it fries your brain cells son! fries your brain cells!!!
Yes, but only the weak ones that you don't need anyway. Think of weed like a pack of wolves that just help out the herd (brain) by taking out the old and sick.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
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I don't smoke pot or ever did..don't have any desire too..but I know people who smoke it once in a while and they seem okay but I have some friends and family that are french fried cuz they smoke it all the time. Whatever I guess..different strokes and all
These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
I don't smoke pot or ever did..don't have any desire too..but I know people who smoke it once in a while and they seem okay but I have some friends and family that are french fried cuz they smoke it all the time. Whatever I guess..different strokes and all
Yes, but only the weak ones that you don't need anyway. Think of weed like a pack of wolves that just help out the herd (brain) by taking out the old and sick.
hey its all good. i dont judge. i was quoting a movie! ten bucks says no one can guess which one!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
My friends that smoke every once and a while are fine. Its like getting drunk. Every once and a while its a blast. Every day will ruin you.
Its the friends that smoke the moment they wake up, on the ride to work, on breaks at work, at lunch, on the way home, after dinner, etc that are totally fried. Basically, the people I know that smoke weed like I smoke cigarettes are shot. Potaholics.
All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
I have zero advice to give anyone.
I myself have never fucked around with the smoking of marijuana.
Someone once lit a marijuana cigarette in a car I was riding in
and I got very weird feeling.
I wanted to run away but I had nowhere to go and to be honest, I was scared, scared big time.
I was afraid of becoming a heroin addict junkie living under a bridge
eating out of trash cans, using dull bunk needles,
and selling crystal-chandelier dreams out of someone else's van down by the river...
innocent as the driven snow...that's me
as innocent as that may sound, there ARE some people that just love the high feeling so much that sooner or later, pot is not enough for them. and they move on the something else, something harder...and then something harder...and then sometimes they do end up pretty much like you said. i've seen it happen. and then there are others, as mentioned, that can smoke and go about their daily responsibilities with no problem. i guess its up to the person, their makeup and their intentions.
Bill Clinton didn't inhale so technically he didn't smoke it.
Pot leeds to nowheresville, man.
Interesting. I am a high ranking government employee who makes good money, has a flawess criminal background, a credit score that is through the roof, and would destroy 99% of the population in a game of chess. I'm happily married and an avid outdoorsman. I seem to be not only getting by but kicking ass.
I think maybe it depends on the individual and their relationship with the plant.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
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well for starters it Schapelle, with an e not an a.
second, she is not a celebrity, she is a drug smuggler who got caught and is spending 20 years in a bali prison.
Yeah, Shapella makes her sound more glamourous....which shes not!
Im f8cking sick of all these drug threads...does anyone ever think about the younger people that may come across this stuff? Hearing others bang on about how theyre too smart to get f8cked up by pot etc....what influence are they having on others?
"....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
Interesting. I am a high ranking government employee who makes good money, has a flawess criminal background, a credit score that is through the roof, and would destroy 99% of the population in a game of chess. I'm happily married and an avid outdoorsman. I seem to be not only getting by but kicking ass.
I think maybe it depends on the individual and their relationship with the plant.
good for you. the next thing would be to learn how to spot sarcasm and you'll be mommy's perfect little man.
good for you. the next thing would be to learn how to spot sarcasm and you'll be mommy's perfect little man.
dude, I think she would be mommys perfect little girl, unless the person lives in california or MA. then, you may be right. you smoking too much and its effecting your concentration.
All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
dude, I think she would be mommys perfect little girl, unless the person lives in california or MA. then, you may be right. you smoking too much and its effecting your concentration.
well for starters it Schapelle, with an e not an a.
second, she is not a celebrity, she is a drug smuggler who got caught and is spending 20 years in a bali prison.
You smuggle drugs, you run risks.
If your prepared to take risks, be prepared to suffer the consequences.
Ah well see you in 20 Schapella.
On a slightly related note, my friend flies to Mexico on Sunday and she is thinking of smuggling me back some peyote, whats the prison sentances like for getting caught smuggling that stuff over there?
I'm 16 and I try to keep my life going in the right directions. Lately, I've started smoking weed (last 6 months). I smoke it maybe twice a week (less during school). I've been fairly depressed for the last year (i hear its fairly normal). Is it bad for me to be smoking? Sometimes I feel like I might be doing it because i'm a little depressed. But I always tell people not to do it when their depressed... to make good times better. Am I too young to be doing this? am I going to have to deal with side effects when I get older (planning on stopping by age 20). I really just want to do what is best for my future... but lately I've just been trying to get through the times I'm faced with now... and weed helps me do that. I value my life and future a lot. I'm not depressed just for the sake of it... its mostly about a girl (heheh). Is weed going to have negative long term effects or change my attitude or emotions in a negative way? My brother has smoked for 2 years heavily and stopped about a 3 months ago (got baptized, gave everything up) and he seems fine. please help.
I'm going to take an unpoplular position and tell you what I really think...
I think habitual pot smoking saps people's energy. It makes them lethargic and distracted from what they probably ought to be thinking about. Also, it does kill brain-cells and it does lower your sperm count and sex drive.
Do you really need these extra drags on you as a young man?
Take my thoughts how ever you want to....but I came by them honestly. I was a teenager in the Haight-Ashbury in SF and I saw soooooo many drug casualties that I don't think habitual pot use is harmless.
I guess I need to quit. My brains shot from all the coffee, weed, and cigarettes. Here I am trying to crack a joke, and the jokes on me. Story of my life. I thought "she" said "she" was married to an avid outdoorsman. my bizzad.
see kid. perfect example why you should not smoke pot.....that often.
All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
I can't ask anyone for help with my depression... it just seems like its nothing I can control... love, life, and circumstance... there seems no way to cope... and honestly weed hasn't helped long term in the slightest... it only helps short term... I don't think i'm really connected to weed through my depression... I'm just wondering if its gonna make me stupid... or numb... or lazy... long term...
For me, when I smoke after not smoking for a period of time, I realize things about my life. If I'm depressed and smoke, I'll put my reasons for being depressed into perspective. I also find that I'll take an outside look at how I'm leading my life while sober. Often, I'll find a solution or a new way of looking at things for work or home when I smoke the very occational pot. When I smoke more often, those benefits aren't there. Pot should be de-criminalized. Nothing gets fixed by it being illegal; it just creates a criminal run market. It really angers me that it is illegal, but thats another subject.
I hear the whole gateway thing, and thats nonsense. A person that goes on to other drugs would do that with or without pot. Some people are just going to get fucked up and fuck their lives up.
Some people can smoke pot constantly and be as productive as anyone, some can't. I think the high and side efffects are better when you smoke occationally, but thats just me. For depression, perspective is very important. I would much rather you smoke pot or just talk to people than get on an anti-depressant. If it is something chemical that makes you depressed, please try to correct any mineral/ nutritional imbalances before you resort to anti-depressants.
good for you. the next thing would be to learn how to spot sarcasm and you'll be mommy's perfect little man.
The point is, on paper and to the average person, I look like the most upstanding responsible American citizen you could possibly ask for. I blend in seamlessly whenever I want to. It serves my purposes well. I've spent a ton of professional time meeting with and helping recruit state troopers and high ranking Dept. of Corrections personnel. The irony has always been delicious. Mommy's perfect little man? Oh no, not even close. More like Mommy's little demon.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Yes, but only the weak ones that you don't need anyway. Think of weed like a pack of wolves that just help out the herd (brain) by taking out the old and sick.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
ha..yeah that's enough to keep you away from it.
Friday? Oh, and I'm not so sure about my wolf pack logic anyway. No worries.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Bill Clinton smoked weed and look what happened to him. Wait, I'm not sure if that's a ringing endorsement or not...
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
My friends that smoke every once and a while are fine. Its like getting drunk. Every once and a while its a blast. Every day will ruin you.
Its the friends that smoke the moment they wake up, on the ride to work, on breaks at work, at lunch, on the way home, after dinner, etc that are totally fried. Basically, the people I know that smoke weed like I smoke cigarettes are shot. Potaholics.
lol...i like that potaholics..I know a lot of those.
as innocent as that may sound, there ARE some people that just love the high feeling so much that sooner or later, pot is not enough for them. and they move on the something else, something harder...and then something harder...and then sometimes they do end up pretty much like you said. i've seen it happen. and then there are others, as mentioned, that can smoke and go about their daily responsibilities with no problem. i guess its up to the person, their makeup and their intentions.
second, she is not a celebrity, she is a drug smuggler who got caught and is spending 20 years in a bali prison.
Bill Clinton didn't inhale so technically he didn't smoke it.
Pot leeds to nowheresville, man.
Interesting. I am a high ranking government employee who makes good money, has a flawess criminal background, a credit score that is through the roof, and would destroy 99% of the population in a game of chess. I'm happily married and an avid outdoorsman. I seem to be not only getting by but kicking ass.
I think maybe it depends on the individual and their relationship with the plant.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Im f8cking sick of all these drug threads...does anyone ever think about the younger people that may come across this stuff? Hearing others bang on about how theyre too smart to get f8cked up by pot etc....what influence are they having on others?
good for you. the next thing would be to learn how to spot sarcasm and you'll be mommy's perfect little man.
Chess is just a metaphor of life.
HE said HE is an avid outdoorsMAN
You smuggle drugs, you run risks.
If your prepared to take risks, be prepared to suffer the consequences.
Ah well see you in 20 Schapella.
On a slightly related note, my friend flies to Mexico on Sunday and she is thinking of smuggling me back some peyote, whats the prison sentances like for getting caught smuggling that stuff over there?
I'm going to take an unpoplular position and tell you what I really think...
I think habitual pot smoking saps people's energy. It makes them lethargic and distracted from what they probably ought to be thinking about. Also, it does kill brain-cells and it does lower your sperm count and sex drive.
Do you really need these extra drags on you as a young man?
Take my thoughts how ever you want to....but I came by them honestly. I was a teenager in the Haight-Ashbury in SF and I saw soooooo many drug casualties that I don't think habitual pot use is harmless.
I guess I need to quit. My brains shot from all the coffee, weed, and cigarettes. Here I am trying to crack a joke, and the jokes on me. Story of my life. I thought "she" said "she" was married to an avid outdoorsman. my bizzad.
see kid. perfect example why you should not smoke pot.....that often.
For me, when I smoke after not smoking for a period of time, I realize things about my life. If I'm depressed and smoke, I'll put my reasons for being depressed into perspective. I also find that I'll take an outside look at how I'm leading my life while sober. Often, I'll find a solution or a new way of looking at things for work or home when I smoke the very occational pot. When I smoke more often, those benefits aren't there. Pot should be de-criminalized. Nothing gets fixed by it being illegal; it just creates a criminal run market. It really angers me that it is illegal, but thats another subject.
I hear the whole gateway thing, and thats nonsense. A person that goes on to other drugs would do that with or without pot. Some people are just going to get fucked up and fuck their lives up.
Some people can smoke pot constantly and be as productive as anyone, some can't. I think the high and side efffects are better when you smoke occationally, but thats just me. For depression, perspective is very important. I would much rather you smoke pot or just talk to people than get on an anti-depressant. If it is something chemical that makes you depressed, please try to correct any mineral/ nutritional imbalances before you resort to anti-depressants.
The point is, on paper and to the average person, I look like the most upstanding responsible American citizen you could possibly ask for. I blend in seamlessly whenever I want to. It serves my purposes well. I've spent a ton of professional time meeting with and helping recruit state troopers and high ranking Dept. of Corrections personnel. The irony has always been delicious. Mommy's perfect little man? Oh no, not even close. More like Mommy's little demon.
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