well.. with an attitude like that you wont be getting much of a tip.
Actually I make quite a good living off tips. I am just trying very hard not to argue with people who it is not customary for or are just plain douchebags. I want this thread to die because every time someone bumps it back up I am tempted to go in and read.
Finally got that "One for the Thumb"!!! Got the "Six Pack". Now we're on a "Stairway to Seven"
Some words when spoken...can't be taken back.
"Seeing a brick wall straight ahead and stepping on the gas." Eddie...Pittsburgh 6/23/06
Actually I make quite a good living off tips. I am just trying very hard not to argue with people who it is not customary for or are just plain douchebags. I want this thread to die because every time someone bumps it back up I am tempted to go in and read.
p.s. how can you argue with people where tipping isnt customary?
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Actually I make quite a good living off tips. I am just trying very hard not to argue with people who it is not customary for or are just plain douchebags. I want this thread to die because every time someone bumps it back up I am tempted to go in and read.
well thats great. but i was kidding with you.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I don't imagine he was really suprised JJJ, that's just how our gracious nature shows itself. Nothing is expected, yet most often he would be tipped, or at least told to 'keep the change'.
Same in Ireland and yet they always act surprised and all 'ah thanks very much, ya sure?'
Although sometimes, say if the taxi fare is 21.90, he'll say 'just give me 20' and that means just 20. You don't have to tip on top of that... it's like a reverse tip he's tipping you for being a nice customer.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
p.s. how can you argue with people where tipping isnt customary?
Exactly. When I travelled to South Africa, it was so cheap I was tipping HUGE and it was only on the third night that it was pointed out that it's actually a massive insult to tip... it's like look at the stupid rich westerners with money to burn, who do they think they are? I don't insult them in America and go with the custom... so it's good for Americans to learn where their customs are going to insult the locals
Or do we only need to learn how to behave in America? Since it IS 'the world' after all
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Or do we only need to learn how to behave in America? Since it IS 'the world' after all
exactly this time next year i'll be able to tell you how my non-tipping tour of the states goes... thats if i've not been stabbed to death by a frozen shard of shit/ice-cream...
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
exactly this time next year i'll be able to tell you how my non-tipping tour of the states goes... thats if i've not been stabbed to death by a frozen shard of shit/ice-cream...
so you won't be able to tell us then
To be honest, I didn't mind tipping in the states cos it was soooo fucking cheap anyway! Well in Delaware anyway... the major cities were the same as ours I found.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
The table laughs. The WAITRESS comes over to the table.
She has the check, and a pot of coffee.
Can I get anybody more
No, we're gonna be hittin it.
I'll take care of the check.
She hands the bill to him.
Here ya go. Please pay at the
register, if you wouldn't mind.
Sure thing.
You guys have a wonderful day.
They all mutter equivalents. She exits and Joe stands up.
I'll take care of this, you guys
leave the tip.
(to Mr. White)
And when I come back, I want my
book back.
Sorry, it's my book now.
Blonde, shoot this piece of shit,
will ya?
Mr. Blonde shoots Mr. White with his finger. Mr White
acts shot. Joe exits.
Okay, everybody cough up green for
the little lady.
Everybody whips out a buck, and throws it on the table.
Everybody, that is, except Mr. White.
C'mon, throw in a buck.
Uh-uh. I don't tip.
Whaddaya mean you don't tip?
I don't believe in it.
You don't believe in tipping?
I love this kid, he's a madman,
this guy.
Do you have any idea what these
ladies make? They make shit.
Don't give me that. She don't
make enough money, she can quit.
Everybody laughs.
I don't even know a Jew who'd have
the balls to say that. So let's
get this straight. You never ever
I don't tip because society says I
gotta. I tip when somebody
deserves a tip. When somebody
really puts forth an effort, they
deserve a little something extra.
But this tipping automatically,
that shit's for the birds. As far
as I'm concerned, they're just
doin their job.
Our girl was nice.
Our girl was okay. She didn't do
anything special.
What's something special, take ya
in the kitchen and suck your dick?
They all laugh.
I'd go over twelve percent for
Look, I ordered coffee. Now we've
been here a long fuckin time, and
she's only filled my cup three
times. When I order coffee, I
want it filled six times.
What if she's too busy?
The words "too busy" shouldn't be
in a waitress's vocabulary.
Excuse me, Mr. White, but the last
thing you need is another cup of
They all laugh.
These ladies aren't starvin to
death. They make minimum wage.
When I worked for minimum wage, I
wasn't lucky enough to have a job
that society deemed tipworthy.
Ahh, now we're getting down to it.
It's not just that he's a cheap
--It is that too--
--It is that too. But it's also
he couldn't get a waiter job. You
talk like a pissed off dishwasher:
"Fuck those cunts and their
fucking tips."
So you don't care that they're
counting on your tip to live?
Mr. White rubs two of his fingers together.
Do you know what this is? It's
the world's smallest violin,
playing just for the waitresses.
You don't have any idea what
you're talking about. These
people bust their ass. This
is a hard job.
So's working at McDonald's, but
you don't feel the need to tip
them. They're servin ya food, you
should tip em. But no, society
says tip these guys over here, but
not those guys over there. That's
They work harder than the kids at
Oh yeah, I don't see them cleaning
These people are taxed on the tips
they make. When you stiff 'em,
you cost them money.
Waitressing is the number one
occupation for female non-college
graduates in this country. It's
the one jab basically any woman
can get, and make a living on.
The reason is because of tips.
Fuck all that.
They all laugh.
Hey, I'm very sorry that the
government taxes their tips.
That's fucked up. But that ain't
my fault. it would appear that
waitresses are just one of the
many groups the government fucks
in the ass on a regular basis.
You show me a paper says the
government shouldn't do that, I'll
sign it. Put it to a vote, I'll
vote for it. But what I won't do
is play ball. And this non-
college bullshit you're telling
me, I got two words for that:
"Learn to fuckin type." Cause if
you're expecting me to help out
with the rent, you're in for a big
fuckin surprise.
He's convinced me. Give me my
dollar back.
Everybody laughs. Joe's comes back to the table.
Okay ramblers, let's get to
rambling. Wait a minute, who
didn't throw in?
Mr. White.
(to Mr. Orange)
Mr. White?
(to Mr. White)
He don't tip.
(to Mr. Orange)
He don't tip?
(to Mr. White)
You don't tip? Why?
He don't believe in it.
(to Mr. Orange)
He don't believe in it?
(to Mr. White)
You don't believe in it?
(to Mr. Orange)
Shut up!
(to Mr. White)
Cough up the buck, ya cheap
bastard, I paid for your goddamn
Because you paid for the
breakfast, I'm gonna tip.
Normally I wouldn't.
Whatever. Just throw in your
dollar, and let's move.
(to Mr. Blonde)
See what I'm dealing with here.
Infants. I'm fuckin dealin with
i LOVE that scene, i love that whole flick.
and to anyone as getting 'pissed off' over this thread....why? it's one thread, it's opinions, mostly from strangers. who truly gives a flying fuck what another stranger's opinion is? unless of course it impacts you, such as their choice for president. seriously tho.....i think this thread has remained civil and truly discusses the topic, and well. and sure, while many of us still tip and generously, many of us still can be of the opinion that paying a regular wage and doing away with tipping would be much more desirable, and honestly, more fair to all. as mentioned, there are many lines of work similar in skills and requirements, lack of benefits and low-pay, without the benefit of tips. it truly doesn't make sense. pay all a real wage and be done with it. obviously....it's just a disucssion, although truly...it makes sense.
That's right!! You'd best not forget that, either.
Oh trust me that's impossible!
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
and to anyone as getting 'pissed off' over this thread....why? it's one thread, it's opinions, mostly from strangers. who truly gives a flying fuck what another stranger's opinion is? unless of course it impacts you, such as their choice for president. seriously tho.....i think this thread has remained civil and truly discusses the topic, and well. and sure, while many of us still tip and generously, many of us still can be of the opinion that paying a regular wage and doing away with tipping would be much more desirable, and honestly, more fair to all. as mentioned, there are many lines of work similar in skills and requirements, lack of benefits and low-pay, without the benefit of tips. it truly doesn't make sense. pay all a real wage and be done with it. obviously....it's just a disucssion, although truly...it makes sense.
The thing is, I cannot imagine my employer paying me $50 an hour to wait tables. What would he be charging guests per meal to pay his servers $50/hour? No one would go out to eat.
The thing is, I cannot imagine my employer paying me $50 an hour to wait tables. What would he be charging guests per meal to pay his servers $50/hour? No one would go out to eat.
I'm definitely never tipping in CA if you earn $50 an hour :eek: you act like a charity and you need my tips to feed your kids :eek: on $50 an hour :eek: c'mon!
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
The thing is, I cannot imagine my employer paying me $50 an hour to wait tables. What would he be charging guests per meal to pay his servers $50/hour? No one would go out to eat.
no, you obviously wouldn't earn $50 an hour, and tht's the point. do you truly think the services of a waiter/watiress 'deserve' $50 an hour? yes, you are providing a service and working hard...but so are many, many others with the same requirements. you would earn a 'decent wage' not a ridiculous one. so you are saying you take home $2000 a week? really? so you make over 100K a year? nice! between that $9 an hour and tips, cali is a good place for waitstaff! interesting. i know a lot of waiters make good $$$, but factoring in no sick leave, no health benefits, no paid vacation, no retirement benefits...also very few work a full 40 hour week nor get awesome tips all the hours they make, i find it hard to believe. just like retail workers and many others. i'm sorry, but a job with zero educational requirements nor special skills does not 'need' to make exactly what a job that DOEs require additional education, specialized skills and/or undesirable or dangerous work.
btw - if you are saying you average 50 an hour in tips, WHERE does this $$$ come from? your patrons! so obviously they are willing to 'pay for it!' also why i say waitstaff DON't fight for a 'decent wage'...they don't want one! i would say most prefer getting their tips b/c they know it is more than what a 'decent wage' would equate to. great for waitstaff, not great for anyone else. i just wonder, who decidd waitstaff shouldn't get at least minimum wage, they deserve tips instead, and other lines of work don't? it's arbitrary at best. and sure, will likely remain so...but this IS, afterall, merely a discussion of tipping customs, the whys and hows of it.
so no.....how about restaurant owners simply charge on average 20% more on all menu items and give that 20% directly to their employees...and then, whatever that would average at an hourly wage, done! 20% up in costs minus having to take it out of pocket, people would of course continue to go iut and eat....i know i would. just like i would still get haircuts, the occasional massage, manicure, taxiride, etc......just happy knowing i don't HAVe to tip, and they are making a decent wage.
I'm definitely never tipping in CA if you earn $50 an hour :eek: you act like a charity and you need my tips to feed your kids :eek: on $50 an hour :eek: c'mon!
she's saying she makes $50 an hour WITH her tips. she already posted she makes $9 an hour as a flat rate, before tips. more than the minimum wage if i am correct. i know at least in NY, the minimum wage is $7 something.
btw - over in ireland and elsewhere, what Is the 'average decent wage' of a waiter/waitress? does anyone know? i am merely curious. i know tipping still occurs, but not as the rule...moreas for excellent/above par service, as tipping in general i think was initially meant to be before it became an expectation here.
btw - over in ireland and elsewhere, what Is the 'average decent wage' of a waiter/waitress? does anyone know? i am merely curious. i know tipping still occurs, but not as the rule...moreas for excellent/above par service, as tipping in general i think was initially meant to be before it became an expectation here.
When I was a waitress in Ireland I earned 7 euros an hour. This was back in 2004 though. I didn't expect to get any tips but I always got a tip! Was a very nice surprise. Maybe they liked my smile Or maybe because I aimed to provide excellent customer service because that was my job rather than because I expected a tip.
Edit: this was in Limerick; perhaps wages would be higher in Dublin.
When I was a waitress in Ireland I earned 7 euros an hour. This was back in 2004 though. I didn't expect to get any tips but I always got a tip! Was a very nice surprise. Maybe they liked my smile Or maybe because I aimed to provide excellent customer service because that was my job rather than because I expected a tip.
Edit: this was in Limerick; perhaps wages would be higher in Dublin.
in today's economy, that's about what.....$13 an hour?
yes, i think that is a more than fair wage. and it is still more than what the average retail worker makes, and i am sure other service industry type jobs. now if someone wants to argue you can't support a family on it, i'll agree. i will also say, i personally do not believe being part of waitstaff is a profession meant to support an entire family. hell, most jobs don't nowadays, but really......many, many jobs do not earn enough to support a family. you need two incomes, or two jobs...or sure....move into another profession. thus why retail, waitstaff and the like are filled with many, many college-age workers, some seniors, etc. sure, there are some life-time professional waitstaff, but i think the bulk made up of a more transient workforce. not every job is meant to be a lifetime job. beyond that, it's a choice. and i am sure to get flak for my opinion, but hey...it's simply my opinion.
Our (UK) minimum wage which would include waiters/waitresses is:
£5.73 per hour for workers aged 22 years and older
£4.77 per hour for workers aged 18-21 inclusive
£3.53 per hour for all workers under the age of 18, who are no longer of compulsory school age
So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
Our (UK) minimum wage which would include waiters/waitresses is:
£5.73 per hour for workers aged 22 years and older
£4.77 per hour for workers aged 18-21 inclusive
£3.53 per hour for all workers under the age of 18, who are no longer of compulsory school age
thanks for the info...interesting!
so basically with the exchange rate, just about $11.50-$12 an hour. i think i overcalculated for the euro conversion earlier...so really, very similar for the UK and ireland, anyway. definitely more than our minimum wage, but on par with retail pay and other service-type jobs. sounds about right.
bottomline, minimum wage should be just that; the minimum wage to pay. there should be NO exclusions whatsoever.
Dinner shifts I average $40-$60 an hour including my wages. Lunch shifts I average $25-$35 with wages.
I don't work a 40 hour work week, that would be horrible.
However, whether I deserve $50/hour or not doesn't matter. The bottom line is I would not wait tables if I made less than that, what would be the point? The reason I am a waitress is because the hours and $$ work for my family.
Dinner shifts I average $40-$60 an hour including my wages. Lunch shifts I average $25-$35 with wages.
I don't work a 40 hour work week, that would be horrible.
However, whether I deserve $50/hour or not doesn't matter. The bottom line is I would not wait tables if I made less than that, what would be the point? The reason I am a waitress is because the hours and $$ work for my family.
ok i'll say it.. for doing a really simple job you earn way too much money. i also dont believe you earn all that money. if you did then you'd earn more than the restaurant owner... $50 an hour and you have the audacity to bemoan a 15% tip.
because i now know that a waitress earns $50 an hour then i'm definitely not tipping... as Bon Jovi once said "you give waitresses a bad name, a bad name" .. although he might have said love and not waitresses.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
ok i'll say it.. for doing a really simple job you earn way too much money. i also dont believe you earn all that money. if you did then you'd earn more than the restaurant owner... $50 an hour and you have the audacity to bemoan a 15% tip.
because i now know that a waitress earns $50 an hour then i'm definitely not tipping... as Bon Jovi once said "you give waitresses a bad name, a bad name" .. although he might have said love and not waitresses.
I just showed you that I don't always make $50/hour. I average $36/hour & I work 32 hours a week. 4 lunches and 4 dinners.
also, it's not a 'really simple' job. I'm on my feet the entire time, schmoozing and catering to people's every needs, smiling and being fake, cutting myself with my wine opener and so on and so forth.
I just showed you that I don't always make $50/hour. I average $36/hour & I work 32 hours a week. 4 lunches and 4 dinners.
also, it's not a 'really simple' job. I'm on my feet the entire time, schmoozing and catering to people's every needs, smiling and being fake, cutting myself with my wine opener and so on and so forth.
it is simple... nurses and teachers earn less than that and they have to study for years to do their job.. opening a bottle of wine and ensuring hot coffee is available doesnt even compete.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Also, food costs are 50%, so on a day when the restaurant takes in $5k, the owners are making $2500, right? So that's quite a lot more than I make.
and of that $2500 how much is taxable, how much wages comes out of it, rent, overheads, supplies, etc.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
it is simple... nurses and teachers earn less than that and they have to study for years to do their job.. opening a bottle of wine and ensuring hot coffee is available doesnt even compete.
but that is probably something they wanted to be when they grew up, so they should be happy doing their job. I wanted to be a pilot, it didn't work out.
ok i'll say it.. for doing a really simple job you earn way too much money. i also dont believe you earn all that money. if you did then you'd earn more than the restaurant owner... $50 an hour and you have the audacity to bemoan a 15% tip.
because i now know that a waitress earns $50 an hour then i'm definitely not tipping... as Bon Jovi once said "you give waitresses a bad name, a bad name" .. although he might have said love and not waitresses.
Making $50/hr is quite feasible at a decent restaurant. If wages are $9/hr, and people tip an average of 17%, Mary would have to serve 5 tables per hour, with each bill averaging $48.
Making $50/hr is quite feasible at a decent restaurant. If wages are $9/hr, and people tip an average of 17%, Mary would have to serve 5 tables per hour, with each bill averaging $48.
thanks... you've just added weight to my whole anti-tipping campaign... in fact, when i'm there next year, i'll take my 17% of any meal i might have tipped and give it to someone more needful... like a cleaner or a garbage man or something
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
thanks... you've just added weight to my whole anti-tipping campaign... in fact, when i'm there next year, i'll take my 17% of any meal i might have tipped and give it to someone more needful... like a cleaner or a garbage man or something
Dinner shifts I average $40-$60 an hour including my wages. Lunch shifts I average $25-$35 with wages.
I don't work a 40 hour work week, that would be horrible.
However, whether I deserve $50/hour or not doesn't matter. The bottom line is I would not wait tables if I made less than that, what would be the point? The reason I am a waitress is because the hours and $$ work for my family.
for YOU...for many others as i said earlier...waiting tables would still be an option. thus, there is no true 'need' for waitstaff to make that kind of money, thus a set, decent wage would suffice. not for you, sure, but this thread..or at least my discussion, isn't all about you.
and i certainly DO believe you make $50 dollars an hour - pretax of course, on certain shifts...absolutely. i just don't believe over the course of a year you actually average $50 an hour. if you did, a lot more people would clamor to be waitstaff. beyond that, for many, looking at the 'total picture'...of no health benefits, no retirement benefits, no paid vacations or sick leave...it totals a lot *less* $$$. for many who don't make $50 an hour on paper, but b/c they DO work steadily, 40 hours a week, get benefits, OT or bonuses, etc...it is the same, if not more, than your sporadic $50 an hour. that was all i was illustrating. and quite rightly so. no insult to waitstaff at all, but being one of many fields with zero education or specialized skill requirements, i think with tips in this country, overpaid in comparison to other fields of similar complexity. obviously, it's great for you and thus why you do it...for others, we see it all objectively.
btw - dunky, that's only in cali from what i can see. here in NY, minimum wage is $7, but waitstaff do NOT earn that. cali has it's own specialness. and sure, even here in NY in a decent restuarant, i am sure waitstaff can average $50 an hour or more....on friday or saturday nights, etc. monday nights...tuesday lunch...? not so much.
btw - according to calculations of $36 an hour x 32 hours a week, even if only working 50 weeks a year = over $57K. sorry, i personally think that is WAy overpaid for an unskilled job. as i said, great for you for earning it...but absolutely.....jobs with more education and/or specialized skills, etc....makes more sense. thus why the tipping in this country is out of hand if completely true. granted, sure...missing all the benefits, but so are retail workers who work just as hard as waitstaff, so it still is completely arbitrary. that's the only point. thus why the reservoir dogs scene is so relevant.
well.. with an attitude like that you wont be getting much of a tip.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Actually I make quite a good living off tips. I am just trying very hard not to argue with people who it is not customary for or are just plain douchebags. I want this thread to die because every time someone bumps it back up I am tempted to go in and read.
Finally got that "One for the Thumb"!!! Got the "Six Pack". Now we're on a "Stairway to Seven"
Some words when spoken...can't be taken back.
"Seeing a brick wall straight ahead and stepping on the gas." Eddie...Pittsburgh 6/23/06
p.s. how can you argue with people where tipping isnt customary?
well thats great. but i was kidding with you.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Although sometimes, say if the taxi fare is 21.90, he'll say 'just give me 20' and that means just 20. You don't have to tip on top of that... it's like a reverse tip
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Or do we only need to learn how to behave in America? Since it IS 'the world' after all
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
exactly this time next year i'll be able to tell you how my non-tipping tour of the states goes... thats if i've not been stabbed to death by a frozen shard of shit/ice-cream...
To be honest, I didn't mind tipping in the states cos it was soooo fucking cheap anyway! Well in Delaware anyway... the major cities were the same as ours I found.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
i LOVE that scene, i love that whole flick.
and to anyone as getting 'pissed off' over this thread....why? it's one thread, it's opinions, mostly from strangers. who truly gives a flying fuck what another stranger's opinion is? unless of course it impacts you, such as their choice for president.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
That's right!! You'd best not forget that, either.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
The thing is, I cannot imagine my employer paying me $50 an hour to wait tables. What would he be charging guests per meal to pay his servers $50/hour? No one would go out to eat.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
no, you obviously wouldn't earn $50 an hour, and tht's the point. do you truly think the services of a waiter/watiress 'deserve' $50 an hour? yes, you are providing a service and working hard...but so are many, many others with the same requirements. you would earn a 'decent wage' not a ridiculous one. so you are saying you take home $2000 a week? really? so you make over 100K a year? nice! between that $9 an hour and tips, cali is a good place for waitstaff! interesting. i know a lot of waiters make good $$$, but factoring in no sick leave, no health benefits, no paid vacation, no retirement benefits...also very few work a full 40 hour week nor get awesome tips all the hours they make, i find it hard to believe. just like retail workers and many others. i'm sorry, but a job with zero educational requirements nor special skills does not 'need' to make exactly what a job that DOEs require additional education, specialized skills and/or undesirable or dangerous work.
btw - if you are saying you average 50 an hour in tips, WHERE does this $$$ come from? your patrons! so obviously they are willing to 'pay for it!' also why i say waitstaff DON't fight for a 'decent wage'...they don't want one! i would say most prefer getting their tips b/c they know it is more than what a 'decent wage' would equate to. great for waitstaff, not great for anyone else. i just wonder, who decidd waitstaff shouldn't get at least minimum wage, they deserve tips instead, and other lines of work don't? it's arbitrary at best. and sure, will likely remain so...but this IS, afterall, merely a discussion of tipping customs, the whys and hows of it.
so no.....how about restaurant owners simply charge on average 20% more on all menu items and give that 20% directly to their employees...and then, whatever that would average at an hourly wage, done! 20% up in costs minus having to take it out of pocket, people would of course continue to go iut and eat....i know i would. just like i would still get haircuts, the occasional massage, manicure, taxiride, etc......just happy knowing i don't HAVe to tip, and they are making a decent wage.
she's saying she makes $50 an hour WITH her tips. she already posted she makes $9 an hour as a flat rate, before tips. more than the minimum wage if i am correct. i know at least in NY, the minimum wage is $7 something.
btw - over in ireland and elsewhere, what Is the 'average decent wage' of a waiter/waitress? does anyone know? i am merely curious. i know tipping still occurs, but not as the rule...moreas for excellent/above par service, as tipping in general i think was initially meant to be before it became an expectation here.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
When I was a waitress in Ireland I earned 7 euros an hour. This was back in 2004 though. I didn't expect to get any tips but I always got a tip! Was a very nice surprise. Maybe they liked my smile
Edit: this was in Limerick; perhaps wages would be higher in Dublin.
in today's economy, that's about what.....$13 an hour?
yes, i think that is a more than fair wage. and it is still more than what the average retail worker makes, and i am sure other service industry type jobs. now if someone wants to argue you can't support a family on it, i'll agree. i will also say, i personally do not believe being part of waitstaff is a profession meant to support an entire family. hell, most jobs don't nowadays, but really......many, many jobs do not earn enough to support a family. you need two incomes, or two jobs...or sure....move into another profession. thus why retail, waitstaff and the like are filled with many, many college-age workers, some seniors, etc. sure, there are some life-time professional waitstaff, but i think the bulk made up of a more transient workforce. not every job is meant to be a lifetime job. beyond that, it's a choice. and i am sure to get flak for my opinion, but hey...it's simply my opinion.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
£5.73 per hour for workers aged 22 years and older
£4.77 per hour for workers aged 18-21 inclusive
£3.53 per hour for all workers under the age of 18, who are no longer of compulsory school age
thanks for the info...interesting!
so basically with the exchange rate, just about $11.50-$12 an hour. i think i overcalculated for the euro conversion earlier...so really, very similar for the UK and ireland, anyway. definitely more than our minimum wage, but on par with retail pay and other service-type jobs. sounds about right.
bottomline, minimum wage should be just that; the minimum wage to pay. there should be NO exclusions whatsoever.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I don't work a 40 hour work week, that would be horrible.
However, whether I deserve $50/hour or not doesn't matter. The bottom line is I would not wait tables if I made less than that, what would be the point? The reason I am a waitress is because the hours and $$ work for my family.
ok i'll say it.. for doing a really simple job you earn way too much money. i also dont believe you earn all that money. if you did then you'd earn more than the restaurant owner... $50 an hour and you have the audacity to bemoan a 15% tip.
because i now know that a waitress earns $50 an hour then i'm definitely not tipping... as Bon Jovi once said "you give waitresses a bad name, a bad name" .. although he might have said love and not waitresses.
I just showed you that I don't always make $50/hour. I average $36/hour & I work 32 hours a week. 4 lunches and 4 dinners.
also, it's not a 'really simple' job. I'm on my feet the entire time, schmoozing and catering to people's every needs, smiling and being fake, cutting myself with my wine opener and so on and so forth.
it is simple... nurses and teachers earn less than that and they have to study for years to do their job.. opening a bottle of wine and ensuring hot coffee is available doesnt even compete.
and of that $2500 how much is taxable, how much wages comes out of it, rent, overheads, supplies, etc.
but that is probably something they wanted to be when they grew up, so they should be happy doing their job. I wanted to be a pilot, it didn't work out.
Making $50/hr is quite feasible at a decent restaurant. If wages are $9/hr, and people tip an average of 17%, Mary would have to serve 5 tables per hour, with each bill averaging $48.
thanks... you've just added weight to my whole anti-tipping campaign... in fact, when i'm there next year, i'll take my 17% of any meal i might have tipped and give it to someone more needful... like a cleaner or a garbage man or something
or a Binman?
for YOU...for many others as i said earlier...waiting tables would still be an option. thus, there is no true 'need' for waitstaff to make that kind of money, thus a set, decent wage would suffice. not for you, sure, but this thread..or at least my discussion, isn't all about you.
and i certainly DO believe you make $50 dollars an hour - pretax of course, on certain shifts...absolutely. i just don't believe over the course of a year you actually average $50 an hour. if you did, a lot more people would clamor to be waitstaff. beyond that, for many, looking at the 'total picture'...of no health benefits, no retirement benefits, no paid vacations or sick leave...it totals a lot *less* $$$. for many who don't make $50 an hour on paper, but b/c they DO work steadily, 40 hours a week, get benefits, OT or bonuses, etc...it is the same, if not more, than your sporadic $50 an hour. that was all i was illustrating. and quite rightly so. no insult to waitstaff at all, but being one of many fields with zero education or specialized skill requirements, i think with tips in this country, overpaid in comparison to other fields of similar complexity. obviously, it's great for you and thus why you do it...for others, we see it all objectively.
btw - dunky, that's only in cali from what i can see. here in NY, minimum wage is $7, but waitstaff do NOT earn that. cali has it's own specialness. and sure, even here in NY in a decent restuarant, i am sure waitstaff can average $50 an hour or more....on friday or saturday nights, etc. monday nights...tuesday lunch...? not so much.
btw - according to calculations of $36 an hour x 32 hours a week, even if only working 50 weeks a year = over $57K. sorry, i personally think that is WAy overpaid for an unskilled job. as i said, great for you for earning it...but absolutely.....jobs with more education and/or specialized skills, etc....makes more sense. thus why the tipping in this country is out of hand if completely true. granted, sure...missing all the benefits, but so are retail workers who work just as hard as waitstaff, so it still is completely arbitrary. that's the only point. thus why the reservoir dogs scene is so relevant.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow