Movie Threads?



  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    Is Public Enemies that bad? It looks pretty good.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • rrivers wrote:
    Is Public Enemies that bad? It looks pretty good.

    i wasn't a huge fan. i love '30's crime stories so my expectations were huge. I realized that I don't really like micheal mann or johnny depp films that much. when either guy has a new one coming out i think "awesome, he's great!" but when I see it, I am usually let down. Plus, it was shot on HD Video cameras, so it looked like shit. Movies should be shot on film, not video cameras. Video looks terrible blown up, in most cases. The irony is that it looks great on dvd. Alot of filmmakers have abandoned film in favor of digital video. David Fincher shot Benjamin Button and Zodiac on video, George Lucas shot Episode II and III on it, and David Lynch shot Inland Empire on video. Fincher and Lucas processed their movies so they looked like film, and the results on Benjamin Button were spectacular. Best looking movie I've seen in years. especilly the way each sequence looked like it was made in the years it took place. Lynch didn't process Inland Empire and it looked like utter shit on the big screen but is fucking gorgeous on dvd.sorry to bore you with this shit, but I am a huge film geek and a wannabe filmmaker!
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    rrivers wrote:
    Is Public Enemies that bad? It looks pretty good.

    i wasn't a huge fan. i love '30's crime stories so my expectations were huge. I realized that I don't really like micheal mann or johnny depp films that much. when either guy has a new one coming out i think "awesome, he's great!" but when I see it, I am usually let down. Plus, it was shot on HD Video cameras, so it looked like shit. Movies should be shot on film, not video cameras. Video looks terrible blown up, in most cases. The irony is that it looks great on dvd. Alot of filmmakers have abandoned film in favor of digital video. David Fincher shot Benjamin Button and Zodiac on video, George Lucas shot Episode II and III on it, and David Lynch shot Inland Empire on video. Fincher and Lucas processed their movies so they looked like film, and the results on Benjamin Button were spectacular. Best looking movie I've seen in years. especilly the way each sequence looked like it was made in the years it took place. Lynch didn't process Inland Empire and it looked like utter shit on the big screen but is fucking gorgeous on dvd.sorry to bore you with this shit, but I am a huge film geek and a wannabe filmmaker!

    No, thanks for the insight. I haven't seen many Mann movies, but I love "Heat" and " Manhunter". "Miami Vice" was awful. I didn't like that movie with Tom Cruise and Jaimie Fox in the cab that I can't even remember the name of right now.

    Did you see the new Harry Potter? I ask because I'm not really a film geek, but I seem to notice things in movies that other people don't (at least people I talk to lol). Anyway, the new Harry Potter is very bleached out (sorry that's the best way I can describe it). I actually noticed in the previews that every scene they showed looked the same ie a dull, bordering on black and white look. I read that the director turned the film in and the studio made them change the coloring because it was too arty looking. I also notice this in a lot of later Spielberg films, and I find it very distracting. I'm all for making a statement and doing something new, but I'm of the mind that nothing should interfere with the telling of the story and nothing should take me out of the movie because I'm thinking about the way the scene look.

    Anyway, just wanted to get your thoughts. I told someone I saw HP with that it looked like "Minority Report" to me and that it was distracting and she looked at me like I was crazy.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • [/quote]Anyway, just wanted to get your thoughts. I told someone I saw HP with that it looked like "Minority Report" to me and that it was distracting and she looked at me like I was crazy.[/quote]
    I think the main problem with Mann's films for me is that I get the impression he wants the viewer to feel detatched while watching the film, to kind of look at it from a distance and not feel anything for the characters or care to much for the events as they unfold. I go to movies to care about events and grow attatched to the characters, so his movies can't possibly work for me. Manhunter was amazing, though. It was so creepy and disturbing. People forget how great it was because Silence of the Lambs was such a masterpiece, and Hopkins became so iconic in the role of Lecter. It blows the doors off the remake with Ed Norton, which was watchable, especially after the mess of Hannibal. Heat was one of those movies that couldn't possibly live up to the expectations I had for it. I've been meaning to rewatch it because I think I'm the only person on earth who doesn't like it.
    I saw HP 6 last night, and I really loved it. I've read the books and wasn't a huge fan of the movies except for HP 3. The first two were almost too faithful, like they were worried they were going to piss off rowling and she'd take her ball and go home. The third was good, but I have never been a fan of the time travel cheat. I didn't care for the fourth film, but it had its moments. I was really blown away by HP 5 and 6, though. I think this new director David Yates has really made these films his own thing, the way Peter Jackson made Lord of the Rings his own thing. I get what you're saying about the washed out look of it. It didn't bother me too much,I really noticed it during the flashbacks and the cave scene. I thought the scene on the train on the way to school, Slughorn's parties and the last Empire Strikes Back shot all looked great.
  • sorry, rrivers, I had to break this up into two posts. When I start talking about movies I get completely long winded. I really wish they would have let the cinematographer run wild. He was the DP on Amelie and I think that was the best looking movie of the decade. The washed out thing worked better in HP 5 because you had all this grey, then Umbridge contrasting with it in her bright pink suits and pink office. I loved the idea of dressing the secondary villian in pink Jackie Kennedy suits. The washed out thing gets really annoying. It worked for Spielberg in Saving Private Ryan, but it really mucks up the look of all his movies. I don't notice it too much now, I just chalk it up to being the current style. I really hate it when they use it for movies that are sequels to classics, though. If you look at the last Indiana Jones and Die Hard films, they look like crap when you put them up against the original movies. It hardly looks like the same series when you compare Crystal Skull with Last Crusade. Alot of people talk about the issues with Crystal Skull, and I could get past them because I was happy to see a new Indy adventure, but the look of it came close to taking me out of it. Die Hard 4 looked like a generic modern day action movie that happened to have a main character named John McClaine. Besides the look of the film, how did you like HP 6? I really liked it. I like being reminded of Empire Strikes Back, and the way it ended on a cliffhanger and that last shot really brought the similarities home to me. It's pretty amazing that they've been able to use the same kids for the entire series, it really adds to the power of it, having watched the kids grow up. They did a great job of ratcheting up the tension, and even thought I knew how it ended I was on the edge of my seat. I liked the way they handled the love stuff, too. That's always the weakest part of fantasy movies for me, the Han jealousy subplot in Jedi feels tacked on to me, but I really loved the Hermione stuff. It felt very sincere. The scene where she's crying to Harry after the Quidditch match was one of my favorites in the whole series. I really bought Emma Watson in those scenes.
  • one more thing, i swear :lol: I also really liked the interaction between the staff and students at Hogwarts, I'm a teacher and the scene where McGonagal tells Harry to get Ron because he looks too happy reminded me of the way I interact with my students who I've managed to bond with over the years, that sort of formal but barely masking the amusement conversation. Hogwarts has felt like a real school to me over the past two movies. See what you did, rrivers? you got me talking about movies and now I can't shut up! :lol:
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    Anyway, just wanted to get your thoughts. I told someone I saw HP with that it looked like "Minority Report" to me and that it was distracting and she looked at me like I was crazy.[/quote]
    I think the main problem with Mann's films for me is that I get the impression he wants the viewer to feel detatched while watching the film, to kind of look at it from a distance and not feel anything for the characters or care to much for the events as they unfold. I go to movies to care about events and grow attatched to the characters, so his movies can't possibly work for me. Manhunter was amazing, though. It was so creepy and disturbing. People forget how great it was because Silence of the Lambs was such a masterpiece, and Hopkins became so iconic in the role of Lecter. It blows the doors off the remake with Ed Norton, which was watchable, especially after the mess of Hannibal. Heat was one of those movies that couldn't possibly live up to the expectations I had for it. I've been meaning to rewatch it because I think I'm the only person on earth who doesn't like it.
    I saw HP 6 last night, and I really loved it. I've read the books and wasn't a huge fan of the movies except for HP 3. The first two were almost too faithful, like they were worried they were going to piss off rowling and she'd take her ball and go home. The third was good, but I have never been a fan of the time travel cheat. I didn't care for the fourth film, but it had its moments. I was really blown away by HP 5 and 6, though. I think this new director David Yates has really made these films his own thing, the way Peter Jackson made Lord of the Rings his own thing. I get what you're saying about the washed out look of it. It didn't bother me too much,I really noticed it during the flashbacks and the cave scene. I thought the scene on the train on the way to school, Slughorn's parties and the last Empire Strikes Back shot all looked great.[/quote]

    Yeah, I agree. Manhunter is much better than Red Dragon. And isn't Manhunter a made for TV movie? I love Heat and remember going to see it on Christmas break with a friend and really being blown away. I feel the way you feel about Heat about "The Departed". I think I'm the only person on earth who doesn't like that movie.

    Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the end of HP 6 because my son got scared so I took him out.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • The end was pretty scary for kids, I'm surprised it was only rated PG. Manhunter was theatrical, but they played it alot on NBC after Silence of the Lambs came out.
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    I've seen HP 5 a lot lately because it's always on HBO and I don't notice the washed out look as much. I do agree having the villian in pink is brilliant. That book was the hardest to get through for me. I think I even read somewhere that Rowling said she would edit it down looking back. One thing about the book was that I HATED Umbridge in it!

    Yeah Spielberg has gone WAY overboard with the use of the washed out look or whatever it is called. I forgot the last DH film had the same look. You are right that both of those look like crap compared to the earlier films. As fun movies, they are also crap compared to earlier ones (except maybe Temple of Doom. At least Temple looks better than Skull).

    I enjoyed HP6 outside of the look of it. I'm not sure, but I think the book had a lot more memories with Tom Riddle, which would have been nice to see, but I know there is a lot to cover. I was more excited about seeing this film than any other HP film. I'm not a huge HP fan, I enjoyed the books and the movies are ok, but I'm not a super fan by any means. I was really excited about this film because I wanted to see the end with the things in the water when they go in the cave. As you may have seen in my other post, my son freaked out when one of them reached up and grabbed Harry (it didn't help that a woman sitting next to us screamed!) so I took him out so I didn't see the end. I still give it thumbs up.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    The end was pretty scary for kids, I'm surprised it was only rated PG. Manhunter was theatrical, but they played it alot on NBC after Silence of the Lambs came out.

    Yeah the whole theater jumped when Harry got grabbed by the thing in the water a la "Carrie". I tried to explain to my son that it's fun to sit in a movie theater and be scared along with everyone else. He didn't believe me. :D
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • strummersstrummers Posts: 2,611
    rrivers wrote:
    Is Public Enemies that bad? It looks pretty good.

    i wasn't a huge fan. i love '30's crime stories so my expectations were huge. I realized that I don't really like micheal mann or johnny depp films that much. when either guy has a new one coming out i think "awesome, he's great!" but when I see it, I am usually let down. Plus, it was shot on HD Video cameras, so it looked like shit. Movies should be shot on film, not video cameras. Video looks terrible blown up, in most cases. The irony is that it looks great on dvd. Alot of filmmakers have abandoned film in favor of digital video. David Fincher shot Benjamin Button and Zodiac on video, George Lucas shot Episode II and III on it, and David Lynch shot Inland Empire on video. Fincher and Lucas processed their movies so they looked like film, and the results on Benjamin Button were spectacular. Best looking movie I've seen in years. especilly the way each sequence looked like it was made in the years it took place. Lynch didn't process Inland Empire and it looked like utter shit on the big screen but is fucking gorgeous on dvd.sorry to bore you with this shit, but I am a huge film geek and a wannabe filmmaker!

    Exactly the same issues with the HD recording!!

    With regards to the story itself it was caught between wanting to be action and substance and was neither. A lot of the factual information was distorted or incorrect (from what I can gather after doing some wuick research afterwards). There was a good supporting cast, but their characters weren't explored at all. All in all it was a very superficial film based on 1 or 2 chracters and as such the cast had nothing to get their teeth into which showed in their performances.

    <object width="360" height="300"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="url="><embed src="; FlashVars="url=; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="360" height="300"></embed></object>
  • strummersstrummers Posts: 2,611
    rrivers wrote:
    I feel the way you feel about Heat about "The Departed". I think I'm the only person on earth who doesn't like that movie.

    No you're not - I really dislike The Departed! A pretty damn poor remake of a great movie! And Mark Wahlberg's character - don't get me started!! :D

    <object width="360" height="300"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="url="><embed src="; FlashVars="url=; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="360" height="300"></embed></object>
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    strummers wrote:
    rrivers wrote:
    I feel the way you feel about Heat about "The Departed". I think I'm the only person on earth who doesn't like that movie.

    No you're not - I really dislike The Departed! A pretty damn poor remake of a great movie! And Mark Wahlberg's character - don't get me started!! :D

    Wow, I'm not alone!!!!!!!!!! I don't what people are talking about who like this movie. The fact that Wahlberg got an Oscar nomination for that just shows what a complete joke the Oscars are.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • strummersstrummers Posts: 2,611
    rrivers wrote:
    strummers wrote:
    rrivers wrote:
    I feel the way you feel about Heat about "The Departed". I think I'm the only person on earth who doesn't like that movie.

    No you're not - I really dislike The Departed! A pretty damn poor remake of a great movie! And Mark Wahlberg's character - don't get me started!! :D

    Wow, I'm not alone!!!!!!!!!! I don't what people are talking about who like this movie. The fact that Wahlberg got an Oscar nomination for that just shows what a complete joke the Oscars are.

    Exactly - it grinds my gears!!

    <object width="360" height="300"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="url="><embed src="; FlashVars="url=; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="360" height="300"></embed></object>
  • The ChampThe Champ Posts: 4,063
    Recently saw '500 Days of Summer,' 'Up,' and 'The Lucky Ones.' All great movies, but '500 Days of Summer' is my favorite of the Summer thus far..terrific picture..
    'I want to hurry home to you
    put on a slow, dumb show for you
    and crack you up
    so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
    god I'm very, very frightening
    and I'll overdo it'
  • "Up" made me cry...but it might be Ed Asner's voice. I loved it, at any rate.

    I saw "Public Enemies" and...nah. I thought that for the time frame they went with on that movie it should not have been that long. Also Depp was distracting. Was his face CGI'd to look "younger" ? because there was something very wooden about his expressions (or lack)

    Harry Potter - which was a disappointment...I blame the "twilight" phenom for that tho...The story was about finding the Half Blood Prince, and realizing that the Death eaters are a real threat again...instead it was a really long session of blueballing yearnful looks from teens. I really think that for a movie, to focus on a sidebar love-interest-love arrangement storyline is just foolish. Clearly the movie Twilight has invaded Hogwarts. Why is yearnful teens an actual theme for movies and books?? UGH!

    My H is going to have to really REALLY convince me to see another Potter movie.
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    The Champ wrote:
    Recently saw '500 Days of Summer,' 'Up,' and 'The Lucky Ones.' All great movies, but '500 Days of Summer' is my favorite of the Summer thus far..terrific picture..

    I've heard great thing about 500 Days. I need to check it out.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • CJMST3KCJMST3K Posts: 9,722
    500 Days Of Summer was very good.

    Great soundtrack too! A very nice surprise to hear TWO Regina Spektor songs!

    I recommend it!
    ADD 5,200 to the post count you see, thank you. :)
    *NYC 9/28/96 *NYC 9/29/96 *NJ 9/8/98 (front row "may i play drums with you")
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    *Mansfield 8/29/00 *Mansfield 8/30/00 *Nassau 4/30/03 *Nissan VA 7/1/03
    *Borgata 10/1/05 *Camden 5/27/06 *Camden 5/28/06 *DC 5/30/06
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    *Bristow VA 5/13/10 *MSG 5/20/10 *MSG 5/21/10
  • strummersstrummers Posts: 2,611
    Moon is a very good movie - well worth a look. Great soundtrack too!

    <object width="360" height="300"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="url="><embed src="; FlashVars="url=; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="360" height="300"></embed></object>
  • iluvcatsiluvcats Posts: 5,153
    we just got home from seeing The Ugly Truth. I like Gerard Butler and young people should watch the movie to see how much the sun ruins your skin. Nothing to do with the plot of the story, I was just surprised at how he has aged and he's barely 40. The acting in the beginning of the movie was not very good. There were some funny parts though. Kathryn Heigl (Mrs. Josh Kelly) was beautiful. I would give it a 4.5.
    9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
    8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
    10/10 - Brad in B'more
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,240
    I saw inglorious basterds today and it was okay a little long and a bit underwhelming if you ask me.
    Charlotte 00
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    Ohana Festival 24 x2
  • 8181 Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
    intodeep wrote:
    I saw inglorious basterds today and it was okay a little long and a bit underwhelming if you ask me.

    i liked it. was a bit long at 2.5 hours, but it didn't feel like it dragged. it was fun, funny, witty, creative.

    i also watched District 9. very dissapointing. i thought it was going to be alot better than what actuallly was. the characters had no depth. very predictable story
    81 is now off the air

  • District 9! holy crap im so glad i finally got a summer movie with a brain!
  • 8181 Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
    MrSmith wrote:
    District 9! holy crap im so glad i finally got a summer movie with a brain!

    there must be two versions of this movie, because i wasn't forced to think at all. i could have been so much better.
    81 is now off the air

  • HorosHoros Posts: 4,518
    intodeep wrote:
    I saw inglorious basterds today and it was okay a little long and a bit underwhelming if you ask me.
    I really enjoyed it. Two thumbs up! Long but I never was thinking 'when will this be over.'
  • EraserheadEraserhead Stoke-on-Trent Posts: 2,947
    Waiting to see Michael Haneke's The White Ribbon, following its success @ Cannes. Not seen a film (at the cinema) in ages, but planning on seeing Inglorious soon.
    Manchester 04.06.00, Leeds 25.08.06, Wembley 18.06.07, Dusseldorf 21.06.07, Shepherds Bush 11.08.09, Manchester 17.08.09, Adelaide 17.11.09, Melbourne 20.11.09, Sydney 22.11.09, Brisbane 25.11.09, MSG1 20.05.10, MSG2 21.05.10, Dublin 22.06.10, Belfast 23.06.10, London 25.06.10, Long Beach 06.07.11 (EV), Los Angeles 08.07.11 (EV), Toronto 11.09.11, Toronto 12.09.11, Ottawa 14.09.11, Hamilton 14.09.11, Manchester 20.06.12, Manchester 21.06.12, Amsterdam 26.06.2012, Amsterdam 27.06.2012, Berlin 04.07.12, Berlin 05.07.12, Stockholm 07.07.12, Oslo 09.07.12, Copenhagen 10.07.12, Manchester 28.07.12 (EV), Brooklyn 18.10.13, Brooklyn 19.10.13, Philly 21.10.13, Philly 22.10.13, San Diego 21.11.13, LA 23.11.13, LA 24.11.13, Oakland 26.11.13, Portland 29.11.13, Spokane 30.11.13, Calgary 02.12.13, Vancouver 04.12.13, Seattle 06.12.13, Trieste 22.06.14, Vienna 25.06.14, Berlin 26.06.14, Stockholm 28.06.14, Leeds 08.07.14, Philly 28.04.16, Philly 28.04.16, MSG1 01.05.16, MSG2 02.05.16
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,495
    get back to work kat.
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,240
    81 wrote:
    intodeep wrote:
    I saw inglorious basterds today and it was okay a little long and a bit underwhelming if you ask me.

    i liked it. was a bit long at 2.5 hours, but it didn't feel like it dragged. it was fun, funny, witty, creative.

    i also watched District 9. very dissapointing. i thought it was going to be alot better than what actuallly was. the characters had no depth. very predictable story

    That is funny because I actually liked District 9 a lot!
    Charlotte 00
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    Nashville 22
    Ohana Festival 24 x2
  • nuffingmannuffingman Posts: 3,014
    Public Enemies - didn't live up to some overated reviews.
    HP 6 - probably one of the most boring films ever made.
    Time Travellers Wife - enjoyed it.
    Seeing Inglourious Basterd in 2 days

    Looking forward to "The Hurt Locker" and "The Soloist"
  • HoltzmnHoltzmn Posts: 87
    Horos wrote:
    intodeep wrote:
    I saw inglorious basterds today and it was okay a little long and a bit underwhelming if you ask me.
    I really enjoyed it. Two thumbs up! Long but I never was thinking 'when will this be over.'

    I also really enjoyed it, I thought the 2.5 hours went by rather quickly. The actors who played Hans and Shoshanna were excellent, I had never seem them before and was really impressed. Brad and the Basterds brought some comic relief to the film, I think some people thought the whole movie would be them bashing Nazis so they might be disappointed it wasn't.
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