Where are the single Pearl Jam ladies?!?!?

Hi... This isn't a blatant, desperate atempt at hooking up (disclaimer)... but... I'm a ten club member (below 300,000) and been a HUGE fan longer than that. Been to many shows all over North America, cant get enough of the lyrics, feelings, and emotions experienced through PJ's music. In fact, on some conspiracy theorist kind of way, I relate to PJ music almost as if it has been the soundtrack to my life. Now, if only I could meet that girl out there who feels the same as me! Believe me, I've tried. I've gone to the shows, listed them as favs on my online dating profiles, and even broken up with girls who declined on trips to concerts! So... Where are you?!?!? I'm 36, 6-03, not ugly, I'm a fitness fanatic (clean and healthy life), non smoker, love my big dog (his name is Mookie!), have a nice career in law enforcement (not a typical town cop), and I treat women with the respect they deserve! Email me!!! (with PJ fan as the subject). I live in New Jersey, and I'd love to chat via email! <!-- e --><a href="mailto:bobbyftrain@hotmail.com">bobbyftrain@hotmail.com</a><!-- e --> non-PJ fans need not apply! ... Bobby
Definition of Bliss: Randall's Island NY 09/28/96 AND 09/29/96.
Post edited by Unknown User on
BUT....there is another thread that got really amazing around page 134 or something....so rather than have you go read all that, I just copied some of the good stuff......the stuff I wrote that is......
Ok......would it even work to date a person that is obsessed with MY band????? Just think about it.....
plus side:
1. Every Christmas, Birthday, Valentine's, Labor Day etc....I would shamelessly gift her amazing seats and travel to where ever PJ was at that particular time.......and yes, I can act well enough to make them for her.
2. I never have to bring "other" disks for road trips.
3. I could still "own" (and maybe wear when she is away) all the cool PJ gear for women
4. Would never have to ever explain why I like Pearl Jam again. It wouldnt matter.......
5. Having her stand in front of me at a show and sing ever lyric together...(unless she was over 6'1"....then she could stand be behind me......and deflect anything thrown)
down side.
1. Competition. How hard would I have to work to ensure that she isnt standing there in the middle of a concert, cross armed, scowling at me for singing "Lay her now as peace does, show the low we are accounting, will be maaaay my On Her, may it pay pay pay for the year."..I would be so happy, then I turn and....I can see her face now....
2. Dealing with her carrying Ed's pick in her pocket for three years straight and leaving your gift or memento in the drawer.
3. What if she had an awful voice and sang every song at a show?? Could you imagine that conversation........???? Hey babe,....hmmmm. So, for this show.....I was thinking.....that,.....maybe,....well, you see. Singing is great. I mean, singing is - you, you are so beautiful. Here, come here. Hold my hand. You see....I love singing at shows, and I love you, and I ....................(in my head: want to still go to the show and still have a chance to put my hey nanner nanner in your who who dilly) love hearing you sing (under my breath....sing like a dying camel).....that's all. You ready?
4. What if after every show was the only time she closed her eyes during the dirty? "All the thoughts, you never see......you're always thinking......" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Being corrected during fights five months later: me: "oh yeah, well, you smell like old ham!!!!" her: "HA! ............(fading as she walks out the front door) "AND you dont even know the words state of love and trust you knuckledhead....it's lay her down as priest does, should the lord be acountin', will be in my honour, make it pain painfully quick" stupid face!!!!!!!!! Now sit and spin! Im going shopping.........
6. The break up. Who gets the Raleigh 98. Tell you what.....I will give you the kids and the toys, just let me have the poster.
I Don't know.....undecided. 50/50.....I guess show me a normal female,....er.....I mean, cool PJ girl that is single and it may tip this logjam of a discussion.
I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
Some of the pj guys should come with a warning as well: Do not mix with beer- may turn into sudden DB.
I think you have to be more tolerant with your future girlfriend's taste in music (and that doesn't mean that she would listen to Beyonce....).
Or you can come to terms and realize
You're the only one who can't forgive yourself
Speaking to my heart......that is why this guy sticks to the heroin, the medium red ones I think are uppers, the magicjuice and the 40oz of redbull....I'm tired of wanting to kick my own ass
I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Well, I don't know about "romantic", but it would be pretty kick-ass.
Class mate that made me laugh
to my knowledge, they have never played Frisco... if you're referring to San Francisco, just know that no one calls it "Frisco."
As a "single PJ lady" I'm going to agree with the assessment that a single PJ guy is just as difficult to find. Most of the ones I see at concerts would knock down an old lady to get their ticket, and are the type of person who would not offer their seat on a train to a pregnant girl. In other words, most of them don't have enough sense to come in out of the rain.
And how I would LOVE to be proven wrong on this point.
Are YOU one??? lol... :P
I took him to see PJ last year in Sydney and he was blown away by how great live they are.
I don't think a future girlfriend of yours has to love PJ like you do, just as long as she respects how much you love them and you too respect her liking other music.
My Husband and i are total opposites and we have been together for 10 years, I wouldn't have it any other way as i think we would become boring!
In somebody else's sky, but why, why, why
Can't it be, can't it be mine
We're here, alright!!! Try Chicago, it's an absolute hotbed of single PJ women.*
None of the single male PJ fans I see writing similar posts are anywhere near me....
* Scientific findings based on non-random samplings of area directly surrounding writer.
I completely agree, I think its healthy to have a couple different passions, and my guy understands that PJ is one of mine. He doesn't mind their music, but he definitely doesn't get the concept of seeing multiple shows..so I go with like-minded friends and have a blast. It's nice not feeling like you have to "share" every experience.
Now, I do have a hot single twin sister, and I really wouldn't mind having a future brother-in-law that was into PJ...just throwing that out there...
Good luck man, I hope you find yourself a sweet PJ lovin' single lady.
I think I'm close enough and single.
*Geographically that is.
10.08.00 Alpine Valley
09.23.02 Chicago
06.18.03 Chicago | 06.21.03 Alpine Valley
10.03.04 Grand Rapids
10.05.05 Chicago
05.16.06 Chicago | 05.17.06 Chicago | 06.29.06 Milwaukee
08.02.07 Chicago | 08.05.07 Chicago
08.23.09 Chicago | 08.24.09 Chicago
05.07.10 Noblesville | 05.09.10 Cleveland
09.03.11 Alpine Valley | 09.04.11 Alpine Valley
07.19.13 Chicago
10.17.14 Moline
08.20.16 Chicago
08.18.18 Chicago
09.18.22 St. Louis
09.05.23 Chicago
So you're in this serious relationship. You're having makeup dinner @ a fancy resturant. You're thinking it's time to ask her to move in with you. "You don't mind living in a house filled with alot of Pearl Jam stuff, do you?" I can already see her eyes dazed & scared! No is gonna be the first thing that I know she is gonna say first, then I would have to talk her into it or something. She's thinking to herself while coughing on some pita bread 'Too move into a house filled with Pearl Jam stuff with the man I love? Or ask him to sell 2 rooms worth of Pearl Jam stuff so I can put my shit. If he say's yes, it's a deal!' .. D'oh!!!!
It's hard man! It's probably best to not think about being single. Just have fun. Focus on work. Make the money. Party as much as you can. Someday, the right woman will fall for you. Cause if you keep on trying, you're gonna be climbing the walls forever!
I think that's the best way to think about it. When you don't care life is more fun and more things happen. You see a lot more of what's going on around you.
10.08.00 Alpine Valley
09.23.02 Chicago
06.18.03 Chicago | 06.21.03 Alpine Valley
10.03.04 Grand Rapids
10.05.05 Chicago
05.16.06 Chicago | 05.17.06 Chicago | 06.29.06 Milwaukee
08.02.07 Chicago | 08.05.07 Chicago
08.23.09 Chicago | 08.24.09 Chicago
05.07.10 Noblesville | 05.09.10 Cleveland
09.03.11 Alpine Valley | 09.04.11 Alpine Valley
07.19.13 Chicago
10.17.14 Moline
08.20.16 Chicago
08.18.18 Chicago
09.18.22 St. Louis
09.05.23 Chicago
Frisco is actually a small town in Colorado near the major ski resorts and NO PJ has never played there either!!
I am an "older" single PJ fan with a 10 club membership started in later 1993 and I not only would step around an old lady to get a ticket I would happily offer my seat on a train to a pregnant girl. I also do not go out in the rain unless I am wearing my waterproof breathable gear because there is no bad weather just bad gear.
10.08.00 Alpine Valley
09.23.02 Chicago
06.18.03 Chicago | 06.21.03 Alpine Valley
10.03.04 Grand Rapids
10.05.05 Chicago
05.16.06 Chicago | 05.17.06 Chicago | 06.29.06 Milwaukee
08.02.07 Chicago | 08.05.07 Chicago
08.23.09 Chicago | 08.24.09 Chicago
05.07.10 Noblesville | 05.09.10 Cleveland
09.03.11 Alpine Valley | 09.04.11 Alpine Valley
07.19.13 Chicago
10.17.14 Moline
08.20.16 Chicago
08.18.18 Chicago
09.18.22 St. Louis
09.05.23 Chicago