Shouldn’t count my chickens before they’re hatched, but…. we filled out the application to adopt Nova here…. Hoping to pick her up the Monday or Tuesday before Christmas…. We’re probably overthinking the whole integration, but other than that, we’re looking forward to getting her settled. Wife kind of likes Nova, but Nuala (sounds like “Noolah”)came to me right after our first meeting, I think that’s going to stick.
awww she's beautiful, looks like a tortie?
Yup, and she's a bit calmer than her sister which is nice. 8 mos old... Fingers crossed she gets along with her new roommate!
Shouldn’t count my chickens before they’re hatched, but…. we filled out the application to adopt Nova here…. Hoping to pick her up the Monday or Tuesday before Christmas…. We’re probably overthinking the whole integration, but other than that, we’re looking forward to getting her settled. Wife kind of likes Nova, but Nuala (sounds like “Noolah”)came to me right after our first meeting, I think that’s going to stick.
Oh yeah she’s a beauty and nova is a great name! Good luck with integration process
Haha, I hope my wife doesn't see this. She's on board w/ Nova, I think I like Noula more... tbd.
Thanks for the well wishes... part of me thinks I might be making a mistake; we have a good routine w/ Chains since we put Alice down.. meals alone are much easier... she grazes here & there, there's not a lot of structure to when we feed her. She's never been food aggressive, we can leave food out & she doesn't overeat. Sometimes I forget to even give her wet food in the evening because she won't cry for it.
Unless the new cat is also a grazer, we may have to put some structure back to the meal times. Not the worst thing in the world, and if the companionship works out for Chains like I hope, it will be well worth it.
Regardless, we can't turn back now... we paid the adoption fees last night. LFG
Good luck. I get it with the feedings. One of my cats is not super food motivated but the other one is a little piggy. So, I have to only feed them at specific times and watch them like a hawk. If he finishes first and I am not watching he will start eating her food. He is also on prescription food so it is not good for him to be eating her food. So feeding them is a production.
Good luck. I get it with the feedings. One of my cats is not super food motivated but the other one is a little piggy. So, I have to only feed them at specific times and watch them like a hawk. If he finishes first and I am not watching he will start eating her food. He is also on prescription food so it is not good for him to be eating her food. So feeding them is a production.
Yeah, Alice was also a piggy and would eat from both bowls... we had to separate them for the wet food, and hope for the best with the dry food dispenser.
Chains is healthy / a good weight, so we were never that worried about it. Fingers crossed this new cat is a grazer too.
First post on this thread but have been reading with interest for a while. We have two cats (rescued together) and realised very early on that one is more dominant than the other with food so we invested in a pair of these and haven’t looked back!
First post on this thread but have been reading with interest for a while. We have two cats (rescued together) and realised very early on that one is more dominant than the other with food so we invested in a pair of these and haven’t looked back!
One of my cats is more dominate over food than the other as well. Although the other one chases the food dominate one a lot over he house. Their about the same age. I'm guessing the food dominate cat had a rough kitten life with food? I'll look into that pet feeder thing.
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
No, we’ve had them for over three years now but I finally decided to post some pictures of them. We got them as rescues - they aren’t related but were brought up together from kittens until their previous owners had to give them up through ill health.
It’s been great seeing all the other photos and reading the stories in this thread (if a little heartbreaking sometimes).
Nuala came home with us tonight. We’ll introduce her to Chains in a couple days. In the meanwhile she’s just chilling in the spare bedroom… emphasis on chill, she’s walking around getting the lay of the place, purring away & being friendly. So far so good.
Thanks GG. I think Chains knows what’s up… might have caught a glimpse of N, but for now we’re keeping them separated. So far so good, Chains isn’t particularly anxious. (Any more than normal that is)
Nuala came home with us tonight. We’ll introduce her to Chains in a couple days. In the meanwhile she’s just chilling in the spare bedroom… emphasis on chill, she’s walking around getting the lay of the place, purring away & being friendly. So far so good.
First night in the house… she’s calm & happy enough… gotta figure out them stinky shits tho…. I’m in the room holding my nose like Ice Cube in the bathroom w/ his father in Friday.
First night in the house… she’s calm & happy enough… gotta figure out them stinky shits tho…. I’m in the room holding my nose like Ice Cube in the bathroom w/ his father in Friday.
I’m glad she is adjusting. Are you giving her the same food she was eating before you got her. If not, it may take her a few days to adjust to new food. They say you should introduce new food slowly by first mixing it with the old food and gradually taking away the old food. That might be the issue.
First night in the house… she’s calm & happy enough… gotta figure out them stinky shits tho…. I’m in the room holding my nose like Ice Cube in the bathroom w/ his father in Friday.
I’m glad she is adjusting. Are you giving her the same food she was eating before you got her. If not, it may take her a few days to adjust to new food. They say you should introduce new food slowly by first mixing it with the old food and gradually taking away the old food. That might be the issue.
Same food... the foster mom gave us some to take home (it's a Purina Pro something or other, intended for cats < 1yo).
It's not just stinky, but diarrhea as well. Luckily it's all been in the litter box, but still... on one hand, it could be caused by stress / anxiety from the move, but OTOH, she dropped a stinker in the litter box at the foster home when we went to see her a couple weeks ago, so we're really hoping it isn't a bigger issue.
We have a vet appointment for her tomorrow, so fingers crossed.
First night in the house… she’s calm & happy enough… gotta figure out them stinky shits tho…. I’m in the room holding my nose like Ice Cube in the bathroom w/ his father in Friday.
I’m glad she is adjusting. Are you giving her the same food she was eating before you got her. If not, it may take her a few days to adjust to new food. They say you should introduce new food slowly by first mixing it with the old food and gradually taking away the old food. That might be the issue.
Same food... the foster mom gave us some to take home (it's a Purina Pro something or other, intended for cats < 1yo).
It's not just stinky, but diarrhea as well. Luckily it's all been in the litter box, but still... on one hand, it could be caused by stress / anxiety from the move, but OTOH, she dropped a stinker in the litter box at the foster home when we went to see her a couple weeks ago, so we're really hoping it isn't a bigger issue.
We have a vet appointment for her tomorrow, so fingers crossed.
Get her checked for worms. That is often the issue with kittens. It also could be stress.
My 5 year old cat just recently developed IBD. She was having a lot of diarrhea - but not stinky. Low appetite. She lost a lot of weight. I thought I was going to lose her last summer. But she rallied. She has been on a small dose of steroids since June and it has helped a lot. She is still a bit underweight though.
Really weird, scary thing happened this evening. I got up from a chair and lost my balance and went down hard arm first on the table next to me where Annie was sitting. She often likes to hang out near one of us. It happened really fast and I came down hard on one of Annie's front legs. She freaked and tried to get away and the claws on her other front leg caught my right hand and dug in and she hung from my hand for a moment and I yelled out in bad pain and she ripped loose and took off. I was totally freaked out wondering how badly I had hurt her. We finally found her under the couch (it has a six in space underneath) and she was having nothing to do with either of us, especially me. Oh man, I felt bad. Really bad. C. finally coaxed her out and checked out her leg and nothing was broken. It seemed OK although she was walking a little gingerly on It for a while. Three hours later and she seems to be walking OK now.
But oh man, do I feel baaaaad. My hand doesn't feel so great either but I doused it in alcohol, so it should be OK. At least it wasn't her teeth. That would be very problematic. What a nightmare.
Poor kitty! I feel terrible!
Wow I hope you are both feeling better. It sounds like you got the brunt of it. You probably just freaked her out for a bit. If she is not limping she is likely ok. I always feel bad if one of my cats gets under my feet and i accidentally step on their foot or tail. They are always fine but make the most awful yowl. I always feel bad.
Really weird, scary thing happened this evening. I got up from a chair and lost my balance and went down hard arm first on the table next to me where Annie was sitting. She often likes to hang out near one of us. It happened really fast and I came down hard on one of Annie's front legs. She freaked and tried to get away and the claws on her other front leg caught my right hand and dug in and she hung from my hand for a moment and I yelled out in bad pain and she ripped loose and took off. I was totally freaked out wondering how badly I had hurt her. We finally found her under the couch (it has a six in space underneath) and she was having nothing to do with either of us, especially me. Oh man, I felt bad. Really bad. C. finally coaxed her out and checked out her leg and nothing was broken. It seemed OK although she was walking a little gingerly on It for a while. Three hours later and she seems to be walking OK now.
But oh man, do I feel baaaaad. My hand doesn't feel so great either but I doused it in alcohol, so it should be OK. At least it wasn't her teeth. That would be very problematic. What a nightmare.
Poor kitty! I feel terrible!
Hope you're ok, Brian. Glad to hear nothing too serious happened.
Hey, thank you both!
Oh my goodness, I'm losing it. I totally forgot about that incident. But what reminded me of it and led me back here was that a little while ago I heard my my wife go, "OH OH OH!!!" in pain and I ran out to the other room to see what was wrong and she is pulling Annie off her leg. Then very quickly, the cat ran under the couch... again. I asked, "What happened?" and she said, "Annie fell off my lap and tried to hang on for a second." I asked if she was OK and she said, "Yeah, we're both OK now," and then handed me one of the little outer claws that Annie shed as a result of the fiasco. But otherwise, no serious harm done.
Oh my, but we are all getting old around here, !
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,815
Shouldn’t count my chickens before they’re hatched, but…. we filled out the application to adopt Nova here…. Hoping to pick her up the Monday or Tuesday before Christmas…. We’re probably overthinking the whole integration, but other than that, we’re looking forward to getting her settled. Wife kind of likes Nova, but Nuala (sounds like “Noolah”)came to me right after our first meeting, I think that’s going to stick.
Sweet kitties!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Thanks for the well wishes... part of me thinks I might be making a mistake; we have a good routine w/ Chains since we put Alice down.. meals alone are much easier... she grazes here & there, there's not a lot of structure to when we feed her. She's never been food aggressive, we can leave food out & she doesn't overeat. Sometimes I forget to even give her wet food in the evening because she won't cry for it.
Unless the new cat is also a grazer, we may have to put some structure back to the meal times. Not the worst thing in the world, and if the companionship works out for Chains like I hope, it will be well worth it.
Regardless, we can't turn back now... we paid the adoption fees last night. LFG
Chains is healthy / a good weight, so we were never that worried about it. Fingers crossed this new cat is a grazer too.
One of my cats is more dominate over food than the other as well. Although the other one chases the food dominate one a lot over he house. Their about the same age. I'm guessing the food dominate cat had a rough kitten life with food? I'll look into that pet feeder thing.
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
It's not just stinky, but diarrhea as well. Luckily it's all been in the litter box, but still... on one hand, it could be caused by stress / anxiety from the move, but OTOH, she dropped a stinker in the litter box at the foster home when we went to see her a couple weeks ago, so we're really hoping it isn't a bigger issue.
We have a vet appointment for her tomorrow, so fingers crossed.
I asked, "What happened?" and she said, "Annie fell off my lap and tried to hang on for a second." I asked if she was OK and she said, "Yeah, we're both OK now," and then handed me one of the little outer claws that Annie shed as a result of the fiasco. But otherwise, no serious harm done.
Sweet kitties!
How are your cats with travelling?