Anyone else think that there's a slight difference between men's desires for sexual variety and womens? I think men, on average, have a bit higher desire for sexual variety. This is probably due to conditioning over the past 1000 years or so. Up until recently, women have been the family types, while men hunt/gather/provide. With this conditioning in mind, it makes sense that women are more content when they find one person who can F their brains out, while men want to find another and another.
Most of the women in this thread keep saying the same thing:
1. Change up your love life to spice it up
2. The reason you may want it elsewhere may be due to your own bedroom abilities (look in the mirror)
3. If you really want that, tell them
This is all true, I suppose. But, maybe, just maybe, it's because men just want variety... plain and simple. It's not the love making itself. It's not the woman's fault. It's not the man's fault. It just is what it is.
Anyone else think that there's a slight difference between men's desires for sexual variety and womens? I think men, on average, have a bit higher desire for sexual variety. This is probably due to conditioning over the past 1000 years or so. Up until recently, women have been the family types, while men hunt/gather/provide. With this conditioning in mind, it makes sense that women are more content when they find one person who can F their brains out, while men want to find another and another.
Most of the women in this thread keep saying the same thing:
1. Change up your love life to spice it up
2. The reason you may want it elsewhere may be due to your own bedroom abilities (look in the mirror)
3. If you really want that, tell them
This is all true, I suppose. But, maybe, just maybe, it's because men just want variety... plain and simple. It's not the love making itself. It's not the woman's fault. It's not the man's fault. It just is what it is.
don't you dare say this. women hate to hear that it might be more than just trying a new position or a new outfit. sometimes we want a new face, body, and... other stuff. nothing personal ladies. it's evolution baby. they like to think they can keep us faithful just by buying a new pair of lingerie.
as to surprising your girl, in my experience they hate this. they act like you're a pervert.
But, maybe, just maybe, it's because men just want variety... plain and simple. It's not the love making itself. It's not the woman's fault. It's not the man's fault. It just is what it is.
Is that why so many men are musicians? My friend said that all musicians fool around.
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
don't you dare say this. women hate to hear that it might be more than just trying a new position or a new outfit. sometimes we want a new face, body, and... other stuff. nothing personal ladies. it's evolution baby. they like to think they can keep us faithful just by buying a new pair of lingerie.
as to surprising your girl, in my experience they hate this. they act like you're a pervert.
Well, they are right. Men are perverts. Let's be honest here.
15 pages? Get some sex yourselves will ya people? Wow lol
Its funy how i never said anything here in a serious way and never got to personal about my personal sex life, yet many people in here have all the answers for me and they have already judged me......soooo fucking funny.
Or maybe just sad. But like one of yuo said earlier, it is a fun topic to discuss since its no treally obout me anymore.
BTW, love the Walter line....classic!
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
15 pages? Get some sex yourselves will ya people? Wow lol
Its funy how i never said anything here in a serious way and never got to personal about my personal sex life, yet many people in here have all the answers for me and they have already judged me......soooo fucking funny.
Or maybe just sad.
BTW, love the Walter line....classic!
seriously...have you READ the thread?
it ain't all about you!
it's about the TOPIC. sheesh. people ARE funny. and hello, if i could have sex in the middle of my workday, wrell i would. but since i am in my cube, occasionally working...threads like these break up my day. i find it quite amsuing when someone starts a thread and doesn't like the direction it takes. such is life eh?
btw - i have never judged you. i have seen very few 'judgements' in this thread, period. most are talking objectively, or from their own personal perspective. again. not. about. you.
and it's only 6 pages for me...but i don't require adeed length to my threads to make up for anything.
and saying your wife 'tries'...but she just can't or whatever you said...that is indeed personal, and if i were your wife and read that, i' be pissed. thankfully, my husband has the good sense NOT to post anything personal on the internet...and vice versa, and we both believe in descretion.
15 pages? Get some sex yourselves will ya people? Wow lol
Its funy how i never said anything here in a serious way and never got to personal about my personal sex life, yet many people in here have all the answers for me and they have already judged me......soooo fucking funny.
Or maybe just sad. But like one of yuo said earlier, it is a fun topic to discuss since its no treally obout me anymore.
BTW, love the Walter line....classic!
15 pages is pretty slow for a sex thread
What did you expect?:p
women hate to hear that it might be more than just trying a new position or a new outfit. sometimes we want a new face, body, and... other stuff. nothing personal ladies. it's evolution baby.
as to surprising your girl, in my experience they hate this. they act like you're a pervert.
ok... you have said it best yourself.
The type of women that you (sorry REALLY don't mean to dis and single you out.... because you seem cool enough ) but anyway...THESE women think you are a pervert when you try and surprise then because you go for sexually repressed women who may **hopefully for them** not always be sexually repressed. (Hence when they maybe find the right man who does truly see her for the sexual being i'm sure she really is... somewhere inside there...)
Women who are sexually enlightend may understand your needs a lot better than you think... So yes...
We are both saying the same thing.
Men who are afraid of not being able to truly please and sexually satisfy a sexual woman will hook up with a woman who is not tuned into her own sexuality and then run around behind her trying to always find the greener grass... to lay on...
Maybe if your lawn was properly fertilized and cared for and you had chosen the seed that best suited your would enjoy chilling on your own lawn a lot more than you think...and not run so much of a chance of imminent divorce when you do get caught finding "it' elsewhere...
**See decides 2 dream's posts on finding the partner that suits you best sexually**
The type of women that you (sorry REALLY don't mean to dis and single you out.... because you seem cool enough ) but anyway...THESE women think you are a pervert when you try and surprise then because you go for sexually repressed women who may **hopefully for them** not always be sexually repressed. (Hence when they maybe find the right man who does truly see her for the sexual being i'm sure she really is... somewhere inside there...)
Women who are sexually enlightend may understand your needs a lot better than you think... So yes...
We are both saying the same thing.
Men who are afraid of not being able to truly please and sexually staisfy a sexual woman will hook up with a woman who is not tuned into her own sexuality and then run around behind her trying to always find the greener grass... to lay on...
Maybe if your lawn was properly fertilized and cared for and you had chosen the seed that best suited your would enjoy chilling on your own lawn a lot more than you think...and not run so much of a chance of imminent divorce when you do get caught finding "it' elsewhere...
**See decides 2 dream's posts on finding the partner that suits you best sexually**
yeah, but im' not much for lawn maintenance. i'm sick of trying to treat women like fragile flowers needing to be nurtured. though i'll admit i have a bad habit of stumbling into relationships with prudes. i dont find out until it's too late, hehe. i've always been much happier with the freaky women and they with me. the surprise thing was a joke really... i was going to take it to a cruder place involving what to do with the extra hands/fingers while having sex, but decided i didn't want to be banned after only being here 2 days
So, you think. He may also believe in discretion... from you. lol
you have no idea.....and i will leave it at that.
my personal life is just that. personal.
but enjoy your barely witty posts.
this thread is rife with stereotypes....and men who truly understand, or at least try to understand their partners....realize it does indeed, go both ways. the lust, the fantasies, the desire for variety...etc....and they are not afraid of it, they enjoy it. fully. win-win for everyone! beyond that....taking it beyond the couple...would obviously be a very personal decision. again tho, male or female.....if one loves and informs and shares. or so i would hope. then again...ain't my relationship, ain't my bizness....i don't 'worry' myself with that which does not involve me.
and catch22...when a woman is secure in herself she KNOWS all that, and doesn't take it personally. obviously, most men and women DO require fidelity, so it is a CHOICE. wanting to fuck around, and actually fucking around...not the same thing. so all have to develop their own ways for variety. which can include fucking around, or not.....still all choice. if you want the faitful woman, then you need to be a faithful man. imagination is a wonderful thing.
you have no idea.....and i will leave it at that.
my personal life is just that. personal.
but enjoy your barely witty posts.
You don't think there's even a slight chance that your partner hides any desires (or posts on an internet forum) from you? I think that "the my relationship is the best there is" (and I know everything that my man does) type stuff comes to end for everyone, unfortunately. Not wishing an ending for anyone, ever (especially a fellow PJ fan).... but, it's my personal opinion. Sometimes the people on the soap box preaching about how great their relationship's are, are the people's who's relationships crash and burn. Oncea again, wish that on no one.... ever. But, People are human.... men are men... regardless of who he's married to. Not saying all (or even most) stray. Just saying, you don't control him and you most certainly do not know what he is "thinking" or for that matter "doing". Thinking you do because your relationship is advanced or something is silly.
this thread is rife with stereotypes....and men who truly understand, or at least try to understand their partners....realize it does indeed, go both ways. the lust, the fantasies, the desire for variety...etc....and they are not afraid of it, they enjoy it. fully. win-win for everyone! beyond that....taking it beyond the couple...would obviously be a very personal decision. again tho, male or female.....if one loves and informs and shares. or so i would hope. then again...ain't my relationship, ain't my bizness....i don't 'worry' myself with that which does not involve me.
I don't think anyone said that it doesn't go both way. It def does. I know for sure my wife has her own fantasies. She's human afterall. I don't blame her either... it's normal.
You don't think there's even a slight chance that your partner hides any desires (or posts on an internet forum) from you? I think that "the my relationship is the best there is" (and I know everything that my man does) type stuff comes to end for everyone, unfortunately. Not wishing an ending for anyone, ever (especially a fellow PJ fan).... but, it's my personal opinion. Sometimes the people on the soap box preaching about how great their relationship's are, are the people's who's relationships crash and burn. Oncea again, wish that on no one.... ever. But, People are human.... men are men... regardless of who he's married to. Not saying all (or even most) stray. Just saying, you don't control him and you most certainly do not know what he is "thinking". Thinking you do because your relationship is advanced or something is silly.
i think YOU read a LOT into my posts that simply is not there. i don't think my relationship is 'advanced' at all. i just know it's mine. ours.....and we know what works for us. and anything is possible of course. however, all i can say is more than we are very open, and that's all i will divulge. i have NEVER suggested my relationship is the best there is or that i know EVERYthing he thinks, not even close. that is all your own inference. i don't share personal details on the board, ever. but i HAVE fully admitted my relationship is far from perfect, we've had our own shite like any couple, etc....and yes, we're still here.
anyhoo...i'm just not into second-guessing others' reltionships, or snide remarks like some stranger knows better. that's all. i absolutely do not control him, nor him me....and neither knows what the other is thinking at any given time unless we share such thoughts. as far as the cheating, presume a lot. i already said do you even KNOW wht kind of relationship we have? you don't. and it does go for both, men and women.....cheating is not reserved for one gender. anyhoo, believe you me....i am the FIRST to admit NO relationship is bulletproof....including my own.
I don't think anyone said that it doesn't go both way. It def does. I know for sure my wife has her own fantasies. She's human afterall. I don't blame her either... it's normal.
and...on this we agree.
and that's it for me on my own relationship. as i said, you have no idea...and that is my preference. assume, presume as you wish.
*edited for LOTR..didn't want to be too confusing. me and my horrific typing....
what has Lord Of The Rings got to do with the topic of how poor acousticguy should be able to bang as many girls as he can?
dontcha know?
cmon now...i thought all were into a bit of kinkiness.'ve exposed me...and my horrible typing skills. haha.
btw - the topic isn't acoustic's being able to bang at will, married or single, male or female. just b/c the OP spoke in the first person doesn't mean tthe rest of us didn't take the topic further. still on topic...but further.
dontcha know?
cmon now...i thought all were into a bit of kinkiness.'ve exposed me...and my horrible typing skills. haha.
btw - the topic isn't acoustic's being able to bang at will, married or single, male or female. just b/c the OP spoke in the first person doesn't mean tthe rest of us didn't take the topic further. still on topic...but further.
sorry, my nerd-ar went off when i saw LOTR and i got super-excited. finding out you were just talking about sex was a huge disappointment after
Ok I haven't read the whole 16 pages of replies on this but wanted to say, I have been married for 10 years this October. Have known my husband since 1986.
We have talked about this a bunch because sometimes we just aren't meshing sexually. Sometimes you can just have SEX with no strings attached. We don't see any problem with it at all. We love each other. We will always be together but we think it can work to have some all out wild sex with no strings attached with someone you aren't married to.
To 10c; "Your PJ tshirt should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." - bionicamy
Ok I haven't read the whole 16 pages of replies on this but wanted to say, I have been married for 10 years this October. Have known my husband since 1986.
We have talked about this a bunch because sometimes we just aren't meshing sexually. Sometimes you can just have SEX with no strings attached. We don't see any problem with it at all. We love each other. We will always be together but we think it can work to have some all out wild sex with no strings attached with someone you aren't married to.
And I'll bet sometimes the two of you have AWESOME sex.
Hey you weirdo guys... and you know who you are... you reading this?????????
I agree that it takes the right person to bring out your best sexual side as it were.
And there's a whole world of a difference between being creative and adventurous in bed and being pushy.
Talk about sex, get to know what the other person likes, wants, expects etc. If you don't get the talking right, chances are the rest won't be up to much either.
Ok I haven't read the whole 16 pages of replies on this but wanted to say, I have been married for 10 years this October. Have known my husband since 1986.
We have talked about this a bunch because sometimes we just aren't meshing sexually. Sometimes you can just have SEX with no strings attached. We don't see any problem with it at all. We love each other. We will always be together but we think it can work to have some all out wild sex with no strings attached with someone you aren't married to.
what crazy talk.
you mean you actually DISCUSS and share such thoughts with each other? wtf kinda aliens are you two?!
seriously....kudos to you both. being able to speak frankly about such things is paramount to happiness in a relationship imho. and to take it further...i don't think a marriage even needs the prerequisite of 'not meshing sexually' be open and/or receptive to the idea of sexual variety. all it truly requires is a strong belief in your love and commitment....and sure, the desire to try it out. definitely not for the faint of heart, but hell...i think the right couple, right could well be a PLUS. it ALL depends on your perspective...and absolutely, a JOINT decision.
Most of the women in this thread keep saying the same thing:
1. Change up your love life to spice it up
2. The reason you may want it elsewhere may be due to your own bedroom abilities (look in the mirror)
3. If you really want that, tell them
This is all true, I suppose. But, maybe, just maybe, it's because men just want variety... plain and simple. It's not the love making itself. It's not the woman's fault. It's not the man's fault. It just is what it is.
don't you dare say this. women hate to hear that it might be more than just trying a new position or a new outfit. sometimes we want a new face, body, and... other stuff. nothing personal ladies. it's evolution baby. they like to think they can keep us faithful just by buying a new pair of lingerie.
as to surprising your girl, in my experience they hate this. they act like you're a pervert.
Is that why so many men are musicians? My friend said that all musicians fool around.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Well, they are right. Men are perverts. Let's be honest here.
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
and nice pearl jam reference in there
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
like for your man to wear an eddie vedder mask during sex?
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
GTFgirl....excellent points, all round. thank you.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
Its funy how i never said anything here in a serious way and never got to personal about my personal sex life, yet many people in here have all the answers for me and they have already judged me......soooo fucking funny.
Or maybe just sad. But like one of yuo said earlier, it is a fun topic to discuss since its no treally obout me anymore.
BTW, love the Walter line....classic!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
seriously...have you READ the thread?
it ain't all about you!
it's about the TOPIC. sheesh. people ARE funny. and hello, if i could have sex in the middle of my workday, wrell i would. but since i am in my cube, occasionally working...threads like these break up my day. i find it quite amsuing when someone starts a thread and doesn't like the direction it takes. such is life eh?
btw - i have never judged you. i have seen very few 'judgements' in this thread, period. most are talking objectively, or from their own personal perspective. again. not. about. you.
and it's only 6 pages for me...but i don't require adeed length to my threads to make up for anything.
and saying your wife 'tries'...but she just can't or whatever you said...that is indeed personal, and if i were your wife and read that, i' be pissed. thankfully, my husband has the good sense NOT to post anything personal on the internet...and vice versa, and we both believe in descretion.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
What did you expect?:p
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
So, you think. He may also believe in discretion... from you. lol
ok... you have said it best yourself.
The type of women that you (sorry REALLY don't mean to dis and single you out.... because you seem cool enough
Women who are sexually enlightend may understand your needs a lot better than you think... So yes...
We are both saying the same thing.
Men who are afraid of not being able to truly please and sexually satisfy a sexual woman will hook up with a woman who is not tuned into her own sexuality and then run around behind her trying to always find the greener grass... to lay on...
Maybe if your lawn was properly fertilized and cared for and you had chosen the seed that best suited your would enjoy chilling on your own lawn a lot more than you think...and not run so much of a chance of imminent divorce when you do get caught finding "it' elsewhere...
**See decides 2 dream's posts on finding the partner that suits you best sexually**
yeah, but im' not much for lawn maintenance. i'm sick of trying to treat women like fragile flowers needing to be nurtured. though i'll admit i have a bad habit of stumbling into relationships with prudes. i dont find out until it's too late, hehe. i've always been much happier with the freaky women and they with me. the surprise thing was a joke really... i was going to take it to a cruder place involving what to do with the extra hands/fingers while having sex, but decided i didn't want to be banned after only being here 2 days
you have no idea.....and i will leave it at that.
my personal life is just that. personal.
but enjoy your barely witty posts.
this thread is rife with stereotypes....and men who truly understand, or at least try to understand their partners....realize it does indeed, go both ways. the lust, the fantasies, the desire for variety...etc....and they are not afraid of it, they enjoy it. fully.
and catch22...when a woman is secure in herself she KNOWS all that, and doesn't take it personally. obviously, most men and women DO require fidelity, so it is a CHOICE. wanting to fuck around, and actually fucking around...not the same thing. so all have to develop their own ways for variety.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Don't get banned.
Welcome to this crazy place.
i love being me
some of you fuckers in i stated up top..slay me
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
You don't think there's even a slight chance that your partner hides any desires (or posts on an internet forum) from you? I think that "the my relationship is the best there is" (and I know everything that my man does) type stuff comes to end for everyone, unfortunately. Not wishing an ending for anyone, ever (especially a fellow PJ fan).... but, it's my personal opinion. Sometimes the people on the soap box preaching about how great their relationship's are, are the people's who's relationships crash and burn. Oncea again, wish that on no one.... ever. But, People are human.... men are men... regardless of who he's married to. Not saying all (or even most) stray. Just saying, you don't control him and you most certainly do not know what he is "thinking" or for that matter "doing". Thinking you do because your relationship is advanced or something is silly.
I don't think anyone said that it doesn't go both way. It def does. I know for sure my wife has her own fantasies. She's human afterall. I don't blame her either... it's normal.
i think YOU read a LOT into my posts that simply is not there. i don't think my relationship is 'advanced' at all. i just know it's mine. ours.....and we know what works for us. and anything is possible of course. however, all i can say is more than we are very open, and that's all i will divulge. i have NEVER suggested my relationship is the best there is or that i know EVERYthing he thinks, not even close. that is all your own inference. i don't share personal details on the board, ever. but i HAVE fully admitted my relationship is far from perfect, we've had our own shite like any couple, etc....and yes, we're still here.
anyhoo...i'm just not into second-guessing others' reltionships, or snide remarks like some stranger knows better. that's all. i absolutely do not control him, nor him me....and neither knows what the other is thinking at any given time unless we share such thoughts. as far as the cheating, presume a lot. i already said do you even KNOW wht kind of relationship we have? you don't. and it does go for both, men and women.....cheating is not reserved for one gender. anyhoo, believe you me....i am the FIRST to admit NO relationship is bulletproof....including my own.
and...on this we agree.
and that's it for me on my own relationship. as i said, you have no idea...and that is my preference. assume, presume as you wish.
*edited for LOTR..didn't want to be too confusing. me and my horrific typing....
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
what has Lord Of The Rings got to do with the topic of how poor acousticguy should be able to bang as many girls as he can?
dontcha know?
cmon now...i thought all were into a bit of kinkiness.'ve exposed me...and my horrible typing skills.
btw - the topic isn't acoustic's being able to bang at will, married or single, male or female. just b/c the OP spoke in the first person doesn't mean tthe rest of us didn't take the topic further. still on topic...but further.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
ure crazy!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
sorry, my nerd-ar went off when i saw LOTR and i got super-excited. finding out you were just talking about sex was a huge disappointment after
We have talked about this a bunch because sometimes we just aren't meshing sexually. Sometimes you can just have SEX with no strings attached. We don't see any problem with it at all. We love each other. We will always be together but we think it can work to have some all out wild sex with no strings attached with someone you aren't married to.
And I'll bet sometimes the two of you have AWESOME sex.
Hey you weirdo guys... and you know who you are... you reading this?????????
am i one of the weirdo guys? what about it?
And there's a whole world of a difference between being creative and adventurous in bed and being pushy.
Talk about sex, get to know what the other person likes, wants, expects etc. If you don't get the talking right, chances are the rest won't be up to much either.
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
what crazy talk.
you mean you actually DISCUSS and share such thoughts with each other? wtf kinda aliens are you two?!
seriously....kudos to you both. being able to speak frankly about such things is paramount to happiness in a relationship imho. and to take it further...i don't think a marriage even needs the prerequisite of 'not meshing sexually' be open and/or receptive to the idea of sexual variety. all it truly requires is a strong belief in your love and commitment....and sure, the desire to try it out. definitely not for the faint of heart, but hell...i think the right couple, right could well be a PLUS. it ALL depends on your perspective...and absolutely, a JOINT decision.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow