you however have much more experience dealing with this whole tipping thing being from the north american continent!
do you think it is different in places like Asia and Europe? What is it like in Canada?
I will tip if the service is good, or sometimes just to get rid of coins!
i found it a bit funny throwing another $ over each time somebody pours me a beer!
well generally our min. wage is higher in canada than it is in the US.... which i already knew. but i didn't know that min. wage for workers is different in the service industry where you get tips - thats why i now see why everyone has this attitude of, these people work for less, so you should tip when you eat out, otherwise don't go out.
now I kind of understand it.
as for Canada, i don't particularly like that argument because retail industry's min. wage is the same as the food industry's min. wage - so why should someone who busts their ass for needy customers be treated differently as someone who busts their ass for needy patrons? obviously i see the differences in both industries... but here is the scenario i don't get:
Retail worker decides to go out for dinner on a Friday night. Said worker is at a restaurant, where restaurant server is terrible. Retail worker opts not to tip - despite popular opinion that tipping is now manditory - and now retail worker is "cheap".
Now, why should minimum wage person A have to give minimum wage person B extra money?
BECAUSE: This is the adopted attitude in North America.
And it's stupid.
I think I should bold it this time: I tip if the service is good, because that is what the purpose of tipping is.
I DON'T TIP solely on the premise that EVERYONE should tip EVEN if the service is shit. Maybe when I get a good job, and make a HIGHER wage than the people who are serving me, then I won't think twice about throwing away money regardless of what service i'm getting.
In Japan you don't tip. In fact, one time my mom left a tip and the server came running after her down the street saying she forgot her money HAHA.
It's a cultural thing... kind of like.... McDonalds portions and walking distances and geographical knowledge and... you get what i mean.
If you expect good service at a restaurant you frequent, then yea, it is.
That is bullshit, it is an north american thing to tip 20% on a bill. If i go to a restaurant 5 times, get great service 4 times and shitty service on the 5th i should still tip as well on the 5th time? Thats what youre saying? based on the previous times experience? and so if i dont tip well that gives servers a right to give me shitty service? is that what youre saying? so its guaranteed? so they can just phone it in and treat me like shit because they expect a tip? FUCK THAT. i have worked in the restaurant industry for 10 years and that is why servers expect it even if they dont do anything and give you shitty service because its a cultural stigma. Its the exact attitude that you have that makes it what it is. let me guess youre a server and think you "deserve" it no matter how good or bad a job you do?
"Tipping varies among cultures and by service industry. Though by definition a tip is never legally required, and its amount is at the discretion of the person being served, in some circumstances failing to give an adequate tip when one is expected may be considered very miserly, a violation of etiquette, or unethical. In some other cultures or situations, giving a tip is not expected and offering one would be considered condescending or demeaning. In Japan, for example, tipping is considered an insult both to the owner of the establishment and to the server."
Although someone who lives by the rule that the American way is the right way would never get this.
By the way just to clarify, there is 3 groups of tipping for myself that I stick, If I get great service, the server will get a great tip, If I get decent service(IE server didnt really have to do much or they are busy and it is understandable) I will give just a regular tip 10-15% but if I get terrible service I am not going to tip.
{if (work != 0) {
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
That is bullshit, it is an north american thing to tip 20% on a bill. If i go to a restaurant 5 times, get great service 4 times and shitty service on the 5th i should still tip as well on the 5th time? Thats what youre saying? based on the previous times experience? and so if i dont tip well that gives servers a right to give me shitty service? is that what youre saying? so its guaranteed? so they can just phone it in and treat me like shit because they expect a tip? FUCK THAT. i have worked in the restaurant industry for 10 years and that is why servers expect it even if they dont do anything and give you shitty service because its a cultural stigma. Its the exact attitude that you have that makes it what it is. let me guess youre a server and think you "deserve" it no matter how good or bad a job you do?
"Tipping varies among cultures and by service industry. Though by definition a tip is never legally required, and its amount is at the discretion of the person being served, in some circumstances failing to give an adequate tip when one is expected may be considered very miserly, a violation of etiquette, or unethical. In some other cultures or situations, giving a tip is not expected and offering one would be considered condescending or demeaning. In Japan, for example, tipping is considered an insult both to the owner of the establishment and to the server."
Although someone who lives by the rule that the American way is the right way would never get this.
From what I understand from talking to europeans and being in europe, if your in Uni its generally not expected of you to tip.
The japan thing i knew already (for obvious reasons)
I'm still kinda shocked that servers make 3 something as a min. wage. So, in that perspective, I now see where some people are coming from.
Still think its a bit brash to say, tip or stay home.
It is most definitely a cultural thing.
That is bullshit, it is an north american thing to tip 20% on a bill. If i go to a restaurant 5 times, get great service 4 times and shitty service on the 5th i should still tip as well on the 5th time? Thats what youre saying? based on the previous times experience? and so if i dont tip well that gives servers a right to give me shitty service? is that what youre saying? so its guaranteed? so they can just phone it in and treat me like shit because they expect a tip? FUCK THAT. i have worked in the restaurant industry for 10 years and that is why servers expect it even if they dont do anything and give you shitty service because its a cultural stigma. Its the exact attitude that you have that makes it what it is. let me guess youre a server and think you "deserve" it no matter how good or bad a job you do?
"Tipping varies among cultures and by service industry. Though by definition a tip is never legally required, and its amount is at the discretion of the person being served, in some circumstances failing to give an adequate tip when one is expected may be considered very miserly, a violation of etiquette, or unethical. In some other cultures or situations, giving a tip is not expected and offering one would be considered condescending or demeaning. In Japan, for example, tipping is considered an insult both to the owner of the establishment and to the server."
Although someone who lives by the rule that the American way is the right way would never get this.
By the way just to clarify, there is 3 groups of tipping for myself that I stick, If I get great service, the server will get a great tip, If I get decent service(IE server didnt really have to do much or they are busy and it is understandable) I will give just a regular tip 10-15% but if I get terrible service I am not going to tip.
No, that's not what I said. I meant that if you want to keep having good service at a restaurant that you frequent, then you need to tip the proper amount. Because if you go in there and tip shitty every time, no matter what kind of service it is, then you're in for a bad service the next time you go in. Servers know better than anyone else that sometimes the service is horrible and that it's usually from the servers who expect tips no matter what that have the shittiest service out there. The good servers know that subpar and bad service isn't going to get tips.And more often than not, servers have higher expectations from restaurant staff when they become the customers.
The people that are most vocal about getting low tips are the people who are also the worst servers. They don't know how to deal with people and they have that "I should get tipped no matter what".
One time I was working the section beside this cancer of a person who would constantly bitch about their tips. One time I noticed the people at his table were low on drinks, didn't have any chips, and were giving the "table in distress" look. I went over, refilled their chips and drinks and asked if I could do anything else for them. I ended up having to get them to-go boxes and have Cancer give them their check. They gave him a dollar or two but when they walked past me laid a five on my table and thanked me for taking care of them even though their weren't my table. I apologized for the server and asked them to come in again because if even if I had to serve them myself, I would make sure they got exceptional service. Guess what was happening when I got back into the kitchen. Cancer was pissed off and cussing because of his shitty tip.
I don't expect people to reward service that isn't up to par and is making their night less enjoyable and stressful. I do expect that if they live in the US that and they go to a full service restaurant that they tip the proper amount for good service and not stiff the people working their asses for them.
And by the way, I don't give a fuck about how people tip or don't tip in Japan. I don't live in fucking Japan. I've never fucking been to Japan and I've definitely never eaten at a fucking restaurant in Japan. If I ever find myself going on a trip to Japan, then I'll look into it. Until then, I don't give a fuck.
Well you were bang on until this ignorant statement.
{if (work != 0) {
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
No, that's not what I said. I meant that if you want to keep having good service at a restaurant that you frequent, then you need to tip the proper amount. Because if you go in there and tip shitty every time, no matter what kind of service it is, then you're in for a bad service the next time you go in. Servers know better than anyone else that sometimes the service is horrible and that it's usually from the servers who expect tips no matter what that have the shittiest service out there. The good servers know that subpar and bad service isn't going to get tips.And more often than not, servers have higher expectations from restaurant staff when they become the customers.
The people that are most vocal about getting low tips are the people who are also the worst servers. They don't know how to deal with people and they have that "I should get tipped no matter what".
One time I was working the section beside this cancer of a person who would constantly bitch about their tips. One time I noticed the people at his table were low on drinks, didn't have any chips, and were giving the "table in distress" look. I went over, refilled their chips and drinks and asked if I could do anything else for them. I ended up having to get them to-go boxes and have Cancer give them their check. They gave him a dollar or two but when they walked past me laid a five on my table and thanked me for taking care of them even though their weren't my table. I apologized for the server and asked them to come in again because if even if I had to serve them myself, I would make sure they got exceptional service. Guess what was happening when I got back into the kitchen. Cancer was pissed off and cussing because of his shitty tip.
I don't expect people to reward service that isn't up to par and is making their night less enjoyable and stressful. I do expect that if they live in the US that and they go to a full service restaurant that they tip the proper amount for good service and not stiff the people working their asses for them.
And by the way, I don't give a fuck about how people tip or don't tip in Japan. I don't live in fucking Japan. I've never fucking been to Japan and I've definitely never eaten at a fucking restaurant in Japan. If I ever find myself going on a trip to Japan, then I'll look into it. Until then, I don't give a fuck.
while i agree with your statements...
then i only have to reply to the last paragraph as this:
i "don't give a fuck" to you americans who think that one should manditory tip or stay home.
the japan thing was an example, and I'll make the assumption that you're a open-minded, intelligent enough person to understand that. it was an example for those who have brought up the, "tip or stay home" argument, that maybe the statements made by those people who call those of us who are selective about tipping "cheap"... should actually have been "in america.... you should..." (as you have so intelligently done in the second to last paragraph). because really, some of us who are selective about the whole tipping thing in this thread so far haven't been Americans - and we're just pointing out its a cultural thing (and using Japan as an example).
unless you didn't know, people from all over the planet post here.
while i agree with your statements...
then i only have to reply to the last paragraph as this:
i "don't give a fuck" to you americans who think that one should manditory tip or stay home.
the japan thing was an example, and I'll make the assumption that you're a open-minded, intelligent enough person to understand that. it was an example for those who have brought up the, "tip or stay home" argument, that maybe the statements made by those people who call those of us who are selective about tipping "cheap"... should actually have been "in america.... you should..." (as you have so intelligently done in the second to last paragraph). because really, some of us who are selective about the whole tipping thing in this thread so far haven't been Americans - and we're just pointing out its a cultural thing (and using Japan as an example).
unless you didn't know, people from all over the planet post here.
I realize that. I stated in an earlier post that I never thought that any foreigners who stiffed me did so on purpose, but simply because they didn't know about the customs and the wages that servers have. I knew that Canadians make the actual minimum wage and that if they came to the states, then they probably wouldn't tip. Some of the shit that I was replying to irritated me and I mouthed off a bit, although I should be saying that to the poster I was responding to and not you. That and I didn't see what it had to do with anything that I said that the poster quoted.
I realize that. I stated in an earlier post that I never thought that any foreigners who stiffed me did so on purpose, but simply because they didn't know about the customs and the wages that servers have. I knew that Canadians make the actual minimum wage and that if they came to the states, then they probably wouldn't tip. Some of the shit that I was replying to irritated me and I mouthed off a bit, although I should be saying that to the poster I was responding to and not you.
i think what we both were trying to say in general was that some people (not just you of course) in this thread are quick to jump the gun and call everyone cheap or stingy without realising that not all the posters are from the same culture.
i dont think the second part of equallyworthless' post was directed solely at you, but the americans (or whoever) in general who are calling people cheap without taking into account the different cultural opinons on the board.
i think what we both were trying to say in general was that some people (not just you of course) in this thread are quick to jump the gun and call everyone cheap or stingy without realising that not all the posters are from the same culture.
i dont think the second part of equallyworthless' post was directed solely at you, but the americans (or whoever) in general who are calling people cheap without taking into account the different cultural opinons on the board.
I jumped the gun with that comment. I apologize for saying it and I went ahead and took it out. Once again, sorry guys.
And you're right about trying to discuss a certain aspect of life with various cultures when 1) It varies dramatically from culture to culture to such a point that it's even taken into consideration by the government when coming up with min. wage laws and 2) Sometimes it's unknown where some posters reside.
There's been a couple of posters in here that have said "Why should I? There doing their job" or have known people to say that that are from the states, which blows my mind.
I jumped the gun with that comment. I apologize for saying it and I went ahead and took it out. Once again, sorry guys.
And you're right about trying to discuss a certain aspect of life with various cultures when 1) It varies dramatically from culture to culture to such a point that it's even taken into consideration by the government when coming up with min. wage laws and 2) Sometimes it's unknown where some posters reside.
There's been a couple of posters in here that have said "Why should I? There doing their job" or have known people to say that that are from the states, which blows my mind.
Haha, no worries... "unsure... likely waiting for the wrong bus." isn't exactly an easy indication of what country I am from. And besides, you could always keep arguing to a point where you say, "oh... i was just joking guys, really" which some people do on here! LOL!
As for me, I had no idea that the min. wage in the US has different standards depending on what job you have. So I totally understand at this point the argument for 'mandatory' tipping.
I realize that. I stated in an earlier post that I never thought that any foreigners who stiffed me did so on purpose, but simply because they didn't know about the customs and the wages that servers have. I knew that Canadians make the actual minimum wage and that if they came to the states, then they probably wouldn't tip. Some of the shit that I was replying to irritated me and I mouthed off a bit, although I should be saying that to the poster I was responding to and not you. That and I didn't see what it had to do with anything that I said that the poster quoted.
I didnt mean to single you out, sorry if it came across that way. It was not my intention. Seriously though tipping is a north american thing, i will usually tip MORE in the USA because I know that in most places min wage is lower.
{if (work != 0) {
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
yeah i know, hence me saying you still owe me a drink.
i was being a responsible driver by limiting my alcohol intake. certainly wouldnt want to have been busted by a mobile RBT cruising along taren point road now would i?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I was out to dinner with 12 other women on Saturday night....some of the morons thought the waiter should get no more then $60???!!! The women who figured out the check made sure he was getting $100, and then she had to leave, and someone else looked at the check, she wanted to give him something like 10%! And he deserved minimum 20% his service was EXCELLENT. We were there for 3 hours and this was a high end restaurant...I threw the guy another $20 out of my own pocket. I HATE EATING OUT WITH CHEAP PEOPLE! My hubby went out with the hubbies of some of the women at the same time...and he ended up throwing his waiter another $10 out of his pocket....because the men were cheap too! We are leaving Saturday on a cruise with this group......thankfully we will be tipping on our own.
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
I was out to dinner with 12 other women on Saturday night....some of the morons thought the waiter should get no more then $60???!!! The women who figured out the check made sure he was getting $100, and then she had to leave, and someone else looked at the check, she wanted to give him something like 10%! And he deserved minimum 20% his service was EXCELLENT. We were there for 3 hours and this was a high end restaurant...I threw the guy another $20 out of my own pocket. I HATE EATING OUT WITH CHEAP PEOPLE! My hubby went out with the hubbies of some of the women at the same time...and he ended up throwing his waiter another $10 out of his pocket....because the men were cheap too! We are leaving Saturday on a cruise with this group......thankfully we will be tipping on our own.
I hate that, my dad always does 15% exactly no matter what, he's a frickin calculator. Plus him and my mom always split meals, so when you're not paying much 15% is pretty weak IMO.
i'm glad i'm not a waiter in America... lots of rich people trying to get a better service out of me just by flashing $10 bills in my face... it'd make me feel like a prostitute that... and if i just walked into a bar and i had to wait for a drink just because some guy earlier had tipped the barman, i'd just turn around and walk out.
just because its a cultural thing doesnt make it right... the system is utterly flawed and totally fucking deranged... yet some americans defend it like its the holy grail in customer service... ... which its definitely not.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
i remember having a waitress in a bar bring the bill back to us after a meal cause in her words, youve forgotten the tip. i was with 2 americans(this being in NY), so i left it to them to sort out.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i'm glad i'm not a waiter in America... lots of rich people trying to get a better service out of me just by flashing $10 bills in my face... it'd make me feel like a prostitute that... and if i just walked into a bar and i had to wait for a drink just because some guy earlier had tipped the barman, i'd just turn around and walk out.
just because its a cultural thing doesnt make it right... the system is utterly flawed and totally fucking deranged... yet some americans defend it like its the holy grail in customer service... ... which its definitely not.
yah, and its getting to be like this in Canada too...
which is annoyiing in a way cos like i said, our min. wage is the same across the board.
think about it.... say you serve 4 tables an hour... and each one leaves a 3 dollar tip... you're getting your wage plus 12 dollars an hour... you're making 20 bucks an hour (in canada anyways).... of course you have to factor in giving the kitchen some of your tip... but still!
is married to someone who works in the industry, and she does, literally, have to live off her tips.
Yet he kind of get's where I'm coming from.
I'm not cheap, thanks. I work for minimum wage and go to University. I am broke. At least now I can save some money on Friday nights, because I had no idea that being poor deprives you the right of eating out if you decide to.
Being poor deprives you of doing a lot of things, i'm not saying poor people SHOULDN'T get to do stuff, but I understand why they can't. If being poor didn't deprive you of certain options what would be the point of trying to make money?
Well you were bang on until this ignorant statement.
I'm sure he could have toned down the swearing, but I don't think his point was ignorant. It kinda annoys me when people try to use arguments about how things are done in others countries. For example "well they don't even tip in Japan!" That's great and I respect their culture and would always like to know more about other cultures, but it doesn't apply to this discussion. We aren't in Japan, we are in the USA (i am, i know you some people in this thread aren't) It's a different culture and has absolutely no relevance to whether or not i should tip at my local bar.
And I know some people were pointing out how their culture is different, but im pretty sure there is no one from Japan in this thread
I'm sure he could have toned down the swearing, but I don't think his point was ignorant. It kinda annoys me when people try to use arguments about how things are done in others countries. For example "well they don't even tip in Japan!" That's great and I respect their culture and would always like to know more about other cultures, but it doesn't apply to this discussion. We aren't in Japan, we are in the USA (i am, i know you some people in this thread aren't) It's a different culture and has absolutely no relevance to whether or not i should tip at my local bar.
And I know some people were pointing out how their culture is different, but im pretty sure there is no one from Japan in this thread
for one, the three of us have pretty much sorted things out.
for two, it does, because like i said, people in here were addressing everyone saying everyone who doesn't tip is cheap - but they havne't taken into account that everyone here is NOT american, and therefore NOT part of that culture.
japan, once again. was an example... of different cultures.... plain and simple, thats all that was. (do we really need to explain this again?) we're not saying you should have to learn the tipping customs in japan....
for one, the three of us have pretty much sorted things out.
for two, it does, because like i said, people in here were addressing everyone saying everyone who doesn't tip is cheap - but they havne't taken into account that everyone here is NOT american, and therefore NOT part of that culture.
japan, once again. was an example... of different cultures.... plain and simple, thats all that was. (do we really need to explain this again?) we're not saying you should have to learn the tipping customs in japan....
Sorry I don't always read every post before I reply. I need your post and replied to it before reading everything else
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
and that reminds me... you still owe me a drink.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
now I kind of understand it.
as for Canada, i don't particularly like that argument because retail industry's min. wage is the same as the food industry's min. wage - so why should someone who busts their ass for needy customers be treated differently as someone who busts their ass for needy patrons? obviously i see the differences in both industries... but here is the scenario i don't get:
Retail worker decides to go out for dinner on a Friday night. Said worker is at a restaurant, where restaurant server is terrible. Retail worker opts not to tip - despite popular opinion that tipping is now manditory - and now retail worker is "cheap".
Now, why should minimum wage person A have to give minimum wage person B extra money?
BECAUSE: This is the adopted attitude in North America.
And it's stupid.
I think I should bold it this time: I tip if the service is good, because that is what the purpose of tipping is.
I DON'T TIP solely on the premise that EVERYONE should tip EVEN if the service is shit. Maybe when I get a good job, and make a HIGHER wage than the people who are serving me, then I won't think twice about throwing away money regardless of what service i'm getting.
In Japan you don't tip. In fact, one time my mom left a tip and the server came running after her down the street saying she forgot her money HAHA.
It's a cultural thing... kind of like.... McDonalds portions and walking distances and geographical knowledge and... you get what i mean.
That is bullshit, it is an north american thing to tip 20% on a bill. If i go to a restaurant 5 times, get great service 4 times and shitty service on the 5th i should still tip as well on the 5th time? Thats what youre saying? based on the previous times experience? and so if i dont tip well that gives servers a right to give me shitty service? is that what youre saying? so its guaranteed? so they can just phone it in and treat me like shit because they expect a tip? FUCK THAT. i have worked in the restaurant industry for 10 years and that is why servers expect it even if they dont do anything and give you shitty service because its a cultural stigma. Its the exact attitude that you have that makes it what it is. let me guess youre a server and think you "deserve" it no matter how good or bad a job you do?
"Tipping varies among cultures and by service industry. Though by definition a tip is never legally required, and its amount is at the discretion of the person being served, in some circumstances failing to give an adequate tip when one is expected may be considered very miserly, a violation of etiquette, or unethical. In some other cultures or situations, giving a tip is not expected and offering one would be considered condescending or demeaning. In Japan, for example, tipping is considered an insult both to the owner of the establishment and to the server."
Although someone who lives by the rule that the American way is the right way would never get this.
By the way just to clarify, there is 3 groups of tipping for myself that I stick, If I get great service, the server will get a great tip, If I get decent service(IE server didnt really have to do much or they are busy and it is understandable) I will give just a regular tip 10-15% but if I get terrible service I am not going to tip.
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
From what I understand from talking to europeans and being in europe, if your in Uni its generally not expected of you to tip.
The japan thing i knew already (for obvious reasons)
I'm still kinda shocked that servers make 3 something as a min. wage. So, in that perspective, I now see where some people are coming from.
Still think its a bit brash to say, tip or stay home.
It is most definitely a cultural thing.
Yeah sorry, restaurants are fer fancy rich folk.
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
Hahaha, my mistake.
I'll stay home and eat my udon noodles, then.
No, that's not what I said. I meant that if you want to keep having good service at a restaurant that you frequent, then you need to tip the proper amount. Because if you go in there and tip shitty every time, no matter what kind of service it is, then you're in for a bad service the next time you go in. Servers know better than anyone else that sometimes the service is horrible and that it's usually from the servers who expect tips no matter what that have the shittiest service out there. The good servers know that subpar and bad service isn't going to get tips.And more often than not, servers have higher expectations from restaurant staff when they become the customers.
The people that are most vocal about getting low tips are the people who are also the worst servers. They don't know how to deal with people and they have that "I should get tipped no matter what".
One time I was working the section beside this cancer of a person who would constantly bitch about their tips. One time I noticed the people at his table were low on drinks, didn't have any chips, and were giving the "table in distress" look. I went over, refilled their chips and drinks and asked if I could do anything else for them. I ended up having to get them to-go boxes and have Cancer give them their check. They gave him a dollar or two but when they walked past me laid a five on my table and thanked me for taking care of them even though their weren't my table. I apologized for the server and asked them to come in again because if even if I had to serve them myself, I would make sure they got exceptional service. Guess what was happening when I got back into the kitchen. Cancer was pissed off and cussing because of his shitty tip.
I don't expect people to reward service that isn't up to par and is making their night less enjoyable and stressful. I do expect that if they live in the US that and they go to a full service restaurant that they tip the proper amount for good service and not stiff the people working their asses for them.
Well you were bang on until this ignorant statement.
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
while i agree with your statements...
then i only have to reply to the last paragraph as this:
i "don't give a fuck" to you americans who think that one should manditory tip or stay home.
the japan thing was an example, and I'll make the assumption that you're a open-minded, intelligent enough person to understand that. it was an example for those who have brought up the, "tip or stay home" argument, that maybe the statements made by those people who call those of us who are selective about tipping "cheap"... should actually have been "in america.... you should..." (as you have so intelligently done in the second to last paragraph). because really, some of us who are selective about the whole tipping thing in this thread so far haven't been Americans - and we're just pointing out its a cultural thing (and using Japan as an example).
unless you didn't know, people from all over the planet post here.
i didn't think i'd actually have to explain WHY it was used :rolleyes:
I realize that. I stated in an earlier post that I never thought that any foreigners who stiffed me did so on purpose, but simply because they didn't know about the customs and the wages that servers have. I knew that Canadians make the actual minimum wage and that if they came to the states, then they probably wouldn't tip. Some of the shit that I was replying to irritated me and I mouthed off a bit, although I should be saying that to the poster I was responding to and not you. That and I didn't see what it had to do with anything that I said that the poster quoted.
i think what we both were trying to say in general was that some people (not just you of course) in this thread are quick to jump the gun and call everyone cheap or stingy without realising that not all the posters are from the same culture.
i dont think the second part of equallyworthless' post was directed solely at you, but the americans (or whoever) in general who are calling people cheap without taking into account the different cultural opinons on the board.
I jumped the gun with that comment. I apologize for saying it and I went ahead and took it out. Once again, sorry guys.
And you're right about trying to discuss a certain aspect of life with various cultures when 1) It varies dramatically from culture to culture to such a point that it's even taken into consideration by the government when coming up with min. wage laws and 2) Sometimes it's unknown where some posters reside.
There's been a couple of posters in here that have said "Why should I? There doing their job" or have known people to say that that are from the states, which blows my mind.
As for me, I had no idea that the min. wage in the US has different standards depending on what job you have. So I totally understand at this point the argument for 'mandatory' tipping.
I didnt mean to single you out, sorry if it came across that way. It was not my intention. Seriously though tipping is a north american thing, i will usually tip MORE in the USA because I know that in most places min wage is lower.
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
i offered, you declined
next time...
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
yeah i know, hence me saying you still owe me a drink.
i was being a responsible driver by limiting my alcohol intake. certainly wouldnt want to have been busted by a mobile RBT cruising along taren point road now would i?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
I hate that, my dad always does 15% exactly no matter what, he's a frickin calculator. Plus him and my mom always split meals, so when you're not paying much 15% is pretty weak IMO.
just because its a cultural thing doesnt make it right... the system is utterly flawed and totally fucking deranged... yet some americans defend it like its the holy grail in customer service...
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
which is annoyiing in a way cos like i said, our min. wage is the same across the board.
think about it.... say you serve 4 tables an hour... and each one leaves a 3 dollar tip... you're getting your wage plus 12 dollars an hour... you're making 20 bucks an hour (in canada anyways).... of course you have to factor in giving the kitchen some of your tip... but still!
so no, i'm selective about my tipping, thanks.
Being poor deprives you of doing a lot of things, i'm not saying poor people SHOULDN'T get to do stuff, but I understand why they can't. If being poor didn't deprive you of certain options what would be the point of trying to make money?
I'm sure he could have toned down the swearing, but I don't think his point was ignorant. It kinda annoys me when people try to use arguments about how things are done in others countries. For example "well they don't even tip in Japan!" That's great and I respect their culture and would always like to know more about other cultures, but it doesn't apply to this discussion. We aren't in Japan, we are in the USA (i am, i know you some people in this thread aren't) It's a different culture and has absolutely no relevance to whether or not i should tip at my local bar.
And I know some people were pointing out how their culture is different, but im pretty sure there is no one from Japan in this thread
for two, it does, because like i said, people in here were addressing everyone saying everyone who doesn't tip is cheap - but they havne't taken into account that everyone here is NOT american, and therefore NOT part of that culture.
japan, once again. was an example... of different cultures.... plain and simple, thats all that was. (do we really need to explain this again?) we're not saying you should have to learn the tipping customs in japan....
Sorry I don't always read every post before I reply. I need your post and replied to it before reading everything else