I loved the buildup again last night. Cant say I exactly understood making Jamie force himself on his sister like that. Those of us who read the books know the timeline was already wonky but he certainly didnt do that. Interesting to see how they are writing him. Such an exciting season still to come!
I loved the buildup again last night. Cant say I exactly understood making Jamie force himself on his sister like that. Those of us who read the books know the timeline was already wonky but he certainly didnt do that. Interesting to see how they are writing him. Such an exciting season still to come!
Yeah, that was a weird re-write w/ Jamie.
yeah.. they also did that with Drogo and Dany.. it's character assassination i don't get, especially since they're trying to make us like him now.. and in general it wasn't as well written as the previous episode, written by George R.R. Martin..
yeah.. they also did that with Drogo and Dany.. it's character assassination i don't get, especially since they're trying to make us like him now.. and in general it wasn't as well written as the previous episode, written by George R.R. Martin..
Adding the dead son a few feet away in the background is even more weird and odd. I guess overall Martin gets artistic control, but hopefully he isn't starting to drift into "Lucas" mode ... before you know it, Dany and her army of Ewoks will be fighting Gungans in season 7.
Be Excellent To Each Other
Party On, Dudes!
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,603
yeah.. they also did that with Drogo and Dany.. it's character assassination i don't get, especially since they're trying to make us like him now.. and in general it wasn't as well written as the previous episode, written by George R.R. Martin..
Adding the dead son a few feet away in the background is even more weird and odd. I guess overall Martin gets artistic control, but hopefully he isn't starting to drift into "Lucas" mode ... before you know it, Dany and her army of Ewoks will be fighting Gungans in season 7.
I loved the buildup again last night. Cant say I exactly understood making Jamie force himself on his sister like that. Those of us who read the books know the timeline was already wonky but he certainly didnt do that. Interesting to see how they are writing him. Such an exciting season still to come!
Yeah, that was a weird re-write w/ Jamie.
yeah.. they also did that with Drogo and Dany.. it's character assassination i don't get, especially since they're trying to make us like him now.. and in general it wasn't as well written as the previous episode, written by George R.R. Martin..
As a non book reader, I assumed they wrote him that way. A "you start pulling for him....liking him and he does that" kinda thing. Like how we started liking/sympathizing with the Hound and he goes robbing the poor family that took him in....or how nobody can be happy.....and if they are, they die.
I loved the buildup again last night. Cant say I exactly understood making Jamie force himself on his sister like that. Those of us who read the books know the timeline was already wonky but he certainly didnt do that. Interesting to see how they are writing him. Such an exciting season still to come!
Yeah, that was a weird re-write w/ Jamie.
yeah.. they also did that with Drogo and Dany.. it's character assassination i don't get, especially since they're trying to make us like him now.. and in general it wasn't as well written as the previous episode, written by George R.R. Martin..
As a non book reader, I assumed they wrote him that way. A "you start pulling for him....liking him and he does that" kinda thing. Like how we started liking/sympathizing with the Hound and he goes robbing the poor family that took him in....or how nobody can be happy.....and if they are, they die.
for me, once someone on the show is a rapist, i can't really get behind the character.. i could never really like Drogo that much in the show because of that.. and yet i felt like they wanted us to root for Dany and Drogo as a couple in the show.. so do i go with my preception of Jaime as he is in the books or the show, while watching? it's confusing.. i guess i just need to remind myself of the other horrible things he did and then it won't matter,,
I loved the buildup again last night. Cant say I exactly understood making Jamie force himself on his sister like that. Those of us who read the books know the timeline was already wonky but he certainly didnt do that. Interesting to see how they are writing him. Such an exciting season still to come!
Yeah, that was a weird re-write w/ Jamie.
yeah.. they also did that with Drogo and Dany.. it's character assassination i don't get, especially since they're trying to make us like him now.. and in general it wasn't as well written as the previous episode, written by George R.R. Martin..
As a non book reader, I assumed they wrote him that way. A "you start pulling for him....liking him and he does that" kinda thing. Like how we started liking/sympathizing with the Hound and he goes robbing the poor family that took him in....or how nobody can be happy.....and if they are, they die.
for me, once someone on the show is a rapist, i can't really get behind the character.. i could never really like Drogo that much in the show because of that.. and yet i felt like they wanted us to root for Dany and Drogo as a couple in the show.. so do i go with my preception of Jaime as he is in the books or the show, while watching? it's confusing.. i guess i just need to remind myself of the other horrible things he did and then it won't matter,,
I read something today that the show writers said that it wasn't a rape scene. I guess they failed on sharing their vision with the audience cause most people saw it as that.
I think the change in character will be to show how good Jaime can be, but around his sister he always becomes the worst person he can become.
*Semi-Spoiler*.......I think it will make his decisions later interesting, and that is where he may realize Cersei brings out the worst in him. When he gets that note in the 4th book, maybe my favorite Jaime moment!. Who knows if that will make it into the show, but I hope it does.
I loved the buildup again last night. Cant say I exactly understood making Jamie force himself on his sister like that. Those of us who read the books know the timeline was already wonky but he certainly didnt do that. Interesting to see how they are writing him. Such an exciting season still to come!
Yeah, that was a weird re-write w/ Jamie.
yeah.. they also did that with Drogo and Dany.. it's character assassination i don't get, especially since they're trying to make us like him now.. and in general it wasn't as well written as the previous episode, written by George R.R. Martin..
As a non book reader, I assumed they wrote him that way. A "you start pulling for him....liking him and he does that" kinda thing. Like how we started liking/sympathizing with the Hound and he goes robbing the poor family that took him in....or how nobody can be happy.....and if they are, they die.
for me, once someone on the show is a rapist, i can't really get behind the character.. i could never really like Drogo that much in the show because of that.. and yet i felt like they wanted us to root for Dany and Drogo as a couple in the show.. so do i go with my preception of Jaime as he is in the books or the show, while watching? it's confusing.. i guess i just need to remind myself of the other horrible things he did and then it won't matter,,
I read something today that the show writers said that it wasn't a rape scene. I guess they failed on sharing their vision with the audience cause most people saw it as that.
I think the change in character will be to show how good Jaime can be, but around his sister he always becomes the worst person he can become.
*Semi-Spoiler*.......I think it will make his decisions later interesting, and that is where he may realize Cersei brings out the worst in him. When he gets that note in the 4th book, maybe my favorite Jaime moment!. Who knows if that will make it into the show, but I hope it does.
I saw that too - that it wasn't really "rape." Uh, it sure seemed that way. But I like what you said about Jaime - and how his sister brings out the worst in him. And I've read the books so I also agree with what you say about Jaime in the future. It's surprising how he turns out to be one of the most interesting characters in the books (as opposed to my least favorite - snore - Theon).
Good for the writers. Of course it wasn't a rape scene. Just a brother and sister making love inches away from the corpse of their incest born son. I'm glad the writers cleared that up.
Be Excellent To Each Other
Party On, Dudes!
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,603
Yeah, I love what they are doing with the books and dont want to see this climb down into a discussion on sexual assault but the very fact that Cersei said no repeatedly and he did it anyway makes me shake my head at their saying it wasn't forced. As PearlJamaholic stated, clearly they left something to the imagination that they thought was evident if there was something indicating that was not him forcing himself on her. Also, if memory serves, in the books it was a passionate reunion as Jamie showed up after Joff had been aced out.
Yeah, I love what they are doing with the books and dont want to see this climb down into a discussion on sexual assault but the very fact that Cersei said no repeatedly and he did it anyway makes me shake my head at their saying it wasn't forced. As PearlJamaholic stated, clearly they left something to the imagination that they thought was evident if there was something indicating that was not him forcing himself on her. Also, if memory serves, in the books it was a passionate reunion as Jamie showed up after Joff had been aced out.
i think in the book, she does want to be with him but says the septons might come in or that it's not appropriate because their son's body is right there. Jaime had just returned to King's Landing and finds her in the sept and they both want to be together..but she does try to push him away and protest, so it is sexual assult.. i need to read it again.. i'm re-reading the third book now so i'm looking forward to reading that part again..
also, i think it wasn't the showrunners/writers that said "it wasn't rape by the end". it was the director. after watching it again, Cersei seems to give in to her desire for him from time to time while saying "it's not right" but she clearly tells him to stop. i don't think the director's intention was conveyed as well as he intended because it's clearly a rape scene..
pajiba.com/think_pieces/an-open-letter-to-game-of-thrones-david-benioff-and-dan-weiss.php#.U1fAkaNBSUk in this article David Benioff, one of the showrunners and writers of the episode is quoted as saying: “It becomes a really kind of horrifying scene, because you see obviously Joffrey’s body right there, and you see that Cersei is resisting this. She’s saying ‘No,’ and he’s forcing himself on her, so it was a really uncomfortable scene, and a tricky scene to shoot,” and the director, Alex Graves says: “Well, it becomes consensual by the end, because anything for them ultimately results in a turn-on, especially a power struggle…” and here is what George R.R. Martin said:grrm.livejournal.com/367116.html?thread=19030284#t19030284
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,603
Yarden thanks for posting that. Interesting stuff. Overall i thought it was an okay episode. Hopefully it will play out as it did in the books because the end of storm was awesome.
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
I thought it was a strong episode. I am enjoying the changes from the books. And that they are referencing how much longer a period of time takes place in the show than it did in the books.
And the scene with the white walkers at the end was great. Possibly some foreshadowing of things to come.
...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
I thought last night's was the best episode of the season so far. I was surprised to see so many people ripping it apart on the message boards, but that seems to be due to changes from the books and not wanting the show to overtake the books. I haven't read the books, so I just want a great TV show and last night certainly delivered.
We may find the answer in the coming weeks, but what happened to the non-council slave owners in Mereen? The group of people taken to get killed didn't seem that large so surely there are non council people that also owned slaves? Are they now slaves or were they killed?
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not the greatest episode.. i have not read the fourth book so i can't be sure what were the changes, but you can kind of guess, because those scenes are just not as good.. plus the Craster's Keep scenes with the girls being raped in background was just too much and reminded me of the show Spartacus, which i don't like.. i kind of wish they'd just let George R.R. Martin write all the episodes..
Post edited by Yarden on
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,603
If GRRM wrote all of the episodes we would NEVER get the next book, lol.
I liked it to set up the rest of the season but overall it was good for a few laughs and a few cringes. Not bad at all but not as good as the last few. Looking forward to the next one!
littlefinger. i never suspected him in the king's murder.
i liked the interaction between jamie and tyrion. i think tyrion convinced him of his innocence. real formal interaction between jamie and cersei too.
i really liked the interaction with jamie and brienne as well. he gave her his sword, custom armor, and pod to be her squire. i think he really cares for her. i started to feel kind of sad as she was riding away and the way she was looking back at him. there is a tension there and those two just need to get it on already.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
This may be spoiler-ish, but since last night's ending has not happened in the books I am going to post this. I have a crazy theory.
What if Coldhands (if he appears in the show, and i think he will and soon...) is an Other (white walker) created after he was an adult and still has his humanity. The Others use babies because they will never know anything other than killing and creating wights. Coldhands was an accident or something, or a Night' Watch that stumbled upon the secret... Hence the reason he is a good guy while all other Others are not.
I keep seeing people say that last scene never happened in the books, and while that actual scene never took place, I took it more as the show runners letting us in on a detail that hasn't been covered b/c of a lack of POV. I think that scene has played out several times during the timeframe of the books, but no one has reported it.
In the show summary on the HBO site, the Other that took the baby was referred to as the Night's King.
I'd rather them keep the show as close as possible to the books, but I'm not gonna complain about any extra tidbits they toss in.
I keep seeing people say that last scene never happened in the books, and while that actual scene never took place, I took it more as the show runners letting us in on a detail that hasn't been covered b/c of a lack of POV. I think that scene has played out several times during the timeframe of the books, but no one has reported it.
In the show summary on the HBO site, the Other that took the baby was referred to as the Night's King.
I'd rather them keep the show as close as possible to the books, but I'm not gonna complain about any extra tidbits they toss in.
You are right it probably did happen countless times off the page, but we never knew much about the Others, other than they were in some way different than wights. I think it was a pleasant surprise, I don't think it ruins or spoils anything in the grand scheme. If they killed Ghost or something like that, it would tip us readers off to what will be in future books. It does make the Lord of Light and the Great Other more interesting. That is assuming that the Others are in someway connected to the Great Other. Maybe Melisandre is right and her fanaticism is justified... We now saw the army and how they grow.
so i'm not upset about the Night's King reveal, but I did pause for a moment and consider not watching the show. It seems like its a reveal GRRM was saving for later in the books.
That is silly and I won't do that but i want my book reading experience to be "pure" i want the surprises to come when they are supposed to.
For those who read the books if you don't remember the Night King
and in general it wasn't as well written as the previous episode, written by George R.R. Martin..
so do i go with my preception of Jaime as he is in the books or the show, while watching? it's confusing..
i guess i just need to remind myself of the other horrible things he did and then it won't matter,,
I think the change in character will be to show how good Jaime can be, but around his sister he always becomes the worst person he can become.
*Semi-Spoiler*.......I think it will make his decisions later interesting, and that is where he may realize Cersei brings out the worst in him. When he gets that note in the 4th book, maybe my favorite Jaime moment!. Who knows if that will make it into the show, but I hope it does.
Good for the writers. Of course it wasn't a rape scene. Just a brother and sister making love inches away from the corpse of their incest born son. I'm glad the writers cleared that up.
i'm re-reading the third book now so i'm looking forward to reading that part again..
also, i think it wasn't the showrunners/writers that said "it wasn't rape by the end". it was the director.
after watching it again, Cersei seems to give in to her desire for him from time to time while saying "it's not right" but she clearly tells him to stop. i don't think the director's intention was conveyed as well as he intended because it's clearly a rape scene..
in this article David Benioff, one of the showrunners and writers of the episode is quoted as saying: “It becomes a really kind of horrifying scene, because you see obviously Joffrey’s body right there, and you see that Cersei is resisting this. She’s saying ‘No,’ and he’s forcing himself on her, so it was a really uncomfortable scene, and a tricky scene to shoot,”
and the director, Alex Graves says: “Well, it becomes consensual by the end, because anything for them ultimately results in a turn-on, especially a power struggle…”
and here is what George R.R. Martin said:grrm.livejournal.com/367116.html?thread=19030284#t19030284
Overall i thought it was an okay episode. Hopefully it will play out as it did in the books because the end of storm was awesome.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
A pretty honest summary of Martin's writing, haha.
The entire second half was so different than the book and the ending.....
I'll just roll with it but the absolute best part of the episode was SER POUNCE!!!! FTW
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
And the scene with the white walkers at the end was great. Possibly some foreshadowing of things to come.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
We may find the answer in the coming weeks, but what happened to the non-council slave owners in Mereen? The group of people taken to get killed didn't seem that large so surely there are non council people that also owned slaves? Are they now slaves or were they killed?
plus the Craster's Keep scenes with the girls being raped in background was just too much and reminded me of the show Spartacus, which i don't like..
i kind of wish they'd just let George R.R. Martin write all the episodes..
I liked it to set up the rest of the season but overall it was good for a few laughs and a few cringes. Not bad at all but not as good as the last few. Looking forward to the next one!
i liked the interaction between jamie and tyrion. i think tyrion convinced him of his innocence. real formal interaction between jamie and cersei too.
i really liked the interaction with jamie and brienne as well. he gave her his sword, custom armor, and pod to be her squire. i think he really cares for her. i started to feel kind of sad as she was riding away and the way she was looking back at him. there is a tension there and those two just need to get it on already.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
where does grrm come up with this stuff??
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
anyway.. next week looks interesting..
What if Coldhands (if he appears in the show, and i think he will and soon...) is an Other (white walker) created after he was an adult and still has his humanity. The Others use babies because they will never know anything other than killing and creating wights. Coldhands was an accident or something, or a Night' Watch that stumbled upon the secret... Hence the reason he is a good guy while all other Others are not.
In the show summary on the HBO site, the Other that took the baby was referred to as the Night's King.
I'd rather them keep the show as close as possible to the books, but I'm not gonna complain about any extra tidbits they toss in.
That is silly and I won't do that but i want my book reading experience to be "pure" i want the surprises to come when they are supposed to.
For those who read the books if you don't remember the Night King
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2