yesterday i pointed out how manages to hit the nail on the head in their own sarcastic way (my example was their take on the kama sutra, in the sexuality based lifestyles thread)
now here i paste what they had to say about the cia, in the opening lines of the webpage about central idiotic agency.
"Never have so many done so much that was so bad to so many others for so little discernible benefit to so few."
again, spot on.
I have faced it, A life wasted...
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
sure, being the all out capitalistic country that it is, usa would sure like to recover its "investment' in iraq, with the help of iraqi oil wells and restoration projects.
I have faced it, A life wasted...
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
I don't care we loose, as long as the ordinary Iraqi people win...they didn't have a choice.
I'm not for withdrawal btw.
I was dead against going there in the first place, but once we created the mess, we have to clean it up..not sure how though...but then that's what they should have thought about before going..
looking very bleak indeed for the Iraqis.
Can't say I feel particularly for the soldiers on the other hand; there's no draft, they have a bloody choice.
well said, esp the first line.
I have faced it, A life wasted...
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
Dork! These people volunteer to give their lives to protect what you have.. you choose assholes to make the decisions - these people live up to their vow - and get killed.. and you enjoy the security.. and be smug abou thier sacrifice and don't even have the charactor to be greatful and supportive.
Hope you are happy enough with all you have so as to outweigh the disrespect and selfishness and blindness to all that allows you to continue to play your sweet little role in life.
I didn't ask them anything, I don't see what they're doing as any benefit to anyone, I don't see why I should be grateful.
I don't buy patriotism. It's just a tool, along with religion, people in power are using to get suckers to fight for them. It's not bravery, it's stupidity or gullability.
I would rather go to jail than join the army. Being a woman, It was lucky I did not have to do military service (which was compulsary for men of my age where I'm from), cos I would NOT have gone; no matter what the cost.
And I unfortunatly had no say in electing either Bush or Blair (I'm not British so am only allowed to pay the taxes paying for this stupid war, not to vote).
Soldiers in Iraq are not making us more secure, but less. And even if they did it's not acceptable if it's to the detriment of iraqis in their own bloody country.
hello my dear... their current actions are doing nothing to protect us.. I agree. However, that is what they volunteered to do. And that is what they are supposed to be risking their lives for. And either they are dying for our protection or they are being killed as they are abused for their patriotism and bravery. I guess you can choose, but either way, they need our support love and they need us to do what we can to save them and at the same time save all the people that are being killed by this mistake - by this loss, by this disasterous attempt to bring peace by killing so many people who are out of sight
Ok, I'll go along with that. I find it hard to support the troops in general - I mean those who believe in the reasons they were sent there. Those who signed up to actually PROTECT your country and were sent there while KNOWING it's bullshit, I DO feel sorry for and I think they need support alright. However, if it were up to ME and I faced the choice of going to war and fighting for NOTHING or prosecution... I know which choice I would HAVE to make.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I didn't ask them anything, I don't see what they're doing as any benefit to anyone, I don't see why I should be grateful.
I don't buy patriotism. It's just a tool, along with religion, people in power are using to get suckers to fight for them. It's not bravery, it's stupidity or gullability.
I would rather go to jail than join the army. Being a woman, It was lucky I did not have to do military service (which was compulsary for men of my age where I'm from), cos I would NOT have gone; no matter what the cost.
And I unfortunatly had no say in electing either Bush or Blair (I'm not British so am only allowed to pay the taxes paying for this stupid war, not to vote).
Soldiers in Iraq are not making us more secure, but less. And even if they did it's not acceptable if it's to the detriment of iraqis in their own bloody country.
here's what they're doing for you, genius. they're volunteering so that there doesn't have to be a draft, so that YOU don't have to join. if there weren't a voluntary military, there would be a draft (because nations must have armies, since this isn't fantasy world) and then it could be YOU found mutilated yesterday in Iraq instead of 2 who volunteered for it.
I'm not saying you need to be some flag waving, chest thumping patriot that bows down and kisses the feet of the military. but maybe at least show a little respect where it's due or have enough intelligence to keep the mouth shut. to say they're not doing anything for you is just complete ignorance.
Ok, I'll go along with that. I find it hard to support the troops in general - I mean those who believe in the reasons they were sent there. Those who signed up to actually PROTECT your country and were sent there while KNOWING it's bullshit, I DO feel sorry for and I think they need support alright. However, if it were up to ME and I faced the choice of going to war and fighting for NOTHING or prosecution... I know which choice I would HAVE to make.
If you abandon your country when you disagree - you will always abandon because you can never always agree. And if you abandon your country in war - you abandon the guys fighting by you side and put their lives in further danger.
I'm not saying you need to be some flag waving, chest thumping patriot that bows down and kisses the feet of the military. but maybe at least show a little respect where it's due or have enough intelligence to keep the mouth shut. to say they're not doing anything for you is just complete ignorance.
But what about that whole freedom of speech thing? Just cos YOU think a certain way or even feel STRONGLY about it, doesn't mean we're not entitled to think differently.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
If you abandon your country when you disagree - you will always abandon because you can never always agree. And if you abandon your country in war - you abandon the guys fighting by you side and put their lives in further danger.
its just not fair to judge these poor people.
See I don't see it as a war - it's an invasion. If my country were being invaded, trust me I certainly wouldn't be sitting here chatting to any of you... but IF my country sent me off to do unto another country what has been done to us for centuries I would HAVE to refuse.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
But what about that whole freedom of speech thing? Just cos YOU think a certain way or even feel STRONGLY about it, doesn't mean we're not entitled to think differently.
I'm looking out for this person by telling them how ignorant they look claiming that the military doesn't do anything for them. I never said anything about or against freedom of speech. they are free to sound as stupid as they want, and others are free to point out their stupidity.
I also don't know what you mean by "think differently". whether or not the military benefits the citizens is not an opinion up for discussion, it's a fact, and to try to claim otherwise is ignorance.
I'm looking out for this person by telling them how ignorant they look claiming that the military doesn't do anything for them. I never said anything about or against freedom of speech. they are free to sound as stupid as they want, and others are free to point out their stupidity.
I also don't know what you mean by "think differently". whether or not the military benefits the citizens is not an opinion up for discussion, it's a fact, and to try to claim otherwise is ignorance.
No it's still opinion, and one I happen to agree on but don't claim those who disagree with you are ignorant because THAT in itself is ignorance. The American army in Iraq aren't doing much for your country right now and THAT is a fact. All that's happening is you're gathering more enemies, so if you think that's a good thing, well then I guess they ARE doing lots for ya.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
here's what they're doing for you, genius. they're volunteering so that there doesn't have to be a draft, so that YOU don't have to join. if there weren't a voluntary military, there would be a draft (because nations must have armies, since this isn't fantasy world) and then it could be YOU found mutilated yesterday in Iraq instead of 2 who volunteered for it.
I'm not saying you need to be some flag waving, chest thumping patriot that bows down and kisses the feet of the military. but maybe at least show a little respect where it's due or have enough intelligence to keep the mouth shut. to say they're not doing anything for you is just complete ignorance.
they are not doing it so we won't have to go...that's just a byproduct of their numerous decisions on joining (like it, nothing else around them, only way to college, want to travel...) i doubt anyone says 'i want to join so no one else will have to!'
and i think the majority of ppl here wouldn't mind serving their country, the key word is 'country', not serving the corproate interests of the administration, their friends and their investors.
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I'm looking out for this person by telling them how ignorant they look claiming that the military doesn't do anything for them. I never said anything about or against freedom of speech. they are free to sound as stupid as they want, and others are free to point out their stupidity.
i think it was this:
'at least show a little respect where it's due or have enough intelligence to keep the mouth shut.'
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
here's what they're doing for you, genius. they're volunteering so that there doesn't have to be a draft, so that YOU don't have to join. if there weren't a voluntary military, there would be a draft (because nations must have armies, since this isn't fantasy world) and then it could be YOU found mutilated yesterday in Iraq instead of 2 who volunteered for it.
I'm not saying you need to be some flag waving, chest thumping patriot that bows down and kisses the feet of the military. but maybe at least show a little respect where it's due or have enough intelligence to keep the mouth shut. to say they're not doing anything for you is just complete ignorance.
In case you (obviously) did not read my previous post:
I would not go to war. Ever. whatever the consequences to me. So I'm sure as hell not asking anyone to do it.
I there was no volunteers, they might try a draft, but then if people reacted sensibly and said no, we're not going...there'd be no bloody war!
so saying they're going so you don't have to go is stupid: NOBODY has to go. there's only wars because they find suckers to fight them.
Idea for the UN: bring back the duels! I'm sure suddenly the politicians would find ways to resolve problems
Regardless of your stance on the war, as an American you really have no other choice but to hope the U.S. wins (If you don't think it's a war, I will say, "hope the U.S. gets the job done.")
Like it or not, Iraq has become the central proving ground in the fight against terror. Go home before the job is done, and the terrorists have won, regardless of what strides have been made.
It would demonstrate -- again -- that tactics of fear and terror work wonders against Americans. They don't like to get their hands dirty. They don't like the smell of their own blood. You can kill a relatively small number of them, and they will lose their nerve.
That's what it shows Al Qaeda. And that makes Al Qaeda all the more dangerous.
We can argue that Iraq wasn't a front in the fight against terror before 2003. I can buy that. But it is the pivotal front now.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Regardless of your stance on the war, as an American you really have no other choice but to hope the U.S. wins (If you don't think it's a war, I will say, "hope the U.S. gets the job done.")
Like it or not, Iraq has become the central proving ground in the fight against terror. Go home before the job is done, and the terrorists have won, regardless of what strides have been made.
It would demonstrate -- again -- that tactics of fear and terror work wonders against Americans. They don't like to get their hands dirty. They don't like the smell of their own blood. You can kill a relatively small number of them, and they will lose their nerve.
That's what it shows Al Qaeda. And that makes Al Qaeda all the more dangerous.
We can argue that Iraq wasn't a front in the fight against terror before 2003. I can buy that. But it is the pivotal front now.
not a proving ground at all.. its a breeding ground.
In case you (obviously) did not read my previous post:
I would not go to war. Ever. whatever the consequences to me. So I'm sure as hell not asking anyone to do it.
I there was no volunteers, they might try a draft, but then if people reacted sensibly and said no, we're not going...there'd be no bloody war!
so saying they're going so you don't have to go is stupid: NOBODY has to go. there's only wars because they find suckers to fight them.
Idea for the UN: bring back the duels! I'm sure suddenly the politicians would find ways to resolve problems
that's tough talk, but it's a claim that you know you won't ever have to back up since people are fighting so you don't have to. and I stick by my original post, everything you've posted is ignorance. this is not a utopian planet where there is no need for militaries so please just stop pretending that it is or could be. am I saying this current war in Iraq is justified? no. but still doesn't change the fact that there has to either be a voluntary or drafted military, so they are therefore doing something for you.
they are not doing it so we won't have to go...that's just a byproduct of their numerous decisions on joining (like it, nothing else around them, only way to college, want to travel...) i doubt anyone says 'i want to join so no one else will have to!'
and i think the majority of ppl here wouldn't mind serving their country, the key word is 'country', not serving the corproate interests of the administration, their friends and their investors.
byproduct or not, it's still a fact that a voluntary military keeps other people from having to join against their will.
Regardless of your stance on the war, as an American you really have no other choice but to hope the U.S. wins (If you don't think it's a war, I will say, "hope the U.S. gets the job done.")
Like it or not, Iraq has become the central proving ground in the fight against terror. Go home before the job is done, and the terrorists have won, regardless of what strides have been made.
It would demonstrate -- again -- that tactics of fear and terror work wonders against Americans. They don't like to get their hands dirty. They don't like the smell of their own blood. You can kill a relatively small number of them, and they will lose their nerve.
That's what it shows Al Qaeda. And that makes Al Qaeda all the more dangerous.
We can argue that Iraq wasn't a front in the fight against terror before 2003. I can buy that. But it is the pivotal front now.
Jesus you make the dumb American tag that I wished wasn't true....true. I am not saying that there were no terrorists in Iraq before the american war but terrorist organisations are moving to take out the american soldiers as they are easy pickings. Now Al-Qaeda (that massive group) have carried out exactly how many acts of terrorism in the US??? I hate to hear of anyone being killed but there have been many many many more people killed
in Iraq and Afganastan since 9/11. Remember Afganastan, that country with a massive famine and debt and death problem that was invaded by your fucking government....tron to bits and then just left to fucking rot. Jesus you make my blood boil and then we get that fucking inbred bush over in europe today thanking us for support.....FUCK OFF WE DON'T SUPPORT YOU!!
Fuck I'm too angry to carry on.......your a fucking idiot and I'd bet any money you have a fucking gun under your bed ready to shoot the Al-Qaeda member who works in you local shop.....FUCK YOU :mad:
Regardless of your stance on the war, as an American you really have no other choice but to hope the U.S. wins (If you don't think it's a war, I will say, "hope the U.S. gets the job done.")
Like it or not, Iraq has become the central proving ground in the fight against terror. Go home before the job is done, and the terrorists have won, regardless of what strides have been made.
It would demonstrate -- again -- that tactics of fear and terror work wonders against Americans. They don't like to get their hands dirty. They don't like the smell of their own blood. You can kill a relatively small number of them, and they will lose their nerve.
That's what it shows Al Qaeda. And that makes Al Qaeda all the more dangerous.
We can argue that Iraq wasn't a front in the fight against terror before 2003. I can buy that. But it is the pivotal front now.
but what is winning (or getting the job done)? Terrorism will never ever be eliminated (like world hunger, drugs, poverty, etc)... so how do we know it is done? When there is less than one bombing per week? less than one per month? The Iraqi government is propped up, and will be for years to come, they've had elections, so that part is done (or at least celebrated as done by the war supporters).
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Like it or not, Iraq has become the central proving ground in the fight against terror. Go home before the job is done, and the terrorists have won, regardless of what strides have been made.
and like it or not it's because the United States government blundered in and made themselves and in the process Iraq, a massive magnet. did they think that they could invade a sovereign state with no consequences?
it never ceases to amaze me how the hawks never learn a god damn thing.
they thought the 'win' against saddam in the first gulf war, made up for the loss in vietnam. how they can even think this is way beyond my comprehension.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
that's tough talk, but it's a claim that you know you won't ever have to back up since people are fighting so you don't have to.
and I stick by my original post, everything you've posted is ignorance. this is not a utopian planet where there is no need for militaries so please just stop pretending that it is or could be. am I saying this current war in Iraq is justified? no. but still doesn't change the fact that there has to either be a voluntary or drafted military, so they are therefore doing something for you.
Well I don't believe that thinking for yourself and having principles is ignorant. I think the ignorant one is the one doing something because he's told to, rather than because he believes, after due consideration, it is the right thing to do.
Nothing improves if you just say: that's the way it is.
It does by saying: it doesn't have to be that way, what can I do to change it?
just to clarify:
I don't actually wish anybody dead (not even Bush-Blair-Cheney...locked up for life would be enough ) but if someone dies, I'd rather it be a US or UK soldier than an Iraqi civilian:
a) that might actually save further lives, since the civilian wouldn't kill anyone else, which the soldier might if he lives.
b) the soldier chose to be there (might be a tough choice or badly informed, but it is still a choice. the civilian has absolutely none).
the only reason you can disagree is if you put more value on life of a western person than on an Iraqi's, which would be racist/xenophobic.
Winning the war is the last thing the Bush Administration wants. Empires colonise destabilised countries for their material resources, on the pretext of being there for civilising, humanitarian reasons. The longer the situation in the middle east is considered unstable, the louder will be the calls to "stay here until the job is done". They'll stretch this out as long as possible, in pursuit of private profits. The insurgents are, ironically, doing Bush's work for him.
and like it or not it's because the United States government blundered in and made themselves and in the process Iraq, a massive magnet. did they think that they could invade a sovereign state with no consequences?
it never ceases to amaze me how the hawks never learn a god damn thing.
they thought the 'win' against saddam in the first gulf war, made up for the loss in vietnam. how they can even think this is way beyond my comprehension.
Video game talk again unfortunately. It's all just a video game.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Regardless of your stance on the war, as an American you really have no other choice but to hope the U.S. wins (If you don't think it's a war, I will say, "hope the U.S. gets the job done.")
Like it or not, Iraq has become the central proving ground in the fight against terror. Go home before the job is done, and the terrorists have won, regardless of what strides have been made.
It would demonstrate -- again -- that tactics of fear and terror work wonders against Americans. They don't like to get their hands dirty. They don't like the smell of their own blood. You can kill a relatively small number of them, and they will lose their nerve.
That's what it shows Al Qaeda. And that makes Al Qaeda all the more dangerous.
We can argue that Iraq wasn't a front in the fight against terror before 2003. I can buy that. But it is the pivotal front now.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
The USA won the moment they've started this stupid war without opposition, other country should have step up and go in Irak to kick American soldiers ass out of there, now it's an occupation and history book will call it a win, for sure. Too late to "prefer" something now. It's already a tragedy in Irak, call it civil war or genocide breeding, fucking stupid americans and their pride to WIN a war are just hiding this fact by talking about THEIR war and how the USA can WIN it. Fucking hilarious... take your flag and hide it in your ass...
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I just wish people could see how the Bush Administration has made serious mistakes throughout which has jeopardized the mission in Iraq. Whether you agreed with going in or not they may have made this an impossible mission by their serious blunders. This obviousely has nothing to do with the soldiers that were put in this position and if the war is lost in Iraq it has nothing to do with the soldiers and has everything to do with the leadership of the United States.
Casper, WY 06/16/95
Park City, UT 06/21/98
Mountain View, CA 06/01/03
San Diego, CA 07/07/06
San Francisco, CA 07/15/06
We can argue that Iraq wasn't a front in the fight against terror before 2003. I can buy that. But it is the pivotal front now.
says who? the ever trustworthy united states government?
you don't think there are people watching this absolute fiasco, who are far more dangerous that those 'terrorists' in iraq. you don't think they're not laughing their arses off because the US is so preocccupied with it's own disaster?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
it will be very spineless to pull out now, after fucking up the country.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
yesterday i pointed out how manages to hit the nail on the head in their own sarcastic way (my example was their take on the kama sutra, in the sexuality based lifestyles thread)
now here i paste what they had to say about the cia, in the opening lines of the webpage about central idiotic agency.
"Never have so many done so much that was so bad to so many others for so little discernible benefit to so few."
again, spot on.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
sure, being the all out capitalistic country that it is, usa would sure like to recover its "investment' in iraq, with the help of iraqi oil wells and restoration projects.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
well said, esp the first line.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
I don't buy patriotism. It's just a tool, along with religion, people in power are using to get suckers to fight for them. It's not bravery, it's stupidity or gullability.
I would rather go to jail than join the army. Being a woman, It was lucky I did not have to do military service (which was compulsary for men of my age where I'm from), cos I would NOT have gone; no matter what the cost.
And I unfortunatly had no say in electing either Bush or Blair (I'm not British so am only allowed to pay the taxes paying for this stupid war, not to vote).
Soldiers in Iraq are not making us more secure, but less. And even if they did it's not acceptable if it's to the detriment of iraqis in their own bloody country.
Ok, I'll go along with that. I find it hard to support the troops in general - I mean those who believe in the reasons they were sent there. Those who signed up to actually PROTECT your country and were sent there while KNOWING it's bullshit, I DO feel sorry for and I think they need support alright. However, if it were up to ME and I faced the choice of going to war and fighting for NOTHING or prosecution... I know which choice I would HAVE to make.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
here's what they're doing for you, genius. they're volunteering so that there doesn't have to be a draft, so that YOU don't have to join. if there weren't a voluntary military, there would be a draft (because nations must have armies, since this isn't fantasy world) and then it could be YOU found mutilated yesterday in Iraq instead of 2 who volunteered for it.
I'm not saying you need to be some flag waving, chest thumping patriot that bows down and kisses the feet of the military. but maybe at least show a little respect where it's due or have enough intelligence to keep the mouth shut. to say they're not doing anything for you is just complete ignorance.
If you abandon your country when you disagree - you will always abandon because you can never always agree. And if you abandon your country in war - you abandon the guys fighting by you side and put their lives in further danger.
its just not fair to judge these poor people.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I'm looking out for this person by telling them how ignorant they look claiming that the military doesn't do anything for them. I never said anything about or against freedom of speech. they are free to sound as stupid as they want, and others are free to point out their stupidity.
I also don't know what you mean by "think differently". whether or not the military benefits the citizens is not an opinion up for discussion, it's a fact, and to try to claim otherwise is ignorance.
No it's still opinion, and one I happen to agree on but don't claim those who disagree with you are ignorant because THAT in itself is ignorance. The American army in Iraq aren't doing much for your country right now and THAT is a fact. All that's happening is you're gathering more enemies, so if you think that's a good thing, well then I guess they ARE doing lots for ya.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
they are not doing it so we won't have to go...that's just a byproduct of their numerous decisions on joining (like it, nothing else around them, only way to college, want to travel...) i doubt anyone says 'i want to join so no one else will have to!'
and i think the majority of ppl here wouldn't mind serving their country, the key word is 'country', not serving the corproate interests of the administration, their friends and their investors.
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
i think it was this:
'at least show a little respect where it's due or have enough intelligence to keep the mouth shut.'
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I would not go to war. Ever. whatever the consequences to me. So I'm sure as hell not asking anyone to do it.
I there was no volunteers, they might try a draft, but then if people reacted sensibly and said no, we're not going...there'd be no bloody war!
so saying they're going so you don't have to go is stupid: NOBODY has to go. there's only wars because they find suckers to fight them.
Idea for the UN: bring back the duels! I'm sure suddenly the politicians would find ways to resolve problems
Like it or not, Iraq has become the central proving ground in the fight against terror. Go home before the job is done, and the terrorists have won, regardless of what strides have been made.
It would demonstrate -- again -- that tactics of fear and terror work wonders against Americans. They don't like to get their hands dirty. They don't like the smell of their own blood. You can kill a relatively small number of them, and they will lose their nerve.
That's what it shows Al Qaeda. And that makes Al Qaeda all the more dangerous.
We can argue that Iraq wasn't a front in the fight against terror before 2003. I can buy that. But it is the pivotal front now.
for the least they could possibly do
not a proving ground at all.. its a breeding ground.
that's tough talk, but it's a claim that you know you won't ever have to back up since people are fighting so you don't have to. and I stick by my original post, everything you've posted is ignorance. this is not a utopian planet where there is no need for militaries so please just stop pretending that it is or could be. am I saying this current war in Iraq is justified? no. but still doesn't change the fact that there has to either be a voluntary or drafted military, so they are therefore doing something for you.
byproduct or not, it's still a fact that a voluntary military keeps other people from having to join against their will.
Jesus you make the dumb American tag that I wished wasn't true....true. I am not saying that there were no terrorists in Iraq before the american war but terrorist organisations are moving to take out the american soldiers as they are easy pickings. Now Al-Qaeda (that massive group) have carried out exactly how many acts of terrorism in the US???
in Iraq and Afganastan since 9/11. Remember Afganastan, that country with a massive famine and debt and death problem that was invaded by your fucking government....tron to bits and then just left to fucking rot. Jesus you make my blood boil and then we get that fucking inbred bush over in europe today thanking us for support.....FUCK OFF WE DON'T SUPPORT YOU!!
Fuck I'm too angry to carry on.......your a fucking idiot and I'd bet any money you have a fucking gun under your bed ready to shoot the Al-Qaeda member who works in you local shop.....FUCK YOU :mad:
but what is winning (or getting the job done)? Terrorism will never ever be eliminated (like world hunger, drugs, poverty, etc)... so how do we know it is done? When there is less than one bombing per week? less than one per month? The Iraqi government is propped up, and will be for years to come, they've had elections, so that part is done (or at least celebrated as done by the war supporters).
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
and like it or not it's because the United States government blundered in and made themselves and in the process Iraq, a massive magnet. did they think that they could invade a sovereign state with no consequences?
it never ceases to amaze me how the hawks never learn a god damn thing.
they thought the 'win' against saddam in the first gulf war, made up for the loss in vietnam. how they can even think this is way beyond my comprehension.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Nothing improves if you just say: that's the way it is.
It does by saying: it doesn't have to be that way, what can I do to change it?
just to clarify:
I don't actually wish anybody dead (not even Bush-Blair-Cheney...locked up for life would be enough
a) that might actually save further lives, since the civilian wouldn't kill anyone else, which the soldier might if he lives.
b) the soldier chose to be there (might be a tough choice or badly informed, but it is still a choice. the civilian has absolutely none).
the only reason you can disagree is if you put more value on life of a western person than on an Iraqi's, which would be racist/xenophobic.
Video game talk again unfortunately. It's all just a video game.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Like it or not, Iraq has become the central proving ground in the fight against terror. Go home before the job is done, and the terrorists have won, regardless of what strides have been made.
It would demonstrate -- again -- that tactics of fear and terror work wonders against Americans. They don't like to get their hands dirty. They don't like the smell of their own blood. You can kill a relatively small number of them, and they will lose their nerve.
That's what it shows Al Qaeda. And that makes Al Qaeda all the more dangerous.
We can argue that Iraq wasn't a front in the fight against terror before 2003. I can buy that. But it is the pivotal front now.
for the least they could possibly do
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Park City, UT 06/21/98
Mountain View, CA 06/01/03
San Diego, CA 07/07/06
San Francisco, CA 07/15/06
says who? the ever trustworthy united states government?
you don't think there are people watching this absolute fiasco, who are far more dangerous that those 'terrorists' in iraq. you don't think they're not laughing their arses off because the US is so preocccupied with it's own disaster?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
And why would that be... ?