Sun Symbols, Society, Ancient History, and Barack Obama...



  • DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
    edited May 2009
    Look, at least SOMEone gets the reference,
    has done their homework.
    Too bad every album since Portrait has sucked worse and worse.

    In case someone doesn't understand that Manson is obsessed with esoterism, "magick", and ancient religious symbolism, i guess it could be spelled out: he IS.

    Manson and the Occult just to make it plain.
    Check out Manson and "The Age of Horus". Mmm hmm.
    Post edited by DriftingByTheStorm on
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    driftin, seriously. who fucking cares about this shit. I really wish you would use that hyperactive brain of yours on a worthy topic. how about expose wasteful government spending? I'm sure you could dig up shit that none of us know about
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    ok, I'll play...

    my question: So what and why should I care if logo is based on old symbols...?
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    inmytree wrote:
    ok, I'll play...

    my question: So what and why should I care if logo is based on old symbols...?

    I already asked...
    jlew24asu wrote:

    SO WHAT?!!!?!?!?!?! a sun is sun like a sun. right? or am I missing something. seeing a sun on everything really is making me into an obedient drone? :o

    one assumption would be that secret symbology is used amongst and between participants of the ruling elite in order to more easily communicate ownership. another would be this whole business of an occult elite that belives in the magical properterties of certain symbols that somehow gives them power.

    If i had to go with just one theory, i would go with the first though.
    The use of symbols that are familiar to eachother allows members to support, buy stock in, and generally promote the business interests of the firms which are "of the brotherhood", so to speak.

    Of course, i'm sure it will take all of 5 minutes for someone to tell me that this is a hairbrained way to run a secret group, and SURELY there are easier ways to communicate this stuff.

    But like i said, if i had to guess, thats what i would go with, right now.
    ??? i dunno ???
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    dunkman wrote:
    top 10 companies in the world

    1. Walmart (only changed to a sun logo in 2008)

    2. Exxon Mobil (no sun in the logo)

    3. Shell ( a shell)

    4. BP (helios symbol ... this after it became one of the worlds top 10 companies... which begs the question.. how did it ever break into the top 10 without a sun logo!!!!

    The top four are ALL sun symbols.
    It would be dishonest for you to suggest they are not.
    If you can't understand that Exxon = Cross of Lorraine,
    again, what can i say?

    Someone is doing their damnedest to avoid seeing something that is VERY obvious.

    it's not dishonest.
    1. walmart has a sun-like logo... its also an asterisk... you're just seeing what you want to see... but thats by the by... you've ignored the fact that up until some 15 years ago its logo was a simple WAL-MART... how can it become so big WITHOUT the sun logo.

    2. Mobil - nope. the links i gave you earlier clearly state the designers motivation and intent for that logo.

    3. the shell logo is a shell... purely and simply.. its colours are red and yellow... that's the clutching of straws.

    4. i acknowledged it was the Helios symbol.

    what about the other 6 multi-national conglomerates who are the 6 of the 10 biggest companies in the world? you just forgetting about them? they dont fit your sun theory so... forgotten?

    and of those 4 companies you realise that not one of them has ever used your alleged 'sun' symbolology until the last 15-20 years.... and yet they still became so massive.

    as for your last sentence... you're looking to hard... i'm doing my damnedest to highlight simple yet effective logo design... thats all.

    p.s. Dan Brown called... he wants this thread used for this next book
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    driftin, seriously. who fucking cares about this shit. I really wish you would use that hyperactive brain of yours on a worthy topic. how about expose wasteful government spending? I'm sure you could dig up shit that none of us know about

    Good question.
    I dunno.

    I just find it interesting.
    Exxon is a Rockefeller company, descendant from Rockefeller's Standard Oil.
    The Cross of Lorraine in their logo is extremely well associated with the Templars, hermeticism, and the ancient noble bloodlines of Europe.
    The Rockefeller name, surprise surprise, just happens to be listed as one of the
    "13 bloodlines of the illuminati",
    and crazy "conspiracy theories" aside,
    the Rockefeller name is DEEPLY associated with EVERY institution that holds gigantic power in this country and around the world -- Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations.
    Almost every person of major importance in Obama's administration can be found to have links back to the Rockefellers. Looks at Geithner, i think he has no less than 4 or 5 direct links back to "Rockefeller" through the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Rockefeller "Group of 30", and "as chairman of the G-10's Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems of the Bank for International Settlements", the BIS being another megalithic institution of the elite, formed by "The Young Plan", Mr. Owen D. Young having been a Rockefeller Foundation director. Surprise surprise. Geithner also worked for Kissinger Associates. Kissinger being the guy Rockefeller tapped to set up The Trilateral Commission. Again, surprise surprise.

    THAT is why i'm interested in this stuff.
    Putting a "Cross of Lorraine" in your logo is a way of saying "fuck you" to the everyman.
    It says "yeah i'm super duper old school richy rich elite of birth and blood, and you can suck it."
    do your homework,
    tell me i'm wrong.
    I'd love to be.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    jlew24asu wrote:
    driftin, seriously. who fucking cares about this shit. I really wish you would use that hyperactive brain of yours on a worthy topic. how about expose wasteful government spending? I'm sure you could dig up shit that none of us know about

    Good question.
    I dunno.

    I just find it interesting.
    Exxon is a Rockefeller company, descendant from Rockefeller's Standard Oil.
    The Cross of Lorraine in their logo is extremely well associated with the Templars, hermeticism, and the ancient noble bloodlines of Europe.
    The Rockefeller name, surprise surprise, just happens to be listed as one of the
    "13 bloodlines of the illuminati",
    and crazy "conspiracy theories" aside,
    the Rockefeller name is DEEPLY associated with EVERY institution that holds gigantic power in this country and around the world -- Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations.
    Almost every person of major importance in Obama's administration can be found to have links back to the Rockefellers. Looks at Geithner, i think he has no less than 4 or 5 direct links back to "Rockefeller" through the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Rockefeller "Group of 30", and "as chairman of the G-10's Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems of the Bank for International Settlements", the BIS being another megalithic institution of the elite, formed by "The Young Plan", Mr. Owen D. Young having been a Rockefeller Foundation director. Surprise surprise. Geithner also worked for Kissinger Associates. Kissinger being the guy Rockefeller tapped to set up The Trilateral Commission. Again, surprise surprise.

    THAT is why i'm interested in this stuff.
    Putting a "Cross of Lorraine" in our logo is a way of saying "fuck you" to the everyman.
    It says "yeah i'm super duper old school richy rich elite of birth and blood, and you can suck it."
    do your homework,
    tell me i'm wrong.
    I'd love to be.

    but thats the point. who gives a flying fuck if some super duper old school richy rich elite is using a logo to give you the finger. yippy fucking do. SO WHAT? give him the finger back by not buying products from companies that use these symbols and logos.

    cuz I know for a FACT, that with every company you listed, there is a competitor you can buy from.

    there really is other stuff you can be focusing on and exposing. this may be interesting at some level, but its also absolutely worthless information.
  • dunkman wrote:
    dunkman wrote:
    top 10 companies in the world

    1. Walmart (only changed to a sun logo in 2008)

    2. Exxon Mobil (no sun in the logo)

    3. Shell ( a shell)

    4. BP (helios symbol ... this after it became one of the worlds top 10 companies... which begs the question.. how did it ever break into the top 10 without a sun logo!!!!

    The top four are ALL sun symbols.
    It would be dishonest for you to suggest they are not.
    If you can't understand that Exxon = Cross of Lorraine,
    again, what can i say?

    Someone is doing their damnedest to avoid seeing something that is VERY obvious.

    it's not dishonest.
    1. walmart has a sun-like logo... its also an asterisk... you're just seeing what you want to see... but thats by the by... you've ignored the fact that up until some 15 years ago its logo was a simple WAL-MART... how can it become so big WITHOUT the sun logo.

    2. Mobil - nope. the links i gave you earlier clearly state the designers motivation and intent for that logo.

    3. the shell logo is a shell... purely and simply.. its colours are red and yellow... that's the clutching of straws.

    4. i acknowledged it was the Helios symbol.

    "(The new sunburst) looks organic. My sense is they are trying to say, 'we're an eco-aware company,'" says Marty Neumeier, president of Neutron, a branding firm in San Francisco. Over the past two years, Wal-Mart has increasingly offered sustainable packaging and products, as well as reduced its truck fleet's energy consumption.

    Neumeier adds that the image lacks the distinctive power of the most successful logos, such as Target's (TGT, news, msgs) bull's eye, which is immediately recognizable. Wal-Mart's sunburst, in contrast, "is designed so simply that there's no ownership to it," Neumeier says. In other words, it could be used by almost any corporation. -from MSN

    You're right, i'm seeing "what i want to see".
    Not what other successful graphic designers see.
    Wal-Mart itself hasn't made much comment on their new logo,
    except to say it is meant to symbolize "transformation" or "change",
    which, again, if you understand anything about all this ancient\esoeric imagery,
    is EXACTLY what the heremtic\alchemical\esoteric tradition is all about.
    These symbols are representations of "the greatest change", the alchemical change.
    Analogous with Enlightenment.

    I don't feel i need to explain down to the every last corporation how this "idea" might play out.
    It's kind of interesting, the entire point of a "secret society" is just that.
    I's a fucking secret.
    You are taking points off of my paper for not having the answers to questions
    which allegedly revolve around the knowledge of a highly secretive group or body.

    Why don't you go ask a high level mason why they only picked 4 out of 10 companies.
    I can tell you the Toyota logo also looks like a bull or taurus, which is of significance,
    and Chevron says it right in the fucking name, its a damn chevron, or double square.

    I like how you took my obviously provable Exxon,
    and turned it around to say, "Mobil, nope."

    Yeah dude,
    YOU are doing some serious backpeddling and disinformation-spreading.

    That you still pretend to be too dense to understand that something like a Yellow Shell with Rays could be a DOULBE-IMAGE holding one meaning to the masses, and another to the "enlightened" sub-group is to prove your either deliberate misrepresentation of reality, or your absolute ignorance of it.

    Lets try this another way,
    despite the fact that YOU say it is a shell,
    could any old person look at that and POSSIBLY perceive a sun?
    Say "no", so i can write you off as a deliberate agent of disinformation, or a simple hard head.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    .....and barack obama.........?
    how exactly does he tie into all this?

    i've skimmed your first post a bit, top to bottom...but i don't even see him mentioned/ why is he in the thread title? just curious......

    as to the symbolism...i LOVE symbolism, logos, etc.....there IS a rich history there, and much of what you post may well be true, to some extent. i agree tho that the sun has been a symbol since the ancients, but not necessarily with any evil intents/connections. i do believe much is interconnected, even in business....but i don't necessarily read/believe it all as vast conspiracy. symbols are powerful, and we make powerful connections with them, even subconsciously, so it makes sence that our biggest source of power, the sun, is used extensively. ancient symbols, religious and otherwise....have intertwined with business from the beginnings as well, again, not necessarily with any evil intent/connection...but again b/c they are known/recognized/respected.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646

    "(The new sunburst) looks organic. My sense is they are trying to say, 'we're an eco-aware company,'" says Marty Neumeier, president of Neutron, a branding firm in San Francisco. Over the past two years, Wal-Mart has increasingly offered sustainable packaging and products, as well as reduced its truck fleet's energy consumption.

    Neumeier adds that the image lacks the distinctive power of the most successful logos, such as Target's (TGT, news, msgs) bull's eye, which is immediately recognizable. Wal-Mart's sunburst, in contrast, "is designed so simply that there's no ownership to it," Neumeier says. In other words, it could be used by almost any corporation. -from MSN

    You're right, i'm seeing "what i want to see".
    Not what other successful graphic designers see.
    Wal-Mart itself hasn't made much comment on their new logo,
    except to say it is meant to symbolize "transformation" or "change",
    which, again, if you understand anything about all this ancient\esoeric imagery,
    is EXACTLY what the heremtic\alchemical\esoteric tradition is all about.
    These symbols are representations of "the greatest change", the alchemical change.
    Analogous with Enlightenment.

    I don't feel i need to explain down to the every last corporation how this "idea" might play out.
    It's kind of interesting, the entire point of a "secret society" is just that.
    I's a fucking secret.
    You are taking points off of my paper for not having the answers to questions
    which allegedly revolve around the knowledge of a highly secretive group or body.

    Why don't you go ask a high level mason why they only picked 4 out of 10 companies.
    I can tell you the Toyota logo also looks like a bull or taurus, which is of significance,
    and Chevron says it right in the fucking name, its a damn chevron, or double square.

    I like how you took my obviously provable Exxon,
    and turned it around to say, "Mobil, nope."

    Yeah dude,
    YOU are doing some serious backpeddling and disinformation-spreading.

    That you still pretend to be too dense to understand that something like a Yellow Shell with Rays could be a DOULBE-IMAGE holding one meaning to the masses, and another to the "enlightened" sub-group is to prove your either deliberate misrepresentation of reality, or your absolute ignorance of it.

    Lets try this another way,
    despite the fact that YOU say it is a shell,
    could any old person look at that and POSSIBLY perceive a sun?
    Say "no", so i can write you off as a deliberate agent of disinformation, or a simple hard head.


    i give the fuck up... those 100 richest companies in the world could change their logos to various pictures of llamas injecting molten lava up their arse and my, yours and countless millions on this planet lives wont change one fucking iota.

    have fun ehhhh doing whatever it is that you do... i cant waste anymore time on this as google, youtube, HSBC and Texaco have called me and want me to do them a new logo using a sun.
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761

    I'm not saying anything goofy is going on, but the first year the "Devil Rays" change to the "Rays" and add a sunburst...they go to the World Series.

    Team with the second most NBA championships in history has a yellow circular logo? Are we to believe that something like this would happen "by chance"...not fucking lightly

    The year the team changes this team changes their logo from a clusterfuck of brown and orange to this flaming circular orange object...they go to the NBA finals. And what's up with their team name? Who are they really?


    Notice the eye on here? It looks like it could actually be the eye of an Egyptian god. Not to mention the hidden eye in the lower right. It's what we call a "double whammy". One logo means something to the masses, while the other has a secret meaning to the super elite.

    You really expect me to believe that the only team with a perfect record in NFL history happening to have a sun in their logo is a coincidence? Not even close. To even show the globalization goals, it was set up that not even a group of "Patriots" dressed in red, white, and blue could top this teams perfect record.

    Lets not forget this team either. They had their largest victory in the nations capital, with a 6-2 win over DC United. Coincidence? Yeah. That is if you don't believe this secret organization is plotting to destroy the American life as we know it.

    Wake up people...wake up
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202

    Notice the eye on here? It looks like it could actually be the eye of an Egyptian god. Not to mention the hidden eye in the lower right. It's what we call a "double whammy". One logo means something to the masses, while the other has a secret meaning to the super elite.

    The only problem with your theory is that the Hawkeyes suck and always get owned by my beloved Buckeyes, whose logo is just a nut... wait a minute... the nuts grow on trees... trees use photosynthesis... photosynthesis is driven by the sun... oh FUCK!
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    ledvedderman - greatest post ever.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761

    Notice the eye on here? It looks like it could actually be the eye of an Egyptian god. Not to mention the hidden eye in the lower right. It's what we call a "double whammy". One logo means something to the masses, while the other has a secret meaning to the super elite.

    The only problem with your theory is that the Hawkeyes suck and always get owned by my beloved Buckeyes, whose logo is just a nut... wait a minute... the nuts grow on trees... trees use photosynthesis... photosynthesis is driven by the sun... oh FUCK!

    I'm glad your finally seeing the that I mean the sun
  • blackredyellowblackredyellow Posts: 5,889
    ledvedderman - well played sir, well played....
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Wake up people...wake up

    well the elite watch and bet on sports too ya know.....;)
    can't leave these things up to chance.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646







    and the best for last




    th-th-th-that's all f-f-f-olks
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
    As I understand it, occultists use symbols constantly, and whenever possible. They believe it gives them more "power," as defined in the occultist dictionary-- which is something along the lines of the powers of suggestion over people. The more they expose to you in advance, the more power they gain to pull off whatever it is they want to pull off.

    I'm no expert, this is something I've come across.

    So if there is this big secret spooky occult club that really wished to enslave us all, they would be all about using symbols as often as possible. Maybe only a handful of these companies had this intent to push Masonic symbolism? Maybe the other 95% just copied the designs of these companies because they saw that these simple designs and symbols are effective in advertising?

    Who knows for sure? It's a crazy world out there, anything is possible if you ask me. Most of these companies probably haven't had the success that they've had by being boyscouts. Ask any successful politician where lying, cheating, and stealing will get you-- that is, if they could actually give you an honest answer.

    History has shown us that some really awful people end up in positions of extreme wealth and power-- and they don't always have to be Kings or Dictators. Many of them do it with incredible dishonesty, and disregard for their fellow man. They don't believe in the same things that I do, or most of us here.

    Why couldn't they be absolute cocksuckers who've never been satisfied with all that they've been given? Why couldn't there be people out there who want the whole world to work for them?
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    The Cross of Lorraine in their logo is extremely well associated with the Templars, hermeticism, and the ancient noble bloodlines of Europe.


    Putting a "Cross of Lorraine" in your logo is a way of saying "fuck you" to the everyman.
    It says "yeah i'm super duper old school richy rich elite of birth and blood, and you can suck it."
    do your homework,
    tell me i'm wrong.
    I'd love to be.

    Do me a favour.... educate yourself about the Croix de Lorraine (or, technically, the Croix Partriarcale), what it is, what it represents and why it is associated with the templars/crusades/'ancient noble bloodlines of Europe' (mainly French, you will find and mainly the Anjou family for very obvious reasons).

    Once you understand this, you will be debunking your theories yourself.

    Thank you.
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    :lol: I love where this thread has gone.
  • DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
    edited May 2009
    redrock wrote:
    The Cross of Lorraine in their logo is extremely well associated with the Templars, hermeticism, and the ancient noble bloodlines of Europe.


    Putting a "Cross of Lorraine" in your logo is a way of saying "fuck you" to the everyman.
    It says "yeah i'm super duper old school richy rich elite of birth and blood, and you can suck it."
    do your homework,
    tell me i'm wrong.
    I'd love to be.

    Do me a favour.... educate yourself about the Croix de Lorraine (or, technically, the Croix Partriarcale), what it is, what it represents and why it is associated with the templars/crusades/'ancient noble bloodlines of Europe' (mainly French, you will find and mainly the Anjou family for very obvious reasons).

    Once you understand this, you will be debunking your theories yourself.

    Thank you.

    i'm not sure i follow.
    i am no great scholar, surely,
    but from what i can make of this the Knights Templar arose out of The Holy Crusades, as sort of protectors of the newly accquired Holy Land of Jerusalem. For a period of a few hundred years they served seemingly as the elite defenders of the realm, after having proven themselves mass murderers by taking part of the capture of Jerusalem which involved the wholesale slaughter of a town of 70,000+ Muslims AND Jews.

    At the Temple of Solomon, Raymond d'Aguiler, a historian and participant of that first crusade, says thus:
    "Wonderful sights were to be seen. Some of our men (and this was more merciful) cut off the heads of their enemies; others shot them with arrows, so that they fell from the towers; others tortured them longer by casting them into flames. Piles of heads, hands and feet were to be seen in the streets of the city. It was necessary to pick one's way over the bodies of men and horses. But these were small matters compared tow hat happened at the Temple of Solomon, a place where religious services are normally chanted ... in the temple and the porch of Solomon, men rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins."
    Now before i even jump in to critique of the LATER history of the Templars, lets just stop here, about 20 years or so shy of their actual formation. THIS is what the Templars were part of. Slaughter for profit in the name of "god" in the "holy land". Right there YOU'VE LOST ME.

    What respect was i supposed to have for this order?
    This order formed to serve and protect a land so begotten through plunder and slaughter?

    Now lets consider what HAPPENED to the Templars.

    They serve out a reign of around 200 years from around 1100 to 1300 before the King Philip Le Bel (?) and the Pope (Clement V) had them rounded up and tortured as part of the inquisition and then had them killed.

    So how did they go from protectors of the holy land to murdered at the hands of the state and church?

    Why of course their beliefs, through way of their privilege which led to esoteric knowledge, had changed drastically in the course of those 200 years. The Knights learned about the Cabala (Kabbalah), about ancient mystical "knowledge" and ultimately became involved with "luciferian" or, that is to say, what the every-day "christian" would view as a truly perverse reinterpretation of that religion.

    It is a similar story and it should be, because after the Templar Knights were ostensibly exterminated, their remnants fled to Scotland and hid themselves inside the insular organizations of "the Wall Builders lodges", groups that latter became known as "Freemasons" and that particular branch of which is known as "Scottish Rite Freemasonry".

    I could go on, but that is what books are for.

    What is it exactly that i am supposed to know about the cross, the knights, and why they are such a valiant order that would NEVER be associated with something like Global Revolution, the overthrow of traditional religon & belief structures, or secretive planing of plots?

    I don't get it.
    Enlighten me please.
    Post edited by DriftingByTheStorm on
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    i wish i had that 20 min. of my life back!!!
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    redrock wrote:
    The Cross of Lorraine in their logo is extremely well associated with the Templars, hermeticism, and the ancient noble bloodlines of Europe.


    Putting a "Cross of Lorraine" in your logo is a way of saying "fuck you" to the everyman.
    It says "yeah i'm super duper old school richy rich elite of birth and blood, and you can suck it."
    do your homework,
    tell me i'm wrong.
    I'd love to be.

    Do me a favour.... educate yourself about the Croix de Lorraine (or, technically, the Croix Partriarcale), what it is, what it represents and why it is associated with the templars/crusades/'ancient noble bloodlines of Europe' (mainly French, you will find and mainly the Anjou family for very obvious reasons).

    Once you understand this, you will be debunking your theories yourself.

    Thank you.

    i'm not sure i follow.
    i am no great scholar, surely,

    What is it exactly that i am supposed to know about the cross, the knights, and why they are such a valiant order that would NEVER be associated with something like Global Revolution, the overthrow of traditional religon & belief structures, or secretive planing of plots?

    I don't get it.
    Enlighten me please.

    As I said... educate yourself about the history of the CROIX DE LORRAINE, what it is, where it comes from, it's 'path', etc. I did NOT say the templars / crusaders' history but the CROIX DE LORRAINE's history and understand why it is associated to the people/groups you quote. You will then understand why your statement "Putting a "Cross of Lorraine" in your logo is a way of saying "fuck you" to the everyman.
    It says "yeah i'm super duper old school richy rich elite of birth and blood, and you can suck it.
    is ridiculous. You seem to be able to google quite well... use that skill.
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    Lizard wrote:
    i wish i had that 20 min. of my life back!!!

    nice Dodgers logo... the ball is the sun... check the rays coming down.
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    So where do the reverse vampires fit into all of this?
  • dustinparduedustinpardue Las Vegas, NV Posts: 1,829
    drifting by the storm is the man! Keep posting, I'll keep reading for sure.
    "All I Ever Knew" available now in print and digital formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks.
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    random wrote:
    As I said... educate yourself about the history of the CROIX DE LORRAINE, what it is, where it comes from, it's 'path', etc. I did NOT say the templars / crusaders' history but the CROIX DE LORRAINE's history and understand why it is associated to the people/groups you quote. You will then understand why your statement "Putting a "Cross of Lorraine" in your logo is a way of saying "fuck you" to the everyman.
    It says "yeah i'm super duper old school richy rich elite of birth and blood, and you can suck it.
    is ridiculous. You seem to be able to google quite well... use that skill.

    if you expect to be taken seriously you need to make your own points....."educate yourself" is about as useful as "your an idiot".

    what are you trying to say?
  • Commy wrote:
    random wrote:
    As I said... educate yourself about the history of the CROIX DE LORRAINE, what it is, where it comes from, it's 'path', etc. I did NOT say the templars / crusaders' history but the CROIX DE LORRAINE's history and understand why it is associated to the people/groups you quote. You will then understand why your statement "Putting a "Cross of Lorraine" in your logo is a way of saying "fuck you" to the everyman.
    It says "yeah i'm super duper old school richy rich elite of birth and blood, and you can suck it.
    is ridiculous. You seem to be able to google quite well... use that skill.

    if you expect to be taken seriously you need to make your own points....."educate yourself" is about as useful as "your an idiot".

    what are you trying to say?

    I wish i knew, Commy.

    I tried following up on his vague command -- looking in to the "Anjou" family.

    Best i can tell, his contention is that the Croix Lorraine comes in to the fold by way of early or just slightly pre enlightenment era french nobility coat of arms, and that the primary family originally tied to this cross was one that was a strong supporter of the arts, the Renaissance, and generally supportive of liberty over tyranny.

    The actual trail of facts i found was bone thin though, and i certainly failed at tying the earliest uses of the cross back to that family. I failed at finding anything substantial to vindicate its use within this whole thousand layered onion of a riddle.

    To be honest, i'm not even sure it really matters what the origins of the cross are.

    Like just about everything else in this bizarre story, what is professed on the exterior turns out to be radically different from what is on the interior.

    To understand what i mean by that,
    simply look at the masonic eye in the pyramid, and then look at the emblem on the Aachen Cathedral.

    This is such a contradiction of nature as to be absurd.
    The masonic fable claims The Knights Templar as their heritage.
    Beyond that, they certainly claim to be defenders of enlightened thought, some form of non-tyrannical rule, and above all they (at the highest levels) profess to be deeply opposed to theocratic rule.

    Keeping in mind that Freemasons always tell you that there order truly started around the 1600's, or that possibly you could trace it to just after the demise of the templars around 1200-1300,
    how then is their "masonic" emblem found plastered on the side of the preeminent Roman Catholic cathedral dating back to 800ad !?!

    It is not self consistent at all. The two are diametric extremes.
    People who claim to be opposed to tyrranical kings do not sport the same logo as the progenitor of the entire Holy Roman lineage (Aachen is the burial ground of Charlemagne the Great).

    This sort of circular inconsistency can be found running entirely throughout this great mystery.
    Like looking at the Templars themselves, who claimed on the surface to be loyal to the papacy and whose alleged mission was the defending of Jerusalem and the path of it's pilgrims. However a more indepth study of their order reveals that they were secretly aligned with the king of jerusalem who was opposed to the Holy Roman Empire, and that they were really in bed with the kabalistic jews.

    Then one gets to the question of are the Jews and the Roman Catholic order at odds with eachother, or in bed with eachother?

    See how this is all self inconsistent?

    I'll tell you what i suspect is really going on.

    An ancient order has long "ruled" this world,
    meaning the network of connected individuals who together planned and gained greater and greater power.
    and here what i believe to be talking about is the jewish power structure which gained power via the old testament and its rules, then through the use of the "new" testament essentially brought all of the "Goyim" (the white men, folks) under their "control".

    This power structure is both Jewish, Roman Catholic, and also secular.
    In fact, truth be told, the people involved at the top probably dont give a fuck about religion, point blank.
    Its just a vehicle to power, and at the top they are all in bed together.

    Thus, what is going on via the work of the "Freemasons" and "the brotherhood" (all the brotherhood organizations, from Skull and Bones on down the line) is simply a consolidation of power.

    Beyond that there is a very real move away from overt monarchy and religion which is and has long been planned. This comes under the guise of compassion, and love for humanity, and in some ways it IS a great thing.

    However, when one understands that the same families, the same people, the same classes, and the same ideologues are running the "new order" as were running the "old order" it starts to lose its luster and becomes visible for the hollow sham that it is. It is little more than a "conversion" of ancient power structures over from the "old age" in to the "new age". That was for then. This is for now. And "they" have already determined the best course for you and for humanity in general.

    So what "they" have done for us is simply dismantle the front page gestalt of tyranny and replaced it with this sick squirmy backroom dealings in the shadows (bilderberg, bohemian grove, et al) type of affair where the lay people get to "think they are free" but the reality is the exact same general grouping of hierarchical power structures still exists ... however it simply pretends to be "elected" and works through "consent of the goverened".

    Don't get me wrong,
    there ARE some TRULY enlightened ideas operating through this network of rich and powerful folks, but there is also a WHOLE LOT of self serving, crass, ugly, and outright evil activity being perpetrated across the globe in the name of something that is not what it pretends to be.

    In short, it is a "thank you for freeing us, so as to be re-enslaved" scenario.
    If removing me from the shackles of brutish nationalistic theocratic-monarchical government is done only in order to subjugate me to an entirely greater scale of hidden tyranny, then i have to say "thanks but no thanks".

    The ends simply do NOT justify the means,
    and bending the will of the world by deceit, lies, and propaganda does NOT serve the end goal of humanity -- which is the very much needed "enlightenment" that these deluded assholes proclaim to be adherents of.

    How can man be enlightened and TRULY FREE if he is being led (or dragged) on an invisible leash?
    One must first have a true understanding and account of his world before he can achieve enlightenment,
    and that is nearly impossible to do if the whole world (the "conspiracy" world) is LYING to you outright in order to manipulate your country, your people, and your world in to some "enlightened plan".

    It just is not self consistent!
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    Commy wrote:
    random wrote:
    As I said... educate yourself about the history of the CROIX DE LORRAINE, what it is, where it comes from, it's 'path', etc. I did NOT say the templars / crusaders' history but the CROIX DE LORRAINE's history and understand why it is associated to the people/groups you quote. You will then understand why your statement "Putting a "Cross of Lorraine" in your logo is a way of saying "fuck you" to the everyman.
    It says "yeah i'm super duper old school richy rich elite of birth and blood, and you can suck it.
    is ridiculous. You seem to be able to google quite well... use that skill.

    if you expect to be taken seriously you need to make your own points....."educate yourself" is about as useful as "your an idiot".

    what are you trying to say?

    does anyone expect to be taken seriously on a thread as mirth inducing as this one??? Company logos ruling the world? Pixar are onto it... coming to a cinema near you in 2012... Logos V's Subservient Humans
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    dunkman wrote:


    th-th-th-that's all f-f-f-olks


    Edit: Then again...keeping the ignorant masses distracted with tawdry crap such as Bugs Bunny cartoons may well be the work of the Illuminati. :ugeek:
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