B R O A D W A Y***B L U E S H I R T S



  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813

    Renney Explodes After Rangers Implode

    Do not adjust your TV set. There is nothing wrong with your picture. If you were watching Tom Renney's post-game press conference and your TV screen went white, there was nothing wrong on your end -- that was the steam coming out of the coach's ears that fogged up your screen. After a long post-game locker room tirade in which he reamed the team for its mega-sloppy 5-3 loss to the slumping Islanders, Renney came in for his customary Q&A with the press fuming -- literally fuming. "I am really pissed off," he said. "I am really really mad at this team."

    "They have no spell on us," he said of the Isles."I am not happy. We were brutal. It's us. We're awful. We have no concept of camaraderie, no concept of team play, no concept of circling the wagons to go play these guys intelligently. We beat ourselves. We did some dumb things from start to finish. There was a point in time when we had about six minutes of good transition hockey, got our second goal. And then a ridiculous line change, a delayed penalty, and they score -- we're in the dumper.

    "When you're big dog's runnin'," he said of Jaromir Jagr, who had a goal and two assists, "maybe we stood back and said, 'OK Jags, lead us to the promised land.' That's a bunch of BS. He's an important part of our team, but there isn't a single team out there that can do anything less than we did out there tonight to help us win. It was awful. And I'm really PO'd. There's a certain responsibility that goes along with being a winning team in this league. And just because you bang off four in a row after losing seven doesn't mean that you've arrived anywhere. It means you're going to have to work that much harder because you've got something going and teams know that.

    "We were perfect for the New York Islanders tonight. This is exactly what they [losers of six straight coming into this game] needed and we measured right up to them. A real good rival, where every game is a four pointer -- if that doesn't bring a sense of working together and following a scripted game plan that brings you success, I don't know what does. Seems to work against everybody but this team. You gotta think after three [losses to the Isles], maybe that's got our attention. For me it was a battle level that we didn't have. It was taking the last two strides to complete whatever the task might have been -- that wasn't there. Our thought process was slow and cumbersome and didn't involve five people on the ice. The Islanders work hard, they have an idea of how to play us, and we allowed them to do it."

    Not bad on the attack, the Rangers were awful in their own zone, giving up the first three goals by failing to clear the puck, giving up the last two goals (in a span of 27 seconds) by turning the puck over and then giving up on the play. "You can't just go for the big swing if there's a turnover," Renney fumed. "You've got to come back as hard as you were going if not harder. In the first period we actually came back hard, came back too deep, left the points open -- good night. Then we got behind -- now we're looping, we're leaving the zone early, we're trying to make 75 foot passes through people -- It's minor hockey.

    "Maybe we were over-intense," he said, perhaps reaching for straws by this time. "I thought we were pretty intense to start the game. I thought we were kind of tight, I thought we were working hard -- but not smart. Ultimately they tie it up and it's a different ball game after that. We were fighting ourselves. We were really struggling to avoid beating ourselves. I think we did, we completely did. It's about puck management, clock management, line management, knowing who you're out against, all those kind of circumstances. And by the nature of how this oppenent plays, double trouble."

    Well, that's quite a mouthful there for us to digest (and we moved things around a bit to tell the story a bit more chronologically, hopefully without altering the substance of any of the statements). But where does that take us now that all that water is under the bridge? "I'd like to play again right now," Renney said. "I'd like to put the stuff back on and go out there and play another three periods of hockey." One can see why he'd want to do that, knowing what he knows in hindsight, but of course not only is it not possible, it begs the question of where that emotion was when the game was actually played, and what that means going forward.

    "Pissed off, going forward," Renney said. "I'm not happy." Obviously, he was not going to announce any rash decisions publicly in the heat of anger, but he did say this much: "There's been signs. Look at our season -- it hasn't been stellar. There's been signs that would suggest maybe we need to improve ourselves in certain ways. We just finished losing seven in a row, it doesn't mean you're doing a lot of things right. Let's not hide behind the fact that just because we've won four we've corrected everything. Whether it leads us to redefine ourselves with some different personnel remains to be seen."

    We don't want to start speculating about personnel, but here are some personnel notes from this game: Jagr and Shanahan both broke eight game goalless streaks -- the last time either of them scored came the last time these two teams met at the Garden, a 4-3 Ranger loss. Straka also had a goal and two assists and hit a goal post -- Shanahan hit iron too near the end of the game. The line of Cullen, Shanahan, and Prucha looked feeble at even strength. Jed Ortmeyer looked like his old self for the first time, throwing his body with abandon, working hard, drawing penalties, making things happen. Hossa had another strong game, but the guy refuses to shoot -- you can't score if you don't shoot. Hollweg played well but got no help from the officials or from teammates when he was repeatedly run.

    The biggest goats -- Jagr for getting lost on the backcheck on the winning goal, Prucha for the turnover that led to the next goal and Tyutin for giving up on the play after Lundqvist made the initial save. On the Islanders' second goal, the one that really turned this game around, allowing the Isles to escape the first period tied even though the Rangers were the better team for at least that one period, two players were without sticks -- Michal Rozsival and Blair Betts. And the Isles had an extra attacker on because of a delayed penalty (that's how Rozsival lost his stick, taking the penalty). The whole sequence never happens if Malik doesn't whiff on a shot from the point.

    Renney tried to match lines to keep Jagr away from his shadow, Brendan Witt. But the match game backfired, mainly because the unit failed to control the puck on numerous occasions, thus giving the Isles a chance to get Witt on the ice. The final tally -- Jagr scored with Witt stuck on the bench, and the Rangers scored a power play goal because Witt took himself out of play to hit Jagr, but Witt himself scored one goal and was on the ice for another goal, both against Jagr's line. Malik went after Witt early, to no effect -- A-Ward went after Witt at the end, but it was too little, too late for a guy who has to stop talking and do some walking.

    To hear other Rangers chime in on their poor effort, see today's game reports in the Daily News, Journal News, Newsday, Post, Record, and Advance. Other takes on Renney's rant can be found in Blueshirts Blog and NY Sports Day. Other recaps: AP, NYR.com, SNY. Islanders' take at Newsday. But perhaps most telling are what Lynn Zinser of the Times and Mark Herrman of Newsday say -- the Isles lose after beating the Rangers, every time, spent from their supreme effort against their rivals that the Rangers can't seem to muster. Hockey Rodent says much the same thing and has some good examples of Ranger breakdowns. Additional game notes in the Record.
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813

    "I'm pissed off"
    That's a quote from Tom Renney after last night's game. As it turns out, there was only a single guy in the Rangers' lockerroom with a fire lit under him, and it was the coach. After the 5-3 loss to the Isles, Tom had some scathing words for his players, most of them directed at the effort they put forth.

    Really though, did anyone not see this coming? The Isles have played very well against the Blueshirts this season, especially in Madison Square Garden, and were coming off of a six-game losing streak. The Rangers were coming off of a four-game winning streak, and had barely squeezed by an awful Flyers team and a depleted and infirmed Canadien team. Both Montreal and Philly were without their top players, as Saku Koivu and Peter Forsberg sat out the respective contests with injuries.

    It was sloppy, sloppy play in the defensive zone that ultimately killed them. As I seem to say more often than not, they better pick It up for the coming matchups. Tomorrow night they face a hot Ottawa Senators team that is 7-1-1 in its last 9 and has scored 19 goals in its last 4 games. Saturday afternoon they play a Boston team that trails the Rangers by just 5 points with 4 games-at-hand.

    On to the news and some juicy quotes from Renney:

    NY Post: "We're brutal, we're awful, we have no concept of camaraderie, no concept of team, no concept of circling the wagons playing these guys."

    NY DailyNews: "I am really (ticked) off," he said. "I am really, really mad at this team right now. I am not happy."

    He said pissed, trust me I heard it.

    The Journal News: "There's been signs. Look at our season. It hasn't been stellar," Renney said. "There's been signs that would lead you to believe that maybe we need to improve ourselves in certain ways. And we just finished losing seven in a row, which means we weren't doing a lot of things right. So let's not hide behind the fact that just because we won four, we've corrected it. We have that ability, I believe. But whether we need to redefine ourselves with different personnel remains to be seen."

    NY Newsday: "There's a certain responsibility that goes along with being a winning team in this league and just because you bang off four in a row after losing seven, that doesn't mean you've arrived anywhere. We were perfect for the New York Islanders tonight. It's exactly what they needed, the New York Rangers playing like this, and we measured right up to them."

    NY SportsDay: “You can't just go for the big swing if there's a turnover," Renney continued. “You've got to come back as hard as you were going if not harder. In the first period we actually came back hard, came back too deep, left the points open. Good night. Then we got behind, now we're looping, we're leaving the zone early, we're trying to make 75 foot passes through people. It's minor hockey.”

    I'm sure today will be a spirited practice to say the least.

    The Rodent, as always. breaks down some of the breakdowns of the game.

    Congrats to Ryan Callahan and Dan Girardi of the Wolf Pack. The will be playing in the AHL's All-Star Classic later this month.

    Speaking of which, Sidney Crosby became the youngest player ever voted into an NHL all-star game. The previous player to hold that honor was Jaromir Jagr. You can find the rest of the starters here. The experts at ESPN try to pick the rest of the lineup, without mentioning Straka, Shanahan, or Nylander.

    Be back tomorrow, or if Renney goes off the deep end.
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    wonder if tom renney chopped all the rangers players heads off after the press conference the other night. :confused:

    how will they substitute everyone if he's killed them all ? :eek: Hartford Wolpack against the Ottawa Senators at the garden tonight ?

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    as long as we get the W against the rangers, i could careless what happens the next night

    typical islander's fair-weather fan
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    i dont know boys i cant figure this team out

    they really do need to stand up for one another besides shanny
    and a few others no one seems to care

    personally i would of cross-checked witt towards the end of the game

    i guess thats why iam not an athlete,,because my emotions get the best of me
    their was more spirit in the blue seats then on the ice

    expect weekes tonight

  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Blueshirt Bulletin

    January 11, 2007

    The Forest and the Trees
    Game-day update: Weekes and Rachunek definitely in, Pöck out (surprise!), according to Blue Notes and Rangers Report.

    As I look back at the past six weeks in putting together the next issue of Blueshirt Bulletin, and at the same time look at what is happening in the here and now in preparing these ongoing online reports, I see a huge difference between the forest and the trees.

    During the five-game winning streak in December, everything seemed to be coming together for the Rangers. But in hindsight, you could see things building up (or crumbling, if you will) in the last win in Dallas, where it became clear that the heroics of the goaltenders were the difference. During the seven game losing streak, things were ugly early on and it seemed as if the Rangers would never win a game again. But in hindsight, things began to turn around in the third loss to the Islanders, and with a little luck the streak would not have lasted as long as it did -- or to look at it another way, would not have shown the team how important defense still is in the NHL. Then came a four game winning streak mostly against weak or weakened teams with Henrik Lundqvist once again back on his game, and it seemed as if the Rangers might be (pardon the pun) out of the woods.

    But they're not out of the woods -- we are still having trouble seeing the forest for the trees. With a ticked off Tom Renney demanding commitment and threatening changes after the ugly loss to the Islanders, with a possibly rusty Kevin Weekes set to face the Ottawa Senators, 7-1-1 in their last nine, and with a couple of tough games left before the all-star break, things could again spin out of control. And with the top scorers all playing in pain (Jagr's hip, Shanahan's foot, Straka's back), who will step up for the Rangers? Especially when Senators like Chris Neil start stepping in their way with big body checks? This is one big tree of a game at the Garden tonight, one capable setting the forest afire, one way or the other.

    In the papers, Larry Brooks questions the Rangers' toughness in the Post and rips apart their third and fourth liners; Steve Zipay of Newsday looks at potential help outside the organization; and John Dellapina of the Daily News and Sam Weinman of the Journal News look at what the Rangers need to do immediately to get back on track. In the Ottawa Sun, news of the Senators' own health issues, especially at center. There is also the usual game preview at NYR.com.
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    down 5 goals into the 3rd

    i kinda gave up then

    all the line combos are scrambled , and what the fuck

    4 goals in 4 and a half minutes :confused::confused::confused:

    still couldnt pull it off but wtf ?

    this team is water and oil and no gel to be seen anywhere.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    "I am writing to you from NBC Sports. I just wanted to let you know that we are kicking off the 2007 NHL season by holding our January 13th studio show of the Bruins/Rangers outside on the rink in Rockefeller Plaza, NYC. Brett Hull will be analyzing the game, and we would like to get a great group of fans to come down to watch the studio show live. The game will be aired on plasma TVs placed in rink side restaurants that are offering hockey fans drink and food deals and discounts. Fans will also receive prizes if they are dressed in jerseys or sporting their favorite teams hats.

    I am writing because we realize you have quite the following, and would like to know if you could mention this event. Our goal is to gather a large crowd to the rink in Rock Center consisting of hockey fans of all ages not only to facilitate our show and increase the energy on our set, but also to promote and kindle excitement for the sport of hockey. Thanks for your help, we would appreciate any mention at all."
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    already one year ago today/tonight

    January 12 , 2006

    and look at the difference 1 year makes.

    playoffs look a world away.

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813


    Prior to entering the NHL, Krog was named the nation's top college hockey player at the University of New Hampshire


    New York Rangers President and General Manager Glen Sather announced today that the club has acquired center Jason Krog from the Atlanta Thrashers, claiming him off waivers.

    Krog, 31, has appeared in 14 games for Atlanta this season, registering one goal and three assists, along with six penalty minutes and a plus-three rating. Krog posted an NHL career-high three-game assist streak from December 23 to December 27 after he was recalled by the Thrashers from the American Hockey League (AHL) on December 12.

    In 25 AHL games with the Chicago Wolves this season, he has collected 19 goals and 33 assists for 52 points, along with 14 penalty minutes and a plus-11 rating. His 52 points currently rank fifth in the AHL, while his 33 assists rank fourth in the league. Krog has picked up at least one point in each of his 25 games in the AHL this season, and on January 9, he was selected to participate in the 2007 Rbk Hockey AHL All-Star Classic as a member of the Canadian Team.

    In 2005-06, Krog began the season with Servette Geneve of the Swiss National League, recording 29 points (15 goals and 14 assists) in 29 games before joining Vastra Frolunda of the Swedish Elite League. In seven games with Frolunda, he picked up five goals and one assist for six points. He also tallied five goals and three assists for eight points in 17 postseason games with the Swedish club.

    The 5-11, 191-pounder has appeared in 189 career NHL games with the Atlanta Thrashers, Anaheim Mighty Ducks and New York Islanders, registering 19 goals and 37 assists for 56 points, along with 40 penalty minutes. In 204 career AHL games with Chicago, Cincinnati, Bridgeport, Springfield, Lowell and Providence, Krog has notched 81 goals and 141 assists for 222 points.

    Prior to turning professional, Krog spent four seasons (1995-1999) at the University of New Hampshire (Hockey East), where he tallied 238 points (94 goals and 144 assists) in 152 games. In his senior season, he led the nation with 34 goals, 51 assists and 85 points in 41 games and was named the 1999 Hobey Baker Award winner as college hockey's MVP.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
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  • Heard some rumours K. Lowe (Oilers) has been having discussions with Slats over the past few days...could be just catching up on old times but the Rangers have been looking for some depth upfront (which the Oil have tonnes of) but I know the Oilers are looking for puck moving D-man (something the Rangers IMHO do not have)...anyone in Ranger-ville hear any of these rumours....
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Heard some rumours K. Lowe (Oilers) has been having discussions with Slats over the past few days...could be just catching up on old times but the Rangers have been looking for some depth upfront (which the Oil have tonnes of) but I know the Oilers are looking for puck moving D-man (something the Rangers IMHO do not have)...anyone in Ranger-ville hear any of these rumours....

    geez i havent heard anything other then the Krog piclup , , but that type of D-man is something we definitely could use. As big as Malik is, he's been getting deservedly booed regularly , as has Rachunek .

    Tyutin has done well , as has Rozsival, and i honestly dont see NYR letting go of Darius Kaspariitis or Tomas Pock , either .

    I have heard NYR have been in constant back and forth touch with JD out in St Louis .
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
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  • Bathgate66 wrote:
    geez i havent heard anything other then the Krog piclup , , but that type of D-man is something we definitely could use. As big as Malik is, he's been getting deservedly booed regularly , as has Rachunek .

    Tyutin has done well , as has Rozsival, and i honestly dont see NYR letting go of Darius Kaspariitis or Tomas Pock , either .

    I have heard NYR have been in constant back and forth touch with JD out in St Louis .

    Yeah I heard about interest in Tkachuk and Guerin....two guys IMHO are not worth a penny regardless of their stats....its the poor attitude that follows them around I do not like....anyway it should be very interesting as the trade deadline approaches next month.....
  • Yeah I heard about interest in Tkachuk and Guerin....two guys IMHO are not worth a penny regardless of their stats....its the poor attitude that follows them around I do not like....anyway it should be very interesting as the trade deadline approaches next month.....

    well remember, lowe did pick up tarnstrom and spacek for the blue line well before the trade deadline last season..
    Reading 2004
    Albany 2006 Camden 2006 E. Rutherford 2, 2006 Inglewood 2006,
    Chicago 2007
    Camden 2008 MSG 2008 MSG 2008 Hartford 2008.
    Seattle 2009 Seattle 2009 Philadelphia 2009,Philadelphia 2009 Philadelphia 2009
    Hartford 2010 MSG 2010 MSG 2010
    Toronto 2011,Toronto 2011
    Wrigley Field 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Philadelphia 2, 2013
    Philadelphia 1, 2016 Philadelphia 2 2016 New York 2016 New York 2016 Fenway 1, 2016
    Fenway 2, 2018
    MSG 2022
    St. Paul, 1, St. Paul 2 2023
    MSG 2024, MSG 2024
    Philadelphia 2024
    "I play good, hard-nosed basketball.
    Things happen in the game. Nothing you
    can do. I don't go and say,
    "I'm gonna beat this guy up."
  • well remember, lowe did pick up tarnstrom and spacek for the blue line well before the trade deadline last season..

    Lowe had better do something....we are just squeaking by with a 3 rookie defence although Ladislav Smid is going to be stellar in a couple years.....already playing 20+ minutes a night and has the compsure of a veteran....Lowe and Slats are good buddies maybe they will work out something....where do the Rangers need to improve the most? And damn does Shanny look incredible this year...the way he is playing he should be around for another 5 years.....good on him!
  • you want darius kasparatis, marek malik, karel rachunek? enjoy...
    Reading 2004
    Albany 2006 Camden 2006 E. Rutherford 2, 2006 Inglewood 2006,
    Chicago 2007
    Camden 2008 MSG 2008 MSG 2008 Hartford 2008.
    Seattle 2009 Seattle 2009 Philadelphia 2009,Philadelphia 2009 Philadelphia 2009
    Hartford 2010 MSG 2010 MSG 2010
    Toronto 2011,Toronto 2011
    Wrigley Field 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Philadelphia 2, 2013
    Philadelphia 1, 2016 Philadelphia 2 2016 New York 2016 New York 2016 Fenway 1, 2016
    Fenway 2, 2018
    MSG 2022
    St. Paul, 1, St. Paul 2 2023
    MSG 2024, MSG 2024
    Philadelphia 2024
    "I play good, hard-nosed basketball.
    Things happen in the game. Nothing you
    can do. I don't go and say,
    "I'm gonna beat this guy up."
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    i hate these 2 and 3 pm start times in the middle of a saturday.


    c'mon fellas.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
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  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    me 2 hockey is a night game

    heading up to MSG in 1 hour ,,hope i dont have to drown my sorrows in beer and vodka

  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    from blueshirt bulletin:

    The Rangers host Boston at the Garden today in a 2:00 matinee as NBC kicks off its season coverage of the NHL. Newly acquired center Jason Krog is expected to replace Adam Hall, Thomas Pöck is expected to play alongside Michal Rozsival while Darius Kasparaitis sits for the first time since he re-entered the line-up on December 7th, and the shaken up lines and defensive pairs that mounted that third period comeback attempt against Ottawa will start the game -- Straka centering Prucha and Jagr, Nylander between Hossa and Shanahan, other lines uncertain with the insertion of Krog; on D, Pöck and Rozsival, Malik and Ward, Rachunek and Tyutin. Game preview at NYR.com.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    JUST GOT HOME weird lines but it worked ,, orr holly and the knew dude were good

    nice to see jed get the ps goal

    we'll take the 2 points all day

  • NCBRINCBRI Posts: 1,902
    surprised to see none of the Czechs make the All Star team
  • i'd guess, they probably wanted jagr to decline if asked. straka's omission is puzzling though..
    Reading 2004
    Albany 2006 Camden 2006 E. Rutherford 2, 2006 Inglewood 2006,
    Chicago 2007
    Camden 2008 MSG 2008 MSG 2008 Hartford 2008.
    Seattle 2009 Seattle 2009 Philadelphia 2009,Philadelphia 2009 Philadelphia 2009
    Hartford 2010 MSG 2010 MSG 2010
    Toronto 2011,Toronto 2011
    Wrigley Field 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Philadelphia 2, 2013
    Philadelphia 1, 2016 Philadelphia 2 2016 New York 2016 New York 2016 Fenway 1, 2016
    Fenway 2, 2018
    MSG 2022
    St. Paul, 1, St. Paul 2 2023
    MSG 2024, MSG 2024
    Philadelphia 2024
    "I play good, hard-nosed basketball.
    Things happen in the game. Nothing you
    can do. I don't go and say,
    "I'm gonna beat this guy up."
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    NCBRI wrote:
    surprised to see none of the Czechs make the All Star team

    the all star game has gotten more and more boring each year, imo .

    i'd be totally content if there wasnt 1 NYR at this event . Rest and avoidance of injury- better off.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    no hasek either- looks like alot of the players choose to sit this one out so to rest , heal up , and avoid further injury aggravation .

    this definitely is the right decision, as Jagr is obviously not feeling 100% , even tho he is still at an " All - Star " level.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    NY Post Larry Brooks



    WORK OF ORT: Jed Ortmeyer beats the Bruins' Tim Thomas on a third-period penalty shot to help secure the Rangers' 3-1 triumph yesterday at the Garden.January 14, 2007 -- The changes the Rangers made yesterday by first replacing Adam Hall, Jason Ward and Darius Kasparaitis in the lineup with Jason Krog, Colton Orr and Thomas Pock, and then going with a variety of new line combinations and defense pairs, were constructive enough to lift the Blueshirts to a 3-1 Garden victory over the Bruins, punctuated by Jed Ortmeyer's late third-period penalty-shot goal.

    But The Post has learned the Rangers are not content with what might be termed as a rearrangement of the deck chairs on the S.S. Minnow. Rather, sources report that management this week has intensified efforts to reacquire Martin Rucinsky from the Blues while also engaging in protracted conversations with the Penguins, believed to be focused on top-six winger Ryan Malone, and perhaps on physical defenseman Brooks Orpik as well.

    And it appears sophomore winger Petr Prucha, who slipped from a first-period assignment on the first line to a spot on the fourth unit as yesterday's match evolved, is being dangled.

    A third-party personnel source revealed the Rangers were willing to send Prucha and Adam Hall to the Blues in exchange for Rucinsky, but were rebuffed. When St. Louis president John Davidson in turn requested highly-regarded 20-year-old center Brandon Dubinsky as the bounty for Rucinsky, the conversation came to a halt.

    Talks are ongoing with the Penguins, who had GM Ray Shero scoping out the Rangers' game on Thursday against the Senators, and then sent two pro scouts to yesterday's match.

    The 27-year-old Malone, whose work ethic has been questioned and who was nearly dealt to Ottawa after suffering a fractured forearm in October, has five goals and five assists in 25 games, getting three of his goals on Dec. 15 against the Islanders. He has failed to pick up a point in his last nine matches despite playing a majority of them as left wing on a line with Sidney Crosby in the middle and Mark Recchi on the right.

    Despite having registered four goals in his last seven games, Prucha got just 1:56 of ice in yesterday's third period, skating on a unit with Orr and Ryan Hollweg after starting the match with Jaromir Jagr and Martin Straka.

    The revised defense pairings and a renewed commitment to back-checking carried the Blueshirts until Ortmeyer, playing in just his sixth game after returning from a pulmonary embolism, sealed it by beating Tim Thomas on a penalty shot after being taken down killing a penalty.

    "When Jed came back to the bench, I told him, 'Good things happen to good people,' " coach Tom Renney said. "He's all of that."


    Jaromir Jagr will not play in the All-Star Game and will spend the time strengthening his left shoulder after GM Glen Sather spoke to the league and requested that No. 68 be excused for health reasons. "I think I can work on the shoulder and get it where I want it," said Jagr, who first addressed the issue last week with The Post.

    Rangers 3 Bruins 1


    this absolutely sucks.

    i dont wanna see prucha leave , then go elsewhere and break out and score 60 goals .
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813


    Jagr got into a scuffle with Paul Mara in the second period that landed both players in the penalty box for roughing. Jagr complained that the league's promise to call all shots to the head somehow didn't apply to the four or five shots to the head he had to absorb. Told that he looked like he was going to drop the gloves there, Jagr laughed and said, "They put glue in my gloves!"

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
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  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Dirty Cheerleader

    MSG digs up dirt on ice princess

    Counters ex-dancer's sex harass suit with tawdry & racist tales


    Courtney Prince filed sex-harass charges against Madison Square Garden, but she's the one accused of lewd comments and bad behavior in MSG memo.

    Madison Square Garden drew up a salacious, dirt-dishing memo against a Rangers cheerleader who complained of harassment - accusing her of being obsessed with sex, making racially charged comments and pushing diet pills.
    Garden officials grilled troupe captain Courtney Prince's fellow ice skaters about her habits even before she filed her explosive lawsuit against the sports behemoth, the Daily News has learned.

    "Prince constantly talked about her sex life, saying, for example, that she hated to come in early because she could have been [having sex]," says the March 2004 memo prepared for the Garden's legal team.

    "She led at least one discussion about oral sex.

    "She talked about particular sex acts that she enjoyed ... which she said she did on occasion depending on the guy."

    The internal memo was tucked into papers Prince's attorneys sent to Manhattan Federal Judge Robert Sweet as both sides prepare for a possible trial. Prince, 28, sued the Garden in 2004 claiming she was fired after telling her skaters a member of the Rangers' public relations staff solicited her for sex.

    She alleged skaters were treated as sex objects and that members of the PR department staff kept a 1-to-10 ranking of the skaters they'd like to bed. But even before she filed suit, Garden bigs were staging a counterattack and pushing for a settlement that would keep a lid on her seamy story.

    More than a dozen skaters and other employees were quizzed about Prince in the weeks after she was fired, gathering ammunition to rip apart Prince's reputation.

    Among the revelations:

    Garden investigators said Prince referred to a mixed-race lineup of skaters as "my Oreo."

    She was accused of calling Asian-American skater Angela Chiang "my geisha."

    Prince threatened one of the two African-American skaters, Amea Bunting and Alyssa Stith, by saying, "I'll find another black girl to replace you."
    Prince urged the women to wolf down diet pills and one of them, Bridie Myles, got hooked.
    "Several skaters are taking diet pills prescribed via the Internet by a doctor in Florida," the memo says. "Should we address this issue? Discuss in a meeting? I am particularly concerned about their well-being, especially Bridie who acknowledged that she cannot stop taking them."

    "CP [Courtney Prince] threatened skaters with firing if they did not lose weight," the memo added.

    Skaters were ordered to spend off-hours in tanning salons and to pad their bras. Using a crude word, Prince said the skaters' goal was to appear sexually attractive and available.
    "Several skaters reported that even though they did not want to use [the bra pads], they felt they had to use the enhancers in order to stay on [Prince's] good side," Garden attorney Christopher Parlo said in a June 2006 letter to Sweet.

    The women named in the memo could not be reached for comment.

    But Prince, a native of Salt Lake City who became captain of the on-ice squad in August 2003, expressed surprise when Garden officials told her the secrets the skaters had spilled.

    "I thought they were my friends," she said, according to the memo.

    Neither Prince's lawyers nor the Garden had any comment yesterday on the memo's lurid disclosures, although Garden spokesman Barry Watkins called the suit "baseless."

    Prince's attorneys already won a crucial round in April when Sweet refused to dismiss the sex-harassment charges.

    The suit revolves around a Dec. 22, 2003, encounter with Rangers PR man Jason Vogel and New York Times hockey writer Jason Diamos at Daddy-O's bar in the West Village.

    She alleges that Vogel "tried to put his tongue in my mouth" and said he wanted to have sex with her in the bathroom.

    Vogel denied the claim when confronted by Garden investigators, saying Prince was the one who initiated talk about sex.

    "CP began talking about things of a sexual nature that she liked to do with her boyfriend and things that her boyfriend did not like to do," the memo says, recounting Vogel's version of events. "JV [Vogel] and JD [Diamos] just went with the conversation."

    Garden officials reprimanded Vogel for fraternizing with skatersand he was expected to undergo sensitivity training.

    Originally published on January 14, 2007
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • somewhere there's probably a middle ground where both sides are at fault in some way..

    but anyways, big game tommorow night rangers at devils.
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    "I play good, hard-nosed basketball.
    Things happen in the game. Nothing you
    can do. I don't go and say,
    "I'm gonna beat this guy up."
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    somewhere there's probably a middle ground where both sides are at fault in some way..

    but anyways, big game tommorow night rangers at devils.


    i guess its a good thing that we are still only at the half season mark.

    i know lots of people dont care for larry brooks or his " drivel " to sell papers-

    but i have to agree- why is tom renney benching kapsaraitis, the only player in a + rating (in +/- ratings) on the entire NYR team ? :confused:

    its becoming obvious that renney is either using kaspar as a scapegoat or he has a problem with him ,.......wtf doesnt Malik or even Rachunek get benched or how about this- sent to Hartford for a 2 week conditioning treatment ? They have been horrible .
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Oh how I hate the Rangers,
    puts his faith in love and, tremor christ.

    "I bowl. Drive around. The occasional acid flashback."
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