so you don;t find it all selfish of her to want 14 kids...all on her own...and you think ONE person can properly support, emotionally, physically and financially, 14 children? and these kids will have a lifetime of health not your run-of-the-mill kids. but it's all ok just b'c 'it's what she wanted'.....? really? i find it disgustingly selfish. and it's got nothing to do with $$$. i grew up with many families who had 8-9 kids, i work with a few people who come from such large families...but you bet, they had family and support....and none were using public assistance. the fact that she will probably get book deals, movie deals.....all BECAUSE she choose this route....i find rather sickening, b/c w/o having all these children, she'd not get these book deals, movie deals, etc. i am all for live and let live...but quite honestly, i think this situation is far beyond that. absolutely differing perspectives there. and if we want to 'worry about our taxes'...i think it's fair to do so. i'd hate to think of others going ahead and saying 'hey! we can have plenty of babies with no worries, no money, no'll be fine!' b/ that is just irresponsible, to your children...forget taking advantage of your fellow citizens.
btw - so far, she's not been paid for any interviews. altho i am sure she most definitely will make some $$$. all b/c she willingly chose, wrongly too, to use her body as a baby litter machine.
They MAY have health issues... it was obvious that article was seriously biased anyway. Any child could be born with health issues. So is it that you're jealous of her getting all this attention cos she's 'done nothing' (apart from giving birth to 14 kids... :shock: that DESERVES a movie deal )
There's nothing wrong with being a single parent either... doesn't matter how many kids you have. The families I know were lucky that neither parent died cos that woulda made the other one a single parent. It's just the JUDGING going on is unreal. If someone wants millions of kids well let them, it's not something I'D ever choose to do... but i'm not gonna judge someone cos they want something different. But you keep going on about her manicures and stuff :oops: what's THAT got to do with anything? Maybe NBC or whatever let them get their nails done before going on... maybe she's got a friend who's a beautician.. who the fuck knows... but you seem to think you do :?
i AM judging, b/c i think it's wrong. period.
funny how you always seem to think it's do i have to be jealous of here? i don;t care if she gets attention or whatever else...i just think it's wrong for the children! and this isn;t someone going out and getting knocked up...this is seeking and getting...medical intervention to do so! BIG difference in my mind. and i brought up the manicures...and the plastic surgery...b/c i think anyone receiving food stmps and public assitance should use their $$$ to support their families first, again....yes...i am judging. and who i am to judge? no one, just like anyone else. but you go out on the news, in the paper, on are setting yourself up to be scrutinized. i am discussing her on a message board. oh my.
if someone wants to have 14 kids...more power to em! but as someone already mentioned, she should NOT have been allowed to have that many embryos implanted in the first place...and secondly...she is going about it thru medical means. and i have zero issue with single moms. i think if a woman, or a man, wants a child...they absolutely should be able to have em...however i also think they should be able to afford em, and yes, be realistic about what needs they can meet on their own.
as to the health issues, absolutely....ANY child can be born with health issues. however, if you do any research into IVF, it is a LOT more common for such children to have physcial or mental issues, lerning delays, etc....and multiples births in general up that ante considerably as well. so i personally find it reprehensible to willingly choose that. yes, again, judging. i never said i was doing anything but judging. and it's certainly my 'right'...b/c my judgements mean nothing to anyone.
sorry if i actually believe a parent should be fit to CARe for all the children they want, not selfishly go on and have 'millions of kids' simply b/c 'they want them.' they are not dolls to collect, they are children and they deserve more than that. you but you bet i'm judging and i'm ok with that. you're judging me by saying i am jealous...whatever...we all judge all the time, whether we admit it or not. i am merely assessing the situation from my perspective, and i think it's disgusting. so what? she still did what she did, gets what she wants...what i say has no bearing on it. and i still say, those poor children.
As a child in a family of 8 I can say there is gonna be a big difference between having kids with a space in between them vs. have 8 at once!!! and she DOES not have enough resources to do so. I have 2 kids and that's what I can afford. You cannot have kids assuming your parents will help you raise them
as her past actions with her other 6 kids would indicate.
So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
I just got that impression cos you mentioned her nails at LEAST twice. Well like you always say... you're entitled to your opinion. I just think your opinion in this case is about judging somebody you know nothing about. I'm not in the business of doing that.
You don't know whether she's fit to care for them or not... I'm sure social services will be all over this one and, if she puts a foot wrong, they'll take care of it. I'm sure they don't go making judgments about people they've never met... well I hope not.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I just got that impression cos you mentioned her nails at LEAST twice. Well like you always say... you're entitled to your opinion. I just think your opinion in this case is about judging somebody you know nothing about. I'm not in the business of doing that.
You don't know whether she's fit to care for them or not... I'm sure social services will be all over this one and, if she puts a foot wrong, they'll take care of it. I'm sure they don't go making judgments about people they've never met... well I hope not.
hahahahahahahahaha...whatever! you do it ALL the time, right here! in resonse to people's comments, etc. again, we ALL spare me. i am no more unfairly judging her than anyone else i derive any sort of opinion on bsased on what i read about them.
if you have a problem with people judging here, well...too bad.
this is a discussion about her...i find that j'judgements' will come into play. i may not know everything about her, but i do know a few things...and quite honestly..i don't care WHO it is...i don't think anyone can truly and properly care for 14 kids all on their own. and amongst average people, pretty damn difficult if not near impossible to support said children. to willingly go out of your way to HAVE that many children, especially all at once...imo is wrong. but sure, we're all entitled to our opinions...just seemed to ME that YOU were actually judging all in here simply for expressing them!
As a child in a family of 8 I can say there is gonna be a big difference between having kids with a space in between them vs. have 8 at once!!! and she DOES not have enough resources to do so. I have 2 kids and that's what I can afford. You cannot have kids assuming your parents will help you raise them
as her past actions with her other 6 kids would indicate.
choosing the responsible route, especially for your children...what a novel concept eh? we're not talking about many children over many years, or a woman left a widow, etc...we're talking about a woman, all on her own, CHOOSING to have this many children when she clearly cannot afford them financially...and quite honestly, emotionally, physically, will all be a toll, on all involved. THAt is selfishness to me. yes, there i go judging again. and i don't really give a shit when people are selfish, c'est la vie and all that...but when it involved other LIVES, yes i do.
hahahahahahahahaha...whatever! you do it ALL the time, right here! in resonse to people's comments, etc. again, we ALL spare me. i am no more unfairly judging her than anyone else i derive any sort of opinion on bsased on what i read about them.
if you have a problem with people judging here, well...too bad.
this is a discussion about her...i find that j'judgements' will come into play. i may not know everything about her, but i do know a few things...and quite honestly..i don't care WHO it is...i don't think anyone can truly and properly care for 14 kids all on their own. and amongst average people, pretty damn difficult if not near impossible to support said children. to willingly go out of your way to HAVE that many children, especially all at once...imo is wrong. but sure, we're all entitled to our opinions...just seemed to ME that YOU were actually judging all in here simply for expressing them!
lol, I'll feel free to refer to this post at my discretion in the future then... since we ALL do it
And lol, I was judging people for judging??????????????? so nobody has the right to call someone on being judgmental, lest they become judgmental themselves???? ah fuck it, you have your opinion, it's wrong... I've mine and it's right... that's me done with this topic
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Yes, she had plastic surgery to enchance her lips and nose to look like AJ. CREEPY!
Ok, there's my answer.
Maybe she has some sick fascination with Angelina and that's part of what's driving her to have all these babies.
I'm fascinated by it all, too. I just can't understand it. Can you imagine how noisy that household will be when those kids are all 2 years old???? That is just one of my objections to all of this!
I have not read the whole thread on her, but doen't she already have like 6 kids? And where is the father?
the 'father' is a sperm donor. she used the same donor for ALL of her 14 children, as she conceived them all thru IVF. that alone is disgusting. i don't think anyone should be allowed to undergo that many IVF treatments, for their own health, and for healthy children.
i read that she 'hopes one day the father might like to be involved in the kid's lives.' :roll: seriously...he's a sperm donor!
I did not know that, I thought there may be a father for the first six. That is crazy. a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
hahahahahahahahaha...whatever! you do it ALL the time, right here! in resonse to people's comments, etc. again, we ALL spare me. i am no more unfairly judging her than anyone else i derive any sort of opinion on bsased on what i read about them.
if you have a problem with people judging here, well...too bad.
this is a discussion about her...i find that j'judgements' will come into play. i may not know everything about her, but i do know a few things...and quite honestly..i don't care WHO it is...i don't think anyone can truly and properly care for 14 kids all on their own. and amongst average people, pretty damn difficult if not near impossible to support said children. to willingly go out of your way to HAVE that many children, especially all at once...imo is wrong. but sure, we're all entitled to our opinions...just seemed to ME that YOU were actually judging all in here simply for expressing them!
lol, I'll feel free to refer to this post at my discretion in the future then... since we ALL do it
And lol, I was judging people for judging??????????????? so nobody has the right to call someone on being judgmental, lest they become judgmental themselves???? ah fuck it, you have your opinion, it's wrong... I've mine and it's right... that's me done with this topic
we do all do it, to think otherwise is silly. we all form opinions, which are 'judgements' of some what we infer from people's posts,m interactions..or sure...what we read and see within the media of people we don't know. even just one 'real-life' interaction isn't 'knowing' someone...but we still form opinions and make judgements to some extent. it's human nature, natural, instinctual.
people can 'call' people on whatever they want....but you bet, there are times when i find being 'judgemental' a-ok, this being one of em. hahahahaha on 'your opinion' being *right*...but sure, in your IS right, as mine is in my all good! there is no 'right' or 'wrong' there per se.......but sure, i DO believe what this woman did was 'wrong'! doesn't make me 'right''s just what i think!
Doctors are only allowed to implant NO MORE than 2 embryos at a time in women under 35
Is that true? (Seriously, I don't know.) I thought they usually implanted a bunch, expecting only one or two to make it. If you have any info on this, I'd be interested. (If not, don't worry about it.)
There aren't laws, the "recommended guideline" is to put NO MORE than 2-3 into a woman her age, and try again if they fail.
The story is that she wanted all six that the doc had on hand because she "didn't want any to go to waste".
And with there being no laws against it, she probably could have sued him (just like she's gotten ALL of her money) for impeding her right to choose to have 6 babies.
Doctors are only allowed to implant NO MORE than 2 embryos at a time in women under 35
Is that true? (Seriously, I don't know.) I thought they usually implanted a bunch, expecting only one or two to make it. If you have any info on this, I'd be interested. (If not, don't worry about it.)
There aren't laws, the "recommended guideline" is to put NO MORE than 2-3 into a woman her age, and try again if they fail.
The story is that she wanted all six that the doc had on hand because she "didn't want any to go to waste".
And with there being no laws against it, she probably could have sued him (just like she's gotten ALL of her money) for impeding her right to choose to have 6 babies.
well if any *good* may come out of all this, perhaps there will be LAWS put into place governing such. it amazes me all the trials and stipulations for one to adopt...but none for IVF! i didn't know we had the 'right to choose' to have 6 babies. i mean, it's not a question of this naturally occurring and someone within the medical community trying to impede that process. this is going out of your way to artifically create a pregnancy - which i am 100% a-ok with and support the rights and access to IVF - and then choosing to be utterly irresponsible about it imo.
Also, for those who aren't aware...she paid for the fertility treatments with money from a WORKER'S COMP settlement.
what's wrong with that? It was her money to do with as she pleased.
Disability payments are intended to help the person with LIFE NEEDS because they can't work for wages. The problem is that this woman is a fraud. She sued for worker's comp because of her back, yet went through several pregnancies including carrying EIGHT at once. On a bad back. And the fact that she puts this money toward plastic surgery and more IVF when she clearly cannot provide for her first 6 kids? That doesn't bother you at all? The money should have been going to the 6 kids, three of whom are already special needs, or so she has apparently claimed to the gov't.
Also, for those who aren't aware...she paid for the fertility treatments with money from a WORKER'S COMP settlement.
what's wrong with that? It was her money to do with as she pleased.
Disability payments are intended to help the person with LIFE NEEDS because they can't work for wages. The problem is that this woman is a fraud. She sued for worker's comp because of her back, yet went through several pregnancies including carrying EIGHT at once. On a bad back. And the fact that she puts this money toward plastic surgery and more IVF when she clearly cannot provide for her first 6 kids? That doesn't bother you at all? The money should have been going to the 6 kids, three of whom are already special needs, or so she has apparently claimed to the gov't.
I have not read the whole thread on her, but doen't she already have like 6 kids? And where is the father?
The father is her boyfriend, who, according to her mother, wants to marry her but she is determined to be a single parent. (except that by "single parent" she means dumping the kids on her mom while she has more)
There's nothing wrong with being a single parent either... doesn't matter how many kids you have. The families I know were lucky that neither parent died cos that woulda made the other one a single parent. It's just the JUDGING going on is unreal. If someone wants millions of kids well let them, it's not something I'D ever choose to do... but i'm not gonna judge someone cos they want something different. But you keep going on about her manicures and stuff :oops: what's THAT got to do with anything? Maybe NBC or whatever let them get their nails done before going on... maybe she's got a friend who's a beautician.. who the fuck knows... but you seem to think you do :?
THEN YOU PAY FOR THEM. You don't live in the US right? It's easy for you to say "don't judge" because your hard-earned money isn't paying for this crazy broad's right to keep popping out kids.
If you think this has to do with jealousy, how do you explain if MILLIONS of Americans are "jealous" of her? Only a handful of people actually support this, EVEN HER OWN MOTHER DOESN'T!! Why are the people of the United States (YES the entire country's taxes go go her disabled kids' SSI payments) not allowed to be angry that we have to cover a $3million medical bill that ANYONE ELSE who couldn't pay would be in debt for the rest of their lives trying to pay, not to mention continuing to pay for the horrible environment they will be raised in.
And it's good that this story is coming to light because maybe people will now wake up and put some restrictions on embryo implantation and perhaps the same investigations that adoptive parents have to go through.
The only possible happy ending is to take these kids away from this mentally ill woman and put them in more fit homes. If she raises them, they will continue to be leeches on society because they will learn from their "mother". These babies deserve better.
There's nothing wrong with being a single parent either... doesn't matter how many kids you have. The families I know were lucky that neither parent died cos that woulda made the other one a single parent. It's just the JUDGING going on is unreal. If someone wants millions of kids well let them, it's not something I'D ever choose to do... but i'm not gonna judge someone cos they want something different. But you keep going on about her manicures and stuff :oops: what's THAT got to do with anything? Maybe NBC or whatever let them get their nails done before going on... maybe she's got a friend who's a beautician.. who the fuck knows... but you seem to think you do :?
THEN YOU PAY FOR THEM. You don't live in the US right? It's easy for you to say "don't judge" because your hard-earned money isn't paying for this crazy broad's right to keep popping out kids.
If you think this has to do with jealousy, how do you explain if MILLIONS of Americans are "jealous" of her? Only a handful of people actually support this, EVEN HER OWN MOTHER DOESN'T!! Why are the people of the United States (YES the entire country's taxes go go her disabled kids' SSI payments) not allowed to be angry that we have to cover a $3million medical bill that ANYONE ELSE who couldn't pay would be in debt for the rest of their lives trying to pay, not to mention continuing to pay for the horrible environment they will be raised in.
And it's good that this story is coming to light because maybe people will now wake up and put some restrictions on embryo implantation and perhaps the same investigations that adoptive parents have to go through.
The only possible happy ending is to take these kids away from this mentally ill woman and put them in more fit homes. If she raises them, they will continue to be leeches on society because they will learn from their "mother". These babies deserve better.
Yup, that pretty much sums everything up.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
Without identifying the doctor, the Medical Board of California said last week it was looking into the Suleman case to see if there was a "violation of the standard of care." The medical board said Monday it has not taken any disciplinary action against Kamrava in the past.
In the NBC interview, Suleman did not identify her doctor by name, but said that she went to the West Coast IVF Clinic in Beverly Hills _ of which Kamrava is director _ and that all 14 of her children were conceived with help from the same doctor. In 2006, Los Angeles TV station KTLA ran a story on infertility that showed Kamrava treating Suleman and discussing embryo implantation.
Kamrava graduated from the University of Illinois and went to medical school at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, according to state records and his Web site.
Some fertility specialists said Kamrava is a controversial figure in the field.
"He's tried some novel techniques and some of those methods have been controversial," said Dr. John Jain, founder of Santa Monica Fertility Specialists.
Jain criticized the decision to implant so many embryos, saying: "I do think that this doctor really stepped outside the guidelines in a very extreme manner, and as such, put both the mother and children at extra high risk of disability and even death."
Dr. Jeffrey Steinberg, a professional acquaintance of Kamrava's, said Kamrava worked to develop an embryo transfer device that allows doctors to implant an embryo _ or sometimes sperm with an unfertilized egg _ directly into the uterine lining.
"Usually we inject the embryos into the uterus and they float around and attach themselves," Steinberg said. However, Steinberg said there was no evidence the method improved success rates for pregnancy.
It was not immediately known if the technique was used on Suleman.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
hey ok for this woman's mother to judge?
The mother of the woman who used a fertility doctor to give birth to octuplets, despite already having six young children, called her daughter's actions "unconscionable" in an interview posted online Sunday.
hey ok for this woman's mother to judge?
The mother of the woman who used a fertility doctor to give birth to octuplets, despite already having six young children, called her daughter's actions "unconscionable" in an interview posted online Sunday.
hey ok for this woman's mother to judge?
The mother of the woman who used a fertility doctor to give birth to octuplets, despite already having six young children, called her daughter's actions "unconscionable" in an interview posted online Sunday.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
i dont give a rats ass how many babies this lady has.....
i dont give a rats ass how she supports them.....
i dont give a rats ass if she is on welfare....
i dont give a rats ass if she collects food stamps....
i dont give a rats ass if she....and all 14 kids end up in straight jackets at any point in their lives....
i dont give a rats ass if in 2 years this lady is back in the news because she gave birth to 8 chimpanzees.....
it doesnt mean a fucking thing to me.............
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Her reasoning is so off. She says she will have enough money to raise them when she finishes school!!! Wow, she's out of touch. Many college educated people are out of work. Plus, who wil be taking care of all those kids while she works. She sounds clueless as to how much this is going to cost. Even with a good paying job, there is no way she can afford them. I am betting that she is betting on one of those TV series that are on now about multiple kids as one source of income and commercials, etc.
It seems unfair to the kids. And I think they need a father. That is why it normally takes a man and a woman to create children, cuz both are needed in different ways. I didn't always think this. I raised my kids alone, but with age I now know they do.
Time will tell about this entire thing.
EDIT: I missed the part about she lives with her mom. I'd be pissed if my daughter did this while living with me. I can just imagine being expected to be a live in babysitter and adding financial support. I raised my kids and would not want to raise theirs. Thats just insane! This chick is out of touch, period.
Her reasoning is so off. She says she will have enough money to raise them when she finishes school!!! Wow, she's out of touch. Many college educated people are out of work. Plus, who wil be taking care of all those kids while she works. She sounds clueless as to how much this is going to cost. Even with a good paying job, there is no way she can afford them. I am betting that she is betting on one of those TV series that are on now about multiple kids as one source of income and commercials, etc.
“I know I'll be able to afford them when I'm done with my schooling,” the 33-year-old single mom replied.
That line cracked me up... How the fuck are you going to have a job while taking care of 14 kids? Is she that detached from reality????
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
i AM judging, b/c i think it's wrong. period.
funny how you always seem to think it's do i have to be jealous of here? i don;t care if she gets attention or whatever else...i just think it's wrong for the children! and this isn;t someone going out and getting knocked up...this is seeking and getting...medical intervention to do so! BIG difference in my mind. and i brought up the manicures...and the plastic surgery...b/c i think anyone receiving food stmps and public assitance should use their $$$ to support their families first, again....yes...i am judging. and who i am to judge? no one, just like anyone else. but you go out on the news, in the paper, on are setting yourself up to be scrutinized. i am discussing her on a message board. oh my.
if someone wants to have 14 kids...more power to em! but as someone already mentioned, she should NOT have been allowed to have that many embryos implanted in the first place...and secondly...she is going about it thru medical means. and i have zero issue with single moms. i think if a woman, or a man, wants a child...they absolutely should be able to have em...however i also think they should be able to afford em, and yes, be realistic about what needs they can meet on their own.
as to the health issues, absolutely....ANY child can be born with health issues. however, if you do any research into IVF, it is a LOT more common for such children to have physcial or mental issues, lerning delays, etc....and multiples births in general up that ante considerably as well. so i personally find it reprehensible to willingly choose that. yes, again, judging. i never said i was doing anything but judging. and it's certainly my 'right'...b/c my judgements mean nothing to anyone.
sorry if i actually believe a parent should be fit to CARe for all the children they want, not selfishly go on and have 'millions of kids' simply b/c 'they want them.' they are not dolls to collect, they are children and they deserve more than that. you but you bet i'm judging and i'm ok with that. you're judging me by saying i am jealous...whatever...we all judge all the time, whether we admit it or not. i am merely assessing the situation from my perspective, and i think it's disgusting. so what? she still did what she did, gets what she wants...what i say has no bearing on it. and i still say, those poor children.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
as her past actions with her other 6 kids would indicate.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
You don't know whether she's fit to care for them or not... I'm sure social services will be all over this one and, if she puts a foot wrong, they'll take care of it. I'm sure they don't go making judgments about people they've never met... well I hope not.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
hahahahahahahahaha...whatever! you do it ALL the time, right here! in resonse to people's comments, etc. again, we ALL spare me. i am no more unfairly judging her than anyone else i derive any sort of opinion on bsased on what i read about them.
if you have a problem with people judging here, well...too bad.
this is a discussion about her...i find that j'judgements' will come into play. i may not know everything about her, but i do know a few things...and quite honestly..i don't care WHO it is...i don't think anyone can truly and properly care for 14 kids all on their own. and amongst average people, pretty damn difficult if not near impossible to support said children. to willingly go out of your way to HAVE that many children, especially all at once...imo is wrong. but sure, we're all entitled to our opinions...just seemed to ME that YOU were actually judging all in here simply for expressing them!
choosing the responsible route, especially for your children...what a novel concept eh? we're not talking about many children over many years, or a woman left a widow, etc...we're talking about a woman, all on her own, CHOOSING to have this many children when she clearly cannot afford them financially...and quite honestly, emotionally, physically, will all be a toll, on all involved. THAt is selfishness to me. yes, there i go judging again. and i don't really give a shit when people are selfish, c'est la vie and all that...but when it involved other LIVES, yes i do.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
lol, I'll feel free to refer to this post at my discretion in the future then... since we ALL do it
And lol, I was judging people for judging???????????????
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I think she is. Has she actually had plastic surgery, or is that just a rumor?
Ok, there's my answer.
Maybe she has some sick fascination with Angelina and that's part of what's driving her to have all these babies.
I'm fascinated by it all, too. I just can't understand it. Can you imagine how noisy that household will be when those kids are all 2 years old???? That is just one of my objections to all of this!
I did not know that, I thought there may be a father for the first six. That is crazy.
we do all do it, to think otherwise is silly. we all form opinions, which are 'judgements' of some what we infer from people's posts,m interactions..or sure...what we read and see within the media of people we don't know. even just one 'real-life' interaction isn't 'knowing' someone...but we still form opinions and make judgements to some extent. it's human nature, natural, instinctual.
people can 'call' people on whatever they want....but you bet, there are times when i find being 'judgemental' a-ok, this being one of em. hahahahaha on 'your opinion' being *right*...but sure, in your IS right, as mine is in my all good!
and cool.
thank you for that most judgemental...and yet i would deem entirely accurate and
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
The story is that she wanted all six that the doc had on hand because she "didn't want any to go to waste".
And with there being no laws against it, she probably could have sued him (just like she's gotten ALL of her money) for impeding her right to choose to have 6 babies.
well if any *good* may come out of all this, perhaps there will be LAWS put into place governing such. it amazes me all the trials and stipulations for one to adopt...but none for IVF! i didn't know we had the 'right to choose' to have 6 babies. i mean, it's not a question of this naturally occurring and someone within the medical community trying to impede that process. this is going out of your way to artifically create a pregnancy - which i am 100% a-ok with and support the rights and access to IVF - and then choosing to be utterly irresponsible about it imo.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
how judgemental of you.
seriously..i think i love you.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
She's deranged. That's all there is to it.
If you think this has to do with jealousy, how do you explain if MILLIONS of Americans are "jealous" of her? Only a handful of people actually support this, EVEN HER OWN MOTHER DOESN'T!! Why are the people of the United States (YES the entire country's taxes go go her disabled kids' SSI payments) not allowed to be angry that we have to cover a $3million medical bill that ANYONE ELSE who couldn't pay would be in debt for the rest of their lives trying to pay, not to mention continuing to pay for the horrible environment they will be raised in.
And it's good that this story is coming to light because maybe people will now wake up and put some restrictions on embryo implantation and perhaps the same investigations that adoptive parents have to go through.
The only possible happy ending is to take these kids away from this mentally ill woman and put them in more fit homes. If she raises them, they will continue to be leeches on society because they will learn from their "mother". These babies deserve better.
Yup, that pretty much sums everything up.
I found this to be especially interesting:
Without identifying the doctor, the Medical Board of California said last week it was looking into the Suleman case to see if there was a "violation of the standard of care." The medical board said Monday it has not taken any disciplinary action against Kamrava in the past.
In the NBC interview, Suleman did not identify her doctor by name, but said that she went to the West Coast IVF Clinic in Beverly Hills _ of which Kamrava is director _ and that all 14 of her children were conceived with help from the same doctor. In 2006, Los Angeles TV station KTLA ran a story on infertility that showed Kamrava treating Suleman and discussing embryo implantation.
Kamrava graduated from the University of Illinois and went to medical school at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, according to state records and his Web site.
Some fertility specialists said Kamrava is a controversial figure in the field.
"He's tried some novel techniques and some of those methods have been controversial," said Dr. John Jain, founder of Santa Monica Fertility Specialists.
Jain criticized the decision to implant so many embryos, saying: "I do think that this doctor really stepped outside the guidelines in a very extreme manner, and as such, put both the mother and children at extra high risk of disability and even death."
Dr. Jeffrey Steinberg, a professional acquaintance of Kamrava's, said Kamrava worked to develop an embryo transfer device that allows doctors to implant an embryo _ or sometimes sperm with an unfertilized egg _ directly into the uterine lining.
"Usually we inject the embryos into the uterus and they float around and attach themselves," Steinberg said. However, Steinberg said there was no evidence the method improved success rates for pregnancy.
It was not immediately known if the technique was used on Suleman.
The mother of the woman who used a fertility doctor to give birth to octuplets, despite already having six young children, called her daughter's actions "unconscionable" in an interview posted online Sunday. ... 30283.html
According to HH, no...
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
i dont give a rats ass how she supports them.....
i dont give a rats ass if she is on welfare....
i dont give a rats ass if she collects food stamps....
i dont give a rats ass if she....and all 14 kids end up in straight jackets at any point in their lives....
i dont give a rats ass if in 2 years this lady is back in the news because she gave birth to 8 chimpanzees.....
it doesnt mean a fucking thing to me.............
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
It seems unfair to the kids. And I think they need a father. That is why it normally takes a man and a woman to create children, cuz both are needed in different ways. I didn't always think this. I raised my kids alone, but with age I now know they do.
Time will tell about this entire thing.
EDIT: I missed the part about she lives with her mom. I'd be pissed if my daughter did this while living with me. I can just imagine being expected to be a live in babysitter and adding financial support. I raised my kids and would not want to raise theirs. Thats just insane! This chick is out of touch, period.
i think those are too harsh of words. nobody is a waste of space or skin or life.
not at all....THAt is hysterical!
in a bizarrely sad way!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
my words are not harsh enough
“I know I'll be able to afford them when I'm done with my schooling,” the 33-year-old single mom replied.
That line cracked me up... How the fuck are you going to have a job while taking care of 14 kids? Is she that detached from reality????
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln