~ The Kitty Thread!! ~ Take 2!



  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,685
    FoxyMop wrote:
    Thanks Sian, Rygar, Denise.. ugh it was scary! His under-eyelid was almost stuck shut and he's been walking around like a pirate kitty since. Today looks to be an improvement, as he can actually open his eye now a bit. Tomorrow I need to bring him to his regular vet for another checkup to make sure there was no long-term damage.

    It makes me mad that he was hurt as a result of the cleaning stuff around the house. Fundamentally I understand that there's chemicals in cleaning products, but I've been using them forever and never to any ill-effect of my original cat Rufus and my dog. It's when shit happens that people (me) begin to see the error of their ways.

    At this point I'm basically attempting to end up being as close to 100% organic as I can get.

    On a side note, I learned something else of value at the emergency vet; raisins are highly toxic to dogs. Not all dogs, but most of them. I knew chocolate was, but not raisins. There was a beautiful husky puppy who had to have his stomach pumped from eating 4 or 5 oatmeal raisin cookies.

    Thanks so much for your concern...will keep you all posted! :)

    Glad to hear that things at least look decent.
    Don't beat yourself up over it, as regular "toxic" cleaning supplies are by far the norm, and most of us (myself included) never give it a second thought until something bad happens to our pets or someone else's, like yours.

    Never knew that raisins were dog-toxic. Interesting fact.
  • I have some bad news regarding my cat, Tabitha.

    She went to the vet to have her tooth out to see if they could reduce the abcess in her face, this went well and happened a week last Friday.

    Tab went for her check up (to see if the abcess had reduced) on Monday, the vet wasn't happy with her progress as it hadn't gone down any. The vet kept her in to investigate but prepared my ex and his girlfriend (who she lived with), for the worst.

    It was the worst. Tabitha had a tumour in her jaw that was so developed that it had eaten away at the bone so badly that her jaw was so soft, just touching it left an imprint. The vet told my ex and his girlfriend that she could be brought around (she was still asleep from the xrays) and she could live for days, weeks, maybe even months but eventually her jaw would disintegrate and break, leaving her in agony and unable to eat. All three of us, together, took the decision to have her suffering ended and to have her put to sleep.

    We were with her when she died on Monday. She was awake and happy to see us but she'd had enough, was tired and in pain. She passed peacefully in my ex's arms while I told her I loved her.

    I'm absolutely devestated but it was for the best. I couldn't live with myself knowing she was in pain or that the worst could happen any day. Tab was only six but due to her brain damage (from when she was born) she aged quicker than a normal cat would.

    Tab had a happy time on earth and died knowing we love her. She'll always be my baby and i'll miss her everyday.
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,685
    I have some bad news regarding my cat, Tabitha.

    She went to the vet to have her tooth out to see if they could reduce the abcess in her face, this went well and happened a week last Friday.

    Tab went for her check up (to see if the abcess had reduced) on Monday, the vet wasn't happy with her progress as it hadn't gone down any. The vet kept her in to investigate but prepared my ex and his girlfriend (who she lived with), for the worst.

    It was the worst. Tabitha had a tumour in her jaw that was so developed that it had eaten away at the bone so badly that her jaw was so soft, just touching it left an imprint. The vet told my ex and his girlfriend that she could be brought around (she was still asleep from the xrays) and she could live for days, weeks, maybe even months but eventually her jaw would disintegrate and break, leaving her in agony and unable to eat. All three of us, together, took the decision to have her suffering ended and to have her put to sleep.

    We were with her when she died on Monday. She was awake and happy to see us but she'd had enough, was tired and in pain. She passed peacefully in my ex's arms while I told her I loved her.

    I'm absolutely devestated but it was for the best. I couldn't live with myself knowing she was in pain or that the worst could happen any day. Tab was only six but due to her brain damage (from when she was born) she aged quicker than a normal cat would.

    Tab had a happy time on earth and died knowing we love her. She'll always be my baby and i'll miss her everyday.
    Dang, very sad to hear that.
    Kudos to you for been able to make a decision separated from emotion for the better of the cat, who was a lucky one to have you for a buddy for her life.
  • LizardLizard Posts: 12,091
    Awww...sorry to hear about Tabitha, Sian.

    And hope your kitty's checkup goes well, Foxy.
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • mindimindi Posts: 1,858
    Sian I am so sorry :cry:
    To 10c; "Your PJ tshirt should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." - bionicamy
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    Sian, I'm so sorry. :( You did the right thing and gave her a great life though. Losing one is just so hard and never, never gets easier.
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • FoxyMopFoxyMop Posts: 303
    Sian, I'm so very sorry to hear about your Tabitha. :( What a difficult decision...I admire your strength and am glad that she was able to pass in the arms of the people she loved.
  • FoxyMopFoxyMop Posts: 303
    Lizard wrote:
    And hope your kitty's checkup goes well, Foxy.

    Thanks Lizard. Vet said he's doing very well, there doesn't appear to be any long term damage and we should finish out the Px stuff.

    Freakin chemicals. :x :evil: :x I've been to Whole Foods twice this week trying to organicify everything. (p.s. they make AMAZING guacamole)
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    FoxyMop wrote:
    Lizard wrote:
    And hope your kitty's checkup goes well, Foxy.

    Thanks Lizard. Vet said he's doing very well, there doesn't appear to be any long term damage and we should finish out the Px stuff.

    Freakin chemicals. :x :evil: :x I've been to Whole Foods twice this week trying to organicify everything. (p.s. they make AMAZING guacamole)
    So glad he's ok. :) Scary stuff. :(
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    Sian - so sad. I'm so sorry.

    I have 6 indoor cats. They were all adopted strays/ferals. What is amazing to me is how they are all such individuals with distinct personalities. I'll try to post some pictures sometime. Right now Edward (yes he's named after that guy - we tried calling him Ed, but it just didn't fit his personality) and Maximus are sleeping right on my legs.

    Anyone going to watch the Kitty half time show during the Puppy Bowl tomorrow?
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    FoxyMop wrote:
    Sian, I'm so very sorry to hear about your Tabitha. :( What a difficult decision...I admire your strength and am glad that she was able to pass in the arms of the people she loved.

    Having also recently suddenly losing a kitty, I really feel your loss and the difficult decision you had to make...right there with you, Sian....
    be philanthropic
  • Thank you all so much.

    We buried Tabitha on Tuesday in her favourite blanket, next to my ex and girlfriend's other cat, Whiskers. Placing her in the ground was one of the hardest things i've had to do but i'm glad I had that chance to say goodbye and lay her to rest myself. I miss her with every breath and I guess it finally hit me on Friday night that she isn't coming back. It's been an emotional week but Dave has been a huge support and i'm coming to terms with the sudden loss of such a gorgeous and wonderful cat who provided over six years of happiness and laughter.

    Vedderfan10 - I'm sorry for your sudden loss also :( *hugs*

    I feel guilty as hell as it's so close to Tab's passing but myself and Dave have decided to still go ahead with getting our own cats for our new house. I'm getting in touch with The Cats Protection League today who will perform a home inspection in the next few weeks before we get to choose our pair of rescue cats. I think that now is as good a time as any to rehome some cats... I just don't want anyone to think i'm trying to replace what I've lost - I simply couldn't.

    I'll keep you all posted on how it goes.

    Foxy - So glad the vet's pleased and there's no long term damage :) It's really made me think about the chemicals I use in my own house :?
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
  • Aww, Sian and Vedderfan10 I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your precious babies :cry: {{{{{hugs and good vibes}}}}}} to both of you.

    Foxy I'm glad your baby is getting better :P
    "What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
  • Unfortunatey I have more bad news.

    Some of you may remember Dave's cat, Max. Max had a stroke last year and we were all heart broken, thinking he wouldn't make it... He did and although he was a little sideways, he was happy and the vet gave him the all clear.
    Over the past couple of months Max had been getting progressively worse (they think he may have had another small stroke and he'd lost control of some of his functions) so Dave's mum had to take the decision to end his suffering on Thursday last week. He passed away peacefully with Dave's mum at the ripe old age of 18. Dave has never known family life without him, he's extremely upset and although we were expecting it, it still hurts.
    Max was such a well loved, dozey, shouty, ginger tom who simply thought he was people... We'll miss him greatly.

    On a slightly happier note, myself and Dave have our own cats for our new home. (A house isn't a home without a cat, I say!)
    I visited the local RSPCA rehoming branch last Friday and fell in love with two 6-12 month old kittens. They had been rescued from a home where they were forced to live with 26 other cats in a single, squalid room. Due to their rough start in life, the RSPCA rep at the branch warned me that they would be very timid... They completely disproved her and it was love at first fuss.
    Dave went to meet them both on Sunday and again, they completely fell for him. Plenty of fuss was had, purrs didn't stop and Dave felt exactly how I did... We wanted to give them a loving home and a second chance in life.
    We've filled in all the paperwork and we're expecting a home visit on Friday evening. As the cats have to be collected within 24 - 48 hours of an approved home inspection we should be picking up our two new boys, Sykes and Riley on Valentines day. I couldn't ask for a better present. :mrgreen:

    I'll post pictures when they're a little more settled and i'll keep you all updated :)
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    Unfortunatey I have more bad news.

    Some of you may remember Dave's cat, Max. Max had a stroke last year and we were all heart broken, thinking he wouldn't make it... He did and although he was a little sideways, he was happy and the vet gave him the all clear.
    Over the past couple of months Max had been getting progressively worse (they think he may have had another small stroke and he'd lost control of some of his functions) so Dave's mum had to take the decision to end his suffering on Thursday last week. He passed away peacefully with Dave's mum at the ripe old age of 18. Dave has never known family life without him, he's extremely upset and although we were expecting it, it still hurts.
    Max was such a well loved, dozey, shouty, ginger tom who simply thought he was people... We'll miss him greatly.

    On a slightly happier note, myself and Dave have our own cats for our new home. (A house isn't a home without a cat, I say!)
    I visited the local RSPCA rehoming branch last Friday and fell in love with two 6-12 month old kittens. They had been rescued from a home where they were forced to live with 26 other cats in a single, squalid room. Due to their rough start in life, the RSPCA rep at the branch warned me that they would be very timid... They completely disproved her and it was love at first fuss.
    Dave went to meet them both on Sunday and again, they completely fell for him. Plenty of fuss was had, purrs didn't stop and Dave felt exactly how I did... We wanted to give them a loving home and a second chance in life.
    We've filled in all the paperwork and we're expecting a home visit on Friday evening. As the cats have to be collected within 24 - 48 hours of an approved home inspection we should be picking up our two new boys, Sykes and Riley on Valentines day. I couldn't ask for a better present. :mrgreen:

    I'll post pictures when they're a little more settled and i'll keep you all updated :)
    Sorry to hear about Max, but 18, wow, that's quite an awesome life. I know how hard it is as two of mine have lived to be 18.
    Great to hear about the two new kittens. They will have the great life they deserve with you two. Can't wait to see pics. :)
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • FoxyMopFoxyMop Posts: 303
    Unfortunatey I have more bad news.

    Some of you may remember Dave's cat, Max. Max had a stroke last year and we were all heart broken, thinking he wouldn't make it... He did and although he was a little sideways, he was happy and the vet gave him the all clear.
    Over the past couple of months Max had been getting progressively worse (they think he may have had another small stroke and he'd lost control of some of his functions) so Dave's mum had to take the decision to end his suffering on Thursday last week. He passed away peacefully with Dave's mum at the ripe old age of 18. Dave has never known family life without him, he's extremely upset and although we were expecting it, it still hurts.
    Max was such a well loved, dozey, shouty, ginger tom who simply thought he was people... We'll miss him greatly.

    On a slightly happier note, myself and Dave have our own cats for our new home. (A house isn't a home without a cat, I say!)
    I visited the local RSPCA rehoming branch last Friday and fell in love with two 6-12 month old kittens. They had been rescued from a home where they were forced to live with 26 other cats in a single, squalid room. Due to their rough start in life, the RSPCA rep at the branch warned me that they would be very timid... They completely disproved her and it was love at first fuss.
    Dave went to meet them both on Sunday and again, they completely fell for him. Plenty of fuss was had, purrs didn't stop and Dave felt exactly how I did... We wanted to give them a loving home and a second chance in life.
    We've filled in all the paperwork and we're expecting a home visit on Friday evening. As the cats have to be collected within 24 - 48 hours of an approved home inspection we should be picking up our two new boys, Sykes and Riley on Valentines day. I couldn't ask for a better present. :mrgreen:

    I'll post pictures when they're a little more settled and i'll keep you all updated :)

    Aww Sian.. my condolences to you and Dave about Max. :( Two kitties in heaven in the past month. :hugs for you both: Logically you know ending their pain is the humane, decent and loving thing to do, but it doesn't eases the grief. My older cat is going bald and getting very thin and bony all of a sudden and I'm beginning to fear the same for him.

    On the brighter note.. congratulations!! Can't wait to see the photos of your new lovies! :)
  • mertmert Posts: 167
    My condolences on the loss of your feline family members to those affected.... :(
    Rygar wrote:

    I have that fish tank in bright orange! :D He's not technically mine, but I live with him and he lurves me... This is my housemate's cat Fluff. He is a Big Hairy Pussy. ;)


    Hiding in the Christmas tree:

    Being cute:

    Watching a hockey game. :lol:

    And in honour of how awesome kitties are: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H52eQFOj11Q
  • mert wrote:
    My condolences on the loss of your feline family members to those affected.... :(

    I have that fish tank in bright orange! :D He's not technically mine, but I live with him and he lurves me... This is my housemate's cat Fluff. He is a Big Hairy Pussy. ;)


    Hiding in the Christmas tree:

    Being cute:

    Watching a hockey game. :lol:

    And in honour of how awesome kitties are: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H52eQFOj11Q

    WOW!! Fluff is GORGEOUS!!! :mrgreen: LOVE the chrimble tree piccie :lol:

    Thanks for the link... Hilarious! :lol:

    "Hi, I'm Johnny Cash"

    I wanna turn my shed into a kittie hotel :oops:

    Awesome :mrgreen:
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
  • mertmert Posts: 167
    WOW!! Fluff is GORGEOUS!!! :mrgreen: LOVE the chrimble tree piccie :lol:

    Thanks for the link... Hilarious! :lol:

    "Hi, I'm Johnny Cash"

    I wanna turn my shed into a kittie hotel :oops:

    Awesome :mrgreen:

    :lol: Yeah, Fluff is quite the character... He was in a funny mood today. We played hide and seek for awhile this afternoon (really - he runs and hides in a room, you find him then hide, he finds you, repeat). He is the centre of the house. He has his own bedroom and a crown above it. :lol:

    And Bubbles was a natural fit for this thread... He loves his kitties! :)
  • NCBRINCBRI Posts: 1,902
    My cat and her Christmas tradition......eating the tree:


    This January:

  • mert wrote:
    :lol: Yeah, Fluff is quite the character... He was in a funny mood today. We played hide and seek for awhile this afternoon (really - he runs and hides in a room, you find him then hide, he finds you, repeat). He is the centre of the house. He has his own bedroom and a crown above it. :lol:

    And Bubbles was a natural fit for this thread... He loves his kitties! :)

    He looks like a right character :mrgreen:

    I LOVE playing games like hide and seek with kitties! My ex housemate's cat, Sabbath, would play fetch with a battered toy rodent called 'mousy'. She'd go yampy for an hour for mousy then just leave it... 10 -15 minutes later (when you're not looking) she'll have attacked the living daylights out of it and come in panting and drooling! :lol:
    NCBRI wrote:
    My cat and her Christmas tradition......eating the tree:


    This January:


    Ohhhhh she's pretty! :shock: Is she a Maine Coon by any chance? She's certainly got the characteristics of a Maine Coon...
    What's her name? :)

    I found pictures of my cat Tabitha today. I've sent them off to be printed so I can frame one and put it up in our house. I miss her so much :(

    I called the RSPCA yesterday, we're STILL waiting to confirm the home visit but the lady on the phone assured me that Sykes and Riley are reserved to us and that we just have to wait. :( I'd like my kitties now please...
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
  • dharma69dharma69 Posts: 1,275
    I don't care what any of you say, I have THE most fashionable cat in the Pit.

    I present Shiva...Alpha male but has a keen sense of style.

    "I'm here to see Pearl Jam."- Bono

    ...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.

  • dharma69 wrote:
    I don't care what any of you say, I have THE most fashionable cat in the Pit.

    I present Shiva...Alpha male but has a keen sense of style.


    I call photoshop! :mrgreen:

    GORGEOUS kitty though! :shock: is he really yours?!
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
  • dharma69dharma69 Posts: 1,275
    dharma69 wrote:
    I don't care what any of you say, I have THE most fashionable cat in the Pit.

    I present Shiva...Alpha male but has a keen sense of style.


    I call photoshop! :mrgreen:

    GORGEOUS kitty though! :shock: is he really yours?!
    He sure is...all 19 pounds of him!

    He's a sexy beast, for sure.
    "I'm here to see Pearl Jam."- Bono

    ...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.

  • FoxyMopFoxyMop Posts: 303
    So my mom sends us a cookie bouquet for Valentine's Day today and I place it on the dining room table so my daughter can see it when she gets home from school. I get in the shower, and by the time I get out, I find that my little chubbas figured out how to scootch around the cellophane and nibble giant chunks out of the cookies!!! :evil: Thankfully, they were sugar cookies w/icing and not chocolate chip.


    Kittens! Argh! :roll: :lol: :roll:
  • LizardLizard Posts: 12,091
    dharma69 wrote:
    I don't care what any of you say, I have THE most fashionable cat in the Pit.

    I present Shiva...Alpha male but has a keen sense of style.


    Aretha-Kitty!!!! :cry:
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • NCBRINCBRI Posts: 1,902
    NCBRI wrote:
    My cat and her Christmas tradition......eating the tree:


    This January:


    Ohhhhh she's pretty! :shock: Is she a Maine Coon by any chance? She's certainly got the characteristics of a Maine Coon...
    What's her name? :)


    I have no idea what she is. I know nothing about cat breeds. A stray decided to have a litter in my parents flower bed. My college roommate's girlfriend wanted one of the kittens so she took this one and they named her Precious. A few years later they were having a kid and she didn't want the cat anymore so I took her and naturally allowed her to keep her girly name. Long story short, that's my excuse for having a cat named Precious. ;)
  • FoxyMopFoxyMop Posts: 303

    This is Cinnamon. He looks so innocent. Looks are deceptive!
  • Well, we picked up our boys on Valentines day! :mrgreen:

    They've already trashed the bloody house but my gosh... they are GORGEOUS!!! :mrgreen:

    I'll post a pic of them both tomorrow :)

    NCBRI - There is no excuse for having a cat named Precious ;) (j/k)

    dharma69 - 19 pounds?! :shock:

    FoxyMop - I can't see Cinnamon's picture :?
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
  • dharma69dharma69 Posts: 1,275
    Well, we picked up our boys on Valentines day! :mrgreen:

    They've already trashed the bloody house but my gosh... they are GORGEOUS!!! :mrgreen:

    I'll post a pic of them both tomorrow :)

    dharma69 - 19 pounds?! :shock:
    Well he's...*ahem*big-boned*ahem*.

    And Cinammon is napping all snuggled under a pink blanket. It's pretty darned cute.

    Fricking cats own us, don't they?
    "I'm here to see Pearl Jam."- Bono

    ...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.

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