Would you prefer we lose the war in Iraq?

I have seen some disturbing comments here at times, and seeing jokes made about soldiers slain and probably tortured in Iraq today disgusts me.
Whatever your thoughts on the war, consider the human fecal matter we are dealing with in Iraq and that they would do the same to you if they had a chance. Regardless of any war, political action, or President.
I wonder if those who are so strongly against the war in Iraq would prefer we loose it. Please state your opinion. If you had a choice, can you say that you would be happy if the US was able to overcome in Iraq or disappointed? Keep in mind loosing the war means more US lives are taken, more Iraqi lives would surely be lost as well.
Yes or No.
Whatever your thoughts on the war, consider the human fecal matter we are dealing with in Iraq and that they would do the same to you if they had a chance. Regardless of any war, political action, or President.
I wonder if those who are so strongly against the war in Iraq would prefer we loose it. Please state your opinion. If you had a choice, can you say that you would be happy if the US was able to overcome in Iraq or disappointed? Keep in mind loosing the war means more US lives are taken, more Iraqi lives would surely be lost as well.
Yes or No.
HOB 10.05.2005, E Rutherford 06.03.2006, The Gorge 07.22.2006, Lolla 08.05.2007, West Palm 06.11.2008, Tampa 06.12.2008, Columbia 06.16.2008, EV Memphis 06.20.2009, New Orleans 05.01.2010, Kansas City 05.03.2010
Post edited by Unknown User on
We are NOT fighting a War... were are dicking around with a police action under the command and control of shithead civilian politicians that never saw military action. If... that is IF we are serious about 'Winning This War', we need to fight it as a war. Dicking around with shithead Iraqis with their heads up their asses is not going to win anything. Their troops are shit... if they don't feel like going out... because it is just to dangerous... no one makes them. And that bullshit, piece of shit Iraqi government that is held up as some sort of gleeming example of our success... if corruption and ineptness is our goal, we're right on the money.
The 'War On Terror'... it's bullshit and you are eating it up like there is no tomorrow because you are so stricken with fear that there will not be a tomorrow if we don't do as our leaders tell us.
So... please spare me the FOX News "Rah-Rah... Stay The Course" cheers because I refuse to suck Bush's cock or take bite of the shit sandwich he made.
Either FIGHT THE FUCKING WAR or get the fuck out. This jack off, half assed "Stay The Course" police action is going nowhere.
Hail, Hail!!!
nobody wants the US to lose...most people don'tt want the US to be their at all.
All the terrorist organizations were funded and created by the CIA. They have admitted it. Bin Laden is their best fucking friend. Maybe they have a problem with him now. Why? You people assume Arabs are different than every other race on the planet. There has to be a fundamental reason that Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda are head-to-head with the CIA. This is the ultimate war which needs to be fought. Answering that question. No amount of military occupation, sanctions or deaths are going to change the course of events. I can think of a few reasons for all of this.
The Arab world is upset about Israeli occupation of Palestine. The United States fully backs Israel and actually votes NO on UN resolutions to declare Palestine a sovereign nation. The United States and Israel vote NO on UN resolutions to provide AID to Palestine. In the eyes of the Palestinians the U.S. and Israel are nothing but savage animals killing them and stealing their land. Osama Bin Laden said in one of his recordings -- which was poorly translated and editted by CNN, you can get the real transcript on al-jazeera.net -- that he targetted the WTC because the U.S. destroyed two sacred towers in Lebanon. He said that he warned them in 1996, 1997 and 1998 that if they didn't stop oppressing the Arab people he would attack the United States. He just asked them to leave the Arabs alone.
The CIA funded and created al-Qaeda to actually carry out these events. The plan was already created a decade ago. Described almost exactly, what would happen to the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. At least 4 Presidents in the last two centuries has openly stated the level of corruption in the United States government. Dozens and dozens of government members have come out about the control, from various sources. The ADL and the CFR, even the Federal Reserve. Hoover found out that the CIA was running covert operations in Cuba without anyone's knowledge. The Bay of Pigs had Bush Sr. in it (off the record). J.F.K. was assasinated and Hoover's life was threatened by the CIA. This whole operation could be a scam at the cost of thousands of soldiers and tens of thousands of civilians lives and liberties.
Official theory (lol)
This is the general theory of why this shit is going down. It's fucking hilarious.
The al-Qaeda group that received it's funding from the CIA, really hates people that are 'free'. Out of all the free countries in the world, the U.S. stands out the most in their minds, not the neighboring free countries, the one that supplied them with weapons and money. It's something in their DNA because so many Arab people want to kill Americans, except the ones that actually live in the U.S.A.. So they spend 3 years planning to kill 25,000 people, some of which are from different countries, and doesn't hamper the U.S. military at all. Then they run around blowing up themselves and other civilians (some Arab) just for shits and giggles.
Get a grip people! There is a hell of a lot more to the "War of Terror" than that. This is totally megalomaniacal. This is nazi type stuff that is going on. Listen to John Fitzgerald Kennedy, listen to Abraham Lincoln, listen to Andrew Jackson and Listen to James Garfield. They all told you about the conspiracies in the government. They told you that the IMF, BIS and World Bank controlled you're currency. They told you that secret societies are pulling strings in the government. Many people have come out about it. Stop worrying about winning the damn war, it's not a baseball game.
but seeings how you want an answer, i'll answer no. it doesn't matter to me if the US 'lose' this 'war' in iraq.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
yeah...supplying the mujahadeen with arms and money...creating a networrk in afghanistan to import radical fundamentalists to fight the russians has really worked out well for the CIA...talk about your all time backfire.
and all those history books delivered to the people of afghanistan teaching the more militant and radical side of Islam really has helped the current world order...
The CIA has a lot to answer for, that's for sure.
btw It's your own government that does'nt care about it's soldiers, if they did care then they would not of sent them to Iraq in the first place.
interesting choice of words. Support it or not......what do you consider a victory. "stopping terrorism".....sorry, not going to happen. Wish it could, but it cant.
And I won't make the same mistakes
(Because I know)
Because I know how much time that wastes
(And function)
Function is the key
Stay the course is retarded, and it's the US Govt's way of slowly telling us all they fucked up huge. Ususally they never really have to spell it out to excruciating detail, as the smart usually educate the less and those who are stubborn, ignorant, and really just unaware. Funny how so many people are waiting for and need to see a huge frontpage headline "BUSH WAR ON TERROR A HOAX! BILLIONS WASTED!
Even then it will take them weeks or years or they will continue to deny it...or really in secret they support it, and cherish all the hateful, evil aspects that go along with it.
It should be an interesting couple of years to go!
I truly believe that terrorism is quite low on the problems we face. Certainly global warming and even the national debt are going to be far more catastrophic for the American people than terrorism.
No one can win this war. Everyone has already lost and already lost too much. The very least we can do for the Iraqi people is completely and immediately withdraw from their country. When is the American government going to get a clue? When will they come to terms with the fact that our troops are being targeted over there? When will they see that the U.S. occupation is a primary reason for unrest?
So you can stop steal oil! Thieves!
http://www.myspace.com/thelastreel http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=19604327965
the people who really need to see that this war was just a big road to nowhere (fuck, worse than nowhere: it's lead to an absolute death-trap), those are the ones who whether we "win" (which will not happen) or lose (yes, you guessed it) need to understand that a situation like this is at its foundation is lose-lose (for the people). but they will not learn this lesson because if anyone gains from something like this, it's them, the powers that be.
the only positive available is the knowledge that this was a complete failure.
of course we are already there....
heaven knows how much more it will take for us to realize it.
Its not a fucking footie match.....prick :mad: Of course Iraqi's would kill the soldiers cause their country is in such a fucking state because of this illegal occupation.
I feel so sorry for all the soldiers and their families who are made to go out there and fight and in many cases die and also kill for the "WAR".
Its an absolute disgrace :(
I'm not for withdrawal btw.
I was dead against going there in the first place, but once we created the mess, we have to clean it up..not sure how though...but then that's what they should have thought about before going..
looking very bleak indeed for the Iraqis.
Can't say I feel particularly for the soldiers on the other hand; there's no draft, they have a bloody choice.
They have a choice to join but not where they're sent. If they refuse to go they get court-marshelled
i could be wrong but don't a lot if not most soliders, or new intake of soliders, come from the lowest socio-economic demographics? people with very little choice. its the army or welfare or worse?
http://www.myspace.com/thelastreel http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=19604327965
Dork! These people volunteer to give their lives to protect what you have.. you choose assholes to make the decisions - these people live up to their vow - and get killed.. and you enjoy the security.. and be smug abou thier sacrifice and don't even have the charactor to be greatful and supportive.
Hope you are happy enough with all you have so as to outweigh the disrespect and selfishness and blindness to all that allows you to continue to play your sweet little role in life.
You call him a dork? This is your way of "supporting" the troops? You do realise that in order to actually call it a loss, your are basically saying
"I hope an obscene amount of soldiers die, so we have no choice but to cut our losses and run, that way I can finally proove Ive been 'right'".
The occupation is simply there to try and keep the peace, which is virtually impossible.
There is no long term objective
There was no clear objective at the beginning
They got rid of Saddam...
...and even though he is gone....
things are much worse
the Iraqi people live in fear of terror
and the occupation
and each other...
The US have transformed an already bloody and deadly place
Into something even worse
They have already lost...
...and there is no way of claiming victory now.
This is another Vietnam
and a civil war to match.
no my friend, it seems you have missed the fact that an obscene amount of soldiers have already died for nothing. A far more obscene amount of innocent Iraqis (all the soldiers equally innocent) have already died for nothing. We have already lost. If we come home today - and leave Iraq to the Iraqis we will have saved many many lives.
Iraq will fight it out - a number of Iraqis will continue to die - hard to imagine at any greater rate - and they will progress into the Iraq they will want to be.
The only victory we can achieve today or tomorrow would be to give Iraq back to the Iraqis. Everyday that passes our loss only grows.
So was that just for shock value? I realise that too many people have died. You're not the only one out there you know. Perspective's may differ, but Im sure we all understand that. But the only one who should say "I hope we(the US) lose" is the enemy. You are basically hoping many more die. You know thats the only way we leave. When we have more dead than alive. And thats what your statement boils down to.
The key to wanting us to lose is simple. Once we have lost (or accept that we have lost) it will be past tense. It will be over. That is what I hope for.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
So you think it’s better that less American lives are lost than Iraqi lives? What makes an American more important or valuable than an Iraqi? Your opinion?
‘Its not a fucking footie match.....prick’
Like Al said. I hate all this video game bullshit talk. These are fucking LIVES and there are very few winners in ANY war except those who profit from it – and I don’t consider that winning.
‘These people volunteer to give their lives to protect what you have’
I’m sorry, but how exactly are they ‘protecting’ you when they’re halfway across the world in another country that was NEVER any kind of threat to you?
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
hello my dear... their current actions are doing nothing to protect us.. I agree. However, that is what they volunteered to do. And that is what they are supposed to be risking their lives for. And either they are dying for our protection or they are being killed as they are abused for their patriotism and bravery. I guess you can choose, but either way, they need our support love and they need us to do what we can to save them and at the same time save all the people that are being killed by this mistake - by this loss, by this disasterous attempt to bring peace by killing so many people who are out of sight
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
Post of the day.
Why is it schmucko Shrub knows what's best for other countries but can't run his own?