i refuse to watch the reruns on A and E. I have a major problem with television that is edited, same with movies on tv. Unless they are showing the unedited versions of the episodes, why bother? Not not just watch the dvd's?
yeah but its still the sopranos. if i'm laying around in bed watching tv, i'd rather watch an edited version of sopranos than 90% of the other garbage on television.
do reruns still air on a&e? i haven't seen it on there in quite a while
Yeah the other night I saw the episode where they kill Pussy was on.
When I first heard it was going to be on A&E, I thought it was really dumb because they would have to cut so much out but the show is so good that it still works even with the edits. Obviously not the ideal way to watch, but still good.
I've been in the mood to watch the whole series again. I did it a few years ago when I was off on Fridays so I had time alone to watch it. Now I'm only off on the weekend and have "family time" so it's harder to carve out time. Last night I saw the season finale of the second season was on. What a great show! Probably my favorite show ever.
RIP Tony Soprano...
A marathon viewing shall commence...
Being a Miami Dolphins fan, when my wife told me Tony Soprano died, I thought immediatly of the Fins ex-coach (Tony Sparano)
They said Steve Schirripa was @ Yankee game when he found out an hr ago and was inconsolable and left :(
RIP Tony Soprano...
A marathon viewing shall commence...
Being a Miami Dolphins fan, when my wife told me Tony Soprano died, I thought immediatly of the Fins ex-coach (Tony Sparano)
They said Steve Schirripa was @ Yankee game when he found out an hr ago and was inconsolable and left :(
I was really bummed to hear this. It made me happy to see him and I was looking forward to his new show. I feel so bad for his family and friends.
Why on earth are state flags being flown at half mast for this guy? A great actor and person for all I know but shouldn't that type of tribute be for more important matters.
Alright, alright, alright!
Tom O. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
Why on earth are state flags being flown at half mast for this guy? A great actor and person for all I know but shouldn't that type of tribute be for more important matters.
I said the same thing, but it is for only one day and it is only NJ, not the whole country.
Why on earth are state flags being flown at half mast for this guy? A great actor and person for all I know but shouldn't that type of tribute be for more important matters.
NJ did the same for Whitney Houston. I suppose it's a trend.
Hey. Hi. Wanna know if Tony died or not at the end of The Sopranos? Do you really? Because David Chase has apparently answered the question, and it’s tucked inside a lengthy piece at Vox about the man and his motivations and influences.
Okay, let’s get to it: Is Tony dead or what?
We were in a tiny coffee shop, when, in the middle of a low-key chat about a writing problem I was having, I popped the question. Chase startled me by turning toward me and saying with sudden, explosive anger, “Why are we talking about this?” I answered, “I’m just curious.” And then, for whatever reason, he told me. [...]
He shook his head “no.” And he said simply, “No he isn’t.” That was all.
There you go. Now you know. Not dead. And all it took was seven years of badgering David Chase about it until he finally exploded in a small coffee shop and gave in. Happy now?
He also said the cut to black was based on the poem “Dream Within a Dream” by Edgar Allen Poe, which is about struggling to determine what is reality and what is fantasy. (“Is all that we see or seem / But a dream within a dream?”) So there’s that, too, if you feel like interpreting some poetry today.
i refuse to believe he was being serious or if the convo ever actually took place. tony died. the whole finale was one elaborate catholic funeral! i won't waiver on that until i actually see/hear chase say otherwise.
...the cut to black/poe shit is pretty fucking interesting though.
i refuse to believe he was being serious or if the convo ever actually took place. tony died. the whole finale was one elaborate catholic funeral! i won't waiver on that until i actually see/hear chase say otherwise.
...the cut to black/poe shit is pretty fucking interesting though.
“A journalist for Vox misconstrued what David Chase said in their interview. To simply quote David as saying, “Tony Soprano is not dead,” is inaccurate. There is a much larger context for that statement and as such, it is not true. As David Chase has said numerous times on the record, “Whether Tony Soprano is alive or dead is not the point.” To continue to search for this answer is fruitless. The final scene of The Sopranos raises a spiritual question that has no right or wrong answer.”
I've always thought he lived. The thing that rarely gets brought up is that in the story lines at that time, there was no one left that was after Tony. He had just settled everything with the New York guys. Obviously David Chase accomplished what he intended to do since people are still talking about this 7 years later...
I agree that there was no one left to kill him and that is a big reason why I so hated the ending. I thought it was poor storytelling and still do. Regardless of what Chase did or didn't say, I still think he got killed, and the point was that you never see it coming. That is fine for Tony Soprano, but we as an audience deserved better. Meaning, we deserved at least a likely suspect or two.
I also agree, though, that since we are still talking about it seven years later that does constitute some sort of success. No one is discussing, say, the West Wing finale, which was handled much better and still stands up all these years later. The Sopranos ending lives on because it was so bad, but it does live on. IMO.
he could have had aliens abduct him and people would be talking about it.
I just thought it was a very poorly conceived ending, and the last 4 seasons didnt take me anywhere. I figured/was hoping he was going to paint himself into a corner and be seeing increasingly intense heat from many directions and the last episode would be intense and at the end he would be shot and you wouldnt know exactly who it was (Christopher, Pauly, NYC mob, Carmella, Feds, etc). Like a who shot JR or who shot Burns thing but much more epic... and you can look back and see many clues to point in whatever direction.
1st 2 seasons were gold, but after that it is a very overrated show IMO. It just never really went anywhere, and was too full of itself/too cerebral.
guys...read the 2nd article norm posted. chase never said he lived...or at least the reporter interpreted it wrong.
to me the first 2 seasons were 2 of the best seasons in television history. they set the bar as high as it could have been set with them so naturally people would be disappointed because it's virtually impossible to consistently be that good from start to finish (only 2 shows that almost pulled that off, to me would be the wire and breaking bad). but i enjoyed the 3rd season even though it wasn't as good. 4 and 5 lost a lot of people because they delved more deeply into family and symbolism and subtext, etc etc etc, even though a vast majority of their fans just wanted a show about the mob. but it was more than just a mob show.
the one season i didn't like was 6 part 1. there was no need to devote that much time to vito and his gay escapades. the coma stuff was really interesting though. i liked the last season, but part of what made that show great (their not giving a shit about killing off main characters) also sort of lead to it's downfall because they were also a lot of the more interesting characters and they were mostly gone by the end....especially christopher. i wish he got a better send off.
as for the finale, i liked the ambiguity of it. no other show still has people talking about it's finale so many years after it aired. and i love all the different theories people have about it.
and to indifference----i think paulie may have had a reason to go after tony. he was basically paranoid that tony had it in for him and only reluctantly accepted that "promotion" in the last episode after almost begging tony not to give it to him.
yeah but its still the sopranos. if i'm laying around in bed watching tv, i'd rather watch an edited version of sopranos than 90% of the other garbage on television.
Yeah the other night I saw the episode where they kill Pussy was on.
When I first heard it was going to be on A&E, I thought it was really dumb because they would have to cut so much out but the show is so good that it still works even with the edits. Obviously not the ideal way to watch, but still good.
I got Season 6 part 1 on DVD for Christmas!
http://masterofsopranos.wordpress.com/t ... f-the-end/
Tony was killed.
how'd he die?
edit--nevermind. i was thinking of his son.
I've been in the mood to watch the whole series again. I did it a few years ago when I was off on Fridays so I had time alone to watch it. Now I'm only off on the weekend and have "family time" so it's harder to carve out time. Last night I saw the season finale of the second season was on. What a great show! Probably my favorite show ever.
A marathon viewing shall commence...
Being a Miami Dolphins fan, when my wife told me Tony Soprano died, I thought immediatly of the Fins ex-coach (Tony Sparano)
They said Steve Schirripa was @ Yankee game when he found out an hr ago and was inconsolable and left :(
2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
I was really bummed to hear this. It made me happy to see him and I was looking forward to his new show. I feel so bad for his family and friends.
saw this on grantland last week. sums it up perfectly. rip:
http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/940 ... gandolfini
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
I said the same thing, but it is for only one day and it is only NJ, not the whole country.
NJ did the same for Whitney Houston. I suppose it's a trend.
i refuse to believe he was being serious or if the convo ever actually took place. tony died. the whole finale was one elaborate catholic funeral! i won't waiver on that until i actually see/hear chase say otherwise.
...the cut to black/poe shit is pretty fucking interesting though.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
I also agree, though, that since we are still talking about it seven years later that does constitute some sort of success. No one is discussing, say, the West Wing finale, which was handled much better and still stands up all these years later. The Sopranos ending lives on because it was so bad, but it does live on. IMO.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
I just thought it was a very poorly conceived ending, and the last 4 seasons didnt take me anywhere. I figured/was hoping he was going to paint himself into a corner and be seeing increasingly intense heat from many directions and the last episode would be intense and at the end he would be shot and you wouldnt know exactly who it was (Christopher, Pauly, NYC mob, Carmella, Feds, etc). Like a who shot JR or who shot Burns thing but much more epic... and you can look back and see many clues to point in whatever direction.
1st 2 seasons were gold, but after that it is a very overrated show IMO. It just never really went anywhere, and was too full of itself/too cerebral.
to me the first 2 seasons were 2 of the best seasons in television history. they set the bar as high as it could have been set with them so naturally people would be disappointed because it's virtually impossible to consistently be that good from start to finish (only 2 shows that almost pulled that off, to me would be the wire and breaking bad). but i enjoyed the 3rd season even though it wasn't as good. 4 and 5 lost a lot of people because they delved more deeply into family and symbolism and subtext, etc etc etc, even though a vast majority of their fans just wanted a show about the mob. but it was more than just a mob show.
the one season i didn't like was 6 part 1. there was no need to devote that much time to vito and his gay escapades. the coma stuff was really interesting though. i liked the last season, but part of what made that show great (their not giving a shit about killing off main characters) also sort of lead to it's downfall because they were also a lot of the more interesting characters and they were mostly gone by the end....especially christopher. i wish he got a better send off.
as for the finale, i liked the ambiguity of it. no other show still has people talking about it's finale so many years after it aired. and i love all the different theories people have about it.
and to indifference----i think paulie may have had a reason to go after tony. he was basically paranoid that tony had it in for him and only reluctantly accepted that "promotion" in the last episode after almost begging tony not to give it to him.
I always thought that Tony was going to kill Christopher, I just thought they way he did it was lame.
but it's made even more enjoyable by people's reaction to it...i guess a lot of you need closure, huh