O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Glad to hear.
    You guys are going with bottle/formula?
    Is it going well?
    Just wondering for those of us thinking of breastfeeding
    or bottles or both or whatever. Some people say its a
    hassle to make bottles. Some say they dont want a
    kid stuck to them.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • imspinninimspinnin Posts: 933
    Oh, I didn't realize it's a US only thing. Sorry

    Last night was much better sleep. We got him down in the crib, and I slept from 2:00 to 9:00. Got up twice to help Camille with a bottle and a diaper. She slept from 10:00 to 2:30, and about 4:30 to 7 or so. She's sleeping now, as is Jack
    Awwww...his name is Jack...*pout's lower lip* how sweet!!! :o
    If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
  • imspinninimspinnin Posts: 933
    genevieve wrote:
    Glad to hear.
    You guys are going with bottle/formula?
    Is it going well?
    Just wondering for those of us thinking of breastfeeding
    or bottles or both or whatever. Some people say its a
    hassle to make bottles. Some say they dont want a
    kid stuck to them.
    Go breast, gen!!! Easiest thing at 2am!!!
    If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    imspinnin wrote:
    Go breast, gen!!! Easiest thing at 2am!!!

    I plan on doing the breastfeeding thing for at least a month.
    And then pumping for another month at least. Using formula
    only occasionally. And then well see.
    We are going to be going away just after a month after baby
    comes. And We will be going to a wedding and stuff and I
    want to be able to hand the baby off to my parents or whoever
    wants to feed baby so I can get away for an hour.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • imspinninimspinnin Posts: 933
    genevieve wrote:
    I plan on doing the breastfeeding thing for at least a month.
    And then pumping for another month at least. Using formula
    only occasionally. And then well see.
    We are going to be going away just after a month after baby
    comes. And We will be going to a wedding and stuff and I
    want to be able to hand the baby off to my parents or whoever
    wants to feed baby so I can get away for an hour.
    If you pump there's no reason to use formula...you'll have enough milk!! My mother would joke after I would pump (24oz.) in one sitting, she would always laugh & say I could feed a small village:) My suggestion is breast and pump...I always had a few bottles in the fridge, just incase, grandma or daddy wanted to take over.
    If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    imspinnin wrote:
    If you pump there's no reason to use formula...you'll have enough milk!! My mother would joke after I would pump (24oz.) in one sitting, she would always laugh & say I could feed a small village:) My suggestion is breast and pump...I always had a few bottles in the fridge, just incase, grandma or daddy wanted to take over.

    Yeah thats what Im hoping. To at least keep up morning, nighttime feedings.
    Formula will be a backup if Im out and cant pump. But I assume I will NEED
    to pump. Hehehe
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • imspinninimspinnin Posts: 933
    genevieve wrote:
    Yeah thats what Im hoping. To at least keep up morning, nighttime feedings.
    Formula will be a backup if Im out and cant pump. But I assume I will NEED
    to pump. Hehehe
    YES darling... you will NEED to pump!! Any breast feeding ?'s I'm here for ya. I breastfed twins, yes at the same time...nothing like the football hold:)
    If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    imspinnin wrote:
    YES darling... you will NEED to pump!! Any breast feeding ?'s I'm here for ya. I breastfed twins, yes at the same time...nothing like the football hold:)

    Thats insanity.
    Did you want them to feed at the same time?
    Just to get it over with all at once.
    Or was it nice to have one on one time without the other?
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    I'm going to breastfeed...for many reasons...but one of those reasons is that I don't want to fix bottles all the time! I figure that'll be easiest, especially since I'll be home with the baby. I was totally dreading pumping at work. In fact, I don't really even know how that could have ever worked out, with they way my work days go. I think would have been pumping in my cubicle while on the computer. ;)

    I'm getting a manual breast pump, too, because I've heard it helps you with milk production in the beginning and also so I can stock up for those times Annabelle will be at home alone with my husband or at my sister's. I know everyone says electric pumps are better, and that's what I would get if I were going to go back to work, but since I"ll be using it on a part-time basis I think it'll work fine. And since it's a difference between $50 or $250, I thought I'd *at least* give the manual one a try!
  • genevieve wrote:
    Glad to hear.
    You guys are going with bottle/formula?
    Is it going well?
    Just wondering for those of us thinking of breastfeeding
    or bottles or both or whatever. Some people say its a
    hassle to make bottles. Some say they dont want a
    kid stuck to them.

    We are doing bottles. I'm no expert on this, far from it, but when nurses would ask us at the hospital which we were doing, they would say something like "Oh, good. It's much better that way" They may say the same exact thing to breast feeders, who knows. There was one girl in our room who was breastfeeding, and she was having a difficult go of it. The baby would try, but couldn't get anything. I guess it takes a few days. We are just now getting into the hassle of bottles. the hospital sent us home with Similac that was individual bottle sized. No work, prep, or refrigerating. Shake, put on nipple and feed. We're out, and they apparently don't sell them like that. We have a bottle warmer, as the microwave is prone to hot spots.

    Our problem now is diapers. He's less than 8 pounds, and most diapers run 8-14. So the diaper can be loose. In the hospital, he was in NB diapers. I also can't find those in stores, just 1, which is 8-14 pounds. He's now in his first Babies R Us brand diaper, which says just "Up to 10 pounds" Hopefully these "contain" him. They have preemie diapers, but I've only seen up to 5 & 6 pounds. Also, he sleeps so long,there are times when I want to wake him up just to change him, but I feel bad waking a comfortably sleeping baby. Should I be changing him every 2 hours or so? He can sleep for 4-6 hours at a time

    Oh, and I might have mentioned this earlier, but I highly recommend the Boppy (?) pillow. I guess it makes him think he's being held, so he sleeps comfortably. We love holding him, but can't do it 24 hours a day
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    imspinnin wrote:
    YES darling... you will NEED to pump!! Any breast feeding ?'s I'm here for ya. I breastfed twins, yes at the same time...nothing like the football hold:)

    Guess that's why we have two breasts! ;)
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    We are doing bottles. I'm no expert on this, far from it, but when nurses would ask us at the hospital which we were doing, they would say something like "Oh, good. It's much better that way" They may say the same exact thing to breast feeders, who knows. There was one girl in our room who was breastfeeding, and she was having a difficult go of it. The baby would try, but couldn't get anything. I guess it takes a few days. We are just now getting into the hassle of bottles. the hospital sent us home with Similac that was individual bottle sized. No work, prep, or refrigerating. Shake, put on nipple and feed. We're out, and they apparently don't sell them like that. We have a bottle warmer, as the microwave is prone to hot spots.

    Our problem now is diapers. He's less than 8 pounds, and most diapers run 8-14. So the diaper can be loose. In the hospital, he was in NB diapers. I also can't find those in stores, just 1, which is 8-14 pounds. He's now in his first Babies R Us brand diaper, which says just "Up to 10 pounds" Hopefully these "contain" him. They have preemie diapers, but I've only seen up to 5 & 6 pounds. Also, he sleeps so long,there are times when I want to wake him up just to change him, but I feel bad waking a comfortably sleeping baby. Should I be changing him every 2 hours or so? He can sleep for 4-6 hours at a time

    Oh, and I might have mentioned this earlier, but I highly recommend the Boppy (?) pillow. I guess it makes him think he's being held, so he sleeps comfortably. We love holding him, but can't do it 24 hours a day

    We went and bought our first pack of diapers this weekend. I hope that
    since we bought the smallest type available it will work out.
    My friend who just had a baby a few weeks ago is going through like 20
    diapers a day right now.
    I thought babys needed to eat every 4hrs? Even at night. We were told
    to wake baby up at night to make sure its eating. But maybe its different
    with a baby on formula. Wow so much to think about.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • We do feed every 4 hours. Usually he wakes up about 3 1/2 hours after feeding. he's on a pretty tight 9:30, 1:30, 5:30, AM & PM schedule right now. he wakes up, we change him, feed him, maybe change him again (usually, cause he tends to poop about 15 minutes after he starts eating) last night he woke up fussy at 12:15, so he ate a little early. he's usally awake for 30 minutes to an hour after eating
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    We went and bought our first pack of diapers this weekend. I hope that
    since we bought the smallest type available it will work out.
    My friend who just had a baby a few weeks ago is going through like 20
    diapers a day right now.
    I thought babys needed to eat every 4hrs? Even at night. We were told
    to wake baby up at night to make sure its eating. But maybe its different
    with a baby on formula. Wow so much to think about.

    20 diapers! Good God!! :D That's a lot!

    There is sooo much to think about. I'm so glad my mom is going to come stay with us for a couple of weeks when the baby comes. That'll be a big help. (We probably would try to wing it on our own, except for the fact that neither one of us has *any* experience with babies!)
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    We do feed every 4 hours. Usually he wakes up about 3 1/2 hours after feeding. he's on a pretty tight 9:30, 1:30, 5:30, AM & PM schedule right now. he wakes up, we change him, feed him, maybe change him again (usually, cause he tends to poop about 15 minutes after he starts eating) last night he woke up fussy at 12:15, so he ate a little early. he's usally awake for 30 minutes to an hour after eating

    Oh ok.
    I just saw something about 6 hrs.
    I just dont know schedules and stuff yet.
    I guess Ill learn.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Yeah, the 4 hours isn't ironclad. sometimes he'll wake up early, sometimes he'll sleep an extra hour. I shouldn't have said 6. We would never let him go more than 5, we'll wake him up and change him, which pisses him off. then when he's clean and stops crying, he'll eat
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Yeah, the 4 hours isn't ironclad. sometimes he'll wake up early, sometimes he'll sleep an extra hour. I shouldn't have said 6. We would never let him go more than 5, we'll wake him up and change him, which pisses him off. then when he's clean and stops crying, he'll eat

    Aw does he get grumpy?
    HAve you tried bathing him yet?
    Hows the umbilical cord?
    Did you circumcise?
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • he only gets grumpy when we change him. He does not like to be naked. And dressing can't be fun for him. Clothes are a pain to put on, and they're all way too big. (0-3 months)

    We haven't given him a bath, per se, just warm washcloths

    The cord is still there, I hope it falls out soon. It has to be uncomfortable for him

    We did circumsize him, his last day in the hospital. The Dr. must have done a good job, because he was not cranky that day. The first diaper change was a little scary though. A little bloody
  • Alive 79Alive 79 Posts: 100
    Not at he moment but I was 8 1/2 months pregnant last time I saw Pearl Jam! I was convinced I was gonna go into labour half way through Alive!! I called my daughter Kaia as its Hawaiian for ocean and we all know how much Ed loves the ocean. Have you got any idea on names??
    Underneath this smile lies everything........... all my hopes, anger, pride and shame
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    If its a girl: Adria Rae
    If its a boy: Aaron Mathew

    Dont know why they are both "A" names just worked that way.
    We also like Stone for another middle name for either but its
    not just cause of Stone. Its just a cool name.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    If its a girl: Adria Rae
    If its a boy: Aaron Mathew

    Dont know why they are both "A" names just worked that way.
    We also like Stone for another middle name for either but its
    not just cause of Stone. Its just a cool name.

    We are using Annabelle, and we are certain that it's a girl. :) Not done picking out a middle name yet, though. It's kind of hard because Annabelle is such a long name. We will probably call her Belle for short. :)

    We liked "A" names best because, for some reason, they sound best with our last name, which is also an "A" name.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    we just have had those names in mind since like high school probably.
    I really want to know if Im having a boy or girl. Almost makes me
    want another ultrasound. But its not too far off so I will just wait.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    we just have had those names in mind since like high school probably.
    I really want to know if Im having a boy or girl. Almost makes me
    want another ultrasound. But its not too far off so I will just wait.

    Yeah, you'll make it. :) You're getting really close!
  • duffyduffy Posts: 74
    this thread is yucky. i would rather die. lol
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    About six months ago my other half and I watched a video of a lady giving birth (http://www.babycenter.com/video/clip.jhtml?topic=1287352). We talked the other day about whether he would want to see the baby be born or not. I said I want him in the room but it might be a bit difficult for him to handle actually watching the baby come out. He said he could stomach it and he would be fine, so I made him watch the video again and I think his memory must have faded from last time because he seemed to go a little pale watching the video and mumbling about how he's so glad his not a women :) I think now that I am actually pregnant, watching the video was more real this time then last time we watched it.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    pacifier wrote:
    About six months ago my other half and I watched a video of a lady giving birth (http://www.babycenter.com/video/clip.jhtml?topic=1287352). We talked the other day about whether he would want to see the baby be born or not. I said I want him in the room but it might be a bit difficult for him to handle actually watching the baby come out. He said he could stomach it and he would be fine, so I made him watch the video again and I think his memory must have faded from last time because he seemed to go a little pale watching the video and mumbling about how he's so glad his not a women :) I think now that I am actually pregnant, watching the video was more real this time then last time we watched it.

    Men think they are so strong till they have to deal with this sorta stuff.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    pacifier wrote:
    About six months ago my other half and I watched a video of a lady giving birth (http://www.babycenter.com/video/clip.jhtml?topic=1287352). We talked the other day about whether he would want to see the baby be born or not. I said I want him in the room but it might be a bit difficult for him to handle actually watching the baby come out. He said he could stomach it and he would be fine, so I made him watch the video again and I think his memory must have faded from last time because he seemed to go a little pale watching the video and mumbling about how he's so glad his not a women :) I think now that I am actually pregnant, watching the video was more real this time then last time we watched it.

    Hey I cant watch it cause Im not subscribed to it! :(
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    genevieve wrote:
    Men think they are so strong till they have to deal with this sorta stuff.

    :) he had a leg crap in bed last night and said something to the effect of me going through that type of pain when I have a baby. I laughed and said I think it will be much worse than that and for much longer, but he seemed pretty sure it would just be as painful as his leg cramp :)
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    genevieve wrote:
    Hey I cant watch it cause Im not subscribed to it! :(

    I watched it without being subscribed. hang on, I will give an indirect link that should let you watch it.....http://www.babycenter.com/videos look under labour and child birth for "the stages of labor"
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    How many of the men here will be watching the birth of their child? Hellfish, what did you do?
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