RE: PJ Memorabilia (updated)

KatKat Posts: 4,930
edited January 2011 in Given To Fly (live)
Trading memorabilia on the forums:

If someone has Pearl Jam memorabilia they no longer want, it will be ok to offer it to fellow Ten Club members on the forums for trade or sale with certain conditions. No links to eBay auctions can be posted in messages or sigs. The policy here is meant to be fan-to-fan and personal, not to create a side business. Links will be considered spam and will be removed, with penalty for multiple or continuing problems that do not follow these guidelines.

It is never ok to flip posters, or sell illegal items (illegal bootlegs from bootleggers, items purchased marked "not for resale", homemade CDs/DVDs, etc.). Please see the Posting Guidelines and Ten Club rules to be sure you are in compliance with all site rules/legalities.

Note: Auctions benefiting legitimate charities or activist issues will be ok; Pearl Jam has a list of charities they support on (Also note, setting up a charity to support your Bobble Head obsession is not a legitimate charity.)

Thank you!
Kat and Sea

8.5.10 - Part two posted later in this thread after questions:

It is understood that OLDER and/or rare or out of print or production memorabilia goes up in value. That being said, we are not an auction site...there are auction sites out there. Naturally it would be preferred that you love every item you have and never want to part with it because it's so special to you. :lol:

But, if someone has an item and has to part with it and asks their fellow Ten Club members 'if you're interested, send me a PM.' That's a private matter and not an auction...unless there are constant threads from the same person saying that and it looks like flipping and/or they have a side business going on. Then it's not ok. Don't do it. There will be a penalty. :cry:

It's ok to post that you're looking for an item. Given To Fly (live) is quiet right now because the band isn't on tour. Just remember what the SPIRIT OF SHARING memorabilia with your fellow Ten Club members is about. People have always been generous, sharing traded tapes, offering extras of something, even giving away extra tix when they have them. It's about our COMMUNITY here...and taking care of each other.

If you have a specific question about an item you're looking to share on the board and aren't sure about something, just write to us (Kat and Sea) and we'll let you know if you're on the right track.

Thanks! (sorry it's so long...this should cover it all)

P.S. Flipping is buying items (from Ten Club or merch booth, etc.) with the intent to resell for a profit. Don't do it. Someone outside of the U.S. asked for the definition.
Falling down,...not staying down
Post edited by Unknown User on


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