*** Toronto, ON Fanviews Here 5/10/16 ***

SeaSea Posts: 3,004
edited May 2016 in Given To Fly (live)
Pearl Jam
Air Canada Centre
Toronto, ON
May 10, 2016
Set List

Walk On Music:It Happened Today-R.E.M. 8:31
Band On Stage:08:34
Band Off Stage:11:31

01. Go (album intro)
02. Do The Evolution
03. Mind Your Manners
(Ed greets and toasts the audience. He asks if they are ready to make a night of it? “We might as well. We got the day off tomorrow. We didn’t want it but we got thanks to Toronto Raptors. They better fucking win.” Ed reminds the audience of how many shows they have played in Toronto and says the first time they played it was seven songs. He then gets the audience to cheer as he auctions adding more songs)

BINAURAL (in Sequence)
04. Breakerfall
05. God’s Dice

(Ed tells a story about the fire alarm going off in their hotel today. The internal debate about how long you wait to find out if it is a false alarm or if you are going to have to put on shorts and go down stairs. His mood gets serious as he says It is a very different situation for the people in Fort McMurray who are in the middle of the terrible fire. He dedicates the next song to the people of Alberta and the first responders helping them.)
06. Evacuation
(The next song is for a person that Ed describes as both family and friend to the band. The type of loss that is profound and the sadness is so deep that it makes you want to be a better person. If any one in the audience has someone like that in their life they want to share the song with them.)

07. Light Years
08. Nothing As It Seems
(Ed introduces Stone as the author of the next song. Ed describes how much he loves the song and how it is such a great love song. He imagined making a video for it that would look like a Japanese karaoke video. While he was surprised the song wasn’t as big on the radio as he would have thought and wished it is just a beautiful song that Ed loves.)
09. Thin Air
(during Thin Air Ed goes to the barricade to sing with the audience. One man in a Seattle Mariners jersey gets on the mic and duets with Ed. When the song is done Ed learns the man’s name and says “JP, I will meet you after the show you handsome man.”)

10. Insignificance
11. Of The Girl
12. Grievance
13. Rival
(The next song starts but Ed realizes he has made a mistake and waves the band to a stop. “you know the thing about records is sometimes they skip and you have to start the song over. Let me clean the needle off.” They restart the song)

14. Sleight Of Hand

(Ed describes the next song as not being written about a specific person but a general theory about despicable rich fucks who behave in a monstrous fashion. He has come to realize that the song fits Donald Trump perfectly. He praises the Canadians for electing their new Prime Minister who will be focusing on important things like climate change. He suggest they might like to build a wall themselves and muses about living in Canada and says in honor of Rush he could change his name to Geddy Vedder.)
15. Soon Forget
16. Parting Ways
17. Corduroy
18. Once
19. Rearviewmirror

Encore Break One

(Ed checks with the audience to make sure they are all good. He reminisces about playing outside by the ferris wheel and riding the wheel with Chrissie Hynde. Seeing Soundgarden and thinking that drummer is fucking incredible. This gets Matt a much deserved ovation. Ed continues noting that they are going to be sending money from these shows to Alberta and Edmonton. He says he saw something in the paper saying that what is going on in Alberta isn’t at least part due to climate change. Ed says he is going to stick to the science on that one. He asks the audience to hold up their phones with the lights on to light up the place. He wants to experience the healing powers of music. The Toronto audience complies en masse.)

20. Imagine-(Lennon) Full band version
(This one was written a long long time ago in a galaxy far away outside Jeff’s apartment. It isn’t about the time of year so much as about the temperature when we were out walking around. This is about being out in the cold.)
21. Let Me Sleep

(this is for a great couple I met today Randy (Robin?) and Jo)
22. Comfortably Numb-(Gilmour, Waters)
23. Even Flow (Ed tosses the mic to the audience but it either falls short or they drop it. They sing a couple lines and toss the mic back. This time it definitely falls short. Ed reels the mic in for the end of the song.)
(the next song if for Howard Zinn. Our greatest historian and positivist.)
24. Down
25. Better Man/Save It For Later-(Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling) (Stone goes over to Jeff’s side of the stage and rocks out.)
26. Porch

Encore Break Two
(Ed praises the audience for their energy and says if the crowd tomorrow is as good the Raptors should go all the way. Ed elicits a few boos when he professes to be a Dwyane Wade fan. He says “yeah, We The North, I saw that sign but we are from the Northwest. He goes on to say that they need to play a song for the back of the venue because they are for equal opportunity.)

27. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town (played 360)
28. Given To Fly
(Ed asks for a light on the audience. Ed notes that Jeff has a three piece band called RNDM (Random) that is just great. Ed wants to point out the guy in the audience that is wearing one of the full face ski masks that RNDM wears. “Jeff let me wear one of those at a show in Seattle so I could be undercover and I didn’t last three songs and you have been wearing that thing all night. That is incredible. Let me introduce you. Ladies and gentlemen, Matt Damon!” The audience cheers, the guy in the mask raises his hands. (Matt Damon is in the audience but he is not the one wearing the RNDM mask.)

29. State Of Love And Trust
30. Black
31. The Real Me-(Townshend)
32. Alive
33. Rockin’ In The Free World-(Young) w/ special guest guitarist Donna Grantis
(Ed introduces Donna Grantis as an amazing guitar player. A Canadian guitarist who has been working in Minnesota. He is honored that she is going to play guitar with them tonight. She is great.)

Please share your experiences of the show here...the Fanview threads are preserved on the board.

Please keep the Fanview threads for Fanviews. It's ok to begin another thread on discussions of other topics and/or debates.

Thank you!

Thanks John for the set list & notes.
Post edited by Sea on


  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,548
    edited May 2016


    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • SmallestOceansSmallestOceans Posts: 13,542
    Thanks for the out of body experience guys. You are the greatest band to ever do it! :rock_on:
    Worcester1 13, Worcester2 13, Hartford 13, San Diego 13, Los Angeles1 13, Los Angeles2 13
    Trieste 14, Vienna 14, Gdynia 14, Leeds 14, Milton Keynes 14, Denver 14
    Central Park 15
    Fort Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Tampa 16, Jacksonville 16, Greenville 16, Hampton 16, Columbia 16, Lexington 16, Philly1 16, Philly2 16, NYC1 16, NYC2 16, Quebec City 16, Ottawa 16, Toronto1 16, Toronto2 16, Fenway1 16, Fenway2 16, Wrigley1 16, Wrigley2 16

  • shetellsherselfshetellsherself New Jersey Posts: 8,818
    Amazing. Wish I'd been there.
    5/3/92 Omaha, NE
    6/19/95 Red Rocks
    9/11/98 MSG
    11/19/12 EV solo Tulsa
    7/19/13 Wrigley 10/19/13 Brooklyn 2 10/21/13 Philly 1 10/22/13 Philly 2 10/25/13 Hartford
    10/08/14 Tulsa 10/09/14 Lincoln
    9/26/15 NYC Global Citizen
    4/16/16 Greenville 4/28/16 Philly 1 4/29/16 Philly 2 5/1/16 MSG 1 5/2/16 MSG 2 8/7/16 Fenway 2 8/20/16 Wrigley 1
    4/7/17 RRHOF New York City
    9/2/18 Fenway 1 9/4/2018 Fenway 2
    9/18/21 Asbury Park
    2/4/22 EV Earthlings NYC 2/6/22 EV Earthlings Newark 9/11/22 MSG 9/14/22 Camden
    9/3/24 MSG 1 9/4/24 MSG 2 9/7/24 Philly 1 9/9/24 Philly 2
  • Red LukinRed Lukin Posts: 2,994
    First set was amazing but let's be honest; take out the covers and the last 2 sets are horrible.

    Given to fly
    Small town

    Blah blah blah

    And Corduroy again. Yeah?!

    I get most are into those songs but way to kill a great evening.

    Just my thought..
  • chittychitty Posts: 609
    To the above: for a random fan the band knows it's a good idea to play those songs if they've played binaural in full.
    I'm A die hard and binaural was absolutely epic, I'm grateful to have been there, but I also knew the "hits" were coming as they should be

    Thank you Pearl jam
  • Red LukinRed Lukin Posts: 2,994
    I knew hits were coming but besides the covers it was basically songs off of rvm. just my opinion. I get why they play those songs but I just don't like it. Call me 1 of a 1000 I guess..
  • Red LukinRed Lukin Posts: 2,994
    Plus I'm tired after waiting 5 hours for a jersey. The 'boring' songs just didn't do it for me tonight.

    Really hope they skip all the boring **** on Thursday.
  • crazybootsiecrazybootsie Posts: 127
    To be honest I may have to take some time to think about tonights show. Band sounds great but the setlist wasn't my cup of tea. Been to 20+ shows and can't go on Thursday because of the change of date and it's going to be awesome. Also, is it just me or does the band need to give up RITFW in Toronto as a closer (and I know it probably hasn't been played that many times to close a show). Sorry to be Debbie downer!! Hoping Fenway is Better!!!!#iloveblack
    Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
  • chittychitty Posts: 609
    Respect opinions truly and binaural isn't near my favourite, but I felt honoured to be there and hear it live
    You guys sound like spoiled greedy people. You got a great show and your complaining about hearing given to fly? Omg. Half glass empty
  • Red LukinRed Lukin Posts: 2,994
    Spoiled it greedy, no, but a concert snot. Yea I'll take that.

    Tor2 will be MSG2. Book it!
  • Wow.

    Again... freaking jealous.

    And shocked people are actually disappointed.
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • MP188882MP188882 Posts: 62
    A+ show!

    Amazing night - one for the collectors!

    Lots of stuff went over the heads of the casual fan tonight and unfortunately the room was full of casual fans. But so far as I go, FUCKING EPIC.

    Some of the comments above just go to show you can't please everyone.

    Very nice touch to have Donna Grantis onstage. Was shocked how many people had no idea what the reference to Minnesota meant - SHE WAS PRINCE'S GUITAR PLAYER FOR THE LAST 3 YEARS PEOPLE! She's Canadian and she totally shredded.

    What a special night. It's been 5 long years since TO saw them last and they delivered something special for us tonight. Thanks guys - can't wait until Thursday!
    8/22/98 - Barrie, Ontario
    10/5/00 - Toronto, Ontario
    6/28/03 - Toronto, Ontario
    9/22/05 - Halifax, Nova Scotia
    9/11/11 - Toronto, Ontario
    9/12/11 - Toronto, Ontario
    7/31/12 - London, England (EV)
    10/12/13 - Buffalo, New York
    12/2/13 - Calgary, Alberta
    05/10/16 - Toronto, Ontario
    05/12/16 - Toronto, Ontario
    09/06/16 - Hamilton, Ontario
    09/08/22 - Toronto, Ontario

  • ryangingerryanginger Posts: 77
    I'm blown away. After enjoying Ottawa, but feeling it was a little "greatest hits", this was a great counter. Completely different vibe. A few friends were attending their first PJ shows and were floored. And yet at the same show, we get Let Me Sleep which has been played what.. 4 times ever? Insane. Got to see a bunch of songs I hadn't heard live before, and got to sing along to a good number of favourites. I'm a happy camper and can't wait for Thursday.
    Vancouver 2005, 2009, 2011, 2013
    Ottawa, Toronto 1 & 2 2016
    Seattle 1 & 2 2018
  • Mignelli14Mignelli14 Posts: 626
    That girl raised hell man. She was dynamite!
  • coach pjcoach pj Posts: 230
    I cannot believe people are complaining. This is the best band in the world. They play awesome songs. I never go to any of their shows with any expectation. Whatever they want to play is awesome as far as I am concerned. I am just happy to have grown up with this band and seen them in person. I wish people would take a step back and really think about why they get upset about these set lists. I think they are all awesome in their own right. Never the same show. Not many bands do what they do. Please just be thankful.
  • MP188882MP188882 Posts: 62

    That girl raised hell man. She was dynamite!

    You might say, she has some "experience" from her last gig:

    8/22/98 - Barrie, Ontario
    10/5/00 - Toronto, Ontario
    6/28/03 - Toronto, Ontario
    9/22/05 - Halifax, Nova Scotia
    9/11/11 - Toronto, Ontario
    9/12/11 - Toronto, Ontario
    7/31/12 - London, England (EV)
    10/12/13 - Buffalo, New York
    12/2/13 - Calgary, Alberta
    05/10/16 - Toronto, Ontario
    05/12/16 - Toronto, Ontario
    09/06/16 - Hamilton, Ontario
    09/08/22 - Toronto, Ontario

  • bigbiggzybigbiggzy Posts: 761
    Wait...did they not play Grievance?
  • NWOntarioNWOntario Toronto Posts: 826
    Tonight was an all-timer. There was a moment during (I think) "Comfortably Numb" when it really occurred to me that we were in the midst of something special. I'm not sure I'd have felt that way if, for instance, I'd never heard a song off Binaural till this evening...but the performance was stunning, and I say that as someone who generally doesn't like the album all that much. I spent a lot of the show ruminating over the band and how big a role its music's played in my life (tonight was PJ40 for me btw), and it's astonishing that they're still doing what they do and, really, they're the only band on the planet that's doing it at this level on this scale.

    PJ41 on Thursday outta be special, too: I'm taking my partner to her first-ever Pearl Jam show. We'll be in GA. We'll be deliriously happy.
    Minneapolis 1998 | Jones Beach I & II, Montreal, and Toronto 2000 | Buffalo, State College, Toronto, Montreal and Hershey 2003 | Boston I & II 2004 | Thunder Bay, Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto 2005 | Toronto I & II 2006 | The Vic and Lollapalooza 2007 | Calgary and Toronto 2009 | PJ20 I & II, Toronto I & II, Ottawa, Calgary and Edmonton 2011 | London, Chicago, Spokane, Calgary, Vancouver and Seattle 2013 | Ottawa and Toronto I & II 2016 | Chicago I & II 2018 | Ottawa, Hamilton and Toronto 2022
  • brianwilsonbrianwilson Posts: 406
    Binaural Rules!..... Better with headphones, obviously, but every album is.

    Nice fuckin' show!
  • NWOntarioNWOntario Toronto Posts: 826
    By the way: tonight was also the ten-year anniversary of Pearl Jam's second 2006 show at the ACC, which remains firmly entrenched as my second all-time favourite concert (after Buffalo 2003, which will never be topped). I left that show in 2006 wanting to run through the night. I left tonight's show wanting to start a band and change the world. Potato, potato.
    Minneapolis 1998 | Jones Beach I & II, Montreal, and Toronto 2000 | Buffalo, State College, Toronto, Montreal and Hershey 2003 | Boston I & II 2004 | Thunder Bay, Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto 2005 | Toronto I & II 2006 | The Vic and Lollapalooza 2007 | Calgary and Toronto 2009 | PJ20 I & II, Toronto I & II, Ottawa, Calgary and Edmonton 2011 | London, Chicago, Spokane, Calgary, Vancouver and Seattle 2013 | Ottawa and Toronto I & II 2016 | Chicago I & II 2018 | Ottawa, Hamilton and Toronto 2022
  • jessebasijessebasi Posts: 149
    bigbiggzy said:

    Wait...did they not play Grievance?

    They played Grievance, they just forgot it.
    2016 - Toronto I (Binaural!), Toronto II
    2020 - Toronto, Hamilton
  • uninnocent-uninnocent- Posts: 5,959
    How do they do it? The shows keep getting better and better. Holy Hell these Canadian shows have been so fun to attend.
  • andrew68andrew68 Posts: 1,801
    NWOntario said:

    Tonight was an all-timer. There was a moment during (I think) "Comfortably Numb" when it really occurred to me that we were in the midst of something special. I'm not sure I'd have felt that way if, for instance, I'd never heard a song off Binaural till this evening...but the performance was stunning, and I say that as someone who generally doesn't like the album all that much. I spent a lot of the show ruminating over the band and how big a role its music's played in my life (tonight was PJ40 for me btw), and it's astonishing that they're still doing what they do and, really, they're the only band on the planet that's doing it at this level on this scale.

    PJ41 on Thursday outta be special, too: I'm taking my partner to her first-ever Pearl Jam show. We'll be in GA. We'll be deliriously happy.

    Well said sir
    Any new realizations... would have to wait...
    Til he had more time,... more time...
    Time to dream,... to himself... he waves goodbye,
    To himself... I'll see you on the other side...
  • foodboyfoodboy Posts: 988
    what a show. if you check my comment that i made to some flack on this board which is not surprising to the loud and uninformed minority, i specifically asked for a special show for toronto. an album , rarities and put us in a league with philly and new york. it was about time. all of this from a musicologists point of view. after binaural it didn't matter what they played. this show was epic! best show ever played in toronto in my opinion ..... so far. there is still thursday. anyone complaining i don't get it. i don't like all the hits either but they have to play them. this show was over the top sensational. one i will never forget.
  • BF89905BF89905 Posts: 1,405
    edited May 2016
    Incredible show.... Got to be up for work in 4+ hours..... So looking forward to Thursday night..... Be well, everyone
  • gibbitsgibbits Posts: 507
    Maybe the greatest show I have seen. Wasn't happy my section was full of pussies who didn't seem to understand or care Binaural was being played! Most of them sat down and sent texts through songs like Sleight of Hand. Sad considering how many diehards were shut out.

    All that being said, an unparalleled performance from the boys tonight!
    Yes Bi awesome but everything else too streamed lines. I came from Tampa - I hear RTFW in Miami and Toronto this was show # 30
    Atlanta, Georgia (August 20, 1992)
    New York, New York (September 10, 1998)
    New York, New York (September 11, 1998)
    West Palm Beach, Florida (September 22, 1998)
    West Palm Beach, Florida (September 23, 1998)
    West Palm Beach, Florida (August 09, 2000)
    Tampa, Florida (August 12, 2000)
    Tampa, Florida (April 13, 2003)
    Seattle, Washington (October 22, 2003)
    Tampa, Florida (June 12, 2008)
    Chicago, Illinois (August 23, 2009)
    Chicago, Illinois (August 24, 2009)
    Kansas City, Missouri (May 03, 2010)
    St Louis, Missouri (May 04, 2010)
    Toronto, Ontario (September 11, 2011)
    Toronto, Ontario (September 12, 2011)
    Philadelphia, PA (October 21, 2013)
    Charlotte, NC (October 30, 2013)
    Tampa (April 11, 2016)
    Toronto 1 (May 10, 2016)
    Chicago The Vic (8-2-2007)
    Tampa/St.Pete (3-29-1994)

  • cheney50mccheney50mc Posts: 217
    I'm a life long fan, have played guitar for 25 years, I am aware that they have played full albums recently, and I truly did not know that they were doing Binaural until after 'Of the Girl'. I thought it was cool that they were playing an 'opener' like Of the Girl mid-set like they had done with HTI, Long Road and Release recently. Insignificance is one of my dream songs, so to be surprised by it instead of knowing it was coming was an amazing moment. People around me in Sec 115 didn't seem to know what was going on but everyone was cool. Didn't think the encores were that great, but that's what Thursday is for... thanks for a cool night though.
  • Hawk123Hawk123 Posts: 2,023
    What a great show! Binaural was incredible to hear and once the album finished and they went right into corduroy, it was perfect! Encores were solid, need to play the hits to balance out the binaural rarities. Comfortably numb and the real me were amazing too! Thank you to the band for such an awesome experience
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