I was attacked in my own home today for 40 bucks!!!

I'm not going into details, but I just got finished talking to the police, A black male broke into my home and threatened me for 40 bucks.....What the hell is this world coming too???
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Holy shit! I hope you're ok. Was he caught?
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Is it wrong to find it funny that someone named Malcolm X was just robbed by a black guy?
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welcome to planet earth, how long have you been sleeping?
very good question
Not sure, there may be a waiting period.
Maybe he was doing it to buy Bee-Gees records...
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:rolleyes: Well maybe. I just didn't want to lecture the poor guy since he's just been robbed. :rolleyes:
I guess if he were here, he'd say "Ah don't worry, he was just an Uncle Tom".
I can't speak for anyone else here, but my concern was when he stated that he turns into David Duke when something like this happens. Usually, those words and thoughts don't just materialize under pressure.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
I don't know who David Duke is but when my boyfriend upsets me, I suddenly become a man hater for a short space of time, although I'm not really.
i hear you ....best leave this one alone ...
What does being Catholic have to do with eating pork and drinking?
What the fuck are you talking about?
the issue is that had a white person come into his home and stolen money, he most likely would not have posted "A white male broke into my place..."
sucks that you got robbed, i just find it annoying when people only make a distinction of race when its a person of color doing it.
Man hater is ok. Just don't turn all Hall and Oates on us!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
And what's "Valume"?
like i said best leave this one alone ....
Well you sure have a high opinion of the people you are trying to help. Maybe you shouldn't use words like "white trash" and "red neck" to refer to those you go out of your way to help...
And this statement makes it appear as if you are calling black people poor.
MCKB makes a good point, we all go off on one in certain circumstances, just say for example 'wee man' from Jackass came up to you and kicked you in the nadgers..there's every chance you'd blurt out somethingthat alluded to him being smaller than the average person. e.g. "You short arse M****** f*****", you wouldn't normally use that sort of language to anyone, spesh not a 'little person', but anger makes us act out of carachter. So, go easy on the guy.
P.S. sorry to hear this, I hate stinkin criminals....I so do.
Its shitty when these kinds of things happen.
The MINORITY is the MAJORITY of the problem in the United States......it's not racism, its factual.