ignorance unbound

v.funny somtimes quite painfully funny. aussies run riot in the usa asking americans questions they clearly cant answer... ah the humour
v.funny somtimes quite painfully funny. aussies run riot in the usa asking americans questions they clearly cant answer... ah the humour
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Hi I'm John Howard, prime minister of Australia
Hahaha, yeah isn't that funny?
It's too bad we don't have video of Americans interviewing the border-line retarded populations in London, eh? Lots of stupid little British boys that are failing out of school.
Better yet, why don't we interview the 3% of your Muslim population (2001 census). That's probably drastically larger now. I'm sure they know a lot about the world around them, eh?
Maybe we should call England "Angloistan." You'll be a third world country in less than 50 years. We'll see what happens to your education then.
What is it with the rest of the world making fun of American ignorance? Why would any country to presume to judge us in any way? When they attain the level of power and success that we have, maybe I'd listen. Otherwise, they're just hating on something better than them.
Let's see Britain support 300 million people, have the most powerful military in the world, the most powerful economy in the world, and do it all while accepting massively larger immigration.
This is the second effing time I've seen this video on this message board and it is an indication that plenty of clowns from overseas have a big bone to pick with America. Let's talk about it. What great wisdom do foreigners have to impart to me about my country? I'll impart some wisdom about your country too.
-Enoch Powell
Bush is from Maine, not Texas.
False. Bush is from Texas. He was born in Maine.
I am from Virginia. I was born in Maryland.
-Enoch Powell
one walked into various milkbars and 7-11s with a stocking over his head trying to buy milk etc. the store owner ran into the back and came out with a cricket bat. lol
they've also done a cable news satire called cnnnn [chaser non stop news network.] and every federal election they do "the chaser decides" and provide coverage of the election. good fun to watch.
they also frequent political press conferences, and when they have a chance to ask a question they pull out a trivial pursuit card and ask a random question.
they get away with all this because they're on the government funded tv channel. it's quite good stuff.
12 people may make the one decision but that doesn't make it right.
Free Rob Farquharson, wrongfully imprisoned!!
Canada, bring it on!
Canada blows America for bus fare!
However, even though Canadian PMs kiss US ass, Canada is a much nicer place to live and the people are seemingly smarter. But if you ask me, everyone is ignorant about something.
What this video shows me is how dangerous misinformation or ignorance can be.
"Who is in the axis of evil?"
"I know germany is one"
No one is in the "axis of evil" that's history and Germany has been carrying this label for far too long because people are ignorant.
Listen to that woman "I call 'em diaper heads", wtf is that?
She's obviously ignorant and doesn't know it's called a turban, but she calls it a diaper?
Correction: She said "The turban thing, I call it a diaper really [chuckle]", yea haha real funny, why isn't it funny when other nations pick on how stupid Americans can be?
Oh, I guess I'm from Ontario, even though I was born in B.C. and lived there until I was 16.
That's still the dumbest logic I've ever heard, being from Texas has the negative effect of being right, which is apparent by this video.
It is about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church.
Supposedly, the U.S. has an IQ of 98 while Britain has an IQ of 100. Since there is essentially no difference in IQ, what is this consistent effort to make Americans look stupid meant to prove?
Additionally, America accepts massively higher numbers of immigrants (in comparison to total population) than Britain, and these immigrants tend to have lower IQs. We also have far more African-Americans, and they tend to have lower IQs. Still, the American IQ is roughly around 98. Britain has its own factors as well, including working class white males, Arabs, and Carribean Africans.
-Enoch Powell
I lived in MD until I was 16 and I am now 20. I'm a Virginian though. I am taxed by Virginia and my license plate says Virginia.
What if I said "being from Africa has the negative effect of being right?" Would that not sound bigoted? You obviously have a serious bigotry problem.
-Enoch Powell
Dude, that sounds pretty damn racist. There is nothing genetic about IQ scores, they are knowledge based, knowledge requires education. Which puts the onus right back on the country as a whole.
Dude, I've literally never talked to someone or heard someone from Texas talk with any knowledge of pretty much anything. I've worked for several companies taking calls from US subscribers and Texans call in with stupid questions the most. I worked with a woman from Texas that moved up here because she couldn't handle the ignorance there.
The fact is, some groups tend to have lower IQs. The cause of it is not in their genetics but their social arrangement and culture, which is often determined by their genetics.
African-Americans tend to have a lower IQ because education is not as valued in their demographic as in the Jewish-American demographic. That's not racist - it's factual.
Furthermore, the country as a whole has absolutely no obligation to educate anyone, constitutionally. The federal government has no constitutional right to dictate to states what education standards should be, as in No Child Left Behind.
-Enoch Powell
It's NOT their genetics!
Get a grip!
It's a result of their culture which is a result of oppression. There are plenty of African-American people that are very intelligent and wouldn't say stupid shit like that.
Secession is legal according to the constitution.
-Enoch Powell
Stupid people are stupid not because they've been oppressed but because they failed to become educated. They're lazy. Their families failed to instill a work ethic in them.
Go ahead and blame the government for all of your problems, but realize this: Jews have been "oppressed" for their entire history and yet they manage to be smarter than anyone.
-Enoch Powell
Secession is a voluntary act of the seceding entity. What I'm talking about is involuntary. I'm saying there is legislation to drop Texas from the union whether Texas likes it or not. This is not secession.
Well, I can't imagine why Australians, or anyone else for that matter, would have a bone to pick with America. . . .
Jesus, no wonder you seppos have a reputation here for having no sense of humour. Its fucking comedy mate! You're like the dumb kid at school that got teased just because he'd always overreact. Learn to take it on the chin, like the manly men that you've been lamenting the demise of.
Ok, now impart away. What do you know about my country?
-C Addison
That's totally different.
Slavery vs Exile. Those are two completely different circumstances. You are so full of shit man. You seem like a totally racist pig to me. You are saying that Black people are lazy because of their genetics, so they are just lazy people and they fail because they are Black. Who the fuck are you the million dollar man? What qualifies you to make that judgement about an entire race and their genetics? Do you have any idea at all about any of the sciences that study cultural or genetics differences?
Um, ok.
I'm sure a real winner proposed that too.
-Enoch Powell
The United States...better than any other country- as you put it, spends about as much on education in third world cities as it does on security, probably much more on the latter. If you spend all your effort on security you get what you pay for, a security zone...
Hoew are these kids supposed to focus on education? They have more pressing concerns...staying alive for one..
I didn't say what you are saying.
I am saying that black people tend to have black babies. They raise them as black people decide to raise black babies. Culturally, black people impart their culture to their children. Black culture in america is not supportive of education. You want to argue that point with me?
-Enoch Powell
Yea, let's talk about the slavery and how that evolved into the ghetto, then we can talk about how lazy they are and how they don't educate themselves.
The United States government spends FAR TOO MUCH ON EDUCATION. You know why? It has zero constitutional right to spend money on education.
Now, STATES spend a lot of money on education, Commy. I know you probably love centralized governments and you think freedom is always protected when an overbearing federal government can dictate to you how to educate your child, but I don't think that.
Also, since when does spending make education better? In DC, they spend $10,000 per pupil. More than anywhere else in the nation. DC schools suck.
-Enoch Powell
Fuck it, your a megalomaniacal egomaniac myopic ignoramus.
You are looking at it like everyone has the ability to do the supernatural and that environment and history have nothing to do with it. You said black people raise black people, obviously attaching a stigmatization to the term black. Well if a monkey raises a monkey then you get a monkey, then more monkeys from that monkey, it makes sense, doesn't it? Is it the monkeys fault that it can't give birth to a fucking giraffe on the other side of the world?
Slavery ended 150 years ago, so that's no longer a problem for blacks.
Ghettos also developed after slavery.
They don't educate themselves, by and large. I know blacks that do educate themselves. Most don't.
Anything else?
-Enoch Powell
Sorry numbnuts, but I didn't say that. Black people have a culture that is not determined by their genetics. Nonetheless, it is passed on along cultural lines. It happens to be one that does not value education.
How many black people are in Canada? Wtf do you know about black people?
I probably have more black friends than you so quit your crap.
-Enoch Powell
That's a perfect example of myopia