My cat's entire existence now seems to rest on being in bed with me. It's literally all she ever wants to do anymore. If I'm not snuggling with her in bed, she is freaking out about the fact that I'm not snuggling with her in bed (snuggling somewhere else doesn't seem to interest her nearly as much). Any time I move in any room she starts meowing frantically and tries to lead me into the bedroom and into bed (meowing, moving in that direction while looking back at me, running and heading me off if I go in another direction... She's actually started trying to herd me into bed ). It's nice that she loves me and everything, but it's actually getting pretty fucking annoying! She's actually making me feel guilty about not spending my life bedridden! :fp: And then when I do get into bed and snuggle with her, she drools all over the place because she's so happy. :roll: And as far as I can tell, if she could slice open my torso and crawl right inside like in Star Wars and snuggle there she would. It seems like lying on top of me or against me isn't close enough for her. Okay, now that's cute.
If I ever run across a Co-dependent No More For Cats book I'll let you know!
Thank you! I would appreciate that!
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
My cat's entire existence now seems to rest on being in bed with me. It's literally all she ever wants to do anymore. If I'm not snuggling with her in bed, she is freaking out about the fact that I'm not snuggling with her in bed (snuggling somewhere else doesn't seem to interest her nearly as much). Any time I move in any room she starts meowing frantically and tries to lead me into the bedroom and into bed (meowing, moving in that direction while looking back at me, running and heading me off if I go in another direction... She's actually started trying to herd me into bed ). It's nice that she loves me and everything, but it's actually getting pretty fucking annoying! She's actually making me feel guilty about not spending my life bedridden! :fp: And then when I do get into bed and snuggle with her, she drools all over the place because she's so happy. :roll: And as far as I can tell, if she could slice open my torso and crawl right inside like in Star Wars and snuggle there she would. It seems like lying on top of me or against me isn't close enough for her. Okay, now that's cute.
Sweet Pea yells at me when it's time to go to bed. And if I don't spoon her she taps my face with her paw until I do :fp:
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
A few of my favorites of Iris' idiosyncrasies are won't drink out of any water dish only the plant watering can will do, if I go away for longer than 24 hrs(my sister checks on her daily) she will puke up a little hairball for me at the bottom of the stairs, will sit beside her food dish and meow at me if there is the slightest hint of the bottom showing until I shake it with my foot so it is all even. I don't even want to talk about the bad, but then snuggles up with me at night and all is forgiven.
Anything you lose from being honest You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
My cat apparently lost a power struggle for dominion over my bedroom. Now the other cat is in there constantly, and he's apparently decided he doesn't like having to share "his" new bed with me.
My cat apparently lost a power struggle for dominion over my bedroom. Now the other cat is in there constantly, and he's apparently decided he doesn't like having to share "his" new bed with me.
Imperialist cats. I know the kind, hahaha!
We just have the one, Annie, right now but she is very generous. She let's us live here.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Oh my god. We're back to pointless (unfounded) crying at six am apparently.
Ok so what is REALLY going on with your kitties?? How old are they, who came first? Do they share ANY Peronality traits? Is there hissing and growling? Or 'sounding'? ( that's that weird long howl that sounds like kids screaming, or a fog horn etc.) do they have a high place to reside? ( a cat tree or shelf)? Did the fighting start immediately or over time. If the crying early in the morning continues, try a good rigorous 20 minutes of play time with the kitties, then feed them. They sleep better that way. If that doesn't work out try a pheromone collar.
Beans will get on my night stand and start shredding my Kleenex if he hasn't been fed by 5:30 because that when my hubs is up and feeds them when he works. No meowing from either of them just that, they know it will get me up.
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
Wh I didn't message you about it yet cuz it's a whole long story andI there's a couple things I know I need to try which I haven't done yet.
I was half asleep this morning when I revived this thread but I am fairly sure she went into the kitchen for water or food and saw my suitcases near the door and flipped the fuck out. The other one saw me get them out and leave with them so HE bugged the fuck out when I was leaving, and when I came home he gave me the silent treatment. So she probably saw him not in my bed, not even in the same room, my suitcases near the door, and boom. Kitty panic attack at 6am.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Franks tries to do this to us too...He gets very excited about bed time since he's discovered "the valley"...
I've also discovered that if I'm lying on my side instead of my back, Jonas is fine with lying on top of me that way too...
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
We just have the one, Annie, right now but she is very generous. She let's us live here.
Tattooed Dissident!
I was half asleep this morning when I revived this thread but I am fairly sure she went into the kitchen for water or food and saw my suitcases near the door and flipped the fuck out.
The other one saw me get them out and leave with them so HE bugged the fuck out when I was leaving, and when I came home he gave me the silent treatment. So she probably saw him not in my bed, not even in the same room, my suitcases near the door, and boom. Kitty panic attack at 6am.