Getting rear ended on the 5 last night. Seriously, wtf? The 5 doesn't even fucking move with all the traffic anyway, how'd you find a way to smash into me?
And the day after the hands free cell phone law is in effect. Pfft. Safer my ass. People couldn't drive before cell phones anyway.
Getting rear ended on the 5 last night. Seriously, wtf? The 5 doesn't even fucking move with all the traffic anyway, how'd you find a way to smash into me?
And the day after the hands free cell phone law is in effect. Pfft. Safer my ass. People couldn't drive before cell phones anyway.
The guy in front of me at the toll plaza realizing at the very last minute that he doesn't have EZ-Pass and then trying to back up out of the toll both to get into a different lane in rush hour traffic - WTF???
The guy in front of me at the toll plaza realizing at the very last minute that he doesn't have EZ-Pass and then trying to back up out of the toll both to get into a different lane in rush hour traffic - WTF???
He should of just went through...I was with someone who did that. They got a ticket but what are you gonna do.
These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
Yeah I'm good. I had my foot off the brake to start rolling but my foot was still on the clutch, so it kinda rolled a bit more than a stopped impact. But then I slammed on the brakes and slammed my head and neck twice instead of once haha. My headache is mostly gone this morning and my neck isn't sore one bit. So it's cool.
I didn't hit my head on my window and door fram this time and get knocked out haha.
Getting rear ended on the 5 last night. Seriously, wtf? The 5 doesn't even fucking move with all the traffic anyway, how'd you find a way to smash into me?
And the day after the hands free cell phone law is in effect. Pfft. Safer my ass. People couldn't drive before cell phones anyway.
Hmm, I've been rear-ended on the 5 too... though my car is a friggin' tank, so it was all good
deep, deep blue of the morning
gets to me every time
Yeah I'm good. I had my foot off the brake to start rolling but my foot was still on the clutch, so it kinda rolled a bit more than a stopped impact. But then I slammed on the brakes and slammed my head and neck twice instead of once haha. My headache is mostly gone this morning and my neck isn't sore one bit. So it's cool.
I didn't hit my head on my window and door fram this time and get knocked out haha.
He should of just went through...I was with someone who did that. They got a ticket but what are you gonna do.
I was with someone who tried to do that on the PA turnpike and I freaked on her (it was my former director, but hey - I don't wanna die!) At that point you just gotta take the ticket.
heh heh heh....
Well, that would certainly make things more interesting....but sadly not. I drive a huge Ford Explorer, and a little rice rocket tried to rear-end me. I got a few scratches, and the rice rocket crumpled like a tin can
deep, deep blue of the morning
gets to me every time
Sensing an announcement, I check my profile to make sure my membership is current. Turns out my 10C membership expired on the 6/30. So, I immediately pay for my renewal on 7/2 at 8:00 EST. At 4PM EST, the annoucement is posted that tix for Ed Solo will go on sale for everyone current as of 7/1. THE ONE AND ONLY DAY I AM NOT A MEMBER IN 6 YEARS!
and WTF?! not cool man!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
So, I had to open my store today at 10:00 a.m. My husband went to work really early, so I also had to get my son ready. On top of that, I had to take one of our dogs (a miniature schnauzer) to be groomed a couple of doors down from my store.
I got up late, couldn't rouse my son out of bed, rushed to get dressed, get him dressed, make him down some milk and a vitamin (hey--it was something), grab the dog and head out the door. When I opened the door going into the garage, one of our cats was sitting there (freaky habit she has, just sitting and staring at the door) and the dog went nuts. He pulled really hard on the leash, his friggin' collar popped, and he hauled ass under the garage and down the street. Not even chasing the cat at this point, just running. When the leash popped, the retractable leash base slammed into the front of my mouth, busting my lip, and (I think) making a crown go loose.
So, I am screaming for my son to get in the car, trying to grab my purse and son's lunch, AND seeing if I can still get a visual on the dog. We jump in the car and track his little butt down at the corner. I swear, the neighbors probably called Animal Control on me, as I had to hold the back of his neck to get him in the car. Yes, I was cussing. Bent all the way over, as he is a small dog.
I am yelling for my son to open the car door, and he does with much gusto. Remember? I am bending down? The door hits me on the side of the head. Hard. That's when the cussing began in earnest.
So, I had two injuries in 5 minutes, and had to take an Ativan just to calm down enough to drive to work. WTF?
Take care,
I still want you all to "take care"--I am just damn tired of typing it.
So, I had to open my store today at 10:00 a.m. My husband went to work really early, so I also had to get my son ready. On top of that, I had to take one of our dogs (a miniature schnauzer) to be groomed a couple of doors down from my store.
I got up late, couldn't rouse my son out of bed, rushed to get dressed, get him dressed, make him down some milk and a vitamin (hey--it was something), grab the dog and head out the door. When I opened the door going into the garage, one of our cats was sitting there (freaky habit she has, just sitting and staring at the door) and the dog went nuts. He pulled really hard on the leash, his friggin' collar popped, and he hauled ass under the garage and down the street. Not even chasing the cat at this point, just running. When the leash popped, the retractable leash base slammed into the front of my mouth, busting my lip, and (I think) making a crown go loose.
So, I am screaming for my son to get in the car, trying to grab my purse and son's lunch, AND seeing if I can still get a visual on the dog. We jump in the car and track his little butt down at the corner. I swear, the neighbors probably called Animal Control on me, as I had to hold the back of his neck to get him in the car. Yes, I was cussing. Bent all the way over, as he is a small dog.
I am yelling for my son to open the car door, and he does with much gusto. Remember? I am bending down? The door hits me on the side of the head. Hard. That's when the cussing began in earnest.
So, I had two injuries in 5 minutes, and had to take an Ativan just to calm down enough to drive to work. WTF?
Thanks for asking. Too bad there isn't a funny moment of the day. I could go on and on about trying to sell custom linens for babies while completely zoned out.
Thank goodness it takes a while to kick in. 10 minutes to be exact, and my store is 7 from the house.
Have a great weekend!
I still want you all to "take care"--I am just damn tired of typing it.
And the day after the hands free cell phone law is in effect. Pfft. Safer my ass. People couldn't drive before cell phones anyway.
Are you okay??????????
He should of just went through...I was with someone who did that. They got a ticket but what are you gonna do.
Yeah I'm good. I had my foot off the brake to start rolling but my foot was still on the clutch, so it kinda rolled a bit more than a stopped impact. But then I slammed on the brakes and slammed my head and neck twice instead of once haha. My headache is mostly gone this morning and my neck isn't sore one bit. So it's cool.
I didn't hit my head on my window and door fram this time and get knocked out haha.
gets to me every time
Im glad EvilMerlin
When they drive into you, do they explode?
Well, that would certainly make things more interesting....but sadly not. I drive a huge Ford Explorer, and a little rice rocket tried to rear-end me. I got a few scratches, and the rice rocket crumpled like a tin can
gets to me every time
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Why can't we be friends? You seem neat.
and WTF?! not cool man!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
You missed an interesting morning.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Friends, friends, they fuck like kin. Where everything starts, is where it ends.
I could have met you!
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Dont be to blame for this threading being deleted
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
check yo pm please
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
I saw the little TEXT my son sent you last night from MY PHONE!
Talk about a PUNK!! :mad:
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm never as good as when you're there.........
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
I was JUST kidding!!!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
So, I had to open my store today at 10:00 a.m. My husband went to work really early, so I also had to get my son ready. On top of that, I had to take one of our dogs (a miniature schnauzer) to be groomed a couple of doors down from my store.
I got up late, couldn't rouse my son out of bed, rushed to get dressed, get him dressed, make him down some milk and a vitamin (hey--it was something), grab the dog and head out the door. When I opened the door going into the garage, one of our cats was sitting there (freaky habit she has, just sitting and staring at the door) and the dog went nuts. He pulled really hard on the leash, his friggin' collar popped, and he hauled ass under the garage and down the street. Not even chasing the cat at this point, just running. When the leash popped, the retractable leash base slammed into the front of my mouth, busting my lip, and (I think) making a crown go loose.
So, I am screaming for my son to get in the car, trying to grab my purse and son's lunch, AND seeing if I can still get a visual on the dog. We jump in the car and track his little butt down at the corner. I swear, the neighbors probably called Animal Control on me, as I had to hold the back of his neck to get him in the car. Yes, I was cussing. Bent all the way over, as he is a small dog.
I am yelling for my son to open the car door, and he does with much gusto. Remember? I am bending down? The door hits me on the side of the head. Hard. That's when the cussing began in earnest.
So, I had two injuries in 5 minutes, and had to take an Ativan just to calm down enough to drive to work. WTF?
Take care,
you live your life like a sitcom
i hope you are ok
So am I fiiiiiine. LOL
Thanks for asking. Too bad there isn't a funny moment of the day. I could go on and on about trying to sell custom linens for babies while completely zoned out.
Thank goodness it takes a while to kick in. 10 minutes to be exact, and my store is 7 from the house.
Have a great weekend!