Formula 1---AET---Thread



  • nuffingmannuffingman Posts: 3,014
    Rygar wrote:
    If you think it's dull, why watch?
    And given your location, your opinion of Hamilton isn't terribly surprising. Why all the hate for Ferrari drivers?
    In my opinion F1 has only had some racing in the last couple of years. Before that it was a procession with bugger all happening. That seems to have changed.

    Hamilton was penalised for a nutty bit of driving but Massa had no penalty for cutting a corner and flipping Hamilton around. If you're going to penalise people for getting something wrong then it has to be consistant.

    Of course I'm going to cheer on Lewis because of where I'm from. If he's beaten fairly and squarely so be it. There are quite a few Brits who think there are those that have a grudge against him and will penalise the slightest thing, but you don't find Hamilton moaning about it. Hats off to him.

    You've obviously got a thing about Hamilton but haven't said what it is.

    Edit: Just saw your reply. Egotistical, I think not. He's one of the quiet ones, almost seems shy when interviewed. I also never realised I was making a big deal, just asked a question.
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    nuffingman wrote:
    In my opinion F1 has only had some racing in the last couple of years. Before that it was a procession with bugger all happening. That seems to have changed.

    Hamilton was penalised for a nutty bit of driving but Massa had no penalty for cutting a corner and flipping Hamilton around. If you're going to penalise people for getting something wrong then it has to be consistant.

    Of course I'm going to cheer on Lewis because of where I'm from. If he's beaten fairly and squarely so be it. There are quite a few Brits who think there are those that have a grudge against him and will penalise the slightest thing, but you don't find Hamilton moaning about it. Hats off to him.

    You've obviously got a thing about Hamilton but haven't said what it is.
    Yeah I edited the post.
    Massa did get a penalty for spinning Hamilton around.
    The penalties are messed up this year, I'll give you that. And Hamilton actually says a lot. Well, maybe not a lot, but enough. A lot of the other drivers think he's got quite the ego.
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    I will admit, however, that with all the scrutiny and media-love Hamhead gets, it is inevitable that things will be misquoted, taken out of context, etc.
  • nuffingmannuffingman Posts: 3,014
    Rygar wrote:
    Yeah I edited the post.
    Massa did get a penalty for spinning Hamilton around.
    The penalties are messed up this year, I'll give you that. And Hamilton actually says a lot. A lot of the other drivers think he's got quite the ego.
    I stand corrected about the penalty.

    We're obviously going to disagree about the ego size. I suppose a lot of the other drivers don't like being harassed by a kid.

    Now if we're going to discuss ego... Alonso, look at how he reacted last year.
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    nuffingman wrote:
    I stand corrected about the penalty.

    We're obviously going to disagree about the ego size. I suppose a lot of the other drivers don't like being harassed by a kid.

    Now if we're going to discuss ego... Alonso, look at how he reacted last year.
    Yeah I've been a long time anti-Alonso vocalist too, but after this year I started wondering how much of it was Hamilton and not Alonso :p
    I would rather see Kubica land a drive with Ferrari than Alonso.

    And no, you weren't making a big deal so apologies for that. I need a vacation.
  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    As much as I like Alonso and his driving style I don't want him in a Ferrari. But he probably will be driving the F car within a few years.

    As far as Hamilton goes, i'm glad he's in F1, I love to hate on him. It's fun. He's got talent. Perhaps an ego as big as his talent. I don't want him to win the championships. But he probably will win it one day, perhaps also be a very good champion. One that pisses everyone off.

    As it stands many other drivers have bad words to say about his style of driving. To be honest I like that he attacks the way he does. He is a racer.

    Next year has some more changes coming to F1, can't wait!

    Now Alonso is the best driver on the field, I think Kubica is the best of the newer guy's.

    But I really like Massa, I think the media has been hard on him and this year Massa out drove Kimi in almost every race. Sadly Massa has some issues in the wet and unless he learns how to drive when it rains, he will never be considered a great driver. Even if he wins the championships this year.

    This weekend should be great. I'm really excited.
  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    anyone else up for the race?.....


    I need a red bull,
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    Well damn.
  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    I stayed up for that snooze fest! ah whatever.

    Down to Brazil! now Hamilton needs to finish in 5th or above to become champion right?...
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    MrBrian wrote:
    I stayed up for that snooze fest! ah whatever.

    Down to Brazil! now Hamilton needs to finish in 5th or above to become champion right?...
    I believe that is correct.
    So hopefully a Massa win with a Hamilton DNF. The bad luck is long overdue to hit his car ;)
  • nuffingmannuffingman Posts: 3,014
    Greetings Hamilton haters!!! :D What a boring load of bollocks. Seen more action on the M25. Has Massa finished yet?

    Highlight of the race was the interview afterwards when Raikkonen was asked about him pulling over to allow his very slow team mate through. He visibly squirmed with embarrassment. Yet another thing that drivers should be penalised for.
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    nuffingman wrote:
    Greetings Hamilton haters!!! :D What a boring load of bollocks. Seen more action on the M25. Has Massa finished yet?

    Highlight of the race was the interview afterwards when Raikkonen was asked about him pulling over to allow his very slow team mate through. He visibly squirmed with embarrassment. Yet another thing that drivers should be penalised for.
    They're penalized if they're ordered to.
  • nuffingmannuffingman Posts: 3,014
    Rygar wrote:
    They're penalized if they're ordered to.
    Ah, that makes it alright then. Not a case of the fastest being in the first places then. How do the officials know what's been discussed the night before? Utter nonsense, of course that was the order.
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    nuffingman wrote:
    Ah, that makes it alright then. Not a case of the fastest being in the first places then. How do the officials know what's been discussed the night before? Utter nonsense, of course that was the order.
    Like the same thing wouldn't happen at McLaren (well, not the non-Alonso-Hamhead season)...
  • nuffingmannuffingman Posts: 3,014
    Rygar wrote:
    Like the same thing wouldn't happen at McLaren (well, not the non-Alonso-Hamhead season)...
    I expect it would but it makes a mockery of what is meant to be a sport.

    Wow! Hamhead! You have a serious problem, perhaps therapy is an option :)
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    nuffingman wrote:
    I expect it would but it makes a mockery of what is meant to be a sport.

    Wow! Hamhead! You have a serious problem, perhaps therapy is an option :)
    What problem?
    Even the Hamhead-loving announcers didn't have a problem with the pass ;)
  • nuffingmannuffingman Posts: 3,014
    Rygar wrote:
    Even the Hamhead-loving announcers didn't have a problem with the pass ;)
    But they loved, just loved the squirming embarrassing interviews.
    Dinners ready, be back later! If not have a great week!
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    nuffingman wrote:
    But they loved, just loved the squirming embarrassing interviews.
    Dinners ready, be back later! If not have a great week!
    Later ol' chap ;)

    Kimi wasn't embarassed about letting Massa pass (he said he would before the race), he was embarassed that he had to slow down so much in order for it to happen :p
  • pirlo21pirlo21 Posts: 534
    Why so much hate for Hamilton? I'm not talking media & fans, but the people within the sport? The other drivers, Briatore, F1 stewards...!!

    Whatever people's thought are about Hamilton as a driver and as aperson, there's no doubt that there has been more interest in F1 over the last couple of seasons than there has been for a few years. And most of that is down to Hamilton.

    Others within the sport should be grateful he's put the sport back in the spotlight.

    He's been a breath of fresh air in a sport that has become more and more dull over the years.

    I for one, wish him all the best in Brazil in two weeks time. He'd be a deserving World champion and would keep the interest in the sport high for the next few years.

    Good luck Lewis.
    Cymru Am Byth

    PJ albums, at the moment!! -
    1,Vs 2,Vitalogy 3,No Code 4,Yield 5,Ten 6,Backspacer, 7Pearl Jam 8,Binaural 9,Riot Act.
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    pirlo21 wrote:
    Why so much hate for Hamilton? I'm not talking media & fans, but the people within the sport? The other drivers, Briatore, F1 stewards...!!

    Whatever people's thought are about Hamilton as a driver and as aperson, there's no doubt that there has been more interest in F1 over the last couple of seasons than there has been for a few years. And most of that is down to Hamilton.

    Others within the sport should be grateful he's put the sport back in the spotlight.

    He's been a breath of fresh air in a sport that has become more and more dull over the years.

    I for one, wish him all the best in Brazil in two weeks time. He'd be a deserving World champion and would keep the interest in the sport high for the next few years.

    Good luck Lewis.
    Jealousy, safety, arrogance, and ego. I would chalk Briatore's comments up to siding with Alonso more than plain Hamilton negativity.
    The stewards DO penalize other people, you know ;)
  • nuffingmannuffingman Posts: 3,014
    pirlo21 wrote:
    Why so much hate for Hamilton? I'm not talking media & fans, but the people within the sport? The other drivers, Briatore, F1 stewards...!!

    Whatever people's thought are about Hamilton as a driver and as aperson, there's no doubt that there has been more interest in F1 over the last couple of seasons than there has been for a few years. And most of that is down to Hamilton.

    Others within the sport should be grateful he's put the sport back in the spotlight.

    He's been a breath of fresh air in a sport that has become more and more dull over the years.

    I for one, wish him all the best in Brazil in two weeks time. He'd be a deserving World champion and would keep the interest in the sport high for the next few years.

    Good luck Lewis.
    See post 390
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    nuffingman wrote:
    See post 390
    Why direct him to the same question?
  • nuffingmannuffingman Posts: 3,014
    Rygar wrote:
    Why direct him to the same question?
    I should have said I agree.

    Back to the arogance again? Here are some pics taken where my wife works this summer. It was a boiling hot day. I'm sure Lewis would have rather been elsewhere. My wife managed to blag her way into the inner section and took loads of pics. He posed without any signs of getting pissed off. Stood up, sat on the car, wherever they wanted him to and they were only staff not the press that were there (although probably in the beer tent). And in all that gear. He must have been boiling.

    Perhaps he is arrogant, who knows but I'd rather have someone like him than the woodentops who were in the pre race interview with him. They should have called it Lewis and the living dead.

    F1 needs a Valentino Rossi.

    PS. has Massa finished yet? ;)
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    nuffingman wrote:
    I'm sure Lewis would have rather been elsewhere.

    F1 needs a Valentino Rossi.

    PS. has Massa finished yet? ;)
    yeah, I'm sure he'd rather be driving over corners or running red lights :p

    PS: nice shots
  • nuffingmannuffingman Posts: 3,014
    Rygar wrote:
    yeah, I'm sure he'd rather be driving over corners or running red lights :p

    PS: nice shots
    You're annoying.................. but also amusing! Were you bullied at school? :D
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    nuffingman wrote:
    You're annoying.................. but also amusing! Were you bullied at school? :D
    As a matter of fact!
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,526
    Well boring race. But the fastest driver over the weekend won. And that's what I like to see-even if they race for Ferrari. ;)

    Hamilton-say what you will but he is the best young driver to come along in years and his presence has made F1 a lot more interesting. And you have to have a bit of a chip on your shoulder to be an F1 champ.

    BMW's improved performance, the Ferrari-McLaren duel and the emergence of new drivers has made this one of the best seasons yet. More winners, new tracks, and a night race. Im pleased.

    And the championship comes down to the final race where Massa has the home town crowd. If Hamilton can win there, he deserves to be champ-although they have both had good seasons. Much more exciting this way.

    Cant wait to watch this one.
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    Get_Right wrote:
    Well boring race. But the fastest driver over the weekend won. And that's what I like to see-even if they race for Ferrari. ;)

    Hamilton-say what you will but he is the best young driver to come along in years and his presence has made F1 a lot more interesting. And you have to have a bit of a chip on your shoulder to be an F1 champ.

    BMW's improved performance, the Ferrari-McLaren duel and the emergence of new drivers has made this one of the best seasons yet. More winners, new tracks, and a night race. Im pleased.

    And the championship comes down to the final race where Massa has the home town crowd. If Hamilton can win there, he deserves to be champ-although they have both had good seasons. Much more exciting this way.

    Cant wait to watch this one.
    Let's not forget Alonso's two years with Renault before he went to McLaren ;)

    I don't think Hamilton will screw up in Brazil, not this year.

    The BMW-Kubica driving this year has been quite nice to see, and STR's performances have been pretty cool too. I am a bit iffy on Vettel's move to RBR next year, but we'll have to wait and see.
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,526
    Rygar wrote:
    Let's not forget Alonso's two years with Renault before he went to McLaren ;)

    I don't think Hamilton will screw up in Brazil, not this year.

    The BMW-Kubica driving this year has been quite nice to see, and STR's performances have been pretty cool too. I am a bit iffy on Vettel's move to RBR next year, but we'll have to wait and see.

    Did you see Peter Windsor's short interview with Bernie on the grid in Shanghai.
    PW asked Bernie if there was any progress on a U.S. grand prix.
    Nothing new
    PW: would you like to see there be a US Grand Prix?
    Bernie: well if someone can come up with a reasonable package, yes we will have a race.

  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    Get_Right wrote:
    Did you see Peter Windsor's short interview with Bernie on the grid in Shanghai.
    PW asked Bernie if there was any progress on a U.S. grand prix.
    Nothing new
    PW: would you like to see there be a US Grand Prix?
    Bernie: well if someone can come up with a reasonable package, yes we will have a race.

    The asshole also said that the Montreal organizers have only paid 1/2 of what they owe for the last three years. The MTL party says there was a commercial disagreement for the 2008 event only.
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