The Chat Room .... there is even a password ... "password"
The short jokes on Angela was something new and unexpected. Last week it was toby's turn ... maybe they are going to have Michael hand out nicknames thru the year.
I don't want to be hostile. I don't want to be dismal. But I don't want to rot in an apathetic existance either.
Finally, took a while for them to warm up, I was worried for a bit that the office was going downhill...
This episode should have been the season premier...
It feels good to laugh again.
"Trial and error isn't a bad way to learn how to build an aircraft, but it can be a disastrous way to learn how to build a civilization..."
Agreed. That opening was probably one of their best cold openers.
"It's not going to happen."
"You've got to believe."
And the look on Jim's face when he signed Meredith's cast... oh, my... his face had "sexual harassment victim" written all over it. HAHAHAHAHA!
drivingrl: "Will I ever get to meet Gwen Stefani?"
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
Comedy success on 'The Office' needs the cubicle at its core
By Claire Zulkey, Special to The Times
WILL they? Won't they? NBC sitcoms love little more than they do star-crossed lovers: Ross and Rachel of "Friends," Niles and Daphne from "Frasier," which stem from "Cheers' " Sam and Diane.
These days, it's Jim (John Krasinski) and Pam (Jenna Fischer) of "The Office," whose unsatisfied attraction mirrored that of Tim (Martin Freeman) and Dawn (Lucy Davis) on the BBC version of the show. While Tim and Dawn's affection was obviously mutual, the series ended after two seasons without romantic fulfillment. After all, the show was about the boredom and disappointments of real life in an office, so why would they have a happy ending? (Well, OK, they did in the show's final installment, a Christmas special.)
The U.S. version of "The Office," though, is now in its fourth season, and after three rounds of agonizing missed opportunities, Jim and Pam are finally together. So far, it's been a surprisingly seamless transition. Love them or hate them as a couple, Jim and Pam have been able to maintain the jocular sarcasm that made them so appealing as a duo before. This is the kind of good relationship that can happen when friends become lovers. You know, like Monica and Chandler on "Friends," and not like Rachel and Joey on "Friends."
But lately, and oddly, the Pam-Jim relationship is one of the few elements of the show that actually feels real. The appeal of the program, in both its British and American incarnations, is its relatability. Just about everyone knows the experience of a dead-end job, a crazy co-worker, a colleague desperate to fit in. In the office, the smallest distractions become adventures, and glitches can bring about strife or temporary alliances.
Cheap tricks
THE first few episodes of the new season, though, have focused less on the reality of the show's premise and more on turning the characters into caricatures. Take, for instance, Jan's (Melora Hardin) teaching Michael (Steve Carell) the concept of "ageism" in the season's second episode. Michael's well-intentioned but ridiculous lessons can be amusing, but his crusade to teach Dunder Mifflin Scranton the value of the aged mirrored his lesson on the value of the handicapped in a previous season (which was referenced in one of the funny points of the episode). This might not seem so repetitious except that in the season premiere the week before, the office was subjected to another of Michael's idiotic schemes, the fun run. It's unbelievable that a boss with as little authority as Michael would be able to hold his employees (much less his new boss and former protege, Ryan [B.J. Novak]) captive for such silly reasons.
In another odd instance, Michael drove his car into a lake, believing that those were the directions given to him by his GPS system. This was grandiosely slapstick for a show where the best visual gags are the ones that can be found in a boring day at any office: a too-large security badge or a bat on the loose. These new, wacky scenarios are making the show feel more like a traditional sitcom -- where unrealistic, yet predictable things happen -- and less like its wry, observant self.
Even the camera seems to be mugging a little. With the documentary-style format, it seemed strange to open the season with the cameras in Michael's house, let alone in his bedroom showing boss-turned-girlfriend Jan snoring. And while Creed's (Creed Bratton) dyeing his hair was a hilarious visual joke, it seemed cheapened by the camera following him before the big "reveal."
We nitpick because we love. "The Office" is part of a wave of subtler, wittier sitcoms in prime time, ones wherein a laugh track, outrageous circumstances or crazy mix-ups do not have to prompt audiences to know when things are funny. The series about tedium and awkwardness is in there, somewhere. Maybe the show is dealing with growing pains as it works with its temporary hour long formula. But like real life, perhaps things will feel boring and routine again once everyone's settled down from summer vacation. We can only hope.
drivingrl: "Will I ever get to meet Gwen Stefani?"
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
Watching Mose running at Jim and Pam's car was hilarious. It reminded me of a scene from a scary movie.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Comedy success on 'The Office' needs the cubicle at its core
By Claire Zulkey, Special to The Times
i thought that was a pretty accurate review... i thought some of the stuff this season was too over the top ... i said the same thing about the car in the lake. that being said, i love this season anyhow.
dwight's wailing/crying was great last night.
and pam, about setting them up... "i can't do that to dwight...or angela...or andy"
10/31/2000 (****)
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
I didn't think this one was as funny as the last few, but then again we didn't get to see the whole thing. Somebody's tv station (PBM, are you out there?) kept interrupting the show for Tornado Warnings of all things!!! And because there were so many in the area we missed quite a bit I think. I mean...... interrupt the Office because of a few tornados??????
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
Seconded. I applauded when Dwight busted out with the ruler.
drivingrl: "Will I ever get to meet Gwen Stefani?"
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
Andy: And then I will say something positive like, 'kudos!' Or 'job well done!'
Jim: Or zippity do da.
Andy: I can't tell if he's mocking me.
Dwight: Just ignore him.
Andy: I can't do that. It's really hard for me to let things go.
Jim: I was mocking you.
Andy: Thank you.
"Seek my part, devote myself.
My small self. Like a book amongst the many on a shelf."
Watching Mose running at Jim and Pam's car was hilarious. It reminded me of a scene from a scary movie.
I agree; that's was funny stuff
SLC 11/2/95, Park City 6/21/98, Boise 11/3/00, Seattle 12/9/02, Vancouver 5/30/03, Gorge 9/1/05, Vancouver 9/2/05, Gorge 7/22/06, Gorge 7/23/06, Camden I 6/19/08, MSG I 6/24/08, MSG II 6/25/08, Hartford 6/27/08, Mansfield II 6/30/08; Eddie Albany 6/8/09, 6/9/09; Philly 10/30/09, 10/31/09; Boston 5/17/10
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
one of the best parts of the episode was andy's wide-leg stance when he was talking to pam about angela.
I love Andy
SLC 11/2/95, Park City 6/21/98, Boise 11/3/00, Seattle 12/9/02, Vancouver 5/30/03, Gorge 9/1/05, Vancouver 9/2/05, Gorge 7/22/06, Gorge 7/23/06, Camden I 6/19/08, MSG I 6/24/08, MSG II 6/25/08, Hartford 6/27/08, Mansfield II 6/30/08; Eddie Albany 6/8/09, 6/9/09; Philly 10/30/09, 10/31/09; Boston 5/17/10
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
Steve Carel was interviewed on the Bob & Tom show this morning. One of them mentioned that Creed was his favorite character. Steve said that the guy that plays Creed was the lead guitarist for the Grass Roots (a band back in the 60's, early 70's maybe). He said that at first Creed was supposed to be just a background character, but he was so good that they kept adding more and more of him.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
Steve Carel was interviewed on the Bob & Tom show this morning. One of them mentioned that Creed was his favorite character. Steve said that the guy that plays Creed was the lead guitarist for the Grass Roots (a band back in the 60's, early 70's maybe). He said that at first Creed was supposed to be just a background character, but he was so good that they kept adding more and more of him.
sweet! I love Creed.
that being said - Jim is starting to annoy me. I used to like him a lot, but now- I just dont like him anymore...he is too cruel in his mocking...and the way he keeps looking at the doc filmers, as if he needs reassurance that they see the idiocy of the office...meh, it's getting old.
After googling the Grass Roots I just realized that the actor who plays Creed is named Creed Bratton. I never realized the character and actor had the same name. Am I the only one? It was not the name he was born with though. He changed it prior to being in the band in the 60's. I guess it is his stage name.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
The short jokes on Angela was something new and unexpected. Last week it was toby's turn ... maybe they are going to have Michael hand out nicknames thru the year.
"its like eating a circle of hot garbage".
"it's not. it's different. good book"
This episode should have been the season premier...
It feels good to laugh again.
Agreed. That opening was probably one of their best cold openers.
"It's not going to happen."
"You've got to believe."
And the look on Jim's face when he signed Meredith's cast... oh, my... his face had "sexual harassment victim" written all over it. HAHAHAHAHA!
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
My small self. Like a book amongst the many on a shelf."
"I'm already 30% more unpredictable."
-Pam Beesly
Michael trying on his shirt... Oscar- "Is this why I'm here?' and then walks out.
Solid episode, haven't laughed as hard since gaydar.
Comedy success on 'The Office' needs the cubicle at its core
By Claire Zulkey, Special to The Times
WILL they? Won't they? NBC sitcoms love little more than they do star-crossed lovers: Ross and Rachel of "Friends," Niles and Daphne from "Frasier," which stem from "Cheers' " Sam and Diane.
These days, it's Jim (John Krasinski) and Pam (Jenna Fischer) of "The Office," whose unsatisfied attraction mirrored that of Tim (Martin Freeman) and Dawn (Lucy Davis) on the BBC version of the show. While Tim and Dawn's affection was obviously mutual, the series ended after two seasons without romantic fulfillment. After all, the show was about the boredom and disappointments of real life in an office, so why would they have a happy ending? (Well, OK, they did in the show's final installment, a Christmas special.)
The U.S. version of "The Office," though, is now in its fourth season, and after three rounds of agonizing missed opportunities, Jim and Pam are finally together. So far, it's been a surprisingly seamless transition. Love them or hate them as a couple, Jim and Pam have been able to maintain the jocular sarcasm that made them so appealing as a duo before. This is the kind of good relationship that can happen when friends become lovers. You know, like Monica and Chandler on "Friends," and not like Rachel and Joey on "Friends."
But lately, and oddly, the Pam-Jim relationship is one of the few elements of the show that actually feels real. The appeal of the program, in both its British and American incarnations, is its relatability. Just about everyone knows the experience of a dead-end job, a crazy co-worker, a colleague desperate to fit in. In the office, the smallest distractions become adventures, and glitches can bring about strife or temporary alliances.
Cheap tricks
THE first few episodes of the new season, though, have focused less on the reality of the show's premise and more on turning the characters into caricatures. Take, for instance, Jan's (Melora Hardin) teaching Michael (Steve Carell) the concept of "ageism" in the season's second episode. Michael's well-intentioned but ridiculous lessons can be amusing, but his crusade to teach Dunder Mifflin Scranton the value of the aged mirrored his lesson on the value of the handicapped in a previous season (which was referenced in one of the funny points of the episode). This might not seem so repetitious except that in the season premiere the week before, the office was subjected to another of Michael's idiotic schemes, the fun run. It's unbelievable that a boss with as little authority as Michael would be able to hold his employees (much less his new boss and former protege, Ryan [B.J. Novak]) captive for such silly reasons.
In another odd instance, Michael drove his car into a lake, believing that those were the directions given to him by his GPS system. This was grandiosely slapstick for a show where the best visual gags are the ones that can be found in a boring day at any office: a too-large security badge or a bat on the loose. These new, wacky scenarios are making the show feel more like a traditional sitcom -- where unrealistic, yet predictable things happen -- and less like its wry, observant self.
Even the camera seems to be mugging a little. With the documentary-style format, it seemed strange to open the season with the cameras in Michael's house, let alone in his bedroom showing boss-turned-girlfriend Jan snoring. And while Creed's (Creed Bratton) dyeing his hair was a hilarious visual joke, it seemed cheapened by the camera following him before the big "reveal."
We nitpick because we love. "The Office" is part of a wave of subtler, wittier sitcoms in prime time, ones wherein a laugh track, outrageous circumstances or crazy mix-ups do not have to prompt audiences to know when things are funny. The series about tedium and awkwardness is in there, somewhere. Maybe the show is dealing with growing pains as it works with its temporary hour long formula. But like real life, perhaps things will feel boring and routine again once everyone's settled down from summer vacation. We can only hope.
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
Wishlist Foundation:
dwight's wailing/crying was great last night.
and pam, about setting them up... "i can't do that to dwight...or angela...or andy"
"Slow down and think about what you're saying."
That is my favorite moment of the season by far.
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
My small self. Like a book amongst the many on a shelf."
"I'm already 30% more unpredictable."
-Pam Beesly
i love pam.
but nice people sw****w
Seconded. I applauded when Dwight busted out with the ruler.
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
Jim: Or zippity do da.
Andy: I can't tell if he's mocking me.
Dwight: Just ignore him.
Andy: I can't do that. It's really hard for me to let things go.
Jim: I was mocking you.
Andy: Thank you.
My small self. Like a book amongst the many on a shelf."
"I'm already 30% more unpredictable."
-Pam Beesly
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
Every episode this season has been killer. I wouldnt mind if Mose made more appearances. Surely the office needs a maintenance man.
sweet! I love Creed.
that being said - Jim is starting to annoy me. I used to like him a lot, but now- I just dont like him anymore...he is too cruel in his mocking...and the way he keeps looking at the doc filmers, as if he needs reassurance that they see the idiocy of the office...meh, it's getting old.