i'm kind of in a hurry, so i didn't read whole thread, but i haven't noticed anyone commenting on why it is that Acoustic_guy wants to work full time. Meaning both parents are going to be working full time, i mean are you guys in financial difficulty ( which of course is non of my business ), but if you're not then why go and work?? if it's for her tuition fees then i'm sure when she grows up she can take out a loan or go about it in a different way.
my bottom line is she will appreciate having her parents there spending time with her than any fucking nanny, day care centre, so choose wisely
We get buy financially, We live well but we live above and beyond our means. I want more things for my family then just getting by. We are good but I want to get them more, yakknow.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
oh my. . . his wife is the primary 'bread winner" and that can be a burden when there is a small child at home...for either parent to have to leave the home to make the bulk of the living it is a heartbreak. he was simply stating that. He didn't say that "Because she was a woman she wanted to be at home" that was YOU who said that...you make so many chip on your shoulder inferences that it is unbelievable. once again, He was saying that he felt like he needed to lift some of the burden from his wife since technically the MONEY part of their partnership is only seasonal for him. and seriously - this is the most sexist thing you have heard?? do you have nosebleeds from being up on high??
he said that his mother and his mother in law does this...remember you took umbrage at that earlier - he was "spoiled" remember???
okay the gypsy thread is not this thread. a person can have multiple facets...i can't even begin to write everything I can think of with this section of your misguided post. seriously - your sniffling hand clasped style of "hoping" for his daughter's sake is really insufferable...and by the way Acoustic Guy isn't your daddy - so maybe you should take your own advice about the therapy thread, and get your daddy aggressions out on someone else. this man was asking for help not condemnation.
Hello POT.
(sorry had to borrow that one again.)
Wait, where is the monkey loving in this post? Seriously though, he was only asking for help. How someone could be so wrapped up in themselves to fail the see this and/or purposely ignore just to attack is pathetic..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
We get buy financially, We live well but we live above and beyond our means. I want more things for my family then just getting by. We are good but I want to get them more, yakknow.
well there is your choice whether you want to give attention and love to your kid or whether you want to buy some cool designer shoes or expensive toys. all up to you
I love how AG's post got him reduced to an ignorant sexist. The whole point was he feels that he's probably better serving his family by making money to lift what might be a financial burden. He's just questioning if it's the correct move or not to benefit his child.
Amazing how people will twist words to make other people look bad.
You want to talk about being ignorant, not being open to the way other people think even when you don't agree or what they may be going through seems ignorant to me.
You wrote my thoughts exactly. I was siting here thinking how to write it and then I read this.
Fucking people in here. Some of the women in here remind me of a sister I want to torture. Pin ya down and poke my finger at your forhead until ya cry.
How do ya lock a thread?
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
You are not sexist, and the few people who have had a go at you are NUTS!
No shit..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
My kids go to daycare and many of the young women who watch the kids are hawt!!! Little man doesn't know how good he has it!
The above sentence is sexist, completely accurate, and should be taken with a grain of salt. or sugar. And at my age, checking out hot chicks for all of a couple of minutes before I have to drive the kids home, cook for them, do their laundry, bath them, and put them to bed is pretty freakin fine by me.
okay so some of you know I own business. Well its seasonal from April through October. The rest of the year i take care of my daughter b/c my wife works full time. Its hard being Mr. mom everyday as the man of the house. It can be hard accepting that roll but its for my daughter so its gotta be done.
So I have been looking for a full time job year around also. Now I have a chance to take pretty good job but I don't have anybody to watch my daughter. she is almost 2 and I am worried about taking her to daycare. I'm worried she will freak out when I leave her all alone. I can't imigine her being a alone and crying.
What to do??????
This post is COMPLETELY racist! I do not see any mention of Asians anywhere!
"I don't believe in PJ fans but I believe there is something, not too sure what." - Thoughts_Arrive
well there is your choice whether you want to give attention and love to your kid or whether you want to buy some cool designer shoes or expensive toys. all up to you
No no no. Okay IE
We have a third floor hat is incomplete, I wanna finish it for a play area.
We have a back yard that boarders up to woods, The house was new so its a raw. I want to finish it with a fence, grass, etc.. A place for my kids!
Fuck I'm done.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
You might not have meant it that way, but that's how it sounded to some.
Some=two in this case..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Fucking people in here. Some of the women in here remind me of a sister I want to torture. Pin ya down and poke my finger at your forhead until ya cry.
I'm not a woman. I'll admit though that I am probably more sensitive than most people about these issues because it's a pretty big subject in some of my classes.
It's a town full of losers and I'm pulling out of here to win
We have a third floor hat is incomplete, I wanna finish it for a play area.
We have a back yard that boarders up to woods, The house was new so its a raw. I want to finish it with a fence, grass, etc.. A place for my kids!
Fuck I'm done.
okay, i hope you'll get those things done gotta go now though, must go and parteeeey hahaha
We have a third floor hat is incomplete, I wanna finish it for a play area.
We have a back yard that boarders up to woods, The house was new so its a raw. I want to finish it with a fence, grass, etc.. A place for my kids!
Fuck I'm done.
Make sure you let your wife build the fence, or someone here will call you a sexist!
My kids go to daycare and many of the young women who watch the kids are hawt!!! Little man doesn't know how good he has it!
The above sentence is sexist, completely accurate, and should be taken with a grain of salt. or sugar. And at my age, checking out hot chicks for all of a couple of minutes before I have to drive the kids home, cook for them, do their laundry, bath them, and put them to bed is pretty freakin fine by me.
HELL YES!!!!!!
There's one blondie that works at my son's pre-school. Hottie!!!
I really hope I haven't turned into an overly-PC asshole. But I think I was justified in this case.
It really wasn't justified in this case, but have a nice weekend and good luck with your classes..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Look. Sexism, like any other form of prejudice, comes in lots of different packages. It's more than just thinking that a woman should stay in the kitchen, just like how racism is so much more than just calling a person the n-word. Prejudice is about holding views which promote cultural falsehoods.
I'm not saying you're sexist. If you want to work so you can have more resources to provide for your daughter, that's fine. But that one sentence made it sound like you want to work because, as a man, you feel it's your duty to work and a woman's duty to take care of the kids. And yes, that is sexist. You might not have meant it that way, but that's how it sounded to some.
And I'm saying this as a man myself.
and this is EXACTLY my point. the phrases "mr. mom" and "man of house" and "role reversal" and "as a man I want to provide for my family" are all artifacts of a BAD way of prejudiced thinking/sexism.
If you want to work so you can have more resources to provide for your daughter, that's fine. But that one sentence made it sound like you want to work because, as a man, you feel it's your duty to work and a woman's duty to take care of the kids.
exactly, and my point is, I would want to work too. I would go nuts stuck in the house looking after a little kid every single day, not earning money, not being on a team, not using my education, NOT PROVIDING etc. and I am a woman. and many, many woman share that sentiment. Just as many, many men are completely satisfied caring for their children full or part time.
the idea that woman are "better" at raising children or however you put it "have a softer touch" is ridiculous. this was a huge topic in my undergrad gender econ class, and I can say at the time, there was very little to no literature that supported this claim. I don't get what men like you want- you want to have kids, you want to be a dad, you want to buy the kids baseball gloves and whatnot, but then when the kids needs taking care of, women are "better" at it. You can't have your cake and it too. It's like getting a dog because you like to play fetch at the beach on weekends, but then expecting someone else get up at 5am to walk it and pick up its poop.
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
and this is EXACTLY my point. the phrases "mr. mom" and "man of house" and "role reversal" and "as a man I want to provide for my family" are all artifacts of a BAD way of prejudiced thinking/sexism.
exactly, and my point is, I would want to work too. I would go nuts stuck in the house looking after a little kid every single day, not earning money, not being on a team, not using my education, NOT PROVIDING etc. and I am a woman. and many, many woman share that sentiment. Just as many, many men are completely satisfied caring for their children full or part time.
the idea that woman are "better" at raising children or however you put it "have a softer touch" is ridiculous. this was a huge topic in my undergrad gender econ class, and I can say at the time, there was very little to no literature that supported this claim. I don't get what men like you want- you want to have kids, you want to be a dad, you want to buy the kids baseball gloves and whatnot, but then when the kids needs taking care of, women are "better" at it. You can't have your cake and it too. It's like getting a dog because you like to play fetch at the beach on weekends, but then expecting someone else get up at 5am to walk it and pick up its poop.
But the SIMPLE FACT remains....AG was asking about f*&^ing DAYCARE and leaving his little girl somewhere, and YOU turned it into a freaking therapy session for yourself YET AGAIN!! He didnt come here talking about seperation anxiety or if she would grow up to be a hooker if he took her to daycare. He was looking for some IDEAS about something and you twisted up AGAIN!!
Can you EVER take things for face value? Or do you HAVE to ANALYZE EVERYTHING? I personally do not think you are capable of doing that. There is and always will be a hidden agenda with you.
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
exactly, and my point is, I would want to work too. I would go nuts stuck in the house looking after a little kid every single day, not earning money, not being on a team, not using my education, NOT PROVIDING etc. and I am a woman. and many, many woman share that sentiment. Just as many, many men are completely satisfied caring for their children full or part time.
That's exactly how AG feels, only he's a guy. I don't think his point was keeping his wife home barefoot and pregnant. He is just trying to make a choice between help supporting his family by either working or staying home.
For some reason most guys feel comfortable working and bringing home the bacon.
and this is EXACTLY my point. the phrases "mr. mom" and "man of house" and "role reversal" and "as a man I want to provide for my family" are all artifacts of a BAD way of prejudiced thinking/sexism.
exactly, and my point is, I would want to work too. I would go nuts stuck in the house looking after a little kid every single day, not earning money, not being on a team, not using my education, NOT PROVIDING etc. and I am a woman. and many, many woman share that sentiment. Just as many, many men are completely satisfied caring for their children full or part time.
the idea that woman are "better" at raising children or however you put it "have a softer touch" is ridiculous. this was a huge topic in my undergrad gender econ class, and I can say at the time, there was very little to no literature that supported this claim. I don't get what men like you want- you want to have kids, you want to be a dad, you want to buy the kids baseball gloves and whatnot, but then when the kids needs taking care of, women are "better" at it. You can't have your cake and it too. It's like getting a dog because you like to play fetch at the beach on weekends, but then expecting someone else get up at 5am to walk it and pick up its poop.
Drop it or I'll come to your house and put a muzzle on ya!
At this point I could give a shit if I'm racist, sexist, or what the fuck ever.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
I don't think her place is in the kitchen by any means.
Mine is, dammit! I baked exceptional anise/almond biscotti this morning. Hard as nails, and perfect. I'm telcommuting today. I was able to stay at home, bake and work - yippee!
My brother's a stay-at-home dad and from growing up you'd never think that it was something he'd considered. However, both he and his wife evaluated their finances, evaluated her earning potential (BIG!) and his (small) and realized it made financial sense for him to stay home. Also, they were able to have one stay-at-home parent. He is a construction worker, and he cooks exceptional grilled asparagus.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
and this is EXACTLY my point. the phrases "mr. mom" and "man of house" and "role reversal" and "as a man I want to provide for my family" are all artifacts of a BAD way of prejudiced thinking/sexism.
exactly, and my point is, I would want to work too. I would go nuts stuck in the house looking after a little kid every single day, not earning money, not being on a team, not using my education, NOT PROVIDING etc. and I am a woman. and many, many woman share that sentiment. Just as many, many men are completely satisfied caring for their children full or part time.
the idea that woman are "better" at raising children or however you put it "have a softer touch" is ridiculous. this was a huge topic in my undergrad gender econ class, and I can say at the time, there was very little to no literature that supported this claim. I don't get what men like you want- you want to have kids, you want to be a dad, you want to buy the kids baseball gloves and whatnot, but then when the kids needs taking care of, women are "better" at it. You can't have your cake and it too. It's like getting a dog because you like to play fetch at the beach on weekends, but then expecting someone else get up at 5am to walk it and pick up its poop.
Okay, i'll bite. The man was only asking for help. Why do you feel to need to shit on everyone and/or dig into one's post until you find an angle to attack in order to promote yourself and your winning point of view ? This wasn't the topic of discussion. It's not about you and your education. I'm almost done with grad school but hate it when people throw around their weight because of some damn class they took. Life is not a fucking pillow cushion..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
But the SIMPLE FACT remains....AG was asking about f*&^ing DAYCARE and leaving his little girl somewhere, and YOU turned it into a freaking therapy session for yourself YET AGAIN!! He didnt come here talking about seperation anxiety or if she would grow up to be a hooker if he took her to daycare. He was looking for some IDEAS about something and you twisted up AGAIN!!
Can you EVER take things for face value? Or do you HAVE to ANALYZE EVERYTHING? I personally do not think you are capable of doing that. There is and always will be a hidden agenda with you.
how is this a "therapy session for myself"??? how??? that is absolutely ridiculous.
when people say things that are improper or offensive or discriminatory in some way, I'm gonna call them out on it. I DID NOT "turn" the thread into anything. You and everyone else can respond to whatever parts of his post you want- I responded to the part I wanted to. You and everyone else do not have to respond to ME. Sorry for wanting to discuss something MORE IMPORTANT.
But the SIMPLE FACT remains....AG was asking about f*&^ing DAYCARE and leaving his little girl somewhere, and YOU turned it into a freaking therapy session for yourself YET AGAIN!! He didnt come here talking about seperation anxiety or if she would grow up to be a hooker if he took her to daycare. He was looking for some IDEAS about something and you twisted up AGAIN!!
Can you EVER take things for face value? Or do you HAVE to ANALYZE EVERYTHING? I personally do not think you are capable of doing that. There is and always will be a hidden agenda with you.
We're just reinforcing the cry for help..shame on us..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Okay, i'll bite. The man was only asking for help. Why do you feel to need to shit on everyone and/or dig into one's post until you find an angle to attack in order to promote yourself and your winning point of view ? This wasn't the topic of discussion. It's not about you and your education. I'm almost done with grad school but hate it when people throw around their weight because of some damn class they took. Life is not a fucking pillow cushion..
I'm not talking about my education, i'm just saying there's no evidence to support his claim.
and sorry, I don't care what his post was "asking" for, if you write something on a public message board, it's open for scrutiny. period. he wrote the words in question, I didn't.
I'm not talking about my education, i'm just saying there's no evidence to support his claim.
What claim?
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
We get buy financially, We live well but we live above and beyond our means. I want more things for my family then just getting by. We are good but I want to get them more, yakknow.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Wait, where is the monkey loving in this post? Seriously though, he was only asking for help. How someone could be so wrapped up in themselves to fail the see this and/or purposely ignore just to attack is pathetic..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
well there is your choice whether you want to give attention and love to your kid or whether you want to buy some cool designer shoes or expensive toys. all up to you
You wrote my thoughts exactly. I was siting here thinking how to write it and then I read this.
Fucking people in here. Some of the women in here remind me of a sister I want to torture. Pin ya down and poke my finger at your forhead until ya cry.
How do ya lock a thread?
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
No shit..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
My kids go to daycare and many of the young women who watch the kids are hawt!!!
The above sentence is sexist, completely accurate, and should be taken with a grain of salt. or sugar. And at my age, checking out hot chicks for all of a couple of minutes before I have to drive the kids home, cook for them, do their laundry, bath them, and put them to bed is pretty freakin fine by me.
This post is COMPLETELY racist! I do not see any mention of Asians anywhere!
No no no. Okay IE
We have a third floor hat is incomplete, I wanna finish it for a play area.
We have a back yard that boarders up to woods, The house was new so its a raw. I want to finish it with a fence, grass, etc.. A place for my kids!
Fuck I'm done.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Some=two in this case..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I'm not a woman. I'll admit though that I am probably more sensitive than most people about these issues because it's a pretty big subject in some of my classes.
okay, i hope you'll get those things done
Make sure you let your wife build the fence, or someone here will call you a sexist!
HELL YES!!!!!!
There's one blondie that works at my son's pre-school. Hottie!!!
I'm sorry, it's sexist to view women as objects.
Here come the PC police to take me away.
It really wasn't justified in this case, but have a nice weekend and good luck with your classes..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
and this is EXACTLY my point. the phrases "mr. mom" and "man of house" and "role reversal" and "as a man I want to provide for my family" are all artifacts of a BAD way of prejudiced thinking/sexism.
exactly, and my point is, I would want to work too. I would go nuts stuck in the house looking after a little kid every single day, not earning money, not being on a team, not using my education, NOT PROVIDING etc. and I am a woman. and many, many woman share that sentiment. Just as many, many men are completely satisfied caring for their children full or part time.
the idea that woman are "better" at raising children or however you put it "have a softer touch" is ridiculous. this was a huge topic in my undergrad gender econ class, and I can say at the time, there was very little to no literature that supported this claim. I don't get what men like you want- you want to have kids, you want to be a dad, you want to buy the kids baseball gloves and whatnot, but then when the kids needs taking care of, women are "better" at it. You can't have your cake and it too. It's like getting a dog because you like to play fetch at the beach on weekends, but then expecting someone else get up at 5am to walk it and pick up its poop.
That so funny! hahahahaha
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
But the SIMPLE FACT remains....AG was asking about f*&^ing DAYCARE and leaving his little girl somewhere, and YOU turned it into a freaking therapy session for yourself YET AGAIN!! He didnt come here talking about seperation anxiety or if she would grow up to be a hooker if he took her to daycare. He was looking for some IDEAS about something and you twisted up AGAIN!!
Can you EVER take things for face value? Or do you HAVE to ANALYZE EVERYTHING? I personally do not think you are capable of doing that. There is and always will be a hidden agenda with you.
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
That's exactly how AG feels, only he's a guy. I don't think his point was keeping his wife home barefoot and pregnant. He is just trying to make a choice between help supporting his family by either working or staying home.
For some reason most guys feel comfortable working and bringing home the bacon.
Drop it or I'll come to your house and put a muzzle on ya!
At this point I could give a shit if I'm racist, sexist, or what the fuck ever.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
My brother's a stay-at-home dad and from growing up you'd never think that it was something he'd considered. However, both he and his wife evaluated their finances, evaluated her earning potential (BIG!) and his (small) and realized it made financial sense for him to stay home. Also, they were able to have one stay-at-home parent. He is a construction worker, and he cooks exceptional grilled asparagus.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I'm not racist......I hate everyone equally. LOL
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Okay, i'll bite. The man was only asking for help. Why do you feel to need to shit on everyone and/or dig into one's post until you find an angle to attack in order to promote yourself and your winning point of view
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
well great. Still, there's nothing like gut feelings in these things
how is this a "therapy session for myself"??? how??? that is absolutely ridiculous.
when people say things that are improper or offensive or discriminatory in some way, I'm gonna call them out on it. I DID NOT "turn" the thread into anything. You and everyone else can respond to whatever parts of his post you want- I responded to the part I wanted to. You and everyone else do not have to respond to ME. Sorry for wanting to discuss something MORE IMPORTANT.
We're just reinforcing the cry for help..shame on us..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I'm not talking about my education, i'm just saying there's no evidence to support his claim.
and sorry, I don't care what his post was "asking" for, if you write something on a public message board, it's open for scrutiny. period. he wrote the words in question, I didn't.
What claim?
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'