The Office



  • AllIAm wrote:
    TONIGHT!!!!!! whos pumped????
    I am! Can't wait!!
    There's a light when my baby's in my arms :)
  • AllIAmAllIAm Posts: 1,309
    I am! Can't wait!!

    its on at the same time as greys anatomy. thats my roomates favorite show. heads will roll tonight. its the battle for the remote.

    you know i was thinking... i wouldnt even be suprised if they dont mention pam and jim at all except for right at the end where they look at each other all awkward.
  • The English version of The Office owns the american version any day of the week. The American version is so watered down and has lost all the subtlety.

    Anyway any people from the UK who are fans of Extras? I dont reckon its as good as The Office obviously but its still probably the best thing on TV at the moment. The second episode of the second series is on tonight, cant wait.
  • I can't wait to see jim and pam! I've been watching all the old ones lately. I love conflict resolution.

    "no, pam, that's a compromise. win win lose."
    I really screwed that up. I really Schruted it.
  • AllIAmAllIAm Posts: 1,309
    I can't wait to see jim and pam! I've been watching all the old ones lately. I love conflict resolution.

    "no, pam, that's a compromise. win win lose."

    hahaha "you see i had to use win lose on that one. it wasnt pretty"

    oh michael. how i wish you were my boss. "smokin a doobie with my brothers. Narc"

    and im sorry but if i worked in an office with jim... i would be all over that shit too. Pam is nuts to keep roy. i mean if he were a sweetie and did nothing wrong id stick by pam and roy but if on valentines day i wanted a present and my fiancee said to me "well the days not over yet, get ready for the best sex of your life"... well that just says it all
  • AllIAm wrote:
    get ready for the best sex of your life

    hahaha, that was soooo funny. Poor Jim, he's so funny! And Roy has no personality.
    I can't wait for tonight! :D
    I really screwed that up. I really Schruted it.
  • Can't wait either. Make sure the Tivo is all set up.
    I'll scream my lungs out...'til I fill this thread!
  • I've heard that the offic ethis year will be done in real time, where the season starts it will be fall. If it is fall, and Pam and Roy were supposed to get married in June, shouldn't they be married on the show?
  • AllIAm wrote:
    its on at the same time as greys anatomy. thats my roomates favorite show. heads will roll tonight. its the battle for the remote.

    you know i was thinking... i wouldnt even be suprised if they dont mention pam and jim at all except for right at the end where they look at each other all awkward.
    I was worried about that too, but turns out The Office is on at 8:30 and Grey's is on at 9pm. Yay!
    There's a light when my baby's in my arms :)
  • AllIAmAllIAm Posts: 1,309
    I was worried about that too, but turns out The Office is on at 8:30 and Grey's is on at 9pm. Yay!

    OH MY GOD you are right. thank god. grrr my fuckin brother told me Earl was on till 9 and i believed him because he is in advertising and thats all he does is do commercials for tv shows. well now i know the truth. thank you!!

    oh and apparently on myspace there was a pic under jenna's (pams) profile of roy with a wedding ring on. but yea i heard about the real time too. so shits gonna hit the fan one way or another tonight!
  • AllIAm wrote:
    its on at the same time as greys anatomy. thats my roomates favorite show. heads will roll tonight. its the battle for the remote.

    you know i was thinking... i wouldnt even be suprised if they dont mention pam and jim at all except for right at the end where they look at each other all awkward.

    I was thinking that too. Perhaps it zooms in on Pam's finger at the end and shows that there is a wedding ring. (although i hope not)
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    This show is great.

    Thanks for the Betterman clip.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • AllIAm wrote:
    TONIGHT!!!!!! whos pumped????

    ME! I can't wait!
    The more I see the less I know for sure. - John Lennon
  • Its Back, Right Now
  • Hysterical episode, as always.

    Here comes treble????
    Sharper Image...gaydar! (oddly enough i just happen to be looking through the sharper image catalog that i received today when he said that line).

    Can't wait until next week.
    I'll scream my lungs out...'til I fill this thread!
  • NOCODE#1NOCODE#1 Posts: 1,477
    eeh very uneven, would have been the 2nd worst episode of season 2 ahead of boys and girls. the show is getting very ridiculous.
    Let's not be negative now. Thumper has spoken
  • NOCODE#1 wrote:
    eeh very uneven, would have been the 2nd worst episode of season 2 ahead of boys and girls. the show is getting very ridiculous.

    yeah I agree that the show is getting too ridiculous...

    i think people want to see the show and be like "yeh that reminds me of my work" ... how stupid and crazy corporate america is and all

    now it just way over the top. still funny, but really ridiculous.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    i though it was pretty damn funny.
    i too agree that it was a bit over the top, but funny nonetheless.

    gotta say...Earl was much better tonight!
  • LBC1076LBC1076 Posts: 224
    Damn funny, damn funny, and I thought the gaydar joke was dead after Michael got off the phone with Jim, but that ending was hilarious.
  • mca47 wrote:
    i though it was pretty damn funny.
    i too agree that it was a bit over the top, but funny nonetheless.

    gotta say...Earl was much better tonight!
    I thought Earl was horrible tonight. I loved the Office tonight...not the best episode but season openers never are.
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    mardud wrote:
    I thought Earl was horrible tonight. I loved the Office tonight...not the best episode but season openers never are.

    Really? I thought it was good. Def. not the best, but still good.
  • Last year's season opener, The Dundies, was so freaking hilarious I almost died of laughter! This year's, I don't know, it feels different. I think with Jim being at a different office just makes it feel weird. Hopefully they will remedy this soon.
    The more I see the less I know for sure. - John Lennon
  • LBC1076 wrote:
    Damn funny, damn funny, and I thought the gaydar joke was dead after Michael got off the phone with Jim, but that ending was hilarious.
    I thought they stole the Gaydar idea from The Daily Show... with the Homo-meter.

    Make your life a mission - not an intermission. - Arnold Gasglow
  • markymark550markymark550 Columbia, SC Posts: 5,179
    Brink wrote:
    I thought they stole the Gaydar idea from The Daily Show... with the Homo-meter.
    The Gaydar joke is older than that though.

    I wasn't overly impressed with the show last night. With the subject matter, I think it had the potential to be ROFLMAO hilarious, but whoever wrote it fell way short of that. But like someone else stated, season openers do have a tendency to not be quite as good as everyone hopes.
  • I think the show last night was pretty good. What I wouldn't give to find a pic of Roys mugshot, that was hillarious
  • DOSWDOSW Posts: 2,014
    I really enjoyed it. The only thing I have against it is that the dialogue needs to tighten up... the actors are doing the best they can with the dialogue they have, but a lot of the lines feel unnatural. Still a pretty good episode, though.
    It's a town full of losers and I'm pulling out of here to win
  • AllIAmAllIAm Posts: 1,309
    I wasn't blown away but it was really funny. I think the difference is that now they have a storyline. Before everyone knew the Pam and Jim thing but it was just the background... this one kinda felt like the whole thing was about how JIm wasn't there and how they missed each other. Roy got kinda hot huh? so obviously Jim is gonna come back. and Roy and Jim will fight for Pam this season. It actually broke my heart a little to see that part with Roy! he was such a jackass but i guess maybe he learned!

    but the funniest thing last night was when the chick that Jim is working with was talking to the camera and says "He;s kind of weird, i mean why does he always look at the camera and do this" and then the signature jim pose.

    i think it will get better... but there will be alot more story now.
  • nfanelnfanel Posts: 2,558
    i wonder how long jim will stay in stanford. the 'big tuna' guy and the girl that said jim makes faces are official new members of the cast, i think. i saw a pic with that guy at pam's desk. i hope they bring jim back soon.
  • I enjoyed the Office. Any time I laugh at loud while watching a comedy I consider it a success. Unfortunately, I didn't laugh out loud at Earl. I was a bit disappointed.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,684
    I enjoy this show but I hate when comedies try and do a revolving story line. The whole Jim and Pam thing is annoying. Either get them together or not and get on with the show.
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