you think she is an utterly crazy and selfish fuck???
thats fine....
and did i just read in another thread where you stated that the adoption process for these kids should already be going on???? you believe these 8 children should be taken away from their mother????
because this lady cant PROVE that she can support her children????
is that what you just said???? or am i missing something?????
yes, i think she is a crazy and selfish fuck.
(helen left out the rest of my post that addressed speedy's Qs in more detail)
and yet you've never met her :? WOW!
This lady does NOT have to answer to the public about how she's planning on supporting the kids or looking after them. I'm sure social services will be on top of it though and neighbours and everybody will want her to fuck up cos she's now high profile and everyone hates her. So if she puts a step wrong, it WILL be taken care of. Why don't ya just give her a chance.
hahahahahahahah...yes, i dragged helen into this thread today against her will with my post addressing...speedy!
hmmmmm...personal responsibility, does it appeal to no one?
sorry for engaging in conversation and 'demanding' your response! hysterical! i should have such power! :P
I don't care if she has a garden the size of a football field
I don't care if she has a loom to make her own clothes
I don't care if she can home school them all through college
I don't care if she gives herself her manicures or injects her own lips
I also believe that if somebody wants kids, money SHOULDN'T factor into the decision in an ideal world. I.
My two cents as a mother.... as you say Helen, in an IDEAL world, money shouldn't be a factor in the decision to have one, two , three or 14 kids BUT, as a responsible potential parent (single or in a relationship), you do factor that in (unless obviously there is an 'accident').
As a parent, you want the best for your child. This is loving and nurturing your child, keeping it healthy and happy (not much money involved here), then keeping a roof over their heads, furniture for their rooms, clothes on their bodies food in their tummies so they can develop as they should (physically and intellectually) - this does involve money. Those are basics. Then comes the 'extras' (which are not really extras), a good education (further education which needs to be paid for), all the stuff needed for school (notebooks, pens, school trips, etc.), celebrating birthdays, outings, etc. and so much more. It is VERY expensive to raise a child, even just giving the basics to enable it to take it's place out in the world when it becomes an adult. Many parents must make a lot of sacrifices too - your child comes before you do.
So Helen, cost of a child is a factor in deciding having one or more and when in your life to have them.
Knowingly and purposefully getting pregnant (by whatever means) and popping kids out like there is no tomorrow when YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO RAISE THEM is completely irresponsible and yes, selfish. One needs to understand the underlying psychological reasons for wanting this (ie wanting kids to compensate for some deficiency somewhere else).
I also believe that if somebody wants kids, money SHOULDN'T factor into the decision in an ideal world. I.
My two cents as a mother.... as you say Helen, in an IDEAL world, money shouldn't be a factor in the decision to have one, two , three or 14 kids BUT, as a responsible potential parent (single or in a relationship), you do factor that in (unless obviously there is an 'accident').
As a parent, you want the best for your child. This is loving and nurturing your child, keeping it healthy and happy (not much money involved here), then keeping a roof over their heads, furniture for their rooms, clothes on their bodies food in their tummies so they can develop as they should (physically and intellectually) - this does involve money. Those are basics. Then comes the 'extras' (which are not really extras), a good education (further education which needs to be paid for), all the stuff needed for school (notebooks, pens, school trips, etc.), celebrating birthdays, outings, etc. and so much more. It is VERY expensive to raise a child, even just giving the basics to enable it to take it's place out in the world when it becomes an adult. Many parents must make a lot of sacrifices too - your child comes before you do.
So Helen, cost of a child is a factor in deciding having one or more and when in your life to have them.
Knowingly and purposefully getting pregnant (by whatever means) and popping kids out like there is no tomorrow when YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO RAISE THEM is completely irresponsible and yes, selfish. One needs to understand the underlying psychological reasons for wanting this (ie wanting kids to compensate for some deficiency somewhere else).
beautiful post.
i am not a mother, but sure....we all can have a good understanding of family dynamics, and certainly of desires and wants. being a truly loving, caring and responsible thinks out their actions, to whom they benefit most...and especially will they cause harm. there are many 'what-ifs' in life, and almost all acknowledged if this was an accident, etc...would be another story.....but purposefully doing so, well it is what it is right now. and yes, acknowledging this may be called 'being judgemental'...but in reality, it is merely acknowledging what is presented before you.
also, even in an IDEAL world where money is NOT a factor...being able to truly, properly care for 14 children's well-being, emotional and physical health, mental growth, etc....all on your own....or not asking the others in your life if they want to share the responsibility, it STILL is selfish, b/c it is STILL all about the MOTHER and HER WANTS.
When I was in grad school in my early 20s I had an older friend who had returned to school after her kids had gotten older. She had 6 kids, in their teens and 20s at that point, all of them great people. I was a newlywed and not very sure if I wanted to have kids. She told me once that if I wanted to be a mother, there was a world of people who needed mothering and I didn't have to have my own offspring to do it. That made a huge impression on me.
Loving children, being a parent, caring for other people does NOT have to involve passing on your own genes. You can adopt an older child, become a foster parent, or find all sorts of careers where you work with children. You don't even have to work with children to pass on your legacy. Resorting to IVF to have so many babies is not about loving children, it's about wanting to be pregnant.
she's at the moving train or whatever it is called
i'm all over baby, watch out!
seriously, this topic - obviously - just intrigues me, and what can i say? children, animals......they are ours to care for and it is a responsibility that should NOT be taken lightly, or for purely selfish motivations. having a child, or not having a child...both can be seen as 'selfish' to a certain degree, b/c it is about your wants. however, no matter the decision, if you are saying you love children, then first and foremost...your priority should be about what is best for children. so for me, it just seemed to not see this mother's deicsion as anything but truly selfish, on all levels quite honestly....i can't see, and if someone saw it differently, i was hoping to gain some understanding.
whoprincess...another great post. and hey, i agree, it's about wanting your own child, the pregnancy experience...and i personally think that's a-ok. just don't try to make it out like some form of altruism or sumthin', ya know? and it for love, and be responsible with that love.....on your own, or with willing help....not forcing others to bare your burden.
I'm the one who said the kids need to be taken away.
It's not physically possible for her to give enough care to fourteen children.
They're almost guaranteed to be raised by grandma (who took care of the first six for months while Nadya was going through the second pregnancy and being hospitalized) so it's not even like we'd be taking them away from their mom.
who even needs a before and after picture?
seriously, you can simply 'tell' right now. sad.
anyhoo...couldn't care less what she looks like, what she does to herself, etc, etc. my only concern is the children, and sure the absolute abuse of IVF and public assistance. it is such things that make more people who are on the fence about IVF question it's validity/morality....and she makes people who truly DO need temporary assistance, but honestly want to pull themselves up and be self-supportive, look bad....b/c she's just another story of another person abusing the system, no personal responsibility, etc. just bad news all around.
who even needs a before and after picture?
seriously, you can simply 'tell' right now. sad.
anyhoo...couldn't care less what she looks like, what she does to herself, etc, etc. my only concern is the children, and sure the absolute abuse of IVF and public assistance. it is such things that make more people who are on the fence about IVF question it's validity/morality....and she makes people who truly DO need temporary assistance, but honestly want to pull themselves up and be self-supportive, look bad....b/c she's just another story of another person abusing the system, no personal responsibility, etc. just bad news all around.
I think her obsession with Angelina Jolie speaks volumes about her state of mind and also gives insight to another reason she wanted such a large family.
I listen to a local LA radio station (yes, I get it all the way in San Diego) and this morning they said her friends and family have been coming forward with the news that she's infatuated with all things Angelina Jolie. Apparently she's sent AJ numerous letters, cards, gifts...etc.
who even needs a before and after picture?
seriously, you can simply 'tell' right now. sad.
anyhoo...couldn't care less what she looks like, what she does to herself, etc, etc. my only concern is the children, and sure the absolute abuse of IVF and public assistance. it is such things that make more people who are on the fence about IVF question it's validity/morality....and she makes people who truly DO need temporary assistance, but honestly want to pull themselves up and be self-supportive, look bad....b/c she's just another story of another person abusing the system, no personal responsibility, etc. just bad news all around.
I think her obsession with Angelina Jolie speaks volumes about her state of mind and also gives insight to another reason she wanted such a large family.
I listen to a local LA radio station (yes, I get it all the way in San Diego) and this morning they said her friends and family have been coming forward with the news that she's infatuated with all things Angelina Jolie. Apparently she's sent AJ numerous letters, cards, gifts...etc.
ah well...completely unsurprising she's a freaky-dink. of course, just i don't know her personally and cannot possibly make that judgement from info out there. :P i think there is a lot that is so 'telling' about her and her decisions, and the whys of such choices...some she volunteers herself.
I'm slightly addicted to this subject, too. And there are great posts on here - I think most of us are horrified at the lack of responsibility that this woman has, in addition to her obvious mental illness.
My husband and I went through the early stages of fertility stuff. This is after one miscarriage, birth of a child, then my inability to get pregnant again. We wanted a second child so badly. The infertility thing was super depressing and I went to a therapist to deal with it, as did most of my friends who went through infertility problems. And at the same time we looked into adoption and ended up adopting from India. Most of you probably know that China and India have orphanages filled with girls. And I've posted on here before how rigorously my husband and I were screened before we could adopt. At one point a social worker came to our house, walked around all of it, checked the yard, checked our dogs (and cats) to make sure they were child-friendly.
I know I'm rambling, sorry. I think the children should be taken away from her. I don't think she should get a penny from public assistance, the idea that she set up a website for donations makes me puke, her plastic-surgery-to-look-like-Angelina-Jolie...
I'm slightly addicted to this subject, too. And there are great posts on here - I think most of us are horrified at the lack of responsibility that this woman has, in addition to her obvious mental illness.
My husband and I went through the early stages of fertility stuff. This is after one miscarriage, birth of a child, then my inability to get pregnant again. We wanted a second child so badly. The infertility thing was super depressing and I went to a therapist to deal with it, as did most of my friends who went through infertility problems. And at the same time we looked into adoption and ended up adopting from India. Most of you probably know that China and India have orphanages filled with girls. And I've posted on here before how rigorously my husband and I were screened before we could adopt. At one point a social worker came to our house, walked around all of it, checked the yard, checked our dogs (and cats) to make sure they were child-friendly.
I know I'm rambling, sorry. I think the children should be taken away from her. I don't think she should get a penny from public assistance, the idea that she set up a website for donations makes me puke, her plastic-surgery-to-look-like-Angelina-Jolie...
Okay. I'm stopping now.
what a beautiful story, and truly about love for children and caring!
thanks for sharing your personal, and certainly difficult, story. i am so happy that for you and your family...and most especially this blessed child from india....your story has such a happy ending, or beginning!
who even needs a before and after picture?
seriously, you can simply 'tell' right now. sad.
anyhoo...couldn't care less what she looks like, what she does to herself, etc, etc. my only concern is the children, and sure the absolute abuse of IVF and public assistance. it is such things that make more people who are on the fence about IVF question it's validity/morality....and she makes people who truly DO need temporary assistance, but honestly want to pull themselves up and be self-supportive, look bad....b/c she's just another story of another person abusing the system, no personal responsibility, etc. just bad news all around.
I think her obsession with Angelina Jolie speaks volumes about her state of mind and also gives insight to another reason she wanted such a large family.
I listen to a local LA radio station (yes, I get it all the way in San Diego) and this morning they said her friends and family have been coming forward with the news that she's infatuated with all things Angelina Jolie. Apparently she's sent AJ numerous letters, cards, gifts...etc.
Wow..the house is spotless..can't wait for the other 8 kids to get there and enjoy it :roll:
Just think, if 2 adults and 6 kids got a 3 bedroom house that bad, wait until there are 8 more kids!
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Wow..the house is spotless..can't wait for the other 8 kids to get there and enjoy it :roll:
Just think, if 2 adults and 6 kids got a 3 bedroom house that bad, wait until there are 8 more kids!
seriously, i think the BIGGEST issue is simply, b/c these 8 children are all the same age! in other very large families, the childrens ages, even if one right after another....there'd still be an 8 year gap from youngest to oldest, or in this case, a 14 year gap. that makes a HUGE difference, b/c then siblings can truly help the whole family out. 14 children, 8 of which are the same age, ALL under the age of 7 with ONE parent = disaster, for all involved really. i truly wish these children the best.....they need every blessing they can possibly get.
I'm too lazy to look thru all these pages...... has anyone posted a picture or a link to a picture of her and her giant belly when it was just about to pop out these 8 babies? Because I have it. And it's gross.
I'm too lazy to look thru all these pages...... has anyone posted a picture or a link to a picture of her and her giant belly when it was just about to pop out these 8 babies? Because I have it. And it's gross.
we have pics comparing her face to angelina jolie...before/after plastic surgery pics...and mostly discussion of the back/forth of what she did, and all us judgemental people judging her unfairly and harshly.
so share away, if you dare!
don't know if i personally want to see it tho!
I'm too lazy to look thru all these pages...... has anyone posted a picture or a link to a picture of her and her giant belly when it was just about to pop out these 8 babies? Because I have it. And it's gross.
Ewww--I saw it---don't post that pic!!!
So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
My last rant of the day and please don't post that gross picture of her "this is gonna make me a zillion dollars" belly.
One of the hard things about parenting and other parents will understand is time management. For example, people ask me what I'm doing on the weekend. And I have to think - oh, my son has soccer practice and a playdate and then a haircut and a birthday party to go to. And my daughter has a sleepover and T-ball practice and her best friend is having a ballet concert and she forgot to tell me she needs a Pilgrim costume by Monday for school and of course she's got playdates, too.
That's just the weekend. And I only have 2 children, not 14.
seriously, WHy did i look? hahahaha. actully, not nearly as bad as i imagined. i've seen a lot of big preggo bellies tho. surely not THAt big, but yea.
however, i forget who posted about her 'bad back' and the workman's comp, disability payments,! how in the hell, if she had a 'bad back' could she EVER be pregnant like that? who would allow it? i mean, a perfectly healthy person, with a perfetly healthy back...could probably almost feel crippled with a belly like that! yikes! it is sooooooo freaky that a human being could actually carry such a litter of children. someone mentioned on the MT, if we were meant to birth so many offspring at once, we'd have 6-8 breasts on our bellies like dogs and cats, not the 2 as we're equipped. really, there Is good reason we are designed as we are! :shock:
As much as this lady pisses me off, etc., the sickos sending her death threats are way worse than her!!!!
that is just beyond fucked!
honestly, i don't 'keep up' with much in the meida....some reading online here or there, links provided here....and sure, CNN at lunch while at work, can't be missed simply b/c it's 'there', on all the time in our commons area. i've not heard of this. no matter WHAT i think about this woman, her actions, etc......that is just sooooooo disgusting and wrong! scary and freaky people in this world!
someone mentioned on the MT, if we were meant to birth so many offspring at once, we'd have 6-8 breasts on our bellies like dogs and cats, not the 2 as we're equipped. really, there Is good reason we are designed as we are! :shock:
Yup, that was me. I barely have time for 2 kids of 2 different ages. One of them was a screamer. I had to kangaroo her pretty much her first 3 months of life or she'd cry - what do you do if you have 8? Just let them all yell?
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Wow..the house is spotless..can't wait for the other 8 kids to get there and enjoy it :roll:
Just think, if 2 adults and 6 kids got a 3 bedroom house that bad, wait until there are 8 more kids!
I know! And aren't there laws about only so many kids per so many square footage. There is for homes to be licensed day cares. Won't the state end up taking them away based on those kinds of things?
thanks for posting that my boyfriend keeps joking about making me pregnant so I showed him that and said 'so ya want THAT to happen to ME?' (I didn't tell him it was the octuplets mom ). Strangely enough he hasn't mentioned it since so thanks.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I'm too lazy to look thru all these pages...... has anyone posted a picture or a link to a picture of her and her giant belly when it was just about to pop out these 8 babies? Because I have it. And it's gross.
Ewww--I saw it---don't post that pic!!!
they showed her stomach on tv and said her friend made money by selling it
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
hahahahahahahah...yes, i dragged helen into this thread today against her will with my post addressing...speedy!
hmmmmm...personal responsibility, does it appeal to no one?
sorry for engaging in conversation and 'demanding' your response! hysterical! i should have such power! :P
and...staying on topic and b/c it's so good:
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
My two cents as a mother.... as you say Helen, in an IDEAL world, money shouldn't be a factor in the decision to have one, two , three or 14 kids BUT, as a responsible potential parent (single or in a relationship), you do factor that in (unless obviously there is an 'accident').
As a parent, you want the best for your child. This is loving and nurturing your child, keeping it healthy and happy (not much money involved here), then keeping a roof over their heads, furniture for their rooms, clothes on their bodies food in their tummies so they can develop as they should (physically and intellectually) - this does involve money. Those are basics. Then comes the 'extras' (which are not really extras), a good education (further education which needs to be paid for), all the stuff needed for school (notebooks, pens, school trips, etc.), celebrating birthdays, outings, etc. and so much more. It is VERY expensive to raise a child, even just giving the basics to enable it to take it's place out in the world when it becomes an adult. Many parents must make a lot of sacrifices too - your child comes before you do.
So Helen, cost of a child is a factor in deciding having one or more and when in your life to have them.
Knowingly and purposefully getting pregnant (by whatever means) and popping kids out like there is no tomorrow when YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO RAISE THEM is completely irresponsible and yes, selfish. One needs to understand the underlying psychological reasons for wanting this (ie wanting kids to compensate for some deficiency somewhere else).
beautiful post.
i am not a mother, but sure....we all can have a good understanding of family dynamics, and certainly of desires and wants. being a truly loving, caring and responsible thinks out their actions, to whom they benefit most...and especially will they cause harm. there are many 'what-ifs' in life, and almost all acknowledged if this was an accident, etc...would be another story.....but purposefully doing so, well it is what it is right now. and yes, acknowledging this may be called 'being judgemental'...but in reality, it is merely acknowledging what is presented before you.
also, even in an IDEAL world where money is NOT a factor...being able to truly, properly care for 14 children's well-being, emotional and physical health, mental growth, etc....all on your own....or not asking the others in your life if they want to share the responsibility, it STILL is selfish, b/c it is STILL all about the MOTHER and HER WANTS.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Loving children, being a parent, caring for other people does NOT have to involve passing on your own genes. You can adopt an older child, become a foster parent, or find all sorts of careers where you work with children. You don't even have to work with children to pass on your legacy. Resorting to IVF to have so many babies is not about loving children, it's about wanting to be pregnant.
she's at the moving train or whatever it is called
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
i'm all over baby, watch out!
seriously, this topic - obviously - just intrigues me, and what can i say? children, animals......they are ours to care for and it is a responsibility that should NOT be taken lightly, or for purely selfish motivations. having a child, or not having a child...both can be seen as 'selfish' to a certain degree, b/c it is about your wants. however, no matter the decision, if you are saying you love children, then first and foremost...your priority should be about what is best for children. so for me, it just seemed to not see this mother's deicsion as anything but truly selfish, on all levels quite honestly....i can't see, and if someone saw it differently, i was hoping to gain some understanding.
whoprincess...another great post. and hey, i agree, it's about wanting your own child, the pregnancy experience...and i personally think that's a-ok. just don't try to make it out like some form of altruism or sumthin', ya know? and it for love, and be responsible with that love.....on your own, or with willing help....not forcing others to bare your burden.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
It's not physically possible for her to give enough care to fourteen children.
They're almost guaranteed to be raised by grandma (who took care of the first six for months while Nadya was going through the second pregnancy and being hospitalized) so it's not even like we'd be taking them away from their mom.
seriously, you can simply 'tell' right now. sad.
anyhoo...couldn't care less what she looks like, what she does to herself, etc, etc. my only concern is the children, and sure the absolute abuse of IVF and public assistance. it is such things that make more people who are on the fence about IVF question it's validity/morality....and she makes people who truly DO need temporary assistance, but honestly want to pull themselves up and be self-supportive, look bad....b/c she's just another story of another person abusing the system, no personal responsibility, etc. just bad news all around.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I think her obsession with Angelina Jolie speaks volumes about her state of mind and also gives insight to another reason she wanted such a large family.
I listen to a local LA radio station (yes, I get it all the way in San Diego) and this morning they said her friends and family have been coming forward with the news that she's infatuated with all things Angelina Jolie. Apparently she's sent AJ numerous letters, cards, gifts...etc. ... jolie.html
ah well...completely unsurprising she's a freaky-dink. of course, just i don't know her personally and cannot possibly make that judgement from info out there. :P i think there is a lot that is so 'telling' about her and her decisions, and the whys of such choices...some she volunteers herself.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
My husband and I went through the early stages of fertility stuff. This is after one miscarriage, birth of a child, then my inability to get pregnant again. We wanted a second child so badly. The infertility thing was super depressing and I went to a therapist to deal with it, as did most of my friends who went through infertility problems. And at the same time we looked into adoption and ended up adopting from India. Most of you probably know that China and India have orphanages filled with girls. And I've posted on here before how rigorously my husband and I were screened before we could adopt. At one point a social worker came to our house, walked around all of it, checked the yard, checked our dogs (and cats) to make sure they were child-friendly.
I know I'm rambling, sorry. I think the children should be taken away from her. I don't think she should get a penny from public assistance, the idea that she set up a website for donations makes me puke, her plastic-surgery-to-look-like-Angelina-Jolie...
Okay. I'm stopping now.
what a beautiful story, and truly about love for children and caring!
thanks for sharing your personal, and certainly difficult, story. i am so happy that for you and your family...and most especially this blessed child from india....your story has such a happy ending, or beginning!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Wow..the house is spotless..can't wait for the other 8 kids to get there and enjoy it :roll:
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
seriously, i think the BIGGEST issue is simply, b/c these 8 children are all the same age! in other very large families, the childrens ages, even if one right after another....there'd still be an 8 year gap from youngest to oldest, or in this case, a 14 year gap. that makes a HUGE difference, b/c then siblings can truly help the whole family out. 14 children, 8 of which are the same age, ALL under the age of 7 with ONE parent = disaster, for all involved really. i truly wish these children the best.....they need every blessing they can possibly get.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
we have pics comparing her face to angelina jolie...before/after plastic surgery pics...and mostly discussion of the back/forth of what she did, and all us judgemental people judging her unfairly and harshly.
so share away, if you dare!
don't know if i personally want to see it tho!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Ewww--I saw it---don't post that pic!!!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
One of the hard things about parenting and other parents will understand is time management. For example, people ask me what I'm doing on the weekend. And I have to think - oh, my son has soccer practice and a playdate and then a haircut and a birthday party to go to. And my daughter has a sleepover and T-ball practice and her best friend is having a ballet concert and she forgot to tell me she needs a Pilgrim costume by Monday for school and of course she's got playdates, too.
That's just the weekend. And I only have 2 children, not 14. ... nant_a.jpg
*covers eyes*
seriously, WHy did i look? hahahaha. actully, not nearly as bad as i imagined. i've seen a lot of big preggo bellies tho. surely not THAt big, but yea.
however, i forget who posted about her 'bad back' and the workman's comp, disability payments,! how in the hell, if she had a 'bad back' could she EVER be pregnant like that? who would allow it? i mean, a perfectly healthy person, with a perfetly healthy back...could probably almost feel crippled with a belly like that! yikes! it is sooooooo freaky that a human being could actually carry such a litter of children. someone mentioned on the MT, if we were meant to birth so many offspring at once, we'd have 6-8 breasts on our bellies like dogs and cats, not the 2 as we're equipped. really, there Is good reason we are designed as we are! :shock:
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
that is just beyond fucked!
honestly, i don't 'keep up' with much in the meida....some reading online here or there, links provided here....and sure, CNN at lunch while at work, can't be missed simply b/c it's 'there', on all the time in our commons area. i've not heard of this. no matter WHAT i think about this woman, her actions, etc......that is just sooooooo disgusting and wrong! scary and freaky people in this world!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Yup, that was me. I barely have time for 2 kids of 2 different ages. One of them was a screamer. I had to kangaroo her pretty much her first 3 months of life or she'd cry - what do you do if you have 8? Just let them all yell?
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
they showed her stomach on tv and said her friend made money by selling it
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Now we know who the Father is !!!
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers