bold NO EXCEPTIONS people keep posting. Problem is... ten club HAS made exceptions in the past. It is not unheard of for them to help someone out that has say, broken their leg and cannot make the show.

    while it's true that 10C has made exceptions in the past, they inevitably had to draw the line somewhere because members were taking advantage of the transfer policy even when it was being conducted on the DL. in any case, yes the 10C can still make an exception to the rule, but it becomes increasingly difficult for them to do so and rightfully so,...
    To quote the 10C from Newsletter #8: "Please understand we have a lot of members and it is very hard to please everybody. If you are one of those unhappy people...please call 1-900-IDN-TCAR."

    "Me knowing the truth, I can not concur."

    1996: Toronto - 1998: Chicago, Montreal, Barrie - 2000: Montreal, Toronto - 2002: Seattle X2 (Key Arena) - 2003: Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal, Seattle (Benaroya Hall) - 2004: Reading, Toledo, Grand Rapids - 2005: Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec City - 2006: Toronto X2, Albany, Hartford, Grand Rapids, Cleveland - 2007: Chicago (Vic Theatre) - 2008: NYC X2, Hartford, Mansfield X2 - 2009: Toronto, Chicago X2, Seattle X2, Philadelphia X4 - 2010: Columbus, Noblesville, Cleveland, Buffalo, Hartford - 2011: Montreal, Toronto X2, Ottawa, Hamilton - 2012: Missoula - 2013: London, Chicago, Buffalo, Hartford - 2014: Detroit, Moline - 2015: NYC (Global Citizen Festival) - 2016: Greenville, Toronto X2, Chicago 1 - 2017: Brooklyn (RRHOF Induction) - 2018: Chicago 1, Boston 1 - 2022: Fresno, Ottawa, Hamilton, Toronto, NYC, Camden - 2023: St. Paul X2, Austin X2 - 2024: Vancouver X2, Portland, Sacramento, Missoula, Noblesville, Philadelphia X2, Baltimore - 2025: Hollywood X2, Atlanta 2, Nashville X2, Pittsburgh X2
  • dislocateddislocated Posts: 599
    shawndyer wrote:
    Yes! I just moved to numbers lower. Thanks Riccardo

  • FlaggFlagg Posts: 5,856
    One point he made though has always bugged me. What does happen to the tickets that go unclaimed because someone could not go to the show and 10C won't allow a transfer? Do they resell them or do they just go unused?

    10C should allow transfers. They used to do it. They should now. I can't imagine too many people request.
    BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
    MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
    ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
    Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
  • benjsbenjs Toronto, ON Posts: 9,225
    Flagg wrote:
    One point he made though has always bugged me. What does happen to the tickets that go unclaimed because someone could not go to the show and 10C won't allow a transfer? Do they resell them or do they just go unused?

    10C should allow transfers. They used to do it. They should now. I can't imagine too many people request.
    I'm sure if your heart's in the right place when you go to them, they'll understand. I would imagine anyways.
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
This discussion has been closed.