*** Philadelphia 3 Fanviews Here 10/30/09 ***



  • These Spectrum Shows were AMAZING!

    New favorites from this show, that I never really paid much mind... Hold On, Cropduster, & Tremor Christ was a sweet surprise too!
    "Now when people ask me, where's my favorite place to play, I'll reply, Newark NJ!" -EV (solo '08)
  • SOLAT319SOLAT319 Posts: 4,594
    These Spectrum Shows were AMAZING!

    New favorites from this show, that I never really paid much mind... Hold On, Cropduster, & Tremor Christ was a sweet surprise too!

    How could anyone not have paid attention to those two songs? But hey better late than never :D
    And yes, I was there and it fucking rocked! Better than the much talked about Halloween show if you ask me.
    I have no patience for bad music and stupid people...

    The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED

    #resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
    #standingman #duranadam
  • JW64002JW64002 Posts: 6
    I know people keep asking but is there an update on the Philly Bootlegs. We have not heard a peep in quite some time. Just curious.
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    JW64002 wrote:
    I know people keep asking but is there an update on the Philly Bootlegs. We have not heard a peep in quite some time. Just curious.

    came out last tuesday. where have you been?!?!? :crazy:
  • JW64002JW64002 Posts: 6
    :shock: R U Serious or are you messing? Not nice if you are messing with me!
  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    JW64002 wrote:
    :shock: R U Serious or are you messing? Not nice if you are messing with me!
    i got mine..
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    jones wrote:
    JW64002 wrote:
    :shock: R U Serious or are you messing? Not nice if you are messing with me!
    i got mine..

    i love the foreward by ed in the packaging. that is one classy dude! :mrgreen:
  • Jaws1122Jaws1122 Posts: 4
    Really? I don't see them anywhere!
  • JW64002JW64002 Posts: 6
    Thanks guys! Just got mine as well ;)
  • JW64002JW64002 Posts: 6
    They were messing with me!
  • davidtriosdavidtrios Posts: 9,732
    did anyone else receive their copy signed? it was well worth the wait
  • Catwoman1Catwoman1 Posts: 482
    Just in time for Mother's Day! :D
    You can't be neutral on a moving train.
  • davidtriosdavidtrios Posts: 9,732
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    Davidtrios wrote:


  • davidtriosdavidtrios Posts: 9,732
    nope : (

    just a bump
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    Davidtrios wrote:
    nope : (

    just a bump

    damn you!
  • hd1072hd1072 Posts: 162
    I know it's late, but I felt compelled to write about my first live PJ experience after a year of seeing them twice, avidly reading the boards and falling more and more in love with this band.

    I'll admit: going into this show I was a casual fan. I had only recently discovered the band, and though I was listening to them more than anyone else, I really only knew Ten, Vs., and Backspacer.

    That being said, the songs I didn't know at this show (at the time the majority) didn't come off as any less awesome.

    I could go on for pages about this show, but I'll just list the highlights:

    -Opening with Gonna See My Friend (which I predicted) after the Spectrum montage and Rocky theme.
    -Tremor Christ flooring me on my first time hearing it.
    -Off He Goes -> Force of Nature -> Present Tense -> Got Some -> DTE to end the main set. That's an amazing five song stretch.
    -Parting Ways and Jeremy with the strings were both absolutely incredible.
    -My all-time favorite song: BREATH, complete with one of the best solos I've ever heard Mike play.
    -The Crazy Mary jam with Mike and Boom just shredding at the same time.
    -Ed's amazing speech after Alive.
    -The joyous, uncontrollable energy that Baba sent everyone off with.

    Thank you PJ for playing music the way you do, preserving it on boots, and giving us fans more than we could ask for. I feel proud and lucky to be a fan or yours every time I listen!

    I'll never forget this night and I'll never get tired of the boot. Now all we need is a DVD (kidding, but it would be nice. These shows WERE filmed, after all).
  • hd1072hd1072 Posts: 162

    One year ago today!
  • What an AMAZING show! I can't believe it has been 1-year. :shock: These are 4 of the best days ever, the fans, the energy, the music, the Wishlist Fundraisers, and I even got the T-Shirt. "Stay thirtsy my friends."
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,997
    Davidtrios wrote:



    I'm SURPRISED that ther is not a DVD out ther SOMEWHERE. Wouldn't one think that ther would be one by now? Is every song on Youtube ? I'm sure WE would ALL like one, as this was a AWESOME show.
  • jamminpearlsjamminpearls Posts: 7,078
    Wow 1yr ago the greatest PJ show ever was played,memories!!!!!
    Go Birds!!!!
  • I started the day off by listening to some Bad Religion and went right into the Philly 3 boot. I can't believe it has been one year! Happy Birthday Philly 3!!
    I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
    1998: Va Beach VA
    2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
    2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
    2008: Washington DC
    2009: Philly 3
    2010: Bristow VA
    2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
    2014: Cincinnati, OH
    2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
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