I wonder why it calms down some people and others are anxious.
Yea, this confuses me to.
Pot peps me up, but cigarettes, the "stimulant"... calms me. WTF?
Is the calming just simply the filling my addiction, but I am actually stimualted in some way?
what the heck's wrong with callin it weed?
it's a gd weed for christ sakes.
Nothing wrong with it. It just reminds me of being in high school and being too dumb for my own good.
Which is why I told the OP to wait till they are older if they were ever considering smoking, ahem... weed.
Yea, this confuses me to.
Pot peps me up, but cigarettes, the "stimulant"... calms me. WTF?
Is the calming just simply the filling my addiction, but I am actually stimualted in some way?
I'm not sure, even prescriptions can make someone stay awake all night when it is supposed to make one drowsy (two ppl in my family are like that, stay awake when they should be sleep from meds.)
pot can cause low blood sugar maybe that causes the anxiety or shakes.
i'm really nervous and cigarettes calmed me too (that's their addictive nature)
but i quit many years ago.
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
maybe they have public transit you could ride to work???
that my friend is the ticket..
no I live in a rural area. we're not moving closer to work either. i'm sitting on some expensive property here that we bought for a good deal. and just b/c it's rural, i'm not growing "hemp."
it was rural, now it is semi rural due to the building of new homes...
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Nothing wrong with it. It just reminds me of being in high school and being too dumb for my own good.
Which is why I told the OP to wait till they are older if they were ever considering smoking, ahem... weed.
weed's weed dude
doesn't remind me of high school at all
whatever floats one's boat is what works for them..
if only everybody(our society and goverment is a joke) lived that way..
I'm not sure, even prescriptions can make someone stay awake all night when it is supposed to make one drowsy (two ppl in my family are like that.)
pot can cause low blood sugar maybe that causes the anxiety or shakes.
i'm really nervous and cigarettes calmed me too (that's their addictive nature)
but i quit many years ago.
smokin funky green makes me wide awake
hyper as hell actually
i really don't even get munchies either
but my mind explodes
pace the house writing poetry and doin stuff like that
weed as i am calling it is outlawed because of bullshit reasoning
it's a crock of shit
and it's unjustified as to why its illegal
how many ppl died this weekend, world wide due to alcohol enduced accidents?
how many ppl died this weekend, world wide due to smoking the greenery?
it's bullshit bullshit and you guessed it
bullshit laws and a bullshit society
how about this for a reason? a person could lose their job due to random drug testing. i'd say that's a good reason to stay away.
happened to me
talk about unfare and unjust
yeah and i wasn't even working at the damn place
it is a long story..i make it short for ya
2 different employers
i pass one pre employment UA
and fail another only 1 day apart
what a crock of crap that was
that only cost me a shit load of money
and put a red mark on my file with the DOT
i honestly wasn't even smoking
i hadn't smoked in over 4 weeks
There is nothing wrong with smoking pot but here are some things you need to tell yourself.
1.I smoke weed because I want to, not because i'm down on some girl
2.ever tell the girl you like her? maybe she likes you too.
3. try eating some acid at a pearl jam concert. it's so much more fun than just smoking pot at home while listening to ten on vinyl. hell eat some acid at home and put on your pearl jam vinyls.
I'm the same age as you and I've been smoking weed for years. It took me then more years to try other drugs. I've now tried a lot of drugs but there are things i'll never do and ways of doing a drug i'll never know what it feels like. drugs are expensive. the only down from them.
Thank you for providing another living example of why not to do drugs and how easy it is to escalate from marijauna to even more dangerous drugs....
I've always considered Ozzy Osborne the poster child for why not to do drugs.... He looks/speaks/moves like someone more than twice his age who's had a few strokes....
Alright, let me give you my advise since I'm so old and all. First of all, weed just isn't that bad for you. It has alot of different effects on different people. I see a little bit of complete bullshit on this thread from people that don't smoke. Just because its illegal, doesn't mean its bad. Its political bullshit.
Anyway, this isn't really advice, just what I'd do if I were you. Don't smoke that much at all. Instead, totally devote yourself to yourself. Exercise as much as possible. Use your natural stamina now so that you don't lose it. Get into a great diet and just fucking love yourself. There's nothing wrong with pot, but instead of escaping... do the opposite and get really into your life. Do what makes you happy and sculp your body and mind. I wasted so much energy and money on partying, smoking and more than anything else: relationships. If I were young again, I'd spend way more energy and money on me.
Alright, let me give you my advise since I'm so old and all. First of all, weed just isn't that bad for you. It has alot of different effects on different people. I see a little bit of complete bullshit on this thread from people that don't smoke. Just because its illegal, doesn't mean its bad. Its political bullshit.
Anyway, this isn't really advice, just what I'd do if I were you. Don't smoke that much at all. Instead, totally devote yourself to yourself. Exercise as much as possible. Use your natural stamina now so that you don't lose it. Get into a great diet and just fucking love yourself. There's nothing wrong with pot, but instead of escaping... do the opposite and get really into your life. Do what makes you happy and sculp your body and mind. I wasted so much energy and money on partying, smoking and more than anything else: relationships. If I were young again, I'd spend way more energy and money on me.
your profile says you are 29. you consider that old?
I don't understand how you guys can confess on a message board that you smoke(d) pot. I don't believe that's something for a public forum.
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Thank you for providing another living example of why not to do drugs and how easy it is to escalate from marijauna to even more dangerous drugs....
I've always considered Ozzy Osborne the poster child for why not to do drugs.... He looks/speaks/moves like someone more than twice his age who's had a few strokes....
Stop it please.
You're killin me here.
You are talking about Ozzy Osbourne correct?
The dude rocks.
He has lived 400 lives in this 1 single life.
He has done exactly what he wanted to do and that is rock.
A gentleman deep down for sure.
Crazy yes.
Free sprited, yes
He's been through the grinder a few times and come out swingin
and smellin like a rose and peach flavored ice cream.
Ozzy Osbourne is one of the godfathers of rock/metal.
Him and Black Sabbath have paved the flippin road for the bands of today. Pearl Jam could still learn something from Ozzy and Sabbath.
Tony Iommi could give guitar lessons to many, many guitar players of todays so called guitar driven badassness. Ozzy is and always will be a train wreck in many peoples eyes. And that's fine. But he does it his way and he aint playin games. He strikes me as a honest, caring man doing a rock/roll gig as a life.
(i sensed a tone of degrading in your message that's why i replied)
your profile says you are 29. you consider that old?
I don't understand how you guys can confess on a message board that you smoke(d) pot. I don't believe that's something for a public forum.
Why is there such a stigma to pot smoking?Whats the difference from the guy who comes home to smoke a joint to a guy who comes home and makes a drink. there both just trying to enjoy there life
Walking can be a real trip
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
your profile says you are 29. you consider that old?
I don't understand how you guys can confess on a message board that you smoke(d) pot. I don't believe that's something for a public forum.
Nah, I was kidding about the old part. What bothers you about anyone saying they smoke pot here or anywhere? That's strange to me. I tell anyone what I think about the subject. If you come to my house, theres a decent chance I'll whip out a joint right in front of you. If I am actually going to smoke that is, and I'll offer to let you hit it because I'm pretty nice. Like someone said, "don't carry more than you can eat." - great rule to go by. I go the local "joint store". Been going there for years. The cops know about the store, they never do anything, I smoke outside on my front porch.... basically I have no worries about smoking pot. Sure, its illegal, but I don't notice.
Harmfull based on what? What measures are being used here? Anyone who's ever smoked pot can tell you that it sure is less altering to your mental/ physical health than LSD, GHB, Ecstasy and anabolic steriods. Pot doen't have after effects as do all of those lower on the "chart". Either this graph is using some bullshit measures or is just complete bullshit in itself.
I know many very successful people that smoke and losers that smoke too. Life demonstrates to us that pot is not that bad. Why do you people continue to demonize it or fear it?
and to luxpjamer,
whow? Are you asking wow, or how? Do you wanna rock out on some lsd with some pj?
No I don't. I think you are an idiot. Why? Because you're thinking that you're wise because you are 16 and tried different drugs.
I like to rock out with my head being clear...because I like life as it is.
Beavis : Is this Pearl Jam?
Butt-head: This guy makes faces like Eddie Vedder.
Beavis: No, Eddie Vedder makes faces like this guy.
Butt-head: I heard these guys, like, came first and Pearl Jam ripped them off.
Beavis: No, Pearl Jam came first.
Butt-head: Well, they both suck.
I started smoking weed at 16... I'm 18 now and I stopped, just because I got bored. I mean, i'll do it every once in a while, mostly when I'm drunk, but yeah. My brother is almost 21 and he's still going strong with the weed. He started freshman year. He's openly admitted to me that he kind of freaks out if he hasn't smoked in a couple of days. So I guess do it in moderation, but no, there's nothing wrong with smoking weed.
Why do you people continue to demonize it or fear it?
Me, fear pot? Ha! Maybe you should read through the thread a bit more carefully.
My point with the graph was where alcohol ranked among all the other drugs. As you will see it is pretty high up there... where as, pot, isn't.
The Demonizing Marijuana, the most heinous of all super-villains.
Well Im all for the medicinal uses of it....if it helps people who are in pain, what's the harm? But I just think they should just legalize it because so many people smoke it and Im sick of people bitching about legalizing it. Then they will have to find something else to bitch about .
These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
I'm 16 and I try to keep my life going in the right directions. Lately, I've started smoking weed (last 6 months). I smoke it maybe twice a week (less during school). I've been fairly depressed for the last year (i hear its fairly normal). Is it bad for me to be smoking? Sometimes I feel like I might be doing it because i'm a little depressed. But I always tell people not to do it when their depressed... to make good times better. Am I too young to be doing this? am I going to have to deal with side effects when I get older (planning on stopping by age 20). I really just want to do what is best for my future... but lately I've just been trying to get through the times I'm faced with now... and weed helps me do that. I value my life and future a lot. I'm not depressed just for the sake of it... its mostly about a girl (heheh). Is weed going to have negative long term effects or change my attitude or emotions in a negative way? My brother has smoked for 2 years heavily and stopped about a 3 months ago (got baptized, gave everything up) and he seems fine. please help.
Given what you wrote, I'd say that there is something wrong with it in your situation and here's why- you say you are doing it to get through tough times. This is drug abuse, whether or not the drug in question poses a high risk of physical side effects. No one should ever try to cover pain with substance abuse ("coping"). Especially at your young age of 16, you could get in the habit of doing this and you could start trying to cope with the use of other substances that could potentially be worse for your health.
Stop it please.
You're killin me here.
You are talking about Ozzy Osbourne correct?
The dude rocks.
He has lived 400 lives in this 1 single life.
He has done exactly what he wanted to do and that is rock.
A gentleman deep down for sure.
Crazy yes.
Free sprited, yes
He's been through the grinder a few times and come out swingin
and smellin like a rose and peach flavored ice cream.
Ozzy Osbourne is one of the godfathers of rock/metal.
Him and Black Sabbath have paved the flippin road for the bands of today. Pearl Jam could still learn something from Ozzy and Sabbath.
Tony Iommi could give guitar lessons to many, many guitar players of todays so called guitar driven badassness. Ozzy is and always will be a train wreck in many peoples eyes. And that's fine. But he does it his way and he aint playin games. He strikes me as a honest, caring man doing a rock/roll gig as a life.
(i sensed a tone of degrading in your message that's why i replied)
I recall an interview with Ozzy from a couple years ago, where the interviewer said to Ozzy something along the lines of:
"You've done quite a lot of drugs and drinking in your lifetime, but you seem to be alright"
To which Ozzy answered something along the lines of:
"Are you f*cking kidding me? I'm a complete mess. I'm dependent on my wife to do everything for me. To dress me. Feed me. She practically has to wipe my ass for me".
I wish I could find a transcript of the interview, but here are a few other quotes from Ozzy about his life with drugs and alcohol:
“I can honestly say, all the bad things that ever happened to me were directly, directly attributed to drugs and alcohol. I mean, I would never urinate at the Alamo at nine o'clock in the morning dressed in a woman's evening dress sober.”
“I am a raging alcoholic and a raging addict and I didn't want to see my kids do the same thing.”
“Somebody said to me this morning, 'To what do you attribute your longevity?' I don't know. I mean, I couldn't have planned my life out better. By all accounts I should be dead! The abuse I put my body through: the drugs, the alcohol, the lifestyle I've lived the last 30 years!”
During a recent interview for the British magazine Loaded, Osbourne was asked about reports that he'd broken his leg recently but didn't notice. "The truth of the matter is," Osbourne replied, "I'm f***ing crazy. Seriously. I'm mentally unbalanced. I've done so many drugs that I've f***ed up my brain somewhere." Asked if he feels lucky to be alive, Osbourne replied, "Lucky? Well, I ain't f***ing clever, that's for sure. Everybody says: 'Ozzy, you're a legend.' But behind the façade is a sad, lonely, wet fart of a person."
I'm not saying he hasn't made a significant contribution to music or doesn't care about his family, but he certainly messed himself up along the way...
Back to the point:
In no way do I think smoking the occassional joint is going to f*ck up a person's brain or their whole life. But the key is "occassional joint" and not letting it become a daily habit or progressing to harder drugs. That said, even for those people here who smoke daily and still claim to have normal, functional lives, at least think about the damage it is doing to your lungs. But I'm biased; I work in a hospital and see many people every day with lung cancer, chronic respiratory problems, and heart attacks, all in part due to smoking tobacco. And since marijauna contains many of the same toxins as tobacco cigarettes, I would suspect that it poses similar types of risks....
it's a gd weed for christ sakes.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Yea, this confuses me to.
Pot peps me up, but cigarettes, the "stimulant"... calms me. WTF?
Is the calming just simply the filling my addiction, but I am actually stimualted in some way?
Nothing wrong with it. It just reminds me of being in high school and being too dumb for my own good.
Which is why I told the OP to wait till they are older if they were ever considering smoking, ahem... weed.
maybe they have public transit you could ride to work???
that my friend is the ticket..
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I'm not sure, even prescriptions can make someone stay awake all night when it is supposed to make one drowsy (two ppl in my family are like that, stay awake when they should be sleep from meds.)
pot can cause low blood sugar maybe that causes the anxiety or shakes.
i'm really nervous and cigarettes calmed me too (that's their addictive nature)
but i quit many years ago.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
no I live in a rural area. we're not moving closer to work either. i'm sitting on some expensive property here that we bought for a good deal. and just b/c it's rural, i'm not growing "hemp."
it was rural, now it is semi rural due to the building of new homes...
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
weed's weed dude
doesn't remind me of high school at all
whatever floats one's boat is what works for them..
if only everybody(our society and goverment is a joke) lived that way..
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
smokin funky green makes me wide awake
hyper as hell actually
i really don't even get munchies either
but my mind explodes
pace the house writing poetry and doin stuff like that
weed as i am calling it is outlawed because of bullshit reasoning
it's a crock of shit
and it's unjustified as to why its illegal
how many ppl died this weekend, world wide due to alcohol enduced accidents?
how many ppl died this weekend, world wide due to smoking the greenery?
it's bullshit bullshit and you guessed it
bullshit laws and a bullshit society
screw that noise
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
which is good
i knew i was right
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
how about this for a reason? a person could lose their job due to random drug testing. i'd say that's a good reason to stay away.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
I would say so too...
happened to me
talk about unfare and unjust
yeah and i wasn't even working at the damn place
it is a long story..i make it short for ya
2 different employers
i pass one pre employment UA
and fail another only 1 day apart
what a crock of crap that was
that only cost me a shit load of money
and put a red mark on my file with the DOT
i honestly wasn't even smoking
i hadn't smoked in over 4 weeks
piss me off
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Thank you for providing another living example of why not to do drugs and how easy it is to escalate from marijauna to even more dangerous drugs....
I've always considered Ozzy Osborne the poster child for why not to do drugs.... He looks/speaks/moves like someone more than twice his age who's had a few strokes....
<font color="red"> So much music, so little time.... </font>
Alright, let me give you my advise since I'm so old and all. First of all, weed just isn't that bad for you. It has alot of different effects on different people. I see a little bit of complete bullshit on this thread from people that don't smoke. Just because its illegal, doesn't mean its bad. Its political bullshit.
Anyway, this isn't really advice, just what I'd do if I were you. Don't smoke that much at all. Instead, totally devote yourself to yourself. Exercise as much as possible. Use your natural stamina now so that you don't lose it. Get into a great diet and just fucking love yourself. There's nothing wrong with pot, but instead of escaping... do the opposite and get really into your life. Do what makes you happy and sculp your body and mind. I wasted so much energy and money on partying, smoking and more than anything else: relationships. If I were young again, I'd spend way more energy and money on me.
your profile says you are 29. you consider that old?
I don't understand how you guys can confess on a message board that you smoke(d) pot. I don't believe that's something for a public forum.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Stop it please.
You're killin me here.
You are talking about Ozzy Osbourne correct?
The dude rocks.
He has lived 400 lives in this 1 single life.
He has done exactly what he wanted to do and that is rock.
A gentleman deep down for sure.
Crazy yes.
Free sprited, yes
He's been through the grinder a few times and come out swingin
and smellin like a rose and peach flavored ice cream.
Ozzy Osbourne is one of the godfathers of rock/metal.
Him and Black Sabbath have paved the flippin road for the bands of today. Pearl Jam could still learn something from Ozzy and Sabbath.
Tony Iommi could give guitar lessons to many, many guitar players of todays so called guitar driven badassness. Ozzy is and always will be a train wreck in many peoples eyes. And that's fine. But he does it his way and he aint playin games. He strikes me as a honest, caring man doing a rock/roll gig as a life.
(i sensed a tone of degrading in your message that's why i replied)
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
Nah, I was kidding about the old part. What bothers you about anyone saying they smoke pot here or anywhere? That's strange to me. I tell anyone what I think about the subject. If you come to my house, theres a decent chance I'll whip out a joint right in front of you. If I am actually going to smoke that is, and I'll offer to let you hit it because I'm pretty nice. Like someone said, "don't carry more than you can eat." - great rule to go by. I go the local "joint store". Been going there for years. The cops know about the store, they never do anything, I smoke outside on my front porch.... basically I have no worries about smoking pot. Sure, its illegal, but I don't notice.
Harmfull based on what? What measures are being used here? Anyone who's ever smoked pot can tell you that it sure is less altering to your mental/ physical health than LSD, GHB, Ecstasy and anabolic steriods. Pot doen't have after effects as do all of those lower on the "chart". Either this graph is using some bullshit measures or is just complete bullshit in itself.
I know many very successful people that smoke and losers that smoke too. Life demonstrates to us that pot is not that bad. Why do you people continue to demonize it or fear it?
Pot has helped me in many ways. It does have negative sides as well. So be careful and responsible.
naděje umírá poslední
No I don't. I think you are an idiot. Why? Because you're thinking that you're wise because you are 16 and tried different drugs.
I like to rock out with my head being clear...because I like life as it is.
Butt-head: This guy makes faces like Eddie Vedder.
Beavis: No, Eddie Vedder makes faces like this guy.
Butt-head: I heard these guys, like, came first and Pearl Jam ripped them off.
Beavis: No, Pearl Jam came first.
Butt-head: Well, they both suck.
Me, fear pot? Ha! Maybe you should read through the thread a bit more carefully.
My point with the graph was where alcohol ranked among all the other drugs. As you will see it is pretty high up there... where as, pot, isn't.
The Demonizing Marijuana, the most heinous of all super-villains.
Well Im all for the medicinal uses of it....if it helps people who are in pain, what's the harm? But I just think they should just legalize it because so many people smoke it and Im sick of people bitching about legalizing it. Then they will have to find something else to bitch about
Given what you wrote, I'd say that there is something wrong with it in your situation and here's why- you say you are doing it to get through tough times. This is drug abuse, whether or not the drug in question poses a high risk of physical side effects. No one should ever try to cover pain with substance abuse ("coping"). Especially at your young age of 16, you could get in the habit of doing this and you could start trying to cope with the use of other substances that could potentially be worse for your health.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
I recall an interview with Ozzy from a couple years ago, where the interviewer said to Ozzy something along the lines of:
"You've done quite a lot of drugs and drinking in your lifetime, but you seem to be alright"
To which Ozzy answered something along the lines of:
"Are you f*cking kidding me? I'm a complete mess. I'm dependent on my wife to do everything for me. To dress me. Feed me. She practically has to wipe my ass for me".
I wish I could find a transcript of the interview, but here are a few other quotes from Ozzy about his life with drugs and alcohol:
“I can honestly say, all the bad things that ever happened to me were directly, directly attributed to drugs and alcohol. I mean, I would never urinate at the Alamo at nine o'clock in the morning dressed in a woman's evening dress sober.”
“I am a raging alcoholic and a raging addict and I didn't want to see my kids do the same thing.”
“Somebody said to me this morning, 'To what do you attribute your longevity?' I don't know. I mean, I couldn't have planned my life out better. By all accounts I should be dead! The abuse I put my body through: the drugs, the alcohol, the lifestyle I've lived the last 30 years!”
During a recent interview for the British magazine Loaded, Osbourne was asked about reports that he'd broken his leg recently but didn't notice. "The truth of the matter is," Osbourne replied, "I'm f***ing crazy. Seriously. I'm mentally unbalanced. I've done so many drugs that I've f***ed up my brain somewhere." Asked if he feels lucky to be alive, Osbourne replied, "Lucky? Well, I ain't f***ing clever, that's for sure. Everybody says: 'Ozzy, you're a legend.' But behind the façade is a sad, lonely, wet fart of a person."
I'm not saying he hasn't made a significant contribution to music or doesn't care about his family, but he certainly messed himself up along the way...
Back to the point:
In no way do I think smoking the occassional joint is going to f*ck up a person's brain or their whole life. But the key is "occassional joint" and not letting it become a daily habit or progressing to harder drugs. That said, even for those people here who smoke daily and still claim to have normal, functional lives, at least think about the damage it is doing to your lungs. But I'm biased; I work in a hospital and see many people every day with lung cancer, chronic respiratory problems, and heart attacks, all in part due to smoking tobacco. And since marijauna contains many of the same toxins as tobacco cigarettes, I would suspect that it poses similar types of risks....
<font color="red"> So much music, so little time.... </font>