I'm very sorry to hear what you are going through. Good luck, I'm cheering for you over here behind my computer.
I not able to give blood (previous heart condition.) However, I am an organ donor upon death. My oldest sister even said to me something along the lines:
If I ever needed an organ I would want one of yours because you don't do anything.
See, see, living a prudish, puritan lifestyle does have it's advantages.
and, you can help 10 fold.
thank you.
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
I would like to show my support for this wonderful cause. I sincerely hope the event is popular and successful again this year.
My father passed away last week and as a result he has helped 18 people continue to live. I'm so proud of his selfless act.
I too am a registered organ donor upon death, as is my mother, brothers and boyfriend. My boyfriend is also a blood donor - this is something I am hoping to be doing soon.
A friend of mine visited me Friday evening following the loss of my Dad and she said something that I wholeheartedly agreed with: She's always thought that people should automatically be registered to donate organs and should notify the government if they want to opt out, instead of in the scheme... so many more lives would be saved.
I hope you don't have to wait long Bathgate, my thoughts are with you.
Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
I would like to show my support for this wonderful cause. I sincerely hope the event is popular and successful again this year.
My father passed away last week and as a result he has helped 18 people continue to live. I'm so proud of his selfless act.
I too am a registered organ donor upon death, as is my mother, brothers and boyfriend. My boyfriend is also a blood donor - this is something I am hoping to be doing soon.
A friend of mine visited me Friday evening following the loss of my Dad and she said something that I wholeheartedly agreed with: She's always thought that people should automatically be registered to donate organs and should notify the government if they want to opt out, instead of in the scheme... so many more lives would be saved.
I hope you don't have to wait long Bathgate, my thoughts are with you.
thanks !
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
sitting 3 & 1/2 hours each time is getting old , quick !
( 3 x week )
who would think cleaning out your blood would take so long ??? ,...
I hope that once the transplant process gets going ,
the dialysis will be terminated shortly afterwards .
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
my friend's husband had a kidney transplant. she said since he WAS diabetic, they automatically replaced his pancreas too. That was a couple of years ago and so far, everything is ok. Except he can get sick easily.
I have not read this entire thread, but I hope all goes well for you
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
sian, what a wonderful thing that through your painful tragedy, all those lives were helped
My thoughts are with both of you
thanks P&E.
Golf outting is less than 2 weeks away now, i'm going to repost details in hopes of getting some of the benevolent Jammers and Golfers out to the greens,... its a little pricey but its going to a great cause and you get food and drinbk, go for it !
The third annual "Transplants Save Lives" golf outing is taking place on Wednesday September 16th at the River Vale Country Club, in River Vale New Jersey. A shot gun start will be at 1:00pm The cost for the outing is $180 and includes Golf; Cart; Dinner; unlimited Beer and Soda for the first hour. The Cost is $50 for Dinner Only. There are also many Raffles and other Prizes.
My best friend Rick is running this outing as he has for the past two years. This is a great cause and many of the transplant donors will be on hand at the outing and dinner. It was pretty amazing last year when a 23 year old man attended the outing only 3 weeks after getting a heart transplant. And there are many other stories like his.
The River Vale Country Club is a very nice course and the outing is a foursome scramble. You can sign up as a single or foursome or anything in between.
This is a great cause to highten the awareness of Organ Donors and Organ Transplants. You can find more information about this organization at http://www.transplantssavelives.com/
If you need additional information or if you would like to sign up for the outing please post below or drop me a PM.
I have never asked the Tech Team but perhaps we can make this a sticky for he next month. If anyone thinks its worthly and knows how to go about doing that please see what you can do.
Thank You
The third annual "Transplants Save Lives" golf outing is taking place on Wednesday September 16th at the River Vale Country Club, in River Vale New Jersey. A shot gun start will be at 1:00pm The cost for the outing is $180 and includes Golf; Cart; Dinner; unlimited Beer and Soda for the first hour. The Cost is $50 for Dinner Only. There are also many Raffles and other Prizes.
My best friend Rick is running this outing as he has for the past two years. This is a great cause and many of the transplant donors will be on hand at the outing and dinner. It was pretty amazing last year when a 23 year old man attended the outing only 3 weeks after getting a heart transplant. And there are many other stories like his.
The River Vale Country Club is a very nice course and the outing is a foursome scramble. You can sign up as a single or foursome or anything in between.
This is a great cause to highten the awareness of Organ Donors and Organ Transplants. You can find more information about this organization at http://www.transplantssavelives.com/
If you need additional information or if you would like to sign up for the outing please post below or drop me a PM.
I have never asked the Tech Team but perhaps we can make this a sticky for he next month. If anyone thinks its worthly and knows how to go about doing that please see what you can do.
Thank You.
Post edited by Bathgate66 on
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Wow, can't believe I hadn't read this thread till just now. Best wishes Andrew for a quick and successfull transplant.
thanks buddy.
Dialysis was pretty awful last night.
My catheter clotted up, made an already 3.5 hour process into 4 .5 -5 hours.
I never thought sitting on my ass in a lazyboy would be trying / challenging .
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
this golf event has come and gone.
They raised alot of good money to go to a great cause and that will help in saving many lives.
Theres a new TV show coming on this season - and its storyline revolves all around Transplants.
Its on CBS and it is called " 3 Rivers " .
Look for it ,
and dont forget about the idea of becoming an organ donor- you can save someones life today . whens the last time you could say that to someone ?
Im going for my evealuation in 4 weeks .
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
I went for my preliminary transplant evaluations yesterday .
It took all day , more than actually a traditional working day,
First of all geographically, from where I am located ,
it just couldnt get too much farther away , and still remain in NYC .
Where I had to go at Col/Pres is located on West 167th Street.
Beejebus ,, its just about under the George Washington Bridge for gods sake.
It is absolutely amazing the way that the
technology and sciences have advanced in the last few years .
Col/Pres is one of the top rated transplant centers as far as sucess rates
and rejection rates.
So so so much information was reviewed,
in fact too much for any 1 individual to soak up in 1 days 8 hour time .
Living Donor organs scientifically have much much better results for the patient
than that of a cadaver / non - living donor .
The results of living donor use alone is like double than that of a non living donor.
One can live with a living donor kidney for another 35 years on the average.
A living donor most likely comes from a Mother or Father, Brother or Sister, Cousin or Friend .
The other option would be a cadaver or non living donor. Tjhhis obviously comes from a person who decided to donate their organs for science, or a catastrophic event led to their death unexpectedly, or their family has decided to donate their organs . The statistics for these are indeed successful, but just not as much as the living doonors mentioned above.
People can still add many years to the life of someone who is ill by donating their organs.
The real surprise came to me upon meeting the Nephrology Surgeons .
Turns out I am a prime candidate for not only the kidney trasplant,
but they are also lining me up from a full out Pancreas Transplant as well .
This would cure my Type 1 Diabetes, that I have learned to live with for
the past 37 years .
( I was diagnosed with type 1 insulin dependant diabetes when I was 5 years old ,
and this was the catalyst for my kidney failure , 37 years after being diagnosed )
Of course one cannot recieve a living donor pancreas ,
so this immediately falls under a "non living donor " criteria.
Medicare and Medicaid are a major component of any transplant process.
The donor and the recipient are both cared for under this and it is a definite wise choice to go with both parts "A" and part " B " .
It is up to you to pay the payments with this, usually not covered by insurance so its out of pocket but i'd say worth it .
This initself is a major clusterfuck of information, regulations, and laws.
It is so much to wrap your arms around !
The major and most difficult step (( the first step )) is now complete.
I hope to get word on a new kidney soon and will update this thread accordingly.
The pancreas will come at a later time, after weve got the new kidney up and running .
Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
United Network On Sharing Organs
UNOS oversees the national database of clinical transplant information and operates ... United Network for Organ Sharing: Organ Donation and Transplantation ...
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Heres a small update on my status from the doctors
and from the Transplant Team at Columbia / Presbyterian:
-- The paperwork has all been filed through the proper channels.
It is now up to the next step, where my living donors ( My family members ) must travel into Upper Manhattan to take a series of blood viles for cross matching and blood type charecterizations .
-- It is imperative that I get the paperworks for all of the Medicare and Medicaid taken care of .
Any dialysis patient in the USA is automatically eligible for Medicare after I believe 90 days on dialysis treatments. ( I've been on since my kidneys failed in August 2009 )
( Part A )
It is up to me to pay the small premiums out of pocket for the ( Part B ) portion of the Medicare, this wll insure that not only I am covered, but also my donor, if any problems should arise at the time of the operations or later on down the road, we would all be covered without limits.
One can't even imagine , the costs of procedures such as a renal transplant , are very expensive .
-- My kindeys failed in August of this past summer. I was all set to go to PJ in Chicago, but needless to say all travel plans were cancelled and I was hospitalized for 2 simultaneous surgical procedures.
==The 1st was a standard AV Fistula which was created in my right forearm . This is the joining of your very own Artery and Vein, to increase bloodflow in this specific area. They actually use your own vasculature, so there are no foreign bodies inside of your arm- its using the vessels you are born with - just reattaching them together under microsurgery , at the fistula location.( in my case the aforementioned Right Forearm )I have a tiny zipper scar on my left wrist where they did the procedure.
Fistulas normally take a few months to mature so that they can be used safely .
40 % of all fistulas later need some " help" in maturing .
By "help" they do what we commonly know as " Angioplasty " in the vessel in the fistula.
They insert small balloons that expand the vessel slightly to open it up for increased pressure and blood flow .
After having 2 of these fistulograms to aide in my fistula maturation , I have finally received word that my fistula is ready to use !
So now, they can remove the Tessio Catheter in my right chest .
This is enough to make me scream with joy !
== The Tessio catheter was the 2nd Surgical Procedure I had when initially hospitalized in August.
Its basically a catheter inserted into my right chest wall, and this is the temporary access thru which all of my Dialysis treatments have been carried through up until this point in time ( for the past 3 months )
This is probably the most inconvenient thing to have to deal with on Dialysis Treatments.
It prevents you from showering .
It keeps you from swimming in the ocean or in a pool during the summer months .
( Ironically enough I live 40 yards off of The Atlantic Ocean here in NYC )
If the catheter gets wet, it can easily become infected , and then there are further threats such as Sepsis or Endocarditis which can eventually kill you , so its paramount to keep the catheter in good shape.
It is , quite literally , your lifeline .
Now that my fistula has matured, we can start the process of removing my Tessio catheter.
Now, just a few more weeks and I should hear back concerning the blood matches with my living donors .
Then, shortly after that , we will begin the next step and a full out Pancreas transplant which wi;ll hopefully cure me of my insulin dependant diabetes , which I have dealt with since I was a little boy of 5 years of age .
How my life will be greatly impacted by all of these procedures.
I'll keep you all updated.
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
I've been meaning to put my name on the organ donor registry.
I'm surprised my mom never put me on it, our family are all supporters of organ donation, as is my boyfriends family (almost all of whom are nurses).
Sorry to hear about your situation bathgate :(
Hopefully some luck comes your way soon!
I've been meaning to put my name on the organ donor registry.
I'm surprised my mom never put me on it, our family are all supporters of organ donation, as is my boyfriends family (almost all of whom are nurses).
Sorry to hear about your situation bathgate :(
Hopefully some luck comes your way soon!
thanks to you
and everyone else that forwarded their best wishes to me.
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
The Living Bank is a private, non-profit organization dedicated
to the enhancement of organ and tissue donation. Our mission
is to educate the community about the urgent need for donors
so no one dies or suffers for lack of donation; honor donors
and support organ recipients, living donors and their families.
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
im sorry i neglected our brotheren to the North
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
so just as soon as i posted in here a few days ago my husband received his kidney transplant from an anonymous donor!!!!! they lost their life but a part of them lives on in him! always be an organ donor. my husband is doing wonderful! they are shocked at how well he's doing. i love him more than words can say. now good luck to you bathgate!!!
so just as soon as i posted in here a few days ago my husband received his kidney transplant from an anonymous donor!!!!! they lost their life but a part of them lives on in him! always be an organ donor. my husband is doing wonderful! they are shocked at how well he's doing. i love him more than words can say. now good luck to you bathgate!!!
thats beautiful.
god bless you and your husband,
and the soul who donated to your husband, and their family .
awesome news.
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
When my grandfather died I believe he had donated something to someone.
I feel terrible for not remembering what it was, but I'll have to ask my mom what part of him lives on in another person.
I hope it wasn't his eyes, he was the most colour-blind person I've ever met!
finally got my tessio catheter removed today.
ive had this in my right chest since early august.
i feel liberated .
i will be celebrating with my closest friends
tomorrow night - we are seeing Roger Daltrey .
( these are not my actual Radiographs )
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
so just as soon as i posted in here a few days ago my husband received his kidney transplant from an anonymous donor!!!!! they lost their life but a part of them lives on in him! always be an organ donor. my husband is doing wonderful! they are shocked at how well he's doing. i love him more than words can say. now good luck to you bathgate!!!
You and Mike deserve nothing but the best in life...I love you guys!! tons of hugs and kisses!!!
If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
I can’t stress enough the importance of becoming an organ donor.
I’m a regular blood donor, I’m on the bone marrow donor list and my license indicates that I am a full organ donor. They can use whatever they want after I go.
Now a days, it’s not just kidneys, or eyes, or hearts, they can use just about everything – skin, tissue.
You won’t need it anymore, why not give the greatest gift you can to someone else – the gift of life.
Best of luck to you Bathgate. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
and, you can help 10 fold.
thank you.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
My father passed away last week and as a result he has helped 18 people continue to live. I'm so proud of his selfless act.
I too am a registered organ donor upon death, as is my mother, brothers and boyfriend. My boyfriend is also a blood donor - this is something I am hoping to be doing soon.
A friend of mine visited me Friday evening following the loss of my Dad and she said something that I wholeheartedly agreed with: She's always thought that people should automatically be registered to donate organs and should notify the government if they want to opt out, instead of in the scheme... so many more lives would be saved.
I hope you don't have to wait long Bathgate, my thoughts are with you.
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
thanks !
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
friday morning dialysis preparation,...
sitting 3 & 1/2 hours each time is getting old , quick !
( 3 x week )
who would think cleaning out your blood would take so long ??? ,...
I hope that once the transplant process gets going ,
the dialysis will be terminated shortly afterwards .
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
sian, what a wonderful thing that through your painful tragedy, all those lives were helped
My thoughts are with both of you
I have not read this entire thread, but I hope all goes well for you
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
thanks P&E.
Golf outting is less than 2 weeks away now, i'm going to repost details in hopes of getting some of the benevolent Jammers and Golfers out to the greens,... its a little pricey but its going to a great cause and you get food and drinbk, go for it !
The third annual "Transplants Save Lives" golf outing is taking place on Wednesday September 16th at the River Vale Country Club, in River Vale New Jersey. A shot gun start will be at 1:00pm The cost for the outing is $180 and includes Golf; Cart; Dinner; unlimited Beer and Soda for the first hour. The Cost is $50 for Dinner Only. There are also many Raffles and other Prizes.
My best friend Rick is running this outing as he has for the past two years. This is a great cause and many of the transplant donors will be on hand at the outing and dinner. It was pretty amazing last year when a 23 year old man attended the outing only 3 weeks after getting a heart transplant. And there are many other stories like his.
The River Vale Country Club is a very nice course and the outing is a foursome scramble. You can sign up as a single or foursome or anything in between.
This is a great cause to highten the awareness of Organ Donors and Organ Transplants. You can find more information about this organization at http://www.transplantssavelives.com/
If you need additional information or if you would like to sign up for the outing please post below or drop me a PM.
I have never asked the Tech Team but perhaps we can make this a sticky for he next month. If anyone thinks its worthly and knows how to go about doing that please see what you can do.
Thank You
The third annual "Transplants Save Lives" golf outing is taking place on Wednesday September 16th at the River Vale Country Club, in River Vale New Jersey. A shot gun start will be at 1:00pm The cost for the outing is $180 and includes Golf; Cart; Dinner; unlimited Beer and Soda for the first hour. The Cost is $50 for Dinner Only. There are also many Raffles and other Prizes.
My best friend Rick is running this outing as he has for the past two years. This is a great cause and many of the transplant donors will be on hand at the outing and dinner. It was pretty amazing last year when a 23 year old man attended the outing only 3 weeks after getting a heart transplant. And there are many other stories like his.
The River Vale Country Club is a very nice course and the outing is a foursome scramble. You can sign up as a single or foursome or anything in between.
This is a great cause to highten the awareness of Organ Donors and Organ Transplants. You can find more information about this organization at http://www.transplantssavelives.com/
If you need additional information or if you would like to sign up for the outing please post below or drop me a PM.
I have never asked the Tech Team but perhaps we can make this a sticky for he next month. If anyone thinks its worthly and knows how to go about doing that please see what you can do.
Thank You.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
thanks buddy.
Dialysis was pretty awful last night.
My catheter clotted up, made an already 3.5 hour process into 4 .5 -5 hours.
I never thought sitting on my ass in a lazyboy would be trying / challenging .
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
c'mon Golfers !
Fouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
They raised alot of good money to go to a great cause and that will help in saving many lives.
Theres a new TV show coming on this season - and its storyline revolves all around Transplants.
Its on CBS and it is called " 3 Rivers " .
Look for it ,
and dont forget about the idea of becoming an organ donor- you can save someones life today . whens the last time you could say that to someone ?
Im going for my evealuation in 4 weeks .
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
It took all day , more than actually a traditional working day,
First of all geographically, from where I am located ,
it just couldnt get too much farther away , and still remain in NYC .
Where I had to go at Col/Pres is located on West 167th Street.
Beejebus ,, its just about under the George Washington Bridge for gods sake.
It is absolutely amazing the way that the
technology and sciences have advanced in the last few years .
Col/Pres is one of the top rated transplant centers as far as sucess rates
and rejection rates.
So so so much information was reviewed,
in fact too much for any 1 individual to soak up in 1 days 8 hour time .
Living Donor organs scientifically have much much better results for the patient
than that of a cadaver / non - living donor .
The results of living donor use alone is like double than that of a non living donor.
One can live with a living donor kidney for another 35 years on the average.
A living donor most likely comes from a Mother or Father, Brother or Sister, Cousin or Friend .
The other option would be a cadaver or non living donor. Tjhhis obviously comes from a person who decided to donate their organs for science, or a catastrophic event led to their death unexpectedly, or their family has decided to donate their organs . The statistics for these are indeed successful, but just not as much as the living doonors mentioned above.
People can still add many years to the life of someone who is ill by donating their organs.
The real surprise came to me upon meeting the Nephrology Surgeons .
Turns out I am a prime candidate for not only the kidney trasplant,
but they are also lining me up from a full out Pancreas Transplant as well .
This would cure my Type 1 Diabetes, that I have learned to live with for
the past 37 years .
( I was diagnosed with type 1 insulin dependant diabetes when I was 5 years old ,
and this was the catalyst for my kidney failure , 37 years after being diagnosed )
Of course one cannot recieve a living donor pancreas ,
so this immediately falls under a "non living donor " criteria.
Medicare and Medicaid are a major component of any transplant process.
The donor and the recipient are both cared for under this and it is a definite wise choice to go with both parts "A" and part " B " .
It is up to you to pay the payments with this, usually not covered by insurance so its out of pocket but i'd say worth it .
This initself is a major clusterfuck of information, regulations, and laws.
It is so much to wrap your arms around !
The major and most difficult step (( the first step )) is now complete.
I hope to get word on a new kidney soon and will update this thread accordingly.
The pancreas will come at a later time, after weve got the new kidney up and running .
Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
United Network On Sharing Organs
UNOS oversees the national database of clinical transplant information and operates ... United Network for Organ Sharing: Organ Donation and Transplantation ...
Materials and Resources; National Events; Workplace Partnership; Organ Procurement Organizations;
Living Bank Network
National Kidney Foundation
http://www.kidney.org/transplantation/l ... 5godMCMqOw
National Kidney Registry
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
and from the Transplant Team at Columbia / Presbyterian:
-- The paperwork has all been filed through the proper channels.
It is now up to the next step, where my living donors ( My family members ) must travel into Upper Manhattan to take a series of blood viles for cross matching and blood type charecterizations .
-- It is imperative that I get the paperworks for all of the Medicare and Medicaid taken care of .
Any dialysis patient in the USA is automatically eligible for Medicare after I believe 90 days on dialysis treatments. ( I've been on since my kidneys failed in August 2009 )
( Part A )
It is up to me to pay the small premiums out of pocket for the ( Part B ) portion of the Medicare, this wll insure that not only I am covered, but also my donor, if any problems should arise at the time of the operations or later on down the road, we would all be covered without limits.
One can't even imagine , the costs of procedures such as a renal transplant , are very expensive .
-- My kindeys failed in August of this past summer. I was all set to go to PJ in Chicago, but needless to say all travel plans were cancelled and I was hospitalized for 2 simultaneous surgical procedures.
==The 1st was a standard AV Fistula which was created in my right forearm . This is the joining of your very own Artery and Vein, to increase bloodflow in this specific area. They actually use your own vasculature, so there are no foreign bodies inside of your arm- its using the vessels you are born with - just reattaching them together under microsurgery , at the fistula location.( in my case the aforementioned Right Forearm )I have a tiny zipper scar on my left wrist where they did the procedure.
Fistulas normally take a few months to mature so that they can be used safely .
40 % of all fistulas later need some " help" in maturing .
By "help" they do what we commonly know as " Angioplasty " in the vessel in the fistula.
They insert small balloons that expand the vessel slightly to open it up for increased pressure and blood flow .
After having 2 of these fistulograms to aide in my fistula maturation , I have finally received word that my fistula is ready to use !
So now, they can remove the Tessio Catheter in my right chest .
This is enough to make me scream with joy !
== The Tessio catheter was the 2nd Surgical Procedure I had when initially hospitalized in August.
Its basically a catheter inserted into my right chest wall, and this is the temporary access thru which all of my Dialysis treatments have been carried through up until this point in time ( for the past 3 months )
This is probably the most inconvenient thing to have to deal with on Dialysis Treatments.
It prevents you from showering .
It keeps you from swimming in the ocean or in a pool during the summer months .
( Ironically enough I live 40 yards off of The Atlantic Ocean here in NYC )
If the catheter gets wet, it can easily become infected , and then there are further threats such as Sepsis or Endocarditis which can eventually kill you , so its paramount to keep the catheter in good shape.
It is , quite literally , your lifeline .
Now that my fistula has matured, we can start the process of removing my Tessio catheter.
Now, just a few more weeks and I should hear back concerning the blood matches with my living donors .
Then, shortly after that , we will begin the next step and a full out Pancreas transplant which wi;ll hopefully cure me of my insulin dependant diabetes , which I have dealt with since I was a little boy of 5 years of age .
How my life will be greatly impacted by all of these procedures.
I'll keep you all updated.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
I'm surprised my mom never put me on it, our family are all supporters of organ donation, as is my boyfriends family (almost all of whom are nurses).
Sorry to hear about your situation bathgate :(
Hopefully some luck comes your way soon!
thanks to you
and everyone else that forwarded their best wishes to me.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
amen !
National Donor Info
Access to U.S. Government Information
on Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation
Becoming a Donor :
Living Bank. org :
The Living Bank is a private, non-profit organization dedicated
to the enhancement of organ and tissue donation. Our mission
is to educate the community about the urgent need for donors
so no one dies or suffers for lack of donation; honor donors
and support organ recipients, living donors and their families.
United Network for Organ Sharing ( UNOS )
Scientific Registry Of Transplant Recipients
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Provincial/Territory info on how to become an organ donor
BC Organ Donor Registry
im sorry i neglected our brotheren to the North
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
thats beautiful.
god bless you and your husband,
and the soul who donated to your husband, and their family .
awesome news.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
I feel terrible for not remembering what it was, but I'll have to ask my mom what part of him lives on in another person.
I hope it wasn't his eyes, he was the most colour-blind person I've ever met!
ive had this in my right chest since early august.
i feel liberated .
i will be celebrating with my closest friends
tomorrow night - we are seeing Roger Daltrey .
( these are not my actual Radiographs )
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
sexy ribcage
congrats, here's to your celebrations
I’m a regular blood donor, I’m on the bone marrow donor list and my license indicates that I am a full organ donor. They can use whatever they want after I go.
Now a days, it’s not just kidneys, or eyes, or hearts, they can use just about everything – skin, tissue.
You won’t need it anymore, why not give the greatest gift you can to someone else – the gift of life.
Best of luck to you Bathgate. My thoughts and prayers are with you.