Octuplets Mom

So we're all in agreement that Nadya Suleman has some serious mental problems, right?
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
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I think that's just the beginning of the problems of all involved with that mess. Ugh...so upsetting.
- Is she TRYING to look like Angelina Jolie??
- Yesterday I heard a sound bite from her that said she is not worried about money--"it's only paper"!!
- She has been on food stamps but does not consider that welfare
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
But I'm strangely fascinated by it all...I admit it. :oops:
"I love kids". How about working at a daycare or a preschool instead of leaching?
I have one kid and have a good paying job and still sometimes struggle to pay for the stuff that my kid needs. Mainly because he grows like a weed but I could never in my right mind be a part of what she's doing. She's not selfish though because she holds each one of the kids 45 minutes a day.
This lady needs to get her tubes tied.
Yes, she had plastic surgery to enchance her lips and nose to look like AJ. CREEPY!
is that true?? i haven't and hope to not see her face for fear it will make me angrier
Exactly! I love kids, but am single....so I got a job as a nanny. See, it works out...and I'm not even on food stamps!
I know. What a novel concept to get a job, pay your bills, and not be on food stamps. I'll just be glad to know the next time my insurance goes up or they slash something out of my coverage this is one of the reasons why. Can't go to the chiro for my back but she can have 1,000 babies and the hospital will get it covered.
i didn't click but i really thought the plastic surgery thing was an overblown rumor.....my hatred for this person just grows
I'm 99.99% sure she did. Just like I'm 99.99% sure she's on food stamps.
She doesn't. Her mom does. :roll:
NBC contributor and psychiatrist Dr. Gail Saltz added that there will be emotional issues to deal with as well. “Undoubtedly these eight children are going to have issues: at the minimum, the issue of neglect,” Saltz told Lauer.
“Obviously, she’s saying she’s going to love them, but there are 14 children and [only] one of her,” Saltz continued. “There’s going to be an absence of some emotional needs. There will probably be developmental delays at best in these children; maybe learning disabilities. There are going to be major issues that they’re going to need various therapies for.”
no...not selfish at all of her. :roll:
her absolute need for such attention is disgusting.
the fact that she is getting interviews, thinking of book and movie deals, etc....repulses me. the fact that people will buy said books or watch said movies, fueling such behavior, is also sickening. it is ethically reprehensible in my mind to allow medicine to interven to such a degree. there absolutely should be restirctions on such procedures. as been said often enough, it's not just a question of if you CAN...but if you SHOULD.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I couldn't agree with you more on this! I hate that she'll get book deals, tv deals, movie deals, free diapers, free food, cash donations etc.
It makes me sick. It basically comes down to her desperate need for attention. And, as I said before, the ones who will suffer the most are the kids, it's devastating! I think I read somewhere that 2 of her older children have some mental/physical health issues.
it's utterly repulsive, on all levels in my mind. here is a procedure to help women/couple swho desperately want to have a child of their own...and it's twisted into this perverse/disgusting thing. and yes, many, many multiplebirths that arose from in vitro also come link with health issues, for life, for mny of these children. why willing pursue such? and reading the article in your first post, it says ALL her children were conceived thru IVF, and all proceudres thru this one clinic....wtf?! these children will suffer...and/or become fodder to the bizarre celebrity mill in childhood and perhaps older. gross. it is taking having children to such a disgusting level i'd not even imagine. those poor, poor children indeed...she is not a healthy mom.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Yup, and the doctor is being investigated since what he did was clearly unethical. Doctors are only allowed to implant NO MORE than 2 embryos at a time in women under 35 and he implanted 6 (two split into twins)!!!!!!!!!! At $16,000 a pop that's what...I don't know...alot of money. And, again, paid for with worker's comp money.
I'm sickened and sooooooooo saddened by this.
Is that true? (Seriously, I don't know.) I thought they usually implanted a bunch, expecting only one or two to make it. If you have any info on this, I'd be interested. (If not, don't worry about it.)
I agree there is something wrong with her. The other day, the grandmom was on some show and they showed the current, crowded (dirty) condition of her home from the six older children. They said there was food smeared on the walls and the closet was utter chaos. This has nothing to do with her having 14 kids, I'm wondering if she had some bad plastic surgery on her lips. Also, I'm tired of everyone nowadays becoming famous. She's famous now b/c she had 14 kids. The internet is helping to spread the word about what an ill person she is (and sadly, we're spreading it here.) I feel soooo sorry for grandparents who have to step in for their irresponsible kids.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Seriously who's anyone to judge her? If it's for having the implants well I'm not sure how I feel about that morally speaking... BUT if it's for having 14 kids yet not having a proper job... it's what she wanted. Sounds like she's got plenty of love to give them. There were THREE families in my neighbourhood with over 16 kids (2 16 and 1 20) and they were working class. Oh and how's she gonna pay for the kids? All the bloody interviews... ya don't think she's doing it for free? A book, probably a film and possibly a reality show will also earn her a FORTUNE... so stop worrying about your taxes.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
i did not know this! that IS how it should be, b/c really.....it's not the wisest to have triplets or more...for anyone, parent or child. sure, if it happens naturally, so it goes....but when it happns b/c of medical intervention....just not a good idea on so many levels imo. so this doctor absolutely should be investigated! and it amazes me that she HAs all this $$$ for IVF.....plastic surgery.....apparently manicures
i just had lunch and she was on the news....and i saw the nails...and her 'explanation' that she is not on welfare, etc, etc. sorry, even if you deserve the $$$, ANY public assistance, imo, you should NOT be going and having MORE kids! ugh! i don't know why this pisss me off so....but it does.
and cats...apparently she has had a nose job and her lips done. i am amazed at the funds she has for all this 'stuff'.....and how she willingly went out of her way to bring 14 children into this world, who will be forever suffering mental and physical issues b/vc of her selfishness, let alone the emotional problems sure to be borne of this horrendous situation.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
the 'father' is a sperm donor. she used the same donor for ALL of her 14 children, as she conceived them all thru IVF. that alone is disgusting. i don't think anyone should be allowed to undergo that many IVF treatments, for their own health, and for healthy children.
i read that she 'hopes one day the father might like to be involved in the kid's lives.' :roll: seriously...he's a sperm donor!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
so you don;t find it all selfish of her to want 14 kids...all on her own...and you think ONE person can properly support, emotionally, physically and financially, 14 children? and these kids will have a lifetime of health issues....so not your run-of-the-mill kids. but it's all ok just b'c 'it's what she wanted'.....? really? i find it disgustingly selfish. and it's got nothing to do with $$$. i grew up with many families who had 8-9 kids, i work with a few people who come from such large families...but you bet, they had family and support....and none were using public assistance. the fact that she will probably get book deals, movie deals.....all BECAUSE she choose this route....i find rather sickening, b/c w/o having all these children, she'd not get these book deals, movie deals, etc. i am all for live and let live...but quite honestly, i think this situation is far beyond that. absolutely differing perspectives there. and if we want to 'worry about our taxes'...i think it's fair to do so. i'd hate to think of others going ahead and saying 'hey! we can have plenty of babies with no worries, no money, no support...it'll be fine!' b/ that is just irresponsible, to your children...forget taking advantage of your fellow citizens.
btw - so far, she's not been paid for any interviews. altho i am sure she most definitely will make some $$$. all b/c she willingly chose, wrongly too, to use her body as a baby litter machine.
edit - quoting the article, again.....
She explained: “They’re going to watch these kids very carefully for eating problems, growing [problems], and then seizures, jaundice, heart problems, lung problems, blindness, developmental delays — there’s a laundry list of things. Long term, because some of these children will be physically or mentally challenged, there’s a looming price tag out here. The hospital bill alone will run $1.5 to $3 million. Forget about getting to college; just to get through special-needs stuff — it’s going to have to come from somewhere, either the taxpayers of California or her family or her church or the hospital. But she can’t do it alone.”
NBC contributor and psychiatrist Dr. Gail Saltz added that there will be emotional issues to deal with as well. “Undoubtedly these eight children are going to have issues: at the minimum, the issue of neglect,” Saltz told Lauer.
“Obviously, she’s saying she’s going to love them, but there are 14 children and [only] one of her,” Saltz continued. “There’s going to be an absence of some emotional needs. There will probably be developmental delays at best in these children; maybe learning disabilities. There are going to be major issues that they’re going to need various therapies for.”
you think this is all 'ok'...simply b/c she wanted them? :roll:
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
There's nothing wrong with being a single parent either... doesn't matter how many kids you have. The families I know were lucky that neither parent died cos that woulda made the other one a single parent. It's just the JUDGING going on is unreal. If someone wants millions of kids well let them, it's not something I'D ever choose to do... but i'm not gonna judge someone cos they want something different. But you keep going on about her manicures and stuff :oops: what's THAT got to do with anything? Maybe NBC or whatever let them get their nails done before going on... maybe she's got a friend who's a beautician.. who the fuck knows... but you seem to think you do :?
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
In many European countries there's a limit by law. I believe here, federally, it's an ethics matter.