I don't think it's wrong. Losing both my dogs has been harder on me then losing both my parents in ways, and i was really close with my parents.
there is something about being responsible for the dogs that makes it hard for me i guess.
they depended on me to take care of them,.. to do what was best for them,...
i don't know.
I'm sorry I made you sad.
YOU didn't make me sad wolf
life without hankie makes me sad
i'm sure you understand
i'm just right there with you that's all
we gotta pick ourselves up by our bootstraps, right?
you know what we need?
we need some eddie up in here
after he's done down under
we need him up in here.
and PJ... and some of mike's crying guitar
so i can close my eyes and go off to that special place
where life is good and we're all together
i think it will be a good PJ live year
and that will pull us right out of our funk
most definitely
feel kinda biploar these days
and yet
i have so much to be thankful for
my kids, their kids
a roof over my head
being able to be with my kids and grandkids
every single day (well, usually)
being warm
having you guys to talk to and call my friends
living in a "free" country (that's a whole other discussion)
waking up every morning
food, way too much food for my own good :roll:
clean water
my health, such as it is, at least i have doctors to prescribe me meds for my pain
so much else to be truly thankful for
why do i dwell on what i'm missing?
well, because i miss him
i think it might just be time for another little shelter guy in my life
and wolf, i hope you have things to be thankful for too
if i just stop and take a quick look at my life
i'm kinda embarrassed for whining so much
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
'It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all'
this can be said for the fear to love again too.
Don't be afraid, have faith.
Faith that the right time will come and the right new friend will find it's to you.
Jo, the comparisons will be positive. Your new friend will do this or that like Hankie,
do things to remind you of him forever. Its kind of like a living tribute.
Yes you will compare but no one will replace Hankie.... it will be new love.
My Lucy was heaven sent..she is so much like Jake.
Savannah found Lucy 2 years ago to the day, in a garbage dump, so skinny...
she's 81 pounds of love now sleeping peacefully beside me.
We all should be thankful we feel...even when it's sad feelings.
Feeling is why we are here and how we learn what's truly important in this life.
And no one can judge how we choose to feel.
If someone mourns the loss of their animal friend more than a human bond,so be it,
that is their love lost.
I think Steve's poem was a blessing to help us share these feelings,
it touched all our hearts and maybe many more.
pandi, how did you ever get to be so wise
you are so right
and you always know just how to relate what needs to be said
thanks for the insight
and the support
and to wolf
i hope that pandi's words are just as uplifting to you as they are to me
life will go on
and we will be happy
and yes, pandi, we will love again
thanks so much for reminding me <3<3
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
pandi, how did you ever get to be so wise
you are so right
and you always know just how to relate what needs to be said
thanks for the insight
and the support
and to wolf
i hope that pandi's words are just as uplifting to you as they are to me
life will go on
and we will be happy
and yes, pandi, we will love again
thanks so much for reminding me <3<3
Jo, you are a beautiful, courageous, sensitive, giving spirit with so much love ...some very lucky little dog will find you...
I can't wait to know them!
Once upon a time I left no tracks
And then wherever I went they followed me
Hounded by the trail itself
Wishing I could just rise up above it all
And look down from a safer place
Just look down and take it all in
The view, the forest, the snow, the figures
Far away telescoped and freeze framed
And not threatening me.
You know I used to watch TV and wish I could see
just that, life I couldn't live, without getting involved
Without being scared
of the world
Just press a button and teleport into the tv box
And be happy
Living other people's lives
Well today I've teleported myself to here
From far away
I sit with that life that once was wrenched from me
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So much I could tell them
Yet probably never shall
Like the shivering alone in the hole
Watching the walls cave in
With not a soul to cling to
Too scared to leave the cage
And forced to tiptoe and piss in the sink
Pissing with fear and loneliness
And the years, the years
Struggling alone
Fighting a force that never relented
Only humilty and the head down and the music
That kept me alive
The daily pacts
With myself
To survive
The scribbled notes
Pleas desperate to turn to affimations
The daily hell
The isolation
The never ending tunnel
The years
The years
So frightened
For all those years
Too many years
Cancel my subscription to the Ressurection
Send my credentials to the house of detention
I think I’ll go it alone,
this journey
the path laid out for me,
and me alone
I wish I could take you,
I wish I could have saved you
from me,
from us
I caught a snowflake on my tongue,..
it tasted like the end of the world.
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
i have a photo from prob 1977 or 78
a big winter
that looks nearly exactly like this
waking up to a fresh clean world
washed of all our sins
to start new again
walking out to the edge
of the yard
wanting to walk the lane
but it looks too perfect
to tread upon
much like our lives
so i take a picture
and remember for
ever and ever
what it was we had
when we were young
and naive
and all the world
was fresh and new
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
I want to dissolve here and abandon
Abandon struggle
Abandon hope
Abandon fight
Find truth within fragile words
Of snowflakes and footsteps
Dissolve amongst the fragile souls
Crack this rusty cage
Loose the tongue
Loose the spirit
And set the genie free to roam
Over snowdrift towns
Eddying towers
Swept and winsdstruck
Flurrying without care
Until settled its pieces reach its rest
To end, melt dissolve
Into big white sky
Cancel my subscription to the Ressurection
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the beauty of it all,
overpowered me
the weight of your joy hit me,
like a two ton heavy thing
if you don't mind,..
I think I'll just sit here awhile
sit and try to understand all of,..
while the world decay's around me,
I hold tight the feeling you left me,..
the eternal glow
that shines so bright in your eyes
the smile that radiates such warmth,
on this cold trail
the touch that let's me know I'm alive
Love has dealt me this wound,
and its love that will heal me
mine eyes are beginning to open,
and much to my surprise,..
they see the love all around me
the love within a touch
love within a simple greeting
a reminder that love is there,.
In a kind word,..
maybe needed at that very moment,
to keep on keeping on
love, though we dare not speak it,..
in a stolen glance
love in a childlike crush,...
There is love all around me,..
so if you don't mind,..
I'd just like to sit here for awhile,
and take it all in.
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
the beauty of it all,
overpowered me
the weight of your joy hit me,
like a two ton heavy thing
if you don't mind,..
I think I'll just sit here awhile
sit and try to understand all of,..
while the world decay's around me,
I hold tight the feeling you left me,..
the eternal glow
that shines so bright in your eyes
the smile that radiates such warmth,
on this cold trail
the touch that let's me know I'm alive
Love has dealt me this wound,
and its love that will heal me
mine eyes are beginning to open,
and much to my surprise,..
they see the love all around me
the love within a touch
love within a simple greeting
a reminder that love is there,.
In a kind word,..
maybe needed at that very moment,
to keep on keeping on
love, though we dare not speak it,..
in a stolen glance
love in a childlike crush,...
There is love all around me,..
so if you don't mind,..
I'd just like to sit here for awhile,
and take it all in.
Cancel my subscription to the Ressurection
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i have a photo from prob 1977 or 78
a big winter
that looks nearly exactly like this
waking up to a fresh clean world
washed of all our sins
to start new again
walking out to the edge
of the yard
wanting to walk the lane
but it looks too perfect
to tread upon
much like our lives
so i take a picture
and remember for
ever and ever
what it was we had
when we were young
and naive
and all the world
was fresh and new
'77- 78 great years indeed...I was 21.
I don't think I gave much thought to sin
and I wouldn't want to go back or do much over
but I remember being blown away living in a world like this picture.
Cross country skiing or hiking, making the first human tracks in a winter wonderland.
Spying bunny and squirrel and birdie footprints in their world.
Standing, so quiet you can almost here the glistening snow fall off the branches.
It was here, when my world was young, that I met my truest Love.
The Love that God gave me. The Love of His world.
All the moving thoughts shared here by my creative friends.
They mean a lot everyday but
are even more special to me this time of year.
Thank you for writing and for being you!
Happy Holidays!!
i have a photo from prob 1977 or 78
a big winter
that looks nearly exactly like this
waking up to a fresh clean world
washed of all our sins
to start new again
walking out to the edge
of the yard
wanting to walk the lane
but it looks too perfect
to tread upon
much like our lives
so i take a picture
and remember for
ever and ever
what it was we had
when we were young
and naive
and all the world
was fresh and new
'77- 78 great years indeed...I was 21.
I don't think I gave much thought to sin
and I wouldn't want to go back or do much over
but I remember being blown away living in a world like this picture.
Cross country skiing or hiking, making the first human tracks in a winter wonderland.
Spying bunny and squirrel and birdie footprints in their world.
Standing, so quiet you can almost here the glistening snow fall off the branches.
It was here, when my world was young, that I met my truest Love.
The Love that God gave me. The Love of His world.
All the moving thoughts shared here by my creative friends.
They mean a lot everyday but
are even more special to me this time of year.
Thank you for writing and for being you!
Happy Holidays!!
Happy Holidays to you too my friend.
Your thoughts are always inspiring
re: Sin...I don't think i thought of it
no..i KNOW i didn't think of it as sin
or even considered the existence of sin
other than the sin of treating another person unfairly
back then...or even now
not sin, in the traditional sense of the word, that is
i think i just refer to it as being a release
from all that we might have had in our minds and hearts
that was not pure or was unkind to our brothers and sisters
in our world
chase away these "sins" of yesterday
and bringing us to a fresh new day
know what i mean?
not sin, as in the ten commandments
sin as in the wrongs we commit against one another on a daily basis
the unkindness, and the thoughtless remark
things that can stay with a person forever
even if they meant next to nothing to you when you said/did them
like eddie said once, and it always sticks with me
"I used to try and kill love, it was the highest sin.....
Life comes from within my heart and desire"
actually that whole song kinda already says what i'm trying to say here
so i'll leave it to ed..and mike...inside job .... its so true
All that i'm so clumsily trying to say...well, It's already been said, so here ya go, i share this view on life:
Underneath this smile lies everything
all my hopes, anger, pride and shame
make yourself a pact, not to shut doors on the past
just for today,... I am free
I will not lose my faith
It's an inside job today
I know this one thing well,...
I used to try and kill love, it was the highest sin
breathing insecurity out and in
Searching hope, I'm shown the way to run straight
pursuing the greater way for all,... human light.
How I choose to feel,... Is how I am.
How I choose to feel,... Is how I am.
I will not lose my faith
It's an inside job today
Holding on, the light of night
On my knees to rise and fix my broken soul
Let me run into the rain
To be a human light again
Let me run into the rain
To shine a human light today
Life comes from within your heart and desire
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Take Leave
the conscious mind
Found myself
to be so inclined
Why sleep
in discontent?
Oh the price
of companionship
My shadow runs with me
underneath the Big Wide Sun
My shadow comes with me
as we leave it all
we leave it all Far Behind
Empty pockets will
Allow a greater
Sense of wealth
Why contain yourself
Like any other
Book on the shelf
My shadow lays with me
underneath the Big Wide Sun
My shadow stays with me
as we leave it all
we leave it all Far Behind
Subtle voices in the wind,
Hear the truth they're telling
A world begins where the road ends
Watch me leave it all behind
Far Behind
don't know why I felt the urge to post these here - but I was just listening and felt the overwhelming urge!!
i know why
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
reminds me of a trip to the big city
when i was a kid
i was in total awe of the place
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Deepest Winter
21st December
Those pagans knew what they were doing
As the freeze sets in beneath the bones
As the light dwindles
To a flicker
Threatening to fail
A human plea for deliverance
From the mercy of the Earth
Christmas cheer
A bottled memory
Of happy times
A smell
A fresh icy smell
The smell of renewal
And the children
The children so wide eyed
In wonder
Makes me forget the hardship
Man does to man
does to me
They bottle it and sell it this time of year
Humanity finding time
Time still to love
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Deepest Winter
21st December
Those pagans knew what they were doing
As the freeze sets in beneath the bones
As the light dwindles
To a flicker
Threatening to fail
A human plea for deliverance
From the mercy of the Earth
Christmas cheer
A bottled memory
Of happy times
A smell
A fresh icy smell
The smell of renewal
And the children
The children so wide eyed
In wonder
Makes me forget the hardship
Man does to man
does to me
They bottle it and sell it this time of year
Humanity finding time
Time still to love
love that tremors
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Deepest Winter
21st December
Those pagans knew what they were doing
As the freeze sets in beneath the bones
As the light dwindles
To a flicker
Threatening to fail
A human plea for deliverance
From the mercy of the Earth
Christmas cheer
A bottled memory
Of happy times
A smell
A fresh icy smell
The smell of renewal
And the children
The children so wide eyed
In wonder
Makes me forget the hardship
Man does to man
does to me
They bottle it and sell it this time of year
Humanity finding time
Time still to love
love that tremors
Thanks, but I kind of think it spoils the picture!
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doesn't spoil the picture
the picture is gorgeous
but to tell you the truth
when i was reading
i was disconnected from the picture
its your words i was taken in by
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
doesn't spoil the picture
the picture is gorgeous
but to tell you the truth
when i was reading
i was disconnected from the picture
its your words i was taken in by
Bit of a mismatch. Was just thinking about 'Xmas'!
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i actually posted the wrong pic, too many pages open, here's what i ment to post.
Although i'm glad you like her, i think that's Sexy as hell.
YOU didn't make me sad wolf
life without hankie makes me sad
i'm sure you understand
i'm just right there with you that's all
we gotta pick ourselves up by our bootstraps, right?
you know what we need?
we need some eddie up in here
after he's done down under
we need him up in here.
and PJ... and some of mike's crying guitar
so i can close my eyes and go off to that special place
where life is good and we're all together
i think it will be a good PJ live year
and that will pull us right out of our funk
most definitely
feel kinda biploar these days
and yet
i have so much to be thankful for
my kids, their kids
a roof over my head
being able to be with my kids and grandkids
every single day (well, usually)
being warm
having you guys to talk to and call my friends
living in a "free" country (that's a whole other discussion)
waking up every morning
food, way too much food for my own good :roll:
clean water
my health, such as it is, at least i have doctors to prescribe me meds for my pain
so much else to be truly thankful for
why do i dwell on what i'm missing?
well, because i miss him
i think it might just be time for another little shelter guy in my life
and wolf, i hope you have things to be thankful for too
if i just stop and take a quick look at my life
i'm kinda embarrassed for whining so much
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
pandi, how did you ever get to be so wise
you are so right
and you always know just how to relate what needs to be said
thanks for the insight
and the support
and to wolf
i hope that pandi's words are just as uplifting to you as they are to me
life will go on
and we will be happy
and yes, pandi, we will love again
thanks so much for reminding me
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
I can't wait to know them!
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
Once upon a time I left no tracks
And then wherever I went they followed me
Hounded by the trail itself
Wishing I could just rise up above it all
And look down from a safer place
Just look down and take it all in
The view, the forest, the snow, the figures
Far away telescoped and freeze framed
And not threatening me.
You know I used to watch TV and wish I could see
just that, life I couldn't live, without getting involved
Without being scared
of the world
Just press a button and teleport into the tv box
And be happy
Living other people's lives
Well today I've teleported myself to here
From far away
I sit with that life that once was wrenched from me
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Yet probably never shall
Like the shivering alone in the hole
Watching the walls cave in
With not a soul to cling to
Too scared to leave the cage
And forced to tiptoe and piss in the sink
Pissing with fear and loneliness
And the years, the years
Struggling alone
Fighting a force that never relented
Only humilty and the head down and the music
That kept me alive
The daily pacts
With myself
To survive
The scribbled notes
Pleas desperate to turn to affimations
The daily hell
The isolation
The never ending tunnel
The years
The years
So frightened
For all those years
Too many years
Send my credentials to the house of detention
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
I think I’ll go it alone,
this journey
the path laid out for me,
and me alone
I wish I could take you,
I wish I could have saved you
from me,
from us
I caught a snowflake on my tongue,..
it tasted like the end of the world.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
i have a photo from prob 1977 or 78
a big winter
that looks nearly exactly like this
waking up to a fresh clean world
washed of all our sins
to start new again
walking out to the edge
of the yard
wanting to walk the lane
but it looks too perfect
to tread upon
much like our lives
so i take a picture
and remember for
ever and ever
what it was we had
when we were young
and naive
and all the world
was fresh and new
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Abandon struggle
Abandon hope
Abandon fight
Find truth within fragile words
Of snowflakes and footsteps
Dissolve amongst the fragile souls
Crack this rusty cage
Loose the tongue
Loose the spirit
And set the genie free to roam
Over snowdrift towns
Eddying towers
Swept and winsdstruck
Flurrying without care
Until settled its pieces reach its rest
To end, melt dissolve
Into big white sky
Send my credentials to the house of detention
overpowered me
the weight of your joy hit me,
like a two ton heavy thing
if you don't mind,..
I think I'll just sit here awhile
sit and try to understand all of,..
while the world decay's around me,
I hold tight the feeling you left me,..
the eternal glow
that shines so bright in your eyes
the smile that radiates such warmth,
on this cold trail
the touch that let's me know I'm alive
Love has dealt me this wound,
and its love that will heal me
mine eyes are beginning to open,
and much to my surprise,..
they see the love all around me
the love within a touch
love within a simple greeting
a reminder that love is there,.
In a kind word,..
maybe needed at that very moment,
to keep on keeping on
love, though we dare not speak it,..
in a stolen glance
love in a childlike crush,...
There is love all around me,..
so if you don't mind,..
I'd just like to sit here for awhile,
and take it all in.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
Send my credentials to the house of detention
'77- 78 great years indeed...I was 21.
I don't think I gave much thought to sin
and I wouldn't want to go back or do much over
but I remember being blown away living in a world like this picture.
Cross country skiing or hiking, making the first human tracks in a winter wonderland.
Spying bunny and squirrel and birdie footprints in their world.
Standing, so quiet you can almost here the glistening snow fall off the branches.
It was here, when my world was young, that I met my truest Love.
The Love that God gave me. The Love of His world.
All the moving thoughts shared here by my creative friends.
They mean a lot everyday but
are even more special to me this time of year.
Thank you for writing and for being you!
Happy Holidays!!
Happy Holidays to you too my friend.
Your thoughts are always inspiring
re: Sin...I don't think i thought of it
no..i KNOW i didn't think of it as sin
or even considered the existence of sin
other than the sin of treating another person unfairly
back then...or even now
not sin, in the traditional sense of the word, that is
i think i just refer to it as being a release
from all that we might have had in our minds and hearts
that was not pure or was unkind to our brothers and sisters
in our world
chase away these "sins" of yesterday
and bringing us to a fresh new day
know what i mean?
not sin, as in the ten commandments
sin as in the wrongs we commit against one another on a daily basis
the unkindness, and the thoughtless remark
things that can stay with a person forever
even if they meant next to nothing to you when you said/did them
like eddie said once, and it always sticks with me
"I used to try and kill love, it was the highest sin.....
Life comes from within my heart and desire"
actually that whole song kinda already says what i'm trying to say here
so i'll leave it to ed..and mike...inside job .... its so true
All that i'm so clumsily trying to say...well, It's already been said, so here ya go, i share this view on life:
Underneath this smile lies everything
all my hopes, anger, pride and shame
make yourself a pact, not to shut doors on the past
just for today,... I am free
I will not lose my faith
It's an inside job today
I know this one thing well,...
I used to try and kill love, it was the highest sin
breathing insecurity out and in
Searching hope, I'm shown the way to run straight
pursuing the greater way for all,... human light.
How I choose to feel,... Is how I am.
How I choose to feel,... Is how I am.
I will not lose my faith
It's an inside job today
Holding on, the light of night
On my knees to rise and fix my broken soul
Let me run into the rain
To be a human light again
Let me run into the rain
To shine a human light today
Life comes from within your heart and desire
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
I love the song and all it stands for.
I agree about the sin thing, I'm afraid I don't even know the 10 commandments :?
We can never truly know another's intentions, only they know, it is in their heart.
Our hearts tell us what's right and wrong, if we just listen.
I guess that's my commandment.
I'm glad you are here, Jo...I feel a kinship
the conscious mind
Found myself
to be so inclined
Why sleep
in discontent?
Oh the price
of companionship
My shadow runs with me
underneath the Big Wide Sun
My shadow comes with me
as we leave it all
we leave it all Far Behind
Empty pockets will
Allow a greater
Sense of wealth
Why contain yourself
Like any other
Book on the shelf
My shadow lays with me
underneath the Big Wide Sun
My shadow stays with me
as we leave it all
we leave it all Far Behind
Subtle voices in the wind,
Hear the truth they're telling
A world begins where the road ends
Watch me leave it all behind
Far Behind
don't know why I felt the urge to post these here - but I was just listening and felt the overwhelming urge!!
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glad you did!
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Send my credentials to the house of detention
i know why
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
reminds me of a trip to the big city
when i was a kid
i was in total awe of the place
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Very nice!!!
Deepest Winter
21st December
Those pagans knew what they were doing
As the freeze sets in beneath the bones
As the light dwindles
To a flicker
Threatening to fail
A human plea for deliverance
From the mercy of the Earth
Christmas cheer
A bottled memory
Of happy times
A smell
A fresh icy smell
The smell of renewal
And the children
The children so wide eyed
In wonder
Makes me forget the hardship
Man does to man
does to me
They bottle it and sell it this time of year
Humanity finding time
Time still to love
Send my credentials to the house of detention
love that tremors
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Thanks, but I kind of think it spoils the picture!
Send my credentials to the house of detention
the picture is gorgeous
but to tell you the truth
when i was reading
i was disconnected from the picture
its your words i was taken in by
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Bit of a mismatch. Was just thinking about 'Xmas'!
Send my credentials to the house of detention