PJ Albums. Rank 'em. Again.




    1. Ten
    2. Vs.
    3. Binaural
    4. Avocado
    5. Yield
    6. Vitalogy
    7. No Code
    8. Riot Act
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • Because this thread really needs another opinion:

    1. Yield
    2. Versus
    3. Avocado
    4. Vitalogy
    5. Ten
    6. No Code
    7. Binaural
    8. Riot Act

    P.S. Binuaral and Riot Act are still better than any other non-PJ rock album released in the last 10 years.
    So this life is sacrifice...
    6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
  • Lone WolfLone Wolf Posts: 1,023
    1. Pearl Jam
    2. Vs.
    3. Binaural
    4. No Code
    5. Vitalogy
    6. Riot Act
    7. Yield
    8. Ten
    Dream the dreams of other men,...You´ll be no ones rival,...
    Dream the dreams of others then,... You will be no ones rival,...
  • 1. Vs & Yield (Can't seperate them, VS for me is when they defined there sound and every song is great, Yield is just stunning simply stunning.)

    2. Vitalogy

    3. No Code

    4. Binaural (once i got the vinly I saw the light on this one, used to be bottom of the pile and now I got alot more love for this album, could well rise after time)

    5. Pearl Jam

    6. Ten (May well change it's ranking when I've heard O'Brien's version, Parashers production lose this marks for me )

    7. Riot Act (I like it but it doesn't sing to me like the others)
  • pjten77pjten77 Posts: 225
    this is tough....but here goes....

    1- Ten (grew up with this album and it helped me through a lot)
    2- Yield (is their best group effort with everyone chipping in)
    3- Vitalogy (last exit, spin the black circle, not for you, tremor christ and whipping.......plain and simple)
    4- Riot Act (perfect timing for me 02/03 I really needed this album and it delivered for me personally)
    5- VS (this should be higher)
    6- No Code (has grown on me over the years)
    7- Binaural (has also grown on me over the years)
    8- Pearl Jam (I still wonder how Ed is going to sing some of those songs in the years to come....they're tough for sure!!)
    Toronto-96/Barrie-98/Pittsburgh-00/Toronto-00/Buffalo-03/Toronto-03/Kitchener-05/Toronto-05/Hamilton-05/Toronto I-06/Toronto 2-06/E.V. Toronto- 08/ Toronto- 09/Buffalo-10/Hamilton- 11/ London- 13/ Buffalo- 13/Detroit- 14/Ottawa-16/Toronto II-16/Fenway I & II- 16
  • 1. Riot Act
    2. Binaural
    3. Vitalogy
    4. No Code
    6. Vs
    7. Avocado
    8. Ten

    Ten is great, i just never listen to it. I enjoy the modern punk influence albums with Matt Cameron the most. avocado doesn't have enough depth to it though. Riot act is my fav because it reminds me of Soundgardens' "Down on the upside" there is 2 halves to it with alot of different styles. Love the guitar tones and eds gruff singing.
    ...The Moon is Rollin' Round....
  • SOLAT319SOLAT319 Posts: 4,594
    1. Vitalogy

    I love the rest equally.
    I have no patience for bad music and stupid people...

    The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED

    #resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
    #standingman #duranadam
  • 1. VS
    2. TEN
    3. Vitalogy
    4. Binaural
    5. No Code
    6. Yield
    7. Pearl Jam....Avocado....what ever the fuck its called
    8. Riot Act

    2,457. Cincy 06 Bootleg
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • 1. No Code
    2. Vitalogy
    3. Yield
    4. Vs.
    5. Ten
    6. Binaural
    7. Pearl Jam
    8. Riot Act
  • binaural
    no code
    riot act
    pearl jam
    Lexington 4.21.03, Chicago 5.16.06, Cincinnati 6.24.06, Lollapalooza 8.5.07, Virginia Beach 6.17.08, Camden 6.19.08, Camden 6.20.08, East Troy (PJ20) 9.3.11, East Troy (PJ20) 9.4.11, Wrigley 7.19.13, Pittsburgh 10.11.13, Cincinnati 10.1.14, Lexington 4.26.16, Wrigley 8.20.16, Wrigley 8.22.16, Wrigley 8.18.18, Wrigley 8.20.2018, Fenway 9.4.18, New York 3.30.20, Nashville 4.2.20, St. Louis 4.4.20, Bourbon & Beyond 9.17.22, Indianapolis 9.10.2023, Wrigley 8.29.24, Wrigley 8.31.24
  • Vs.
    No Code
    Pearl Jam
    Riot Act
  • There are many ways to come at this question, but I am going to do it based on empirical data--namely rank the albums based on which ones I've listened to the most. Given the fact that these albums have been released over the course of 18 years, and I have had the privilege to absorb each album one by one, I will prorate the cumulative amount of listens based on what year the album was released and focus mostly on the time immediately following the release of each album. Please note: This list is not a reflection of what I consider now to be the best albums from a subjective perspective, however, one could argue that what you value is measured largely by how you spend your time.

    • Vs: (listened to it probably three times a day for 1.5 years straight)
    • Vitalogy: (Had this playing in the tape deck of my car for over a year without removing)
    • Avocado: (I listened to this album at least once a day for a year straight)
    • No Code: (Also about a year straight of listening every day, but I was also listening to a lot of other bands at this point, so listening amount was much less dense)
    • Ten: (Didn't actually own this album until 1993 since everyone else already owned it but it seemed to be ubiquitous for about two years)
    • Yield: (Didn't listen to this album much when it came out, which is when most obsessive listening tends to occur, more into Radiohead, Verve and Bjork during this period).
    • Riot Act: (Listened to this a lot since this is when my wife and I got together and I was getting her into the band. Was a staple on our regular road trips--though listening density diluted by other albums at this time such as the Strokes and the Flaming Lips)
    • Binaural: (Listened a lot first month or two, but moved on from this one pretty quickly)
  • I'll give this a go...as most everyone has said it changes depending on my mood:

    1. Yield
    2. Vitalogy
    3. Binaural
    4. Ten
    5. Vs
    6. Riot Act
    7. No Code
    8. Pearl Jam

    This was actually easier to do in reverse order :mrgreen:
    Manchester, TN - 2008
    Washington, D.C. - 2008
    Philadelphia, PA I - 2009
    Bristow, VA - 2010
    Baltimore, MD - 2013
    Milwaukee, WI - 2014
    Hampton, VA - 2016
  • PHATJPHATJ Posts: 348
    This thread makes me happy. That is all for now...
    "I'll Ride the wave where it takes me. I'll Hold the pain. RELEASE ME!"

  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    1. No Code
    fav song- In My Tree, Red Mosquito
    Always been my favorite. Song for song, I simply love it. It came out right around the start of high school and my love of music taking off. I didn't buy it until well after it had come out... I remember asking a dude at a record store about it when I bought AiC unplugged. I loved Who You Are from the first though and remember thinking that it sounded more eclectic and impressive than anything I'd ever heard. It also has always been the album I lean on during hard times.

    2. Yield
    fs- In Hiding
    I spent 2 hours lying perfectly still next to a stereo because if I moved I lost the signal of the radio show previewing this album and I wanted to tape it. I loved the album immediately and have never looked back. By then I was obsessed, and this was also the tour where I first saw the band live. It's a great album, strong songs, and a perfect sound.

    3. Vitalogy
    fs- Last Exit
    I did not like this album when I first heard it. In fact, I had bought it in grade school and eventually gave it away thinking it sucked. The weird experimental tracks annoyed me. A few years later I tracked it down again while looking for I Got ID. Didn't have that song, but I finally got the album. It sounds so good, very raw and jagged, with a great guitar tone. Plus it has some of their best tracks ever. I can even love the tossaways (except Bugs) now!

    4. Binaural
    fs- Of the Girl
    This was the hardest one to call, between 4&5. I give this the edge because I have a ton of great memories of cruising around getting stoned and listening to this album. It's also the album that turned a bunch of my friends onto PJ with because I was listening to it so much... and it is one of their moodiest, stoner albums. Song for song, it doesn't seem impressive, but the album flows very well I think and definitely grows.

    5. Vs
    fs- Blood
    I think this album might be one of the best in terms of sheer song quality. The whole thing sounds fierce... more focused than Ten. They came into this album on a mission, and it's the only time they've ever really nailed the 3-minute rock song with any sort of consistency on an album. Even the more offbeat tracks are among their most impressive work ever.

    6. Ten
    fs- Why Go
    This would be higher, but the echo and reverb sound so dated it's almost painful to listen to it sometimes. Still, it's the album that hooked me. I'd heard Alive on a mix tape from a friend and got the album tape from the library... holy shit was I blown away. Those first 6 tracks (side a) were mind-blowing to me. It's a classic.

    7. Pearl Jam
    fs- Inside Job
    I really loved this one when it first came out. It sounded like a refreshing step in the right direction after the previous one. The band seemed reenergized. WWS was the best rock song and best single they'd done since Yield. Unfortunately, once the glow has faded, this album has sounded less appealing. Some songs still deliver live, but other songs just sound underwhelming. The earbleed production doesn't help, and the annoying time changes in the drumming keep them from grooving like they did prior to 2000.

    8. Riot Act
    fs- All or None
    Easy decision. Not much to be said that hasn't been said. Oddly for me, the production is less of an issue for me on this one than it was on the next. What hurts this album is the uniformly weak tracklist. I honestly believe the back half is far superior if for no other reason than that the experiments at least provide something interesting to hear as opposed to the tired rockers and mid-tempo snoozers on the first half. Listening to this album and then hearing tracks like Down and Other Side makes me wonder if the band hasn't truly lost it for good.
  • HeavyHandsHeavyHands Posts: 2,130
    1. Ten
    2. No Code
    3. Pearl Jam
    4. Vs
    5. Yield
    6. Vitalogy
    7. Binaural
    8. Riot Act
    "A lot more people are capable of being big out there that just don't give themselves a chance." -Stone Gossard
  • SOLAT319SOLAT319 Posts: 4,594
    imalive wrote:
    Other than Riot Act, they're all shit!! :shock:

    You should probably put down the bong for a second and think what you just posted. :lol:
    I have no patience for bad music and stupid people...

    The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED

    #resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
    #standingman #duranadam
  • 1) No Code
    2) Vitalogy
    3) Ten
    4) Yield
    5) VS
    6) Binaural
    7) Pearl Jam
    8) Riot Act

    The top 5 are interchangeable really…I think Ten will be pushed up once I hear the remixed version. For me the first 5 are all great, (and Binaural is like a black sheep, but an interesting black sheep) but not so keen on the last 2. I loved Pearl Jam at first, but time hasn’t been kind to the album, and its produced badly. Far too loud & lively. The production on VS-Yield was almost faultless. It’s a good thing O’Brien has brought back
  • OceansJennyOceansJenny Posts: 3,394
    0. Into the Wild (I know you're not including this, but it's my top regardless 8-) )
    1. Vitalogy
    2. Pearl Jam
    3. No Code
    4. Binaural
    5. Ten
    6. Vs.
    7. Yield
    8. Riot Act

    Yeah that's right, you're looking at it right; I don't really like Yield!
    DC '03 - Reading '04 - Philly '05 - Camden 1 '06 - DC '06 - E. Rutherford '06 - The Vic '07 - Lollapalooza '07 - DC '08 - EV DC 1 & 2 '08 (Met Ed!!) - EV Baltimore 1 & 2 '09 - EV NYC 1 '11 (Met Ed!) - Hartford '13 - GCF '15 - MSG 2 '16 - TOTD MSG '16 - Boston 1 & 2 '18 - SHN '21 - EV NYC 1 & 2 '22 - MSG '22
  • 1: Ten
    2: Vs
    3: Yield
    4: No Code
    5: Vitalogy
    6: Riot Act
    7: Binaural
    8: Pearl Jam
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    edited June 2009
    Ten used to be lower, but remix brought it to top.

    Ten Redux
    Riot Act
    No Code

    Yes, I love Riot Act more than Yield, fuckers. :P
    Post edited by LikeAnOcean on
  • 1. Binaural
    Best sessions. album has the best atmosphere and mood. Great tunes that always make a setlist special when played live. Always get the most excited when I'm about to play the vinyl of this one. :D

    2. Riot Act
    Also love the mood on this album. Love the production and wide variety of songs. Reminds me of "Down On The upside" with its long tracklist and multi-genre songs. Album is great on vinyl, When you have a break after Thumbing My Way.

    3. Yield.
    Love the whole feel of this album. This album soars like no other PJ album. The boys really were inspired. I think the middle of this album isnt as strong as the start and finish which drops the album to 3rd on my list

    4 No Code
    Some of these songs sound really inspired and make up the top 10 PJ songs of all time. I think it needed one more great tune to make it my favourite. The album sorta trails off at the end. Leaving you lost after present tense. I'm open is enjoyable. But doesnt have any effect when placed after mankind. Some days I like this better than Yield, some days not...

    5. Vitalogy
    Great record. would like to place it higher on the list. All great songs, Enjoy the experiments throughout too. Just not as much replay value as the others due to less tunes and variety.

    6. VS.
    This albums has a great collection of songs. Doesnt quite stand up to the feel or mood of the albums that come after it. I love hearing these songs in a live setlist. not so much feel the need to spin the record...

    7 Ten.
    Not much needs to be said about ten. its obviously a classic album from start to finish, although it doesnt feel personal enough to me to rank higher than the other albums. It might be in my head, but thats why I like riot act and binaural so much more.

    8. Avocado
    Production and theme ruin this album for me. Its too loud. even come back. too loud. songs never finish properly (big wave, army reserve, unemployable) I do enjoy listening to this album because its pearl jam. I can see why once the album was finished they couldnt name it or give it an album cover though. Theres not really a theme or mood.
    ...The Moon is Rollin' Round....
  • UpSideDownUpSideDown Posts: 1,966
    best to least best......

    riot act
    no code
    pearl jam
  • Vs.
    No Code
    Pearl Jam
    Riot Act
  • PearlJamPatriotPearlJamPatriot Posts: 2,426
    edited May 2010
    1. Vs
    2. Vitalogy
    3. Ten (redux)
    4. No Code
    5. self titled
    6. Yield
    7. Binaural
    8. Backspacer
    9. Riot Act
    Post edited by PearlJamPatriot on
    Pearl Jam Shows: 1998 - 9/11 New York, NY (MSG night 2); 9/13 Hartford, CT || 2000 - 8/24 Wantagh, NY (Jones Beach 2); 8/27 Saratoga Springs; 8/29 Mansfield, MA (night 1); 8/30 Mansfield, MA (night 2) || 2003 - 4/29 Albany, NY; 5/3 State College, PA; 7/2 Mansfield (night 1); 7/6 Camden, NJ (night 2); 7/8 New York, NY (MSG night 1) || 2004 - 9/28 Boston, MA (night 1); 9/29 Boston, MA (night 2) || 2005 - 10/3 Philadelphia, PA || 2006 - 5/12 Albany, NY; 5/13 Hartford, CT; 5/24 Boston, MA (night 1); 5/25 Boston, MA (night 2); 5/27 Camden, NJ (night 1); 5/28 Camden, NJ (night 2)|| 2008 - 6/19 Camden, NJ (night 1); 6/24 New York, NY (MSG night 1); 6/25 New York, NY (MSG night 2); 6/27 Hartford, CT; 6/28 Mansfield, MA (night 1); 6/30 Mansfield, MA (night 2); 7/1 New York, NY (Beacon Theater)|| 2009 - 9/21 Seattle, WA (night 1); 9/22 Seattle, WA (night 2); 10/27 Philadelphia, PA (Spectrum night 1); 10/28 Philadelphia, PA (Spectrum night 2); 10/30 Philadelphia, PA (Spectrum night 3); 10/31 Philadelphia, PA (Spectrum night 4)|| 2010 - 5/15 Hartford, CT; 5/17 Boston, MA; 5/20 New York, NY (MSG night 1); 5/21 New York, NY (MSG night 2)|| 2011 - 9/3 East Troy, WI (PJ20); 9/4 East Troy, WI (PJ20) || 2012 - 9/2 Philadelphia, PA, 9/30 Missoula, MT || 2013 - 7/19 Chicago, IL (Wrigley Field), 10/12 Buffalo, NY, 10/15 Worcester, MA (night 1), 10/16 Worcester, MA (night 2), 10/18 Brooklyn, NY (night 1), 10/19 Brooklyn, NY (night 2), 10/25 Hartford, CT || 2014 - 10/22 Denver, CO || 2015 -  9/26 New York, NY (Global Citizen Festival) || 2016 - 5/1 New York, NY (night 1), 5/2 New York, NY (night 2), 8/5 Boston, MA (Fenway Park night 1), 8/7 Boston, MA (Fenway Park night 2) || 2018 - 9/2 Boston, MA (Fenway Park night 1) || 2020 - 3/30 New York, NY
    Eddie Vedder solo: 2008 - Boston night 1 & 2 || 2009 - Albany, NY night 1 & 2 || 2011 - Hartford, CT, Boston, MA

  • pjsteelerfanpjsteelerfan Posts: 9,895
    No Code
    Pearl Jam
    Riot Act
    ...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
  • glorified_jglorified_j Posts: 183
    1. Vs. - This will never change. It will always be No. 1 for me.
    2. Yield
    3. Ten - Just a great era
    4. No Code - It's a tie for fourth.
    4. Vitology
    6. Pearl Jam
    7. Binaural
    8. Riot Act
  • Stephen FlowStephen Flow Posts: 3,327
    1. Backspacer
    2. No Code
    3. Yield
    4. Binaural
    5. Vitalogy
    6. Vs.
    7. Ten
    8. Riot Act
    9. Pearl Jam
  • CG49089CG49089 Posts: 110
    1. Ten (11 out of 10 -I guess I believe people when they don't put Ten first, but I think they wrongly talk themselves out of it... just accept it... it takes the top slot... not by too much though)

    2.Vs, Vitalogy, No Code (all 10 to 11 out of 10 - These four albums round out PJs perfection in my opinion... all 4 masterpieces to me)

    3.Yield (9.5 to 10 out of 10 -I think Yield is a beautiful album... almost as good as the above, but not quite)

    4.Binaural (9 out of 10)

    5.Riot Act (8.5 out of 10 - Very good album... almost as good as Binaural... I almost had them in a tie, but I've better memories of Binaural)

    6. Avocado (8 out of 10 -Good album, I like the bands aggressiveness...but too wordy... maybe some Brendan O'brien is needed.. I think the next album will change the chronological trend of my list)
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,549
    i only take this one for a simple reason.....for put in N1 place the right album......come ON people...

    1. TEN
    2. V.S
    3. Binaural
    4. Vitalogy
    5. No Code
    6. Yield
    7. Avocado
    8. Riot Act
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
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