i should have been more clear here, I mean they were telling us to sit down after entering the standing area. sitting on the arena floor, legs crossed from 5pm to 7.30. wierd as hell
Blimey that's a bit extreme...did you have to put your hand up if you wanted to go to the toilet or ask a question? ...it's like being at school that is
Maybe they didn't want people flaking out and hitting the deck in the heat because it was like a furnace in there...anyone else come back with a rasping cough?...both me and the husband had a tight feeling in our chest the next day...the air was a bit stale in the arena (to say the least) add that to the overwhelming smell of those who are strangers to a can of Lynx (yes you Mr Stinky to my right) and it was hard to breathe.
Listen to me moaning...why am I doing that?...it was bloody brilliant in there
It makes much more sense to live in the present tense
Still managed to have the best gig ever! Also hi to all those fellow jammers we met, especially James an darren at the "park inn" .James hope you enjoyed the 02 gig.
Hey man,
James here from park inn, ya o2 was absolutely amazing, ended up going solo in the end but still had one of the best times of my live! It was great meeting ye; late, late beers was a great idea!!
Hello to the others I met too, Halil in park inn, Donna and Alison at the travelodge in London, the others I had chats with here and there, was a great few days followed by spending a day beering down by the Thames with a friend of mine from home yesterdey who's now living there, just at home now, wishing to go back and do it again!!
Well, just joined the club. I'm a very bad fan really, I've listened to PJ music over the years, apart from quite a number of years when there wasn't much opportunity to listen to music really unless it accompanied Thomas the Tank engine, Noddy or The Tweenies, we've also had the Crazy Frog and the High School Musical period. Mind you, for a couple of years early on I did think that PJ had done a song called 'Even Though' (well that's how I was singing it) and until a month or so ago I thought it was a dog on the front of Vs then my husband told me it was a sheep (is it a sheep? not sure yet, could be a poodle?) - I really must pay more attention to the covers. I also hadn't actually seen what the band looked like until maybe 5 years ago (ok so I must have been living in a cave or something).
Anyway, as a PJ music lover in my own uninformed way, I was very excited when I saw the tickets on sale for Manchester - I'd never managed to go previously although my husband had seen them years ago at Finsbury Park supporting Neil Young, family committments etc. So we booked what tickets we could get (ones with lots of exclamation marks beside rear view) - they were also a birthday pressie to me - and waited in anticipation for the day. As it got closer I started to feel a little nervous about it, thinking that perhaps it would be absolute pap, I'd heard they were great live, but hey none of us are getting any younger (me either at 42), maybe I should have just continued listening to the albums.
Then the night came, after work, getting our son sorted and a long drive (I guess not too bad really - shouldn't really complain) and bloody hell it was totally amazing!!! The performance was fantastic, the setlist was just right, a good mix of everything, they played songs I could only have dreamed of seeing live (Sleight of Hand, In Hiding - prob too many to mention). The atmosphere was great. Our seats, which we thought would be crap were actually quite brilliant they were to the left of the stage and really close, so we had a great view of everything.
I guess I would just like to thank the band and everyone there for making it a night that far exceeded my expectations. I've joined the club so I can find out about more tour dates as I definetely would go again, get the bootlegs and perhaps just be a little more enlightened (still unsure about the dog thing). I have one apology to pass on to Eddie, we were standing right over the bands exit at the end of the last encore, which was amazing. But as Eddie left he looked up at me and my husband as we were clapping etc (I do believe we made eye contact - that may have been wishful thinking), but unfortunately I was rather hot and sweaty and I believe I may have dripped sweat onto his head (he probably wouldn't have noticed, but I felt a bit bad about it). So apologies. But once again thank you to all for a truly memorable night and sorry for rambling on.
simonorton great pics.. i was standing around the same area as you.. not even 100% sure but i think i see my cousin who was standing behind me in your pics...
Wicked ! Then you can pass them off as yours ! I have a shed load more but these were the best couple. PM me if you want to see some more ...
"If I knew where it was I would take you there ... there's much more than this"
Manchester 92, 09, 12 (x2) London 96, 00 (x2), 06, 07, 09, 10 Reading 06 Arras 10 Alpine Valley 11 (x2) Prague 12 Berlin 12 Leeds 14 Milton Keynes 14
but I really thought it was a good idea. It meant that 10C members who had early entry could go in and sit comfortably instead of having for stand from 5.45pm just to get front row. When they opened the doors to the general public people rushed in to try and get down the front and the 'bums on floor' policy meant that they had not chance to get there and no chance to just crush people from behind. I know it seemed a bit silly but as a safety measure and a way of ensuring that 10C early entry ticket holders got what they 'deserved / paid for' it was excellent.
Couldn't agree more - it was a great idea - plus it gave us some leg restage time. Was great. Wouldn't have called the security particularly stroppy, they just got this job done - why hasn't anyone thought of it before !
The turds that DID annoy me were the drunk bunch of lads who steamed in tanked up between Gomez an PJ. Thoroughly obnoxious, especially the lad with the mohawk and the SOLAT sign - barging people out of the way all pints and elbows and clearly upsetting and yes, scaring, people all around. He asked some others for a cigarette - and one guy gave him a couple ..why bloody encourage these twits ?! He then starts holding his sign up, elbows all in my face so I had a word ...
"Yeah, but it's my first time seeing them".
" I know, I can tell ...."
"If I knew where it was I would take you there ... there's much more than this"
Manchester 92, 09, 12 (x2) London 96, 00 (x2), 06, 07, 09, 10 Reading 06 Arras 10 Alpine Valley 11 (x2) Prague 12 Berlin 12 Leeds 14 Milton Keynes 14
reminding me of JA/NIN, would have loved for JA to have been the support act for PJ as I thought they got treated poorly with NIN despite the shared billing - as in where we were sat, 110, the whole back block was pretty much empty, and even at the front there didn't seem much enthusiasm and you could see it reflected back
The sound was really poor for them which didn't help nor the change to the songs, we left the gig totally gutted - and they didn't play Jane Says
Hey I'm another one back on the board after a little absence, but after that show I'm totally fired up again and had to join so I could add to the ramblings.
Firstly that was definetely the best show I have seen PJ play others being Wembley , Leeds Festival and MEN previous. Others Have written glowing reviews far better than I could ( especially that 17 yr old dude , well done mate) . A few points to add to recent comments though, we had no issues with staff and our whole section in the gods was leaping around.
I've never had this feeling after a gig though and I'm 41, but I feel a strange sence of loss or longing or something ,like losing a girlfriend , its weird . Explaining how great the show was to people who obviously couldn't care less........Basically please come back guys.
Loved the whole vibe in Manchester, loads of fans from all over made for a great atmosphere across the city, very friendly everyone I met. I actually think that is what has made these short series of shows so special because the real fans from across Europe travelled to see them and made a big effort to really enjoy it.
Even if PJ do come back and play Glasgow I think I would choose to go to the Manchester show to get the "away day vibe"
By the way I was the Twat in the Walkabout with the poster tube air guitar at 3am, eh Hi and sorry to all i "met" :oops:
My wife wasn't impressed but I great nite.
Cheers .
Forgot to say , thanks for the photos Mr Simon Norton , checked out your other ones too, You get around a bit don't you?
Also Wheres the Dunkman, is he not back yet? Looked out for you but no luck, any badges left?
I'm listening to Live at the Gorge, drinking red wine....to try to numb the pain of not seeing any more PJ gigs for lord knows how long. I'm not sure if the Gorge CD is a help or a hindrance..makes me want to be there...sigh! Nobody but people on this forum seem to understand how I feel!
No time to be void...or save up on life; you gotta spend it all...
First chance to post, and first off I want to say I'm delighted that so many of you had a great night!
For me it was a gig of two very contrasting halves! We started off about 10 rows back on stones side but had to move after about 5 songs as the heat was like nothing I've ever experienced. A bit further back the view was cool and the screens were great.
I thought the lads were a bit all over the shop for the first half. To me ed seemed manic and not in a good way, he was up and down like a yoyo and god love that roadie! Jeff was defo shootin ed daggers at one stage and it all seemed a bit disjointed.
I honestly at one point was thinking how is this the same band that I saw less than a week earlier in sbe. Normally when the band walk on stage and begin playing, the hairs on the back of my neck stand and stay that way throughout. the crowd also seemed a bit all over the place.
Then theY started RVM and all went straight upfrom there! What a gucking version that was, defo THE best I ever heard and it just kept building. By the end I was feeling yes this is the band I love so much.
It's all so subjective I know but for me it was z funny old night anx I truely am delighted so many of you enjoyed it so much, that's the beautybof this band.
On a separete note I am over the moon for barbara getting smile and the dedication, if ever a pj deserved it, it's babs!
It was great catching up with old friends and making new ones!
London Brixton '93 / Reading Festival '95 (w/Neil Young) / London Wembley '96 / Manchester '09 / Boston, Newark, MSG2, London Hyde Park, Rock Werchter, Bilbao '10
Astoria 20/04/06, Leeds 25/08/06, Prague 22/09/06, Wembley 18/06/07,
Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.
Did anyone else see the lad with the green earplugs in?...he was to the right of the stage by the barrier?
What was all that about?...wearing earplugs to a gig?
It wasn't me but I wear attenuating earplugs to every gig I go to (as do several of my friends) I already have permanent tinnitus and wish I'd started wearing them to gigs earlier
Believe it or not you can actually hear the gig clearer with them in ... which helps a lot with understanding Mr Vedder's mumblings
I’ve been reading with some interest these fanviews since returning from Manchester on Tuesday. It certainly seem like there are some differing view points upon this show.
For me personally, this was the 3rd greatest Pearl Jam show I’ve attended, coming in behind the London Astoria show and the second night at New York City Madison Square Garden last summer.
The set list was definitely above average. I thought it was perfectly pitched somewhere between a greatest shows and a rarities show. Highlights for me were seeing In Hiding and Not For You for the first time plus Rear View Mirror, a near tear-wrenching version of Black and that blistering version of Leash. This was easily the best time I’ve seen them do RVM and Indifference as a closer worked much better than it did at London in 2007 and in New York last year.
It did seem like Eddie wasn’t enjoying himself all that much though. When he walked off stage after the first encore, he shielded his face with his lyric book and he practically ran off stage before the last note of Indifference had even faded. You could see Matt especially looking a little perplexed that they weren’t going to do the traditional set ending bow.
I’ve read a lot of people levelling a lot of criticism at the crowd, particularly in the standing area for being so rough. I got jeered at by some folk when I told them I’d bought seats for this show after I had a horrible crowd experience at the Dublin show in 2006 and it was clearly the right choice. The atmosphere in the Ten Club seats of section 115 was great. Everyone stood up for the whole show and was 100% in to it. I was stood next to a guy from Chicago who got very excited when Stone picked up the bass for Smile. Also the volume of the crowd when the lights went out was nearly deafening. I thought the crowd, in the seats at least, were really good. I do have sympathy for those who were bullied in the standing crowd. I know how much it can ruin a show.
For me it was weird seeing the band play without my lovely wife beside me who has travelled the globe with me watching this band. Unfortunately she couldn’t go to this show as she is almost 8 months pregnant so I count myself lucky that I got to see even this show this year.
Overall, I thought it was a wildly intense show with a very fast and punchy feeling to it. Not the best time I’ve seen the band play but probably the loudest and hardest.
A democracy on paper, apparently well ordered, regularly subverted by irrational chaos.
Manchester - 4/6/2000
London - 20/4/2006
Dublin - 23/8/2006
London - 18/6/2007
New York City - 24/6/2008
New York City - 25/6/2008 - we will be "what is up" New York
Manchester - 18/8/2009
Did anyone else see the lad with the green earplugs in?...he was to the right of the stage by the barrier?
What was all that about?...wearing earplugs to a gig?
It wasn't me but I wear attenuating earplugs to every gig I go to (as do several of my friends) I already have permanent tinnitus and wish I'd started wearing them to gigs earlier
Believe it or not you can actually hear the gig clearer with them in ... which helps a lot with understanding Mr Vedder's mumblings
It's far too late for me...fast approaching the age of 43 my ears are knackered...far too much loud music from my formative teens to date...I can only hear music these days if it's loud. :(
It makes much more sense to live in the present tense
The crowd was definitely rough in the middle towards the front, but aside from the usual few dicks acting like buffoons I thought the crowd was stellar. Once we moved a little bit to the right near Stone we had more room and it was a great spot. We could still jump up and down and dance with a bit of room without knocking anyone too much and bothering them. The only reason we eventually moved towards the back of the floor was because it was just too hot.
Being able to see the entire crowd from the back was amazing and eveybody was so loud. When the lights went out to signal the band coming out, it was such a deafening roar. Not quite Milan 2006 but still ridiculously loud.
I don't know why people keep saying Ed didn't seem to be enjoying himself. Aside from getting frustrated once or twice because of the tech problems he seemed in a great mood. He was chatty, especially during the encores.
It usually takes me a few days to digest the show, but now it's Friday and I'm remembering just how fucking immense the show was. Don't know where it ranks with the other shows I've seen but it's definitely up there.
2006: London Astoria, Lisbon I & II, Paris, Verona, Milano
2007: Wembley, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
2009: Manchester
2010: Belfast, Berlin
2012: Manchester I & II
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes
2018: Amsterdam I, Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Barcelona, London 2022: Berlin, Budapest, Krakow, Amsterdam II
It did seem like Eddie wasn’t enjoying himself all that much though. When he walked off stage after the first encore, he shielded his face with his lyric book and he practically ran off stage before the last note of Indifference had even faded. You could see Matt especially looking a little perplexed that they weren’t going to do the traditional set ending bow.
I also definitely got the impression Eddie wasn't in a great mood some of the time, and I actually wondered if more people would pick up on it. I had forgotten about him going off the first time with the lyric book shielding his face - but now I remember thinking 'what's that about??' Also I thought it odd that he left so soon after Indifference finished while all the rest of the band were still on stage. Personally, I think it was really crap on the MEN Arena's part that they turned the lights on half-way through the last song. Perhaps they're on a timer once 11pm comes around, but I noticed Eddie looking at the lights while he was trying to get through Indifference...I certainly wouldn't be happy about that. And then of course there were the technical issues - when he stormed off to the side of the stage and threw a bottle on the ground in what looked like rage to me, while the tech was trying to fix his mike....
All that being said, I still had a fine, fine time in Manchester, and Ed was his usual charismatic and wonderful self where the crowd were concerned.....no doubt Barbara has given pride of place on her mantlepiece to that mouth organ!! - loved Black, Rearview Mirror, In Hiding, Not for You...the list goes on! Wish I could do it all over again!
Post edited by Bairbre on
No time to be void...or save up on life; you gotta spend it all...
It did seem like Eddie wasn’t enjoying himself all that much though. When he walked off stage after the first encore, he shielded his face with his lyric book and he practically ran off stage before the last note of Indifference had even faded. You could see Matt especially looking a little perplexed that they weren’t going to do the traditional set ending bow.
I also definitely got the impression Eddie wasn't in a great mood and I actually wondered if more people would pick up on it. I had forgotten about him going off the first time with the lyric book shielding his face - but now I remember thinking 'what's that about??' Also I thought it odd that he left so soon after Indifference finished while all the rest of the band were still on stage. Personally, I think it was really crap on the MEN Arena's part that they turned the lights on half-way through the last song. Perhaps they're on a timer once 11pm comes around, but I noticed Eddie looking at the lights while he was trying to get through Indifference...I certainly wouldn't be happy about that. And then of course there were the technical issues - when he stormed off to the side of the stage and threw a bottle on the ground in what looked like rage to me, while the tech was trying to fix his mike....
I say this based on the fact that having seen them in Berlin on Saturday night, Eddie was in great form - possibly coz he was a bit more drunk?!!! There was a notable difference in the mood on stage between both gigs.
All that being said, I still had a fine, fine time in Manchester - loved Black, Rearview Mirror, In Hiding, Not for You...the list goes on! Wish I could do it all over again!
It's actually traditional for Pearl Jam to play their last song or so with the lights up. They've done that at each show I've seen, not just the Manchester ones.
I did occur to me since making my post that he mat have shielded his face as he was having a self confessed "bad hair day"
A democracy on paper, apparently well ordered, regularly subverted by irrational chaos.
Manchester - 4/6/2000
London - 20/4/2006
Dublin - 23/8/2006
London - 18/6/2007
New York City - 24/6/2008
New York City - 25/6/2008 - we will be "what is up" New York
Manchester - 18/8/2009
I recall Eddie saying something along the lines of "You know what to do, Dan" and then the lights came on, so yeah, that must've been the prompt.
Also, as for ending as it did... I'm sure Mike went to change guitar at the end of Indifference and picked up another as though ready for a final song?
I went by myself to the concert, (something of a first... though I'd usually go with a friend but he's had a nasty motorcycle accident and currently still in hospital and requires a wheelchair,) and had a thorougly good time as I knew everyone around was as hooked into the band as I was
Post edited by groovyf on
:: Caesaria - Israel 1995, Wembley 1996, Manchester 2000, Leeds 2006, Manchester 2009, Manchester 2012, Manchester 2012 (EV), Leeds 2014, London 2018 ::
It's actually traditional for Pearl Jam to play their last song or so with the lights up. They've done that at each show I've seen, not just the Manchester ones.
I did occur to me since making my post that he mat have shielded his face as he was having a self confessed "bad hair day"
Aye, fair enough! People interpret different things from facial expressions and unfortunately the band didn't call me for after-show drinks to explain everything to me, godamit - all I know is I had a brilliant time and by the looks of it so did the rest of the crowd so it's all good!
No time to be void...or save up on life; you gotta spend it all...
It's actually traditional for Pearl Jam to play their last song or so with the lights up. They've done that at each show I've seen, not just the Manchester ones.
I did occur to me since making my post that he mat have shielded his face as he was having a self confessed "bad hair day"
Aye, fair enough! People interpret different things from facial expressions and unfortunately the band didn't call me for after-show drinks to explain everything to me, godamit - all I know is I had a brilliant time and by the looks of it so did the rest of the crowd so it's all good!
I think Ed felt he was having a bad day because in London the next day he said:
"I've heard this arena has been designed especially to sound great. Mind you, we could have played in Carnage Hall last night (ie. Manchester) and still sounded like shit".
He's a harsh critic because I think that, apart from Black, they were fucking ace and the set list was killer.
First chance to post, and first off I want to say I'm delighted that so many of you had a great night!
For me it was a gig of two very contrasting halves! We started off about 10 rows back on stones side but had to move after about 5 songs as the heat was like nothing I've ever experienced. A bit further back the view was cool and the screens were great.
I thought the lads were a bit all over the shop for the first half. To me ed seemed manic and not in a good way, he was up and down like a yoyo and god love that roadie! Jeff was defo shootin ed daggers at one stage and it all seemed a bit disjointed.
I honestly at one point was thinking how is this the same band that I saw less than a week earlier in sbe. Normally when the band walk on stage and begin playing, the hairs on the back of my neck stand and stay that way throughout. the crowd also seemed a bit all over the place.
Then theY started RVM and all went straight upfrom there! What a gucking version that was, defo THE best I ever heard and it just kept building. By the end I was feeling yes this is the band I love so much.
It's all so subjective I know but for me it was z funny old night anx I truely am delighted so many of you enjoyed it so much, that's the beautybof this band.
On a separete note I am over the moon for barbara getting smile and the dedication, if ever a pj deserved it, it's babs!
It was great catching up with old friends and making new ones!
Wow Al, its strange how people see shows different isnt it?
I though the show was perfect. Vedder was awesome on long road, changing the low to high and putting in some nice variance
I even though the crowd were more up for this one that at the 02, as the space on the floor at the 02 was unreal........I was over the other side though by Jeff and Eddie 2nd from the barrier so maybe I caught a different perspective. Stones side is never as interesting in my opinion as there isnt so much going on. Stone is the least animated of the 5.
This set rocked hard, to get RVM GTF and Go in a row, was unreal. Smile was beautiful too. 02 missed guven to fly, and thats a glaring miss for me. that chorus waqs soaring on all 4 dates prior.
Still best version of Got some was in berlin, and likewise for briother. Man Jeffs bass was cranked up extra high and was the main focus on those songs, sounded truely awesome.
I cant believe how good the last week was.
Did anyone notice eddie falling out with Rick in the 02??
The atmosphere in the Ten Club seats of section 115 was great. Everyone stood up for the whole show and was 100% in to it.
Im with you on that mate, 115 FTW
Was a great atmosphere in there, hardly anyone sat down all night (even in that heat!)
I saw the 'walking off stage with the book' as a bit of him hiding from the photos coz his hair was a mess.
From where we were sat he was walking off with a pretty big smile on his face as if he was playing to the crowd to be honest.
As for the bottle incident, he tried to pass it to someone first, but one of the tech guys had just walked off without turning around and then it was thrown, so again I think he was just getting rid of it (it was a plastic bottle BTW!)
He seemed in a good mood most of the night, tech difficulties aside, but yeah the obligitory band shot at the end was a definite 'miss' :(
In Berlin we got none of that.
I mean sure, if people want to sit thats cool, but to HAVE to or get bollocked thats plain wrong
Blimey that's a bit extreme...did you have to put your hand up if you wanted to go to the toilet or ask a question?
Maybe they didn't want people flaking out and hitting the deck in the heat because it was like a furnace in there...anyone else come back with a rasping cough?...both me and the husband had a tight feeling in our chest the next day...the air was a bit stale in the arena (to say the least) add that to the overwhelming smell of those who are strangers to a can of Lynx (yes you Mr Stinky to my right) and it was hard to breathe.
Listen to me moaning...why am I doing that?...it was bloody brilliant in there
Hey man,
James here from park inn, ya o2 was absolutely amazing, ended up going solo in the end but still had one of the best times of my live! It was great meeting ye; late, late beers was a great idea!!
Hello to the others I met too, Halil in park inn, Donna and Alison at the travelodge in London, the others I had chats with here and there, was a great few days followed by spending a day beering down by the Thames with a friend of mine from home yesterdey who's now living there, just at home now, wishing to go back and do it again!!
Anyway, as a PJ music lover in my own uninformed way, I was very excited when I saw the tickets on sale for Manchester - I'd never managed to go previously although my husband had seen them years ago at Finsbury Park supporting Neil Young, family committments etc. So we booked what tickets we could get (ones with lots of exclamation marks beside rear view) - they were also a birthday pressie to me - and waited in anticipation for the day. As it got closer I started to feel a little nervous about it, thinking that perhaps it would be absolute pap, I'd heard they were great live, but hey none of us are getting any younger (me either at 42), maybe I should have just continued listening to the albums.
Then the night came, after work, getting our son sorted and a long drive (I guess not too bad really - shouldn't really complain) and bloody hell it was totally amazing!!! The performance was fantastic, the setlist was just right, a good mix of everything, they played songs I could only have dreamed of seeing live (Sleight of Hand, In Hiding - prob too many to mention). The atmosphere was great. Our seats, which we thought would be crap were actually quite brilliant they were to the left of the stage and really close, so we had a great view of everything.
I guess I would just like to thank the band and everyone there for making it a night that far exceeded my expectations. I've joined the club so I can find out about more tour dates as I definetely would go again, get the bootlegs and perhaps just be a little more enlightened (still unsure about the dog thing). I have one apology to pass on to Eddie, we were standing right over the bands exit at the end of the last encore, which was amazing. But as Eddie left he looked up at me and my husband as we were clapping etc (I do believe we made eye contact - that may have been wishful thinking), but unfortunately I was rather hot and sweaty and I believe I may have dripped sweat onto his head (he probably wouldn't have noticed, but I felt a bit bad about it). So apologies. But once again thank you to all for a truly memorable night and sorry for rambling on.
Wicked ! Then you can pass them off as yours ! I have a shed load more but these were the best couple. PM me if you want to see some more ...
Manchester 92, 09, 12 (x2)
London 96, 00 (x2), 06, 07, 09, 10
Reading 06
Arras 10
Alpine Valley 11 (x2)
Prague 12
Berlin 12
Leeds 14
Milton Keynes 14
Couldn't agree more - it was a great idea - plus it gave us some leg restage time. Was great. Wouldn't have called the security particularly stroppy, they just got this job done - why hasn't anyone thought of it before !
The turds that DID annoy me were the drunk bunch of lads who steamed in tanked up between Gomez an PJ. Thoroughly obnoxious, especially the lad with the mohawk and the SOLAT sign - barging people out of the way all pints and elbows and clearly upsetting and yes, scaring, people all around. He asked some others for a cigarette - and one guy gave him a couple ..why bloody encourage these twits ?! He then starts holding his sign up, elbows all in my face so I had a word ...
"Yeah, but it's my first time seeing them".
" I know, I can tell ...."
Manchester 92, 09, 12 (x2)
London 96, 00 (x2), 06, 07, 09, 10
Reading 06
Arras 10
Alpine Valley 11 (x2)
Prague 12
Berlin 12
Leeds 14
Milton Keynes 14
The sound was really poor for them which didn't help nor the change to the songs, we left the gig totally gutted - and they didn't play Jane Says
Firstly that was definetely the best show I have seen PJ play others being Wembley , Leeds Festival and MEN previous. Others Have written glowing reviews far better than I could ( especially that 17 yr old dude , well done mate) . A few points to add to recent comments though, we had no issues with staff and our whole section in the gods was leaping around.
I've never had this feeling after a gig though and I'm 41, but I feel a strange sence of loss or longing or something ,like losing a girlfriend , its weird . Explaining how great the show was to people who obviously couldn't care less........Basically please come back guys.
Loved the whole vibe in Manchester, loads of fans from all over made for a great atmosphere across the city, very friendly everyone I met. I actually think that is what has made these short series of shows so special because the real fans from across Europe travelled to see them and made a big effort to really enjoy it.
Even if PJ do come back and play Glasgow I think I would choose to go to the Manchester show to get the "away day vibe"
By the way I was the Twat in the Walkabout with the poster tube air guitar at 3am, eh Hi and sorry to all i "met" :oops:
My wife wasn't impressed but I great nite.
Cheers .
Also Wheres the Dunkman, is he not back yet? Looked out for you but no luck, any badges left?
But in hiding was a fucking orgasm on a stage.
yes it was!
For me it was a gig of two very contrasting halves! We started off about 10 rows back on stones side but had to move after about 5 songs as the heat was like nothing I've ever experienced. A bit further back the view was cool and the screens were great.
I thought the lads were a bit all over the shop for the first half. To me ed seemed manic and not in a good way, he was up and down like a yoyo and god love that roadie! Jeff was defo shootin ed daggers at one stage and it all seemed a bit disjointed.
I honestly at one point was thinking how is this the same band that I saw less than a week earlier in sbe. Normally when the band walk on stage and begin playing, the hairs on the back of my neck stand and stay that way throughout. the crowd also seemed a bit all over the place.
Then theY started RVM and all went straight upfrom there! What a gucking version that was, defo THE best I ever heard and it just kept building. By the end I was feeling yes this is the band I love so much.
It's all so subjective I know but for me it was z funny old night anx I truely am delighted so many of you enjoyed it so much, that's the beautybof this band.
On a separete note I am over the moon for barbara getting smile and the dedication, if ever a pj deserved it, it's babs!
It was great catching up with old friends and making new ones!
They're just short clips so I wasn't going to bother as there's so many great ones already been uploaded... but what the hell !!
Why Go (beginning)
Even Flow (beginning)
Given To Fly (beginning-ish)
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this is a joke right? Gomez and ace?
Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.
Ain't gonna be any middle anymore.
What was all that about?...wearing earplugs to a gig?
It wasn't me but I wear attenuating earplugs to every gig I go to (as do several of my friends) I already have permanent tinnitus and wish I'd started wearing them to gigs earlier
Believe it or not you can actually hear the gig clearer with them in ... which helps a lot with understanding Mr Vedder's mumblings
Would recommend these to anyone
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Alpine-MusicSaf ... 878&sr=8-1
For me personally, this was the 3rd greatest Pearl Jam show I’ve attended, coming in behind the London Astoria show and the second night at New York City Madison Square Garden last summer.
The set list was definitely above average. I thought it was perfectly pitched somewhere between a greatest shows and a rarities show. Highlights for me were seeing In Hiding and Not For You for the first time plus Rear View Mirror, a near tear-wrenching version of Black and that blistering version of Leash. This was easily the best time I’ve seen them do RVM and Indifference as a closer worked much better than it did at London in 2007 and in New York last year.
It did seem like Eddie wasn’t enjoying himself all that much though. When he walked off stage after the first encore, he shielded his face with his lyric book and he practically ran off stage before the last note of Indifference had even faded. You could see Matt especially looking a little perplexed that they weren’t going to do the traditional set ending bow.
I’ve read a lot of people levelling a lot of criticism at the crowd, particularly in the standing area for being so rough. I got jeered at by some folk when I told them I’d bought seats for this show after I had a horrible crowd experience at the Dublin show in 2006 and it was clearly the right choice. The atmosphere in the Ten Club seats of section 115 was great. Everyone stood up for the whole show and was 100% in to it. I was stood next to a guy from Chicago who got very excited when Stone picked up the bass for Smile. Also the volume of the crowd when the lights went out was nearly deafening. I thought the crowd, in the seats at least, were really good. I do have sympathy for those who were bullied in the standing crowd. I know how much it can ruin a show.
For me it was weird seeing the band play without my lovely wife beside me who has travelled the globe with me watching this band. Unfortunately she couldn’t go to this show as she is almost 8 months pregnant so I count myself lucky that I got to see even this show this year.
Overall, I thought it was a wildly intense show with a very fast and punchy feeling to it. Not the best time I’ve seen the band play but probably the loudest and hardest.
Manchester - 4/6/2000
London - 20/4/2006
Dublin - 23/8/2006
London - 18/6/2007
New York City - 24/6/2008
New York City - 25/6/2008 - we will be "what is up" New York
Manchester - 18/8/2009
London - 18/6/2018
Well I never knew that...thanks for explaining.
It's far too late for me...fast approaching the age of 43 my ears are knackered...far too much loud music from my formative teens to date...I can only hear music these days if it's loud. :(
Being able to see the entire crowd from the back was amazing and eveybody was so loud. When the lights went out to signal the band coming out, it was such a deafening roar. Not quite Milan 2006 but still ridiculously loud.
I don't know why people keep saying Ed didn't seem to be enjoying himself. Aside from getting frustrated once or twice because of the tech problems he seemed in a great mood. He was chatty, especially during the encores.
It usually takes me a few days to digest the show, but now it's Friday and I'm remembering just how fucking immense the show was. Don't know where it ranks with the other shows I've seen but it's definitely up there.
2022: Berlin, Budapest, Krakow, Amsterdam II
I also definitely got the impression Eddie wasn't in a great mood some of the time, and I actually wondered if more people would pick up on it. I had forgotten about him going off the first time with the lyric book shielding his face - but now I remember thinking 'what's that about??' Also I thought it odd that he left so soon after Indifference finished while all the rest of the band were still on stage. Personally, I think it was really crap on the MEN Arena's part that they turned the lights on half-way through the last song. Perhaps they're on a timer once 11pm comes around, but I noticed Eddie looking at the lights while he was trying to get through Indifference...I certainly wouldn't be happy about that. And then of course there were the technical issues - when he stormed off to the side of the stage and threw a bottle on the ground in what looked like rage to me, while the tech was trying to fix his mike....
All that being said, I still had a fine, fine time in Manchester, and Ed was his usual charismatic and wonderful self where the crowd were concerned.....no doubt Barbara has given pride of place on her mantlepiece to that mouth organ!! - loved Black, Rearview Mirror, In Hiding, Not for You...the list goes on! Wish I could do it all over again!
It's actually traditional for Pearl Jam to play their last song or so with the lights up. They've done that at each show I've seen, not just the Manchester ones.
I did occur to me since making my post that he mat have shielded his face as he was having a self confessed "bad hair day"
Manchester - 4/6/2000
London - 20/4/2006
Dublin - 23/8/2006
London - 18/6/2007
New York City - 24/6/2008
New York City - 25/6/2008 - we will be "what is up" New York
Manchester - 18/8/2009
London - 18/6/2018
Also, as for ending as it did... I'm sure Mike went to change guitar at the end of Indifference and picked up another as though ready for a final song?
I went by myself to the concert, (something of a first... though I'd usually go with a friend but he's had a nasty motorcycle accident and currently still in hospital and requires a wheelchair,) and had a thorougly good time as I knew everyone around was as hooked into the band as I was
Aye, fair enough! People interpret different things from facial expressions and unfortunately the band didn't call me for after-show drinks to explain everything to me, godamit
I think Ed felt he was having a bad day because in London the next day he said:
"I've heard this arena has been designed especially to sound great. Mind you, we could have played in Carnage Hall last night (ie. Manchester) and still sounded like shit".
He's a harsh critic because I think that, apart from Black, they were fucking ace and the set list was killer.
Wow Al, its strange how people see shows different isnt it?
I though the show was perfect. Vedder was awesome on long road, changing the low to high and putting in some nice variance
I even though the crowd were more up for this one that at the 02, as the space on the floor at the 02 was unreal........I was over the other side though by Jeff and Eddie 2nd from the barrier so maybe I caught a different perspective. Stones side is never as interesting in my opinion as there isnt so much going on. Stone is the least animated of the 5.
This set rocked hard, to get RVM GTF and Go in a row, was unreal. Smile was beautiful too. 02 missed guven to fly, and thats a glaring miss for me. that chorus waqs soaring on all 4 dates prior.
Still best version of Got some was in berlin, and likewise for briother. Man Jeffs bass was cranked up extra high and was the main focus on those songs, sounded truely awesome.
I cant believe how good the last week was.
Did anyone notice eddie falling out with Rick in the 02??
Im with you on that mate, 115 FTW
Was a great atmosphere in there, hardly anyone sat down all night (even in that heat!)
I saw the 'walking off stage with the book' as a bit of him hiding from the photos coz his hair was a mess.
From where we were sat he was walking off with a pretty big smile on his face as if he was playing to the crowd to be honest.
As for the bottle incident, he tried to pass it to someone first, but one of the tech guys had just walked off without turning around and then it was thrown, so again I think he was just getting rid of it (it was a plastic bottle BTW!)
He seemed in a good mood most of the night, tech difficulties aside, but yeah the obligitory band shot at the end was a definite 'miss' :(
Manchester 92, 09, 12 (x2)
London 96, 00 (x2), 06, 07, 09, 10
Reading 06
Arras 10
Alpine Valley 11 (x2)
Prague 12
Berlin 12
Leeds 14
Milton Keynes 14