The Office



  • I can deal with the Jim-Pam thing being dragged on, but I think it was a big mistake to move Jim to Stamford. We've just watched two seasons, gotten to know the cast and love how they all interact (especially Jim and Dwight)...and then they remove one of the most noticeable personalities. I think it's going to really hurt the chemistry on the show, and I hope the writers don't leave Jim in Stamford the whole season, because a lot of people (myself included) are going to get pretty upset.
  • AllIAmAllIAm Posts: 1,309
    I can deal with the Jim-Pam thing being dragged on, but I think it was a big mistake to move Jim to Stamford. We've just watched two seasons, gotten to know the cast and love how they all interact (especially Jim and Dwight)...and then they remove one of the most noticeable personalities. I think it's going to really hurt the chemistry on the show, and I hope the writers don't leave Jim in Stamford the whole season, because a lot of people (myself included) are going to get pretty upset.

    i agree with you. i think they are just trying to make a statement of how noticable it is without Jim there. I also think they are trying to do a "real" scenerio and not make it all glamorized tv where the guy and girl end up perfectly in love and he doesnt move away.

    and does this mean Oscar wont be in the show for a while? he said he was going to europe at the end.

    mmm im not good with change... i dont think i like this!

    did anyone else notice how much angela sucked last night? normally i think her tightass lines are funny... but she just annoyed the shit out of me last night
  • AllIAm wrote:
    and does this mean Oscar wont be in the show for a while? he said he was going to europe at the end.

    I wondered that same thing. However, it could be that he will wait to take his vacation next summer - after the last show of this season, but before the beginning of next season. Just like they did Pam's wedding and Jim's move.

    I thought the funniest parts were:

    1. Dwight doing the karate kick at Oscar after he pushed Angela aside in the little confrontation.

    2. Jim's reaction after the guy found his calculator in the jello and kicked the trash can.

    3. Dwight gay-darring himself.

    4. Oscar's reaction to Michael kissing him. It was a bit over the top, but funny none the less.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • AllIAmAllIAm Posts: 1,309
    2. Jim's reaction after the guy found his calculator in the jello and kicked the trash can.

    funniest thing ever. or when michael said something funny and pam looked at ryan and he was clueless.
  • I wondered that same thing. However, it could be that he will wait to take his vacation next summer - after the last show of this season, but before the beginning of next season. Just like they did Pam's wedding and Jim's move.

    I thought the funniest parts were:

    1. Dwight doing the karate kick at Oscar after he pushed Angela aside in the little confrontation.

    2. Jim's reaction after the guy found his calculator in the jello and kicked the trash can.

    3. Dwight gay-darring himself.

    4. Oscar's reaction to Michael kissing him. It was a bit over the top, but funny none the less.

    I thought all those were great, but nothing can beat the mugshot of Roy...that was priceless
  • You don't call retarded people "retards." You call your friends "retards" when they're acting retarded.
    I really screwed that up. I really Schruted it.
  • I thought all those were great, but nothing can beat the mugshot of Roy...that was priceless

    Yeah, that was sooooo funny. I forgot about that. But now Roy has been working out and he looks downright cute!
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • AllIAm wrote:
    or when michael said something funny and pam looked at ryan and he was clueless.

    Poor Pam. She is going to be really lonesome if Jim doesn't come back.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • AllIAmAllIAm Posts: 1,309
    Poor Pam. She is going to be really lonesome if Jim doesn't come back.

    oh Jim will be back. there is no way he won't.

    other thing that kind of bothered me... the whole dwight/jim dynamic. it just wasnt as funny. it just didnt have the same appeal as when they sat together. maybe we should all go over to the office message boards on NBC and complain
  • Poor Pam. She is going to be really lonesome if Jim doesn't come back.

    "Poor" Pam my ass. She flirts with Jim for two years, dates a huge jackass (at the time, he seems to have reformed) in Roy...then tells Jim she doesn't love him and really is going to marry Roy...then doesn't marry Roy and gets no one in the end. She got her due comeuppance if you ask me.
  • "Poor" Pam my ass. She flirts with Jim for two years, dates a huge jackass (at the time, he seems to have reformed) in Roy...then tells Jim she doesn't love him and really is going to marry Roy...then doesn't marry Roy and gets no one in the end. She got her due comeuppance if you ask me.

    Maybe, but I don't think Pam is that bad. To her credit, she didn't know that Jim was in love with her until the end of last season. She was just "being friends" with Jim. I guess there is a fine line between flirting and being friends - depends on your perspective, huh?
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • AllIAmAllIAm Posts: 1,309
    Maybe, but I don't think Pam is that bad. To her credit, she didn't know that Jim was in love with her until the end of last season. She was just "being friends" with Jim. I guess there is a fine line between flirting and being friends - depends on your perspective, huh?

    oh no no. im sorry but Pam was messed up. she knew exactly what she was doing. she wanted her cake and wanted to eat it too. i really dont feel bad for her. i feel bad for jim... and now i feel bad for roy. you would have to be deaf and dumb not to feel the connection and attraction. and she just sat on it. i dont blame jim for not trying because she was engaged and how do you do that. but i am glad they didnt just break up pam and roy so pam and jim could start dating. then that relationship would just be doomed from the start.
  • It seems to me Pam would have to be pretty thick not to have known Jim had a thing for her. That seems too unbelievable for me, plus think of the scenes where she would obviously be liking Jim for herself, like in the fire episode when Jim leaves to go have lunch with Katy and Pam sees him, gets jealous, and plants a giant one on Roy. Or when Jim met Katy for the first time and Pam stares at them from Roy's truck as they leave together. I can go on, but the point is that I refuse to believe that Pam did not know Jim loved her. She was just lying to herself the whole time, and now she gets nobody. Too bad, Pam, but you screwed it up yourself
  • Just want to make sure everyone knows this is fictional. ;)

    Pam is only doing what the writers want her to do.
    I'll scream my lungs out...'til I fill this thread!
  • I didn't like that episode at all. Michael kissing Oscar was so over the top rediculous. Hopefully they'll start making episodes as good as last season again. Jim definitely needs to come back
  • lamperti77 wrote:
    Just want to make sure everyone knows this is fictional. ;)

    Pam is only doing what the writers want her to do.

    Now, now, now... don't you go intefering with our little work day drama.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • AllIAmAllIAm Posts: 1,309
    lamperti77 wrote:
    Just want to make sure everyone knows this is fictional. ;)

    Pam is only doing what the writers want her to do.

    no need to throw reality into this! Pam and Jim help me not focus on my real life right now lol!
  • Now, now, now... don't you go intefering with our little work day drama.

    I don't mean to piss in anyone's cheerios.

    i personally liked the banter between Jim and Dwight and tuned in last night to see what happened with Jim and Pam too. They can still interact, just not on the same level. Anyone see Jim stopping by the old office one episode during a day off?
    I'll scream my lungs out...'til I fill this thread!
  • I thought last night's show was hilarious. I am sure my neighbors were wondering what the hell I was doing. It is the subtle things that get me. I was crying when Meredith licks a handful of the hand sanitizer from Angela's desk since there is alcohol in it. And Dwight's judo kick towards Oscar for pushing Angela out of the way. I don't know this show just reminds me of everyday corporate america and some offices I have worked in and it cracks me up. Unfortunately none of my friends watch the show or understand it since there is no laugh-track to cue a joke. You really need to watch the prior seasons to truely understand the show. I am now watching season 2 on DVD and it is even better then the first time. The deleted scenes are worth the price of the DVD.

    My bet is that Jim will be back in Scranton once they close the Stamford office due to cutbacks.
    If there were no Angels would there be no sin?
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    The whole Michael Oscar thing in the conference room went on too long.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."

  • My bet is that Jim will be back in Scranton once they close the Stamford office due to cutbacks.

    Good idea
  • DOSWDOSW Posts: 2,014
    rrivers wrote:
    The whole Michael Oscar thing in the conference room went on too long.

    Yeah. The crying thing was taking it a little too far. The kiss was funny, but it would have been a lot better if they kept the crying out.
    It's a town full of losers and I'm pulling out of here to win
  • NOCODE#1NOCODE#1 Posts: 1,477
    greg daniels wrote it (creator of the orignal) his episodes are usually the worst episodes,

    toby and kelly when they write episodes they usually are the gems. (kelly wrote the dundees)

    or when steve writes (Casino night) its a gem.
    Let's not be negative now. Thumper has spoken
  • I thought all those were great, but nothing can beat the mugshot of Roy...that was priceless
    LOL!!! I forgot about that was one of the best!
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • drivingrldrivingrl Posts: 1,448
    Martin Freeman is better looking. :cool:
    drivingrl: "Will I ever get to meet Gwen Stefani?"
    kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.

  • I'm so thankfull that The Office is back with all new episodes. Laughed my ass off with Dwight and the Gaydar at the end.
    "Underneath this smile lies everything - all my hopes, anger, pride and shame."
  • That episode was HILARIOUS. I'm really excited for the rest of the season!! :)
  • KricketKricket Posts: 707
    I missed it!!!!!!!!!! Dammit! I didn't realize it was on earlier and was so excited to watch it! Oh well I gotta check the times out for this wk!
  • thatgirlthatgirl Posts: 3,671
    i enjoyed dwights karate kick move to oscar after he pushed angela out of the way, hilarious!
    "I hear Fanch has a Pimp Cup and loves Kiss. I think that's all that really matters."
  • brhf9brhf9 Posts: 1,475
    i heard that the new girl' who works with Jim is Quincy jones daughter.

    She's easy on the eyes, isn't she?
    'Go easy, step lightly, stay free!'

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    inappropriate post.

    'Too many people on this earth. We need a new plague.' - Dwight Schrute
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