I generally tip $1 per order min. from a bartender. Whether it's a beer or a couple drinks. If they go out of their way or make a drink really nice, or strong, etc. I'll tip more.
Last night I was on the road and wanted a drink. I went down from my room to the hotel bar and asked the guy for a drink so I could take it up to my room and drink it while watching baseball. I ordered a double Jonnie Walker Black on the rocks. They guy literally filled a big glass to the rim with booze! He got a $4 tip.
I feel if you treat people for doing nice things like that, they will in turn keep it up. Kind of a karma thing. If he continued to get shit tips, or no tips, why would he go out of his way to fill a glass like he for me? He wouldn't!
Once he got his tip, he was very much appreciative and I know for a fact if I wanted another drink he would have done the exact same thing.
Remember this cheapskates...because of you we all get shitty drinks and shitty attitude!
if paying for the product i want to pay supermarket product prices. so one pint of Guinness will be about half the price.. I'm already paying for the service as a pint is at least double the price in a pub as it is in a shop. that's the service bit and I've already paid it, i see no reason to give someone who is being paid to do his job an extra payment just for getting a glass of beer and walking to the cashpoint?
You don't need to tip, its optional. But the reason you pay more for a product in a restauraunt or bar is because you are consuming the product within a provided premises, thats why the off-liscense beside the bar charges less for the bottle of bud, you aren't sitting in the off-liscense drinking it (unless you spend 24 hours a day in an addidas racksuit ). Like I said, service isn't factored in to it, product and premises thats what you're paying for.
~*~*~*~*PROUD EVENFLOW PSYCHO #0026~*~*~*~*
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
I don't tip on carry-out. At the bar it's either $1 per drink or about 20-25% of total tab. Just depends on whether I'm paying in cash each time or running a tab.
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
You don't need to tip, its optional. But the reason you pay more for a product in a restauraunt or bar is because you are consuming the product within a provided premises, thats why the off-liscense beside the bar charges less for the bottle of bud, you aren't sitting in the off-liscense drinking it (unless you spend 24 hours a day in an addidas racksuit ). Like I said, service isn't factored in to it, product and premises thats what you're paying for.
So the service industry in America oughta change the word from tip to corkage, and put that in the bill.
You don't need to tip, its optional. But the reason you pay more for a product in a restauraunt or bar is because you are consuming the product within a provided premises,
yeh i just said that. I already pay a premium price to geta pint in a bar, so why should i tip the barman for doing his job?
do you tip McDonalds staff? Dentists? Bus Drivers? yet they all provide a service.
p.s. never post on here when you're that pissed
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
It's gotten to the point that you have to tip, no matter how shitty the service is.
I'm sorry, I should have to stay home because I'm in university and can't afford to be dishing out extra money to people just because they are DOING THEIR JOB?
Listen, i'm all for tipping if i get good service.
And don't give me this they-live-off-their-tips bullshit. Why should broke people who work in, say, retail or something, have to look "cheap" if they can't afford to be tipping everywhere?
Other people make minimum wage, and other people don't get tips.
I have family members who work in the food industry, and if you think waitresses are starving for money then maybe you should talk to some of them that are making 700 dollars upwards a week in tips (and yes, i know A LOT of waitresses who are making this)
Once again, i'm not saying you shouldn't tip, i just think you should think twice before calling some people cheap for not doing it.
Now, if you're a well off bastard and don't tip, well.... then thats a different story.
It's gotten to the point that you have to tip, no matter how shitty the service is.
I'm sorry, I should have to stay home because I'm in university and can't afford to be dishing out extra money to people just because they are DOING THEIR JOB?
Listen, i'm all for tipping if i get good service.
And don't give me this they-live-off-their-tips bullshit. Why should broke people who work in, say, retail or something, have to look "cheap" if they can't afford to be tipping everywhere?
Other people make minimum wage, and other people don't get tips.
I have family members who work in the food industry, and if you think waitresses are starving for money then maybe you should talk to some of them that are making 700 dollars upwards a week in tips (and yes, i know A LOT of waitresses who are making this)
Once again, i'm not saying you shouldn't tip, i just think you should think twice before calling some people cheap for not doing it.
Now, if you're a well off bastard and don't tip, well.... then thats a different story.
you shouldn't eat in a full service restaurant if you cannot afford the tip. It's that simple.
An article on MSN.com has prompted me to ask my fellow PJ fans their opinion. I have 2 questions:
1) When you call in a to-go order to a restaruant and go there to pick it up.......are you required to tip the person who rings you up and hands you the box of food?
2) If I order a Budweiser from a bartender, they crack the top open for me and hand me my bottle....why should I tip them? Bartenders make more than the $2.13 per hour a waitress makes.
I feel that the checkout person at the grocery store gave me more personal attention and provided me more of a service than my bartender....yet we don't tip the grocery store employee.
wait a second ?? servers only make 2.13 where you live? no wonder you country has so many poor people.
{if (work != 0) {
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
It's gotten to the point that you have to tip, no matter how shitty the service is.
I'm sorry, I should have to stay home because I'm in university and can't afford to be dishing out extra money to people just because they are DOING THEIR JOB?
Listen, i'm all for tipping if i get good service.
And don't give me this they-live-off-their-tips bullshit. Why should broke people who work in, say, retail or something, have to look "cheap" if they can't afford to be tipping everywhere?
Other people make minimum wage, and other people don't get tips.
I have family members who work in the food industry, and if you think waitresses are starving for money then maybe you should talk to some of them that are making 700 dollars upwards a week in tips (and yes, i know A LOT of waitresses who are making this)
Once again, i'm not saying you shouldn't tip, i just think you should think twice before calling some people cheap for not doing it.
Now, if you're a well off bastard and don't tip, well.... then thats a different story.
spoken like someone who has never worked in the service industry.
people do miss the point of TIPS though which is To Insure Prompt Service.
{if (work != 0) {
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
Basically if the service is THAT bad to not tip, maybe you should just stop going to that bar/restaurant!
I have a friend who is a cheap tipper...well actually he's an all out cheap-ass. We'll go to a restaurant, the bill will be say $50. We'll usually split the bill and he'll leave like $1-2!! :eek: I feel bad so I'll leave more because of his cheap ass!
Ask him why he's so cheap and he'll spout off some bullshit of "Oh, she just brought the food to the table...how hard is that?"
It's truly pathetic!
I mean c'mon! These people have to deal with people's bullshit all day long, outside of dealing with cheap fucks. I have never been a waiter or a bartender, but I do sympathize with them because I would not want to do it because I'm pretty sure I'd go nuts dealing with whiny customers.
Basically if the service is THAT bad to not tip, maybe you should just stop going to that bar/restaurant!
I have a friend who is a cheap tipper...well actually he's an all out cheap-ass. We'll go to a restaurant, the bill will be say $50. We'll usually split the bill and he'll leave like $1-2!! :eek: I feel bad so I'll leave more because of his cheap ass!
Ask him why he's so cheap and he'll spout off some bullshit of "Oh, she just brought the food to the table...how hard is that?"
It's truly pathetic!
I mean c'mon! These people have to deal with people's bullshit all day long, outside of dealing with cheap fucks. I have never been a waiter or a bartender, but I do sympathize with them because I would not want to do it because I'm pretty sure I'd go nuts dealing with whiny customers.
I truly cannot stand cheap people!
Greeting you
Taking your order
Bringing you drinks
Placing your order
Keeping you drinks refilled
Keeping your chips/bread/whatever filled
Making sure the order is made right
Making sure the order is brought to the correct table
Making sure that the order is to your liking
Taking care of any problems you may have
Basically trying to ensure that you have a comfortable evening without any hitches even if it means fighting with cooks, bartenders, other servers, and even the managers.
Tell your friend that unless he's going to do all this shit himself next time he goes into a full service restaurant, he needs to start tipping the proper amount or keep his ass to a sandwich shop.
is married to someone who works in the industry, and she does, literally, have to live off her tips.
Yet he kind of get's where I'm coming from.
I'm not cheap, thanks. I work for minimum wage and go to University. I am broke. At least now I can save some money on Friday nights, because I had no idea that being poor deprives you the right of eating out if you decide to.
An article on MSN.com has prompted me to ask my fellow PJ fans their opinion. I have 2 questions:
1) When you call in a to-go order to a restaruant and go there to pick it up.......are you required to tip the person who rings you up and hands you the box of food?
2) If I order a Budweiser from a bartender, they crack the top open for me and hand me my bottle....why should I tip them? Bartenders make more than the $2.13 per hour a waitress makes.
I feel that the checkout person at the grocery store gave me more personal attention and provided me more of a service than my bartender....yet we don't tip the grocery store employee.
OK, I'm not reading 6 pages of this, but I work in a restaurant, as a server, so here's my answers to the OP:
1) when you pick up to go food at a restaurant, the person who rings you up and hands you your bag is also responsible for ringing it in properly, getting your food out of the kitchen, making sure it is timely and correct, and adding any condiments or toppings that may be required. if it seems like there are other people doing that stuff, chances are they are rotating posts and will split the tips at the end of the shift.
2) Bartenders do not get paid more than servers. (Although they usually MAKE more, in tips.) In NY, servers make $4.60/hr and so do bartenders. In most cases, you can work at the same restaurant for years and you will never get a raise (unless minimum wage goes up) The bartender who cracks open your Bud also stocked the beer fridge waaay before you got there, filled up the ice bins, and will clean up, break down, and restock at the end of the night. And I'm sure there's more, but i'm not a bartender.
3) Supermarket cashiers make much more per hour, and belong to a union. They are forced to take a 15 min break for every 4 hours they work. They get health insurance. They make time and a half on Sundays and holidays, and get guaranteed pay raises every six months. Work at a supermarket for a few years and you'll be making decent money. If you feel the need to tip them, i'm sure they won't turn you down.
"Find myself singing the same songs every day....
ones that make me feel good when things behind the smile ain't ok...." -Hoon
I'm not cheap, thanks. I work for minimum wage and go to University. I am broke. At least now I can save some money on Friday nights, because I had no idea that being poor deprives you the right of eating out if you decide to.
It doesn't deprive you of going out, but being "broke" should limit your choices of dining establishments. Shit, when I was in college I was flat-ass broke. Eating out was the sandwich shop up the street or La Bamba Burritos or 15-cent wings at BW3.
What is the big deal about tipping 20% at a nice sit-down meal or a buck on a beer at the bar? Life's too short to be cheap.
Okay wait, what is the minimum wage in the USA? 4.00 is ridiculous...
Because, in Canada the minimum wage is 8.00 (and that is being disputed.)
Most places in retail and food start at this same wage.
This is why I'm not really keen on the argument that the servers 'get min. wage and therefore you are OBLIGATED to tip'.
Do you tip the store clerk who has just checked 3 stores for your item, searched an entire stock room and has sufficiently given you all the information you've inquired about during your visit? No? Well I wouldn't expect you to.
I know not all, but lot's of retail jobs are demanding. At least the one's I've worked at. For sake of argument, the current shop I work at technically is an all-in-one mom n' pop type store. And I usually run it myself. There are 3 counters to serve, not including the passport photo service (which, unless you want to come back over and over for retakes, has to have a certain amount of precision.) Think it doesn't require a lot of running around? Ask my regulars. Did I mention I have to run the post office in it as well?
I'll say this like I've said in other tip threads: I know it is expected in the food industry, and don't get me wrong - I WILL TIP IF ITS GOOD SERVICE. But I'm not exactly inclined to throw away my money just because once you enter a food establishment you're automatically required to tip.
PS - I asked about min. wage in the USA because my argument problably wouldn't stand there if servers only make 4.00 hour. Then this is all apples and oranges.
It doesn't deprive you of going out, but being "broke" should limit your choices of dining establishments. Shit, when I was in college I was flat-ass broke. Eating out was the sandwich shop up the street or La Bamba Burritos or 15-cent wings at BW3.
What is the big deal about tipping 20% at a nice sit-down meal or a buck on a beer at the bar? Life's too short to be cheap.
haha, yeah.
such is life i'm experiencing now.
I've gotten lunch at the dollar store before!
Okay wait, what is the minimum wage in the USA? 4.00 is ridiculous...
Because, in Canada the minimum wage is 8.00 (and that is being disputed.)
Most places in retail and food start at this same wage.
This is why I'm not really keen on the argument that the servers 'get min. wage and therefore you are OBLIGATED to tip'.
Do you tip the store clerk who has just checked 3 stores for your item, searched an entire stock room and has sufficiently given you all the information you've inquired about during your visit? No? Well I wouldn't expect you to.
I know not all, but lot's of retail jobs are demanding. At least the one's I've worked at. For sake of argument, the current shop I work at technically is an all-in-one mom n' pop type store. And I usually run it myself. There are 3 counters to serve, not including the passport photo service (which, unless you want to come back over and over for retakes, has to have a certain amount of precision.) Think it doesn't require a lot of running around? Ask my regulars. Did I mention I have to run the post office in it as well?
I'll say this like I've said in other tip threads: I know it is expected in the food industry, and don't get me wrong - I WILL TIP IF ITS GOOD SERVICE. But I'm not exactly inclined to throw away my money just because once you enter a food establishment you're automatically required to tip.
PS - I asked about min. wage in the USA because my argument problably wouldn't stand there if servers only make 4.00 hour. Then this is all apples and oranges.
I believe the min wage is 7 something in the US but servers make anywhere between 2-4 dollars an hour because the government assumes that they'll make up the difference with tips.
I believe the min wage is 7 something in the US but servers make anywhere between 2-4 dollars an hour because the government assumes that they'll make up the difference with tips.
i drink when i see bands. i dont always have it within my budget to tip the barstaff.
You're from Oz yah?
Us royal countries aren't with the same outlook i think...
I sort of understand now why a lot of people have been giving me the same "stay home" attitude when I say that it's not within my budget... because I think most of them (sorry for the assumption ) are from the US... and, upon further information, (thank you, vedderlution_baby!) there is some sort of weird tipping wage that actually does mean that servers get paid dirt cheap.
And I don't think they realise (sorry again, for the assumption ) that not everywhere is like that when it comes to the service industry....
You're from Oz yah?
Us royal countries aren't with the same outlook i think...
I sort of understand now why a lot of people have been giving me the same "stay home" attitude when I say that it's not within my budget... because I think most of them (sorry for the assumption ) are from the US... and, upon further information, (thank you, vedderlution_baby!) there is some sort of weird tipping wage that actually does mean that servers get paid dirt cheap.
And I don't think they realise (sorry again, for the assumption ) that not everywhere is like that when it comes to the service industry....
yeah im from oz.
and i do tip... when i can afford it.
i dont think that just cause i have a lack of funds in excess of what i can spend i should stay home. that to me is an arrogant attitude.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
it is a different culture here anyway, not like the US.
i will tip at resturaunts, and sometimes at bars just leave them the change, but we have workplace laws here which state what the minimum wage can be, and it is a lot more than $2 or $3 an hour, and having the staff rely on tips to make a crust!
the bar staff here will still serve you if you don't tip them!
i dont think that just cause i have a lack of funds in excess of what i can spend i should stay home. that to me is an arrogant attitude.
i agree, and thank you for assuring me i'm not the only one who thought this was arrogant.
I tip when the service is good. (since that is what is meant by tip)
i really think that this is a cultural thing.
in some asian countries, you don't tip AT ALL.
in north america, it's beginning to be that you tip NO MATTER WHAT.
I've had instances when I've left the tip in cash on the table, and paid by debit card at the hostess booth, and then got a very dirty look when (it seems as though) I haven't left a tip because I press 'no tip' on the keypad. It's the attitude, really... that starts to frustrate me.
it is a different culture here anyway, not like the US.
i will tip at resturaunts, and sometimes at bars just leave them the change, but we have workplace laws here which state what the minimum wage can be, and it is a lot more than $2 or $3 an hour, and having the staff rely on tips to make a crust!
the bar staff here will still serve you if you don't tip them!
omg, we both posted a culture argument at the same time.
you and i must be well seasoned travelers to experience such a multitude of different cultures
I generally tip $1 per order min. from a bartender. Whether it's a beer or a couple drinks. If they go out of their way or make a drink really nice, or strong, etc. I'll tip more.
Last night I was on the road and wanted a drink. I went down from my room to the hotel bar and asked the guy for a drink so I could take it up to my room and drink it while watching baseball. I ordered a double Jonnie Walker Black on the rocks. They guy literally filled a big glass to the rim with booze!
I feel if you treat people for doing nice things like that, they will in turn keep it up. Kind of a karma thing. If he continued to get shit tips, or no tips, why would he go out of his way to fill a glass like he for me? He wouldn't!
Once he got his tip, he was very much appreciative and I know for a fact if I wanted another drink he would have done the exact same thing.
Remember this cheapskates...because of you we all get shitty drinks and shitty attitude!
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
yeh i just said that. I already pay a premium price to geta pint in a bar, so why should i tip the barman for doing his job?
do you tip McDonalds staff? Dentists? Bus Drivers? yet they all provide a service.
p.s. never post on here when you're that pissed
That's why I wait tables
It's gotten to the point that you have to tip, no matter how shitty the service is.
I'm sorry, I should have to stay home because I'm in university and can't afford to be dishing out extra money to people just because they are DOING THEIR JOB?
Listen, i'm all for tipping if i get good service.
And don't give me this they-live-off-their-tips bullshit. Why should broke people who work in, say, retail or something, have to look "cheap" if they can't afford to be tipping everywhere?
Other people make minimum wage, and other people don't get tips.
I have family members who work in the food industry, and if you think waitresses are starving for money then maybe you should talk to some of them that are making 700 dollars upwards a week in tips (and yes, i know A LOT of waitresses who are making this)
Once again, i'm not saying you shouldn't tip, i just think you should think twice before calling some people cheap for not doing it.
Now, if you're a well off bastard and don't tip, well.... then thats a different story.
you shouldn't eat in a full service restaurant if you cannot afford the tip. It's that simple.
wait a second ?? servers only make 2.13 where you live? no wonder you country has so many poor people.
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
spoken like someone who has never worked in the service industry.
people do miss the point of TIPS though which is To Insure Prompt Service.
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
Thats fucking bullshit. TIPS are not mandatory.
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
If you expect good service at a restaurant you frequent, then yea, it is.
I'm going to start calling you Mr. Pink!
Basically if the service is THAT bad to not tip, maybe you should just stop going to that bar/restaurant!
I have a friend who is a cheap tipper...well actually he's an all out cheap-ass. We'll go to a restaurant, the bill will be say $50. We'll usually split the bill and he'll leave like $1-2!! :eek: I feel bad so I'll leave more because of his cheap ass!
Ask him why he's so cheap and he'll spout off some bullshit of "Oh, she just brought the food to the table...how hard is that?"
It's truly pathetic!
I mean c'mon! These people have to deal with people's bullshit all day long, outside of dealing with cheap fucks. I have never been a waiter or a bartender, but I do sympathize with them because I would not want to do it because I'm pretty sure I'd go nuts dealing with whiny customers.
I truly cannot stand cheap people!
Greeting you
Taking your order
Bringing you drinks
Placing your order
Keeping you drinks refilled
Keeping your chips/bread/whatever filled
Making sure the order is made right
Making sure the order is brought to the correct table
Making sure that the order is to your liking
Taking care of any problems you may have
Basically trying to ensure that you have a comfortable evening without any hitches even if it means fighting with cooks, bartenders, other servers, and even the managers.
Tell your friend that unless he's going to do all this shit himself next time he goes into a full service restaurant, he needs to start tipping the proper amount or keep his ass to a sandwich shop.
and by the way, this guy:
is married to someone who works in the industry, and she does, literally, have to live off her tips.
Yet he kind of get's where I'm coming from.
I'm not cheap, thanks. I work for minimum wage and go to University. I am broke. At least now I can save some money on Friday nights, because I had no idea that being poor deprives you the right of eating out if you decide to.
OK, I'm not reading 6 pages of this, but I work in a restaurant, as a server, so here's my answers to the OP:
1) when you pick up to go food at a restaurant, the person who rings you up and hands you your bag is also responsible for ringing it in properly, getting your food out of the kitchen, making sure it is timely and correct, and adding any condiments or toppings that may be required. if it seems like there are other people doing that stuff, chances are they are rotating posts and will split the tips at the end of the shift.
2) Bartenders do not get paid more than servers. (Although they usually MAKE more, in tips.) In NY, servers make $4.60/hr and so do bartenders. In most cases, you can work at the same restaurant for years and you will never get a raise (unless minimum wage goes up) The bartender who cracks open your Bud also stocked the beer fridge waaay before you got there, filled up the ice bins, and will clean up, break down, and restock at the end of the night. And I'm sure there's more, but i'm not a bartender.
3) Supermarket cashiers make much more per hour, and belong to a union. They are forced to take a 15 min break for every 4 hours they work. They get health insurance. They make time and a half on Sundays and holidays, and get guaranteed pay raises every six months. Work at a supermarket for a few years and you'll be making decent money. If you feel the need to tip them, i'm sure they won't turn you down.
ones that make me feel good when things behind the smile ain't ok...." -Hoon
It doesn't deprive you of going out, but being "broke" should limit your choices of dining establishments. Shit, when I was in college I was flat-ass broke. Eating out was the sandwich shop up the street or La Bamba Burritos or 15-cent wings at BW3.
What is the big deal about tipping 20% at a nice sit-down meal or a buck on a beer at the bar? Life's too short to be cheap.
Because, in Canada the minimum wage is 8.00 (and that is being disputed.)
Most places in retail and food start at this same wage.
This is why I'm not really keen on the argument that the servers 'get min. wage and therefore you are OBLIGATED to tip'.
Do you tip the store clerk who has just checked 3 stores for your item, searched an entire stock room and has sufficiently given you all the information you've inquired about during your visit? No? Well I wouldn't expect you to.
I know not all, but lot's of retail jobs are demanding. At least the one's I've worked at. For sake of argument, the current shop I work at technically is an all-in-one mom n' pop type store. And I usually run it myself. There are 3 counters to serve, not including the passport photo service (which, unless you want to come back over and over for retakes, has to have a certain amount of precision.) Think it doesn't require a lot of running around? Ask my regulars. Did I mention I have to run the post office in it as well?
I'll say this like I've said in other tip threads: I know it is expected in the food industry, and don't get me wrong - I WILL TIP IF ITS GOOD SERVICE. But I'm not exactly inclined to throw away my money just because once you enter a food establishment you're automatically required to tip.
PS - I asked about min. wage in the USA because my argument problably wouldn't stand there if servers only make 4.00 hour. Then this is all apples and oranges.
such is life i'm experiencing now.
I've gotten lunch at the dollar store before!
I believe the min wage is 7 something in the US but servers make anywhere between 2-4 dollars an hour because the government assumes that they'll make up the difference with tips.
In florida it's 6.79 and 3.77 for tipped employees, although I was making 3.65
So then my argument doesn't stand in the US.
In Canada there is no such thing as different min. wage for tipped employees.
(At least I don't think there is...)
No wonder there is the attitude of it being expected....
I retract my argument towards the Americans in this thread
or $1-$3 for (2)barbers, (1)bartenders, (3)delivery drivers.
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
fuck off!
i drink when i see bands. i dont always have it within my budget to tip the barstaff.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Us royal countries aren't with the same outlook i think...
I sort of understand now why a lot of people have been giving me the same "stay home" attitude when I say that it's not within my budget... because I think most of them (sorry for the assumption
And I don't think they realise (sorry again, for the assumption
yeah im from oz.
and i do tip... when i can afford it.
i dont think that just cause i have a lack of funds in excess of what i can spend i should stay home. that to me is an arrogant attitude.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i will tip at resturaunts, and sometimes at bars just leave them the change, but we have workplace laws here which state what the minimum wage can be, and it is a lot more than $2 or $3 an hour, and having the staff rely on tips to make a crust!
the bar staff here will still serve you if you don't tip them!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
I tip when the service is good. (since that is what is meant by tip)
i really think that this is a cultural thing.
in some asian countries, you don't tip AT ALL.
in north america, it's beginning to be that you tip NO MATTER WHAT.
I've had instances when I've left the tip in cash on the table, and paid by debit card at the hostess booth, and then got a very dirty look when (it seems as though) I haven't left a tip because I press 'no tip' on the keypad. It's the attitude, really... that starts to frustrate me.
you and i must be well seasoned travelers to experience such a multitude of different cultures
you however have much more experience dealing with this whole tipping thing being from the north american continent!
do you think it is different in places like Asia and Europe? What is it like in Canada?
I will tip if the service is good, or sometimes just to get rid of coins!
i found it a bit funny throwing another $ over each time somebody pours me a beer!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
especially considering all those extra tip dollars could easily add up to at least 3 more beers that dont get drank by you.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say