man, i even put the smiley in and still people get all bent outta shape. i guess the "i respect women so much more than most guys" act does it for ya?
I'm sorry but the "I'm gonna treat you like shite and disrespect you and our relationship" act doesn't do it for me, no. Been there, done that.
Audiodave's a breath of fresh air, trust me. Besides, it's not a respect for women more than men, it's a respect for people who have respect for themselves and the relationships they have within this world.
When will people learn, smilies don't always make a post light hearted.
Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
Acoustic guy - I'm not gonna call you an asshole or get insulting and personal, i'm just gonna give my opinion on this. You can say what you like but I can't let this go without getting my 2 cents in.
I've read the posts that you've made in this thread. I'll admit, they've made my blood boil. I don't understand how you think you can speak for all men? I've known plenty of men who have been happily in relationships and/or married for years and not once even indulged the thought of fucking as many women as possible. Yes, amazingly enough, these people do exist.
I know you're a hot blooded male or whatever :rolleyes: but posting about cheating on your wife on a public internet message board seems a little obnoxious. It's like taunting her without her knowing, like rubbing salt into the wound. Many women across the world are insecure enough about themselves without guys like you writing about how "as great as my wife is, I wanna bang me some new pussy huh huh huh...". Ask yourself, honestly how you think your wife would react if she read some of the things you've written?
I'm not gonna accuse you of anything, at the end of the day, I don't know you apart from this internet persona you portray but I am gonna say that I'm disappointed that you think a subject like this can be "light hearted and funny". Many people's relationships are destroyed by things like this.
I can honestly say that were Dave to write a thread like this and I found it, I would be devestated. I'd be asking many questions and my self esteem would hit rock bottom... you certainly wouldn't just be on the couch for a week.
As for the men having hardcore no strings sex outside of marriage and women not? C'mon... I know you said double standards but fuck man, that's ridiculous. I can only assume that you said that because you know how you'd react if you found your wife having thoughts like this. You say you're a good husband but you post things like this? Not exactly 'good husband' material in my eyes... besides, shouldn't it be your wife who decides if you're a good husband or not?
I'm hoping that you love your wife dearly and that you probably did write this thread as a joke but it now seems to me that you've said too much and you can't back track for fear of losing face. Now, I don't know if you wrote this because you're considering cheating on your wife or if you were just throwing an idea in the melting pot to see how people's would react... whichever it is, it's not funny.
I can pretty much guess how you're gonna react, so laugh away. But at least i'm safe in the knowledge that I know I wouldn't post about my husband or marriage like this and that I have no issues within my relationship.
I suggest you start talking to your wife.
I expect a classic "tail between legs" response from AG some time soon.
Good for you Sian
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
I'm sorry but the "I'm gonna treat you like shite and disrespect you and our relationship" act doesn't do it for me, no. Been there, done that.
Audiodave's a breath of fresh air, trust me. Besides, it's not a respect for women more than men, it's a respect for people who have respect for themselves and the relationships they have within this world.
When will people learn, smilies don't always make a post light hearted.
when will people learn that taking themselves and life so seriously is a huge drag.
Acoustic guy - I'm not gonna call you an asshole or get insulting and personal, i'm just gonna give my opinion on this. You can say what you like but I can't let this go without getting my 2 cents in.
I've read the posts that you've made in this thread. I'll admit, they've made my blood boil. I don't understand how you think you can speak for all men? I've known plenty of men who have been happily in relationships and/or married for years and not once even indulged the thought of fucking as many women as possible. Yes, amazingly enough, these people do exist.
I know you're a hot blooded male or whatever :rolleyes: but posting about cheating on your wife on a public internet message board seems a little obnoxious. It's like taunting her without her knowing, like rubbing salt into the wound. Many women across the world are insecure enough about themselves without guys like you writing about how "as great as my wife is, I wanna bang me some new pussy huh huh huh...". Ask yourself, honestly how you think your wife would react if she read some of the things you've written?
I'm not gonna accuse you of anything, at the end of the day, I don't know you apart from this internet persona you portray but I am gonna say that I'm disappointed that you think a subject like this can be "light hearted and funny". Many people's relationships are destroyed by things like this.
I can honestly say that were Dave to write a thread like this and I found it, I would be devestated. I'd be asking many questions and my self esteem would hit rock bottom... you certainly wouldn't just be on the couch for a week.
As for the men having hardcore no strings sex outside of marriage and women not? C'mon... I know you said double standards but fuck man, that's ridiculous. I can only assume that you said that because you know how you'd react if you found your wife having thoughts like this. You say you're a good husband but you post things like this? Not exactly 'good husband' material in my eyes... besides, shouldn't it be your wife who decides if you're a good husband or not?
I'm hoping that you love your wife dearly and that you probably did write this thread as a joke but it now seems to me that you've said too much and you can't back track for fear of losing face. Now, I don't know if you wrote this because you're considering cheating on your wife or if you were just throwing an idea in the melting pot to see how people's would react... whichever it is, it's not funny.
I can pretty much guess how you're gonna react, so laugh away. But at least i'm safe in the knowledge that I know I wouldn't post about my husband or marriage like this and that I have no issues within my relationship.
I suggest you start talking to your wife.
Oh where do I start?
First, you never once had a sexual thought about another man since you have been with Dave? ..................Bullshit! Were human. Total bullshit.
Second, This topic makes women insecure? Not my problem b/c they have insecurities and trust issues with their hubby. My wife trusts me. She knows who she married. She is the one for me b/c she is the only ione who can keep me inline. We all have been worried about being cheated on one time or another. I never once said I wanna cheat nor will I. Get it right if you are gonna bash me okay?
I am not backtracking at all. This all started b/c I said men should be able to have many women. Now I am a cheater and a bad husband? Give me a break please. If I wanna cheat on my wife you think I would ask peoples advise on the matter first? Hahahahahahaha.....okay.
Its bizzare to me that you are upset b/c I started this topic. If you READ it again, it is in a joking way for fun. I HAVE to use a smiley for it be be silly? I am not the dictator here. I am not gonna make a rule in America that all men shouls sleep with many women don't worry I am not gnna start a revolution here. I am sure Dave will still be the great guy you know him to be after tis is all done with.
Please lighten up man oh man.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Originally Posted by audiodave
No. No it isn't. Believe it or not, some men actually have respect for women. A novel concept, I know.
And before you jump to your defense by saying that you're joking, don't bother. We both know that you're serious about this, and while you may only be talking about it at the moment, if you really believe in this BS that you've written, you really can't be far away from acting on it.
So, cheating on your girlfriend takes balls does it? If you cheat on every girlfriend you have then you don't deserve the balls you were born with and should have them surgically removed. I'm sure the women you cheat on would like to get their hands on them (I know, you didn't cheat on them, but just saying you wish you had is disgusting enough). And if you cheat on EVERY girlfriend, and then get married, that means you cheated on the woman you married. Just because you have a piece of paper that says your married, all of a sudden it becomes wrong to cheat? A marriage certificate shouldn't be the reason you don't cheat. Love and respect for the woman you're with should, and you can have that without that little piece of paper. If you wanted to be able to sleep with a load of different women, why did you get married?
I agree with chadwick. You can't have much respect for your wife to come on here and talk about this kind of thing. I'd be interested to see what she would say if she read it, or if she knew you thought you should be allowed to sleep with as many women as you want while she has to stay faithful.
I love the way people think they can speak for an entire gender. You may want to fuck everything that moves, but not every man does. I'm not denying that some men MAY want this, but not all of them. Like I said earlier, some men have respect for women and for the relationship they are in. There's only one person here who is full of shit and that's you.
Why should men be allowed to sleep with other women? Because they can have sex without forming an emotional attachment? You may be able to do so, but it doesn't mean all men are the same. And while some women may NOT be able to sleep with a man without forming an emotional attachment, i'm sure they are plenty of women who can do this.
You, and by the look of it a lot of other people, may seem to think this is a harmless and fun thread, but I think it's very disrespectful to your wife and your marriage to come onto a message board and post this kind of thing. Cover it up by saying you're joking if you must, but I don't buy it. I only hope that Mrs acoustic guy decides to take a look on the PJ forums and see just what her husband has been saying.
........... ........... ..................... ... .
love it.
and the fact you used my name as part of your opinion.
i think i have a new buddy.
we share a mutual stance.
nicely done.
however, you have been a bit calmer than myself.
good for you.
i guess i let the side of me that houses a bad attitude do some communicating in this thread.
i am sorry if i have offended any of you with my harshness.
Dude, quit being selective with the things you respond to. As Sian pointed out, you do NOT speak for all men. Having a sexual thought is one thing but but saying that ALL guys want to go out fucking a slew of different women for no reason other than satisfying some carnal thirst sounds more like a man desperately clutching at straws to make himself feel better about his insecurities and the fact that he doesn't feel enough of a man unless he's able to get his pick of women at all times.
Also, stop telling people to lighten up. If your posts in this thread were meant as a joke, you'd have stopped defending them a long time ago. You mean every word and you're just trying to claw back some respect from people here because, deep down, you're probably a decent guy and this whole thread has woefully misfired.
You're perfectly within your rights to want a polygamous marriage, just don't lump a whole gender into your "complex analyses" of the libido to strengthen your cause, ok? Thanks :cool:
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
Dude, quit being selective with the things you respond to. As Sian pointed out, you do NOT speak for all men. Having a sexual thought is one thing but but saying that ALL guys want to go out fucking a slew of different women for no reason other than satisfying some carnal thirst sounds more like a man desperately clutching at straws to make himself feel better about his insecurities and the fact that he doesn't feel enough of a man unless he's able to get his pick of women at all times.
Also, stop telling people to lighten up. If your posts in this thread were meant as a joke, you'd have stopped defending them a long time ago. You mean every word and you're just trying to claw back some respect from people here because, deep down, you're probably a decent guy and this whole thread has woefully misfired.
You're perfectly within your rights to want a polygamous marriage, just don't lump a whole gender into your complex analyses of the libido to strengthen your cause, ok? Thanks :cool:
maybe the point was just to make light of the fact that we all want to believe us and our partners are pure as the driven snow, but, in fact, we all have our urges and we should acknowledge them and deal with them and have some fun with them rather than try to repress them and pretend they don't exist?
maybe the point was just to make light of the fact that we all want to believe us and our partners are pure as the driven snow, but, in fact, we all have our urges and we should acknowledge them and deal with them and have some fun with them rather than try to repress them and pretend they don't exist?
maybe the point was just to make light of the fact that we all want to believe us and our partners are pure as the driven snow, but, in fact, we all have our urges and we should acknowledge them and deal with them and have some fun with them rather than try to repress them and pretend they don't exist?
Rather than "I think men should be allowed to fuck whomsoever they please because they are MEN with big, covetous penises that just will not go to sleep", would a more enlightened approach not be "I'm totally in love with my wife and would never dream of cheating on her, we have a healthy sex life and I feel that our marriage is as strong as ever yet I have these sexual urges which I'm sure are natural. I won't spend my time wishing I was a muslim or a mormon though because, frankly, what I have already is worth 1000000 cheap lays and, at the end of the day, we don't feel the need to submit to other base urges that, as a society, we've discarded anyway, you know, like killing n' shit?"
Because I think you're giving a little too much credit to Acoustic Guy and his capacity to make subtle and subversive threads that make us question the way we think.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
Rather than "I think men should be allowed to fuck whomsoever they please because they are MEN with big, covetous penises that just will not go to sleep", would a more enlightened approach not be "I'm totally in love with my wife and would never dream of cheating on her, we have a healthy sex life and I feel that our marriage is as strong as ever yet I have these sexual urges which I'm sure are natural. I won't spend my time wishing I was a muslim or a mormon though because, frankly, what I have already is worth 1000000 cheap lays and, at the end of the day, we don't feel the need to submit to other base urges that, as a society, we've discarded anyway, you know, like killing n' shit?"
Because I think you're giving a little too much credit to Acoustic Guy and his capacity to make subtle and subversive threads that make us question the way we think.
because that is incredibly lame and boring and i fell asleep halfway through trying to read it.
ever heard of satire? parody? hyperbole? exaggeration for comic effect?
because that is incredibly lame and boring and i fell asleep halfway through trying to read it.
ever heard of satire? parody? hyperbole? exaggeration for comic effect?
See the final line if you're too lazy to read the rest, smartass.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
There is no backpeddling here. Never once! I always try to joke and keep it light b/c its a fun room USUALLY! You women and Chadwick (who probably could never get a girl if he tried so he teams up with the women b/c he has no fucking balls) turned this into a serious thread.
Go back and read my first post. The discussion I wanted to have was silly and fun not really saying I was gonna screw around. Thats not backpeddleing thats the truth assholes and you had to fucking ruin it.
You people need to come to grips with your own insecurities and get a fucking life.
Hahahaha the shit some of you write on here is funny as hell.
sad fuckers ahahahahahaha sad.
again, quite one gives a shit what you think or do...get over yourself. MANy of us decided to have an intelligent discussion about the topic, something you apparently are unable to do, simply b/c WE wanted to discuss the topic amongst ourselves. you do NOT get to decide how a thread topic gets discussed. you chose to word your thread topic and first post as you did, you also chose to share details about your wife and marriage that many find disrespectful...again, YOUR don't you get your panties in a bunch when people call you on it.
i have ZERO insecurities...and i have a great life thank you. i am not sad. i understand the conversation here and appreciate it for what it is...if all you see is personal convo about YOU...your reading comprehension could use some work. why not work on your communication skills, and perhaps your wife would be comfortable to fuck you in the daylight. poor woman.
Rather than "I think men should be allowed to fuck whomsoever they please because they are MEN with big, covetous penises that just will not go to sleep", would a more enlightened approach not be "I'm totally in love with my wife and would never dream of cheating on her, we have a healthy sex life and I feel that our marriage is as strong as ever yet I have these sexual urges which I'm sure are natural. I won't spend my time wishing I was a muslim or a mormon though because, frankly, what I have already is worth 1000000 cheap lays and, at the end of the day, we don't feel the need to submit to other base urges that, as a society, we've discarded anyway, you know, like killing n' shit?"
Because I think you're giving a little too much credit to Acoustic Guy and his capacity to make subtle and subversive threads that make us question the way we think.
wow! You really are mad at me. LMAO!
Who the fuck are you to judge me man? I can say what ever the fuck I want. If you don't agree fine, you can say so, but don't pretend you have me all figured out b/c you don't know jack shit about me.
Question? Are you married? If so how long? If you say divorced I will laugh so hard its not even funny.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Why? I should not get banned. People not agreeing with me should not get me banned. I have been hearing shit in here for a few days now. I am just fighting back. Chadwick keeps saying "fuck him" about me so WTF?
Leo Leo Leo
Calm down.....don't get all upset over people on here. It's okay...breathe!!
And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
folks, everyone.
let's let this take a rest for awhile.
i think a few people here are getting emotions and the like a bit hurt.
i've recieved a few pm's that were not very cheerful and quite sad.
it has gotta pretty teary eyed for some.
let's move on a bit, shall we, please?
again, quite one gives a shit what you think or do...get over yourself. MANy of us decided to have an intelligent discussion about the topic.
Really? I don't see it at all. I see people lying to themselves and and having a modern day stoning. No intelligence in that.
You do obviously give a shit b/c you are trying to lecture me. I need to get over myself b/c I am defending myself?
Whatever, makes no sense.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Calm down.....don't get all upset over people on here. It's okay...breathe!!
Ah, it's not the first time i see him make some sort of thread which can be interpreted seriously, and then go and say it was meant to be a joke, and then him get all wound up when people start criticizing him....
i suspect Acoustic_Guy you like the attention you get.
folks, everyone.
let's let this take a rest for awhile.
i think a few people here are getting emotions and the like a bit hurt.
i've recieved a few pm's that were not very cheerful and quite sad.
it has gotta pretty teary eyed for some.
let's move on a bit, shall we, please?
Sorry to hear that Chad but if someone is gonna get nasty with me, I can get nasty ten times fold.
I agree with giving it a rest.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
wow! You really are mad at me. LMAO!
Who the fuck are you to judge me man? I can say what ever the fuck I want. If you don't agree fine, you can say so, but don't pretend you have me all figured out b/c you don't know jack shit about me.
Question? Are you married? If so how long? If you say divorced I will laugh so hard its not even funny.
I'm coming across as mad? :eek: Not at all. Frankly I couldn't give a shit about you. I'm not judging you at all. As I said, you have every right to want to sleep with as many women as you want. All I am asking is that you don't stake a claim to the collective morality of EVERY man on the planet, if that's ok with you?
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
Ah, it's not the first time i see him make some sort of thread which can be interpreted seriously, and then go and say it was meant to be a joke, and then him get all wound up when people start criticizing him....
i suspect Acoustic_Guy you like the attention you get.
I like to make waves if that is what you mean. I like to push the envelope yea. I like to see how far I can take it. LOL
BUT....I don't insult people untill they do it first. Ever.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Ah, it's not the first time i see him make some sort of thread which can be interpreted seriously, and then go and say it was meant to be a joke, and then him get all wound up when people start criticizing him....
i suspect Acoustic_Guy you like the attention you get.
I just think it's time that he just forgets he started this got out of hand and became a little too serious! :eek: I don't like it really. :(
And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
Really? I don't see it at all. I see people lying to themselves and and having a modern day stoning. No intelligence in that.
You do obviously give a shit b/c you are trying to lecture me. I need to get over myself b/c I am defending myself?
Whatever, makes no sense.
not at ALL. lying to themselves?
you apparently have NO idea wtf you are talking about. enjoy your delusions tho. and i am not 'lecturing' anyone...i am discussing the topic! sorry, i don't see you recognizing intelligent debate here.....b/c why are you defending yourself? what from? i said often enough, i personally do not give a shit what you do, most don't seem to either....maybe a couple people, but what did you expect? seriously? hahahahaha.
in is 'too serious' anyway? i keep seeing it brought up...what is meant? i am having a great laugh over this thread...and i have enjoyed the 'real' discussion many of us chose to involve ourselves in. again, just b/c it apparently did not foolow whatever parameters the OP might've intended...why is that bad, or too serious? quite honestly....if it were just meant to be funny, it's a one-hit punchl;ine and would've faded into oblivion in 10 posts. actually discussing the topic made it interesting. i have really enjoyed this thread! not b/c of anything acoustic has added, but quite a few othgers who took it beyond personal BS...and into the realm of objective viewing of relations, period. sorry if we don't all see the same degree or view of 'fun' there.....
I can say what ever the fuck I want. If you don't agree fine, you can say so, but don't pretend you have me all figured out b/c you don't know jack shit about me.
and so can EVERYone does indeed go both ways.....;)
I just think it's time that he just forgets he started this got out of hand and became a little too serious! :eek: I don't like it really. :(
i usually like threads that go out of control, even better i like those that get closed, but this thread sounds to me like an annoying tune
not at ALL. lying to themselves?
you apparently have NO idea wtf you are talking about. enjoy your delusions tho. and i am not 'lecturing' anyone...i am discussing the topic! sorry, i don't see you recognizing intelligent debate here.....b/c why are you defending yourself? what from? i said often enough, i personally do not give a shit what you do, most don't seem to either....maybe a couple people, but what did you expect? seriously? hahahahaha.
in is 'too serious' anyway? i keep seeing it brought up...what is meant? i am having a great laugh over this thread...and i have enjoyed the 'real' discussion many of us chose to involve ourselves in. again, just b/c it apparently did not foolow whatever parameters the OP might've intended...why is that bad, or too serious? quite honestly....if it were just meant to be funny, it's a one-hit punchl;ine and would've faded into oblivion in 10 posts. actually discussing the topic made it interesting. i have really enjoyed this thread! not b/c of anything acoustic has added, but quite a few othgers who took it beyond personal BS...and into the realm of objective viewing of relations, period. sorry if we don't all see the same degree or view of 'fun' there.....
and so can EVERYone does indeed go both ways.....;)
serious enough for the mods to get pissed off and all! That's it. You know when people get mad they start telling people to "fuck off" and then that is when the BANNING begins! haha
No big deal I guess, I think he wanted this to be a "funny" thread and then it backfired on his ass!
And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
serious enough for the mods to get pissed off and all! That's it. You know when people get mad they start telling people to "fuck off" and then that is when the BANNING begins! haha
No big deal I guess, I think he wanted this to be a "funy" thread and then it backfired on his ass!
Fuck you PAM!!!!
Is it okay sinse I gave the
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Married should be able to sleep with other women.
Just for the sex, hardcore sex with no strings.
hehe That is why theres such a thing as a "madam." Some boys are just not happy with their sex life.
They love their wives and will not ever leave them, but she cannot fulfill their fantasies or keep up with their sexual needs.
It happens all the time. It's not good where the wife is concerned but thats the way some people think.
Men AND women. Sex on the side and complete family life at home and nobody gets hurt.
Alot of people in here HAVE gotten serious but maybe it has been a good discussion topic compared to the threads and posts of people "backstabbing" and complaining lately.
acoustic guy, keep your head up! (or down somewhere... ) Whatever you do just do it with caution~
hehe That is why theres such a thing as a "madam." Some boys are just not happy with their sex life.
They love their wives and will not ever leave them, but she cannot fulfill their fantasies or keep up with their sexual needs.
It happens all the time. It's not good where the wife is concerned but thats the way some people think.
Men AND women. Sex on the side and complete family life at home and nobody gets hurt.
Alot of people in here HAVE gotten serious but maybe it has been a good discussion topic compared to the threads and posts of people "backstabbing" and complaining lately. acoustic guy, keep your head up! (or down somewhere... ) Whatever you do just do it with caution~
And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
I'm sorry but the "I'm gonna treat you like shite and disrespect you and our relationship" act doesn't do it for me, no. Been there, done that.
Audiodave's a breath of fresh air, trust me. Besides, it's not a respect for women more than men, it's a respect for people who have respect for themselves and the relationships they have within this world.
When will people learn, smilies don't always make a post light hearted.
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
Good for you Sian
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
when will people learn that taking themselves and life so seriously is a huge drag.
Oh where do I start?
First, you never once had a sexual thought about another man since you have been with Dave? ..................Bullshit! Were human. Total bullshit.
Second, This topic makes women insecure? Not my problem b/c they have insecurities and trust issues with their hubby. My wife trusts me. She knows who she married. She is the one for me b/c she is the only ione who can keep me inline. We all have been worried about being cheated on one time or another. I never once said I wanna cheat nor will I. Get it right if you are gonna bash me okay?
I am not backtracking at all. This all started b/c I said men should be able to have many women. Now I am a cheater and a bad husband? Give me a break please. If I wanna cheat on my wife you think I would ask peoples advise on the matter first? Hahahahahahaha.....okay.
Its bizzare to me that you are upset b/c I started this topic. If you READ it again, it is in a joking way for fun. I HAVE to use a smiley for it be be silly? I am not the dictator here. I am not gonna make a rule in America that all men shouls sleep with many women don't worry I am not gnna start a revolution here. I am sure Dave will still be the great guy you know him to be after tis is all done with.
Please lighten up man oh man.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
No. No it isn't. Believe it or not, some men actually have respect for women. A novel concept, I know.
And before you jump to your defense by saying that you're joking, don't bother. We both know that you're serious about this, and while you may only be talking about it at the moment, if you really believe in this BS that you've written, you really can't be far away from acting on it.
So, cheating on your girlfriend takes balls does it? If you cheat on every girlfriend you have then you don't deserve the balls you were born with and should have them surgically removed. I'm sure the women you cheat on would like to get their hands on them (I know, you didn't cheat on them, but just saying you wish you had is disgusting enough). And if you cheat on EVERY girlfriend, and then get married, that means you cheated on the woman you married. Just because you have a piece of paper that says your married, all of a sudden it becomes wrong to cheat? A marriage certificate shouldn't be the reason you don't cheat. Love and respect for the woman you're with should, and you can have that without that little piece of paper. If you wanted to be able to sleep with a load of different women, why did you get married?
I agree with chadwick. You can't have much respect for your wife to come on here and talk about this kind of thing. I'd be interested to see what she would say if she read it, or if she knew you thought you should be allowed to sleep with as many women as you want while she has to stay faithful.
I love the way people think they can speak for an entire gender. You may want to fuck everything that moves, but not every man does. I'm not denying that some men MAY want this, but not all of them. Like I said earlier, some men have respect for women and for the relationship they are in. There's only one person here who is full of shit and that's you.
Why should men be allowed to sleep with other women? Because they can have sex without forming an emotional attachment? You may be able to do so, but it doesn't mean all men are the same. And while some women may NOT be able to sleep with a man without forming an emotional attachment, i'm sure they are plenty of women who can do this.
You, and by the look of it a lot of other people, may seem to think this is a harmless and fun thread, but I think it's very disrespectful to your wife and your marriage to come onto a message board and post this kind of thing. Cover it up by saying you're joking if you must, but I don't buy it. I only hope that Mrs acoustic guy decides to take a look on the PJ forums and see just what her husband has been saying.
........... ........... ..................... ... .
love it.
and the fact you used my name as part of your opinion.
i think i have a new buddy.
we share a mutual stance.
nicely done.
however, you have been a bit calmer than myself.
good for you.
i guess i let the side of me that houses a bad attitude do some communicating in this thread.
i am sorry if i have offended any of you with my harshness.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Also, stop telling people to lighten up. If your posts in this thread were meant as a joke, you'd have stopped defending them a long time ago. You mean every word and you're just trying to claw back some respect from people here because, deep down, you're probably a decent guy and this whole thread has woefully misfired.
You're perfectly within your rights to want a polygamous marriage, just don't lump a whole gender into your "complex analyses" of the libido to strengthen your cause, ok? Thanks :cool:
maybe the point was just to make light of the fact that we all want to believe us and our partners are pure as the driven snow, but, in fact, we all have our urges and we should acknowledge them and deal with them and have some fun with them rather than try to repress them and pretend they don't exist?
amen to that
Because I think you're giving a little too much credit to Acoustic Guy and his capacity to make subtle and subversive threads that make us question the way we think.
because that is incredibly lame and boring and i fell asleep halfway through trying to read it.
ever heard of satire? parody? hyperbole? exaggeration for comic effect?
again, quite one gives a shit what you think or do...get over yourself. MANy of us decided to have an intelligent discussion about the topic, something you apparently are unable to do, simply b/c WE wanted to discuss the topic amongst ourselves. you do NOT get to decide how a thread topic gets discussed. you chose to word your thread topic and first post as you did, you also chose to share details about your wife and marriage that many find disrespectful...again, YOUR don't you get your panties in a bunch when people call you on it.
i have ZERO insecurities...and i have a great life thank you. i am not sad. i understand the conversation here and appreciate it for what it is...if all you see is personal convo about YOU...your reading comprehension could use some work. why not work on your communication skills, and perhaps your wife would be comfortable to fuck you in the daylight.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Who the fuck are you to judge me man? I can say what ever the fuck I want. If you don't agree fine, you can say so, but don't pretend you have me all figured out b/c you don't know jack shit about me.
Question? Are you married? If so how long? If you say divorced I will laugh so hard its not even funny.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Leo Leo Leo
Calm down.....don't get all upset over people on here. It's okay...breathe!!
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
let's let this take a rest for awhile.
i think a few people here are getting emotions and the like a bit hurt.
i've recieved a few pm's that were not very cheerful and quite sad.
it has gotta pretty teary eyed for some.
let's move on a bit, shall we, please?
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Really? I don't see it at all. I see people lying to themselves and and having a modern day stoning. No intelligence in that.
You do obviously give a shit b/c you are trying to lecture me. I need to get over myself b/c I am defending myself?
Whatever, makes no sense.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Ah, it's not the first time i see him make some sort of thread which can be interpreted seriously, and then go and say it was meant to be a joke, and then him get all wound up when people start criticizing him....
i suspect Acoustic_Guy you like the attention you get.
I agree with giving it a rest.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
BUT....I don't insult people untill they do it first. Ever.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
I just think it's time that he just forgets he started this got out of hand and became a little too serious! :eek: I don't like it really. :(
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
not at ALL. lying to themselves?
you apparently have NO idea wtf you are talking about. enjoy your delusions tho. and i am not 'lecturing' anyone...i am discussing the topic! sorry, i don't see you recognizing intelligent debate here.....b/c why are you defending yourself? what from? i said often enough, i personally do not give a shit what you do, most don't seem to either....maybe a couple people, but what did you expect? seriously? hahahahaha.
in is 'too serious' anyway? i keep seeing it brought up...what is meant? i am having a great laugh over this thread...and i have enjoyed the 'real' discussion many of us chose to involve ourselves in. again, just b/c it apparently did not foolow whatever parameters the OP might've intended...why is that bad, or too serious? quite honestly....if it were just meant to be funny, it's a one-hit punchl;ine and would've faded into oblivion in 10 posts. actually discussing the topic made it interesting. i have really enjoyed this thread! not b/c of anything acoustic has added, but quite a few othgers who took it beyond personal BS...and into the realm of objective viewing of relations, period. sorry if we don't all see the same degree or view of 'fun' there.....
and so can EVERYone does indeed go both ways.....;)
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i usually like threads that go out of control, even better i like those that get closed, but this thread sounds to me like an annoying tune
serious enough for the mods to get pissed off and all! That's it. You know when people get mad they start telling people to "fuck off" and then that is when the BANNING begins! haha
No big deal I guess, I think he wanted this to be a "funny" thread and then it backfired on his ass!
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
Is it okay sinse I gave the
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
hehe That is why theres such a thing as a "madam." Some boys are just not happy with their sex life.
They love their wives and will not ever leave them, but she cannot fulfill their fantasies or keep up with their sexual needs.
It happens all the time. It's not good where the wife is concerned but thats the way some people think.
Men AND women. Sex on the side and complete family life at home and nobody gets hurt.
Alot of people in here HAVE gotten serious but maybe it has been a good discussion topic compared to the threads and posts of people "backstabbing" and complaining lately.
acoustic guy, keep your head up! (or down somewhere...
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."