lump on your lymph node? updated: it's cancer.



  • Given to...Given to... Posts: 4,989
    Good news. If I could just offer a kind word of encouragement and some heartfelt advice for all of you that will be his support crew...

    It is going to be rough for all of you. Your life may be put on the back burner for days at a time. Be strong, and be willing to give more than you think you have. Get healthy now, take extra precautions to avoid co-workers that are sick. Wash your hands until your fingerprints fade ;) Get on a vitamin routine if you think it might help boost your own immune system.

    Most important, hang on and hang in there.

    I just made it through the longest year yet with my grandmothers cancer. She just truned 81. A vibrant, strong 81. My parents' are both in somewhat poor health, and times in general havent sucked this bad since the great depression!

    We are here for support too. You get it in alot of spots you never knew about. This is one you can count on.

    Peace and Strength
    "...would you like some forks?" EV 12-02-06
  • Damn! It took him long enough! ;)

    I'm so happy he finally committed. It may be a rough ride but just take it one day at a time.

    Love you!!
    thanks... I'll be visiting a lot I think just to get away a bit.
    I'm sure they're gonna give Peter Sr. a call soon.... my dad had a lot of questions.

    thanks everyone, it means a lot.
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • Well...

    apparently my parents lied to me. :(

    The last CAT scan showed it did spread, and he's at a stage 4 in stead of stage 2 which they had been telling me all along. Also to add more salt to the wound, he's second guessing starting treatment on Monday. I'm so angry and scared.... I feel like I'm in a daze.
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146

    apparently my parents lied to me. :(

    The last CAT scan showed it did spread, and he's at a stage 4 in stead of stage 2 which they had been telling me all along. Also to add more salt to the wound, he's second guessing starting treatment on Monday. I'm so angry and scared.... I feel like I'm in a daze.

    oh god my i'm so sorry to hear that...i remember hearing stage 4 about my mom...i was in a total daze

    i really wish your dad would do the treatment...because of chemo, my mom has been with us for an addititonal 5 and half's well worth a try

  • Well...

    apparently my parents lied to me. :(

    The last CAT scan showed it did spread, and he's at a stage 4 in stead of stage 2 which they had been telling me all along. Also to add more salt to the wound, he's second guessing starting treatment on Monday. I'm so angry and scared.... I feel like I'm in a daze.

    Dear Brandi's Pa, Smarten up!

    They shouldn't have lied to you but, in their defense, I'm sure they thought they were doing the right thing by not stressing you. Definite backfire! Either way, I have my fingers crossed that dad will take the plunge and get treatment. His nervousness is completely understandable, but time is of the essence.

    You are in my thoughts everyday!! I love you!!!
    05-10-06, 08-05-07, 06-14-08 , 08-12-08(EV), 06-11-09(EV), 06-12-09(EV), 08-21-09, 05-10-10, 09-11-11, 09-12-11, 07-16-13, 07-19-13, 10-12-13, 10-21-13, 10-22-13,
  • You are in my thoughts everyday!! I love you!!!
    :) I love you too!
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993

    I'm so sorry to hear about your dad... my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...

    (((((((( hugs & strength ))))))))) for you

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • treatment starts tomorrow.
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • treatment starts tomorrow.
    BIG HUG!!!!
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • **updates with-in**

    My Dad just came from the Dr. and he needs a cat scan for a lump/mass on his lymph node. The Dr. mentioned lymphoma... but didn't elaborate yet.

    I don't wanna look up all the options of what it could be as to not get scared right away. So I decided to ask here for some (less medical and scary) opinions.

    This is what they told me the Dr. told them (remember this is from my parents so take nothing as 100% :? )

    He has a cancerous tumor on his lymph node that is solid. They are going to take more biopsies from inside his mouth of his tongue, larynx, and lymph node (a few other things too)... and see if it has spread from the tumor also to see where it's come from. The Dr. told him that this is mostly seen in smokers though my dad quit right before I was born, 28 yrs ago. After that he will get a PET scan... from there they will determine if he needs radiation and so forth. Tomorrow they are setting up an appointment with an Oncologist.

    When talking to my parents they seemed positive, though I could see it in their eyes that it was all a show. My Mom obviously was crying and my Dad was unable to focus and was cracking jokes (he said that my mom's driving gave him cancer). I can see they are scared, which scares me more. I'm used to seeing my Dad as untouchable... and this has and will be scary. They played it down and kept saying things will be ok, I am thinking positive that they are... but if the Dr. referred them to an Oncologist already I think it's more serious then they let on.

    I drove home tonight after seeing them (I live an hour away).... I started to cry thinking of losing him, and what it'll be like for my mom.... and I zoned out..... numbed, I don't know how I got home. It scares me to think that this got to me so much already, how am I going to be able to be there for them when I can't hold it together right now.

    *****************Monday, Febuary 22nd my Dad starts chemo and radiation.... FINALLY HE AGREED TO IT!!*****************

    Just sent you a pm about this.

    Like I said I hope everything works out and your dad is ok.
  • my Dad got the port surgery and all went well.

    they held off on the Chemo today cause the radiation machine BROKE and he needs to do them one after the other.

    needless to say he keeps mentioning that this is a sign and he shouldn't be doing this. :roll:

    if they cant get him in tomorrow for the treatments he'll have to do a whole week of dual treatment next week. :|
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
    day one of treatment! yay! chemo and radiation today, he went home with a pump too for chemo. It's going to be a full week of treatment but his spirits are up and I think he's less afraid since actually going thru day one. He says his throat is sore but he's still joking around... I'm just happy as a clam that he's doing something now after last weeks scare.
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    day one of treatment! yay! chemo and radiation today, he went home with a pump too for chemo. It's going to be a full week of treatment but his spirits are up and I think he's less afraid since actually going thru day one. He says his throat is sore but he's still joking around... I'm just happy as a clam that he's doing something now after last weeks scare.

    that's very good news!! :thumbup: :thumbup:
  • Cinnamon GirlCinnamon Girl Posts: 1,854
    :) YAY!!

    Im coming to visit soon and keep your spirits up!
    05-10-06, 08-05-07, 06-14-08 , 08-12-08(EV), 06-11-09(EV), 06-12-09(EV), 08-21-09, 05-10-10, 09-11-11, 09-12-11, 07-16-13, 07-19-13, 10-12-13, 10-21-13, 10-22-13,
    :) YAY!!

    Im coming to visit soon and keep your spirits up!

    I'm so excited!! my parents might treat us to dinner Wednesday evening... if my dad's up for eating after treatment.
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • Cinnamon GirlCinnamon Girl Posts: 1,854
    :) YAY!!

    Im coming to visit soon and keep your spirits up!

    I'm so excited!! my parents might treat us to dinner Wednesday evening... if my dad's up for eating after treatment.

    I cant wait to see them again!!
    05-10-06, 08-05-07, 06-14-08 , 08-12-08(EV), 06-11-09(EV), 06-12-09(EV), 08-21-09, 05-10-10, 09-11-11, 09-12-11, 07-16-13, 07-19-13, 10-12-13, 10-21-13, 10-22-13,
    :) YAY!!

    Im coming to visit soon and keep your spirits up!

    I'm so excited!! my parents might treat us to dinner Wednesday evening... if my dad's up for eating after treatment.

    I cant wait to see them again!!
    I'm pretty sure they think you and I are an 'item' so prepare yourself! ahahhahahahha!!!
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • Cinnamon GirlCinnamon Girl Posts: 1,854
    I'm pretty sure they think you and I are an 'item' so prepare yourself! ahahhahahahha!!!

    :lol: That is fantastic!!!
    05-10-06, 08-05-07, 06-14-08 , 08-12-08(EV), 06-11-09(EV), 06-12-09(EV), 08-21-09, 05-10-10, 09-11-11, 09-12-11, 07-16-13, 07-19-13, 10-12-13, 10-21-13, 10-22-13,
    So a few weeks in and my dad has every side effect possible.

    Last week they had to put off Chemo cause his counts were too low. He's losing his hair, but only from where the radiation starts down. He can't talk from the mouth sores and has been un able to eat. Just this weekend he decided he wants tha feeding tube, which my mom and I are happy about... hopefully he'll get the strength he needs from it.

    I'm babbling on, but I don't talk much about it so it feels good to get it out.

    It's hard to see him, he's looks like a tiny old man now.... nothing like what he used to look like.

    I just have to remind myself that the side effects mean it's working.
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    It's horrible to see someone go through cancer treatment, went through it with my brother-in-law. It may not be appropriate but sometimes some alternative therapies can work to help with the side effects of chemo. A lot of studies have found that Reflexology can help.

    I know it's hard seeing someone suffer but sometimes doing even the littlest thing can help them feel a little better. I haven't got any fantastic advice but just wanted you to know you're not alone.

    Good luck with it all.
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
    Claireack wrote:
    A lot of studies have found that Reflexology can help.
    he's lucky that the place he's going to provides this as well as a lot of other mind/ body/ soul treatments.... it's what finally helped him make the decision for treatment.
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • mikalinamikalina Posts: 7,206
    I'm wishing your dad all the best - prayers to you and your family.
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