No surprise here when Team Trump Treason totally disregards them in practice and with who he cuddles with, putin on the ritz and the very honorable Un.
The U.N. human rights council treats Israel like North Korea so I am not surprised by this at all. Wasn't this a Trump campaign promise?
Do they really or is that what you’ve been lead to believe? Distinctions are important but not when you’re trying to fire up your evangelical base to bring about the end of times.
Do more research as plenty of non-binding resolutions against Israel have passed but more legally binding sanctions have been passed against North Korea. Words, facts and rhetoric matter.
God forbid i have a different opinion than the majority of this forum. You are right, I ve been led to believe this. My man Sean hannity and Ann Coulter told me so it must Be true. I m out. Time to watch some Fox News baby!
Did I mention faux news, Hannity or coulture? I linked to a repube congressman from FL and an ardent Team Trump Treason supporter being fact checked for a similar claim. You claimed that you thought it was a Team Trump Treason campaign promise. So, did you blindly accept Team Trump Treason’s campaign rhetoric, you know, from the guy who tells on average a minimum of six lies a day, if you didn’t get it from faux, Hannity or coulture? God forbid you form informed, fact based opinions.
I Said I thought it was a campaign promise. I even indicated I wasn’t sure by the use of the question mark At the end of The sentence. And I didn’t even vote for the guy!!!!!
Let me take your 5 year old child by force and throw them in a cage without you knowing where they are, then talk to me about abuse, tough guy
People like you are giving America a bad name, you should be ashamed
You have zero empathy, for anyone, and its disgusting
Not true. I have empathy for the taxpayers that have to fund this mess.
HA How about the 20 billion dollars your president wants us to pay for an idiotic wall....after promising he would convince Mexico to foot the bill for 2 years? How about the 2 trillion dollars their tax plan adds to our deficit?
Is this guy for real?
You are a hypocritical mess...
I actually kinda think that spending the money on the wall would be cheaper in the long run than prosecuting thousands upon thousands of people and putting the kids up to stay in warehouses every year.
Really? You think this zero tolerance policy is going to continue on a yearly basis?
I have no idea. Let’s say they remove the zero tolerance- they still have war torn countries and cartels forcing people out of their countries for safety and ending up here. Look at Europe, most of those countries bordering the type of countries have walls/fences/etc. and prosecute & throw people out who try to come in. But it can’t be cheap.
Ma'am, how much do you think we spend on prosecuting these folks currently?
Perhaps we could do a better job of not turning down so many folks at the legal ports of entry? A lot of people who are currently being prosecuted and have had their kids sent to these horrible wallmart cages tried to do it the right way but were not able to get in. If you travelled halfway across the world out of a war torn country only to be told the legal port is full, what would you do? Turn around and go traverse back to your war torn country or do what these folks did?
I don’t know, bust out your calculator and let me know. There’s no cages by the way, I haven’t read any info saying that kids are in cages lol. And maybe you’re misssing the point but the reason they’re being prosecuted is to send a message that they can’t just turn around and try it illegally, it’s supposed to deter emigration unless it’s legal and with a visa. Is it working? Obviously not. I’m just saying that the whole shit is assbackwards and can’t be cheap the way it is now. We’ll have hundreds of these Walmart asylums before you know it and then we’re dealing with a humanitarian disaster. The cartels know what they’re doing, they’re not trying to save people, they’re taking their money and making our government deal with them.
Really? If you haven't read any info saying that, it's clear you haven't sought one fucking article about this. I screen grabbed what showed up when I simply searched "cages" on Google just now. No mention of Trump, or immigration or anything - and yet, would you look at those results! What other obvious and immediately provable realities would you like to ignore?
No surprise here when Team Trump Treason totally disregards them in practice and with who he cuddles with, putin on the ritz and the very honorable Un.
The U.N. human rights council treats Israel like North Korea so I am not surprised by this at all. Wasn't this a Trump campaign promise?
Do they really or is that what you’ve been lead to believe? Distinctions are important but not when you’re trying to fire up your evangelical base to bring about the end of times.
Do more research as plenty of non-binding resolutions against Israel have passed but more legally binding sanctions have been passed against North Korea. Words, facts and rhetoric matter.
God forbid i have a different opinion than the majority of this forum. You are right, I ve been led to believe this. My man Sean hannity and Ann Coulter told me so it must Be true. I m out. Time to watch some Fox News baby!
Did I mention faux news, Hannity or coulture? I linked to a repube congressman from FL and an ardent Team Trump Treason supporter being fact checked for a similar claim. You claimed that you thought it was a Team Trump Treason campaign promise. So, did you blindly accept Team Trump Treason’s campaign rhetoric, you know, from the guy who tells on average a minimum of six lies a day, if you didn’t get it from faux, Hannity or coulture? God forbid you form informed, fact based opinions.
I Said I thought it was a campaign promise. I even indicated I wasn’t sure by the use of the question mark At the end of The sentence. And I didn’t even vote for the guy!!!!!
Yes, you did say you thought it was a campaign promise by the way you posed your rhetorical question, lending credence to the idea. Had you simply asked, “was it a campaign promise?” You wouldn’t have given any credence to the idea that it could have been. So, was it a campaign promise? Regardless, why do you think it was? You somehow have the idea that it might have been, right? And I know you didn’t vote for the bum, Team Trump Treason.
Let me take your 5 year old child by force and throw them in a cage without you knowing where they are, then talk to me about abuse, tough guy
People like you are giving America a bad name, you should be ashamed
You have zero empathy, for anyone, and its disgusting
Not true. I have empathy for the taxpayers that have to fund this mess.
HA How about the 20 billion dollars your president wants us to pay for an idiotic wall....after promising he would convince Mexico to foot the bill for 2 years? How about the 2 trillion dollars their tax plan adds to our deficit?
Is this guy for real?
You are a hypocritical mess...
I actually kinda think that spending the money on the wall would be cheaper in the long run than prosecuting thousands upon thousands of people and putting the kids up to stay in warehouses every year.
Really? You think this zero tolerance policy is going to continue on a yearly basis?
I have no idea. Let’s say they remove the zero tolerance- they still have war torn countries and cartels forcing people out of their countries for safety and ending up here. Look at Europe, most of those countries bordering the type of countries have walls/fences/etc. and prosecute & throw people out who try to come in. But it can’t be cheap.
Ma'am, how much do you think we spend on prosecuting these folks currently?
Perhaps we could do a better job of not turning down so many folks at the legal ports of entry? A lot of people who are currently being prosecuted and have had their kids sent to these horrible wallmart cages tried to do it the right way but were not able to get in. If you travelled halfway across the world out of a war torn country only to be told the legal port is full, what would you do? Turn around and go traverse back to your war torn country or do what these folks did?
I don’t know, bust out your calculator and let me know. There’s no cages by the way, I haven’t read any info saying that kids are in cages lol. And maybe you’re misssing the point but the reason they’re being prosecuted is to send a message that they can’t just turn around and try it illegally, it’s supposed to deter emigration unless it’s legal and with a visa. Is it working? Obviously not. I’m just saying that the whole shit is assbackwards and can’t be cheap the way it is now. We’ll have hundreds of these Walmart asylums before you know it and then we’re dealing with a humanitarian disaster. The cartels know what they’re doing, they’re not trying to save people, they’re taking their money and making our government deal with them.
Really? If you haven't read any info saying that, it's clear you haven't sought one fucking article about this. I screen grabbed what showed up when I simply searched "cages" on Google just now. No mention of Trump, or immigration or anything - and yet, would you look at those results! What other obvious and immediately provable realities would you like to ignore?
Let me take your 5 year old child by force and throw them in a cage without you knowing where they are, then talk to me about abuse, tough guy
People like you are giving America a bad name, you should be ashamed
You have zero empathy, for anyone, and its disgusting
Not true. I have empathy for the taxpayers that have to fund this mess.
HA How about the 20 billion dollars your president wants us to pay for an idiotic wall....after promising he would convince Mexico to foot the bill for 2 years? How about the 2 trillion dollars their tax plan adds to our deficit?
Is this guy for real?
You are a hypocritical mess...
I actually kinda think that spending the money on the wall would be cheaper in the long run than prosecuting thousands upon thousands of people and putting the kids up to stay in warehouses every year.
Really? You think this zero tolerance policy is going to continue on a yearly basis?
I have no idea. Let’s say they remove the zero tolerance- they still have war torn countries and cartels forcing people out of their countries for safety and ending up here. Look at Europe, most of those countries bordering the type of countries have walls/fences/etc. and prosecute & throw people out who try to come in. But it can’t be cheap.
Ma'am, how much do you think we spend on prosecuting these folks currently?
Perhaps we could do a better job of not turning down so many folks at the legal ports of entry? A lot of people who are currently being prosecuted and have had their kids sent to these horrible wallmart cages tried to do it the right way but were not able to get in. If you travelled halfway across the world out of a war torn country only to be told the legal port is full, what would you do? Turn around and go traverse back to your war torn country or do what these folks did?
I don’t know, bust out your calculator and let me know. There’s no cages by the way, I haven’t read any info saying that kids are in cages lol. And maybe you’re misssing the point but the reason they’re being prosecuted is to send a message that they can’t just turn around and try it illegally, it’s supposed to deter emigration unless it’s legal and with a visa. Is it working? Obviously not. I’m just saying that the whole shit is assbackwards and can’t be cheap the way it is now. We’ll have hundreds of these Walmart asylums before you know it and then we’re dealing with a humanitarian disaster. The cartels know what they’re doing, they’re not trying to save people, they’re taking their money and making our government deal with them.
Really? If you haven't read any info saying that, it's clear you haven't sought one fucking article about this. I screen grabbed what showed up when I simply searched "cages" on Google just now. No mention of Trump, or immigration or anything - and yet, would you look at those results! What other obvious and immediately provable realities would you like to ignore?
Well it’s of course embellished. It’s true there’s chain link wire fences inside these warehouses, but in no way are they being held in cages. It’s just a word the media uses to create hysteria- both sides do it. I knew that it wouldn’t be true, there’s just no way.
Let me take your 5 year old child by force and throw them in a cage without you knowing where they are, then talk to me about abuse, tough guy
People like you are giving America a bad name, you should be ashamed
You have zero empathy, for anyone, and its disgusting
Not true. I have empathy for the taxpayers that have to fund this mess.
HA How about the 20 billion dollars your president wants us to pay for an idiotic wall....after promising he would convince Mexico to foot the bill for 2 years? How about the 2 trillion dollars their tax plan adds to our deficit?
Is this guy for real?
You are a hypocritical mess...
I actually kinda think that spending the money on the wall would be cheaper in the long run than prosecuting thousands upon thousands of people and putting the kids up to stay in warehouses every year.
Really? You think this zero tolerance policy is going to continue on a yearly basis?
I have no idea. Let’s say they remove the zero tolerance- they still have war torn countries and cartels forcing people out of their countries for safety and ending up here. Look at Europe, most of those countries bordering the type of countries have walls/fences/etc. and prosecute & throw people out who try to come in. But it can’t be cheap.
Ma'am, how much do you think we spend on prosecuting these folks currently?
Perhaps we could do a better job of not turning down so many folks at the legal ports of entry? A lot of people who are currently being prosecuted and have had their kids sent to these horrible wallmart cages tried to do it the right way but were not able to get in. If you travelled halfway across the world out of a war torn country only to be told the legal port is full, what would you do? Turn around and go traverse back to your war torn country or do what these folks did?
I don’t know, bust out your calculator and let me know. There’s no cages by the way, I haven’t read any info saying that kids are in cages lol. And maybe you’re misssing the point but the reason they’re being prosecuted is to send a message that they can’t just turn around and try it illegally, it’s supposed to deter emigration unless it’s legal and with a visa. Is it working? Obviously not. I’m just saying that the whole shit is assbackwards and can’t be cheap the way it is now. We’ll have hundreds of these Walmart asylums before you know it and then we’re dealing with a humanitarian disaster. The cartels know what they’re doing, they’re not trying to save people, they’re taking their money and making our government deal with them.
Really? If you haven't read any info saying that, it's clear you haven't sought one fucking article about this. I screen grabbed what showed up when I simply searched "cages" on Google just now. No mention of Trump, or immigration or anything - and yet, would you look at those results! What other obvious and immediately provable realities would you like to ignore?
Did you even read the article? Did you read that that one, single photo was taken at a demonstration, but that children in what could accurately be described as cages have been seen by reporters and Democratic lawmakers:
Democratic lawmakers who toured the facility have described children being held inside chain-linked cages.
"We did see the children who were held inside here," Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon told CNN's Ana Cabrera on Sunday. "In wire mesh, chain-linked cages that are about 30 by 30 feet, a lot of young folks put into them.
Did you look any further than that one, single photo taken at a demonstration, to the other ones that you can easily find online? Maybe a video like this?
Let me take your 5 year old child by force and throw them in a cage without you knowing where they are, then talk to me about abuse, tough guy
People like you are giving America a bad name, you should be ashamed
You have zero empathy, for anyone, and its disgusting
Not true. I have empathy for the taxpayers that have to fund this mess.
HA How about the 20 billion dollars your president wants us to pay for an idiotic wall....after promising he would convince Mexico to foot the bill for 2 years? How about the 2 trillion dollars their tax plan adds to our deficit?
Is this guy for real?
You are a hypocritical mess...
I actually kinda think that spending the money on the wall would be cheaper in the long run than prosecuting thousands upon thousands of people and putting the kids up to stay in warehouses every year.
Really? You think this zero tolerance policy is going to continue on a yearly basis?
I have no idea. Let’s say they remove the zero tolerance- they still have war torn countries and cartels forcing people out of their countries for safety and ending up here. Look at Europe, most of those countries bordering the type of countries have walls/fences/etc. and prosecute & throw people out who try to come in. But it can’t be cheap.
Ma'am, how much do you think we spend on prosecuting these folks currently?
Perhaps we could do a better job of not turning down so many folks at the legal ports of entry? A lot of people who are currently being prosecuted and have had their kids sent to these horrible wallmart cages tried to do it the right way but were not able to get in. If you travelled halfway across the world out of a war torn country only to be told the legal port is full, what would you do? Turn around and go traverse back to your war torn country or do what these folks did?
I don’t know, bust out your calculator and let me know. There’s no cages by the way, I haven’t read any info saying that kids are in cages lol. And maybe you’re misssing the point but the reason they’re being prosecuted is to send a message that they can’t just turn around and try it illegally, it’s supposed to deter emigration unless it’s legal and with a visa. Is it working? Obviously not. I’m just saying that the whole shit is assbackwards and can’t be cheap the way it is now. We’ll have hundreds of these Walmart asylums before you know it and then we’re dealing with a humanitarian disaster. The cartels know what they’re doing, they’re not trying to save people, they’re taking their money and making our government deal with them.
Really? If you haven't read any info saying that, it's clear you haven't sought one fucking article about this. I screen grabbed what showed up when I simply searched "cages" on Google just now. No mention of Trump, or immigration or anything - and yet, would you look at those results! What other obvious and immediately provable realities would you like to ignore?
Well it’s of course embellished. It’s true there’s chain link wire fences inside these warehouses, but in no way are they being held in cages. It’s just a word the media uses to create hysteria- both sides do it. I knew that it wouldn’t be true, there’s just no way.
"It wouldn't be true, there's just no way". Except it is, unless you know of a better word to describe locked chain link enclosures.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Let me take your 5 year old child by force and throw them in a cage without you knowing where they are, then talk to me about abuse, tough guy
People like you are giving America a bad name, you should be ashamed
You have zero empathy, for anyone, and its disgusting
Not true. I have empathy for the taxpayers that have to fund this mess.
HA How about the 20 billion dollars your president wants us to pay for an idiotic wall....after promising he would convince Mexico to foot the bill for 2 years? How about the 2 trillion dollars their tax plan adds to our deficit?
Is this guy for real?
You are a hypocritical mess...
I actually kinda think that spending the money on the wall would be cheaper in the long run than prosecuting thousands upon thousands of people and putting the kids up to stay in warehouses every year.
Really? You think this zero tolerance policy is going to continue on a yearly basis?
I have no idea. Let’s say they remove the zero tolerance- they still have war torn countries and cartels forcing people out of their countries for safety and ending up here. Look at Europe, most of those countries bordering the type of countries have walls/fences/etc. and prosecute & throw people out who try to come in. But it can’t be cheap.
Ma'am, how much do you think we spend on prosecuting these folks currently?
Perhaps we could do a better job of not turning down so many folks at the legal ports of entry? A lot of people who are currently being prosecuted and have had their kids sent to these horrible wallmart cages tried to do it the right way but were not able to get in. If you travelled halfway across the world out of a war torn country only to be told the legal port is full, what would you do? Turn around and go traverse back to your war torn country or do what these folks did?
I don’t know, bust out your calculator and let me know. There’s no cages by the way, I haven’t read any info saying that kids are in cages lol. And maybe you’re misssing the point but the reason they’re being prosecuted is to send a message that they can’t just turn around and try it illegally, it’s supposed to deter emigration unless it’s legal and with a visa. Is it working? Obviously not. I’m just saying that the whole shit is assbackwards and can’t be cheap the way it is now. We’ll have hundreds of these Walmart asylums before you know it and then we’re dealing with a humanitarian disaster. The cartels know what they’re doing, they’re not trying to save people, they’re taking their money and making our government deal with them.
Really? If you haven't read any info saying that, it's clear you haven't sought one fucking article about this. I screen grabbed what showed up when I simply searched "cages" on Google just now. No mention of Trump, or immigration or anything - and yet, would you look at those results! What other obvious and immediately provable realities would you like to ignore?
Well it’s of course embellished. It’s true there’s chain link wire fences inside these warehouses, but in no way are they being held in cages. It’s just a word the media uses to create hysteria- both sides do it. I knew that it wouldn’t be true, there’s just no way.
"It wouldn't be true, there's just no way". Except it is, unless you know of a better word to describe locked chain link enclosures.
Locked chain link enclosures that are 30’x30’ and cages sound a little different to me. Do you agree?
Let me take your 5 year old child by force and throw them in a cage without you knowing where they are, then talk to me about abuse, tough guy
People like you are giving America a bad name, you should be ashamed
You have zero empathy, for anyone, and its disgusting
Not true. I have empathy for the taxpayers that have to fund this mess.
HA How about the 20 billion dollars your president wants us to pay for an idiotic wall....after promising he would convince Mexico to foot the bill for 2 years? How about the 2 trillion dollars their tax plan adds to our deficit?
Is this guy for real?
You are a hypocritical mess...
I actually kinda think that spending the money on the wall would be cheaper in the long run than prosecuting thousands upon thousands of people and putting the kids up to stay in warehouses every year.
Really? You think this zero tolerance policy is going to continue on a yearly basis?
I have no idea. Let’s say they remove the zero tolerance- they still have war torn countries and cartels forcing people out of their countries for safety and ending up here. Look at Europe, most of those countries bordering the type of countries have walls/fences/etc. and prosecute & throw people out who try to come in. But it can’t be cheap.
Ma'am, how much do you think we spend on prosecuting these folks currently?
Perhaps we could do a better job of not turning down so many folks at the legal ports of entry? A lot of people who are currently being prosecuted and have had their kids sent to these horrible wallmart cages tried to do it the right way but were not able to get in. If you travelled halfway across the world out of a war torn country only to be told the legal port is full, what would you do? Turn around and go traverse back to your war torn country or do what these folks did?
I don’t know, bust out your calculator and let me know. There’s no cages by the way, I haven’t read any info saying that kids are in cages lol. And maybe you’re misssing the point but the reason they’re being prosecuted is to send a message that they can’t just turn around and try it illegally, it’s supposed to deter emigration unless it’s legal and with a visa. Is it working? Obviously not. I’m just saying that the whole shit is assbackwards and can’t be cheap the way it is now. We’ll have hundreds of these Walmart asylums before you know it and then we’re dealing with a humanitarian disaster. The cartels know what they’re doing, they’re not trying to save people, they’re taking their money and making our government deal with them.
Really? If you haven't read any info saying that, it's clear you haven't sought one fucking article about this. I screen grabbed what showed up when I simply searched "cages" on Google just now. No mention of Trump, or immigration or anything - and yet, would you look at those results! What other obvious and immediately provable realities would you like to ignore?
Well it’s of course embellished. It’s true there’s chain link wire fences inside these warehouses, but in no way are they being held in cages. It’s just a word the media uses to create hysteria- both sides do it. I knew that it wouldn’t be true, there’s just no way.
"It wouldn't be true, there's just no way". Except it is, unless you know of a better word to describe locked chain link enclosures.
There IS ust no way, it’s just sensationalized so you take the bait. They look like partitions to me? When prisoners go out and work out in the yard, they don’t work out in a cage. It’s fenced in, it’s not a cage. We can agree to disagree on the semantics of it makes you happy. I totally agree by the way that this shit shouldn’t be happening in the first place, but there’s no reason to be calling it a cage when it’s clearly not. Your second link through Obama under the bus by the way, not sure if you saw that or not.
man I hate typing on my phone I can barely see what I’ve written.
Let me take your 5 year old child by force and throw them in a cage without you knowing where they are, then talk to me about abuse, tough guy
People like you are giving America a bad name, you should be ashamed
You have zero empathy, for anyone, and its disgusting
Not true. I have empathy for the taxpayers that have to fund this mess.
HA How about the 20 billion dollars your president wants us to pay for an idiotic wall....after promising he would convince Mexico to foot the bill for 2 years? How about the 2 trillion dollars their tax plan adds to our deficit?
Is this guy for real?
You are a hypocritical mess...
I actually kinda think that spending the money on the wall would be cheaper in the long run than prosecuting thousands upon thousands of people and putting the kids up to stay in warehouses every year.
Really? You think this zero tolerance policy is going to continue on a yearly basis?
I have no idea. Let’s say they remove the zero tolerance- they still have war torn countries and cartels forcing people out of their countries for safety and ending up here. Look at Europe, most of those countries bordering the type of countries have walls/fences/etc. and prosecute & throw people out who try to come in. But it can’t be cheap.
Ma'am, how much do you think we spend on prosecuting these folks currently?
Perhaps we could do a better job of not turning down so many folks at the legal ports of entry? A lot of people who are currently being prosecuted and have had their kids sent to these horrible wallmart cages tried to do it the right way but were not able to get in. If you travelled halfway across the world out of a war torn country only to be told the legal port is full, what would you do? Turn around and go traverse back to your war torn country or do what these folks did?
I don’t know, bust out your calculator and let me know. There’s no cages by the way, I haven’t read any info saying that kids are in cages lol. And maybe you’re misssing the point but the reason they’re being prosecuted is to send a message that they can’t just turn around and try it illegally, it’s supposed to deter emigration unless it’s legal and with a visa. Is it working? Obviously not. I’m just saying that the whole shit is assbackwards and can’t be cheap the way it is now. We’ll have hundreds of these Walmart asylums before you know it and then we’re dealing with a humanitarian disaster. The cartels know what they’re doing, they’re not trying to save people, they’re taking their money and making our government deal with them.
Really? If you haven't read any info saying that, it's clear you haven't sought one fucking article about this. I screen grabbed what showed up when I simply searched "cages" on Google just now. No mention of Trump, or immigration or anything - and yet, would you look at those results! What other obvious and immediately provable realities would you like to ignore?
Well it’s of course embellished. It’s true there’s chain link wire fences inside these warehouses, but in no way are they being held in cages. It’s just a word the media uses to create hysteria- both sides do it. I knew that it wouldn’t be true, there’s just no way.
"It wouldn't be true, there's just no way". Except it is, unless you know of a better word to describe locked chain link enclosures.
Locked chain link enclosures that are 30’x30’ and cages sound a little different to me. Do you agree?
No. If your house walls magically became all chain link would that some how make it different than if the area was the size of one room? It's all a cage. Why is there so much word smithing necessary. Kids are locked inside a cage or kids are locked inside a larger chain link fence, sounds shitty either way.
Let me take your 5 year old child by force and throw them in a cage without you knowing where they are, then talk to me about abuse, tough guy
People like you are giving America a bad name, you should be ashamed
You have zero empathy, for anyone, and its disgusting
Not true. I have empathy for the taxpayers that have to fund this mess.
HA How about the 20 billion dollars your president wants us to pay for an idiotic wall....after promising he would convince Mexico to foot the bill for 2 years? How about the 2 trillion dollars their tax plan adds to our deficit?
Is this guy for real?
You are a hypocritical mess...
I actually kinda think that spending the money on the wall would be cheaper in the long run than prosecuting thousands upon thousands of people and putting the kids up to stay in warehouses every year.
Really? You think this zero tolerance policy is going to continue on a yearly basis?
I have no idea. Let’s say they remove the zero tolerance- they still have war torn countries and cartels forcing people out of their countries for safety and ending up here. Look at Europe, most of those countries bordering the type of countries have walls/fences/etc. and prosecute & throw people out who try to come in. But it can’t be cheap.
Ma'am, how much do you think we spend on prosecuting these folks currently?
Perhaps we could do a better job of not turning down so many folks at the legal ports of entry? A lot of people who are currently being prosecuted and have had their kids sent to these horrible wallmart cages tried to do it the right way but were not able to get in. If you travelled halfway across the world out of a war torn country only to be told the legal port is full, what would you do? Turn around and go traverse back to your war torn country or do what these folks did?
I don’t know, bust out your calculator and let me know. There’s no cages by the way, I haven’t read any info saying that kids are in cages lol. And maybe you’re misssing the point but the reason they’re being prosecuted is to send a message that they can’t just turn around and try it illegally, it’s supposed to deter emigration unless it’s legal and with a visa. Is it working? Obviously not. I’m just saying that the whole shit is assbackwards and can’t be cheap the way it is now. We’ll have hundreds of these Walmart asylums before you know it and then we’re dealing with a humanitarian disaster. The cartels know what they’re doing, they’re not trying to save people, they’re taking their money and making our government deal with them.
Really? If you haven't read any info saying that, it's clear you haven't sought one fucking article about this. I screen grabbed what showed up when I simply searched "cages" on Google just now. No mention of Trump, or immigration or anything - and yet, would you look at those results! What other obvious and immediately provable realities would you like to ignore?
Well it’s of course embellished. It’s true there’s chain link wire fences inside these warehouses, but in no way are they being held in cages. It’s just a word the media uses to create hysteria- both sides do it. I knew that it wouldn’t be true, there’s just no way.
"It wouldn't be true, there's just no way". Except it is, unless you know of a better word to describe locked chain link enclosures.
Locked chain link enclosures that are 30’x30’ and cages sound a little different to me. Do you agree?
You mean the difference between a 30’X30’ chainlink enclosure and a pet carrier for a large dog or a 8’X9’ cell? Or a 30’X30’ enclosure with 10 kids or 60? What does a cage mean to you?
Let me take your 5 year old child by force and throw them in a cage without you knowing where they are, then talk to me about abuse, tough guy
People like you are giving America a bad name, you should be ashamed
You have zero empathy, for anyone, and its disgusting
Not true. I have empathy for the taxpayers that have to fund this mess.
HA How about the 20 billion dollars your president wants us to pay for an idiotic wall....after promising he would convince Mexico to foot the bill for 2 years? How about the 2 trillion dollars their tax plan adds to our deficit?
Is this guy for real?
You are a hypocritical mess...
I actually kinda think that spending the money on the wall would be cheaper in the long run than prosecuting thousands upon thousands of people and putting the kids up to stay in warehouses every year.
Really? You think this zero tolerance policy is going to continue on a yearly basis?
I have no idea. Let’s say they remove the zero tolerance- they still have war torn countries and cartels forcing people out of their countries for safety and ending up here. Look at Europe, most of those countries bordering the type of countries have walls/fences/etc. and prosecute & throw people out who try to come in. But it can’t be cheap.
Ma'am, how much do you think we spend on prosecuting these folks currently?
Perhaps we could do a better job of not turning down so many folks at the legal ports of entry? A lot of people who are currently being prosecuted and have had their kids sent to these horrible wallmart cages tried to do it the right way but were not able to get in. If you travelled halfway across the world out of a war torn country only to be told the legal port is full, what would you do? Turn around and go traverse back to your war torn country or do what these folks did?
I don’t know, bust out your calculator and let me know. There’s no cages by the way, I haven’t read any info saying that kids are in cages lol. And maybe you’re misssing the point but the reason they’re being prosecuted is to send a message that they can’t just turn around and try it illegally, it’s supposed to deter emigration unless it’s legal and with a visa. Is it working? Obviously not. I’m just saying that the whole shit is assbackwards and can’t be cheap the way it is now. We’ll have hundreds of these Walmart asylums before you know it and then we’re dealing with a humanitarian disaster. The cartels know what they’re doing, they’re not trying to save people, they’re taking their money and making our government deal with them.
Really? If you haven't read any info saying that, it's clear you haven't sought one fucking article about this. I screen grabbed what showed up when I simply searched "cages" on Google just now. No mention of Trump, or immigration or anything - and yet, would you look at those results! What other obvious and immediately provable realities would you like to ignore?
Well it’s of course embellished. It’s true there’s chain link wire fences inside these warehouses, but in no way are they being held in cages. It’s just a word the media uses to create hysteria- both sides do it. I knew that it wouldn’t be true, there’s just no way.
"It wouldn't be true, there's just no way". Except it is, unless you know of a better word to describe locked chain link enclosures.
Locked chain link enclosures that are 30’x30’ and cages sound a little different to me. Do you agree?
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Let me take your 5 year old child by force and throw them in a cage without you knowing where they are, then talk to me about abuse, tough guy
People like you are giving America a bad name, you should be ashamed
You have zero empathy, for anyone, and its disgusting
Not true. I have empathy for the taxpayers that have to fund this mess.
HA How about the 20 billion dollars your president wants us to pay for an idiotic wall....after promising he would convince Mexico to foot the bill for 2 years? How about the 2 trillion dollars their tax plan adds to our deficit?
Is this guy for real?
You are a hypocritical mess...
I actually kinda think that spending the money on the wall would be cheaper in the long run than prosecuting thousands upon thousands of people and putting the kids up to stay in warehouses every year.
Really? You think this zero tolerance policy is going to continue on a yearly basis?
I have no idea. Let’s say they remove the zero tolerance- they still have war torn countries and cartels forcing people out of their countries for safety and ending up here. Look at Europe, most of those countries bordering the type of countries have walls/fences/etc. and prosecute & throw people out who try to come in. But it can’t be cheap.
Ma'am, how much do you think we spend on prosecuting these folks currently?
Perhaps we could do a better job of not turning down so many folks at the legal ports of entry? A lot of people who are currently being prosecuted and have had their kids sent to these horrible wallmart cages tried to do it the right way but were not able to get in. If you travelled halfway across the world out of a war torn country only to be told the legal port is full, what would you do? Turn around and go traverse back to your war torn country or do what these folks did?
I don’t know, bust out your calculator and let me know. There’s no cages by the way, I haven’t read any info saying that kids are in cages lol. And maybe you’re misssing the point but the reason they’re being prosecuted is to send a message that they can’t just turn around and try it illegally, it’s supposed to deter emigration unless it’s legal and with a visa. Is it working? Obviously not. I’m just saying that the whole shit is assbackwards and can’t be cheap the way it is now. We’ll have hundreds of these Walmart asylums before you know it and then we’re dealing with a humanitarian disaster. The cartels know what they’re doing, they’re not trying to save people, they’re taking their money and making our government deal with them.
Really? If you haven't read any info saying that, it's clear you haven't sought one fucking article about this. I screen grabbed what showed up when I simply searched "cages" on Google just now. No mention of Trump, or immigration or anything - and yet, would you look at those results! What other obvious and immediately provable realities would you like to ignore?
Well it’s of course embellished. It’s true there’s chain link wire fences inside these warehouses, but in no way are they being held in cages. It’s just a word the media uses to create hysteria- both sides do it. I knew that it wouldn’t be true, there’s just no way.
"It wouldn't be true, there's just no way". Except it is, unless you know of a better word to describe locked chain link enclosures.
Locked chain link enclosures that are 30’x30’ and cages sound a little different to me. Do you agree?
You mean the difference between a 30’X30’ chainlink enclosure and a pet carrier for a large dog or a 8’X9’ cell? Or a 30’X30’ enclosure with 10 kids or 60? What does a cage mean to you?
Let me take your 5 year old child by force and throw them in a cage without you knowing where they are, then talk to me about abuse, tough guy
People like you are giving America a bad name, you should be ashamed
You have zero empathy, for anyone, and its disgusting
Not true. I have empathy for the taxpayers that have to fund this mess.
HA How about the 20 billion dollars your president wants us to pay for an idiotic wall....after promising he would convince Mexico to foot the bill for 2 years? How about the 2 trillion dollars their tax plan adds to our deficit?
Is this guy for real?
You are a hypocritical mess...
I actually kinda think that spending the money on the wall would be cheaper in the long run than prosecuting thousands upon thousands of people and putting the kids up to stay in warehouses every year.
Really? You think this zero tolerance policy is going to continue on a yearly basis?
I have no idea. Let’s say they remove the zero tolerance- they still have war torn countries and cartels forcing people out of their countries for safety and ending up here. Look at Europe, most of those countries bordering the type of countries have walls/fences/etc. and prosecute & throw people out who try to come in. But it can’t be cheap.
Ma'am, how much do you think we spend on prosecuting these folks currently?
Perhaps we could do a better job of not turning down so many folks at the legal ports of entry? A lot of people who are currently being prosecuted and have had their kids sent to these horrible wallmart cages tried to do it the right way but were not able to get in. If you travelled halfway across the world out of a war torn country only to be told the legal port is full, what would you do? Turn around and go traverse back to your war torn country or do what these folks did?
I don’t know, bust out your calculator and let me know. There’s no cages by the way, I haven’t read any info saying that kids are in cages lol. And maybe you’re misssing the point but the reason they’re being prosecuted is to send a message that they can’t just turn around and try it illegally, it’s supposed to deter emigration unless it’s legal and with a visa. Is it working? Obviously not. I’m just saying that the whole shit is assbackwards and can’t be cheap the way it is now. We’ll have hundreds of these Walmart asylums before you know it and then we’re dealing with a humanitarian disaster. The cartels know what they’re doing, they’re not trying to save people, they’re taking their money and making our government deal with them.
Really? If you haven't read any info saying that, it's clear you haven't sought one fucking article about this. I screen grabbed what showed up when I simply searched "cages" on Google just now. No mention of Trump, or immigration or anything - and yet, would you look at those results! What other obvious and immediately provable realities would you like to ignore?
Well it’s of course embellished. It’s true there’s chain link wire fences inside these warehouses, but in no way are they being held in cages. It’s just a word the media uses to create hysteria- both sides do it. I knew that it wouldn’t be true, there’s just no way.
"It wouldn't be true, there's just no way". Except it is, unless you know of a better word to describe locked chain link enclosures.
Locked chain link enclosures that are 30’x30’ and cages sound a little different to me. Do you agree?
I don’t comment on here much but I have Jewish friends and have spent time with their family members who survived concentration camps.. and for any posts to describe what is going on as a comparison to Nazis and their treatment of Jews is beyond reason. Just stop it! You may hate Trump but to ever think this country would let things go that far is beyond ignorant. In this country there are two sides to this argument and if you read up and research the side that doesn’t agree with you then you may learn something. There were never two sides to Hitlers treatments of Jews. I can’t believe I am actually having to say this... Shut the fuck up!
Nazis separated me from my parents as a child. The trauma lasts a lifetime
I know from experience that the Trump-sanctioned brutality at the US border with Mexico will scar its child victims for life. What is happening in our own backyard today is as evil and criminal as what happened to me and my siblings as children in Nazi Europe. It needs to be stopped immediately.
I don’t comment on here much but I have Jewish friends and have spent time with their family members who survived concentration camps.. and for any posts to describe what is going on as a comparison to Nazis and their treatment of Jews is beyond reason. Just stop it! You may hate Trump but to ever think this country would let things go that far is beyond ignorant. In this country there are two sides to this argument and if you read up and research the side that doesn’t agree with you then you may learn something. There were never two sides to Hitlers treatments of Jews. I can’t believe I am actually having to say this... Shut the fuck up!
Nazis separated me from my parents as a child. The trauma lasts a lifetime
I know from experience that the Trump-sanctioned brutality at the US border with Mexico will scar its child victims for life. What is happening in our own backyard today is as evil and criminal as what happened to me and my siblings as children in Nazi Europe. It needs to be stopped immediately.
Guess these survivors should just go fuck themselves then.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
If you are trying to compare this to the holocaust then yes...go fuck yourself.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
I don’t comment on here much but I have Jewish friends and have spent time with their family members who survived concentration camps.. and for any posts to describe what is going on as a comparison to Nazis and their treatment of Jews is beyond reason. Just stop it! You may hate Trump but to ever think this country would let things go that far is beyond ignorant. In this country there are two sides to this argument and if you read up and research the side that doesn’t agree with you then you may learn something. There were never two sides to Hitlers treatments of Jews. I can’t believe I am actually having to say this... Shut the fuck up!
Nazis separated me from my parents as a child. The trauma lasts a lifetime
I know from experience that the Trump-sanctioned brutality at the US border with Mexico will scar its child victims for life. What is happening in our own backyard today is as evil and criminal as what happened to me and my siblings as children in Nazi Europe. It needs to be stopped immediately.
I don’t comment on here much but I have Jewish friends and have spent time with their family members who survived concentration camps.. and for any posts to describe what is going on as a comparison to Nazis and their treatment of Jews is beyond reason. Just stop it! You may hate Trump but to ever think this country would let things go that far is beyond ignorant. In this country there are two sides to this argument and if you read up and research the side that doesn’t agree with you then you may learn something. There were never two sides to Hitlers treatments of Jews. I can’t believe I am actually having to say this... Shut the fuck up!
Nazis separated me from my parents as a child. The trauma lasts a lifetime
I know from experience that the Trump-sanctioned brutality at the US border with Mexico will scar its child victims for life. What is happening in our own backyard today is as evil and criminal as what happened to me and my siblings as children in Nazi Europe. It needs to be stopped immediately.
Guess these survivors should just go fuck themselves then.
I respect their opinion but let’s step back and look at reality. No fucking comparison.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
I don’t comment on here much but I have Jewish friends and have spent time with their family members who survived concentration camps.. and for any posts to describe what is going on as a comparison to Nazis and their treatment of Jews is beyond reason. Just stop it! You may hate Trump but to ever think this country would let things go that far is beyond ignorant. In this country there are two sides to this argument and if you read up and research the side that doesn’t agree with you then you may learn something. There were never two sides to Hitlers treatments of Jews. I can’t believe I am actually having to say this... Shut the fuck up!
Nazis separated me from my parents as a child. The trauma lasts a lifetime
I know from experience that the Trump-sanctioned brutality at the US border with Mexico will scar its child victims for life. What is happening in our own backyard today is as evil and criminal as what happened to me and my siblings as children in Nazi Europe. It needs to be stopped immediately.
I don’t comment on here much but I have Jewish friends and have spent time with their family members who survived concentration camps.. and for any posts to describe what is going on as a comparison to Nazis and their treatment of Jews is beyond reason. Just stop it! You may hate Trump but to ever think this country would let things go that far is beyond ignorant. In this country there are two sides to this argument and if you read up and research the side that doesn’t agree with you then you may learn something. There were never two sides to Hitlers treatments of Jews. I can’t believe I am actually having to say this... Shut the fuck up!
Nazis separated me from my parents as a child. The trauma lasts a lifetime
I know from experience that the Trump-sanctioned brutality at the US border with Mexico will scar its child victims for life. What is happening in our own backyard today is as evil and criminal as what happened to me and my siblings as children in Nazi Europe. It needs to be stopped immediately.
If you are trying to compare this to the holocaust then yes...go fuck yourself.
Me or the holocaust survivors?
Dude, 6 million jews were killed during the holocaust....fucking move on! I shouldn't have to say another fucking word. Don't try to make this more than what this is...It's a political game of people coming across the border knowing they are in danger of being obtained. Putting their fucking kids at risk and our stupid ass politicians using them as pawns in the game of politics. But you saying this shit doesn't help. Find another angle on your arguement.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,608
Go fuck themselves?
I guess your perspective should count more than the people quoted above who actually survived the period and regime being referenced? Holy cow. Get over yourself. I will believe people who lived through it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Did you even read the article? Did you read that that one, single photo was taken at a demonstration, but that children in what could accurately be described as cages have been seen by reporters and Democratic lawmakers:
Did you look any further than that one, single photo taken at a demonstration, to the other ones that you can easily find online? Maybe a video like this?
Maybe this?
"It wouldn't be true, there's just no way". Except it is, unless you know of a better word to describe locked chain link enclosures.
man I hate typing on my phone I can barely see what I’ve written.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Basic is human decency, people. We used to care about such things in this country.....well, before the current administration.
Nazis separated me from my parents as a child. The trauma lasts a lifetime
Yoka Verdoner
A Dallas Holocaust survivor sees his reflection in the faces of children separated from their parents
Glauben told me that "the darkest period in our history started the same way."
Guess these survivors should just go fuck themselves then.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Find another angle on your arguement.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
I guess your perspective should count more than the people quoted above who actually survived the period and regime being referenced?
Holy cow.
Get over yourself. I will believe people who lived through it.