
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Sept 18 th Update-

    Its been a while.
    Ive been dragging my feet on this- ( dont know why ) actually I have many many things on my plate- which is why Ive been procrastinating .

    Many many things to take care of before the actual transplant takes place including :

    -Chest X Rays
    -Dental Clearance
    -Stress Echocardiogram
    -PPD screening
    -Blood Work ( including C- Peptide and Hemoglobin A1Cs
    -Endocrinology Clearance

    and because I am going to Columbia Pres, its a mandatory Naomi Beri Clinic appointment.
    This clinic deals all with Diabetes Type 1 , and all that goes with it .
    At the completion of this, it will introduce me to a transplant team Endocrinologist , which is scheduled for mid November.

    I have completed all of the prerequisites ( with the exception of the Endocrine Clinic )

    The stress echo revealed some minor red flags ( being a type 1 Diabetic of 37 years with both Hyertension and High Blood Pressure )
    so I need to have a follow up Angiogram in a few weeks .
    This also will be done at Columbia-Pres, they tell me they like to have all members of the team involved in the entire process.
    ( They also tell me this is not a rare occurence in fact it is quite common that this takes place )

    So the wheels are turning. I will be sure to be more frequent with updates to my fellow PJ Message Pitters.
    Thanks for all the kind thoughts and words .
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    Bathgate66 wrote:
    Sept 18 th Update-

    Its been a while.
    Ive been dragging my feet on this- ( dont know why ) actually I have many many things on my plate- which is why Ive been procrastinating .

    Many many things to take care of before the actual transplant takes place including :

    -Chest X Rays
    -Dental Clearance
    -Stress Echocardiogram
    -PPD screening
    -Blood Work ( including C- Peptide and Hemoglobin A1Cs
    -Endocrinology Clearance

    and because I am going to Columbia Pres, its a mandatory Naomi Beri Clinic appointment.
    This clinic deals all with Diabetes Type 1 , and all that goes with it .
    At the completion of this, it will introduce me to a transplant team Endocrinologist , which is scheduled for mid November.

    I have completed all of the prerequisites ( with the exception of the Endocrine Clinic )

    The stress echo revealed some minor red flags ( being a type 1 Diabetic of 37 years with both Hyertension and High Blood Pressure )
    so I need to have a follow up Angiogram in a few weeks .
    This also will be done at Columbia-Pres, they tell me they like to have all members of the team involved in the entire process.
    ( They also tell me this is not a rare occurence in fact it is quite common that this takes place )

    So the wheels are turning. I will be sure to be more frequent with updates to my fellow PJ Message Pitters.
    Thanks for all the kind thoughts and words .
    All the best to you bath! :):)
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Bathgate66 wrote:
    Sept 18 th Update-

    Its been a while.
    Ive been dragging my feet on this- ( dont know why ) actually I have many many things on my plate- which is why Ive been procrastinating .

    Many many things to take care of before the actual transplant takes place including :

    -Chest X Rays
    -Dental Clearance
    -Stress Echocardiogram
    -PPD screening
    -Blood Work ( including C- Peptide and Hemoglobin A1Cs
    -Endocrinology Clearance

    and because I am going to Columbia Pres, its a mandatory Naomi Beri Clinic appointment.
    This clinic deals all with Diabetes Type 1 , and all that goes with it .
    At the completion of this, it will introduce me to a transplant team Endocrinologist , which is scheduled for mid November.

    I have completed all of the prerequisites ( with the exception of the Endocrine Clinic )

    The stress echo revealed some minor red flags ( being a type 1 Diabetic of 37 years with both Hyertension and High Blood Pressure )
    so I need to have a follow up Angiogram in a few weeks .
    This also will be done at Columbia-Pres, they tell me they like to have all members of the team involved in the entire process.
    ( They also tell me this is not a rare occurence in fact it is quite common that this takes place )

    So the wheels are turning. I will be sure to be more frequent with updates to my fellow PJ Message Pitters.
    Thanks for all the kind thoughts and words .

    bump for kidney needers everywhere !
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Going up to Columbia - Pres this Monday morning for a consultation for an Angiogram.

    Fun fun on my way to a new kidney.

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    I hadn't seen this thread until today, but good luck to you bathgate! Your good spirits are an inspiration. :)

    I'm registered to be an organ donor upon death, but I've never been able to give blood. Most of my life I had the excuse that I didn't weigh enough, but now that I do weigh enough I'm forced to admit that I'm just too terrified of getting my blood drawn. Hopefully I would have to nerve to step up if my blood were ever really needed.

    This thread is particularly interesting to me because I'm in the process of being evaluated to be a living kidney donor for an old friend. (I don't mean that she's old - she's only 34 - I just mean I haven't seen her in 20 years.) I'm up to the part where they mix our blood together and so far it still looks good! The information here is very helpful. Thank you. :thumbup:

    So what's up with your potential donors? Have they already been found to be good candidates? Do you already know who it will be? It seems like your process is taking longer than I thought these things took, but I'm still learning how everything works.

    Good luck to you! Keep us posted!
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    scb wrote:
    I hadn't seen this thread until today, but good luck to you bathgate! Your good spirits are an inspiration. :)

    I'm registered to be an organ donor upon death, but I've never been able to give blood. Most of my life I had the excuse that I didn't weigh enough, but now that I do weigh enough I'm forced to admit that I'm just too terrified of getting my blood drawn. Hopefully I would have to nerve to step up if my blood were ever really needed.

    This thread is particularly interesting to me because I'm in the process of being evaluated to be a living kidney donor for an old friend. (I don't mean that she's old - she's only 34 - I just mean I haven't seen her in 20 years.) I'm up to the part where they mix our blood together and so far it still looks good! The information here is very helpful. Thank you. :thumbup:

    So what's up with your potential donors? Have they already been found to be good candidates? Do you already know who it will be? It seems like your process is taking longer than I thought these things took, but I'm still learning how everything works.

    Good luck to you! Keep us posted!

    Most of my 43 years I have been abusing my body and not really taking proper care of myself.
    I really got away with alot ( or maybe I didnt and now I am paying for the decisions I made earlier in life )
    Now with the transplant process, I have been dragging my feet. My procrastination has caught up with me finally, its time to Fight to get it back again,....

    thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers.

    I will keep you all posted.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • neilybabes86neilybabes86 Posts: 16,057
    Bathgate66 wrote:
    scb wrote:
    I hadn't seen this thread until today, but good luck to you bathgate! Your good spirits are an inspiration. :)

    I'm registered to be an organ donor upon death, but I've never been able to give blood. Most of my life I had the excuse that I didn't weigh enough, but now that I do weigh enough I'm forced to admit that I'm just too terrified of getting my blood drawn. Hopefully I would have to nerve to step up if my blood were ever really needed.

    This thread is particularly interesting to me because I'm in the process of being evaluated to be a living kidney donor for an old friend. (I don't mean that she's old - she's only 34 - I just mean I haven't seen her in 20 years.) I'm up to the part where they mix our blood together and so far it still looks good! The information here is very helpful. Thank you. :thumbup:

    So what's up with your potential donors? Have they already been found to be good candidates? Do you already know who it will be? It seems like your process is taking longer than I thought these things took, but I'm still learning how everything works.

    Good luck to you! Keep us posted!

    Most of my 43 years I have been abusing my body and not really taking proper care of myself.
    I really got away with alot ( or maybe I didnt and now I am paying for the decisions I made earlier in life )
    Now with the transplant process, I have been dragging my feet. My procrastination has caught up with me finally, its time to Fight to get it back again,....

    thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers.

    I will keep you all posted.

    feel good buddy :)
    i post on the board of a band that doesn't exsist anymore .......i need my head examined.......
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    The NYC Kidney Walk is Next Sunday , if anyone wants to participate.
    I will be attending.
    The Walk will be held on October 17 at the South Street Seaport in lower Manhattan starting at 9:30. We will be walking across the Brooklyn Bridge and back.

    http://donate.kidney.org/site/TR/Walk/G ... fr_id=2680

    Date: October 17, 2010
    Location: South Street Seaport - Piers 16 & 17
    (New York City, New York)
    Check In Begins: 9:30 a.m.
    Walk Starts at: 10:30 a.m.
    Contact: Elizabeth Siviski
    Email: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:elizabeth.siviski@kidney.org">elizabeth.siviski@kidney.org</a><!-- e -->
    Phone: (212) 889-2210 x 253
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    BUMP for the Kidney Walk,....
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Wow ! What a day !
    Over 6,000 marchers, the largest Kidney Walk in the country!
    We walked from South Street Seaport, halfway over Brooklyn Bridege, and back ( 5 K )
    Met up with Steve from The National Kidney Foundation / Greater NY chapter,...
    What an awesome guy !
    He welcomed me, to meet his team and family, and gave me a V.I.P. bracelet to enter the VIP tent for free coffee and food before the walk.
    Then , to my total surprise., he mentioned me from up on the stage speaking to all the walkers.
    I was overcome with emotion , it was very touching.

    While reeacting to that friendly gesture, a young man closeby saw my emotional reaction , and immediately approached me and invited me to march with him, and get to know him.
    His name is Tony, and he is a new recipient of a Kidney.
    He told me he went to Philadelphia , Albert Einstein Hospital/ University.
    He recommended I look into getting on that list, he only had to wait 1 year for his new kidney.
    ( NYC can take as long as 9 years and the list is heavily populated )

    Each year, more than 70,000 Americans die from causes related to kidney failure.
    Of the nearly 105,000 Americans currently awaiting organ transplants,
    over 83,000 are waiting for a kidney. Every 12 minutes, a name is added to the list;
    every day, 18 people die , waiting for a lifesaving organ.
    Approximately 140,000 are currently living with an organ transplant. In 2008,
    there were 16,514 kidney transplants in the U.S. ; 10,551 were made possiible by deceased donors;
    nearly 6000 were living-donor transplants.
    Nearly 400,000 need dialysis to stay alive.

    New York State ranks 4th in the nation for incidence of Chronic Kidney Disease, yet the disease is seriously under-recognized as a public health problem in the state .
    An estimated 1.5 million NYers have Chronic Kidney Disease; 50,000 are being kept alive with dialysis treatments in the region; 7,344 are waiting for a kidney transplant; and 1,129 kidney transplants were perfomed in 2009.
    All data from the National Kidney Foundation serving Greater New York .
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Some random photos I took at the Kidney Walk; ( theyre clickable )





    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    I'll be heading back up to Columbia Pres this Thursday ( the 11th )
    with my sole living donor / friend , Kevin , ( a coworker and friend of 10 years now )
    for our first round of blood tests for compatibility.

    Ive also been advised to get myself on as many waiting lists as possible- out of State-
    so I am currently researching facilities in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania ( Philly ) ,
    such as The Albert Einstein Hospitals in the Philly area .

    Thanks to everyone for the kind thoughts and prayers.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    good job bath!!
    keep up the good work and the good fight :)
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    thanks to you haff

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Social ties and support are a major factor in Kidney disease,...

    http://getbetterhealth.com/live-longer- ... um=twitter
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    the biggest birthday gift anyone can give:

    sign up for organ transplantation:


    thankss everybody !
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • PJPixiePJPixie Posts: 3,026
    Pulling for you Bath!!
    I've been a type 1 diabetic for 24 years now (I'm 41). Been on an insulin pump for 16 years. I've had pretty good control most of my life. Recently my A1C's were over 8 so that kinda worries me. My latest kidney function test was out of whack and I'll be repeating it in December. I am saving this thread, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!! Keep us posted on what's going on!!
    The best use of Life is Love.
    The best expression of Love is Time.
    The best time to Love is Now.

    I'm never as good as when you're there.........
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    edited November 2010
    Brief Update:

    1 ) Kidney Walk:

    Over $ 750, 000 ! Wow !
    WE DID IT!!!



    Click here to see!
    http://donate.kidney.org/site/R?i=GgMpn ... FLEjCGE3g..


    CONGRATULATIONS...from everyone at the National Kidney
    Foundation Serving Greater New York! You
    are the heart and soul of our Walk!

    We are extremely
    thankful for your determination, dedication, and persistence! You have
    done a
    TREMENDOUS and OUTSTANDING job, and you should cherish this moment

    It is because of you
    that we are able to sustain life-saving programs and services for the


    Siviski and the National Kidney Foundation

    Greater New York

    2 ) My progress:

    My living donor and I made our way up to NY Pres/ Columbia this past Thursday.
    It took all but 1.5 hours, after they located our patient charts, they drew our blood.
    They took only 2 vials from me, however they drew 12 vials from my friend/donor, along
    with a urine specimen.
    Its good to see them being so thorough in the process.
    Now, all we do is wait to see the results and hope for compatibility.

    Thanks to everyone for interest and kind words.

    Please consider donating and saving someones life.


    http://donate.kidney.org/site/PageServe ... WALK_fight
    Post edited by Bathgate66 on
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • idvedderidvedder Missouri Posts: 27
    Best of luck to you, Bath! That's amazing that the kidney walk has raised such a high amount of money. I only hope that our walk can eventually grow to have that kind of support...I'm in a rather rural part of Missouri, and our Kidney Walk has only been going on for a couple of years.

    It makes me very happy and proud to see this thread, as organ donation is near and dear to my heart. My son was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia shortly after birth (BA affects the bile ducts leading to the liver; in his case they were completely absent), and on Easter of this year he received the gift of life in the form of a new liver. Thanks to everyone here for helping to spread the word about organ donation. You guys rock.
    St. Louis, 2003; Kansas City, 2010; Alpine Valley 1&2 2011; Wrigley Field, 2013; OKC, 2013; St. Louis, 2014; Memphis, 2014
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813

    My final consultation happens today @ Columbia- Pres - a Diabetes Clinic from 11-5 .
    This is the final hurdle before " things start happening " ( hopefully )
    Thanks to everyone for their kind thoughts and prayers.
    And of course, I'll keep everyone updated ,....

    It's Diabetes Awareness Month. It isn't pink or sexy, it doesn't involve boobs, football players or cute t-shirts. It's about being grateful when your loved ones wake up in the morning. It's 3am blood sugar checks, needles, low blood sugars and changing a pumpsite or filling a syringe. That's a diabetics LIFE.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    http://picture.vzw.com/mi/588916040_209 ... er=1,0,0,0

    This is the Weblink for the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, the only of its kind in NYC , serving over 10,000 affected persons with Diabetes in the Greater NYC area. This was the final consultation required for my prerequisites for getting on the Transplant lists here in NYC and at Columbia / Pres NY Hospital . I met with Dr Freeby, ......who was really personable and efficient . We discussed research as well as good Diabetes management . Different approaches and treatments that after all these years , were still a breath of fresh air and a new learning experience . Hopefully now I'm on my way to getting a new kideny. and eventually a new pancreas. That is, if they havent found an all out cure before that time arrives, which Dr Freeby assured me is on the horizon ! Amazing Things Are Happening Here is the sign hanging on the massive hospital
    complex- maybe things are looking up for all of us !

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • PJPixiePJPixie Posts: 3,026
    idvedder wrote:
    Best of luck to you, Bath! That's amazing that the kidney walk has raised such a high amount of money. I only hope that our walk can eventually grow to have that kind of support...I'm in a rather rural part of Missouri, and our Kidney Walk has only been going on for a couple of years.

    It makes me very happy and proud to see this thread, as organ donation is near and dear to my heart. My son was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia shortly after birth (BA affects the bile ducts leading to the liver; in his case they were completely absent), and on Easter of this year he received the gift of life in the form of a new liver. Thanks to everyone here for helping to spread the word about organ donation. You guys rock.

    Thanks for sharing!! Give your little one a big hug and kiss for me!!
    The best use of Life is Love.
    The best expression of Love is Time.
    The best time to Love is Now.

    I'm never as good as when you're there.........
  • PJPixiePJPixie Posts: 3,026
    Bathgate66 wrote:

    This is the Weblink for the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, the only of its kind in NYC , serving over 10,000 affected persons with Diabetes in the Greater NYC area. This was the final consultation required for my prerequisites for getting on the Transplant lists here in NYC and at Columbia / Pres NY Hospital . I met with Dr Freeby, ......who was really personable and efficient . We discussed research as well as good Diabetes management . Different approaches and treatments that after all these years , were still a breath of fresh air and a new learning experience . Hopefully now I'm on my way to getting a new kideny. and eventually a new pancreas. That is, if they havent found an all out cure before that time arrives, which Dr Freeby assured me is on the horizon ! Amazing Things Are Happening Here is the sign hanging on the massive hospital
    complex- maybe things are looking up for all of us !


    I hope so!! Thanks for sharing! I had a rough night last night with my blood sugars. I went to bed at 9pm with a glucose of 118 and woke up to pee at midnight (the first time), didn't think much of it then but when I had to pee again at 1:30 am I knew my glucose was high. I pumped in little bolus but had to get up to pee AGAIN at about 3am. At that point, I decided to check my glucose, it was 399!! ugh, it was fine when I went to bed and I didn't go overboard on dinner. This disorder is so unpredictable. So, instead of changing my pump tubing out in the middle of the night (thinking that maybe something was not right with my tubing/site), I gave myself a whopping dose of insulin via syringe, which I rarely have to do. Woke up at 8am back down to 87. Yes, all in the life of a Diabetic.
    The best use of Life is Love.
    The best expression of Love is Time.
    The best time to Love is Now.

    I'm never as good as when you're there.........
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    PJPixie wrote:
    Bathgate66 wrote:

    This is the Weblink for the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, the only of its kind in NYC , serving over 10,000 affected persons with Diabetes in the Greater NYC area. This was the final consultation required for my prerequisites for getting on the Transplant lists here in NYC and at Columbia / Pres NY Hospital . I met with Dr Freeby, ......who was really personable and efficient . We discussed research as well as good Diabetes management . Different approaches and treatments that after all these years , were still a breath of fresh air and a new learning experience . Hopefully now I'm on my way to getting a new kideny. and eventually a new pancreas. That is, if they havent found an all out cure before that time arrives, which Dr Freeby assured me is on the horizon ! Amazing Things Are Happening Here is the sign hanging on the massive hospital
    complex- maybe things are looking up for all of us !


    I hope so!! Thanks for sharing! I had a rough night last night with my blood sugars. I went to bed at 9pm with a glucose of 118 and woke up to pee at midnight (the first time), didn't think much of it then but when I had to pee again at 1:30 am I knew my glucose was high. I pumped in little bolus but had to get up to pee AGAIN at about 3am. At that point, I decided to check my glucose, it was 399!! ugh, it was fine when I went to bed and I didn't go overboard on dinner. This disorder is so unpredictable. So, instead of changing my pump tubing out in the middle of the night (thinking that maybe something was not right with my tubing/site), I gave myself a whopping dose of insulin via syringe, which I rarely have to do. Woke up at 8am back down to 87. Yes, all in the life of a Diabetic.

    be very careful with the double dosing in the middle of the night.
    hypoglycemia can kill, while hyperglycemia takes more of a long term thing to affect you-
    I'm sure youve learned all of this already.

    Also- this Naomi Berrie Diabetes Institute is run by and donated by the famous Russ Berrie Teddy Bear company !
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813

    Robert Wood Johnson Hospital in NJ offers simultaneous Kidney / Pancreas Transplants !

    http://www.rwjuh.edu/medical_services/k ... enter.html
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    All the best to you Bath. I am definitely a pink donor dot person on my driver's license!

    And Pixie---scary. Take care....
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Received great news this evening,
    My living donor / friend- Kevin --and I fall within the same blood grouping and there seems to be no contraindications for our blood types.
    He is a good candidate for the transplant process.
    Of course, we move onto the next step,
    where more tests need to be taken,
    but things are finally looking very good for me.

    Thanks to all the kind words and thoughts here on the Pit.

    Updates to follow,....
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
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