I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Ya know, I'm fine when you call me a racist or you make fun of my country - that's not so bad.
But a teetotaller? Gimme a break...
I'm not calling you that.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
It's too bad we don't have video of Americans interviewing the border-line retarded populations in London, eh? Lots of stupid little British boys that are failing out of school.
Better yet, why don't we interview the 3% of your Muslim population (2001 census). That's probably drastically larger now. I'm sure they know a lot about the world around them, eh?
Maybe we should call England "Angloistan." You'll be a third world country in less than 50 years. We'll see what happens to your education then.
What is it with the rest of the world making fun of American ignorance? Why would any country to presume to judge us in any way? When they attain the level of power and success that we have, maybe I'd listen. Otherwise, they're just hating on something better than them.
Let's see Britain support 300 million people, have the most powerful military in the world, the most powerful economy in the world, and do it all while accepting massively larger immigration.
This is the second effing time I've seen this video on this message board and it is an indication that plenty of clowns from overseas have a big bone to pick with America. Let's talk about it. What great wisdom do foreigners have to impart to me about my country? I'll impart some wisdom about your country too.
Thank you for taking the words right out of my mouth.
I was also thinking about the reason why a lot of non-americans know quite a lot about America, while Americans don't know all that much about other cultures & countries. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that other countries are very interested in American culture and are exposed to American culture, probably via the media.
Speaking as an Australian I would say that the fascination is not just with American culture, but with all different cultures. The difference is, as you suggested, we are innundated with American and British culture through TV, Music, Print Media etc. Therefore the coutries that bear the brunt of our jokes are firstly ourselves, then the US, the Brits and the Kiwis. But I have no doubt that you could produce a similar comedy sketch as the Chaser one in any country. People, it would appear, can be inherently stupid regardless of where they are from.
That being said, in my time in the US I did find certain places where there seemed to be a lot of people who were not especially world aware. I had people mistaking Australia for Austria and (more alarmingly) Antarctica, people confused as to what language we spoke in Australia. But I would not suggest that this is reflective of the intelligence levels of the US.
Perhaps it is just that the US media appears to play comparitively less attention to international news then the media of other Countries?
Speaking as an Australian I would say that the fascination is not just with American culture, but with all different cultures. The difference is, as you suggested, we are innundated with American and British culture through TV, Music, Print Media etc. Therefore the coutries that bear the brunt of our jokes are firstly ourselves, then the US, the Brits and the Kiwis. But I have no doubt that you could produce a similar comedy sketch as the Chaser one in any country. People, it would appear, can be inherently stupid regardless of where they are from.
That being said, in my time in the US I did find certain places where there seemed to be a lot of people who were not especially world aware. I had people mistaking Australia for Austria and (more alarmingly) Antarctica, people confused as to what language we spoke in Australia. But I would not suggest that this is reflective of the intelligence levels of the US.
Perhaps it is just that the US media appears to play comparitively less attention to international news then the media of other Countries?
Yea, I'm Canadian and I pay a lot of attention to other countries, and not just the ones we are bombing.
Let's see, Australian's speak English and their PM is John Howard.
Australia was originally populated by European nations sending criminal exiles to the region.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Agreed. But America's CURRENT educational system doesn't have a whole lot to do with the fact that America is the richest country in the world. That does however have a lot to do with the exploitation and down-right bullying of other countries.
Let's not forget that America does not stand alone as a super power. There is a lot of help, none of which I am pretending is Canadian.
Regardless, this thread is yet another example of how things can so easily get out of hand. If it can get this out of hand on a personal level, it's not hard to imagine why things get so out of hand on a political level.
So you are saying that our wealth in this country is coming from "bullying" other countries? Give me some examples of the mass amounts of wealth that are coming from these countries we exploit.
“May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” - Frank Sinatra
As a youth, which if I didn't share I wouldn't be at all accountable for. Most people advise me not to share my childhood crimes because clearly people will formulate opinions of me contrary to my actual character. Which appears to be what you are expressing right now. :(
Nah, not at all.
I was merely stating that your experience and knowledge of the law and court room procedures comes from first hand encounters.
What, you think I never got in trouble when I was a kid? Ha!
I had my fair share of dad coming to the police station to get my ass out of there, when I was a teenager. I was rather rebelious and rowdy teen...lol:D
True story, but this time I was in my mid-20s and I was really innocent of any wrong doing. It was my insurance company who screwed up. Unlike my teenage years when I was definitely guilty of being a jackass.
I was driving home late one Sunday evening, on Route 23, from a weekend at my girlfriends house in Sussex County, NJ.
I get pulled over by a cop for speeding and he checks my insurance and registration. Unbeknownest to me, I have the wrong Insurance card .......an outdated Insurance card. I thought it was my new card, because that was the one my insurance company mailed me. But they screwed up and some how sent me the same card as the one that had just expired.
Any who, the cop tows my car and brings to the police station. I had a small travel bag with my clothes, and my acoustic guitar.
I was pissed off because I knew I was up to date with my insurance and that the card was the one just sent to me.
Of course the cop didn't believe me and did what he had to do.
I get to the Police station and there's no one else there. Just me and the cop who brought me in. I called for my girlfriend to come and get me.
The cop asks me if I can play "that guitar your carrying, there". And I say, yeah. I can.
So he asks me to play something. So I did.
This cop was a big music lover and starts really enjoying my playing. He comes over and starts making requests (some of which I knew, others I didn't......but was able to fumble around a little an figure out some of those songs).
The cop starts signing along while I'm playing:D:D
Meanwhile, my girlfriend was on her way to get me and she's all worried, upset and panicy.
There I was strumming and singing some tunes with this cop, for over an hour. Two other cops walked in and they came over and hung around to listen.
So there I am, playing my acoustic guitar and singing Neil Young's "Heart Of Gold" with this cop and the other two were hanging around just watching and grooving; when my worried and upset girlfriend walks in to the station:D
She stops dead in her tracks, looks at me, looks at the cops and starts shaking her head in disbelief.
"What the hell is going on?!?!?!?!"
Later she says to me, " You're the only person I know who gets arrested, then makes friends with the cops, and somehow get's the cops to run through a drive-tru for you ( which they did. went to Burger King for me.....the only place opened near-by...lol), to pick you up some dinner. If that's not looney enough, you start a sing-along with the cops!" What the fuck!?!?"
Well, technically I really wasn't arrested, I was brought to the police station because they towed my car and I proved to them my insurance company had screwed up, when I called them from the police station. Not to mention at that time I worked with several law enforcement officers, so that helped.
"Heart Of Gold" some how took on a slightly different meaning for me from that point on:D
In Ontario they give you like 48 hours to show a valid insurance. They don't tow the vehicle, or at least didn't for me.
I was driving my GF's car and was pulled over by a cop. He says "Your sticker is out-of-date." and of course I said "I had no idea, this is my GF's car." So he asks for license and registration. The registration wasn't even in the car and the insurance was out-of-date as well. I gave my girlfriend hell. She had both the registration and the up-to-date insurance at home. I actually knew the sticker was out-of-date though. I drove the car more than she did.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
The government has no responsibility for any of the success I've ever had or will have. I owe it absolutely nothing.
I am what I am because of my parents. If the government got off our backs, that would be a good thing not a bad thing.
I love how these people think the government has such urgent responsibilities for the welfare of our people. That's bullshit. The government fucks up at every social program it institutes. It has no constitutional right to institute any social programs. The economy has done well in the past without any government intrusion into our lives.
Here's how I put my power structure:
Federal government
If anyone is running social programs, it should be the states and not the federal government. The federal government cannot constitutionally address anything pertaining to the social welfare of anyone.
I couldn't agree more, the government sucks, the bottom line the government couldn't run a hotdog stand at a profit.
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
So you are saying that our wealth in this country is coming from "bullying" other countries? Give me some examples of the mass amounts of wealth that are coming from these countries we exploit.
How about the billion dollar oil deals to haliburton and co following the invasion of Iraq? the most recent example...
Or when Haiti was exporting grain to the US while its citizens starved, and while we were exporting our homegrown wheat to asia....
Or when Colombia had to cut the price of its coffee, and was forced to export it to the US at a much cheaper price-part of the structural adjustments they were forced to make following its loan from the world bank, forcing many of its farmers to switch products, to cocaine mostly.
those are just off the top of my head, but there are literally dozens of examples. that's how empires work-divide, plunder and subjugate.
How about the billion dollar oil deals to haliburton and co following the invasion of Iraq? the most recent example...
Or when Haiti was exporting grain to the US while its citizens starved, and while we were exporting our homegrown wheat to asia....
Or when Colombia had to cut the price of its coffee, and was forced to export it to the US at a much cheaper price-part of the structural adjustments they were forced to make following its loan from the world bank, forcing many of its farmers to switch products, to cocaine mostly.
those are just off the top of my head, but there are literally dozens of examples. that's how empires work-divide, plunder and subjugate.
Don't we buy the most cocaine that comes out of Columbia? Was Columbia forced to take out a loan from the world bank? We made Haiti export grain to us? Doesn't Haliburton make its money off of the federal government?
Don't we buy the most cocaine that comes out of Columbia? Was Columbia forced to take out a loan from the world bank? We made Haiti export grain to us? Doesn't Haliburton make its money off of the federal government?
you asked for examples so i provided them. and there are literally dozens more.
Right, i thought you were the original poster i had directed my comments toward.
Here's the thing. State power serves big business to some extent-that's no secret. It wasn't an exaggeration when John Dewey said "politics is the shadow cast on society by big business."
State power, though violence, opens the door for big business and grants them access to the resources and labor pools of the conquered territories. In turn big business ensures state power is stable and firmly in control of the public, meant to be spectators, not participants. A state is democratic to the extent that its citizens have meaningful participation in the decision making process-and in the United States that participation is very limited-the goal of both big business and the government. Open doors abroad and keep the public in line at home.
And nowhere is that truism more evident than in the United States, supposedly the free society every country aspires to become. And there is a reason for that. In China they could care less about public opinion, for the most part, because if there is dissent they can simply dissappear the dissenters or jail them, while in the US they don' thave that luxury. Instead they must control public opinion-and I can give plenty examples of that process if you need them.
Yea, I'm Canadian and I pay a lot of attention to other countries, and not just the ones we are bombing.
Let's see, Australian's speak English and their PM is John Howard.
Australia was originally populated by European nations sending criminal exiles to the region.
2 out of 3 ain't bad.
the colony of new south wales from which australia grew, was founded as a penal colony by just one european country - ENGLAND.
the first white inhabitants were a mixture of convicts, military and free settlers.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
-Enoch Powell
I just prefer not to consume alcohol.
Ya know, I'm fine when you call me a racist or you make fun of my country - that's not so bad.
But a teetotaller? Gimme a break...
-Enoch Powell
I'm not calling you that.
Thank you for taking the words right out of my mouth.
Speaking as an Australian I would say that the fascination is not just with American culture, but with all different cultures. The difference is, as you suggested, we are innundated with American and British culture through TV, Music, Print Media etc. Therefore the coutries that bear the brunt of our jokes are firstly ourselves, then the US, the Brits and the Kiwis. But I have no doubt that you could produce a similar comedy sketch as the Chaser one in any country. People, it would appear, can be inherently stupid regardless of where they are from.
That being said, in my time in the US I did find certain places where there seemed to be a lot of people who were not especially world aware. I had people mistaking Australia for Austria and (more alarmingly) Antarctica, people confused as to what language we spoke in Australia. But I would not suggest that this is reflective of the intelligence levels of the US.
Perhaps it is just that the US media appears to play comparitively less attention to international news then the media of other Countries?
Yea, I'm Canadian and I pay a lot of attention to other countries, and not just the ones we are bombing.
Let's see, Australian's speak English and their PM is John Howard.
Australia was originally populated by European nations sending criminal exiles to the region.
Do you want a medal or a chest to pin it on?
I hope you're proud of yourself haha.
-Enoch Powell
So you are saying that our wealth in this country is coming from "bullying" other countries? Give me some examples of the mass amounts of wealth that are coming from these countries we exploit.
Nah, not at all.
I was merely stating that your experience and knowledge of the law and court room procedures comes from first hand encounters.
What, you think I never got in trouble when I was a kid? Ha!
I had my fair share of dad coming to the police station to get my ass out of there, when I was a teenager. I was rather rebelious and rowdy teen...lol:D
True story, but this time I was in my mid-20s and I was really innocent of any wrong doing. It was my insurance company who screwed up. Unlike my teenage years when I was definitely guilty of being a jackass.
I was driving home late one Sunday evening, on Route 23, from a weekend at my girlfriends house in Sussex County, NJ.
I get pulled over by a cop for speeding and he checks my insurance and registration. Unbeknownest to me, I have the wrong Insurance card .......an outdated Insurance card. I thought it was my new card, because that was the one my insurance company mailed me. But they screwed up and some how sent me the same card as the one that had just expired.
Any who, the cop tows my car and brings to the police station. I had a small travel bag with my clothes, and my acoustic guitar.
I was pissed off because I knew I was up to date with my insurance and that the card was the one just sent to me.
Of course the cop didn't believe me and did what he had to do.
I get to the Police station and there's no one else there. Just me and the cop who brought me in. I called for my girlfriend to come and get me.
The cop asks me if I can play "that guitar your carrying, there". And I say, yeah. I can.
So he asks me to play something. So I did.
This cop was a big music lover and starts really enjoying my playing. He comes over and starts making requests (some of which I knew, others I didn't......but was able to fumble around a little an figure out some of those songs).
The cop starts signing along while I'm playing:D:D
Meanwhile, my girlfriend was on her way to get me and she's all worried, upset and panicy.
There I was strumming and singing some tunes with this cop, for over an hour. Two other cops walked in and they came over and hung around to listen.
So there I am, playing my acoustic guitar and singing Neil Young's "Heart Of Gold" with this cop and the other two were hanging around just watching and grooving; when my worried and upset girlfriend walks in to the station:D
She stops dead in her tracks, looks at me, looks at the cops and starts shaking her head in disbelief.
"What the hell is going on?!?!?!?!"
Later she says to me, " You're the only person I know who gets arrested, then makes friends with the cops, and somehow get's the cops to run through a drive-tru for you ( which they did. went to Burger King for me.....the only place opened near-by...lol), to pick you up some dinner. If that's not looney enough, you start a sing-along with the cops!" What the fuck!?!?"
Well, technically I really wasn't arrested, I was brought to the police station because they towed my car and I proved to them my insurance company had screwed up, when I called them from the police station. Not to mention at that time I worked with several law enforcement officers, so that helped.
"Heart Of Gold" some how took on a slightly different meaning for me from that point on:D
That should be in a movie or something.
In Ontario they give you like 48 hours to show a valid insurance. They don't tow the vehicle, or at least didn't for me.
I was driving my GF's car and was pulled over by a cop. He says "Your sticker is out-of-date." and of course I said "I had no idea, this is my GF's car." So he asks for license and registration. The registration wasn't even in the car and the insurance was out-of-date as well. I gave my girlfriend hell. She had both the registration and the up-to-date insurance at home. I actually knew the sticker was out-of-date though. I drove the car more than she did.
I couldn't agree more, the government sucks, the bottom line the government couldn't run a hotdog stand at a profit.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Or when Haiti was exporting grain to the US while its citizens starved, and while we were exporting our homegrown wheat to asia....
Or when Colombia had to cut the price of its coffee, and was forced to export it to the US at a much cheaper price-part of the structural adjustments they were forced to make following its loan from the world bank, forcing many of its farmers to switch products, to cocaine mostly.
those are just off the top of my head, but there are literally dozens of examples. that's how empires work-divide, plunder and subjugate.
Here's the thing. State power serves big business to some extent-that's no secret. It wasn't an exaggeration when John Dewey said "politics is the shadow cast on society by big business."
State power, though violence, opens the door for big business and grants them access to the resources and labor pools of the conquered territories. In turn big business ensures state power is stable and firmly in control of the public, meant to be spectators, not participants. A state is democratic to the extent that its citizens have meaningful participation in the decision making process-and in the United States that participation is very limited-the goal of both big business and the government. Open doors abroad and keep the public in line at home.
And nowhere is that truism more evident than in the United States, supposedly the free society every country aspires to become. And there is a reason for that. In China they could care less about public opinion, for the most part, because if there is dissent they can simply dissappear the dissenters or jail them, while in the US they don' thave that luxury. Instead they must control public opinion-and I can give plenty examples of that process if you need them.
2 out of 3 ain't bad.
the colony of new south wales from which australia grew, was founded as a penal colony by just one european country - ENGLAND.
the first white inhabitants were a mixture of convicts, military and free settlers.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say