You pinched my line! They are the best because their music is the best, they play great live, they're decent people who care about the planet, they don't exist as a band simply because they want to make money but they do put the money they make to good causes, they care about their fans (give us a lot eg dvds, albums, tours etc), they're great musicians and innovative song writers, they can put a smile on my face when nothing/no-one else can, they're savvy and haven't burnt themselves out, they write about interesting things, they're not all about "image", they don't sell out, they appeal to a very broad range of people of all ages. I'm sure I could think up more good things to say about them if I really tried but that will do for starters.
Because no other band ever make me feel songs like they do, they just change my life I see the world different since I met them 3 years ago, I love everything that they do and how gerat guys they are and have such an incredible fan base I've never seen something like this really, it feels really great and proud to be a fan of such a wonderful, down to earth, caring and giving and incredible band!!!
They just ROCK!!!!!!!!!
I can say more things about them but it just too much to write it down, they mean a lot to me!! what can I say!!?? they are awesome, the greatest band ever for me!!!!
Pearl Jam Mexico 2005, The greatest year ever!
December 9, 10 - ESTA BIEN, ESTA BIEEEEEN!
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
You pinched my line! They are the best because their music is the best, they play great live, they're decent people who care about the planet, they don't exist as a band simply because they want to make money but they do put the money they make to good causes, they care about their fans (give us a lot eg dvds, albums, tours etc), they're great musicians and innovative song writers, they can put a smile on my face when nothing/no-one else can, they're savvy and haven't burnt themselves out, they write about interesting things, they're not all about "image", they don't sell out, they appeal to a very broad range of people of all ages. I'm sure I could think up more good things to say about them if I really tried but that will do for starters.
I'm reading and I'm nodding (and smiling....)
Here, Here!!.....again!
~~The sea will rise, please stand by the shore~~
~~~~Oh I will be, I will be there once more~~~~
Pearl Jam Takes On Global Warming
Posted Jul 12th 2006 2:29PM by Jeff Davidson
Filed under: Music, Sound Bytes
In an age of bling and over-sized rides, it's refreshing when superstars take a little time away from primping and pampering themselves to help someone or something else.
In Pearl Jam's case, the band is trying to help the environment by lowering their carbon output to help reduce emissions believed to be contributing to global warming. The band laid out their reasons for getting involved on their website:
"We hope that by highlighting and creating a commons for these groups, we can advance preservation of existing ecosystems, restoration of degraded environments, and continued investment in clean, renewable energy technologies. Furthermore, by working with these groups and others to mitigate our own carbon emissions, we ultimately hope to get Pearl Jam at 0% net emissions for our tours and businesses."
The grunge gods are not new to conservation issues. In 2004, Pearl Jam rhythm guitarist Stone Gossard helped organize the "Vote for Change Renewable Energy Project" that raised funds for small-scale renewable energy projects. The band also pledged $100,000 to organizations working on climate change and renewable energy in the northwestern United States, near the band's Seattle home. I bet Eddie Vedder could have gotten a really nice watch for that much cash...
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
Because their fan club kicks ass as far as I’m concerned. They offered to send me a limo ride to a show. I was too young to go, but for that one of many reasons PJ is tops in my book!
(read siggy for limo story)
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
* they fuc** ROCK!;
* have the best singer/writer of the recent history of Rn´R;
* really care about their fans;
* make the best performances;
* make us laugh (Soon forget-live :-) and cry a lot (Black...need I say more?) in a ten minute period;
* are totally regular human beings and are proud of that;
* Stone and Eddie are hot (this is for the girls like me...);
* Eddie loves dogs;
* care about the world EVERYONE live in;
* Eddie is better than much of philosophers;
* is the only band I know able to gather us all from different places: US, Chile, Mexico, Italy, Japan, BRAZIL!!! ... that´s amazing...
Daniella Duarte
**Que Porra estávamos pensando?** EV São Paulo 03/12/05
Fifteen amazing years
Ten, VS, Vitalogy, No Code, Yield, Binaural, Riot Act, Pearl Jam and not to forget Lost Dogs and Rearview Mirror (for the songs not on the other albums)
I am grateful
"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes" ~ M Kuhn
'I will be what i could be, once i get outta this town' offense to Brizzy, love the town - sick to death of people and work and the politics and hypocrisy that goes with it!! I would love to start fresh, by myself in a new town!!
Pearl Jam is the only thing in my life that has NEVER let me down!! Mum and Dad, my brothers - i love them to death, would do anything for them - but of course there has been numerous times i've been let down by them - i mean no one can be perfect all the time, god knows i'm not, but it's such a relief to have PJ's music to fall back on. They have seriously helped me through SO many situations
And now my biggest challenge - a thing called LOVE
Well i guess i'm not as tough as i thought i was -
Who wants to fight temptation?....That's no fun...
They are not traditional rock stars that only care about Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll
Noblesville 6/22/2003 St. Louis 5/4/2010 East Troy 9/4/2011
Cleveland 5/20/2006 Columbus 5/6/2010 Chicago 7/19/2013
Cincinnatti 6/24/2006 Noblesville 5/7/2010. Buffalo 10/12/2013
Lollapalooza 8/5/2007 Mountain View 10/23/2010 Cincinnatti 10/1/2014
Washington D.C. 6/22/2008 Mountain View 10/24/2010 St. Louis 10/3/2014
Chicago 8/22/2008(EV Solo) St. Louis 7/1/2011 (EV Solo) St. Paul 10/19/2014
Kansas City 5/3/2010 East Troy 9/3/2011 Milwaukee 10/20/2014
Hampton 4/18/2016 Columbia 4/21/2016 Lexington 4/26/2016
NYC 5/2/2016
Because i have been a huge fan of their music since i was ten and their songs are literally the soundtrack of my life. They have always been there for me, through the ups and downs.
I don't want to take what you can give
I would rather starve than eat your bread
I would rather run but I can't walk
Guess I'll lie alone just like before
My sentiments exactly.
'mind is not a celestial state...'
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
You pinched my line! They are the best because their music is the best, they play great live, they're decent people who care about the planet, they don't exist as a band simply because they want to make money but they do put the money they make to good causes, they care about their fans (give us a lot eg dvds, albums, tours etc), they're great musicians and innovative song writers, they can put a smile on my face when nothing/no-one else can, they're savvy and haven't burnt themselves out, they write about interesting things, they're not all about "image", they don't sell out, they appeal to a very broad range of people of all ages. I'm sure I could think up more good things to say about them if I really tried but that will do for starters.
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
They just ROCK!!!!!!!!!
I can say more things about them but it just too much to write it down, they mean a lot to me!! what can I say!!?? they are awesome, the greatest band ever for me!!!!
December 9, 10 - ESTA BIEN, ESTA BIEEEEEN!
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
~~~~Oh I will be, I will be there once more~~~~
2006 Tour
10/11 Brisbane
13/11 Melbourne
14/11 Melbourne
16/11 Melbourne
19/11 Newcastle
25/11 Perth
Hall-le-lu-jah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm reading and I'm nodding (and smiling....)
Here, Here!!.....again!
~~~~Oh I will be, I will be there once more~~~~
2006 Tour
10/11 Brisbane
13/11 Melbourne
14/11 Melbourne
16/11 Melbourne
19/11 Newcastle
25/11 Perth
Hall-le-lu-jah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Montreal 2000
Toronto 2003
Montreal 2003
Halifax 2005
Hartford 2006
Such sense of urgency.
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
Posted Jul 12th 2006 2:29PM by Jeff Davidson
Filed under: Music, Sound Bytes
In an age of bling and over-sized rides, it's refreshing when superstars take a little time away from primping and pampering themselves to help someone or something else.
In Pearl Jam's case, the band is trying to help the environment by lowering their carbon output to help reduce emissions believed to be contributing to global warming. The band laid out their reasons for getting involved on their website:
"We hope that by highlighting and creating a commons for these groups, we can advance preservation of existing ecosystems, restoration of degraded environments, and continued investment in clean, renewable energy technologies. Furthermore, by working with these groups and others to mitigate our own carbon emissions, we ultimately hope to get Pearl Jam at 0% net emissions for our tours and businesses."
The grunge gods are not new to conservation issues. In 2004, Pearl Jam rhythm guitarist Stone Gossard helped organize the "Vote for Change Renewable Energy Project" that raised funds for small-scale renewable energy projects. The band also pledged $100,000 to organizations working on climate change and renewable energy in the northwestern United States, near the band's Seattle home. I bet Eddie Vedder could have gotten a really nice watch for that much cash...
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
That's why.
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
Because their fan club kicks ass as far as I’m concerned. They offered to send me a limo ride to a show. I was too young to go, but for that one of many reasons PJ is tops in my book!
(read siggy for limo story)
I miss you already... I miss you always
I miss you already... I miss you all day
This is how I feel...
I miss you already... I miss you always
Three crooked hearts and swirls all around... I miss you all day
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
* they fuc** ROCK!;
* have the best singer/writer of the recent history of Rn´R;
* really care about their fans;
* make the best performances;
* make us laugh (Soon forget-live :-) and cry a lot (Black...need I say more?) in a ten minute period;
* are totally regular human beings and are proud of that;
* Stone and Eddie are hot (this is for the girls like me...);
* Eddie loves dogs;
* care about the world EVERYONE live in;
* Eddie is better than much of philosophers;
* is the only band I know able to gather us all from different places: US, Chile, Mexico, Italy, Japan, BRAZIL!!! ... that´s amazing...
**Que Porra estávamos pensando?** EV São Paulo 03/12/05
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
Ten, VS, Vitalogy, No Code, Yield, Binaural, Riot Act, Pearl Jam and not to forget Lost Dogs and Rearview Mirror (for the songs not on the other albums)
I am grateful
Pearl Jam is the only thing in my life that has NEVER let me down!! Mum and Dad, my brothers - i love them to death, would do anything for them - but of course there has been numerous times i've been let down by them - i mean no one can be perfect all the time, god knows i'm not, but it's such a relief to have PJ's music to fall back on. They have seriously helped me through SO many situations
Well i guess i'm not as tough as i thought i was -
Who wants to fight temptation?....That's no fun...
Cleveland 5/20/2006 Columbus 5/6/2010 Chicago 7/19/2013
Cincinnatti 6/24/2006 Noblesville 5/7/2010. Buffalo 10/12/2013
Lollapalooza 8/5/2007 Mountain View 10/23/2010 Cincinnatti 10/1/2014
Washington D.C. 6/22/2008 Mountain View 10/24/2010 St. Louis 10/3/2014
Chicago 8/22/2008(EV Solo) St. Louis 7/1/2011 (EV Solo) St. Paul 10/19/2014
Kansas City 5/3/2010 East Troy 9/3/2011 Milwaukee 10/20/2014
Hampton 4/18/2016 Columbia 4/21/2016 Lexington 4/26/2016
NYC 5/2/2016
and because of them my kids like good music and not rap!!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
I would rather starve than eat your bread
I would rather run but I can't walk
Guess I'll lie alone just like before
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!