That said, even for those people here who smoke daily and still claim to have normal, functional lives, at least think about the damage it is doing to your lungs. But I'm biased; I work in a hospital and see many people every day with lung cancer, chronic respiratory problems, and heart attacks, all in part due to smoking tobacco. And since marijauna contains many of the same toxins as tobacco cigarettes, I would suspect that it poses similar types of risks....
I think you may be really wrong in that assumption... Pot in no way includes anywhere close to as many toxins as there are in a cigarette. Marijuana is not polluted with all the 599 additives that a cigarette has.
No I don't. I think you are an idiot. Why? Because you're thinking that you're wise because you are 16 and tried different drugs.
I like to rock out with my head being clear...because I like life as it is.
I think you're an idiot. We're all here on this message board to learn more about one of our favorite bands, pearl jam and to share expiriences we've had with this band. Do you think you're wise because you can read someones post and believe that they are actually 16 years old? I think you're a complete fucking moron if you think age has anything to with life expiriences. I'm actually older than 16 but started smoking pot at 16.
You like to rock out with your head clear, but have you ever had your ears mind and body explode during a concert? Do you know what that feels like? Do you know what it feels like to be lifted in a pyriamid of (at the time) your closets friends sharing a great expirience of live music with your mind floating miles away traveling at the speed of sound?
Are you tellin me our fav rockers never took acid?
They're fucking rock stars.
If it wasn't for LSD rock n roll would not be a fantasy to the people like it is today. Music wouldn't be considered half as cool as it is now. Perhaps no real emotion besides broken hearts would be sung. Could you imagine a world were everyone was "washed in black" and Eddie wasn't allowed to sing about George Bush or the governement.
What the fuck is this world coming to. And please don't leave a message I don't want to cuddle with some dude who thinks its cool and wise to talk down to a teenager. I think Miley Cirus has posted new nudes, go look those up online instead.
And to the original poster who asked this question, pot is a gateway drug only if you let it. Drugs are expensive, as always bills come first (even as small as a cellphone bill its still a bill) If you smoke pot and feel depressed, stop for a few months save up some money and instead of wasting your money on plants that burn in smoke go out to dinner with friends, see a movie, fuck you're 16 dude. Do things with your life while you still can. While you don't have to pay for school. Smoke pot, drink beers with friends, save up money for a car so you can get more freedom in life. Your grown up ife doesn't even truly begin until you move out of your parents house or atleast get a car or be able to get out of your house more. Fuck, pick up a guitar or some drumstick and go crazy. The world is your oyster and if you can find the pearl you can definetly fucking jam. Never plan your life, live day by day.
And once again for all you incompetent assholes who think drugs are bad why don't you go cry over the girl who dumped you because you never showered instead of moving on and trying to make a better life for yourself and the people around you. Stop being tools. Stop fighting over marijuana on rock n roll message board. We all love seeing Pearl Jam, maybe we'll share that together one day with a crowd of thousands but if I can tell you anything else GETALIFE.
Yup. a kid who's not even 20 years old is telling you to get a life if you feel its necisarry to tell some other kid how to live his life.
And why even bring up Ozzy? Ozzy did drugs for atleast half his life. HEAVILY. I don't think anyone here on this message board (unless good ol Boston Red SoxGM Theo Epstein is on here) has enough money to do the drugs Ozzy did.
Which reminds me I read a quote of Theo Epstien once when the Red Sox played the dodgers in the Collisium, he refered to it as "walking out of the field house onto the field it was as if i was on acid, I couldnt believe my eyes when I didn't see a warning track on the field".
And for anyone who wants to argue back. Use your mind. Don't pick at the words I said. Bring in new discussion, bring in statistics, use your mind and try to elevate the knoweldge instead of acting like the offspring of two special olympic gold medalists.
5-25-06 Boston II
6-14-08 Bonnaroo
6-30-08 Mansfield II
5-17-10 Boston
10-23-10 Bridge School 24
10-24-10 Bridge School 24
I think you may be really wrong in that assumption... Pot in no way includes anywhere close to as many toxins as there are in a cigarette. Marijuana is not polluted with all the 599 additives that a cigarette has.
"...marijuana smoke contains 50 percent to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke and has the potential to cause cancer of the lungs and respiratory tract. Marijuana smoke is commonly inhaled deeper and held longer than is tobacco smoke, increasing the lungs' exposure to carcinogens."
I googled "marijuana" and "health" and came across many links with similar information. That said, a google search doesn't exactly constitute a thorough medical literature search (especially as it doesn't link to primary scientific research study results), so I can't claim to have anything close to expertise on the subject... And hey, it's your lungs; you're free to do what you want to them....
"...marijuana smoke contains 50 percent to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke and has the potential to cause cancer of the lungs and respiratory tract. Marijuana smoke is commonly inhaled deeper and held longer than is tobacco smoke, increasing the lungs' exposure to carcinogens."
I googled "marijuana" and "health" and came across many links with similar information. That said, a google search doesn't exactly constitute a thorough medical literature search (especially as it doesn't link to primary scientific research study results), so I can't claim to have anything close to expertise on the subject... And hey, it's your lungs; you're free to do what you want to them....
Inhaling any smoke is obviously bad for you. I was standing over my grill the other day thinking this can't be good for my lungs.
I think kittkat makes a good point when she quotes ozzy about peeing on the Alamo or whatever-
the point being that marijuana may or may not have lasting health effects, but how are you to be representing yourself when you're actually high? I've never been a pot smoker, but the reason for that is that I had no respect for the way people behaved while they were high. you don't represent yourself as an intelligent, motivated person when you're high (and this goes for everything, even alcohol, and I'm not saying I haven't done things I regret under the influence of alcohol). Really, as you grow up you really don't want people to think of you as a stoner, it just doesn't command respect. and of course the more often you smoke, the more chance you have of either doing something stupid while high or developing a reputation. So really, even if there's no lasting medical effects, there are lasting social effects, so just keep that in mind.
Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
I think kittkat makes a good point when she quotes ozzy about peeing on the Alamo or whatever-
the point being that marijuana may or may not have lasting health effects, but how are you to be representing yourself when you're actually high? I've never been a pot smoker, but the reason for that is that I had no respect for the way people behaved while they were high. you don't represent yourself as an intelligent, motivated person when you're high (and this goes for everything, even alcohol, and I'm not saying I haven't done things I regret under the influence of alcohol). Really, as you grow up you really don't want people to think of you as a stoner, it just doesn't command respect. and of course the more often you smoke, the more chance you have of either doing something stupid while high or developing a reputation. So really, even if there's no lasting medical effects, there are lasting social effects, so just keep that in mind.
That's exactly what is wrong with this whole issue. The misconception that everyone who enjoys pot, no matter how often they do it, is a complete stoner, and a waste of a person. Just like everyone who enjoys a drink goes home to beat their wife after running over small children? So, really, don't bother telling me what "pot smokers" are like, when you have never been a part of the community. It's just like everything else, don't judge it, or the people, till you have tried it. Not suggesting you smoke weed, no way, just saying... try not to have such a "knowing" opinion, unless, you truly are in the know.
That's exactly what is wrong with this whole issue. The misconception that everyone who enjoys pot, no matter how often they do it, is a complete stoner, and a waste of a person. Just like everyone who enjoys a drink goes home to beat their wife after running over small children? So, really, don't bother telling me what "pot smokers" are like, when you have never been a part of the community. It's just like everything else, don't judge it, or the people, till you have tried it. Not suggesting you smoke weed, no way, just saying... try not to have such a "knowing" opinion, unless, you truly are in the know.
I have tried it, who hasn't?
I never said that all pot smokers are alike or any of that-- you are being defensive. I do stand by the idea that you can damage your reputation and the respect you get from other people under the influence of anything. I am not saying this kid has done that or necessarily will do that, but it CAN be a lasting effect of any type of drug use and if you don't want people to see you in a certain light then you might want to take it into consideration...
I never said that all pot smokers are alike or any of that-- you are being defensive. I do stand by the idea that you can damage your reputation and the respect you get from other people under the influence of anything. I am not saying this kid has done that or necessarily will do that, but it CAN be a lasting effect of any type of drug use and if you don't want people to see you in a certain light then you might want to take it into consideration...
You are right, I am being a bit defensive. But, after being a part of this whole thread and seeing all the misinformation spread, mainly by people who are not at all privy to speak on the subject, it gets a bit frustrating. Let me say again, I am not an advocate for anyone and everyone smoking marijuana. No. But to act as if it is dreadfully harmful to any well adjusted and normal person is absurd. It harkens back to old 20's propaganda, full of ignorance and outright lies. I also agree that immersing yourself in any type of activity that is essentially a subculture will always garner certain reactions from others. I am well aware of this myself. Therefore, I try to always represent myself in a decent manner no matter what. Whether being high or not, I try to be respectful... if anything I am a bit nicer when I have had a bit of chief. I'm sorry if I read your post incorrectly, but to clear things up, not all pot smokers are drug addled freaks with complete social inadequacy.
And for anyone who wants to argue back. Use your mind. Don't pick at the words I said. Bring in new discussion, bring in statistics, use your mind and try to elevate the knoweldge instead of acting like the offspring of two special olympic gold medalists.
Try being respectful, you'll be heard much clearer.
That link is only good if you have never smoked and like to sensationalize the effects of marijuana. Quite a irresponsible page if you ask me.
Huh? I'd trust the American Academy of Family Physicians (many of whose members I'd bet smoke or have smoked "weed" themselves) over any any advice from random people on a message board. Besides, it said that those adverse events were possible, not that they'd necessarily happen.
My two cents to the original poster: People say your "teenage problems" are short-lived because your teenage years are short-lived, not because your problems are short-lived. You'll always have problems. Sometimes teenagers have a harder time dealing with things that may not bother adults because teenagers may are less likely to have already learned good coping skills. But now is the time you're supposed to be learning healthy ways to deal with problems, and it's these skills that will enable you to deal with problems better as an adult. I'm not saying you should never smoke, drink, etc. But dealing with your problems directly instead of escaping from them is what will enable you to "live a happy life" in the future.
You are right, I am being a bit defensive. But, after being a part of this whole thread and seeing all the misinformation spread, mainly by people who are not at all privy to speak on the subject, it gets a bit frustrating. Let me say again, I am not an advocate for anyone and everyone smoking marijuana. No. But to act as if it is dreadfully harmful to any well adjusted and normal person is absurd. It harkens back to old 20's propaganda, full of ignorance and outright lies. I also agree that immersing yourself in any type of activity that is essentially a subculture will always garner certain reactions from others. I am well aware of this myself. Therefore, I try to always represent myself in a decent manner no matter what. Whether being high or not, I try to be respectful... if anything I am a bit nicer when I have had a bit of chief. I'm sorry if I read your post incorrectly, but to clear things up, not all pot smokers are drug addled freaks with complete social inadequacy.
it's not the result of being part of a "subculture" that will make people get a negative opinion of you- yes that can happen but if that's the reason then it's their problem and not your's and it's just a matter of predjudice. I'm talking about the fact that when under the influence of anything, you can do or say things you regret or you could act in certain (perhaps subtle) ways that are not true to who you really are or want to be or this could be who you really are but maybe you don't want certain people like your boss or future mother-in-law to see it- it could be anything really. if you do this enough, or it do it once in the presence of the wrong people, it can become a problem. you may not even be aware of the reputation you're building. that's all I'm saying. this kid's 16, it may not be a problem yet. but I will say this, if he starts really identifying himself as a pothead (and some people do this, it becomes like an identity in high school or college, like being a preppy or a metal head or whatever) then it might be a self perpetuating thing where he starts representing himself poorly-and once you're over a certain age, it's just not cool anymore. Again I'm not saying there's necessarily anything wrong with smoking a little pot, I'm just saying that some choices you make as a kid have a way of sticking with you.
Also I'd say to this kid, pot may or may not be harmless but it is still illegal, so just be careful. people get arrested or expelled for less if they're in the wrong place at the wrong time. you don't want smoking a little pot to get you in trouble.
Alright, let me give you my advise since I'm so old and all. First of all, weed just isn't that bad for you. It has alot of different effects on different people. I see a little bit of complete bullshit on this thread from people that don't smoke. Just because its illegal, doesn't mean its bad. Its political bullshit.
Anyway, this isn't really advice, just what I'd do if I were you. Don't smoke that much at all. Instead, totally devote yourself to yourself. Exercise as much as possible. Use your natural stamina now so that you don't lose it. Get into a great diet and just fucking love yourself. There's nothing wrong with pot, but instead of escaping... do the opposite and get really into your life. Do what makes you happy and sculp your body and mind. I wasted so much energy and money on partying, smoking and more than anything else: relationships. If I were young again, I'd spend way more energy and money on me.
great advice....being in shape is the most empowering thing a person can do. i have several friends who are physicians, lawyers, and upper level management. all of them out of shape and they ask me for advice. it is humbling to be able to assist them is such a basic concept.
so do what reversedarwinism said.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
Huh? I'd trust the American Academy of Family Physicians (many of whose members I'd bet smoke or have smoked "weed" themselves) over any any advice from random people on a message board.
Well, maybe weed negates the potency of those legal pharms they're pedalling to people to keep them stupid?
great advice....being in shape is the most empowering thing a person can do. i have several friends who are physicians, lawyers, and upper level management. all of them out of shape and they ask me for advice. it is humbling to be able to assist them is such a basic concept.
so do what reversedarwinism said.
I think it's great advice too.
and not just the getting in shape part but the getting into your life part.
There are many people out there that smoke pot. Some people who you wouldn't expect smoke..lawyers, cops, CEOs, and soccer moms, etc. Doesn't make them bad people.
Some people can handle getting high and being responsible at the same time... Some can't. I used to smoke pot, but quit a long time ago. I've seen a lot of people (not just some--A LOT) that could NOT handle it and let it get in the way of good jobs, family or just got lazy and sloppy and ended up in jail for it.
I did my share of partying, believe me when I say this. That's why I'm here to speak up. It all depends on what type of person you are in the first place and what kind of control you have over your life. If you get caught up in it and let it control you, then you shouldn't be smoking pot.
Anyone who says it's not a gateway drug is kidding themselves. "I only smoke pot and never tried (not even once) anything else" is a rarity. Everyone I know has tried something else, even if it's prescription pills.
It's a chance you take as to whether or not you try something else and stick with it or not. It may have something to do with the influences in your life or the background you have, but there's still that chance you're taking. Sometimes it's just the crowd you hang with.
As a mother now, and obviously a total hypocrite (I know), why take that chance? Does the feeling of smoking pot really outweigh the risks of being involved in it? Why sit around worrying whether or not you should do it? When it is a good time to do it so you won't get caught? Are you going to go to jail if I get pulled over in the car? Am I a pothead or a loser? Do I smoke too much? Am I going to pass my drug test? Is my connection going to get caught and rat me out or when I'm picking up did the neighbors notice? You have something to lose, but nothing to gain except a few hours of being high, eating and going to sleep.
Ok, I've turned into my mother.........sorry.
I will hold the candle until it burns up my arm. I'll keep taking punches until their will grows tired. I will stare the sun down until my eyes go blind. I won't change direction and I won't change my mind.
I think you're an idiot. We're all here on this message board to learn more about one of our favorite bands, pearl jam and to share expiriences we've had with this band. Do you think you're wise because you can read someones post and believe that they are actually 16 years old? I think you're a complete fucking moron if you think age has anything to with life expiriences. I'm actually older than 16 but started smoking pot at 16.
You like to rock out with your head clear, but have you ever had your ears mind and body explode during a concert? Do you know what that feels like? Do you know what it feels like to be lifted in a pyriamid of (at the time) your closets friends sharing a great expirience of live music with your mind floating miles away traveling at the speed of sound?
Are you tellin me our fav rockers never took acid?
They're fucking rock stars.
If it wasn't for LSD rock n roll would not be a fantasy to the people like it is today. Music wouldn't be considered half as cool as it is now. Perhaps no real emotion besides broken hearts would be sung. Could you imagine a world were everyone was "washed in black" and Eddie wasn't allowed to sing about George Bush or the governement.
What the fuck is this world coming to. And please don't leave a message I don't want to cuddle with some dude who thinks its cool and wise to talk down to a teenager. I think Miley Cirus has posted new nudes, go look those up online instead.
Didn't you wrote :
I'm the same age as you and I've been smoking weed for years. It took me then more years to try other drugs. I've now tried a lot of drugs but there are things i'll never do and ways of doing a drug i'll never know what it feels like. drugs are expensive. the only down from them.
I think that you can do what you want in your life. I really don't care if you do drugs but there is some 16 years old kid who asks about taking "light" drugs and you are coming up with acid...and I think that there is more than the price of the drugs which is negativ... Ever heard of psychosis ? I think you know that there are people who can become psychotic because of LSD use...but even pott smokers can developpe psychosis. Even if it's not clear if the people who became psychotic "because" of drugs didn't have some "fragility" before.
I work in a psychiatry and I can tell that if seen some psychotics who were smokers before and that's not funny at all.
Beavis : Is this Pearl Jam?
Butt-head: This guy makes faces like Eddie Vedder.
Beavis: No, Eddie Vedder makes faces like this guy.
Butt-head: I heard these guys, like, came first and Pearl Jam ripped them off.
Beavis: No, Pearl Jam came first.
Butt-head: Well, they both suck.
Didn't you wrote :
I'm the same age as you and I've been smoking weed for years. It took me then more years to try other drugs. I've now tried a lot of drugs but there are things i'll never do and ways of doing a drug i'll never know what it feels like. drugs are expensive. the only down from them.
I think that you can do what you want in your life. I really don't care if you do drugs but there is some 16 years old kid who asks about taking "light" drugs and you are coming up with acid...and I think that there is more than the price of the drugs which is negativ... Ever heard of psychosis ? I think you know that there are people who can become psychotic because of LSD use...but even pott smokers can developpe psychosis. Even if it's not clear if the people who became psychotic "because" of drugs didn't have some "fragility" before.
I work in a psychiatry and I can tell that if seen some psychotics who were smokers before and that's not funny at all.
Some heavy pot smokers get very paranoid and are very unsociable. They also have anxiety problems when they don't smoke and become very moody.
I will hold the candle until it burns up my arm. I'll keep taking punches until their will grows tired. I will stare the sun down until my eyes go blind. I won't change direction and I won't change my mind.
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I think you're an idiot. We're all here on this message board to learn more about one of our favorite bands, pearl jam and to share expiriences we've had with this band. Do you think you're wise because you can read someones post and believe that they are actually 16 years old? I think you're a complete fucking moron if you think age has anything to with life expiriences. I'm actually older than 16 but started smoking pot at 16.
You like to rock out with your head clear, but have you ever had your ears mind and body explode during a concert? Do you know what that feels like? Do you know what it feels like to be lifted in a pyriamid of (at the time) your closets friends sharing a great expirience of live music with your mind floating miles away traveling at the speed of sound?
Are you tellin me our fav rockers never took acid?
They're fucking rock stars.
If it wasn't for LSD rock n roll would not be a fantasy to the people like it is today. Music wouldn't be considered half as cool as it is now. Perhaps no real emotion besides broken hearts would be sung. Could you imagine a world were everyone was "washed in black" and Eddie wasn't allowed to sing about George Bush or the governement.
What the fuck is this world coming to. And please don't leave a message I don't want to cuddle with some dude who thinks its cool and wise to talk down to a teenager. I think Miley Cirus has posted new nudes, go look those up online instead.
And to the original poster who asked this question, pot is a gateway drug only if you let it. Drugs are expensive, as always bills come first (even as small as a cellphone bill its still a bill) If you smoke pot and feel depressed, stop for a few months save up some money and instead of wasting your money on plants that burn in smoke go out to dinner with friends, see a movie, fuck you're 16 dude. Do things with your life while you still can. While you don't have to pay for school. Smoke pot, drink beers with friends, save up money for a car so you can get more freedom in life. Your grown up ife doesn't even truly begin until you move out of your parents house or atleast get a car or be able to get out of your house more. Fuck, pick up a guitar or some drumstick and go crazy. The world is your oyster and if you can find the pearl you can definetly fucking jam. Never plan your life, live day by day.
And once again for all you incompetent assholes who think drugs are bad why don't you go cry over the girl who dumped you because you never showered instead of moving on and trying to make a better life for yourself and the people around you. Stop being tools. Stop fighting over marijuana on rock n roll message board. We all love seeing Pearl Jam, maybe we'll share that together one day with a crowd of thousands but if I can tell you anything else GETALIFE.
Yup. a kid who's not even 20 years old is telling you to get a life if you feel its necisarry to tell some other kid how to live his life.
And why even bring up Ozzy? Ozzy did drugs for atleast half his life. HEAVILY. I don't think anyone here on this message board (unless good ol Boston Red SoxGM Theo Epstein is on here) has enough money to do the drugs Ozzy did.
Which reminds me I read a quote of Theo Epstien once when the Red Sox played the dodgers in the Collisium, he refered to it as "walking out of the field house onto the field it was as if i was on acid, I couldnt believe my eyes when I didn't see a warning track on the field".
And for anyone who wants to argue back. Use your mind. Don't pick at the words I said. Bring in new discussion, bring in statistics, use your mind and try to elevate the knoweldge instead of acting like the offspring of two special olympic gold medalists.
6-14-08 Bonnaroo
6-30-08 Mansfield II
5-17-10 Boston
10-23-10 Bridge School 24
10-24-10 Bridge School 24
"...marijuana smoke contains 50 percent to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke and has the potential to cause cancer of the lungs and respiratory tract. Marijuana smoke is commonly inhaled deeper and held longer than is tobacco smoke, increasing the lungs' exposure to carcinogens."
I googled "marijuana" and "health" and came across many links with similar information. That said, a google search doesn't exactly constitute a thorough medical literature search (especially as it doesn't link to primary scientific research study results), so I can't claim to have anything close to expertise on the subject... And hey, it's your lungs; you're free to do what you want to them....
<font color="red"> So much music, so little time.... </font>
Inhaling any smoke is obviously bad for you. I was standing over my grill the other day thinking this can't be good for my lungs.
the point being that marijuana may or may not have lasting health effects, but how are you to be representing yourself when you're actually high? I've never been a pot smoker, but the reason for that is that I had no respect for the way people behaved while they were high. you don't represent yourself as an intelligent, motivated person when you're high (and this goes for everything, even alcohol, and I'm not saying I haven't done things I regret under the influence of alcohol). Really, as you grow up you really don't want people to think of you as a stoner, it just doesn't command respect. and of course the more often you smoke, the more chance you have of either doing something stupid while high or developing a reputation. So really, even if there's no lasting medical effects, there are lasting social effects, so just keep that in mind.
I dunno about everybody else
but like I say everything in moderation
Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
That's exactly what is wrong with this whole issue. The misconception that everyone who enjoys pot, no matter how often they do it, is a complete stoner, and a waste of a person. Just like everyone who enjoys a drink goes home to beat their wife after running over small children? So, really, don't bother telling me what "pot smokers" are like, when you have never been a part of the community. It's just like everything else, don't judge it, or the people, till you have tried it. Not suggesting you smoke weed, no way, just saying... try not to have such a "knowing" opinion, unless, you truly are in the know.
I have tried it, who hasn't?
I never said that all pot smokers are alike or any of that-- you are being defensive. I do stand by the idea that you can damage your reputation and the respect you get from other people under the influence of anything. I am not saying this kid has done that or necessarily will do that, but it CAN be a lasting effect of any type of drug use and if you don't want people to see you in a certain light then you might want to take it into consideration...
Try being respectful, you'll be heard much clearer.
Huh? I'd trust the American Academy of Family Physicians (many of whose members I'd bet smoke or have smoked "weed" themselves) over any any advice from random people on a message board. Besides, it said that those adverse events were possible, not that they'd necessarily happen.
My two cents to the original poster: People say your "teenage problems" are short-lived because your teenage years are short-lived, not because your problems are short-lived. You'll always have problems. Sometimes teenagers have a harder time dealing with things that may not bother adults because teenagers may are less likely to have already learned good coping skills. But now is the time you're supposed to be learning healthy ways to deal with problems, and it's these skills that will enable you to deal with problems better as an adult. I'm not saying you should never smoke, drink, etc. But dealing with your problems directly instead of escaping from them is what will enable you to "live a happy life" in the future.
it's not the result of being part of a "subculture" that will make people get a negative opinion of you- yes that can happen but if that's the reason then it's their problem and not your's and it's just a matter of predjudice. I'm talking about the fact that when under the influence of anything, you can do or say things you regret or you could act in certain (perhaps subtle) ways that are not true to who you really are or want to be or this could be who you really are but maybe you don't want certain people like your boss or future mother-in-law to see it- it could be anything really. if you do this enough, or it do it once in the presence of the wrong people, it can become a problem. you may not even be aware of the reputation you're building. that's all I'm saying. this kid's 16, it may not be a problem yet. but I will say this, if he starts really identifying himself as a pothead (and some people do this, it becomes like an identity in high school or college, like being a preppy or a metal head or whatever) then it might be a self perpetuating thing where he starts representing himself poorly-and once you're over a certain age, it's just not cool anymore. Again I'm not saying there's necessarily anything wrong with smoking a little pot, I'm just saying that some choices you make as a kid have a way of sticking with you.
Also I'd say to this kid, pot may or may not be harmless but it is still illegal, so just be careful. people get arrested or expelled for less if they're in the wrong place at the wrong time. you don't want smoking a little pot to get you in trouble.
exactly. avoidance is never a good thing.
so do what reversedarwinism said.
Well, maybe weed negates the potency of those legal pharms they're pedalling to people to keep them stupid?
I think it's great advice too.
and not just the getting in shape part but the getting into your life part.
Some people can handle getting high and being responsible at the same time... Some can't. I used to smoke pot, but quit a long time ago. I've seen a lot of people (not just some--A LOT) that could NOT handle it and let it get in the way of good jobs, family or just got lazy and sloppy and ended up in jail for it.
I did my share of partying, believe me when I say this. That's why I'm here to speak up. It all depends on what type of person you are in the first place and what kind of control you have over your life. If you get caught up in it and let it control you, then you shouldn't be smoking pot.
Anyone who says it's not a gateway drug is kidding themselves. "I only smoke pot and never tried (not even once) anything else" is a rarity. Everyone I know has tried something else, even if it's prescription pills.
It's a chance you take as to whether or not you try something else and stick with it or not. It may have something to do with the influences in your life or the background you have, but there's still that chance you're taking. Sometimes it's just the crowd you hang with.
As a mother now, and obviously a total hypocrite (I know), why take that chance? Does the feeling of smoking pot really outweigh the risks of being involved in it? Why sit around worrying whether or not you should do it? When it is a good time to do it so you won't get caught? Are you going to go to jail if I get pulled over in the car? Am I a pothead or a loser? Do I smoke too much? Am I going to pass my drug test? Is my connection going to get caught and rat me out or when I'm picking up did the neighbors notice? You have something to lose, but nothing to gain except a few hours of being high, eating and going to sleep.
Ok, I've turned into my mother.........sorry.
Didn't you wrote :
I'm the same age as you and I've been smoking weed for years. It took me then more years to try other drugs. I've now tried a lot of drugs but there are things i'll never do and ways of doing a drug i'll never know what it feels like. drugs are expensive. the only down from them.
I think that you can do what you want in your life. I really don't care if you do drugs but there is some 16 years old kid who asks about taking "light" drugs and you are coming up with acid...and I think that there is more than the price of the drugs which is negativ... Ever heard of psychosis ? I think you know that there are people who can become psychotic because of LSD use...but even pott smokers can developpe psychosis. Even if it's not clear if the people who became psychotic "because" of drugs didn't have some "fragility" before.
I work in a psychiatry and I can tell that if seen some psychotics who were smokers before and that's not funny at all.
Butt-head: This guy makes faces like Eddie Vedder.
Beavis: No, Eddie Vedder makes faces like this guy.
Butt-head: I heard these guys, like, came first and Pearl Jam ripped them off.
Beavis: No, Pearl Jam came first.
Butt-head: Well, they both suck.
Some don't get paranoid at all and are social. And they don't have anxiety problem when they don't smoke and don't become moody.
It's different for a lot of people.
Like somebody else said: get in shape, regardless of whether you plan to toke or not.
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1995 San Francisco
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