Lost: Season 4 (no spoilers)



  • PearlsGirlPearlsGirl Posts: 257
    I actually started to get sucked in and feel sorry for Ben. I was saying to my husband, I cannot believe I actually feel sorry for this schmuck!

    My best friend said this when we had our after Lost discussion. Two wrongs don't make a right. SO, I still don't like Ben. Sayid on the other hand, I used to love this guy, but what is all this conspiring with Ben?! I know it's only because he helped him in killing the guy who killed his wife, but if that were me, I'd say: "Thanks jackass." and walk away. Jack is getting on my nerves, his character is getting a bit boring with me. I really like Farrady though, and yeah, it would be hella cool if they had a flash forward for him.

    Anyone else get the feeling that Sawyer is going to die?
    Don't let the world bring you down, not everyone here is that fucked up and cold. Remember why you came and while you're alive, experience the warmth before you grow old.

    Best two days of my life: Oasis at MSG and Pearl Jam at the Gorge.
  • Lukin66Lukin66 Posts: 3,063
    PearlsGirl wrote:
    Anyone else get the feeling that Sawyer is going to die?
    my roommate and I were discussing this...I think it's a pretty strong chance, but at the same time, I don't think they will. A lot of people say that no one is safe on LOST, but at the same time, the writers have left the core characters (with the exception of Charlie) alive. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Locke, etc....I think it would be tremendously ballsy of the writers to kill one of these guys off, but I don't think it would be smart for ratings.
    deep, deep blue of the morning
    gets to me every time
  • Hunger StrikeHunger Strike Scottsdale, AZ Posts: 229
    Lukin66 wrote:
    I don't think Sayid knows about Ben's cache of passports, visas, and money. It seems entirely plausible that he'd lie to cover up whatever f'ed up way he's really traveling around, if just to save Sayid from freaking out

    Sayid knows, he found the secret room and the stock pile of passports. I'm sure of it.
  • Lukin66Lukin66 Posts: 3,063
    seriously, I am batting 0-2 with this damn thread, lol
    deep, deep blue of the morning
    gets to me every time
  • PearlsGirlPearlsGirl Posts: 257
    Lukin66 wrote:
    my roommate and I were discussing this...I think it's a pretty strong chance, but at the same time, I don't think they will. A lot of people say that no one is safe on LOST, but at the same time, the writers have left the core characters (with the exception of Charlie) alive. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Locke, etc....I think it would be tremendously ballsy of the writers to kill one of these guys off, but I don't think it would be smart for ratings.

    While that is a good point, I think that if they were going to kill him, it would be because of honor - protecting Claire? Hurley? Kate? haha, okay, more like trying to get into Kate's pants. I also think it would be done before the series ended in 2010, maybe that exact same season. This is what my best friend and I came up with. Sawyer is one of my favorite characters, Juliet is another. Now she's a ballsy woman.
    Don't let the world bring you down, not everyone here is that fucked up and cold. Remember why you came and while you're alive, experience the warmth before you grow old.

    Best two days of my life: Oasis at MSG and Pearl Jam at the Gorge.
  • Lukin66Lukin66 Posts: 3,063
    PearlsGirl wrote:
    While that is a good point, I think that if they were going to kill him, it would be because of honor - protecting Claire? Hurley? Kate? haha, okay, more like trying to get into Kate's pants. I also think it would be done before the series ended in 2010, maybe that exact same season. This is what my best friend and I came up with. Sawyer is one of my favorite characters, Juliet is another. Now she's a ballsy woman.
    yeah I agree with you on both counts. Sawyer won't be killed soon (if ever). And I LOVE Juliet. She's a true schemer, and I think that the final showdown with Ben won't be between him and Sayid, or Locke, or Jack, but between him and Juliet.
    deep, deep blue of the morning
    gets to me every time
  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    Lukin66 wrote:
    yeah I agree with you on both counts. Sawyer won't be killed soon (if ever). And I LOVE Juliet. She's a true schemer, and I think that the final showdown with Ben won't be between him and Sayid, or Locke, or Jack, but between him and Juliet.

    Yay! More people on the pro Juliet side of things besides me and nfanel. :)

    It gets lonely being a fan of hers sometimes on here.
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  • Lukin66Lukin66 Posts: 3,063
    I think she's badass. Plus, it's pretty rare to find someone that can stand up and outsmart (here's hoping) Ben.
    deep, deep blue of the morning
    gets to me every time
  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    Lukin66 wrote:
    yeah I agree with you on both counts. Sawyer won't be killed soon (if ever). And I LOVE Juliet. She's a true schemer, and I think that the final showdown with Ben won't be between him and Sayid, or Locke, or Jack, but between him and Juliet.

    I agree with you about Juliet, but I think we know Ben will win out...one thing that is becoming more evident, that what ever the secret's of the island, and Ben are, the culmanation of the story lines looks like it will be amazing. No snowflakes or dreams here.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

    Stop by:
  • nfanelnfanel Posts: 2,558
    Solat13 wrote:
    Yay! More people on the pro Juliet side of things besides me and nfanel. :)

    It gets lonely being a fan of hers sometimes on here.
    wo, wo, wo... i am not a juliet fan!
  • Lukin66Lukin66 Posts: 3,063
    hahaha, are you sure?
    deep, deep blue of the morning
    gets to me every time
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,401
    Solat13 wrote:
    Yay! More people on the pro Juliet side of things besides me and nfanel. :)
    Well at least Lukin66 knows she is Hank Rollins personified:
    Lukin66 wrote:
    And I LOVE Juliet. She's a true schemer,
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • the wolfthe wolf Posts: 7,027
    okay, so i just re-watched season 1 ( in like 3 days lol ) and the biggest thing that stuck out to me was the episode with Clairs flashbacks. the palm reader who didnt want her to give the baby up, and bought her the plane ticket kept saying that she was the only one the baby could be with, that if someone else raised the child, that bad things would happen. well , now kate has Arron. that , in my mind is HUGE. sorry if this has been discussed, i couldnt read through 134 pages in this thread. lol. so i just kinda skimmed through the last 20 pages or so.

    ive stayed away from this thread forever, now i cant stay away. lol.
    Peace, Love.

    "To question your government is not unpatriotic --
    to not question your government is unpatriotic."
    -- Sen. Chuck Hagel
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    the wolf wrote:
    okay, so i just re-watched season 1 ( in like 3 days lol ) and the biggest thing that stuck out to me was the episode with Clairs flashbacks. the palm reader who didnt want her to give the baby up, and bought her the plane ticket kept saying that she was the only one the baby could be with, that if someone else raised the child, that bad things would happen. well , now kate has Arron. that , in my mind is HUGE. sorry if this has been discussed, i couldnt read through 134 pages in this thread. lol. so i just kinda skimmed through the last 20 pages or so.

    ive stayed away from this thread forever, now i cant stay away. lol.

    Good point. I missed some of the first season when it first aired and went back and watched the shows on DVD. I remember being blown away by that Claire episode. Hopefully that storyline will play out.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    nfanel wrote:
    wo, wo, wo... i am not a juliet fan!
    LMAO! That's what I thought, but I didn't want to speak for you. LOL!! :D
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    LMAO! That's what I thought, but I didn't want to speak for you. LOL!! :D

    I guess I was still going on this post:


    Sadly, that's as close as I get to a Juliet ally on here for the most part. ;)
    - Busted down the pretext
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  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    Solat13 wrote:
    I guess I was still going on this post:


    Sadly, that's as close as I get to a Juliet ally on here for the most part. ;)

    No comment...
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • battan1120battan1120 Posts: 310
    Ijust want to know 1 thing?Who the hell is in the casket?
    The bus came by and I got on!!!!!
  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    battan1120 wrote:
    Ijust want to know 1 thing?Who the hell is in the casket?

    My theory?? Locke.
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    battan1120 wrote:
    Ijust want to know 1 thing?Who the hell is in the casket?

    We'll find out in 30 days.
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  • nfanelnfanel Posts: 2,558
    Solat13 wrote:
    I guess I was still going on this post:


    Sadly, that's as close as I get to a Juliet ally on here for the most part. ;)
    yeah, that is not an ally. and that was three months ago. after that kiss scene with jack and the episode with her hooking up with someone else's husband... i'm a full time hater now. you're on your own.
  • chromiamchromiam Posts: 4,114
    nfanel wrote:
    yeah, that is not an ally. and that was three months ago. after that kiss scene with jack and the episode with her hooking up with someone else's husband... i'm a full time hater now. you're on your own.

    But that's no different that a certain lead character from a show that certain people around here view which is now taking time every fucking week from Lost ;)
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    Social awareness does not equal political activism!

    5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    chromiam wrote:
    But that's no different that a certain lead character from a show that certain people around here view which is now taking time every fucking week from Lost ;)

    Meredith's of the world UNITE!!!!!!!!!!
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    chromiam wrote:
    But that's no different that a certain lead character from a show that certain people around here view which is now taking time every fucking week from Lost ;)

    Thank you for that and if I actually have seen an episode of GA, I probably would have countered with that.

    And I apologize nfanel. I didn't realize that I'm all alone on the island now. ;)
    - Busted down the pretext
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    - 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
  • chromiamchromiam Posts: 4,114
    Solat13 wrote:
    Thank you for that and if I actually have seen an episode of GA, I probably would have countered with that.

    And I apologize nfanel. I didn't realize that I'm all alone on the island now. ;)

    I haven't watched it in years but that's the kind of shit that was happening when I thankfully found something else to watch on TV... :)
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    Social awareness does not equal political activism!

    5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    To stay on topic:

    Who's epi is it this week?
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • chromiamchromiam Posts: 4,114
    To stay on topic:

    Who's epi is it this week?

    Aaron since he's part of the Oceanic 6 ;)
    It will be a flash forward episode and he'll marry Jack's future daughter
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    Social awareness does not equal political activism!

    5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    chromiam wrote:
    Aaron since he's part of the Oceanic 6 ;)
    It will be a flash forward episode and he'll marry Jack's future daughter

    LOL! That's quite a flashforward!
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • chromiamchromiam Posts: 4,114
    LOL! That's quite a flashforward!

    Yeah plus it sets up a weird kinda family dynamic.... marrying cousins and all...
    This is your notice that there is a problem with your signature. Please remove it.


    Social awareness does not equal political activism!

    5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    chromiam wrote:
    Yeah plus it sets up a weird kinda family dynamic.... marrying cousins and all...

    pfft...JJ definitely is kinky.
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

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