It is cool... Even cooler is when an f16 is taking off... I stood next to the airstrip, very close to the plane ... We had an excursion.
Almost 10 years ago now in 1998 straight after a week of PJ in my hometown I flew out for Broome WA for a holiday and to recover from an awesome screaming, moshing, "so exciting I thought I'd burst" party.
Anyway, met some peeps while I was there and we decided to go to the open air cinema for a bit of a laugh. So this cinema, it's situated right next to the airport. At the end of a landing strip as it turns out. I know this because we were sitting there watching the Spice Girls movie when a plane practically landed in our lap followed 10 seconds later by the backburn of the plane almost blowing us out of our seats! The wind so hot and so strong and little bits of dust flying into my face. Had to shut my eyes and hang on for dear life! All the while we girls, that hardly knew each other, were screaming at the top of our lungs before collapsing into fits of giggles. Made some life long friends that day. I bet your excursion was similar to that.
Almost 10 years ago now in 1998 straight after a week of PJ in my hometown I flew out for Broome WA for a holiday and to recover from an awesome screaming, moshing, "so exciting I thought I'd burst" party.
Anyway, met some peeps while I was there and we decided to go to the open air cinema for a bit of a laugh. So this cinema, it's situated right next to the airport. At the end of a landing strip as it turns out. I know this because we were sitting there watching the Spice Girls movie when a plane practically landed in our lap followed 10 seconds later by the backburn of the plane almost blowing us out of our seats! The wind so hot and so strong and little bits of dust flying into my face. Had to shut my eyes and hang on for dear life! All the while we girls, that hardly knew each other, were screaming at the top of our lungs before collapsing into fits of giggles. Made some life long friends that day. I bet your excursion was similar to that.
It sure was simular to that...
Guess what? In june 2008 the military airbase in my town is opened for public again! For two days
Digging this one out of the closet for my three thousandth post. Good Lord.
A few months back, I was 'post spooning' with Brain of JLo, and was doing the same with Trixie last JLo has almost a thousand more posts than me, and Tracey, well, Tracey has a MP addiction!!!
Digging this one out of the closet for my three thousandth post. Good Lord.
A few months back, I was 'post spooning' with Brain of JLo, and was doing the same with Trixie last JLo has almost a thousand more posts than me, and Tracey, well, Tracey has a MP addiction!!!
Digging this one out of the closet for my three thousandth post. Good Lord.
A few months back, I was 'post spooning' with Brain of JLo, and was doing the same with Trixie last JLo has almost a thousand more posts than me, and Tracey, well, Tracey has a MP addiction!!!
Carry on Pearl Jam Girls...we love ya!!!
What is MP???
You are the first person that welcomed me here and the first one that I met.
You are a fantastic human being and you make awesome kids.
Cheers to Cilcia!
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Oke, shall I change my boardname in it?
It is cool... Even cooler is when an f16 is taking off... I stood next to the airstrip, very close to the plane ... We had an excursion.
I wouldn't believe him if I were you, J
Mr Innocent :rolleyes:
I am innocent :cool:
Oh sure... I am too
You? Innocent?
Don't do that I'll get all confused! We'll just make it your nickname.
Almost 10 years ago now in 1998 straight after a week of PJ in my hometown I flew out for Broome WA for a holiday and to recover from an awesome screaming, moshing, "so exciting I thought I'd burst" party.
Anyway, met some peeps while I was there and we decided to go to the open air cinema for a bit of a laugh. So this cinema, it's situated right next to the airport. At the end of a landing strip as it turns out. I know this because we were sitting there watching the Spice Girls movie when a plane practically landed in our lap followed 10 seconds later by the backburn of the plane almost blowing us out of our seats!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
He's a boy isn't he?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Good plan
Yes ME!!!!
It sure was simular to that...
Guess what? In june 2008 the military airbase in my town is opened for public again! For two days
You and innocent? I don't believe that
Boys are always innocent... Didn't your mother told you that fact?
You doubt my innocence??? :eek: I am a nice girl :rolleyes:
No, I don't doubt it
Yes, you are a nice girl, but aren't nice and innocent different?
You caught me :eek:
I must be a SAINT
Yes, I am!
You a saint???
Do you not believe me?
Seriously how much fun do saints have??? I have WAY more
Ofcourse I believe you!
Saints are having fun???
I guess maybe saints just have a different idea of fun than say you or I.
I guess fun is a subjective thing.
Glad you believed me... another one fooled :rolleyes:
Point taken.
Hi Becks.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
hehe! Well lets face it girl, it does pay dividends for them sometimes!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yeah, subjective, but saints and fun????
My answer was sarcastic
Hell no I can't wait.
A few months back, I was 'post spooning' with Brain of JLo, and was doing the same with Trixie last JLo has almost a thousand more posts than me, and Tracey, well, Tracey has a MP addiction!!!
Carry on Pearl Jam Girls...we love ya!!!
thanks steve, love you too..;)
What is MP???
You are the first person that welcomed me here and the first one that I met.
You are a fantastic human being and you make awesome kids.
Cheers to Cilcia!
And I don't feel right when you're gone away